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Battle Seeking: The Contexts and Limits of Vegetian Strategy

Article · January 2003

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Stephen Morillo
Wabash College


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Battle Seeking:
The Contexts and Limits of Vegetian Strategy

Stephen MoriIIo


Over the last decade or so a consensus has formed about the general shape of
medieval strategy. Although R.C. Smail showed as long ago as 1956 that medi-
eval strategy could be analyzed on its own terms,l books and articles by Bernard
Bachrach, John Gillingham, and others also showed that medieval strategy
could be seen as following many of the fundamental precepts of Vegetius, the
late Roman writer on military affairs.2 Thus, without getting into the question of
whether medieval strategy was always or even often self-consciously Vegetian,3
we may take the term "Vegetian strategy" as convenient shorthand for the
general contours of much medieval strategy.
I shall outline the characteristics of this consensus view more fully in a
moment. For now, it suffices to say that the patterns of Vegetian strategy were
based largely in limitations imposed on medieval commanders by resources,
transport technology, and geography. As these same factors constrained
commanders in ancient and classical times - Vegetius was, after all, a classical
author - Vegetian strategy also characterized much classical warfare. Indeed,
because the conditions governing Vegetian strategy arose from the natural world
and human interaction with nature (geography, agricultural productivity and
seasonality, and so on), it is easy to take the patterns of Vegetian strategy as

1 R.C. Smul, Crusading Warfare 1097-1193 (Cambridge, 1956).

2 See, for example, Bemard Bachrach, FuIk Nena, Neo-Roman Consul (Berkeley, 1993); John
Gillingham, "Richard I and the Science of War in the Middle Ages," in War and Govemment
in the Middle Ages, eds. Gillingham and J.C. Holt (Woodbridge, 1984) and "William the
Bastard at War," in Studies in Medieval History Presented to R. Allen Brown, eds. Christopher
Harper-Bill, Christopher Holdsworth and Janet Nelson (Woodbridge, 1989); P. Flavii Vegeti
Rlenat| Epitoma Rei Militaris, ed. Alf Önnerfors (Stuttgart, 1995) with selected translation
available in Roots of Strategy, ed. T.R. Phillips (Harrisburg, PA, 1985).
3 As is argued explicitly and consistently by Bachrach: e.g. "The Practical Use of Vegetius' De
Re Militari During the Middle Ages," The Historian 47 (1985), 239-255; for opposing views
cf. Stephen Morillo, Warfare under the Anglo-Norman Kings 1066-1135 (Woodbridge, 1994),
p. 118, n. 89 and Michael Prestwich, Armies andWarfare in the Middle Ages: The English
Experience (New Haven, 1996), pp. 18G187.
22 Stephen Morillo Battle Seeking 23

"natural." In support of this claim one could point out the similarities between paradigm does not go far enough. What I propose to do is to examine the
the strategies advocated by Vegetius and those advocated by Sun-Tzu, the great contexts and limits of Vegetian strategy, for if the history of human culture
Chinese military analyst who wrote a good 600 years before Vegetius.a To cite teaches us anything, it is that what seems most "natural" is often highly
only two cases: constructed, socially and culturally. Some of the contexts and limits I shall
examine may be obvious, but some aren't, and \rye need reminding, I think, of all
Vegetius: "The main and principal point in war is to secure plenty of provisions
of them because classical and medieval "sciences of war," as Vegetian strategy
and destroy the enemy by famine."
has often come to be called in the new consensus, are also "cultures of war."
Sun Tzu: "Hence the wise general sees to it that his troops feed on the enemy,
for one bushel of the enemy's provisions is equivalent to twenty of his; one Recognizing this is important, for while the consensus view describes much
hundredweight of enemy fodder to twenty hundredweight of his." medieval warfare, it does not describe it all, and exceptions to such a "natural"
pattern would seem to call for explanation. This paper will sketch the outline of
Vegetius: "Good officers decline general engagements where the danger is a general theory of pre-modern strategy, and attempt to place Vegetian patterns
conìmon, and prefer the employment of strategem and finesse to destroy the within that more general analysis.
enemy as much as possible in detail and intimidate them without exposing our
own forces."
Sun Tzu: "Thus, those skilled in war subdue the enemy's army withoutbattle."s
Vegetian Strategy
That European warfare continued to follow Vegetian patterns well into the eigh-
teenth century further supports the apparent "naturalness" of Vegetian strategy.6 The major strategic principles embodied in what is called Vegetian strategy are
I will not argue with Cliff Rogers' emendation of the usual formulation of logistical. Above all, they reflect the limited productivity of traditional agricul-
Vegetian warfare elsewhere in this issue: the Vegetian avoidance of battle has ture and the seasonal patterns of both that agriculture and the availability of wild
been overstated.T But Vegetian patterns that were still somewhat battle averse, fodder for horses. Vegetius advises cornmanders to live, as far as possible, off
especially on the defensive,s evidently remain a correct description of much the enemy's land.e Offensive campaigns should seek to support themselves by
medieval warfare. But in important ways Rogers' criticism of the Vegetian foraging and pillaging in enemy territory, activities which not only supply one's
own forces but deny the opponent's own resources to him. If carried out widely
and often enough, the devastation directly undermines the enemy forces'
4 Sun Tzu, The Art of War, trans. Samuel B. Grifnth (Oxford, 1963). The simila¡ities are most economic capacity for continued resistance, and threatens the political coher-
striking in precisely those areas most universally conditioned by the natural and agricultural ence of enemy territory by exposing the inability of its leaders to protect its
constraints of the pre-modern world. Sun Tzu does not, of course, anticipate the specific orga-
constituent parts.
nization and training of the Roman legion in Vegetius (though both stress organization and
discipline), but then medieval commanders had no use for those sections of Vegetius either, V/hat is the defense to do in reply? One indirect response is to launch one's
sections whose utility did not become apparent until John and Maurice of Nassau, whose own attack into the territory of the raiders, hoping to draw them back into
govemment's abilities to raise and train troops in the Roman manner far exceeded any medi- defense of their own land. More direct responses include shadowing the
eval govemment's. invading army closely enough as to prevent their foraging. Short of supplies and
5 VegetiusinRootsofstrategy,pp. 128,143; SunTzuILl5(p.74), III.10(p.79).
6 See, for example, Ma¡tin van Creveld, Supplying War: Logistics from Wallenstein to Patton
frustrated by a lack of booty from plundering, the invaders, it is hoped, will go
(Cambridge, 1977); Christopher Duffy, The Fortess in the Age ofVauban and Frederick the home. But ultimately, Vegetian strategy assumes the centrality of fortifications
Great 1660-1789 (London, 1985). in the defense of territory. Even if raiders pillage their way through some of your
7 Clifford J. Rogers, "The Vegetian 'science of Warfare' in the Middle Ages," above, pages land, if you keep your hold on the forts you keep your hold on the land and
l-19. I want to thank Cliff for generously allowing me access to several drafts of his paper. I people and live to fight again another day. Thus, the second major activity
hope we have both benefited from exchanges which are reflected in our respective footnotes.
attackers engage in is besieging fortifications. This again often resolves into a
See pages 25-28 for further comments on Rogers' criticisms of the Vegetian paradigm in medi-
eval historiography. See also the perceptive comments of John France, Western Warfare in the logistical battle. Can the besieging army keep itself supplied longer than the
Age ofthe Crusades, 1000-1300 (Ithaca, 1999), pp.150-151, who notes the lure ofdecisive- besieged strongpoint can? If the defenders can keep an atmy in the field in addi-
ness and the contexts of conquest and civil war as encouraging generals to risk battle, though tion to a garrison in the fort, this army might again stay close enough to the
he does not fully explain why these contexts promote battle seeking. My own formulations of besiegers to hamper their foraging and so drive them off.
the Vegetian paradigm do recognize a place for battle in a general's tool kit; see Morillo,
Warfare under the Anglo-Norman Kings, passim.
Given a vital fortification, a determined and well-supplied besieger, and a
8 Rogers, "Vegetian 'science of Warfar'," p. 14: "the side which could win by simply relying on
the Vegetian strategy of harassment and defense behind fortifications would often choose to do
so." 9 Vegetius in Roors of Strategy, p.728.
24 Stephen Morillo Battle Seeking 25

determined relief army, a battle might result. But a final feature of Vegetian whether on the frontiers or internally, also followed Vegetian patterns (though a
strategy, and the one that earned it the opprobrium of armchair generals weaned Sino-centrist might wish to call this Sun-tzu-ian strategy).l5
on Clausewitz, is its somewhat limited use of battle as a tool in warfare.lO Battle, Given Rogers' criticisms of the Vegetian paradigm for describing medieval
in the contexts Vegetian strategy assumes, was often an indirect path to goals \ilarfare, however, several further comments concerning some of his points may
more directly reached by pillaging and sieges. Furthermore, it was a risky be necessary, though his general point that the place of battle in the paradigm
option: the vagaries of chance could steal from a superior force in one day what has been unduly de-emphasized is certainly correct, as noted above.16 First, the
it had worked weeks or months to obtain. Though an attacking force, especially, place of battle in the paradigm. Rogers claims to find a logical flaw in the
might seek battle for strategic reasons, such battle seeking was closely theory, in that if, as Vegetius advises, "one should do whatever one's enemy
constrained by considerations of topography, tactical systems, relative force, wishes one not to do," and one's enemy wishes to avoid battle, then one should
and so on; on the defensive, only dire necessity constituted a good reason for seek battle.lT This criticism confuses, I believe, ends and means. Yes, there will
actively seeking battle without overwhelming advantages of terrain (including be times when this logic holds true, but there will also be times when Vegetius'
fortifications) or force. 1 1
injunction applies to larger strategic goals, towards which battle is only a tool. In
Logistical warfare; a central role for fortifications; a resulting paucity of such cases, one could conceivably not seek battle and still be doing what a simi-
battles: Vegetian strategy in a nutshell. Again, as long as we avoid the question larly battle-shy defender would not want one to do. My enemy wishes me not to
of intentionality that is, of whether Vegetius was the explicit teacher of such besiege crucial town X. I move to besiege town X. He wishes to drive me off,
patterns to medieval commanders - it is widely agreed that this pattern describes and so threatens one of my castles. Perhaps I then retreat to defend my own
much western medieval warfare, ranging from the career of William the castle; perhaps this operational dance results in an exchange of castles, as in
Conqueror to many campaigns of the Hundred Years War, from Fulk Nerra's 1094 when William Rufus moved against Robert Curthose's stronghold at
Anjou to the Syrian frontiers of the Crusader States. As a quick reading of "On Bures. Robert responded by moving against \üilliam's garrison at Argentan, and
Skirmishing Warfare" shows, Byzantine defensive strategy from the seventh to both places changed hands.18 In these and other cases, battle need not enter the
the mid-tenth century was certainly Vegetian, as ambush, trickery, denial of equation, and yet each of us is trying to do what the other wishes us not to do.
supplies and counter-raids all precede offering battle in defense of Byzantine Second, the theory of Vegetian warfate, at least as I have written about it,
territory. As the Byzantine author notes, "'When the situation is such that they recognizes a place for battles in the conduct of campaigns. Yes, I characterize it
cannot confront the enemy directly, they may employ this method, and they will as a risky last resort, and so the conduct even ofbattle seeking generals proves it
preserve both themselves and their country from harm."l2 Much Islamic to be: before engaging in battle, such generals tried other means to secure their
warfare, especially against the Byzantines and the Crusader States, conformed ends, and tried to secure every advantage ofterrain, weather and numbers before
to this pattern, as did the warfare of many of Byzantium's other neighbors and entering into combat. And yet, certainly, battle was an option, a tool in the
its successor in the area, the Ottomans.l3 Apparent exceptions, such as Saladin's general's toolkit. It was often closely associated with sieges, in which activity
battle seeking strategy of the 1180s or Edward III's campaigns in France,14
appear on closer analysis to be the result of force disparities and other special
circumstances that made battle seeking sensible at least for one side in a basi-
cally Vegetian context. Looking even more broadly, most Chinese warfare, 15 Thomas Barfteld, The Perilous Frontier (Oxford, 1992); Edward L. Dreyer, Early Ming Chinø:
A Political History, 1355-1435 (Stanford, 1982).
16 And his corollary, that the role of infantry has been overemphasized, is also on target. Rogers
10 E.g. Charles Oman, History of the Art of War in the Middle Ages (repnnt of 1924 edn., New notes the important tactical and operational roles mounted troops played (Rogers, "Vegetian
York,1959),2:201. 'Science of Warfare'," n. 24). T\e central problem with analyzing the roles of infantry and
1l Cf. Rogers, "Vegetian 'science of Warfare'," pp. 14-15. cavalry in medieval warfare, however, lies not in tactical or operational factors, but in the inter-
12 "skirmishing" inThree Byzantine MilitaryTreatises, ed. G.T. Dennis (Washington, DC, 1985), section of such factors with social structure, an intersection often obscured by our terminology
pp. 137-239, quote on p. 147; see also Mark Vy'hittow, The Making of Byzantium, 600-1025 for troop types which almost unconsciously imposes modern categories inappropriately on
(Berkeley, 1996), p. 175-181. medieval data. See Morillo, "Milites, Knights and Samurai: Military Terminology, Compara-
13 Whittow, ch. 8 and pp.327-335; Patricia Crone, "The Early Islamic World," in Kurt Raaflaub tive History, and the Problem of Translation," in Richard Abels and Bemard Bachrach, eds.,
and Nathan Rosenstein, eds., War and Society in the Ancient and Medieval Worlds: Asia, The The Normans and Their Adversaries at War. Essays in Memory of C. Warren Hollister (Wood-
Mediterranean, Europe, and Mesoamerica (Canlùrndge, MA, 1999), 309-332; Rhoades bridge, 2001), pp. 167-84. In short, it is not the role of cavalry but the role of a knightly
Murphey, OttomanWarfare 1500-1700 (New Brunswick, NJ, 1999). military elite who usually rode horses that is underplayed by an undue emphasis on the role of
14 Clifford J. Rogers, War Cruel and Sharp (Woodbridge, 2001), makes a convincing case for men on foot.
Edward's battle seeking as a central component ofhis strategy in France. See below, p. 40, for 17 Rogers, "Vegetian 'Science of Warfare'," pp. 8-9.
further analysis of Edward III's campaigns. 18 Henry of Huntingdon, HistoriaAnglorum,ed.'1. Amold (Rolls Series, 1879), p. 217.
26 Stephen Morillo Battle Seeking 27

attackers engaged more frequently, I think, than battle seeking.le As I wrote in a successful battle would have given him simply through sheer speed of action,
Wørfare under the Anglo-Norman Kings, "if an enemy were in the process of as when he invaded Maine in 1073, appearing in the field so rapidly that no
attacking the realm, and in particular if it were threatening or actually besieging enemy field force opposed him and the county's castles rapidly surrendered to
a friendly stronghold, the field forces moving to oppose them had three courses him.u But some including of course William at Hastings were willing to
- -
of action available to them to lift the siege: threaten or disrupt the besieger's take the risks, for as Rogers notes, "battle could well be as decisive in the
supplies, threaten him with battle, or bring him to battle."2O In other words, Middle Ages as in other periods."25 But of course, the decisiveness of medieval
sometimes battle was a normal part of the medieval general's repertoire. battle is not really at issue,26 and only proves the riskiness ofit.
And note that second option: threatening battle. Many of Rogers' examples Now what about that riskiness? Does the admission that battle could be deci-
can be interpreted not as battle seeking behavior but as battle threatening sive undermine Gillingham's claim that battle could be unprofitable for the
behavior. Now if one is fairly certain that one's enemy will refuse battle on the winner and disastrous for the loser?27 Well, yes, in some cases. Again, it
terms offered, threatening battle can in fact be part of battle avoiding behavior. depended on how the battle was decisive, how decisive it was, and whether the
And if, by chance, stupidity, or miscalculation one's enemy accepts on one's winners had the means to exploit the victory. But it is not logically impossible,
own terms, then the risky last resort has become worth the risk. In other words, as Rogers claims, for both conditions to hold. I fight a battle to drive off an
seeking battle only when one has the advantage of terrain, topography, weather, invader who has already ravaged much of my land. I win, and kill the opposing
or numbers - preferably all of the above plus any others, such as better morale or leader in the process. But the effort leaves me unable to exploit my victory. I
a superior tactical system (such as Edward III employed), one can muster - is a have lost revenue from the ravaging; I have perhaps lost the loyalty of some of
perfectly comprehensible corollary of the principles of Vegetian warfare. my followers, who go unrewarded for a hard campaign and may have seen their
What about the advantages of battle that Rogers points out, that "battles put own lands ravaged; in short, I have not profited from the battle, except to limit
people and cities under subjection to you"?21 Well, of course they could. Let me further losses. And yet the battle has been a disaster for the invaders, the survi-
quote myself again. vors of whom go home leaderless and in turmoil. It is especially a disaster for
the dead leader, who may thereby have endangered his dynastic line even if his
Field forces could take hostile castles and cities in several ways. . . . Perhaps the
kingdom survives. Or another, concrete example. The English not only win at
most effective way . . . was to come into the field unopposed by enemy field
Poitiers, they capture King John of France: a disaster for the French. Yet the
forces. This carried the threat to the strongholds of a siege without hope ofrelief
or distraction of the attacker, a situation properly construed as hopeless in most
French do not lose the war, and the English attempts to exploit the victory draw
cases. How did armies achieve unopposed occupation of the field of war? . . . them into an unprofitable occupation of territory and a period of expensive stasis
often, if the field of war were to be possessed alone, enemy armies had to be following the Treaty of Bretigny.28 There is, in shof, nothing inherently illogical
defeated inbattle.z2
24 The Ecclesiastical History of Orderic Vitalis,6 vols., ed. and trans. Marjorie Chibnall (Oxford,
Two points to stress here. First, the advantage of "clearing the field" by battle 1969-80), 2:306-8.
works only if one's siege techniques are up to the job of exploiting the advan- 25 Rogers, "Vegetian 'science of Warfare'," p. 12.
tage. I assumed this in the context of Anglo-Norman warfare, but the difference 26 At least between Rogers and myself, as we agree that it was a potentially decisive element of
between the post-battle strategies of Edward III and Henry V illustrates the medieval warfare.
27 Rogers, "Vegeetian 'science of\Varfare'," p. 9.
difference this factor can make.23 Second, this was a high risk, high gain 28 Rogers in fact makes a convincing case that Edward did achieve almost all his war aims in
strategy, and many commanders were, rightly or wrongly, averse to taking the 136O (War Cruel and Sharp, passim), and further claims ("Vegetian 'Science of Warfare',"
risk, preferring a slower, less risky but also possibly less rewarding path. n. 38) that including the post-1369 phases of the Hundred Years War in a judgement of
William I, except at Hastings, generally preferred to move directly against Edward's results "is logically similar to arguing that the Vy'estern Front offensive of 1918 was
enemy strongholds. In fact, he sometimes managed to achieve the same result as not decisive because the Germans . . . launched another bid for world domination in 1939."
This raises interesting philosophical, methodological and historiographical problems too
complex to go into fully here. For one, it raises the problem of what we mean by "decisive" in
19 This is one point on which a simple empirical investigation might prove worthwhile but has not referring to either a battle or a campaign (see Morillo, ed., The Battle of Hastings: Sources and
systematically been undertaken. Interpretations [Woodbridge, 1996], pp. xv-xvii, for a discussion of the meaning of "decisive-
20 Morillo, Warfare under the Anglo-Norman Kings, p. 106. Rogers, "Vegetian 'science of ness"). No battle or campaign of the Hundred Years War was decisive in the way Hastings was,
Warfa¡e'," p. 15 and p. 19 n. 66, is correct that ravaging (or undertaking a siege) could in fact for instance, as William's victory in 1066 not only effectively won the war, it precluded any
be a means of provoking one's foe into a battle on one's own terms. further war along similar lines. This points to the problem of deciding whether Edward's
21 Rogers, "Vegetian 'science of Warfare'," pp. 13-14. victory in 1360 could be considered a stable basis for a really lasting peace: did it eliminate the
22 Morillo, Warfare under the Anglo-Norman Kings,p.103. issues of contention that had led to the war in the first place? It is not unreasonable, I think, to
23 Though the differences between the two kings' war aims also played a part in this divergence. say it did not: only a complete takeover of F¡ance by the English monarchy or the complete
28 Stephen Morillo Battle Seeking 29

about the theory of battle avoidance as a central feature of Vegetian warfare, the implications of this condition can lead in productive directions. Second, that
though the conditions in which this risky last resort could be undertaken have, as the entities involved in warfare lack an agreed on context for dispute resolution.
Rogers rightly points out, been underemphasized. Such a context can consist either of universally accepted cultural norms that
govern conflict, or it can reside in a superior power capable of enforcing cultural
nonns and/or legal rules. As we shall see, "superior power" can mean an entity
A General Theory which acts as the ultimate practical broker of military might, or an entity that
constitutes the exclusive source of legitimacy within a system. The practical
Thus, the Vegetian paradigm, modified to recognize a regular place for battle, result of any sort of agreed on context for dispute resolution is to render warfare
does describe much medieval European warfare, as well as much warfare in important ways non-territorial; if such contexts do not exist, territoriality
beyond Europe throughout the pre-modern world. Again, Vegetian strategy tends to become central and leads to Vegetian patterns.
describes a cross-cultural and apparently natural way of waging war in the In other words, Vegetian strategy is the "natural" mode of pre-modern
conditions of pre-modern economics and technology. There are a significant warfare only when the warfare occurs between sedentary (that is, agriculturally
number of exceptions to such apparently "natural" and cross-cultural patterns, based) military actors engaged in "foreign" or external wars, that is wars that
however, exceptions that take place within conditions of nature and agriculture cross political (and often cultural) boundaries. In addition, Vegetian strategy
that might be expected to reproduce the patterns. Some occur in other societies usually (though not always) requires warfare that is guided by grand strategies
than those already mentioned, though in the same broad time frame; some occur of tenitorial aggrandizement or conquest and defense thereagainst, within a
within the societies and times just outlined. What accounts for these exceptions, geopolitical context that does not allow for flight by an entire military-political
which are far more non-Vegetian than those cited by Rogers? For his paper entity as an option. In different ways, these preconditions are the implications of
leaves the underlying assumptions of Vegetian warfare intact. Those underlying territoriality.3o
assumptions are, briefly, as follows. First, that \rye can engage in a rational,
materially based analysis of strategy, and that this is what medieval commanders
did. Second, that the material basis of strategy consisted of land; that is, that Non-Vegetian Warfare: A Selection of Counter-Examples
warfare was territorial, or about the possession of castles, cities, and so forth.
And third, that in making these analyses, state interest is paramount; or, put I shall try now to both explain and illustrate this principle via a set of counter-
another Clausewitzian way, warfare is politics by other means, politics being examples to Vegetian patterns of strategy. With variations, all these counter-
construed as the dynamics of relationships between sovereign states. examples follow a pattern of warfare that is non-Vegetian in specific ways.
Whether these underlying assumptions really apply to all medieval (or First, non-Vegetian wars do not revolve around fortifications, which tend to be
pre-modern) warfare is open to question, however. Rather, I think there is a either absent, rudimentary, or ignored in the main activities of campaigns. We
general principle that constitutes the often unexamined context of Vegetian immediately face a cart-horse problem here. It might be that the absence of
strategy and explains the major exceptions to it.2e knowledge or techniques for effectively fortifying strongholds is a prior condi-
In brief, here are what I see as the prerequisites for the appearance of tion, that then precludes the emergence of classically Vegetian strategy in
Vegetian strategy in the pre-modern world. First, that the entities involved in certain areas. I think, however, that in almost every case examined below, effec-
warfare are settled societies. This should be obvious, since territoriality plays tive fortifications (and thus Vegetian strategy) were possible. Indeed, in most
such a central role in the patterns of Vegetian strategy, but some thinking about cases they existed, or had existed, or quickly came into existence when condi-
tions changed. Instead, the very strategic contexts and choices that made warfare
non-Vegetian in these cases also account for the lack of fortification. That is,
expulsion ofEnglish lordship from French territory could have done that (though the concepts lack of fortifications was a strategic choice.
of "French" and "English" in such a claim admittedly risk anachronism). Similarly, it is not in
fact completely unreasonable to say from a broad, global and long-term perspective that the
Westem Front offensive of 1918 was not decisive for precisely the reason Rogers cites. It
certainly was not as decisive as the Allied victory in 1945, for example.
30 The sense I
in which am using 'territoriality" is limited to warfare that was directly about
29 While I shall focus as much as possible on exceptions within medieval ìvestem European mili- possession of landed wealth, that is in which armed force was the deciding factor in possession.
tary practice, shall also draw upon non-European cases where they provide striking John France, Western Warfare (p. 2), says that "wa¡fare in this period was, therefore, nearly
comparative data or make a point more clearly than European cases might. In addition to this always proprietorial, or at the least influenced by proprietorial considerations." While this is
practical matter of evidence, however, I also wish to make a philosophical point about the generally true, possession of land could be decided in ways that did not depend (at least
benefits of studying medieval western European warfare comparatively and in the global directly) on warfare, and there are some instances, discussed further below, in which warfare
context of its times. was not, centrally or even primarily, about possession of landed wealth.
30 Stephen Morillo Battle Seeking 31

Ittended to accompany the other non-Vegetian feature of these counter- connected rulers to their source of wealth, a subject peasantry farming the land.
examples: that battle seeking strategies dominated their warfare. Offensive For nomads, possession of land meant actual occupation of grazing land so as to
campaigns aimed at meeting and destroying defending forces directly (though feed the source of their wealth, animal herds. Thus, in warfare between nomadic
pillaging and plundering were certainly a consistent concomitant of invasions, tribes, a territorial attack meant moving the present occupiers off coveted
for both logistical and psychological reasons). Likewise, defensive forces grazing land; defense meant direct resistance to such an attack. Nomadic groups
sought to meet and defeat in battle any invading force. It is important to note that could also hold in reserve the option of flight to other lands should an attack
this is not the sort of one-sided battle seeking one finds with some frequency in prove too difficult to resist, and could furthermore join their attackers in an alli-
medieval warfare,3l in which the ability (indeed expectation) of one side to ance that had few if any permanent administrative consequences.3a For nomadic
refuse battle marks the still essentially Vegetian nature of the warfare. For if a warfare was often almost totally non-territorial, in that warfare was a tool for
battle seeking commander can be fairly sure that his opponent will seek to avoid establishing dominance hierarchies among tribes, an activity in which assassina-
battle, then his battle seeking behavior does not seriously violate Vegetius' tion and gift-giving complemented warfare. In these sorts of territorial or domi-
prescription to avoid battles - he gets the benefit of appearing bold and aggres- nance disputes, battle was the clear and swiftly sought arbiter.
sive with little of the cost. The world view bred on the steppes tended to carry over in nomadic attacks
Rather, non-Vegetian warfare looks very different indeed. Consider, for on sedentary neighbors, as invading steppe armies preferred meeting (and
example, the campaign and battle of Barnet in April 1471. Edward VI, having beating) opposing armies directly when they aimed at conquest or widespread
returned from a brief exile in Flanders, gathered his Yorkist supporters and plunder. The Mongol invasions of Russia and Eastern Europe can serve as an
marched on London. The Earl of Warwick (the "Kingmaker") gathered example of this.3s Only when the defenders retreated to fortifications (in good
Lancastrian forces at Coventry and immediately pursued. After gaining entrance Vegetian fashion) were nomadic invaders forced either to give up conquest in
to the capital, Edward immediately turned about and marched out to attack favor of simple plundering, or, if trickery could not gain them a city, to adopt
Warwick's force, though he was outnumbered by perhaps 9,000 to 12,000; the sedentary siege techniques (usually by conscripting sedentary engineers). At
attack was launched in a heavy fog and, after a confused conflict in which each that point, they became part of the "natural" Vegetian web of sedentary strategy,
side's right wing overlapped the other's left, resulted in a complete victory,32 An as they effectively became a sedentary army for the duration and in the vicinity
earlier phase of the Wars of the Roses had witnessed six significant battles of any siege warfare they conducted.
fought between September 1459 and March 1461, culminating in the bloody Thus, war between settled societies was a precondition for Vegetian strategy.
carnage at Towton, a battle fought in a blinding snowstorm.33 In short, Under what conditions did warfare involving settled societies become non-
non-Vegetian warfare was dominated by two-sided seeking of battle to the Vegetian?
exclusion of other aims, often to the point of both sides actively seeking and Simply, if warfare took place within a closed cultural or political world that in
agreeing on a mutually acceptable flat and open space on which to fight it out, one way or another established rules that governed the meaning and practice of
calculations of numerical, meterological and topographical advantage be conflict, Vegetian strategy had no role to play. I see three main ways in which
damned. such rules appeared: as agreed noÍns in a cultural world; as agreed norms in a
Why did such exceptions to Vegetian patterns indeed to the apparently political system; or as legal rules within a political system. The existence of such
sound advice Vegetius offers in favor of avoiding battle - arise? There are two nonns or rules obviated Vegetian strategies by rendering warfare non-territorial,
groups of cases to consider. The first set of exceptions involve steppe nomads, either directly or indirectly. Directly, such noÍns or rules could dictate that
and is relatively straightforward to explain. The second set involves settled warfare was not, in fact, about territory, but was about prestige, hierarchy, or
societies. elimination of rivals. Indirectly, such norms and rules could make possession of
Warfare among steppe nomads was non-Vegetian for the simple reason that territory contingent not upon occupation protected by fortification but upon
steppe nomad societies were not teffitorial in the way sedentary societies were.
Obviously, fortifications were impossible for societies built on mobility. And
possession of land for a nomadic tribe did not mean the same thing as it did for 34 Whittow, Making of Byzantium, pp.19-25, has a good summary with references of steppe
rulers of sedentary societies. The latter aimed at control over the adrninistrative nomadic geography, social and political structure, and style of warfare. One of the features that
apparatus, however developed, that often resided in fortifications and that distinguished Genghis Khan's unification of the steppes from earlier steppe empires was his
invention of a new "tribe" system that replaced old tribal divisions, a form of permanent
administrative consequence, but one very different from what would happen in sedentary soci-
3l As Rogers abundantly illustrates. eties. See David Morgan, The Mongols (Cambridge, 1990).
32 Anthony Goodman, The Wars of the Roses (London, 198 1), pp. 78-80. 35 Denis Sinor, "The Mongols and Western Europe," in A History of the Crusades, vol. 3
33 Goodman, pp.41-53. (Madison, 1975).
32 Stephen Morillo Battle Seeking 33

legal or moral title conferred by some central authority. I shall illustrate each of this, the constraints of the cultural system were such that no real equivalent of
these and show the similarities in the sort of warfare each produced. Vegetian strategy emerged in the Mexican world. Battle seeking predominated.
By agreed norrns in a cultural world, I mean those areas in which warfare Fortifications were effective when used because breaching them was difficult
took place between entities which were independent politically, but which given the limited siege technology available, scaling was expensive in
shared a culturally agreed on set of assumptions about how warfare was manpower, and sieges were logistically difficult to maintain. "Fortifications
conducted, what it meant, and what it could decide. An good example is polis were seldom used, ho\ryever, because, even if they were effective, the city could
warfare in the Hellenic world, especially before the Persian wars. Victor Davis not be divorced from its wider social net\ryorks."40
Hanson has shown that the tradition of face-to-face combat between phalanxes The presence of agreed norrns in a political system is the second condition
used to settle disputes between Greek city-states served the function of limiting that could inhibit the emergence of Vegetian patterns. Kamakura Japan
campaigning and therefore economic disruption: (1185-1333) provides an excellent example of this The civil
government in Kyoto headed by the emperor was accepted as the only source of
Ultimate victory in the modern sense and enslavement of the conquered were
not considered an option by either side. Greek hoplite battles were struggles
legitimacy within this political system; what it legitimated was possession of
between small landholders who by mutual consent sought to limit warfare (and income rights based on landed estates called shoen The military government in
hence killing) to a brief, nightmarish occasion. [emphasis added]36 Kamakura backed up the civil authority and with it constituted a greater central
authority. Thus, for a clan to gain land, income, and power it had to exert control
In other words, city-states in conflict tacitly agreed to a large scale version ofthe over this combined central authority. Battle seeking strategies made perfect
"let's step outside and settle this" system of dispute resolution, producing sense in the context of factional struggles for control over central authority.
"mostly localized and increasingly ritualized warfare in a fairly balanced system Since occupation of any particular piece of land itself meant very little, almost
of poleis".37 Combat rarely resulted in large scale transfers or conquest of land, nobody built fotifications of any size or complexity and consequently no one
and compromised the political independence of the losing side only indirectly.3s tried to remove rivals by besieging them or ravaging their land. There was no
Note that the "rules" of this system were nowhere written down, nor was there "their land" that was specifically identifiable, there were no castles to besiege.
an overarching power that could enforce them. Note also how the system broke Instead, legitimation of income possession by the central government was
down. First, the Persian invasions introduced a player who did not know the universally accepted, and with no castles to take, a faction had to seek battle in
rules. The result was the first emergence of large coalitions of poleis and the first order to kill its enemies so that the income rights those enemies held could be
real use of strategy by the Greeks. The subsequent growth of the Athenian reassigned. The result is illustrated abundantly in war tales such as The Tale of
Empire, both as a direct result and continuation of the Persian invasions and the Heike:
because Athens came to rely on naval power, further violated the tacit nonns,
the bankruptcy of which was fully revealed in the Peloponnesian Wars. In the That day, Lord Kiso . . . grasped a rattan-wrapped bow and sat in a gold-edged
saddle astride his famous horse Oniashige [Roan Demon], a very stout and
absence of these cultural norns limiting conflict, it fell to the Macedonians and
brawny animal. Standing in his stimrps, he announced his name in a mighty
then the Romans to impose peace on Hellas.3e
voice. "You must have heard of Kiso no Kanja in the past; now you see him! I
A very similar system of tacit cultural norrns seems to have governed the am the Morning Sun Commander Minamoto no Yoshinaka, Director of the
world of Aztec warfare. Campaigns took place only at certain times of the year, Imperial Stables of the Left and Governor of Iyo Province. They tell me you are
according to apparently stereotyped patterns, and operated at greater or lesser Ichijo no Jiro from Kai. We are well matched! Cut off my head and show it to
levels of ritualism ranging from Flower.Wars to full scale invasions of conquest. Yoritomo!" He galloped forward, shouting.
Unlike in Greece, conquest and political independence were at stake. Despite "The warrior who has just announced his name is their Commander-
in-Chief," Ichijo no Jiro said. "Wipe out the whole force, men! Get them all,
36 Victor Davis Hanson, The Western Way
young retainers! Kill them!"42
of War. Infantry Battle in Classical Greece (New
York, 1989), p.4.
37 Kurt Raaflaub, "Archaic and Classical Greece," in Raaflaub and Rosenstein War and Society, 40 Ross Hassig, "The Aztec World," in Raaflaub and Rosenstein, War and Society, pp. 361-381,
p. 140. quote on p. 378; in more detail Hassig, Aztec Warfare (Norman, OK, 1988).
38 The gradual creation by Sparta of a dominion in the Peloponnese is the only real exception to 41 For general overviews of the Kamakura political and military systems and the warrior culture
this pattem, and happened in such a way as not to seriously undermine the cultural system: that dominated them see Paul Varley, Warriors of Japan as Portrayed in the War Tales (Hono-
Sparta was in some ways recognized as a political and military exception. Raaflaub, "Archaic lulu, 1994); Stephen Tumbull, The Samurai. A Military History (London, 1977); Morillo,
and Classical Greece," p. 131. "Guns and Govemment: A Comparative Study of Europe and Japan," Joumal of World History
39 Raaflaub, "Archaic and Classical Greece," p. 147; Charles D. Hamilton, "The Hellenistic
6 (1994),75-106.
World," in Raaflaub and Rosenstein, War and Society, pp. 165-166. 42 The Tale ofthe Heike, ed. and trans. Helen Craig McCullough (Stanford, 1988), pp. 291-292.
34 Stephen Morillo Battle Seeking 35

Here both the ritualized name calling, part of an individualistic mode of combat, disrupted the Greek system (including provoking political unity, though in the
and the intent to kill sit side-by-side with the official titles and offices that reveal Anglo-Saxon case through the elimination of all the native kingdoms save
the central role of imperial political legitimation within the political system. In Wessex, as opposed to the Persian stimulation of Athenian empire building).
general Kamakura warfare featured battle seeking strategies and warfare that Alfred's burgh system was the Vegetian aspect of the Saxon response: a
combined some highly ritualized elements such as name calling and ritualized network of fortified cities designed to restrict any Viking raids and provide
exchanges of a¡rows before battle with an unusually high level (by westem bases for the fyrd, the Saxon field army.a5 But the continuing importance of this
European standards in the same centuries) of killing of elite warriors by elite field army in Alfred's system shows that the king retained the Saxon tendency to
warriors, including the prevalence of hara kiru, a form of suicide that dressed battle seeking even as he waged a somewhat more Vegetian style of warfare.
fatality itself in ritual. And as Wayne Farris notes, "A few expert warriors domi- Contrast the Saxon response with the contemporary anti-Viking strategy on the
nated the battlefield, fighting in a colorful, highly ritualized way. Such amilitary Continent, Charles the Bald's fortified bridges. Though designed, like the
system presupposed a general agreement regarding what war was all about."43 burghs, to restrict Viking mobility, they did not house substantial numbers of
One might say that this is simply a case of civil war, and civil war tends to be troops, nor was there a French field army comparable to the fyrd backing them
non-Vegetian. I think this gets it backwards. Civil war tends to be non-Vegetian up and seeking battle with the invaders, as Charles' realm was already devolving
because civil war tends to happen within a political system with agreed norrns or into fragmentation, private castellation, and Vegetian battle-avoiding strategy.a6
agreed legal rules (my next case). But not all civil wars conform to this condi- And the reunification of England under the West Saxons aborted its Vegetian
tion. The way the Kamakura system of tacitly agreed norms broke down is tendencies once the Vikings were defeated: unified Anglo-Saxon England
instructive in this regard. The Kamakura regime ended in a civil war between reverted to its unfortified battle seeking ways, though for somewhat different
two factions of the Imperial family that lasted from 1336 to 1392. This division reasons than before the Vikings, reasons that will bring us below to the third
of the imperial symbolic position undermined its ability to legitimate dispute condition that often produced non-Vegetian warfare, legal rules in a political
settlements, and the war turned not only very messy and confused, but Vegetian, system.
in that fortifications sprang up, and the weaker side resorted to ambushes, logis- Agreed norns, political and especially cultural, since they operated either in
tical warfare, and guerilla campaigning. The Muromachi regime (1336-1467) thaf the absence of a central authority or under one that could not militarily impose
emerged managed briefly to hold the vestiges of the political system together, but judgements, tended to be "policed" by notions of honor, face, and prestige.
after the Onin \üar of 1467-77 Japan broke into fully independent states engaged These were not just diplomatic coin to be expended in a strategy guided by
in warfare that conformed pretty closely to Vegetian patterns, though the cultural rational material analysis,aT but cultural realities in and of themselves. In fact,
legacy of the Kamakura age contributed, along with other factors, to keep battle the imperatives of honor, demanding immediate and decisive responses to
seeking more conìmon than it might otherwise have been.4 affronts, could conflict pretty directly with the "rational" guidelines of Vegetian
The boundary between my first two conditions, agreed nonns in a cultural strategy. Much medieval warfare can profitably be read as manifesting a tension
world and agreed norms in a political system, are fi,nzy, as what constitutes a between the honor-based and therefore battle seeking imperatives of a Euro-
"political system" is often a matter of cultural agreement. By way of illustration, pean-wide cultural system whose ultimate rationale was "let God decide" in trial
I think Anglo-Saxon warfare can be analyzed in either way. Why did by battle, and the territorial-based and therefore Vegetian imperatives of a
Anglo-Saxon England not follow the same trajectory of castellation as the divided European political universe. The cultural system was too weak for its
Continent, especially after 950 or so? Not because the Anglo-Saxons were back- nofins to dominate, but strong enough to complicate many approaches to
wards in military science or ignorant of effective methods of fortification, but strategy that might have profited from a more purely Vegetian approach. Philip
because, even in the period of multiple Saxon kingdoms, the set of kingdoms Augustus' conduct of the Bouvines campaign is a good example of this tension,
formed either a cultural v/orld, or even a political system headed by a high king
(whether actual or only potential), that agreed on battle as the honorable mode of 4s Richard Abels, Alfred the Great. War, Kingship and Culture in Anglo-Saxon England (London,
dispute resolution. Long warfare with the Vikings, who avoided battle to focus 1998), pp. 194-218.
on easy plunder, upset this system in ways similar to the way the Persians 46 Carroll Gillmor, "The Logistics of Fortified Bridge Building on the Seine under Charles the
Bald," Anglo-Norman Studies 1l (1988), 87-106.
47 Cf. Rogers, "Vegetian 'science of War'," p. 16, who does analyze these notions in such terms:
43 W. Vy'ayne Farris, "Japan to 1300," in Raaflaub and Rosenstein, War and Society, p.66 "Loyalty was one of the basic currencies of power. Another basic element of a lord's power
(emphasis added). And see S. Morillo, "Cultures of Death: Ritual Suicide in Medieval Europe was his honor or prestige, and implementing a Fabian strategy could be costly in this coin too."
and lapan," The Medieval History Journal 4,2 (2001),241-57, on the connection between certainly correct from one perspective, this analysis underplays, I believe, the inde-
killing and strategy in Kamakura Japan. pendent role factors such as prestige could play in strategic decision making, drawing such
44 Morillo, "Guns and Govemment," pp. 86-87; Turnbull, Samurai, pp. 89-106. decisions outside the realm ofpurely material (and often, state-centered) analysis.
36 Stephen Morillo Battle Seeking 3',7

as the king seemed to move, sometimes by sheer force of circumstance, between warfare of strongly territorial seventeenth- and eighteenth-century Europe was
one approach and the other; even if he did not actively seek the battle that more Vegetian, despite the presence of gunpowder weaponry,s2 than the warfare
resulted, he accepted (and subsequently exploited) it in terms reflecting the of the weakly territorial Germanic kingdoms of the early Middle Ages. Or at
culture of trial by Philip VI of France faced this dilemma even more least, the assumptions behind the Merovingian sources' narratives seem to indi-
acutely during Edward III's invasions of 1339 and 1340, as his rationally calcu- cate the normality of battle seeking motivated by questions of honor and guided
lated avoidance of battle conflicted with strong demands on the part of his aris- by divine judgement. An example from among many in Gregory of Tours: the
tocracy that he defend his own honor and by extension that of The fate widow of Clovis I, Clotilda, urges her sons to war with the Burgundian rulers
of Harold Godwinson also comes to mind here. A number of modern commenta- Sigismund and Godomar because of the former's palace murders, saying "be
tors have criticized Harold for responding too eagerly to Duke William's angry, I beg you, at this insult to me, and avenge with a wise zeal my mother and
ravaging of the vicinity of Hastings, leaving himself open to William's attack or father's death." Led by Chlodomer, the Franks march to an immediate battle
perhaps choosing himself to attack. Analyzing William's battle-seeking strategy with the Burgundians in which Sigismund, "the divine vengeance attending on
in 1066, Gillingham says "Of course it takes two to make a battle. It may be that, his footsteps," is captured. Godomar rallies the Burgundians and regains his
as I have suggested elsewhere (Gillingham, "Richard I", 85), Harold was kingdom, however. Chlodomer then oversteps his role as divine avenger by
adopting the standard defensive strategy [moving close enough to limit killing Sigismund - an apparently rational act designed to prevent an uprising in
William's foraging without actually offering battlel. Or it may be that, encour- the rear of his operations, but one warned against by abbot Avitus before -
aged by his success in the Battle of Stamford Bridge, Harold himself wanted to marching again against Godomar. Thus, Chlodomer rüins the ensuing battle but
repeat this new and intoxicating experience."5O But of course, Harold may well is killed in the pursuit; the Franks "crushed the Burgundians and reduced their
have been seeking battle not to repeat a "new and intoxicating experience" but country to subjection," but shortly after Godomar again recovers his kingdom.s3
because the lands being ravaged, as part of his patrimony, raised a strong Thus, we are presented with warfare that features battle-seeking behavior on
demand for an immediate response based in honor and prestige, a demand that both sides, motivated by notions of personal honor and bravery. And though
Harold would have seen from the perspective of a political system in which possession of landed kingdoms is apparently at stake, the ease of Godomar's
battle seeking rüas more the norm than on the Continent, as I have just noted. recoveries (as well as the actions of the Franks in killing men rather than taking
The Vegetian response of trapping William on the Hastings peninsula and fortifications) indicates that what really matters is possession of the loyalty of
starving him to death may never have occurred to him or, if it did, could have men. In such a weakly territorial context, as in Kamakura Japan, battle seeking
appeared dishonorable.s 1
and abundant killing made perfect sense, despite their irrationality from a
Resolution of this tension tended to move, over the medieval centuries, Vegetian perspective.
towards the Vegetian side of the equation, because the more European polities So strong territoriality corresponded with Vegetian warfare. Or at least,
became territorially based, the more Vegetian their strategies became and the coming back to my basic principle, strong territoriality corresponded to
farther they moved from the cultural system, probably Germanic and tribal in its Vegetian warfare when the polities involved fought extemal wars. The final
origins, that encouraged trial-by-battle-motivated battle sèeking. Arguably, the condition that can lead to exceptions to Vegetian patterns is the existence of a
system in which the legal rules of a polity govern and legitimate landed posses-
48 See France, Westem Warfare, pp.169-772; Georges D,aby, The Legend of Bouvines. War, sion. Such conditions almost assume a strong territorial state, but the very
Religion and Culture in the Middle AB¿.r, trans. Catherine Tihanyi (Berkeley, 1990). Of course strength of the state is what makes warfare within the polity only indirectly terri-
it is true that "honor" is a flexible notion, and that what confers honor or prestige can vary from torial. Here, the example returns us to England.
culture to culture honor need not compel face-to-face battle seeking. Ambushes, feigned
flights, night attacks, and other trickery could all be honorable actions in a variety of warrior
traditions, including the steppe nomadic, the Japanese, the Byzantine, and even the westem
European: William Marshal's career abounds in ambushes (see David Crouch, William
Marshal: Court, Career and Chivalry in the Angevín Empire 1147-1219 [London, 1993]). This 52 Especially at the height of what Christopher Duffy calls "the Old Fortress Warfare" between
was because the ultimate measure of honor and prestige was, usually, success, and such tactics 1660 and 1715: Duffy, The Fortess in the Age of Vauban, pp. l-63; also Van Creveld,
raised the chance for victory. But, especially in the westem European tradition with the influ- Supplying War, p.37: ". . . eighteenth-century armies lived as their predecessors had always
ence of legal trial by battle, direct affronts to one's "face" required a "face-to-face" response, in done, . . . by taking the bulk of their needs away from the country."
both the literal and figurative senses of the term. 53 Gregorio di Tours, La Storia dei Franchi, ed. Massimo Oldoni (Fondazione Lorenzo Valla,
49 Rogers, War Cruel and Sharp, chs. 7 and 9. l98l): III.6 (l:218-220), translations adapted from Gregory Bishop of Torxs, History of the
s0 Gilüngham, "William the Bastard at Wa¡," p. 158 n. 107. Franks, trans. Ernest Brehaut (New York, 1969), pp.55-56. In the episode immediately
5l On Hastings, see Morillo, Warfare under the Anglo-Norman Kings, pp. 163-168; and The following, Theodoric leads the Franks against the Thuringi, which again results in an imme-
Battle of Hastings: Sources and Interpretallons (Woodbridge, 1996). diate battle: lll.7 (l:220-22).
38 Stephen Morillo Battle Seeking 39

I noted above that the reunification of Anglo-Saxon Englandsa aborted its War by Henry II, in the years following 1154, reinforced and resulted from the
Vegetian development. But this was not because the earlier world of tacitly foundations of royal power laid in the Anglo-Saxon period. Increasingly from
agreed noÍns had been reestablished, though the earlier traditions certainly Henry I's reign and progressing rapidly afrer lO54,law - what evolved into the
contributed to the formation of the posrViking strategic consensus. Rather, Common Law - became the arbiter of disputes about estate possession.5e By
possession of land and other matters of dispute were now policed by a relatively 1215 the relationship of the various parts of the political community within the
strong central authority.s5 That is, the aristocracy of Anglo-Saxon England political system had been considerably cla¡ified, and the government as a whole
looked to the central authority to protect their domestic titles to landed estates. A was even stronger, even if Magna Carta formalized nascent restrictions on the
centralized legal system short-circuited any impetus towards private king himself. Thereafter, within England was not (directly) about
castellation, and Vegetian strategy had no soil in which to take root. The same landed possession, but instead was about influence over the central authority
royal power also protected the kingdom as a whole, though of course the warrior that guaranteed possession of landed estates. The result was warfare that was
aristocracy constituted in themselves a significant part of the royal govern- non-Vegetian because conflict was bounded by the legal rules of the political
ment's military forces against outside invaders.s6 But the centrally controlled, system. As in Kamakura Japan, contestants for control of the central authority
battle-seeking system that served the kingdom well internally and in disputes sought each other out to settle dominance directly. The stark contrast between
along its Celtic frontiers had, by its nature, a peculiar bi-polarity against major the castle-centered, logistical approach Henry I took in subduing Robert of
foreign invasions: it could marshal more significant forces than many weaker Bellême's rebellion in Il02 and Edward I's battle-seeking 1265 Evesham
Continental polities could (as it did in 1066, defeating at least one major invader campaign against Simon de Montfort, in which castles played only a minor role,
in Harald Hardraada5T), but if it were defeated at the top (as it was by Cnut in shows just how far the parameters of strategy had been transformed by the
1016 and by William of Normandy in 1066), the victor stood a good chance of evolution of central authority in England.60 By the Wars of the Roses, castles
assuming control of the system from the center, roughly the same goal that played almost no role and opposing forces sought each other out even in snow
internal disputants aimed at. and fog for decisive, face-to-face contests for possession of the only thing that
The Norman conquest in 1066 introduced castellation to England, as the mattered, control of royal government and the legitimacy it conveyed. Even
conquerors subdued their new realm through ravaging and a purely Vegetian pillaging was limited. And just as in Kamakura warfare, the battles of the lVars
display of territorial and logistical brute force.58 Vegetian pattems continued to of the Roses featured copious killing of nobles by other nobles as factions
predominate along the Welsh and Scottish borders of the kingdom, later in the attempted not to take over land but to eliminate rivals for control of the central
Norman invasion of Ireland, and above all on the frontiers of Normandy. Within authority. But unlike in Japan, possession of the central authority here carried
England, Robert of Bellême's 1102 revolt against Henry II, the Civil V/ar of with it the ability to muster the force necessary to coerce cooperation within the
Stephen's reign (which, however, saw more battle-seeking behavior, at Lincoln system and the legitimacy to use it. Thus, from 1215 until the last Stuart upris-
and Wilton, than proved prudent for either side), and the Young King Henry's ings in the eighteenth century, warfare within England was both rare and, when
rebellion of lI73-74 against his father Henry II were all conducted in Vegetian it happened, charactenzed by battle-seeking strategies aimed at eliminating
style - Henry II's success at not fighting battles is often cited in defense of the rivals for control of a central authority whose presence and role were uncon-
Vegetian nature of medieval warfare. And Stephen's reign shows that not all tested.61
civil wars are non-Vegetian. But the Vegetian interlude within the kingdom in 'Warfare
outside England was of course another matter. There is no more
fact did not last long, because the long periods of peace that intervened in the
twelfth century, as well as the nature of the settlements imposed after the Civil 59 John Hudson, Innd, l¡tw and Lordship in Anglo-Norman England (Oxford, 1994) is the best
starting point for investigating this process. See also C. Warren Hollister, I1enry 1(New Haven,
2001), esp. pp.349-369, who emphasizes the role ofHenry's imposition ofpeace in England
54 Or as Kelly DeVries would properly say, Anglo-Scandinavian England: see The Notwegian on the stability of landholding.
Invasion of England in 10óó (\Voodbridge, 1999). 60 ll02: C. Wanen Hollister, "The Campaign of 1102 against Robert of Bêlleme," in Studies . . .
55 James Campbell, The Anglo-Saxon State (London, 2000) demonstrates clearly the power, Presented to R. Allen Brown, p. 1265: Nicholas Hooper and Matthew Bennett, Cambridge
sophistication, unity and wealth of the late Anglo-Saxon state. For the specifically military Illustrated Atlas of Warfare; The Middle Ages 768-1487 (Cambridge, 1996), pp. 67-69. The
implications of royal control see Richard Abels, Inrdship and Military Obligation in behavior of the rebels also illustrates the change, as Robert, in Vegetian fashion, holed his
Anglo-Saxon England (Berkeley, 1988). forces up in his castles and eventually fled to Normandy, while Simon actively sought battle in
56 As for example at Maldon in 991, where Earl Byrhtnoth's forces displayed all the battle- 1264, leadrng to his victory at Lewes, and though attempting to avoid Edward in 1265 still
seeking, non-Vegetian impulses - based in both honor and royal duty - the Anglo-Saxon mili- based his shategy on a field army capable of giving battle.
tary system bred. 61 The contrast between the battle-seeking of the seventeenth-century Civil Vy'ar in England and
57 Devries, Norwegian lnvasion. the Vegetian nightmare that prevailed for much of the Thirty Years War is another example of
58 Gillingham, "William the Bastard at V/ar," p. 159. the English political condition.
40 Stephen Morillo Battle Seeking 4I

Vegetian conquest than Edward I's subjugation of Wales. Many English a lack of agreed on norrns of warfare or of accepted legal rules and arbiters
campaigns in Scotland were Vegetian: forays such as William I's in 1072 thereof in the region being examined. For instance, unlike warfare in England,
designed to inflict some damage and intimidate the Scots, with no expectation of warfare in Capetian France tended to be Vegetian even when "foreign" players
battle (even sieges were infrequent); most Scottish campaigns into England were not involved; or, put another way, most warfare within France had the
were likewise glorified plundering raids that earned the Scots an evil reputation character of "foreign" wars. In other words, this theory provides another way of
south of the border.62 And the French side of Edward III's campaigns in France seeing and analyzing a long-accepted difference between England and France in
is perfectly comprehensible from a Vegetian perspective.63 As for Edward's the Middle Ages: England was from fairly early on a unified kingdom (the
side, if we accept, as I think we should, Rogers' reinterpretation of Edward's universal acceptance ofwhose government as final arbiter created conditions for
intentions - that he did actively seek battle - several thoughts come to mind. non-Vegetian warfare); France was a kingdom stitched together by "foreign"
Perhaps Edward was simply a bad strategist who failed to follow sound conquest, which reminds us of the very recent and constructed nature of French
Vegetian advice. But since he not only sought but fought and won his battles and nationality and culture.
thereby gained most of his war aims at least temporanly,e this seems uncon- My second point has to do with the role of culture in warfare. I have tried to
vincing. Perhaps he sought battle only with every advantage of terrain he could show that strategic decisions happen in cultural contexts, and that different
get to exploit his weapons system, in other words, within an essentially Vegetian contexts make some strategies more useful than others. This may seem a simple
context.6s Perhaps he was torn between what he saw as the imperatives of honor point, but it is too easy to slip into analysis of warfare purely in terms of materi-
and the guidelines of Vegetius. Or, most interestingly, perhaps his battle-seeking alist rationalism, state interest (as opposed to the individual, familial, dynastic
strategy is evidence, given what I've said above about political systems, that and class interests of rulers and elites), and Realpolitik, and so misunderstand
Edward really did think of his invasions of France as personal disputes with what the historical actors we study were really about (or at least what they
rival claimants to the French throne to be settled in the time-honored English thought they were about, which matters a lot). Warfare is not just politics by
tradition of fighting on the battlefield for possession of the central government, other means, as Clausewitz said, it is also culture. Or if it is politics, pre-modern
in which case his immediate operational problem (skillfully overcome in 1346) politics includes a lot more than just statecraft, and so might as well be culture in
and his long-term dilemma was that his opponents did not play by the rules' many cases. This is not to say that medieval strategists were irrational, though as
in any age not all medieval generals were good strategists. It is to say that their
rational concems often included notions of personal honor, prestige, religious
Conclusions imperatives, superstition, and so on that we do not readily recognize as relevant
to strategy, especially in the context of statecraft. My analysis of the assump-
This leads me to two points I want to stress by way of conclusion. My first point tions underlying Vegetian strategy is therefore designed to remind us that
has to do with the predictive or analytic power of a theory. I hope by presenting "cultures of war" played a major implicit role in "sciences of war," even when
the contexts of Vegetian strategy in such general and fundamental terms - by they weren't explicitly obvious.
getting at the underlying assumptions of Vegetian warfare - that it becomes
possible to reanalyze aspects of the past in new and enlightening ways. For
example, if I am right about the preconditions for the emergence of Vegetian
pattems in warfare, then the presence of Vegetian warfare should in turn predict

62 Matthew Strickland, War and Chivalry. The Conduct and Perception of War in England and
N ormandy, 1 066- I 2 I 7 (Cambridge, I 996), pp. 29 l-329.
63 As Rogers admits: Rogers, "Vegetian 'science of War, " p. 16; though note also the tension I
suggested between Philip's Vegetian inclinations and the demands to defend his honor raised
by the European cultural system: above, p. 16 and n. 48.
64 See above, pp.27-8 and n. 28, on the problem of deciding whether Edward's battle-seeking
strategy ultimately worked.
65 This is the implication of Rogers' analysis i¡War Cruel and Sharp, where Edward is shown,
while seeking battle, to have maneuvered carefully to arrive at a battlefield and tactical situa-
tion ofhis own choosing: pp.235-6. Crécy was not, in other words, Towton or Barnet. I think
this possibility accounts for a good deal ofEdward's battle seeking: it was reasonable within a
Vegetian context.

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