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Eighth House [Ayurbhaava]:

 This is the house of longevity. The 1st, 3rd and 8th houses are to be judged in order to
know the longevity of a person.

 It is also called as the house of death and it indicates the mode and place of death.

 It is related to all inheritances, legacies, wills, insurance, gratuity etc., which usually
come after the death of the owner of the will/insurance etc.

 This house shows the mode of death, whether it is natural, sudden, accident, suicide
etc. and also the place where one dies.

 The time of death is found out from the 2nd and 7th houses along with the baadhaka

 The 8th house indicates surgeons, medical officers, health inspectors, slaughter
houses, butchers, and coroners and so on.

 Jupiter or Saturn signifying the 8th house cause one to develop a deep interest in
occult sciences and mystical subjects.

 In mundane astrology, this house deals with public mortality, the death rate of the
country, epidemics, serious accidents, mass deaths etc.

 In horary astrology, this house has to be referred to for information relating to crossing
of rivers, difficulties during a journey, and sufferings due to enemies, sudden happenings and

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