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Blessing Tsematiya Caleb

N0 19 Marwa Street Wuro Hausa,

Yola Town, Yola South L.G.A,
Adamawa State.

4th April 2018

The Human Resources,
International Organization For Migration,
Yola Office,
Adamawa State.

Dear Sir/Ma,
I am writing to express my interest in the above named position currently available in your organization, and I
humbly want to apply for the position. I believe that I am an excellent fit for this position, given my extensive
background in dealing with all kind of individuals in the area of office management and administration, Financial
management, Human Resources Management and Coordinating, accounting software practitioner e.t.c I believe that
the Administrative and Finance Assistant position will be a driving force of a good support team and I know that
my experiences on this role with my previous employers, my skills and qualifications proves my ability to fit in this
I believe that after you have reviewed my application and resume, you will see that I possess an excellent set skills
and experiences which matches your requirements perfectly.
I look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience to have an interview with you.
Please find attached my C.V for your perusal and considerations and contact me should you require further
information on 07039279197 or 08163693085, or email me on
Thank you for your time and consideration.

Yours Faithfully,

Blessing Tsematiya Caleb

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