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THE SHOTGUN DIARIES A Zombie Survival Roleplaying Game Written by John wick Written for Nick batts Title by Rochelle Watts The Shotyin Divies 13 © and TH 2008 by Toh sek, used by permitsion. Ail ehivseters and sitettions presented hare are Rtiona! and ny vestmblance between real pardons is corncidented. Eweape for Mick Woe reed tnd soorbieg The ate ech, too. tel 14 lter than you think Dear Diary, Went to the grocery store today for supplies. We got canned Soup, Canned vegetables and canned fruit. We lost Marie After we dl agreed to stay together, after we al! agreed going oud alone was too dangerous, after d/l of that, she decided to search the backroom And none of us noticed. None of us noticed until she started screaming Our buddy system completely failed. Tay ran for the front deor and never looked back. Kan and I draped our bags and shouldered our rifles. When we got there, it was too late. We blockaded the door ard grabbed what bags we could. Then, we tried to catch up with Tay. We was already in the shop, the iron gate shut. If Kan didn't have his oun hey, Tay would have left us out there. I was almost cut of ammunition when the gate went up. We had to cut off their hands to get it closed. Zt's never easy to confront someone when everyone has guns. Tay weeldn't back down. He was right to run, he said. He was right to get the hell out of there. Kon tried to tell him that Marie was his buddy and it was Jay's Fault it happened at all. Tay wouldn't listen and at the end, he decided he world be better off on his own. We agreed he could take whatever he could carry and let him go. We went out the roof exit and ran across the roottaps toward the edge of the city. That leaves us with seven. Only three of us can make the grocery rn. Walter and Virginia are too old, Tommy is too young and Elizabeth should be giting birth any day now. None of us know what to do. We can?t even get to the library to get a book. i My day trudges Forward. I eat canned peaches and look out the winder The iron gate keaps them cut of reach of the glass. Fortunately, the gun store has bullet proof 9/as5, So even if they get through the gate, the gfass will buy us time to reach the rook I Krish my peaches ard look out at the Faces. They aren't even human anymore. I don't know why I'm so compelled to watch them. Maybe L'm looking for mom and dad. Majbe I'm looking for Debbie. E haven't seen them yet. Ninety-tuso days gone and I haven't seen anyone I know. You weird is that? E haven't seen anyone I know Day is done. I'll try to sleep. The place where I do see the people I know And I wateh them die again and agin and again. Good right, diary. One more day ender my belt. At least there's that.

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