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Task 1

25th July 2009

The Director
Community Child Health Service
41 Jones Street

Dear Sir/Madam,

Re: Vamuya Obeki

I am writing to refer Vamuya, a 4year-old child and his family to you. He was admitted to our
hospital on the 15th of July through the Children’s Emergency Department with the diagnosis of acute
meningoencephalitis following mumps. He is due to be discharged today.

He was born in Sudan and arrived in Australia in 2008 with his parents and a 2 year-old little
brother as refugees. They recently moved to rental accommodation. Their only income is made by his
father, Abdullah, who is employed as a factory shift worker. This family has no family doctor now. As
well as this, they have a language barrier. His father can understand spoken English but his mother,
Miri, has limited understanding of English.

During his stay in hospital, he has fully recovered from the mumps and meningoencephalitis.
However he will need a neurological check –up. For both children, the advice on recommended
vaccines will be needed.

I hope you will be able to arrange someone who can help this family and provide proper medical
support. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require any further information about this family.

Yours sincerely,
189 words
Task 2

The Director
Community Child Health Service
41 Vulture Street
West End, 4101

Dear Sir/Madam

Re: Ms Nicole Smith

DOB: 04/09/1991

I am writing to refer this patient, an 18-year-old single mother who delivered a baby boy on the
10/09/09. Nicole had difficulty with vaginal delivery which took 16 hours of labour. Therefore, due to
fetal distress and progress failure an emergency caesarean section was performed.

The baby is progressing quite well with breast feeding and is gaining weight and is currently 4.4kg.
Fefol and Vitamin C were prescribed to Nicole as her blood examination revealed low numbers in her
hemoglobin from blood loss.

Nicole has no relatives in Brisbane and no contact with her family or the father of the baby. She lives
in a rented flat with one other young woman and is on a single mother’s pension.

My main concern is that she does not believe she has the ability to breastfeed, bathe or care for her
baby and is considering adoption. It would be greatly appreciated if you could organise a home visit
for Nicole and the baby. Nicole requires appropriate advice and assistance to encourage her to
develop parenting skills due to her isolated circumstances.

Thank you for agreeing to assist in this matter. Should you require any further information, please do
not hesitate to contact me.

Yours sincerely,

Charge Nurse
Spirit Mother’s Hospital
Task 3

The Admission Doctor

The Spirit Hospital
Emergency Department

Dear Doctor,

Re: Mrs Betty Olsen

DOB: 29/01/1926

I am writing regarding Mrs Olsen, an elderly woman suffering from chest pain who has been
transferred to your hospital via ambulance.

She is a resident of Golden Pond Retirement Village. Her husband died in December 2008 and she
has a son who lives in Warwick. She was diagnosed with hypothyroidism in 1997, hypertension in
2003 and glaucoma in 2004.

Mrs. Olsen is currently on prescription medication which includes: karvea 150 mg daily, orixine 0.1 mg
daily, timoptol eye drops 0.5% twice a day and normison 10 mg as required. She also takes non
prescription medication which includes: golden glow glucosamine tablet one daily and vitamin C
complex sustained release with breakfast. Please also note, she has an allergy to penicillin.

Last night she refused her dinner because she felt slightly nauseous. She had trouble sleeping and
complained of shoulder and neck pain. Her condition has further deteriorated today and normison and
two Panadol tablets were given at 10 pm. When I checked on her at 10.45 pm, Mrs. Olsen was
distressed, pale and sweaty and complaining of persistent chest pain. Her blood pressure was
190/100 mmHg.

I would appreciate your assessment and emergency management of this patient’s condition.

Yours sincerely,

Night Nurse
Golden Pond Retirement Village
Task 4

1 August, 2009

The Director of Nursing

Glen Haven Palliative Care Hospice
971 Arthur Street

Dear Sir/Madam,

Re: Mrs. Maeve Greerson

I am referring this patient, a 58- year-old terminally ill widow, who has been under our care for the
treatment of cancer. She was transferred to your centre for further care this morning.

She has had lower intestine cancer since March, 2009. When admitted to this hospital she
complained of dehydration, nausea and severe pain. She has received IV fluids and transdermal
patch for pain. She has been told to take light, low fiber foods and has been visited by a social worker.

Over the past week, she has remained free from severe pain and has been able to tolerate a fluid
diet. Mrs. Greerson has had radiation therapy for six weeks and her life expectancy is only 3 – 4
months. Therefore, she and her only relative, her brother Mr. Brian Hewson have made the decision
that she would only receive treatment for pain and comfort.

Based on the advice of a social worker, her brother has requested that Mrs. Greerson be transferred
to your centre. As she is in morbid condition, please make an arrangement to provide prioritized care.

Thank you for agreeing to assist in this matter. Should you require any more information, please do
not hesitate to contact me.

Yours sincerely,

Sarina Chai

Charge Nurse.
Task 5


The Heart Foundation Centre

Community Information Section
Gregory Terrace

Dear Sir/Madam,

Re: Mr. Bill O’ Riley

I am writing with regard to Mr. O’Riley, a 53 –year- old- man, who was admitted the hospital on the
2nd of September and diagnosed with obstructive coronary artery disease. He underwent a coronary
artery bypass graft on the 4th of September.

Mr. 0’Riley has a history of smoking (20 cigarettes per day) and drinks on a regular basis. His body
mass index is high and he usually eats fatty, rich foods.

After the surgery, Mr. O’Riley has attained a routine post operative recovery. He has been advised to
stop smoking and to reduce alcohol consumption. He also has been told to follow a low fat diet and
has been receiving attention from a social worker. His wounds are healing and he is walking well.

After he is discharged from the hospital, Mr. O’Riley needs to go for a follow- up visit to a local general
practitioner and to continue a rehabilitation exercise program.

In order to maintain a good health condition, Mr. O’Riley has requested advice on low, fat dietary
guidelines and healthy, simple recipes. It would be greatly appreciated if you could send the above
mentioned information to Mr. O’Riley at his home address, 9476 Old Dam Road, Goondiwindi, QLD,

Yours sincerely,
Lee Wong
Charge Nurse
Task 6


Ms. Jenny Attard

The Nursing Director
Community Home Care Agency

Dear Ms. Attard

Re: Ms. Robyn Harwood

DOB: 04/02/1948

I am writing to request daily home visits by the Blue Nurses to provide care and support for this
patient, a 61 year-old widow who lives on her own.

Ms. Harwood was admitted to our hospital on the 30th of October with a diagnosis of right rotator cuff
tear following a fall while descending stairs. Therefore, surgery has been suggested, however, she
prefers non-surgical treatment. She has received ibuprofen and cortisone as prescribed and also daily
visits by a physiotherapist.

In terms of her medical history, she suffers from type 2 diabetes mellitus for which she is taking
metformine 500mg. However, following her discharge, she will need a regular monitoring on the blood
glucose level which may become elevated due to administration of cortisone during hospitalisation.
She will also require assistance in showering and home help. As well as this, she needs to review her
condition with an orthopaedic surgeon on the 19th of November.

Ms. Harwood lives alone and has no children. Her next of kin is her niece, Megan Mack who lives in
Sydney. Regrettably, she has no relatives or friends to support her.

Please contact me if you require further information regarding this patient.

Yours sincerely,
Sonya Matthews

Registered Nurse, Mater Hospital

Task 7 Model Letter

The Director
Aged Care Assessment Team
78 Masterson Street

Dear Sir/Madam,

Re: Mr. Henry O’Keefe

I am writing to requesting aged care assistance for Mr. O’Keefe, an 83- year-old man who is
recovering from a malignant melanoma in his left shoulder.

Mr. O’Keefe was admitted to the Mater Public Hospital on the 14th of March and underwent surgery.
Since his discharge from the hospital, we have been doing daily home visits and wound dressing and
also assisting him with his showers. On observation today, Mr. O’Keefe’s general condition had
improved. His wound is healing and is free from complications.

Mr. O’Keefe, who lives with his wife in a housing commission home, is an aged care pensioner. They
are getting some help from their neighbours, but they are having trouble keeping up with routine
household work. As per the doctor’s order, we have organized daily home visits until 24 March 2008
after which our nursing care will end. Therefore, it would be greatly appreciated if you could do a
home visit and assess their needs and to arrange further assistance for this family.

Thank you for agreeing to assist in this matter. For further queries, please do not hesitate to contact

Yours sincerely,

Charge Nurse
Blue Skies Home Care Centre
Task 8 Model Letter


Barnaby Webster
The School Psychologist
Toohey Point State School

Dear Mr Webster,

Re: Alison Cooper

DOB: 14/06/00

I am writing to refer Alison, a year 5 student at our school due to possible psychological problems and
low self esteem.

She lives with her mother, who is working full-time as a bank manager and her father died 3 years ago
due to an accident. Alison has an older sister and a younger brother. Her grandmother looks after the
children when required. In terms of her medical history, she is suffers from asthma and eczema with
no other significant illnesses, however, she is overweight for her age.

Her school record shows that she has a history of regular absence during the past 5 years. In
addition, her academic performance is declining and she is reluctant to joint any school activities
unless persuaded. She has few friends and has been teased by her peers about her weight.

Please note, Alison’s teacher contacted her mother regarding her situation and she reported that
Alison is overeating, embarrassed about her eczema and missing her father, who she was very close

Based on this, I would appreciate it if you could investigate her case and should you require any
further information please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours sincerely,

Charge Nurse
Toohey Point State School

Word Count: 195 words

Task 9 Model Letter


The Director
Blue Nursing Service
207 Sydney Street
New Farm, 4106

Re: Ms Annette McNamara

DOB 14.06.1936

I am writing to request daily visits by the Blue Nurses to provide support for this patient, an aged
pensioner who lives on her own.

Ms McNamara was admitted to the Princess Alexandra Hospital on 20th May following a fall down a
flight of stairs at her flat. She sustained a fractured right wrist, lacerations to her left hand which
required stitches and severe bruising to her right shoulder and lower back. Providing there are no
complications, hospital discharge is scheduled for 22 May. She has a 10.30am appointment on
31/05/09 at our Out Patient Department to remove the stitches and review her situation.

Meals on Wheels and a home physiotherapist visit are being organised by a social worker. Ms
McNamara will also require assistance with showering and to have her left hand wound dressed.

Ms McNamara’s current medications are Karvea 150mg daily to control high blood pressure,
Normison 10mg as required for insomnia and 2 Panadol 4 hourly while pain persists. She moved to a
new flat recently and has lost her usual social contacts. Her next of kin is a niece, Stella who can be
contacted on 075 5984 7216.

Please contact me if you require any further information.

Yours sincerely,

Grace Jones
Ward C 25
Princess Alexandra Hospital

Word Length: 201 Words

Task 10 Model Letter

The Director
Department of Veterans’ Affairs
GPO Box 777
Brisbane, 4001

Dear Sir/Madam

Re: DVA Eligibility for Mr Jim Middleton

D0B 3/7/1924

I am writing to request a home visit by DVA staff to Mr Jim Middleton and his wife Olga to assess their
eligibility for a DVA pension and/or other assistance that your department provides. Their address is
Alexander Street, Belmont, Brisbane 4153. Their phone number is (07) 6946 5173.

Mr Middleton, a Second World War veteran, was also a prisoner of war. He does not receive any
government pension or other assistance. He was discharged from hospital on 9 July after a
successful inguinal hernia operation. His physical activities are currently limited and he cannot drive
for at least six weeks.

Prior to discharge, Mr Middleton’s wife Olga spoke to me about their ability to manage their own home
without assistance. Their income is not sufficient to pay for home or garden help. Olga does not drive
and there is no nearby public transport. She is in good general health but finds phone conversation
difficult due to hearing problems. A home visit to discuss their eligibility for assistance would be

Please contact me on (07) 3947 2987 should your require any further information

Yours sincerely,

Nurse Manager, Ward 3

Word Count:184 words

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