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NASM Essentials of Personal Fitness

Training 6th Edition Study Guide

Read this before you start studying!!!

The NASM PT test’s difficulty comes primarily from tricky wording and asking specific
details about definitions and keywords that you may have skimmed over. Therefore in
order to pass it is vital that you carefully read each question and have a thorough
understanding of any terms highlighted in this study guide. I also highly recommend that
you take all of the quizzes and practice tests that NASM has on their e-learning portal(you will
only have access to their e-learning portal if you bought the e-learning package through NASM’s
website - if you only purchased a test you won’t have access to this. You can call them and add
on the e-learning portal for an extra fee after you’ve purchased the test, I highly recommend this
as it will give you a great idea of how they word their questions and you’ll generally see 3-5
questions on the test come directly from the practice test).

The fact that they like to ask tricky worded questions means that there are large portions of the
book that you’re free to skim over as questions don’t come from there. This study guide will also
point out those sections to you.

I will highlight key terms in bold that you should understand and give you a quick overview of
that term. This way you can read the book once with the study guide and then just work from the
study guide as you continue studying.

Chapter 1: Scientific Rationale for Integrated Training

● Muscle imbalances pg. 4 – Alteration of muscle length surrounding a joint.

● Muscle imbalances can be caused by – postural stress, emotional duress, repetitive

movement, cumulative trauma, poor training technique, lack of core strength, lack of

neuromuscular efficiency

● Obesity and Overweight pg. 4 - Know the difference and specifics. Obesity BMI of 30

or greater or at least 30lbs overweight for their height. Overweight BMI of 25 to 29.9 and

between 25 to 30lbs over recommended weight for height.

● Proprioception pg. 7 – Cumulative sensory input to the central nervous system from

all mechanoreceptors that sense body position and limb movement. When you run your

feet give you proprioceptive feedback on the type of surface you’re running on. Training

proprioception improves balance, coordination, and posture.

● Proprioceptively enriched environments pg. 7 - Unstable yet controlled


● OPT Model - You will be tested heavily on the OPT model. Many future chapters will go
into more detail about the OPT model. For now understand that it's a systematic
approach that builds upon itself. You start with stabilization, then move to strength, then
move to power(if the client desires power). You'd never start a client in a power phase
without first building their stabilization and strength base for example.
● That’s it for chapter 1. Most of what you read here will be rehashed in later chapters.

Chapter 2: Basic Exercise Science

You’ll see 10-15% of the questions come from this chapter. Definitely take time to really study
the terms in here.

Nervous System pg. 18

● Nervous system – One of the main organ systems of the body. Conglomeration of

billions of cells specifically designed to provide a communication network within the

human body. The CNS is composed of the brain and spinal cord. The peripheral nervous

system(PNS) contains only nerves and connects the brain and spinal cord(the CNS) to

the rest of the body.

● Sensory function – Ability of the nervous system to sense changes in either internal or

external environment. One of three primary functions of the nervous system.

● Integrative function - Ability of nervous system to analyze and interpret sensory

information to allow for proper decision making, producing an appropriate response.

● Motor function – Neuromuscular (nervous and muscular system) response to sensory

information. I.e. causing muscle contraction when you touch a hot stove so that you jerk

your hand back.

● The nervous system is responsible for the recruitment of muscles, learned patterns of

movements, and the functioning of every organ in the human body. Pretty important!

● Proprioception – Cumulative sensory input to the central nervous system from all

mechanoreceptors that sense body position and limb movement. When you run your feet

give you proprioceptive feedback on the type of surface you’re running on. Training

proprioception improves balance, coordination, and posture.

● Neuron – Functional unit of the nervous system. Billions of neurons make up nervous

system, provides it with ability to communicate internally with itself as well as externally

with environment. Transmits impulses through both electrical and chemical signals.

Forms the core of the nervous system which includes the brain, spinal cord, and

peripheral ganglia.

● Neurons are composed of cell body, axon, and dendrites.

● The cell body of Neuron contains a nucleus, lysosomes, mitochondria, and a Golgi


● Interneurons – Transmit nerve impulses from one neuron to another. Hence

INTERneuron. Between neurons.

● Motor (efferent) neurons – transmit nerve impulses from the brain and spinal cord

to the effector sites such as muscles or glands.

● Central Nervous System and Peripheral Nervous System - The CNS consists of

your brain and spinal cord, and the peripheral are the nerves that branch out from your

brain and spine into the rest of your body. Think CNS is brain and spine, peripheral is

everything else.

● Mechanoreceptors – specialized structures that respond to mechanical pressure

within tissues and then transmit signals through sensory nerves. Respond to outside

forces such as touch, pressure, stretching, sound waves, and motion. Senses distortions

in body tissues.

● Muscle Spindles – Sensory receptors, run parallel to muscle fibers. Are sensitive to

changes in muscle length and rate of length change. Help regulate the contraction of
muscles via the stretch reflex mechanism. This mechanism is a normal response to the

body to a stretch stimulus in the muscle, it is designed to protect and prevent

overstretching and muscle damage.

● Gogli Tendon Organs(GTOs) – Specialized sensory receptors located where the

skeletal muscle fibers attach to the tendons. Sensitive to changes in muscular tension

and rate of tension change. Activating the Gogli tendon organ causes the muscle to relax

which prevents the muscle from excessive stress or injury. There’s almost always a

question over the GTO.

● Joint receptors – located around joint capsule, respond to pressure, acceleration, and

deceleration of the joint. Signals extreme joint positions and thus helps prevent injury.

Skeletal System pg. 24

● Skeletal System – Body’s framework, composed of bones and joints. Provides shape

and focus for bodies. Produces blood for the body and stores minerals. Growth,

maturation, and functionality of skeletal system are greatly affected by posture, physical

activity, and nutrition.

● Bones – Provide a resting ground for muscles and protection of vital organs.

● Joints – Junctions of bones, muscles, and connective tissues at which movement

occurs. Also known as articulation.

● The skeletal system is divided into two divisions.

● Axial Skeleton – Portion of skeletal system that consists of skull, rib cage, and

vertebral column. Think torso and head. 80 bones.

● Appendicular Skeleton – Portion of skeletal system that includes the upper and

lower extremities. Arms, legs. Think appendage, appendicular, arms, legs. 126 bones.

● 206 bones in the skeletal system, 177 used in voluntary movement, more than 300 joints

in the body.

● Bones serve two vital functions – leverage and support.

● Remodeling – Process of resorption and formation of bone. Old bone is broken down

and removed by osteoclasts, new bone is laid down by cells called osteoblasts.

● Remodeling follows lines of stress placed on bone. Exercise and habitual posture

fundamentally influences the health of the skeletal system. Incorrect exercise and

posture will lead to remodeling process that reinforces predominating bad posture.

● Osteoclasts and Osteoblasts - They love to ask you about these mainly because the

names are so familiar and easy to mix up. Osteoclasts remove bone tissue and

Osteoblasts help form bone tissue. I like to think of it as Osteoblasts BLAST the tissue

back into the bone, imagine a cell holding a fire hose that’s spraying bone onto a broken

leg. So osteoBLAST forms bone, then you’ll know that osteoCLAST removes it.

● Epiphysis – End of long bones, mainly composed of cancellous bone and house much

of the red marrow involve din red blood cell production. One of primary sites for bone

growth. End of long bones, red marrow which produces red blood cells. Knobby end

looking parts of the bone.

● Diaphysis – Shaft portion of long bone. The shaft. Long part. Compact bone(strong).

● Epiphyseal Plate – Region of long bone connecting the diaphysis to the epiphysis. A

layer of subdividing cartilaginous cells in which growth in length of the diaphysis occurs.

● Usually no questions over Epiphysis, diaphysis, periosteum, medular cavity, or articular

cartilage. Good to skip on ahead to joints.

Joints pg. 33

● Formed by one bone that articulates with another bone. Categorized by structure and


● Arthrokinematics and synovial and non synovial joints always appear on the test.

Arthrokinematics basically just describes joint motion, and then synovial joints have a

joint cavity and ligaments while non synovial do not have a joint cavity or ligaments.
● Arthrokinematics – Joint motion. Rolled, slide, and spin. Motions rarely occur in

isolation. Rolling movement – bicycle roll on street. Sliding – tire skidding on street.

Spinning movement – twisting lid off a jar.

● Synovial joints – Held together by a joint capsule and ligaments and are most

associated with movement in the body. 80% of all joints in the body, have greatest

capacity for motion. Produce synovial fluid, resembles egg whites and works like engine


● Non Synovial joints – do not have a joint cavity, connective tissue, or cartilage.

Exhibit little to no movement, seen in skull, distal joint of tibia and fibula.

● Ligaments – Primary connective tissue that connects bones together and provides

stability, input to the nervous system, guidance, and the limitation of improper joint

movement. Fibrous connective tissues, bone to bone, provide static and dynamic stability

as well as input to nervous system (proprioception). Made up of collagen. Ligaments

have poor vascularity, blood flow, thus do not heal or repair well.

● Study table 2.3 on page 37.

The Muscular System pg. 39

● Don’t get skeletal muscle confused with the skeletal system. Skeletal muscle is just the

name of our muscles, biceps are skeletal muscles, quads are skeletal muscles.

● Okay to ignore Epimysium, perimysium, and endomysium.

● Tendons - Connective tissue that attaches muscle to bone. Tendons connect muscle to

bone. Tendons connect muscles to bone.

● Sarcomere - Functional unit of a muscle, the sarcomere produces contractions. Is

made up of repeating sections of actin and myosin. Almost always tested. Question will

be something along the lines of “what is made up of repeating sections of actin and

myosin and produces force in a muscle” or “what is the functional unit of a muscle.”

● Neural activation - The contraction of a muscle generated by neural stimulation.

● Motor unit - A motor neuron and all of the muscle fibers it innervates. Frequently

● Neurotransmitters - Chemical messengers that cross the neuromuscular

junction(synapse) to transmit electrical impulses from the nerve to the muscle.

● Study table 2.4 over the sliding filament theory on page 43. Frequently tested.

● Know that motor units either all fire or none will fire. A motor unit is one or more motor

neuron and the muscle fibers that it innervates. A unit cannot partially fire.

Muscle Fiber Types pg. 45

● Fiber types vary in chemical and mechanical properties. Two main types, type I

and type II. Expect 2-3 questions over fiber types. Know type I is slow(think weak,

aerobic, running) and type II is fast(think strong, anaerobic, weight-lifting).

● Type I(slow twitch) contain large number of capillaries, mitochondria(transforms

energy from food into ATP), myoglobin(increased delivery of oxygen). Red fibers

● Type II(fast-twitch) subdivided into Type IIa and Type IIx. Contain fewer capillaries,

mitochondria, and myoglobin. White fibers.

● Type IIx have low oxidative capacity and fatigue quickly.

● Type IIa higher oxidative capacity and fatigue more slowly than IIx. IIa are known as

intermediate fast-twitch fibers.

● Type I are smaller in diameter, slow to produce maximal tension, more resistant to

fatigue. Produce long term contractions. Think marathons. Maintaining posture against


● Type II larger in size, quick to produce maximal tension, fatigue more quickly. Sprint


● All muscles have combination of slow and fast twitch. Ex. shin has 735 slow twitch type I

whereas calf muscle has 49% slow twitch.

Muscles as Movers pg. 46

● Agonist muscles act as prime movers. They are most responsible for a particular


● Synergist muscles assist prime movers. Synergist, think synergy. Assists with.
● Stabilizer support and stabilize the body.

● Antagonist muscles perform opposite action of prime mover.

Endocrine System pg. 47

● System of glands that secrete hormones into bloodstream to regulate variety of bodily

functions. Mood, growth, development, tissue function, and metabolism.

● Expect 2-4 questions over hormones and the endocrine system. And you really should

understand insulin, testosterone, estrogen, and cortisol to be a good personal trainer.

Endocrine Glands pg. 47

● Primary endocrine glands are hypothalamus, pituitary, thyroid, and adrenal glands.

● Pituitary, “master” gland. Controls functions of other endocrine glands.

● Thyroid produces hormones that regulate metabolism and affect growth.

● Catecholamines – two, epinephrine(adrenaline) and norepinephrine. Produced by

adrenal glands(on top of each kidney). Help prepare body for activity. Fight or flight.

Hypothalamus triggers adrenals to secrete epinephrine for fight.

● Epinephrine – increases heart rate and stroke volume, elevates blood glucose levels,

redistributes blood to working tissues, opens up airways.

● Testosterone – produced in testes in males, ovaries and adrenal glands in females.

Males produce up to 10x more. Fundamental role in growth and repair of tissue.

Estrogen produced in ovaries in female and small amounts in adrenals in males.

● Adrenal glands secrete hormones – corticosteroids, catecholamines, cortisol,

adrenaline in response to stress.

● Hormonal activity control rests with hypothalamus and pituitary gland.

● Cortisol – Catabolic hormone. Secreted by adrenals, serves to maintain high energy

supply. Chronic cortisol can lead to significant breakdown of muscle tissue.

● Growth Hormone – Released from pituitary, regulated by hypothalamus. Stimulated

by several factors: estrogen, testosterone, deep sleep, vigorous exercise. Primary anabolic
hormone responsible for most of growth and development during childhood until

puberty when primary sex hormones take over. Increases development of bone, muscle

tissue, and protein synthesis. Increases fat burning and strengthens immune system.

● Thyroid gland located at base of the neck below thyroid cartilage(adam's apple). Releases

hormones responsible for metabolism regulation.

● Testosterone and growth hormone levels increase after strength training and moderate

to vigorous aerobic exercise.

● Prolonged bouts of endurance training or extremely intense training lowers testosterone

levels while raising cortisol levels.

Chapter 3 - The Cardiorepiratory System

Expect 4-6 questions from Chapter 3 on your test. These questions can often be tricky because
they relate to technical definitions and specific formulas so be sure to study and test yourself on
the material listed here.

Know what the SA and AV nodes do and the difference in Atrium(superior/upper chamber) of
the heart and the Ventricle(inferior/lower).

The Cardiovascular System pg. 55

● Cardiorespiratory system – composed of cardiovascular and respiratory system.

● Cardiovascular system – Heart, blood, and blood vessels.

The Heart

● Heart – Hollow, muscular organ that pumps a circulation of blood through the body by

means of rhythmic contraction. Positioned in thoracic cavity, lying anteriorly(in front) to

the spine and posteriorly(behind) the sternum.

● Mediastinum – Space in the chest between lungs that contains all internal organs of

the chest except lungs. Adult heart size of fist weighs 300g.

● Cardiac muscle one of three major types, involuntary muscle, not consciously controlled.
● Cardiac muscles are shorter and more tightly connected than skeletal muscle. Have

irregularly spaced dark bands called intercalated discs.

● Sinoatrial (SA) Node – Specialized area of cardiac tissue located in the right atrium of

the heart which initiates electrical impulses that determine the pacemaker for the heart.

Electrical signals are transmitted from the SA, through both atria and down into

ventricles. Referred to as the pacemaker for the heart.

● Atrioventricular (AV) Node – Small mass of specialized cardiac muscle fibers,

located in the wall of the right atrium of the heart, that receives heartbeat impulses from

the sinoatrial node and directs them to the walls of the ventricles. AV node delays

electrical impulse from SA before allowing it to move on to ventricles. Directs impulses

to walls of ventricles.

● Heart composed of four hollow chambers, delineated into two interdependent but

separate pumps on each side. Two pumps are separated by interatrial septum(separates

atria) and interventricular septum(separates the ventricles).

● Each side of the heart has two chambers, an atrium and a ventricle.

● Right side of the heart is the pulmonic side because it receives blood from the body that

is low in O2 and high in CO2 and pumps it to the lungs then back to the left atria.

● Left side of heart is systemic side, pumps blood high in O2 low in CO2 to rest of the body.

● Blood pumped from right side, pulmonic, to the lungs, then through left side, systemic to

the rest of the body. Right to left.

● Atrium – Superior(upper) chamber of the heart that receives blood from veins and

forces it into ventricles. On either side of heart. Gather blood returning to heart. Right

atrium gathers deoxygenated blood, left atrium gathers oxygenated blood from lungs.

● Ventricles – Inferior(lower) chamber of the heart receives blood from its

corresponding atrium and forces blood into arteries. Larger than atria. Right ventricle

has thin walls and pumps under low pressure. Left ventricle has thicker walls and pumps

under high pressure b/c it pumps blood out to the rest of the body. Right ventricle
receives deoxygenated blood from right atrium, left ventricle receives oxygenated blood

from left atrium.

● Each chamber of heart is separated from one another and major veins and arteries by

valves to prevent backflow or spillage of blood.

Functions of the Heart pg. 57

● Stroke Volume – Amount of blood pumped out of the heart with each contraction.
Difference between ventricular end-diastolic volume(EDV) and end-systolic
volume(ESV). EDV is filled volume of ventricle before contraction, ESV is residual
volume of blood remaining in ventricle after contraction. Typical EDV 120mL and ESV
50mL. Difference, 70mL represents SV. D comes before S EDV is BEFORE contraction,
and ESV come AFTER contraction.
● Heart Rate – Rate at which heart pumps.

● Cardiac output (Q) – Heart rate x stroke volume, overall performance of



● Blood – Fluid circulates in the heart, arteries, capillaries, and veins, carries nutrients

and oxygen to all parts of the body and also rids body of waste products. Blood consists

of cells suspended in watery liquid called plasma, which also contains nutrients such as

glucose, hormones, and clotting agents.

● Red, white, and platelets in blood cells.

● Plasma makes up 55% of volume of blood and 45% are red, white, platelets. 4-6L of

blood in adult.

Blood Vessels

● Blood vessels – network of hollow tubes that circulates blood throughout body.

Transported to and from heart.

● Arteries – Blood vessels that transport blood away from heart.

● Capillaries – Smallest blood vessels, site of exchange of chemicals and water between

blood and tissue.

● Veins – Vessels that transport blood from capillaries toward the heart.

● Largest artery in the body is the aorta, carries blood away from the heart.

● Arterioles – small terminal branches of an artery which end in capillaries.

● Venules – Very small veins that connect capillaries to the larger veins.

The Respiratory System

● Respiratory System – Lungs and respiratory passageways that collect oxygen from

external environment and transports it to bloodstream.

● Breathing is the process of moving air in and out of the body and requires optimal

functioning of the respiratory pump and all its components.

● Respiratory Pump – Bones and soft tissue that work together to allow proper

respiratory mechanics to occur and help pump blood back to heart during inspiration.

● Inspiration – Inhalation, actively contracting the inspiratory muscles to move air into

body. Actively contracting.

● Expiration – Exhalation, process of actively or passively releasing inspiratory muscles

to move air out of the body.

Respiratory Airways pg. 63

● Respiratory passages are divided into conducting airways and respiratory airways.

● Conducting airways consists of all structures that air travels through before entering

respiratory airways. Nasal, oral cavities, mouth, pharynx, larynx, trachea, basically your

nose and throat before lungs.

● Diffusion – process of getting oxygen from environment to tissues of the body.

Cardiorespiratory System Function pg. 65

● Cardiovascular and respiratory systems work together to transport oxygen to body

tissues. Capacity to efficiently use oxygen is dependent on respiratory system’s ability to

collect oxygen and the cardiovascular system’s ability to absorb and transport it.

● Use of oxygen by the body's oxygen uptake.

● Resting oxygen consumption (VO2) is approximately 3.5 mL of oxygen per KG of

bodyweight per minute, typically named 1 metabolic equivalent or 1 MET.

● Maximal Oxygen Consumption (VO2max) – Highest rate of oxygen transport and

utilization achieved at maximal physical exertion. Best measure of cardiorespiratory

fitness. Anywhere from 11 to 23 METs.

Abnormal Breathing Patterns pg. 66

● Breathing pattern becomes more shallow, uses secondary respiratory muscles more than

diaphragm. Upper chest breathing becomes habitual causing overuse in secondary

respiratory muscles such as scalenes, sternocleidomastoid, levator scapulae, and upper


● Respiratory muscles also play major postural role in human movement system, all

connecting directly to cervical and cranial portions of the body. Increased activity and

excessive tension may result in headaches, lightheadedness, and dizziness.

● Excessive breathing(short, shallow) can lead to altered CO2 and Oxygen blood content

and can lead to feelings of anxiety.

● Inadequate oxygen and retention of metabolic waste within muscles can create fatigue,

stiff muscles.

● Inadequate joint motion of the spine and rib cage, as a result of improper breathing,

causes joints to become restricted and stiff.

Chapter 4 - Exercise Metabolism and Bioenergetics

Expect 2-3 questions from chapter 4 over the three energy systems: ATP-PC, glycolytic, and
oxidative systems.
● You should have a working knowledge of all the definitions on page 70 and 71 but
they’re pretty basic and most people already have a good working knowledge of what a
carb, protein, fat, is so I’ll leave that out here.
● Adenosine Triphosphate – Energy storage and transfer unit within the cells of the

body. When chemical bonds holding ATP are broken, energy is released for cellular

work(such as muscle contraction), breaking the bond leaves behind molecule called

adenosine diphosphate (ADP).

● Adenosine diphosphate - High-energy compound from which ATP is formed.

Energy and Mechanical Work pg. 72

● Three metabolic pathways cells can use to generate ATP – 1. ATP-PC system, 2. Aerobic

metabolism(requires oxygen), 3. Anaerobic metabolism(requires no oxygen)

● ATP-PC System – Transfers phosphate group from another high energy molecule

called phosphocreatine(PC or CP) to ADP molecule enough energy can be produced to

facilitate one cross-bridge cycle. ATP and PC are called phosphagens. Creating new ATP

from phosphocreatine molecule(ATP-PC system) is simplest and fastest way. Occurs

without presence of oxygen(anaerobic). Only supplies energy for 10-15 secs before


Glycolysis pg. 74

● Glucose is broken down through chemical processes and eventually becomes pyruvate.

Oxygen is not required for these steps to take place. As glucose changes into pyruvate

ATP is produced. If enough oxygen is available the pyruvate will become acetyl-CoA -

once the pyruvate becomes acetyl-CoA it can start the Krebs cycle or the TCA cycle. The

krebs cycle requires oxygen and produces lots of ATP. If there is not enough oxygen

lactate is created from the pyruvate - provides some energy but not as much as Krebs


Oxidative System pg. 74

● Fats are broken down in a pathway called beta-oxidation. Enzymes break up the carbon

chains that make up fatty acids and converts them into acetyl-CoA(remember from the
last pathway). This is then used to begin the Krebs cycle. Normal function of this system

requires carbs. If carbs are low the body will produce ketone bodies which help use the

fat for fuel.

Energy During Exercise pg. 76

● 10-30s you use glycolysis, then ATP-PC to 60s, then aerobic energy systems. You

always use glycolysis, then ATP-PC, then aerobic for every type of activity. So

for sprints you go through that cycle and for marathon running. They like to ask this

question: “What’s the first energy system you use when running a marathon” and the

answer will be glycolysis even though marathon mostly uses aerobic systems.

● Study figure 4.5 on page 77 to see this illustrated.

● Excess postexercise oxygen consumption EPOC - Metabolism is elevated after

exercise. High intensity work increases EPOC which is why you see HIIT as a perferred

method for burning fat.

Chapter 5 - Human Movement Science

Expect 5-8 questions from chapter 5. Lots of terms here that are heavily tested. This is a great
chapter to study using flash cards.
Anatomic Locations Pg. 83

● Superior – Positioned above a point of reference

● Inferior – Positioned below a point of reference

● Proximal – Positioned nearest the center of the body, or point of reference. – Knee

more proximal to the hip th an ankle.

● Distal – Positioned farthest from the center of the body, or point of reference Ankle

more distal to the hip than knee.

● Anterior (or Ventral) – On the front of the body On or forward, front of the body,

quads are anterior on the thigh.

● Posterior (or Dorsal) – On the back of the body. Hamstring complex is posterior.
● Medial – Positioned near the middle of the body. Close to midline of the body.

Adductors are medial side of thigh, side closest to midline of the body. Sternum more

medial than shoulder.

● Lateral – Positioned on the outside of the body. Ears are on the lateral side of the head.

● Contralateral – Positioned on the opposite side of the body. Right foot is contralateral

to the left hand.

● Ipsilateral – Positioned on the same side of the body. Right food is ipsilateral to right


Planes of Motion, Axes, and Joint Motions pg. 84

● Movement is said to occur more commonly on a specific plane if it is actually along the

plane or parallel to it.

● Anatomic Position – Position with the body erect, arms at side, palms forward. Anatomic

position is important in anatomy because it is the position reference for anatomic

nomenclature. Anterior, posterior, medial, lateral apply to the body when it is in the

anatomic position.

● Sagittal Plane – Bisects the body into left and right halves. Movements in sagittal

plane include flexion and extension.

● Flexion – Bending movement in which the relative angle between two adjacent

segments decreases. It helps to think of this with two reference points. Take a knee

flexion - your two reference points would be hamstrings and your calves. As your knee

goes into flexion your calves move closer to your calves, or the relative angle decreases. It

goes into extension when those angles are increasing or the two are moving further


● Extension – A straightening movement in which the relative angle between two

adjacent segments increases.

Frontal Plane pg. 87

● Frontal Plane – Bisects the body into front and back halves.

● Abduction – Movement in frontal plane away from the midline of the body. Similar to

extension, increase in the angle between two adjoining segments in the frontal plane.

Side lat raises.

● Adduction – Movement in frontal plane back toward midline of the body.

Transverse Plane pg. 87

● Transverse Plane – Imaginary bisector divides body into top and bottom halves.

Upper and lower halve.

● Internal Rotation – Rotation of a joint toward the middle of the body.

● External rotation – Rotation of a joint away from the midline of the body.

● Pronation - Triplanar movement that is associated with force reduction, rotating the

forearm inward.

● Supination - triplanar motion that is associated with force production - forearm

rotating outward. You can tell the book has a difficult time explaining the nuances of

pronation and supination so it's very unlikely that you'll be tested on it.

Scapular Motion pg. 88

● Scapular retraction - Adduction of scapula; shoulder blades move toward midline.

Think ADD, more things, so shoulder blades move together thus more shoulder blades.

● Scapular protraction - Abduction of scapula; shoulder blades move away. Opposite of

add, so less shoulder blades so they move further apart.

● Scapular depression - Downward motion. Depression, low, moving low.

● Scapular elevation - Moving up.

Muscle Actions pg. 90

● Eccentric activation - A muscle is producing force while lengthening. An eccentric

exercise would be slowly lowering yourself down from a chin-up. Your muscles are
lengthening yet they are still producing force. Muscles can produce more force

eccentrically than concentrically or isometrically.

● Concentric activation - A muscle is producing force as it contracts. Think contraction.

● Isometric activation - A muscle is producing an active force while it maintains the

same length. Think holding a plank. Your muscles are producing force yet there is no

shortening(concentric) or lengthening(eccentric) of the muscle.

● Isokinetic - Muscle shortens at a constant speed over full range of motion. Think a slow

steady push-up or pull-up that’s done to increase time under tension.

Muscle Force pg. 94

● Length-Tension Relationship – Resting length of a muscle and the tension the

muscle can produce at this resting length. Optimal muscle length is where actin and

myosin filaments in the sarcomere have the greatest degree of overlap, this results in

ability of myosin to make maximal amount of connections with actin and thus results in

potential for maximal force production of that muscle. Lengthening a muscle beyond this

optimal length and then stimulating it reduces the amount of actin and myosin overlap,

reducing force production. Shortening muscle too much places actin and myosin in state

of maximal overlap and allows for no further movement.

● Force-Couple Relationship - Muscle groups moving together to produce movement

around a joint.

Motor Behavior pg. 99

● Motor function – Neuromuscular (nervous and muscular system) response to sensory

information. I.e. causing muscle contraction when you touch a hot stove so that you jerk

your hand back.

● The nervous system is responsible for the recruitment of muscles, learned patterns of

movements, and the functioning of every organ in the human body. Pretty important!
● Motor Behavior - response to internal and external environmental stimuli. The

collective study of motor control, motor learning, and motor development. Again,

basically movement.

● Proprioception – Cumulative sensory input to the central nervous system from all

mechanoreceptors that sense body position and limb movement. When you run your feet

give you proprioceptive feedback on the type of surface you’re running on. Training

proprioception improves balance, coordination, and posture. Proprioception is their

favorite key term to test.

Chapter 6 - Fitness Assessment

This section will be heavily tested. Expect 6-10 questions. Pay special attention to the objective
fitness assessments and table 6.12 on page 144 for the checkpoints on the overhead squat

● The subjective assessment section from page 107 to 117 can largely be skimmed. You
will 1-2 questions from this on the test but they’re usually very straightforward and you
can use common sense to answer them.
● Maximal Heart Rate (MHR) Method – Most used formula is 220-Age. Never use
220-Age to calculate max heart rate as absolute.
● Zone one(65-75%), Zone Two(76-85%), zone three(86-95%) Know these zone

boundaries for your test. You’ll likely receive a question like “what zone would you

be training in if you trained at 80% of your maximum heart rate.” The answer would be

zone two.

● HR Reserve(HRR) Method – Karvonen method. Establishing training intensity based on

difference between predicted maximal heart rate and resting heart rate. Most common
and universally accepted method of establishing exercise training intensity. THR =
[(HRmax – HRrest) x desired intensity] + HR rest If there’s a question about this on the
test it will likely give this formula and ask you to name it. Try to memorize the formula if
you can but if you can’t just remember what it looks like and remember it’s the heart rate
reserve or Karvonen method.
● Know table 6.5 on page 121. Likely will be asked a question about “What is
recommended bodyfat for men below 34, etc.” Men - essential: 3-5%, athletic 5-13%,
recommended under 34 8-22%, 35-55 10-25%, over 56 10-25%. Women - essential:
8-12%, athletic 12-22%, recommended 34 or under 20-35%, 34-55 23-38%, over 56
● Know that durnin-womersley formula refers to skinfold measurement for bodyfat. You
take measurements at biceps, triceps, subscapular, illiac crest. Likely tested over this.
No need to memorize the chart on page 124 and 125.
● Know table 6.8 on page 129. Will be asked to classify a BMI, for example “what is 31
BMI considered? Obese, Overweight, Acceptable,or Underweight.” The answer would be
obese. Mostly know that over 29.99 is considered obese but study the other scales as
YMCA 3-Minute Step Test pg. 130 You are tested over the YMCA and Rockport walk
tests. Most likely the test will give you an example of a test then ask you to identify
the test amid other tests.

● Designed to estimate individual’s cardiorespiratory fitness level on the basis of a

submaximal bout of stair climbing at a set pace for 3 minutes.

● Step one – perform 3-minute step test by having client perform 24 steps per minute on

12 inch step for total of 3 minutes, roughly 96 steps total. Important that client performs

steps with correct cadence.

● Step two – Within 5 seconds of completing exercise, client’s resting heart rate is

measured for period of 60 seconds and recorded as recovery pulse.

● Step three – locate recovery pulse number in one of following categories.

● Step four – determine appropriate starting program using appropriate category. Poor

Zone one(65-75%), Fair Zone one(65-75%), Average Zone Two(76-85%), Good Zone

two(76-85%), Very good zone three(86-95%)

● Step five – determine client’s maximal heart rate by subtracting client’s age from the

number 208- (.70 X Age), then take maximal heart rate and multiply by zones to

determine heart rate ranges for each zone.

Rockport Walk Test pg. 131

● Designed to estimate cardiovascular starting point. Starting point is then modified based

on ability level.
● Step one – Record client’s weight. Have client walk one mile, as fast as he or she can

control, on treadmill. Record time. Immediately record client’s heart rate at the 1 mile


● Weight in lbs, gender male = 1, female = 0, time expressed in minutes and 100th of

minutes, HR is beats per minute, age is years.

● There’s a formula on the bottom of page 131. Just recognize it to know that it is part of

the Rockport Walk test. Don’t memorize the formula.

● Pronation distortion syndrome – postural distortion syndrome characterized by

foot pronation(flat feet) and adducted and internally rotated knees(knock knees)

● Lower crossed syndrome – postural distortion syndrome characterized by anterior

tilt to the pelvis(arched lower back)

● Upper crossed syndrome – postural distortion syndrome characterized by a forward

head and rounded shoulders. Very important to understand and be able to visualize all

three distortion patterns - they WILL be tested.

● Static Postural Assessment pg. 137

● One should be checking for neutral alignment, symmetry, balanced muscle tone, and

specific postural deformities.

● Kinetic chain checkpoints refer to major joint regions of the body including – Foot and

ankle, knee, lumbo-pelvic-hip complex (LPHC), shoulders, head and cervical spine

● Anterior View:

○ Foot/ankles – straight and parallel, not flattened or externally rotated

○ Knees – In line with toes, not adducted or abducted

○ LPHC – Pelvis level with both posterior superior iliac spines in same transverse


○ Shoulders – Level, not elevated or rounded

○ Head – Neutral position, not tilted or rotated

● Lateral View:

○ Foot/ankle – Neutral position, leg vertical at right angle to sole of foot

○ Knees – Neutral position, not flexed nor hyperextended

○ LPHC – Pelvis neutral position, not anteriorly (lumbar extension) or posteriorly

(lumbar flexion) rotated

○ Shoulders – Normal kyphotic curve, not excessively rounded

○ Head – Neutral position, not in excessive extension (jutting forward)

● Posterior View

○ Foot/ankle – Heels are straight and parallel, not overly pronated

○ Knees – Neutral position, not adducted or abducted

○ LPHC – Pelvis is level with both posterior superior iliac spines and in same

transverse plane

○ Shoulders/scapulae – Level, not elevated or protracted

○ Head – Neutral position, neither tilted nor rotated

● You will see test questions over tables 6.9, 6.10, 6.11. The simplest way is to visualize the

distortion, take a forward head tilt for upper crossed syndrome and then from there

touch your muscle groups to literally feel which groups would be shortened and which

lengthened by this distortion.

● Overhead Squat Assessment pg. 139 - another very important thing to study,
heavily tested over.
● Designed to assess dynamic flexibility, core strength, balance, and overall neuromuscular

control. Shown to reflect lower extremity movement patterns during jump-landing tasks.

Knee valgus(knock-knees) during overhead squat test is influenced by decreased hip

abductor and hip external rotation strength, increased hip adductor activity, and

restricted ankle dorsiflexion.

● 1. Client stands with feet shoulders width apart and pointed straight ahead. Foot and

ankle complex should be in a neutral position. Assessment performed with shoes off to

better view foot and ankle complex.

● 2. Have client raise his or her arms overhead, with elbows fully extended.
● Movement – Instruct client to squat roughly to height of chair seat and return to starting

position. 2. Repeat movement for 5 reps, observe from each position(anterior and


● Views – View feet, ankles, and knees from front. Feet should remain straight with knees

tracking in line with foot. View lumbo-pelvic-hip complex, shoulder, and cervical

complex from side. Tibia should remain in line with torso while arms also stay in line

with torso.

● Compensations Anterior View – Feet, do feet flatten and/or turn out? Knees, do knees

move inward(adduct and internally rotate)

● Compensations Lateral View – Lumbo-pelvic-hip complex – does the low back arch?

Does the torso lean forward excessively? Shoulders: do the arms fall forward?

● Memorize the table on page 144. It really really helps to physically mimic every

compensation and then literally feel which muscle groups have to be

shortened/lengthened in order for this compensation to occur. It seems like a lot at first

but when you go through a few rounds of mimicking different compensations it becomes

very obvious which muscle groups are underactive and overactive.

● Single Leg Squat Assessment pg. 143

● Transitional movement assessment also assesses dynamic flexibility, core strength,

balance, and overall neuromuscular control.

● Reliable and valid measure of lower extremity movement patterns when standard

application protocols are applied.

● Position – Client should stand with hands on hips and eyes focused on object straight

ahead. Foot should be pointed straight ahead, and foot, ankle, and knee and

lumbo-pelvic-hip complex should be in neutral position

● Movement – Have client squat to a comfortable level and return to starting position.

Perform up to 5 repetitions before switching sides.

● Views – View knee from the front. Knee should track in line with the foot.

● Compensation – Does knee move inward(adduct and internally rotate?)

● Pushing Assessment pg. 146

● Like overhead and single leg squat assessments, this assesses efficiency and potential

muscle imbalances during pushing movements.

● Position – Instruct client to stand with abdominal drawn inward, feet in a split stance

and toes pointing forward

● Movement – Viewing from the side, instruct client to press handles forward and return

to the starting position. Perform up to 20 repetitions in a controlled fashion. Lumbar and

cervical spines should remain neutral while shoulders stay level.

● Compensations – Low back – does low back arch? Shoulders – do the shoulders elevate?

Head – does the head migrate forward?

● Pulling Assessment pg. 148

● To assess movement efficiency and potential muscle imbalances during pulling


● Position – Stand with abdomen drawn inward, feet shoulders-width apart and toes

pointing forward

● Movement – Viewing from side, instruct client to pull handles toward the body and

return to starting position. Like pushing assessment lumbar and cervical spines should

remain neutral while shoulders stay level.

● Compensations – Low back – does low back arch? Shoulders – Do shoulders elevate?

Head – Does head migrate forward?

● Push-up test - Keep ankles, knees, hips, shoulders and head in a straight line. Chest

within 3 inches of floor on the bottom. Repeat for 60s or to exhaustion. Record number

of reps. The form they show in the book is laughably bad.

● Davies Test pg. 151- Measures upper extremity agility and stabilization. Two pieces of
tape, 36 inches apart. Client assumes push-up position. Alternating touch on each side
for 15 seconds.
● Shark skill test - assess lower extremity agility and control. Nine box grid is taped out

on the floor, 3x3 boxes each measuring 6x6 inches. Client is at the center of the box grid

with hands on hips standing on one leg. Have the client hop in a diagonal pattern always

returning to the center of the box. One practice run then two tests with each foot.
● The bench press, squat, vertical jump, 40 yard dash, pro shuttle, LEFT, and standing

broad jump are self explanatory and rarely tested over. Understand their fundamentals

and you’ll be good to go.

Chapter 7 - Flexibility Training Concepts

Expect 3-5 questions from this chapter. Mostly over bolded key terms and not over stretching

● Neuromuscular efficiency is ability of nervous system and musculature system to

communicate properly producing optimal movement. Proper postural alignment allows

optimal neuromuscular efficiency, helps produce effective and safe movement.

● Relative Flexibility – The tendency of the body to seek the path of least resistance

during functional movement patterns. Prime example are people who squat with feet

externally rotated, because of tight calf muscles they lack proper dorsiflexion at the ankle

to perform squat with proper mechanics. Another example is overhead press with

excessive lumbar extension(arched lower back). Individuals who possess tight latissimus

dorsi will have decreased sagittal-plane shoulder flexion (inability to lift arms directly

overhead), and as a result they compensate for this lack of ROM at shoulder in lumbar

spine to allow them to press load completely overhead.

● Muscle imbalances – Alteration of muscle length surrounding a joint.

● Muscle imbalances can be caused by – postural stress, emotional duress, repetitive

movement, cumulative trauma, poor training technique, lack of core strength, lack of

neuromuscular efficiency

● Altered reciprocal inhibition – Concept of muscle inhibition, caused by tight

agonist, which inhibits its functional antagonist. Example tight psoas(hip flexor) would

decrease neural drive of the gluteus maximus (hip extensor). Altered reciprocal

inhibition alters force-couple relationships, produces synergistic dominance, and leads

to the development of faulty movement patterns, poor neuromuscular control, and

arthrokinetic (joint) dysfunction. Always 1-2 questions about reciprocal

inhibition and synergistic dominance.

● Synergistic Dominance – Neuromuscular phenomenon that occurs when

inappropriate muscles take over the function of a weak or inhibited prime mover.

Example if psoas(hip flexor) is tight, leads to reciprocal inhibition of gluteus maximus,

which in turn results in increased force output of synergists for hip extension (hamstring

complex, adductor magnus) to compensate for weakened glutes. The result of synergistic

dominance is faulty movement patterns, leading to arthrokinetic dysfunction and

eventual injury(such as hamstring strains).

● Altered arthrokinematics - Altered joint motion caused by altered length-tension

relationships and causes poor movement efficiency. Basically when you have muscle

groups that are shorter and longer than they’re supposed to be then they create poor

movement patterns.

● Gogli Tendon Organs(GTOs) – Specialized sensory receptors located where the

skeletal muscle fibers attach to the tendons. Sensitive to changes in muscular tension

and rate of tension change. Activating the Gogli tendon organ causes the muscle to relax

which prevents the muscle from excessive stress or injury. Always a question about

GTO on the test.

● Cumulative Injury Cycle- Poor posture and repetitive movements create dysfunction

within the connective tissue of the body. This dysfunction is treated by body as another

injury, and as a result, body will initiate repair process termed cumulative injury cycle.

● Corrective flexibility - designed to increase joint ROM, improve muscle imbalances,

and correct altered joint motion. Corrective flexibility includes self-myofascial
release(foam roll) techniques and static stretching. Self-myofascial release uses the
principle of autogenic inhibition to cause muscle relaxation, whereas static stretching
can use either autogenic inhibition or reciprocal inhibition to increase muscle length
depending on how the stretch is performed. Corrective flexibility is appropriate at the
stabilization level (phase I) of the OPT model.
● Active Flexibility - allows an agonist and its synergist muscles to move a limb through
a full range of motion while antagonists are being stretched. Basically stretching by
moving a limb. An example is extending the knee to stretch the hamstrings while the
quads are contracting. Really fancy language for a simple concept.
● Functional Flexibility- Again really fancy terms to mean performing exercises in
order to stretch. Examples are bodyweight squats or walking lunges/duck walks. Only
use dynamic stretches for those who have progressed to the higher levels of the OPT - so
not for beginners.

Chapter 8 - Cardiorespiratory Fitness Training

Expect 2-3 questions. Pretty self-explanatory chapter. Focus mainly on the difference in training
in zone 1, 2, and 3. That’s what trips most people up.

Integrated Cardiorespiratory Training pg. 202

● Cardiorespiratory training programs that systematically progress clients through various

stages to achieve optimal levels of physiological, physical, and performance adaptations
by placing stress on the cardiorespiratory system. Personal trainers fail to take into effect
the rate of progression, rate of progression critical to helping clients achieve personal
health and fitness goals in most efficient and effective use of time and energy.
● Initial exercise prescription should reflect initial fitness level of client, fitness assessment
results, and whether the client has any significant risk factors or health limitations to
exercise. Warm-up, conditioning, cool-down.
● Study tables 8.2, 8.3, 84, and 8.5 on page 204 and 205 and 207. You’ll get several
questions on the test asking about warm-ups and cool downs for a client in a specific
training level.
● Maximal Oxygen Consumption (VO2max) – Highest rate of oxygen transport and

utilization achieved at maximal physical exertion. Best measure of cardiorespiratory


Methods for prescribing exercise intensity pg. 210

● Peak VO2 Method. Traditional gold standard for measuring cardiorespiratory fitness.
VO2 max. Maximal volume of oxygen per kilogram of body weight per minute. Maximal
amount of oxygen that individual can use during intense exercise. Difficult to measure.
● Maximal Heart Rate (MHR) Method – Most used formula is 220-Age. Never use
220-Age to calculate max heart rate as absolute.
● HR Reserve(HRR) Method – Karvonen method. Establishing training intensity based on
difference between predicted maximal heart rate and resting heart rate. Most common
and universally accepted method of establishing exercise training intensity. THR =
[(HRmax – HRrest) x desired intensity] + HR rest If there’s a question about this on the
test it will likely give this formula and ask you to name it. Try to memorize the formula if
you can but if you can’t just remember what it looks like and remember it’s the heart rate
reserve or Karvonen method.
● Ratings of perceived exertion method – Used to express or validate how hard a client
feels he or she is working during exercise. (RPE) method person is subjectively rating
perceived difficulty of exercise. 6 is no exertion at all, 20 is maximal exertion.
● Talk test method – Informal method used to gauge exercise training intensity.
● Ventilatory threshold – Point during graded exercise in which ventilation increases
disproportionately to oxygen uptake, signifying a switch from predominantly aerobic
energy production to anaerobic energy production.
● Stage 1 you keep the client in zone 1, stage 2 you alternate between zone 1 and zone 2,
stage 3 you do intervals that cycle from zone 1 into zone 3 then back to zone 2.

Chapter 9 - Core Training Concepts

Expect 2-3 questions from chapter 9. This is a very easy chapter that doesn’t require much
further studying outside of reading it once.

Local stabilization system pg. 225

· Local stabilizers are muscles that attach directly to vertebrae. Consist primarily of slow

twitch type I fibers with high density of muscle spindles. Work to limit excessive compressive,

shear, and rotational forces between spinal segments.

· Primary muscles that make up local stabilization system include transverse abdominis,

internal obliques, multifidus, pelvic floor musculature, and diaphragm. Increase

intra-abdominal pressure(pressure within abdominal cavity) and generating tension in

thoracolumbar fascia(connective tissue of low back), increasing spinal stiffness for improved

intersegmental neuromuscular control.

Global Stabilization System pg. 226

· Muscles of global stabilization system attach from pelvis to the spine. These transfer

loads between upper extremity and lower extremity, provide stability between pelvis and

spine, and provide stabilization and eccentric control of the core during functional

· Primary muscles that make up global stabilization system include quadratus

lumborum, psoas major, external obliques, portions of the internal oblique, rectus

abdominis, gluteus medius, and adductor complex.

● The draw-in maneuver - Draw the navel back toward the spine without spinal flexion.
Like sucking your belly button in to put on a tight pair of pants. Helps activate inner unit
of the core to create stability.
● Abdominal Bracing - Contracting the outer muscle units. It feels like you’re trying to
squeeze everything out of your stomach, take a deep breath, hold, then push out. You
should have clients use bracing when they’re lifting weights.
● Know the exercises you do for each level of training starting page 234. You
will likely receive test questions, for example “Which of these is a core
power exercise: Marching, Floor Bridge, Ball Crunch, Rotation Chest Pass”
The answer is rotation chest pass.
● Core stabilization exercises: Marching, floor bridge, floor prone cobra, prone iso-ab
● Core strength exercises: Ball crunch, back extensions, reverse crunch, cable rotations
● Core power exercises: Rotation chest pass, medicine ball pullover throw, prone MB
oblique throw, soccer throw.

Chapter 10 - Balance Training Concepts

Another simple chapter where your questions will come from identifying which exercise
corresponds to balance stabilization, balance strength, and balance power levels of the OPT

● Know table 10.1 on page 251.

● Balance training progression: easy to hard, simple to complex, stable to unstable, static
to dynamic, slow to fast, two arms/legs to single arm/leg, eyes open to eyes closed,
known to unknown.
● Balance stabilization exercises: single-leg balance, single-leg balance reach, single-leg
hip internal and external rotation, single-leg lift and chop, single-leg throw and catch.
● Balance strength exercises: single-leg squat, single-leg squat touchdown, single-leg
romanian deadlift, multiplanar step-up to balance, multiplanar lunge to balance.
● Balance power exercises: multiplanar hop with stabilization, multiplanar single-leg box
hop-up with stabilization, multiplanar single-leg box hop-down with stabilization.

Chapter 11 - Plyometric (Reactive) Training Concepts

Simple chapter - again focus on knowing which exercise corresponds to which level of
training(plyometric stabilization, plyometric strength, and plyometric power).
● Reactive training - Includes plyometrics. Exercises that use quick powerful

movements. Box jumps, broad jumps, etc. Enhances neuromuscular efficiency and the

rate of force production(i.e. Makes a person more powerful).

● Rate of force production - Ability of muscles to exert maximal force output in a

minimal amount of time.

● Reactive training is composed of three phases - eccentric(loading) phase, amortization

phase, and concentric(unloading phase). Reactive movements are produced through the

stretch-shortening cycle called the integrated performance paradigm. Basically very

fancy words to describe the three phases in a jump where you load the muscle, move

from loading to contraction, then explode up and jump. What reactive training does is

shorten the time between your loading and your contraction, or shortening the

amortization period. The longer the delay in between eccentric and concentric the less

power you generate.

● Reactive training enhances muscle spindle activity, desensitizes the Golgi tendon organ,

and enhances neuromuscular efficiency.

● Plyo stabilization exercises: squat jump with stabilization, box jump up with
stabilization, box jump-down with stabilization, multiplanar jump with stabilization.
● Plyo strength exercises: squat jump, tuck jump, butt kick, power step-up.
● Plyo power exercises: Ice skaters, single-leg power step-up, proprioceptive

Chapter 12 - Speed, Agility, and Quickness Training

Pay attention to the bolded key terms and the exercises rep scheme for different OPT levels.
● Speed - Straight ahead pace of an individual. Stride rate is the number of strides taken

in a given distance, and stride length is the distance covered with each stride. Higher

stride rate equals lower stride length and vice versa.

● Agility - Requires high neuromuscular efficiency to maintain a center of gravity. Speed

focuses on movement in one plane while agility focuses on multiplanar movement.

Agility requires constant acceleration and deceleration.

● Quickness - Involves the ability to react without hesitation.

● In short SAQ training is beneficial for everyone, not only athletes, because it will help

prevent slips, falls, and other injuries in daily life.

● Frontside mechanics - Proper alignment of the lead leg and pelvis during sprinting,

which includes ankle dorsiflexion, knee flexion, hip flexion, and neutral pelvis.

● Backside mechanics - Proper alignment of the rear leg and pelvis during sprinting,

which includes ankle plantarflexion, knee extension, hip extension, and neutral pelvis.

● OPT Stabilization - 4-6 drills with limited horizontal inertia - cone shuffles, agility

ladder drills. 1-2 sets. 2-3 reps each. 0-60s rest.

● OPT Strength - 6-8 drills allowing greater horizontal inertia but limited

unpredictability such as 5-10-5 T-drill, box drill, stand up to figure 8. 3-4 sets, 3-5 reps of

each, 0-60s.

● OPT Power - 6-10 drills maximal horizontal inertia and unpredictability - modified box

drill, partner mirror drill, and timed drills. 3-5 sets, 3-5 reps of each, 0-90s rest.

Chapter 13 - Resistance Training Concepts

Pay attention to the general adaptation syndrome. Expect 3-5 questions from chapter 13 on the
test. No need to memorize all the exercises at the end of the chapter but you should have a
working knowledge of how they are performed. You’ll get questions like “during a squat the
knees should track with: a) the hips b) the toes c) the spine d) your eyes.” The answer is the

General Adaptation Syndrome pg. 304

● Optimal state of human movement system is one of physiologic balance or homeostasis.

● General Adaptation Syndrome – Used to describe how the kinetic chain

responds and adapts to stress. For adaptations to occur, the body must be

confronted with a stressor of some form that creates the need for a response.

● Three stages of response to stress: alarm reaction, adaptation phase, exhaustion phase.

Alarm Reaction Stage pg. 305

● Alarm Reaction – The initial reaction to a stressor. Activates a number of

physiological and psychological protective processes within the body. During initial

sessions of resistance training programs, body is forced to try and adapt to increased

amounts of force on bones, joints, muscles, connective tissues, and nervous system.

● During alarm stage numerous physiologic responses occur, including increase in oxygen

and blood supply as well as neural recruitment to the working muscles.

● Over time applying principle of progressive overload, body increases its ability to meet

demands being placed on it.

● Delayed onset muscle soreness – Pain or discomfort often felt 24 to 72 hours

after intense exercise or unaccustomed physical activity.

Resistance Development Stage pg. 305

● Adaptation – Body increases its functional capacity to adapt to the stressor.

Human movement system will increase its capabilities to efficiently recruit muscle fibers

and distribute oxygen and blood to proper areas of the body. Once adaptation has

occurred, body will require increased stress or overload to produce a new response and a

higher level of fitness.

Exhaustion Stage pg. 306

● Prolonged stress or intolerable amounts of stress can lead to exhaustion or distress.

● Exhaustion – prolonged stress or stress that is intolerable and will produce

exhaustion or distress to the system.

● When stressor is too much for any one of the physiologic systems to handle, it causes a

breakdown or injury such as: Stress fractures, muscle strains, joint pain, emotional


● Overtraining Syndrome(OTS) - “under-recovered” - excessive frequency, volume, or

intensity can result in fatigue. Also caused by lack of proper rest and recovery. Can lead

to host of physiological problems including recurring illness, loss of sleep, moddiness,

decreased physical performance, and serious injuries.

Principle of Specificity pg. 307

● Principle of Specificity or Specific Adaptation to Imposed Demands(SAID

principle) – Principle that states the body will adapt to the specific demands

that are placed on it. If someone repeatedly lifts heavy weights, that person will

produce higher levels of maximal strength. Conversly if a person repeatedly lifts lighter

weights for many reps, that person will develop higher levels of muscular endurance.

● Training programs should reflect desired outcomes.

● Type I slow twitch fibers are smaller in diameter, slower to produce maximal tension,

and more resistant to fatigue.

● Type II are larger, fast twitch, quick to produce maximal tension, fatigue more quickly

than type I.

● Degree of adaptation that occurs during training is directly related to the mechanical,

neuromuscular, and metabolic specificity of the training program. To effectively achieve

program goals for clients, trainers need to consistently evaluate the need to manipulate

the exercise routine to meet actual training goals. The body can only adapt if it has a

reason to adapt.

● Mechanical Specificity – The weight and movements placed on the body. To

develop muscular endurance of legs requires light weights and high repetitions when

performing leg-related exercises. To develop maximal strength in the chest, heavy

weights must e used during chest-related exercises.

● Neuromuscular Specificity – Refers to the speed of contraction and exercise

selection. To develop higher levels of stability while pushing, chest exercises will need

to be performed with controlled, unstable exercises, at slower speeds. To develop

strength, exercises should be performed in more stable environments with heavier loads

to place more of an emphasis on the prime movers. To develop higher levels of power,

low-weight high-velocity contractions must be performed in a plyometric manner.

● Metabolic Specificity – Refers to the energy demand placed on the body. To

develop endurance, training will require prolonged bouts of exercise, with minimal rest
between sets. Endurance training primarily uses aerobic pathways to supply energy to

the body. To develop maximal strength or power, training will require longer rest

periods, so the intensity of each bout of exercise remains high. Energy will be supplied

primarily via anaerobic pathways.

● Trainers should remember that a client’s training program should be designed to meet

the specific demands of their daily life and health and wellness goals.

● Mechanically body burns more calories when movements are performed while standing

or seated or lying position.

● From neuromuscular standpoint, body burns more calories when more muscles are

being used for longer periods in controlled, unstable environments.

● Metabolically, body burns more calories when rest periods are short to minimize full


Resistance Training Systems pg. 313

● Just read over the next pages. You will be tested on one of these at least but they’re super

easy to understand and most of you will already have a good knowledge of what a multi

set/pyramid set/superset is.

● Especially pay attention to peripheral heart action, they like to ask questions over that.

Basically a variation of circuit training where you alternate between upper and lower

body, for example squats then overhead press. The idea is it improves cardiovascular

system along with strength/hypertrophy because you’re forcing blood to move from

lower to upper.

Chapter 14 - Integrated Program Design and the Optimum

Performance Training(OPT) Model

This is an important chapter. It’s vital that you understand how the OPT model is divided up into
segments(stabilization, strength, and power) and how to design programming within each of the
5 specific phases. Much of what you learn here will be touched upon in later chapters.
● Study the key terms. I won’t go over them here as most people are already familiar with
concepts as reps, sets, intensity, and volume.
● Study table 14.1 on page 360. Almost guaranteed to have a couple questions asking you
what rep scheme, how many sets, what tempo, or rest period to use for a certain phase.
For example “What tempo scheme would you use for power level training.” or “What rep
scheme would you use for a client in the stabilization endurance phase of training.” It
looks more daunting then it is and should match with your current training experience -
for example you wouldn’t use 12-20 reps for power training and you wouldn’t use 50%
1RM loads for strength phase.
● Study table 14.2. Know that high volume and low intensity leads to: increased muscle
mass, improved blood lipid serum profile, increased metabolic rate. Low volume high
intensity leads to: increased rate of force production(power), increased motor unit
recruitment(strength), increased motor unit synchronization(power/strength).
● Study table 14.3. Exercise selection for endurance/stabilization - total body; multi joint or
single joint; controlled unstable. Exercise selection for strength - total body; multijoint or
single joint. Exercise selection for power - total body; multijoint(explosive)
● Know that annual plan is macrocycle, monthly plan is meoscycle, and weekly plan is
● Stabilization Endurance Phase 1 - Goals are to increase stability, increase muscular
endurance, increase neuromuscular efficiency, and improve intermuscular coordination.
● Study table 14.7 on page 370. You’ll get questions over reps, sets, tempo, intensity, rest
interval mostly. Remember high reps(12-20), low sets(1-3), 4/2/1 tempo.
● Strength Endurance Phase 2 - Study table 14.8 on page 372. Remember 8-12 reps,
2-3 sets, 0-60s rest.
● Hypertrophy Phase 3 - Study table 14.9 on page 374. Remember 8-12 reps, 2/0/2
tempo, 3-5 sets, 75-85% intensity, and 0-60s rest.
● Maximal Strength Phase 4 - Study table 14.10 on page 376. Remember 1-5 reps, x/x/x
tempo, 4-6 sets, 85-100% intensity, 3-5min rest.
● Power Phase 5 - Study table 14.11 on page 379. Remember 1-5 reps, x/x/x tempo,
85-100% intensity, 3-5 min rest, 1-2min rest between pairs of exercises.

Chapter 15 - Introduction to Exercise Modalities

This is a chapter you can largely skim over. Any questions that come from chapter 15 will be so
broad and basic that if you’ve been involved in fitness for any period of time you should already
know - like what a kettlebell vs a dumbbell is.
Chapter 16 - Chronic Health Conditions and Physical or
Functional Limitations
Expect 2-3 questions from chapter 16 mostly over modalities to use for cancer, diabetes,
pregnancy, hypertension, and heart disease.
● Seniors - Study 16.4 on page 423. For seniors: progression should be slow, exercises
progressed toward free sitting or standing.
● Obesity - Remember BMI >30 is obese. Exercise with low impact activities, 5 days a
week, 40-60 mins a day, make sure client is comfortable during exercise.
● Diabetes - Study table 16.7. Exercise with low impact activities 4-7 days a week, 20-60
min duration, ensure proper footwear and check for blisters. Advise client to bring snack
to avoid sudden hypoglycemia. SMR with special care and licensed physician's
● Hypertension - Study table 16.9. Cycling, walking, rowers. 3-7 days/week. 30-60 mins.
50-85% of max HR. Avoid heavy lifting and valsalva maneuvers. Do not overgrip
weights. Avoid extended isometric and concentric action. Progress slowly.
● Coronary Heart Disease - Study table 16.13. Clients may have other diseases such
as obesity, diabetes, hypertension, etc. Avoid heavy lifting and Valsalva.
● Osteoperosis - Study table 16.15. Focus exercises on hips, thighs, back, and arms.
Avoid excessive spinal loading.
● Arthritis - Study table 16.17. Avoid heavy lifting and high reps. Stay in pain free ROM.
Only use SMR if tolerated by client. May need to start out with only 5 mins of exercise
and increase progressively.
● Cancer - Study table 16.19. May need frequent and long rest periods and may only
be able to exercise 15-30 mins at a time. Avoid SMR for chemo or radiation therapy
● Pregnancy - Study table 16.21. Avoid prone exercises on stomach or on back. Avoid
SMR on varicose veins and areas of swelling. Plyometrics are not advised after second
and third trimesters.
● Chronic Lung Disease - Study table 16.23.
● Peripheral Arterial Disease - Study table 16.25. Very unlikely to see test question over
chronic lung disease or peripheral artieral.

Chapter 17 - Nutrition
Expect 3-5 questions from chapter 17. Most will be pretty easy if you have a decent working

knowledge of fitness and nutrition already.

● Personal trainers cannot prescribe meal plans!! You can give general

nutritional advice but nothing prescriptive. Expect a question on this.

● Calorie - A scientific unit of energy.

● Kilocalorie - A unit of energy equal to 1,000 calories. Amount of heat energy required

to raise the temperature of a liter of water by 1 degree Celsius. When we say "one calorie"

in relation to nutrition we're actually talking about one kilocalorie.

● Macronutrients - Nutrients that provide calories. Carbs, fats, proteins.

Protein pg. 468

● Protein – Amino acids linked by peptide bonds. Build and repair body tissues and

structures. Involved in synthesis of hormones, enzymes, and other regulatory peptides.

Structure of Protein

● Made up of amino acids linked together by peptide bonds. Body uses approx 20 amino

acids to build its many different proteins. Arranging amino acids in different sequences

yields the body’s myriad of proteins.

● Two general classes of amino acids: essential and nonessential.

● Essential amino acids cannot be manufactured in the body – therefore must be obtained

from food supply or some other exogenous source.

● Nonessential – body can manufacture them from dietary nitrogen and fragments of

carbs and fat.

● Arginine and histidine are semi essential amino acids.

● Recommended protein intake is .8g/kg of bodyweight. 10-35% of an individual's daily

calories. 1.2-1.4g for endurance athletes and 1.6-1.7g/kg of bodyweight for strength

training athletes.

● Complete Protein - Provides all of the essential amino acids. Meat products, eggs,

dairy, and soy.

● Incomplete protein - Foods that do not provide all the essential amino acids - beans,

legumes, grains, and vegetables.

● Complementary Proteins - Eating two sources of incomplete proteins to make a

complete protein, for example eating rice and beans.

Carbohydrates pg. 447

● Carbohydrates – Neutral compounds of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen(such as sugars,

starches, and celluloses), which makes up a large portion of animal foods.

● Complex carbohydrate - A carbohydrate with more than 10 carbon/water units.

● Simple carbohydrate - Less than 10 carbon/water units.

● Sugars(simple), starches(complex), and fiber. Monosaccharide is single unit of sugar,

many of which are connected to make starches. Monosaccharides include glucose,

fructose, and galactose.

● Disaccharides(two sugar units) include sucrose(or common sugar), lactose(or milk

sugar), and maltose.

● Polysaccharides are long chains of monosaccharide units linked together and found in

foods that contain starch and fiber. Called complex carbohydrates and include starch

found in plants, seed, and roots.

● Dietary fiber is part of plant that cannot be digested by human gut enzymes and passes

through small intestine and colon.

● The body stores carbs in the liver and skeletal muscle as glycogen. IIRC between the liver

and our skeletal muscle we store about 400g of glycogen in our body. This is not on the

test but gives you an idea of how little the body actually stores.

● Liver glycogen helps maintain blood glucose - aka blood sugar. Blood glucose must be

restored on a regular basis - the liver's glycogen stores can be depleted overnight or

during 90 minutes of endurance activity.

● When glycogen stores are depleted the liver will break down protein to maintain blood

glucose. That's why carbs are "protein sparing".

● High fructose corn syrup - Just know that it's made from cornstarch which is converted

into fructose during food processing.

● General recommendation is 45-65% of calories to come from carbohydrates. Inactive

individuals around 3g carbs/kg of body weight per day, athletes as much as 8-12g/kg of
bodyweight per day. There is no set limit, work with your clients to find the optimal


Lipids pg. 485

● Lipids – Group of compounds that includes triglycerides(fats and oils), phospholipids,

and sterols.

● Saturated or unsaturated. Unsaturated classified as monounsaturated or


● Polyunsaturated provide important essential fatty acids(fats that cannot be

manufactured by the body but are essential for proper health and functioning).

● Omega 3 and Omega 6 - Omega 3 are anti-inflammatory while Omega 6 are

proinflammatory. It's important to maintain a balance of Omega 3 and Omega 6(since

the book doesn't give what the balance is, you likely won't be tested on this).

● Lipids(or fats) are most concentrated source of energy in the diet. One gram of fat yields

approximately 9 calories when oxidized.

Functions of Lipids pg. 486

● Fats act as carriers for fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, and K. Vitamin D aids in absorption

of calcium. Fats are also important for conversion of carotene to vitamin A.

● Fats are involved in: cellular membrane structure and function, precursors to hormones,

cellular signals, regulation and excretion of nutrients in cells, surrounding protecting and

holding in place organs, insulating body from environmental temp changes, prolonging

digestive process by slowing stomach’s secretion of HCL, longer lasting feeling of satiety,

initiating release of hormone cholecystokinin(CCK) which contributes to satiety.

Recommended Fat Intake

● 20-35% of total calories from fat. The types of fat consumed rather than the total amount

is an important influence on the risk of cardiovascular and other disease. Studies

indicate that higher saturated fat intake is associated(note ASSOCIATED, not causative)

of an increase in LDL cholsterol. LDL carries lipids throughout the body and can

accumulate on artery walls which can then lead to risk of heart disease.

Water pg. 490

● Sedentary men and women should consume 3L and 2.2L of water per day. Water intake

should be increased if individual is exercising briskly or residing in a hot climate.

Increase by 8 ounces for every 25 pounds they people carry above their ideal weight.

● Benefits of consuming adequate water: endocrine gland function improves, fluid

retention is alleviated, liver functions improve, natural thirst returns, metabolic

functions improve, nutrients are distributed throughout body, body-temperature

regulation improves, blood volume is maintained.

● Fluid loss of 2% of body weight will adversely affect circulatory functions and decrease

performance levels. Thirst alone is poor indicator of how much water is needed.

● Athletes consistently consume inadequate fluid volume, managing to replace only 50% of

sweat losses. Do not being practice session or endurance comp until body is at or slightly

above standard weight.

● Drink 1.75 to 2.75 cups 2 hours before exercise. Drink 6 to 12 ounces of fluid every 15 to

20 minutes. Fluids should be cold because of more rapid gastric emptying.

● If exercise exceeds 60 mins use sports drink(containing up to 8% carbohydrate).

● When exercising for less than 60 minutes, water is experts’ choice for fluid replacement

● Ingest 16 to 24 ounces of fluid for every pound of body weight lost after an exercise bout,

especially if rapid rehydration is necessary, as in twice-a-day training.

The rest of the chapter is good basic info but not likely to be tested.

Chapter 18 - Supplementation

Expect just 1-2 questions. It is okay to skim the chapter, no need to memorize all of the
supplements inside.
What is a Dietary Supplement? Pg. 502

● Dietary Supplement – Substance that completes or makes an addition to daily dietary


● Defined by DSHEA as containing one or more of following: vitamin, mineral, herb, other

botanical, amino acid, dietary substance to supplement diet, concentrate, metabolite,

constituent, or extract. Intended for ingestion in a tablet, capsule, powder, softgel,

gelcap, or liquid form. Labeled as dietary supplement. Cannot be represented for use as a

conventional food or as a sole item of a meal or diet. Cannot include an article that is

approved as a drug or biologic.

● Remember that the FDA does not get involved in dietary supplements until after the

product has been on the market. So if a dietary supplement is found to be dangerous the

FDA will step in - unlike drugs where the FDA first needs to approve safety before

allowing a drug to be put on the market.

Vitamin and Mineral supplements pg. 512

● Beta carotene supplementation is controversial and should not be supplemented for
anyone who smokes.
● Vitamin A should be supplemented at a level below 100% daily value.
● Calcium should be supplemented at low levels or absent entirely because it decreases
the absorption of other important trace minerals.
● Study table 18.5 on page 514. Vitamins with greatest potential for excess dosage are
Vitamin A, Vitamin D, Iron, and Zinc.
Creatine pg. 515

● Creatine is created in the body and consumed from meat and fish. It's part of creatine

phosphate a key component in the energy system for events lasting less than 10 seconds.

Higher intake of creatine results in higher phosphocreatine in the muscles thus giving

muscles more energy. Creatine supplementation results in 1-2% increased gains in

strength when paired with appropriate training. Also studies show an acute gain in

fat-free mass with creatine. Typical dosing scheme beings with 5-7 days of 20g followed

by 2-5g per day after.

Caffeine pg. 516

● Moderate to high caffeine intake(3-6g/kg of bodyweight) ingested 1 hour prior to

exercise increases endurance exercise performance. Caffeine is ergogenic in some

short-term high intensity exercise and sports. Pretty simple stuff most of us know all this

info about caffeine already.

Prohormones and Anabolic Steroids pg. 517

· Prohormones like Superdrol, Epistane, etc that you could purchase in 2005-2014 are now

Class 3 narcotics.

Chapter 19 - Lifestyle Modification and Behavioral Coaching

Expect 3-5 questions. The questions from this section can be more challenging than you would
think from such an easy chapter. Pay attention to the 5 stages of change especially and goal

● The stages of change - very important and heavily tested over. You should know how to
tell which stage of change someone is in by their behavior/actions.
● Stage 1: Precontemplation pg. - Individuals in this stage do not intend to change

their high-risk behaviors in the foreseeable future. Not anticipating starting an exercise

regime within 6 months. Non-exercisers.

● Stage 2: Contemplation - Contemplating making a behavior change in next 6 months.

Aware of the pros and cons of changing behavior. People often get stuck on this stage as

they contemplate costs and benefits of change.

● Stage 3: Preparation - Intend to take action in the near future, usually in the next

month. They’ve taken some significant action toward making behavior change in the past

year such as joining a gym. Examples are former non-exercisers who may now exercise

infrequently but intend to get a more disciplined schedule.

● Stage 4: Action - People in this stage exercise regularly but for less than 6 months.

Change in this stage is not stable and you’re at highest risk for relapse here.

● Stage 5: Maintenance pg. 655 - Example someone that has regularly been exercising

for 6 months. Generally it takes regular exercise of 5 years before the risk of reverting to

old behavior is terminated. It’s still possible to revert but unlikely that an exerciser will
revert all the way back to precontemplation. They may revert back to contemplation or

preparation but never back to full non-exerciser.

● Nonverbal and Verbal Communication - It’s important that you can recognize the
difference between active listening, passive listening, asking questions, reflecting, and
summarizing. I won’t list it here as they’re really simple concepts but you should read
over each section starting on page 533.
● SMART Goals - Specific, measureable, attainable, realistic, and timely. Expect at least 2
questions over SMART goals.
● Specific - a goal that is clearly defined in such a way that anyone can determine what the
intended outcome is.
● Measureable - Quantifiable.
● Attainable - Challenging but not extreme, also not too easy.
● Realistic - A goal that a client is both willing and able to work toward.
● Timely - Have a specific date of completion. Realistic but not too distant in the future.

Chapter 20 - Developing a Successful Personal Training Business

Expect 3-4 questions from this chapter. They’re pretty straight forward for the most part. Pay
particular attention to the different types of PT businesses like commercial fitness clubs,
independent contractors, etc and how they differ from each other.

● Study table 20.1 on page 555.

● Commercial fitness clubs: advantages - salesmanship provides business learning
opportunity, provides in-house training, pay rates structured, updated equipment. Cons -
sales quotas, lower pay, club dictates marketing.
● Independent contractors: advantages - professional may control schedule, in control of
marketing and business practices, no overhead costs for building. Cons - no
employment benefits, business and marketing not supported by club, club may take
percentage of session fees.
● Owning a facility: advantages - appeal to personalized clientele, can be financially
rewarding, networking and marketing tailored to target population. Cons - responsible for
The four Ps of Marketing
● You will see at least one question over these!
● Product - the specific product or service offered to customers.
● Price - the amount charged for a product or service.
● Place - channels a product or service will go through to reach the customer(in terms of
personal training, where your training will take place.)
● Promotion - the communication of information about a product or service. Facebook
advertising, newspaper, radio, are all different examples of promotion.
Ten steps to success
● You may see a question over these. They won’t ask you to memorize each step, so no
questions like “what is the 3rd step to success.” The questions will be more along the
lines of “which of these is one of the ten steps to success.”
● Step 1: desired annual income.
● Step 2: How much must be earned per week to achieve the annual goal.
● Step 3: To earn the weekly goal, how many sessions need to be performed?
● Step 4: What is the closing percentage?
● Step 5: In what timeframe will new clients be acquired?
● Step 6: How many potential clients need to be interacted with overall?
● Step 7: How many potential clients need to be contacted each day?
● Step 8: How many potential clients need to be contacted each hour?
● Step 9: Ask each member spoken to for his or her contact information.
● Step 10: Follow up
That’s it! The rest of the book is there for you as a reference but not required reading for the
test. Good luck!

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