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1. The question paper consists of two sections. Section A consists of 25

questions and Section B consists of 10 questions.
2. Answer all questions.
3. Write your answers for Section A in the answer sheet provided.

[25 marks]

Questions 1 – 25
Each question is based on a given stimulus. Study the information carefully and choose
the best answer. Then shade the answer in the answer sheet provided.

Question 1
Read the following text, and answer the question that follows.

Flu is contagious and easily transmitted via droplets of

1. The phrase colour blind means

A able to see
B able to see yellow colour only
C able to see all colours of the spectrum
D able to distinguish some colours from others

Question 2
Read the following text, and answer the question that follows.

There are many natural and synthetic compounds that go into making tyres.
Rubber, resins and polymers are used. Time reduces the performance of these
compounds. However, the rate of deterioration in performance is managed well within

the warranty period. This affects such important parameters such as braking, wet
performance and wear.

2. Which of the following statements is not correct?

A Tyres are made from a combination of synthetic and natural compounds

B Tyres usually deteriorate before the warranty period ends
C The deterioration of a tyre affects wet performance
D The performance of a tyre deteriorates with age

Questions 3 and 4
Read the text below carefully and answer the questions that follow.

Hydropower, Solar, Wind, Biomass and Geothermal have one thing in common
that is, they are energy sources that can be replenished. The best part of this is that it
can be done quickly.

3. The word replenished can best be replaced by

A regurgitated
B revived
C restored
D resurrected

4. Which of the following is true?

A The energy sources above are expensive to renew

B These energy sources can be renewed in a short period of time
C Renewing these energy sources takes a long time
D Renewing these energy sources is impossible

Question 5
Study the table below and answer the question that follows.

Material gold graphite

Colour yellow black to grey
Lustre metallic metallic
Hardness 1-2 2.5-3
Uses jewellery, electronics pencil lead

5. Based on the table above, gold and graphite share similar characteristics in

A value
B sheen
C colour
D hardness

Question 6
Read the following text, and answer the question that follows.

Cow’s milk allergy persists longer than previously reported and the majority of
children may retain the sensitivity into school age. The most common symptom of milk
allergy is skin related reactions followed by vomiting ,diarrhoea or gastrointestinal
reaction , nasal congestion or other respiratory symptoms.

6. The above extract explains what happens when

A children of school-going age consume milk

B people are allergic to dairy products
C cow’s milk allergy is overcome
D people have diarrhoea

Question 7
Read the text below and answer the question that follows.

Maggots in Medical Treatment

Maggots are used in the treatment of wounds through the Maggot Debridement
Therapy (MDT). During the process, maggots are placed on the wound. They eat the
dead tissues and encourage healing. They are able to find minute dead tissues and
feed on them, thus cleaning the wound. New tissues can grow within a week.
The larvae of the local tropical species is used. Four-day-old maggots are
inserted into the wound every four days, replacing the previous batch which would have
grown too big. There is no pain, only a ticklish sensation as the maggots move around
the wound.

7. Which statement best describes the Maggot Debridement Therapy?

A Maggots eat dead tissues and clean wounds.

B Maggots placed on wounds are changed every four days.
C Wounds are healed when dead tissues are eaten up by maggots.
D Maggots help the growth of new tissues in wounds by eating the dead

Questions 8 and 9
Read the following text, and answer the questions that follow.

Jojoba is a desert shrub that can reach up to 4.5 metres high. It produces nuts
that yield half their volume in oil. The non-toxic oil is widely used as non-greasy skin
smoothing ingredient in cosmetics and as a base for shampoos and make-up.

8. Jojoba oil is used specifically in cosmetics and shampoos. Why is this oil used as
an ingredient in these products?

A Because it is non-toxic
B Because it is a skin-smoothing agent
C Because it yields half its volume in oil
D Because it is grown widely and is easily available.

9. Jojoba shrub produces nuts that yield half their volume in oil. This means

A the shrub produces a lot of oil

B the shrub produces very little oil
C the shrub produces more nut than oil
D the shrub produces only half the oil needed

Question 10
Read the following text, and answer the question that follows.

Infectious diseases are transmitted when people are involved or having a contact
with those who have already been infected. Many are infected by air borne droplets
expelled by the sick person. Examples of infectious diseases are measles, chicken-pox,
malaria and ringworm. They are not hereditary.

10. Which of the examples given below is NOT a situation described above?

A A person inherits the disease from parents before birth.

B A person is infected by sleeping next to an infected patient.
C A person is infected when he breathes in the water drops in sneezes and
coughs from infected people.
D A person is infected when he breathes the air containing the microbes
produced by infected people.

Questions 11 and 12
Read the following text, and answer the questions that follow.

The visible part of the sun is called the photosphere. It is the coolest part of the
sun with a temperature of about 6000ºC. Over half the radiation released by the
photosphere is visible light, with the remainder being infrared, ultraviolet, radio and x-
rays. Just above the photosphere is the lower atmosphere or the chromosphere. Small
bursts of hot glowing gases constantly shoot out into it from the photosphere. The upper
atmosphere of the sun is called the corona and can be seen only during a solar eclipse.
The corona has a temperature of about 1 000 000°C.
Below the photosphere is the radiation zone where energy from the core is
radiated through the densely packed gases. Right at the centre of the sun is the core
where nuclear fusion takes place.


11. Based on the diagram above choose the correct sequence of the parts of the

P Chromosphere Corona Core

Q Photosphere Chromosphere Photosphere
R Corona Photosphere Radiation zone
S Radiation zone Radiation zone Chromosphere
T Core Core Corona
12. Which part of the sun can only been seen during a solar eclipse?

A The corona
B The atmosphere
C The photosphere
D The chromosphere

Question 13
Read the text below and answer the question that follows.

In nanotechnology, engineered nanoparticles and nano-scale constructions will

eventually revolutionalise many industries. For instance, particles of silver and silica
have been reduced to nano scale to assume novel properties. Precisely shaped nano
constructions singly or in combination will enhance products or create new properties.
Carbon nanotubes, fullerenes and polymers are such nanotechnology enabled

13. “Novel properties” in the extract above probably means

A different properties
B common properties
C unique properties
D odd properties

Question 14
Read the text below and answer the question that follows.

The smallest fish in the world was found in the peat swamps in Jambi, Sumatra.
The fish, known as Jambi, was 7.9 mm long at maturity and was found in pools of dark
tea-coloured water with an acidity of pH3, which is at least 100 times more acidic than
rain water. The tiny, see-through Jambi fish had the appearance of a larva and had a
reduced head skeleton, which leaves the brain unprotected by bone.

14. Based on the extract above we know that the Jambi fish prefers

A rain water
B acidic water
C tea-coloured water
D prefers alkaline waters

Question 15
Read the text below and answer the question that follows.

Diagnostic ultrasound is used to diagnose problems in pregnancy. Unlike X-

ray which requires ionising radiation, a potential cancer-causing wave, diagnostic
ultrasound uses low intensity wave to generate images. However, ultrasound energy
delivered to the foetus cannot be regarded as completely harmless.

15. We can infer that diagnostic ultrasound

A causes cancer
B require skills
C helps in deliveries
D poses some danger

Question 16 and 17
Read the text below and answer the question that follows.

All rain is slightly acidic but acid rain forms when sunlight makes sulphur dioxide
and nitrogen oxide combine with oxygen and moisture in the air. Sulphur dioxide and
nitrogen oxide come from burning fossils fuels such as coal, oil and natural gas. Acidity
is measured in terms of pH. The lower the pH, the more acid the rain is. Normal rain has
a pH of 6.5. Acid rain has a pH of 5.7 or less. Acid fog is ten times more acidic than acid
rain. Acid rain washes aluminium from soil into lakes and streams, and so poisons fish.
Acid rain damages plants by removing nutrients from leaves and blocking the plants’
uptake of nitrogen.

16. From the text above, we can conclude that

A burning fossil fuels causes rain to become more acidic

B the higher the pH, the less acidic the rain is
C acid rain is more dangerous than acid fog
D nitrogen is not important to plants

17 It is obvious that the acidic rain water

A enables soil to be washed into streams

B enables pollutants in soil to be washed into streams

C enables aluminium in soil to be washed into streams
D enables poisons to be washed into streams

Question 18
Read the text below and answer the question that follows.

The otter is perfectly at home in water. It has webbed feet, short thick fur and
small ears that are the characteristics of aquatic mammals. This affords better speed in
water. Its legs are short but its rudder-like tail is fairly long.

18. Why are small ears characteristic of aquatic animals?

A They are redundant.
B They help in aerodynamics.
C They aid in hearing in water.
D They make otters better hunters.

Question 19
Read the text below and answer the question that follows.

Some of the most dangerous effects of pollution are on our bodies and minds.
Chemicals in air, water, foods and drinks may get into the body and cause damage –
sometimes permanent. Some effects of pollution on health are common such as
sickness and diarrhoea. Other pollutants may cause only a few minor problems at first,
like dizziness or weakness. In time, the pollutants accumulate to high levels and can
lead to serious problems. Airways and lungs are vulnerable to airborne fumes and
particles, and the digestive system to chemical in foods and drinks. Damage to the brain
and nerves tends to happen more slowly.

19. Which one of the following is a severe effect of pollution on the human body?

A Diarrhoea
B Shortness of breath
C Less ability to deal with harmful drugs
D Brain damage

Question 20
Read the following text, and answer the question that follows.

When the stomach is bloated as a result of gas being present in it, it can press
on the diaphragm and irritate it. The diaphragm is a large muscle just below the lungs.
When the diaphragm starts to twitch, air in the lungs is sucked in past the vocal cords.
The noise that results is called a hiccup.

20. What causes a hiccup?

A The twitching of the diaphragm

B The noise made by the vocal cords
C The presence of gas in the stomach

D The stomach being below the diaphragm

Questions 21 – 25
Read the following passage and choose the best answer for each of the questions.

The vibration of an earthquake is felt most strongly along the fault line at

the epicenter. The majority of earthquakes seem to____26____ at the depths of 10 to 20

miles below the epicenter. Some are deeper, but none come from a greater depth than

450 miles. It appears that____27____ forces at these levels cause rocks to slowly, but

positively, flow or creep.

The rocks behave as a spring being____28___ _, adjusting gradually to the

great pressure. Sometimes the rock is deformed too rapidly so that the limit of its
____29____ is reached, and it breaks. Some of the vast energy of the deforming forces
____30____ by one rock mass rubbing on another. This causes vibration that is
transmitted from rock to rock for thousands of mile

21 A shakes
B shaken
C shaking
D shook

22 A large
B fantastic
C exorbitant
D tremendous

23 A buried
B covered
C exposed
D submerged

24 A reveals
B exhibits
C displays
D portrays

25 A barren

B exposed
C deserted
D colourful

[10 marks]

Read the following text and complete the tasks that follow.

One of the most complex satellites ever is the 12 ton, 13 metres long Hubble Space
Telescope. In 1990 it was carried into space inside the space shuttle “Discovery and
released into orbit. The telescope orbits around the Earth at a rate of five miles per second
and 97 minutes to complete one orbit. It looks like a five storey tower of stacked up
canisters and orbits at about 480km above the Earth’s surface. It was designed to be the
most powerful telescope, giving astronomers close-up pictures of most planets and moons
of our solar system. It even took pictures of a comet as it crashed into Jupiter. It has
looked into clouds of gases and dust, even seen the birth of new stars.
The Hubble Telescope is designed to last 15 years and also designed for servicing
in space. In 1993, to correct blurred images it was sending, astronauts visited the
telescope and replaced some instruments and added extra mirrors. It needs computers,
pointing systems, imaging instruments and electricity to function well. The telescope tube
points towards the distant galaxy. Light is collected from the galaxy by a curved
mirror,2.4m across. Images and pictures of the galaxy are produced in the instrument
module just behind this mirror.
A smaller mirror reflects the light down through the hole in the primary mirror.
There are two aerials on either side that are designed to send the pictures as radio signals
back to Earth. It receives its power from a pair of rectangular 40ft(12m) long, 8ft(2.5m)
wide solar panels. These flexible , lightweight panels collect sunlight and convert it into
2400 watts of electricity enough to power 24 household light bulbs.
An aperture door or cover at the rear end keeps the sunlight from damaging the
telescope. Hubble is protected from the extreme temperatures in space by an exterior
thermal blanket or shield.
Once Hubble gathers pictures and data on celestial objects, its computers turn the
information into long strings of numbers that are beamed to Earth as radio signals.
These finally get to the Space Telescope Science Institute, where the numbers are
turned back into pictures and data.

Using the information in the text, label the diagram below. Write your answers in the
boxes provided.

Based on the diagram complete the information in the table below.
(Transfer answers 1-4 above in the table below)

Part Function

1_________________________ 5.__________________________________

2_________________________ 6.__________________________________

3_________________________ 7.__________________________________

Primary Mirror Collects light from galaxy

4_________________________ 8.__________________________________

Instrument module 9.__________________________________

Secondary Mirror 10__________________________________



Fill in the objective answers for Section A.

1.______ 8._______ 15._______ 22._______

2.______ 9._______ 16._______ 23._______

3.______ 10.______ 17._______ 24._______

4.______ 11.______ 18._______ 25._______

5.______ 12.______ 19._______

6.______ 13.______ 20._______

7.______ 14.______ 21._______

Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:

........................................ ...................................... .............................................

Guru Bahasa Ketua Panitia G.K.M.P. Bahasa


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