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(Case Study On MrsM With Digestive Disorders ; Appendicitis
In Operating Room RSUD Ade Mohammad Djoen Sintang Tahun 2018)

Rinda Damayanti¹ , Tisa Gusmiah² , Ridha Mardiyani³

Background Appendicitis is a case of intra abdominal infection that is often found inf
developed countries,while developing countries there are fewer, this maybe related to a
fiber diet that is lacking in modern society when compared to rural communities who
consume enough fiber. The number of case of patients with acute appendicitis who
entered the operating room RSUD Ade Muhammad Djoen Sintang in 2017 was 85
people. Based on the above phenomenam the author is interested in raising scientific
papers with the title “Nursing care post operative appendicitis on mrs.M in operating
room RSUD Ade Muhammad Djoen Sintang”
Aim after performing nursing care in patients with post operative appendicitis ,the
authors can apply nursing care complete hensively and according to the standards
of applicable nursing care.
Method As for the method used in the preparation of this scientific paper is a case
study design.
Result Nursing care is carried out in patients based on the concept of nursing care
where assessment,enforcement of nursing diagnoses,planning,implementation and
evaluation for three days.
Conclusion there is a gap between practice and theory in nursing care in post operative
appendicitis patient in assessment, enforcement of nursing diagnoses, planning,
implementation and evaluation.there are three nursing diagnoses that can be established
in mrs.M case study with post operative appendicitis yaitu acute pain associated with
physical injury agents, anxiety associated with changes in health status, and the risk of
infection associated with tissue trauma. In vie wed from the purpose of writing this paper,
the objective of the case studies both general and specific, although there are still many
weaknesses and limitations
Keywords : Appendicitis, post, operation

Information :
¹ Mahasiswa Prodi D III Keperawatan STIK Muhammadiyah Pontianak
² Dosen STIK Muhammadiyah Pontianak
³ Dosen STIK Muhammadiyah Pontianak

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