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School Name : Junior High School 1 Singaraja

Subject : Biology

Class/Semester : VIII/1

Meeting :1

Time Allocation : 1 x 15 minutes

Year of Study : 2012/2013


I. Standard Competency : Students can understand about metamorphosis.

II. Basic Competency : To explain about definition of metamorphosis, types
of metamorphosis ,and differences between types of metamorphosis.
III. Indicators :
1. Explain about definition of metamorphosis.
2. Explain about types of metamorphosis and the difference.
3. Mention and explain about example of metamorphosis.
IV. The aims of teaching and learning process :
1. Student can explain the definition of metamorphois.
2. Student can explain types of metamorphosis and the difference.
3. Student can mention and explain about example of metamorphosis.
V. Course of Study : Metamorphosis
VI. Teaching Model : Cooperative STAD
VII. Teaching Methods : Discussion, question and answer
VIII. Learning Material :
1. Definition of metamorphosis

Metamorphosis in biology means the process of transformation from an

immature form to an adult form in two or more distinct stages. Good examples
are insects and amphibians. Life for most insects begins as a larva or nymph then
progresses to the pupa stage and ends as an adult. Metamorphosis refers to the
way that insects develop, grow, and change form. Metamorphosis actually means
"change". There are two types of metamorphosis, incomplete and complete.

2. Type of Metamorphosis and the differences

Incomplete Metamorphosis

About 12% of all insects go through incomplete metamorphosis. Incomplete

metamorphosis has 3 stages.
 Egg - A female insect lays eggs. These eggs are often covered by an egg case
which protects the eggs and holds them together.

 Nymph - The eggs hatch into nymphs. Nymphs looks like small adults, but
usually don't have wings. Insect nymphs eat the same food that the adult insect
eats. Nymphs shed or molt their exoskeletons (outer casings made up of a hard
substance called chitin) and replace them with larger ones several times as they
grow. Most nymphs molt 4-8 times.

 Adult - The insects stop molting when they reach their adult size. By this time,
they have also grown wings.

Insects with incomplete metamorphosis have three life stages. These insects
start as eggs, which are usually very small. When the egg hatches,
a larva ornymph comes out. Nymphs are just baby insects. Most of the time, the
nymph looks similar to the adult, but it is smaller, may have different colouration,
and does not have wings. The nymph grows through stages called instars,
shedding its 'skin' (epicuticle) at each stage (ecdysis). Finally, it changes into a
mature adult with wings.
Some insect nymphs are aquatic, which means they live in water. These nymphs
usually have gills and look very different from the adults they will turn into.
Nymphs that live in water are called naiads.
Some insects that have a life cycle of egg-nymph-adult are:

 cockroaches

 dragonflies

 grasshoppers

 true bugs

Complete Metamorphosis

About 88% of all insects go through complete metamorphosis. Complete

metamorphosis has 4 stages:

 Egg - A female insects lays eggs.

 Larva - Larvae hatch from the eggs. They do not look like adult insects. They
usually have a worm-like shape. Caterpillers, maggots, and grubs are all just the
larval stages of insects. Larvae molt their skin several times and they grow
slightly larger.

 Pupa - Larvae make cocoons around themselves. Larvae don't eat while they're
inside their cocoons. Their bodies develop into an adult shape with wings, legs,
internal organs, etc. This change takes anywhere from 4 days to many months.
 Adult - Inside the cocoon, the larvae change into adults. After a period of time,
the adult breaks out of the cocoon.

Insects that have complete metamorphosis have four life stages. These insects
start as eggs, which are very small. The egg hatches and a larva comes out. The
larva looks like a worm and eats and eats so that it can grow much bigger. When
the larva has grown it changes into a pupa. The pupa usually can not move or eat.
The pupa is a special time when the insect is changing into an adult that will look
very different from the larva or the pupa. Moth pupae (plural of pupa) are
inside cocoons. When the pupa opens, the adult insect comes out.
Many insects have a life cycle of egg-larva-pupa-adult. Some of these insects are:

 Coleoptera: beetles

 Hymenoptera: bees, wasps, ants, sawflies

 Lepidoptera: butterflies, moths

 Diptera: the flies

3. Example of metamorphosis

Amphibian metamorphosis

Just before metamorphosis, only 24 hours are needed to reach the stage in the
next picture
Almost functional common frog with some remains of the gill sac and a not fully
developed jaw

In typical amphibian development, eggs are laid in water and larvae are
adapted to an aquatic lifestyle. Frogs, toads, and newts all hatch from the egg as
larvae with external gills. Afterwards, newt larvae start a predatory lifestyle,
while tadpoles mostly scrape food off surfaces with their horny tooth ridges.

IX. Teaching and learning activities

Teacher activity Time Student activity

Pre teaching activity
- Greeting 3 minutes - Reply the teacher greeting
- Checking the student attended - Listen what the teacher say
- Describe the material will be
and answer the question
discussed and also the aim of
teaching and learning process
- Give the student apperception by
ask them the question for know
the early knowledge of student
about metamorphosis
Main teaching activity
- Presentation about metamorphosis 10 minutes - Listen the teacher
- Make some group and give the
presentation and ask if them
group instrument to discuss on
have questions or don’t
their group
- Giving individual test - Discuss the problem in
instrument with the group
to make answers
- Follow the test and answer
the question

Post teaching activity 2 minutes - Listen the summary and ask

- Discuss the instrument answer in if don’t understand
- Say good bye
class and give reward for group
that get better score
- Explain the summary about
- Say good bye

X. Learning resources/teaching aids :

Teaching aids : LCD

Learning resources : Cerdas belajar biologi untuk kelas VIII SMP

Internet :

XI. Rubric of Assesment and Evaluation :

1. Assessment during the process of teaching and learning is in the form of affective

Rubric of Affective Assesment

Students Activity Observation Table During Learning and Discussion Activity

Students Learning Activity Indicators

NO Name
1 2 3 4 Total Score

There are some indicators of students learning activity :

1. The ability of students in asking question and expressing opinion.

2. Students participation in group-working and individual working assignment.
3. The relationship between students and teacher.
4. The effectivity of using time allotment.
The scoring system as follows :

 Very Good = 4
 Good =3
 Enough =2
 Less =1
Score = ∑ ❑ score x 4

Group Presentation Observing Table

NO Indicators of Assesment
1 2 3 4 5
1 Presentation /
2 Mastery of the learning
3 The accurateness of
paying attention to the
question delivered by
the other groups
4 The openness of
accepting any critiques
5 The ability of
expressing arguments

Total Score

The scoring system as follows :

 Very Good = 4
 Good =3
 Enough =2
 Less =1
Score = ∑ ❑ score x 5
1. What is metamorphosis? And specify the types of metamorphosis!
Answer: Metamorphosis in biology means the process of transformation from
an immature form to an adult form in two or more distinct stages. There are
two types of metamorphosis, incomplete and complete.
2. How many stages are there in incomplete metamorphosis and in complete
metamorphosis? Please mentioned!
Answer : There are 3 stages in incomplete metamorphosis, including egg,
nymph, and adult. And then, 4 stages in complete metamorphosis, including
egg, larva, pupa, and adult.
3. Please mention about example of metamorphosis!
Answer : example of metamorphosis is amphibian and insect metamorphosis.

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