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18 5 4.

Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1853, by

In the Clerk's Office of the District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania.

King A Burd, Printers.


The object of this work which I have the honour of laying before
the profession, is, to facilitate the study of the Materia Medica.
While engaged, as I have been for a number of years, in teaching
the Materia Medica, I devised various plans to facilitate the student
as much as possible in entering upon thi3 important study, and fin-
ally adopted the present, as, according to my experience, the best
suited for the purpose.
This plan is to give only the characteristic and most prominent
symptoms of each remedy, and to compare them with all other medi-
cines already proved.
We have received the first part of a similar, but more elaborate
work, published by the Hahneman Publishing Society in London,
entitled " The Hahneman Materia Medica" which we hope may be

continued, as we think it will be very valuable for the Student and


In the present work I shall only give what I consider most essen-
tial. The description and analysis of the drugs, their history, and
their preparation, I could easily have copied from larger works, but
they belong to other branches of Medical Science.
By Characteristic Symjrtoms I understand such symptoms, as have
been repeatedly produced upon the healthy, and cured in the sick,
by each and such symptoms especially, as assist to
respective drug ;

distinguish it frommost other drugs, endeavoring by stating

all, or

the drugs analogous to a given symptom, to compare the one with

all other drugs, as regards their similarities and differences. The
more frequently a symptom has been produced and cured, the more it

increases value to the student of the Materia Medica and

its relative ;

while these symptoms may often determine the choice of a remedy

in a given case, Pathology must determine the relative value of the
various symptoms presenting to us the disease to be treated. While,
for instance, grinding of the teeth in Encephalitis is a very impor-
tant symptom, it is much of the abdominal
less so in disturbances

organs, and would not occupy the same rank when selecting a

In classifying the drug symptoms, I first give the generalities,
stating the kind of pains peculiar to the drug ; the organs on which
it acts ; the concomitant and the conditions as to time
symptoms ;

and circumstances under which the symptoms are aggravated or

relieved. This is followed by the prominent effects on the different
parts of the body ; in sleep ; and mental emotions ; in the same
order as was adopted by Hahneman.
In the selection of the characteristic symptoms I have not been
guided by any previous work of that kind, such as Jahn, Possart,
Boenninghausen, Altshuhl or Schneider.
The various drugs treated of in this work, will not be given in
alphabetical order. I shall first give the Polychrests, as necessarily
the most important, and most frequently used, and therefore, claim-
ing the attention of the student, at the commencement of his course.
This work will serve the student likewise as a Repertory, and
there will be found in it, many things that he would look for in
vain in all previous works on Homoeopathy.
Being well aware that this work — a first effort of the kind — will
admit of improvement, I shall very gladly and thankfully receive
suggestions from any source, as to imperfections that may exist, and
corrections tending to make it more useful.


Philadelphia, October 11, 1853.


Aconitum napellus Aeon. 42. Aurum muriatieum Aur-mur.

Acteae spicata Act. 43. Baryta acetica Bar-ac.
Aethusa cynapium Aeth. 44. Baryta carbonica Bar-c.
Agaricus muscarius Agar. 45. Baryta muriatica Bar-m.
Agnus castus Agn. 46. Belladonna atropa Bell.

Allium cepa All-cep. 47. Benzoicum acidum Benz-ac.

Aloes gummi Aloe. 48. Berberis vulgaris Berb-v.
Alumen Alumen. 49. Bismutbium subnitricum Bism.
Alumina Alum. 50. Blatta Americana Blat.

10. Ambra grisea Ambr. 51. Borax Bor.

11. Ammoniacum Ammoniac. 52. Bovista Bov.
12. Ammonium carbonieum Am-carb. 53. Branca ursina Bran.
13. Ammonium causticum Am-caust. 54. Bromine Brom.
14 Ammonium muriatieum Am-mur. 55. Bryonia alba Bry.
15. Amphisbcena Termicularis Amph. 56. Bufo sahytiensis Bufo.
16. Amygdalae aniarse Amyg. 57. Cainca Cai.

17. Anacardium orientale Anac. 58. Caladiuui Calad.

18. Anagallus arvensis Anag. 59. Calcarea acetica Calc-ac.
19. Angustura vera Ang-v. 60. Calcarea carbonica Calc-carb.
20. Angustura spuria Ang-sp. 61. Calcarea caustiea Calc-caust
21. Anisum stellatum Anis. 62. Calcarea phosphorica Calc-phos.
22. Anthrakokali Anthrak. 63. Calendula officinalis Calend.
2:;. Antimonium crudum Ant-cr. 64. Camphora Camph.
24. Antimonium tartaricum Ant-t. 65. Cancer fluviatilis Cane.
2:.. Apis mellifica Ap. mel. 66. Canna angustifolia Canna.
26. Argentum metallicum Arg. 67. Cannabis indica Cann-ind.
27. Argentum nitricum Arg. nit. 68. Cannabis sativa Cann-sat.
28. Aristolochia milhomens Arist. 69. Cantharis Canth.
29. Arnica montana Am. 70. Capsicum annuum Caps.
30. Arsenicum album Ars. 71. Carbo animalis Carb-an.
31. Arsenicum calcarea Ars-calc. 72. Carbo vegetabilis Carb-veg.
32. Arsenicum metallicum Ars-met. 73. Carduus benedictus Card.
33. Arsenicum hydrogenisatum Ars-bydr. 74. Cascarilla Case.
34. Arsenicum tersulphuratum Ars-ter. 75. Castor equorum Cast-eq.

35. Artemesia vulgaris Art-v. 76. Castoreum Cast.

36. Arum maculatum Arum-m. 77. Causticum Caus.

37. Asafcetida Asaf. 78. Cervus brasilicus Cerv.

38. Asarum Europseum Asar. 79. Chamomilla Cham.

30. Asparagus officinalis Asp. 80. Chelidonium Chel.

40. Athamantha oreosilinum Atham. 81. Chenopodii glauci aphis Chen.

II. Aurum metallicum Aur. 82. China Chin.
83. Chininum bydrocianicum Chinin-hyd. 136. Ferrum metallicum Fer-met.
84. Chininum sulpburicum Chin-sulph. 137. Ferrum muriaticum Fer-nmr.
85. Chlorine Chlo. 138. Ferrum sulphurieum Fer-sulph.
86. Chromic acid Chrom-ac. 139. Filix mas Fil.

87. Cicuta virosa Cic. 140. Fluoricum acidum Fluor-ac.

88. Cimex lectularis Cim-lect. 141. Fragaria vesca Frag.
89. Cina Cin. 142. Gentiana cruciata Gent-cr.

90. Cinnabaris Cinnab. 143. Gentiana lutea Gent-lut.

91. Cinnamomum Cinnam. 144. Ginseng Gins.

92. Cistus canadensis Cist. 145. Glonoine Glon.

93. Citri succus Citr. 146. Granatum Gran.
94. Clematis erecta Clem. 147. Graphites Graph.
95. Coccionella Coccion. 148. Gratiola officinalis Grat.
96. Cocculus indicus Cocc. 149. Guaiacum officinalis Guai.
97. Coccus cacti Coccus. 150. Guano australis Guan.
98. Cochlearia armoracia Coch. 151. Gummi elemi Elemi.
99. Coffea cruda Coff. 152. Gummi gutti Gutt.
100. Colchicum autumnale Colch. 153. Haematoxylum campeach Hie in.
101. Colocynthus Coloc. 154. Hamamelis Hama.
102. Conium maculatum Con. 155. Hedysarum ildefonsianum Hed.
103. Convolvulus Conv. 156. Helianthus Helianth.
104. Copaivae balsamum Cop. 157. Heliotropum peruvianum Heliot.
105. Corallia rubra Coral. 158. Helleborus Hell.
106. Crocus sativus Croc. 159. Hepar sulphuris Hep.
107. Crotalus horridus Crotal. 160. Hura brasiliensis Hura.
108. Croton tiglium Croton. 161. Hydrocianicum acidum Hydr-ae.
109 Cubebae Cub. 162. Hydrophobin Hydroph.
110. Cuprum aceticum Cupr-ac. 163. Hyosciamus niger Hyos.
111. Cuprum arsenicosum Cupr-ars. 164. Hypericum perfoliatum Hyp.
112. Cuprum carbonicum Cupr-carb. 165. Ignatia Ign.
113. Cuprum metallicum Cupr. 166. Illicium anisatum Anis.
114. Cuprum sulpburicum Cupr-sulpb. 167. Indigo Ind.
115. Cyclamen Europaeuru Cyc. 168. Iodium Iod.
116. Daphne indica Daph. 169. Ipecacuanha Ipec.
117. Delphinus amazonicus Delph. 170. Iris versicolor Iris-v.
118. Diadema aranea Diad. 171. Itu resina Itu.
119. Dictamnus albus Diet. 172. Jacaranda caroba Jac.
120. Digitalis purpurea Dig. 173. Jalappa Jal.
121. Dolichos pruriens Dol-pr. 174. Janipha manihot Jan.
122. Drosera rotundilblia Dros. 175. Jatropha curcas Jatr.
123. Dulcamara Dulc. 176. Juncus effusus June.
124. Elaps corallinum Elaps. 177. Kali bichromicum Kali-bich.
125. Elaterium Elat. 178. Kali bromatum Kali-brom
126. Eleis guineensis Eleis. 179. Kali carbonicum Kali-curb.
127. Eugenia iambos Eug. 180. Kali chloricum
128. Eupatorium perfoliatum Eupat. 181. Kali hydriodicum Kali-bydr.
129. Euphorbium officinarum Euphor. 182. Kali nitricum
130. Euphrasia officinalis Euphr. 183. Kalmia latifolia Kalm.
131. Evonymus europicus Evon. 184. Kreosotum Kreos.
132. Ferrum aceticum Fer-ac. 185. Lachesis
133. Eerrum carbonicum Fer-carb. 186. Lactuca sativa Lact-s.
134. Ferrum iodatum Fer. iod. 187. Lactuca virosa
135. Ferrum magncticum Fer-mag. 188. Lamium Lam.
189. Laurocerasus (prunus) Laur. 240. Ocimum canum Oci.
190. Ledum palustre Led. 241. Oleander Olean.
191. Lepidiurn bonariense Lep. 242. Oleum animalo 01. an.

192. Lithium Lith. 243. Oleum jecoris Ol.jec.

193. Lobelia cardinalis Lob-c. 244. Oniscus osellus Onis.
194. Lobelia inflata Lob-infl. 245. Opium Op.
195. Lupulus Lup. 246. Osmium Osm.
196. Lycopodium clavatum Lye. 247. Oxalicum acidum Ox-ac.
197. Magnesia carbonica Magn. 248. Paeonia officinalis Pieon.
198. Magnesia muriatica Magn-m. 249. Palladium Pal.
199. Magnesia sulphurica Magn. sul. 250. Panacea Pan.
200. Magnet. 251. Paris quadrifolia Par-q.
201. Magnet, north pole Magnet-n. 252. Paullinia pinnata Paul.
202. Magnet, south pole Magnet-s. 253. Pavia ohioensis Pav. o.

203. Mancinella venenata Mancin. 254. Pediculus capitis Ped.

204. Manganum Mang. 255. Petiveria tetrandra Petiv.
205. Melastoma tapixirica Melas. 256. Petroleum Petr.
206. Menyanthes Meny. 257. Petroselinum Petros.
207. Mephitis putorius Meph. 258. Phellandrium aquaticum Phel.
208. Mercurialis perennis Mercurial. 259. Phosphoricum acidum Phos-ac.
209. Mercurius (solubilis Ilahn ) Merc. 260. Phosphorus Phos.
210. Mercurius acetieus Merc-ac. 261. Phytolacca decandra Phy.
211. Mercurius dulcis Merc-d. 262. Pimpinella saxifraga Pimp.
212. Mercurius iodatus Merc-iod. 263. Pinus silvestris Pin.
213. Mercurius, pracipitatus 264. Platina Plat.
| Merc rabi
ruber. > 265. Platina chlorica Plat-chl.
214. Mercurius sublimatus \ Merc-sub-cor. 266. Plumbago littoralis Plumbag.
corrosivus J 267. Plumbum Plumb.
215. Mercurius sulphuris Merc-sulph. 268. Plumbum aceticum Plumb ac.
216. Mercurius vivus Merc-viv. 269. Podophyllum peltatum Pod.
217. Mezereum (daphne) Mez. 270. Pothos foetidus Poth.
218. Millefolium Mill. 271. Prunus spinosus Prun-sp.
219. Mimosa humilis Mim. 272. Psoricum Psor.
220. Morphium aceticum Morph-ac. 273 Pulsatilla Puis.
221. Moschus Mosch. 274. Ranunculus acris Ran-acr.
222. Murex purpurea Mur-pur. 275 Ranunculus arvensis Ran-arv.
223. Muriaticum acidum Mur-ac. 276. Ranunculus bulbosus Ran-b.
224. Murure leite Muru. 277 Ranunculus repens Ran-r.
225. Myristica sebifera Myr. 278 Ranunculus sceleratus Ran-sc.
226. Narcotinum aceticum Narc-ac. 279. Raphanus Raph.
227. Narcotinum muriaticum Narc-m. 280. Ratanhia Rat.
228. Natrum carbonicum Natr-c. 281 Rheum palmatum Rhe.
229. Natrum muriaticum Natr-m. 282 Rhododendron Rhod.
230. Natrum nitricum Natr-nit. 283 Rhus glubra Rhus-gla.
231. Natrum sulphuricum Natr-sulph. 284 Rhus radicans Rhus-r.
232. Niccolum carbonicum Nic-c. 285 Rhus toxicodendron Rhus-t.
233. Niccolum metallicum Nic-met. 286 Rhus vernix Rhus-v.
234. Nitri acidum Nitr-ac. 287 Ruta graveolens Rut.
235. Nitri spiritus dulcis Nitr-sp-dul. 288 Sabadilla Sabad.
236. Nitrum Nitr. 289 Sabina Sabin.

237. Nux juglans Nux-jug. 290 Sambucus nigra Samb.

238. Nux moschata Nux-mos. 291 Sanguinaria canadensis Sang-c.
239. Nux vomica Nux-v. 292 Sarsaparilla Sars.

Scor. 325. Tellurium Tel.

293. Scorpius
Scrof. 326. Teplitz Tep.
294 Scrofularia nodosa
327. Terebinthina Tereb.
295 Secale cornutum Sec-c.
Sed. 328. Teucrium marum verum Teuc.
296. Sedinha
329. Thea sinensis Thea.
297. Selenium Sel.
330. Theridion
298. Senega Seneg.
Thuja occidentalis Thuj-oc.
Senn. 331.
299. Senna
332. Thuja orientalis Thuj-or.
300. Sepia Sep.
Serp. 333. Tilia Europaea
301. Serpenlaria
Sil. 334. Tongo Tong.
302. Silicia
Sil-calc. 335. Tradescantia diuretica Trad.
303. Silicia calcarea
Sol-ar. 336. Triosteum perfoliatum Trios.
304. Solanum arrebenta
Sol-lyc. 337. Tussilago petasites Tuss.
305. Solanum lycopersicon
338. Urtica Urens Urt.
306. Solanum mammosum Sol-m.
339. Uva ursi Uva.
307. Solanum nigrum Sol-n.
Spig. 340. Vaccinin Vaccin.
308. Spigelia anthelmia
Spiggur. 341. Valeriana officinalis Valer.
309. Spiggurus spinosa
Spong. 342. Variolin Variol.
310. Spongia tosta
Squil. 343. Veratrum album Verat.
311. Squilla maritima
Stannum Stan. 344. Veratrinin Veratrin.
313. Staphisagria Stap. 345. Verbascum thapsus Verb.

314. Strammonium Stram. 346. Vinca minor Vine.

315. Strontiana carbonica Stront. 347. Viola odorata Viol-od.

316. Strychinum Strych. 348. Viola tricolor Viol-tri.

317. Sulphur Sulph. 349. Vipera redi Vip-r.

318. Sulpburicum acidum Sulph-ac 350. Vipera torva Vip-t.

319. Symphytum officinale Symph. 351. Wisbaden Wisb.

320. Tanacetum vulgare Tan. 322. Xiphosura Xip.
321. Taraxacum Tar. 353. Zanthoxylum America. Zanth.
322. Tartari acidum Tart-ac. 354. Zincum metallicum Zinc.

323. Tartarus emeticus Tart-em. 355. Zincum sulpburicum Zinc-sul.

324. Taxus baccata Tax. 356. Zingiber officinale Zing.

Aconitum Napellus.

Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.

Painful Sensitiveness of the Agar. Ant-cr. Bell. Bry. Cina. Nux-
body to contact, (he does not wish mos. Tart-em.
to be touched.)
Sudden and great sinking of
strength Ars. Carb-veg. Ipec. Verat.
Erethismus Calc. Aur. Kreos. Lycop. Phos.
Congestions to different parts of Bell. Chin. Fer. Nux-voni. Puis. Sulph.
the body. Viola-od.
Apoplexia sanguinea Bell. Cocc. Glon. Lach. Lye. Op.
Bad effects from catching cold. Dulc. Nux-v. Rhus.
from fright, and Cham. Bry. Coloc. Ign. Nux-v. Plat.
Staph. Puis.
from anger Ign. Op. Puis. Cocc. Nux-v.
Fainting, especially when rising, Lach. (Verat. has the reverse symp-
with paleness of the face, which was tom.)
red when lying.
Burning in internal organs... Bell. Bry. Canth. Merc. Mez. Nux-v.
Phos. Sabad. Sep. Sulpb.
Stinging pains in internal or- Asaf. Bry. Canth. Chel. China. Ign.
gans. Kali-c. Lye. Phos. Puis. Sep. Spig.
Tearing in external parts Arn. Bry. Chin. Kali-carb. Lye. Sil.

(acute Rheumatism). Zinc.

Tingling (in fingers, oesophagus, Arn. Colch. Nux-v. Plat. Rhus. Sec-c.
back) external parts. Sep. Spig.
i nternal parts Plat. Rhus. (Colch.)
The pains are intolerable, driving to
despair Chin. Coff. Nux-v.
Catalepsy Chin. Ipecac. Plat. Stram.
Spasms of children Bell. Cham. Cin. Cupr.
Dol-pr. Ign.
Ipec. Lach. Merc. Nux-v. Op. Stram.
Aggravation, in the evening (chest
symptoms) Carb-veget. Stan. Sulph. Nux-v. Puis.

in the morning Ran-bul. & sc. Puis. Rhus.

At night and in bed almost insupport-

able Magn-mur. Merc. Rhus.
W orse when lying on the side Anac. Bry. Calc. Carb-an. Ign. Fer.
Kali-c. Lye. Puis. Stan.

on the left side Bry. Ipec. Lycop. Phos. Puis. Sep.


Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.

Worse when rising Bell. Bry. Nux-v. Op. Rhus. Sulph.
in a warm room Croc. Iod. Puis. Sabin.

Better in the open air (nervous symp-

toms) Alum. Croc. Magn-c. Puis. Phos.
when sitting still. (Rheumatic and
inflammatory.) Bry. Colch. Nux-v.

•Hind and Disposition.

Irritability Aur. Bell. Bry. Chin. Coff. Nux-vom.
Phos. Sulph.
Sadness Bell. Ign. Ncdr-mur. Clem. Rat. Puis.
Maliciousness. Anac. Nux-v.
Anxiety Ars. Bell. Camph. Cocc. Digit. Merc.
Nux-v. Sec-c. Verat.
Fitful mood, changing from one to Ign. Croc. Plat. Aur. Bell. Chin. Cupr.
another ; now he of mirth,
is full Iod. Sep. Stram. Valer. Verat. Zinc.
whistles and warbles a song, and then
he is disposed to weep.
Delirium Ars. Bell. Hyos. Lach. Lye. Op. Stram.
Vertigo with blackness before the Bell. Cham. Cic. Fer. Nux-v. Phos.
eyes. Puis. Sulph.
with bleeding at the nose Ant-cr. Sulph.
when rising Am. Ars. Bell. Bry. Cham. Cic. Sulph.

Sensation of fullness, & heavi- Am-mur. Bellad. Borax. Bry. Rhus.
ness in the forehead, with sensa- Sulph.
tion as if the whole brain would start
Congestions to the head with heat Bell.Bry. Cinnab. Fer. Glon. Nux-
and redness of the face. vom. Phos. Sulph.
Stinging in the head Alum. Am. Ars. Caps. Chel. Chin. Lye.
Natr-m. Nux-v. Puis. Sulph. Sulph-ac.
Beating in the head. Am. Bellad. Bry. Caps. Fer-ac. Puis.
Sep. Sil.
in the left side of the forehead Cocc. Kali-c. Nux-mos. Par-q. Verat.
Crampy sensation in the fore-
head over the root of the nose ; feels
as if he would lose his reason Ign.
Burning head-ache as if the
brain was moved by boiling water.
Sensation as if a ball was rising into
the head from the region of the navel. Plumb. Plat.

Pupils dilated Bell. Calc. Hep. Hyos. Op. Spig. Stram.
Aversion to light (Photophobia). Bell. Euphr. Nux-v. Rhus. Sulph.

Symptoms. Correspon ding Remedies.

Desire to see the light (Photomania).... Am m. Bell. Stram.
Ophthalmia, very painful, with
bleareyedness Euphra. Par-q. Spig.
Red, hard swelling of the eyelids Thuja.

Tearing in the ears Arn. Bell. Con. Merc. Puis. Verb. Zinc.
in the left ear Puis.
Roaring in the ears Bell. Caust. Sulph.
Hearing, peculiarly sensitive, noise
is intolerable Ars. Chin. Iod. Mur-ac. Therid.

Bleeding from the nose, especially Bellad. Bry. Dulc. Fer. Merc. Ipec.
in very plethoric persons. Nux-v. Phos. Sil. Sulph.

Tingling in the cheeks Bell. Nux-v. Plat. Rhus. Sec-c.
Bloated, red, hot, face Bell. Bry. Hyos. Kali-c. Op. Phos. Spig.
Redness and paleness alternately. Bell. Bov. Caps. Nux v. Op. Phos. Puis.
Redness of one cheek with pale-
ness of the other Arn. Cham. Ign. Tart-em.
On raising the head the red face turns
pale (Verat. has the reverse.)
Lips dry Am-c. Bry. Ign. Bov. Verat.
and black Ars. Chin. Merc. Psor. Tart-em. Verat.

Toothache from cold, with throbb-
ing pains in the whole of one side of
the face, intense redness of the cheek,
congestion of blood to the head, and
great restlessness Bell. Cham. Hyos. Nux-v. Puis. Rhus.

Dryness in the mouth Bell. Bry. Carb-veg. Caust. Cham. Liur.
Led. Lye. Mur-ac. Plumb. Sil. Stram.
and of the tongue Ars. Bell. Cham. Dulc. Merc. Nux-
mos. Nux-v. Phos. Sulph. Verat.
Trembling, stammering speech Bell. Bov. Euphr. Merc. Sec-c. Stram.

Pharynx & Oesophagus.

Burning in the fauces Asaf. Bell. Calc-c. Camph. Cham. Con.
Euphorb. Nit-ac.
Stinging in the fauces Bell. Ign. Merc. Nux-v. Puis. Rhus

Angina, acute with violent fever, Am-caust. Arg-nit. Bell. Calc-c. Cham.
dark redness of the parts, and Merc. Sang.

Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.

Pharynx & Oesophagus.

Almost entire inability to swallow, and
hoarseness Bell. Phos.

Appetite A* Taste.
Bitter taste Bell. Bry. Carb-v. Cham. Chin. Graph.
Natr-m. Puis.
Burning" unquenchable thirst.... Anac. Ars. Bell. Bry. Calc-c. Carb-veg.
Dulc. Lauro. Lvc. Merc. Nitr. Op.
Gastric Symptoms. Plumb. Sec-c. Sil. Stram. Yerat.

Vomiting- of blood Arn. Bry. Canth. Carb-v. Hyos. Kreos.

Mez. Millefol. Nux-v. Op. Verat.
of mucus and blood, Hep-sulph. Hyos. Nitr. Phos.
of bile Ant-cr. Bry. Cannab. Cham. Cobh.
Cupr. Dig. Iod. Ipec. Phos. Sep.Yerat.
with heat Ars. Bell. Ipec. Verat.
with perspiration.. Gran. Ipec. Sulph.
and Eneuresis Verat.
followed by thirst. Sulph-ac.

Pressure in the stomach, as if from
a weight or a hard stone Sec-c. Spig. Staph. Sulph.

Tension, in the Hypochondria. Calc. Con. Cham. Lye. Natr-c. Puis.
Pressure Borax. Con. Crot-tig. Zinc.
Heaviness Nux-mos.
Fullness Ant-cr. Cham. Ign.
Pressure in the region of the liver Asaf. Carb-an. Graph. Kali-c. Lye.
with obstruction of breathing. M;ign-mur. Merc. Nux-vom. Kuta.
Sulph. Thuja. Zinc.
Inflammation of the liver. Bellad. Bry. Cham. Cocc. Ign. Merc.
Nux-v. Puis.
of the Peritoneum Bell. Bry. Cham. Cocc. Coff.
Hyos. Nux-v. Puis. Rhus.
of the bowels Ars. Bell. Bry. Cupr. Hyos. Iod.
Merc. Nux-vom. Plumb.
of the hernial stricture. Nux-vom. Op. Sulph.
with bitter vomiting Ars. Bell. Lach. Rhus. Verat.

Stool tf Jinus.
Frequent small stools with ten- Aet Ars. Bell. Caps. Gutt.
esmus. Lauro
"Watery diarrhea Ars. Bry. Chin. Con. Copaiv.
Ferr '
Gutt. Jatro. Natr-m. Pul 8
R nus.

Sec-c. Sulph.
White stools with rod urine. Colch Cop Dig. Ilep-sul.
ruls. bulph.

Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.

Urinary Organs.
Eneuresis Bell. Cai. Canth. Dig. Hyos. Merc.
Puis. Stram. Verat.
Scanty, bright red, hot urine Bellad. Bry. Merc. Puis. Silic. Staph.
without sediment. Tart em.

Female Sexual Organs.

Catamenia, too profuse Bell. Calc. Ferr. Ipec.Nux-vom. Rat.
Sabin. Sec-c. Stram.
too protracted Cupr. Lye. Natr-m. Nux-v. Plat- Sec-c.
After pains, too painful and too
protracted Arn. Bell. Cham. Puis. Rhus. Sabin.
Milh fever (with delirium) Am. Bell. Bry. Coff. Rhus.
Puerperal peritonitis Boll. Bry. Cham. Cuff. Coloc. Hyos.
Ip. Merc. Nux-v. Puis. Rhus. Verat.
Larynx Sf Trachea.
Short dry cough, from titillation
in the Larynx Bell. Coff. Natr-m. Petr. Rhus. Squilla.
Expectoration of bloody mu-
cus Arn. Bry. Natr-m. Ferr. Phos. Zinc.
Grippe, with inflammatory symp- Ars. Beil. Bry. Caust. Merc.
toms, stiches in the side, Nux-v.
rheumatic pains & angina.
Haemoptysis Arn. Bry. Ferr. Ip. Millefol. llama.
Nit-ac. Phos. Puis. Rhus. Sulph-ac.
Inflammation of the larynx.... Cham. Dros. Lid. Merc. Hep-sul. Phos.
Seneg. Spong.
of the bronchia* Ars. Carb-vegr. Caust. Chin. Dig. Dros.
Hep. Lach. Merc. Samb. Spong.
Angina membranacea Broin. Hep-sul. Iod. Kali-bich. Spong.

Shortness of breath, especially
when sleeping Bell. Bry. Hep. Puis. Sulph.
Fetid breath Aur. Carb-v. Merc. Sulph. Zinc.
Anxious, laboured, sobbing,
breathing Arn. Bell. Hep-sul. Ip. Lauro. Plat.

Asthma, Millari Ars. Bell. Ip. Lach. Mosch. Samb.

Stitches through the chest and
sides, especially when breathing
and coughing Arn. Bry. Phos. Rhus. Squil. Sulph.
Pleurisy Bry. Sulph.
Pneunomia Bell.Bry. Cannab. Chin. Lach. Merc.
Phos. Rhus. Squil. Sulph.
Palpitation of the heart with Ars. Aspar. Graph. L;ich. Natr-c.
great anguish. Natr-m u. Nit-ac. Puis. Spig. Veratr.

Pain as if bruised in the small Arn. Hep. Natr-m. Phos. Plat. Rhus.
of the back. Ruta.

Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.

Upper Extremities.
Tingling in the fingers even
while writing. Colch. Khus. Sec-c. Sulph.

Icy coldness of the hands. Ars. Bar-c. Bell. Chin. Dig. Ip. Kali-c.
Lach. Mt-ac. Nux-v. Ran-bulb. Khus.
Ijower Extremities.
Hip joint feels as if hruised... Arn. Ruta. Sulph.
Drawing, tearing pains in Knee Am. B<>11. Bry. Caust. Chin. Lye. Phos.
joint. Sil. Zinc.

Unsteadiness of the fences Carb-v.

Sleeplessness with restlessness
and constant tossing about Ars. Bell. Calc. Cham. Op. Phos. Sil.

Constant drowsiness Cham. Hell. Merc. Phos. Phos-ac. Op.

Puis. Verat.

Anxious dreams Arn. Ars. Caust. Chin. Cocc. Graph.

Lye. Nux-v. Phos. Puis. Rheum. Sil.
Sulph. Thuj. Verat.
IV l gh t -ma c i* (Incubus) Am-carb. Bell. Bry. Kali-carb. Lye.
Magn-mur. Nitr. Nux-v. Puis. Sil.
Chilliness, with thirst Angus-sp. Bar-c. Calc. Natr-c. Sulph.
Meat, especially in the head and face. Bell. Beib. Bry. Chin. Hell. Merc-sol.
frequently accompanied with red- Bell. Bry. Calc. Cham. Chin-«ul. Coff.
ness of the cheeks. Euphra. Nux vom. Sep. Sil. Sulph.
Tarax. Verat.
inclination to uncover Calc. Ferr. Iod. Lye. Mur-ac. Op.
Spig. Verat.
with anxiety Ars. Merc. Nux-v. Phos. Pels. Sulph.
excessive, with thirst Ars. Bell. Calc. Caps. Hep. Lach.
Lauro. Nit-ac. Sulph.
shortness of breath Anac. Camph. Cccc. Ign. Lye. Phos.
external Ars. Bell. Bry. Ign. Rhus. Sil.
internal Ars. Bell. Bry. Nux-v. Phos-ac. Rhus.
Pulse, hard Bell. Bism. Bry. Chel. Coloc. Hvos.
Plumb. Strain.
full Asaf. Bell. Bism. Chin-sul. Hyos. Lach.
Mosch. Stram.
fast Arn. Ars. Asaf. Bry. Iod. Merc. Nitr.
Phos. Phos-ac. Sil. Stann. Strain!
Sulph. Zinc.
small Agar. Carb-veg. Cupr. Digit. Lauro
Guiac. Hydr-ac. Sil. Stram. Tart-em.
Verat. Zinc.
inperceptible Ars. Carb-veg. Chin-sulph. Cupr Hvcs
Sil. Tart-em. Verat.


Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.

Erysipelatous inflammation
with violent pain Bell. Rhus.
Red, hot, shining and swelled. Am. Bell. Bry. Hama. Rhus.
Miliaria purpurea Bell. Coff.
Rubeolae Bell. Calc. Ip. Merc. Lach. Phos Sulph.
Morbilli Bell.Bry. Ip. Kali-bich. Phos. Puis.
Rhus. Sulph.
Rash of children Bry. Cham. Ip. Sulph.
Yellow color of the face Ambr. Am. Bry. Chin. Con. Kali-C.
Iod. Merc. Nux-v. Sep. Verat.

Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.

Tearing" of the limbs, outer parts... Aeon. Arn. Bry. Chin. Kali. Lye. Sil.

in the muscles Calc. Carb-veg. Caust. Kali. Lye. Merc.
Nitr-ac. Rhod. Staph. Stront. Zinc.

in the joints Arg. Canst. Kali. Lye. Merc. Rhus.

Stront. Zinc.
from above downward Caps. Fer. Kali. Lye. Nux-v. Puis.
Arthritis with swelling and heat.... Aeon. Ant-cr. Ars. Bell. Chin. Colch.
Fer. Hep. Nux-v. Puis.
Sensitiveness to change of weather. Calc. Graph. Mang. Merc. Phos. Rhus.
Sil. Verat.
especially to damp.... Am-c. Calc. Dulc. Nux-mos. Rhus.
even to the open air. Cocc Guai. Nux-mos. Nux-v. Sil.
Disposition to catch cold.., Anac. Bary. Bell. Calc. Carb-veg. Dulc.
Kali-c. Nitr-ac.Nux-v. Sep. Sil.
Bruised pain as if in the outer Arn. Chin. Cocc. Hep. Natr-m. Nux-v.
parts. Ruta. Verat.
Burning' pains of external parts. Bry. Carb-veg. Caust. Nux-v, Phos.
Phos-ac. Rhus. Stann.
of inner parts Aeon. Ars. Bell. Bry. Canth. Merc.
Nux-v. Phos. Sabad.
Cutting in the inner parts Calc. Canth. Kali-c. Merc.

Stinging pain in outer parts. Asaf. Bell. Bry. Calc. Merc. Puis.
Rhus. Spig. Staph. Tarax. Thuj.
in inner parts Aeon. Asaf. Bry. Canth. Chel. Chin.
Ign. Phos. Puis. Sep. Spig. Verb.
from within outwards, Arg. Asaf. Chin. Con. Spig. Spong.
Stann. Valer.
in the muscles Asaf. Bell. Bry. Calc. Chin. Merc.
Puis. Rhus. Spig. Staph. Tarax.
in the joints Bry. Calc. Hell. Kali. Mang. Merc
Rhus. Sil. Spig. Tarax. Thuj.
Swelling, inflammatory. Aeon. Calc. Canth. Kali c. Merc.
Rhus. Sep.
of the affected parts Bell. Kali.Merc. Puis. Rhus. Sep.
Sprained pain as if in outer parts. Arn. Calc. Natr-m. Petrol. Rhus.
in the joints Arn. Ign. Phos. Puis. Rhus.
Sensation of roughness in inner
parts Carb-veg. Nux-v. Phos.

Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.

Inflammation of Mucus mem-
brane Aeon. Ars. Bell. Merc Nux-v.
Secretions of mucus increased.. Calc. Dulc. Merc. Nux-v. Phos. Puis.
Tension in outer parts. Bary. Caust. Coloc. Con. Phos. Plat.
Rhus. Puis. Stront.
in the joints Bry. Caust. Lye. Nat-m. Puis. Seneg.
Sensation of fullness in inner Aeon. Chin. Mosch. Phos. Rhus.
Congestion of blood to single parts. Aeon. Bell. Chin. Ferr. Nux-v. Puis.
Bleeding' from inner parts Bell. Calc. Canth. Ferr. Nitr-ac. Nux-v.
Phos. Puis. Sabin.
Contraction of inner parts. Bell. Chin. Dros. Ign. Nux-v. Plat.
Puis. Plumb.
Dropsy of inner parts Bell. Calad. Calc. Phos. Seneg.

Jerks in the muscles Cic. Sep. Sulph-ac.

and twitches, single, in the Ambr. Ars. Bell. Bry. Carb-veg.

limbs. Cham. Cupr. Hep. Ipec. Kali-c.
Lach. Merc. Natr-c. Natr-m. Puis.
Sil. Tart-em. Thuj. Verat.

Epilepsy. (It comes running from Arthem. Ars-calc. Bell. Calc. Caust.
the arms and out of the back like a Cic. Cina. Cupr. Hyos. Kali-c. Sil.
mouse.) Stram.
Chlorosis Bell. Calc. Cocc. Ferr. Lye. Nitr-ac.
Plat. Puis.
Great debility with trembling. Ars. Caust. Chin. Kali. Lye. Phos.
talking fatigues Alum. Calc. Ferr. Stann.
Trembling of outer parts. Cic. Merc. Op. Plat. Puis. Rhus.
Weakness of the joints.. Aeon. Arn. Calc. Kali. Lye. Merc.
Rhus. Sep.
The limbs go to sleep... Carb-veg. Graph. Ign. Kali-c. Petrol.
Thuj. Verat.
Vibration, like dull tingling in the
body Bell. Sep.
Paralysis of the limbs (right side).. Caust. Cocc. Nux-v. Rhus.
Washing — aversion to Am-c. Ant-cr. Chin. Rhus. Sep. Spig.
Stooped gait (his head is stooped
when he walks) Mez. Tereb.
Glands — swelling of the Bell. Brom. Dulc. Graph. Iod. Lye.
Merc. Nitr-ac. Phos. Rhus.
Bones, sensation as of a band around
the Alumen. Nitr-ac. Puis.

contraction, sensation of constric-

tion Nitr-ac. Puis.

swelling of. Asaf. Calc. Phos-ac. Puis. Sil. Staph.

Complaints arising from abuse of Ars. Bell. Calc. Carb-veg. Ferr. Ipec.
China. Lach. Merc. Natr-m. Puis. Verat.
abuse of Mercury.. Aur. Bell. Calc. Carb-veg. Chin. Hep.
Lach. Nitr-ac. Puis. Staph.

Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.

Aggravation in the evening. Ambr. Am-c. Ant-cr. Arn. Bell. Bry.
Caps. Caust. Colch. Cycl. Euphra.
He'll. Hyos. Lach, Lye. Magn-c.
Meny. Mez. Nitr. Nitr-ac. Phos.
Plat. Puis. Ran-sc, Sep. Stront.
Sulph-ac. Tart. Zinc.
after midnight Ars. Dros. Ferr. Kali. Nitr. Nux-v.
Rhus. Thuj.
during full moon Calc. Graph. Sil.

periodically (headache every seven

days) W Alum. Ars. Chin. Ip. Natr-m.
during sleep Ars. Bell. Bry.Cham. Hep. Op. Puis.
on waking Ambr. Ars. Calc. Caust. Hep. Lach.
Nitr-ac. Phos. Puis. Sep.
on rising Aeon. Bell. Bry. Nux-v. Op. Rhus.
on getting warm in bed Cham. Dros. Led. Merc. Sabin.
on walking quickly Ars. Bry. Iod. Kali-c. Sil.

from talking Anac. Calc. Cannab. Chin. Cocc. Mang.

Natr-c. Natr-m. Phos-ac. Rhus. Se-
len. Stann.
especially, while at rest Aur. Caps. Con. Cycla. Dulc. Euphorb.
Ferr. Lye. Puis. Rhus. Sabad. Samb.
while standing Con. Cycla. Valer.
Amelioration during motion (See aggravation while at rest.)
from drawing up the limbs Calc. Sep. Thuj.
while lying on the right side Aeon. Am-c. Fary. Natr-c. Natr-m.
Par-quad. Phos. Puis. Sep. Thuj.
by heat Ars. Merc. Rhus.
in dry weather Calc. Dulc. Nux-mos. Rhus.

•Jfiind <$* Disposition.

Peevishness Calc. Lye.
Dullness Cocc. Merc. Nat-m. Nux-v. Petrol.
Rhus. Sep. Sil.
Great inclination to philosophical
and religious speculation Ars. Aur. Lye. Puis. Selen. Sil.
Hypochondriac mood (through Anac. Con. Mosch. Natr-c. Phos. Puis.
the day, in the evening he is inclined Staph. Valer. Viol-od.
to be merry).
Difficultyof thinking Lye. Nitr-ac. Sep.
Fantastic illusions Bell. Cocc. Ign. Phos-ac. Sabad.

Dizziness Bell. Calc. Nux-v. Phos. Rhus.
Vertigo, especially while sitting Bell. Calc. Cocc. Lach. Merc. Phos.
Puis. Sep. Sil.
ivhen crossing running water Angust-ver. Brom.


Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.

Vertigo, when stooping.... Gary. Bell. Bry. Calc Lye. Petrol.
Puis. Valer.
with Natisea Bary. Calc. Petrol. Phos. Puis.
with inclination to fall to the left
side. Aur. Lach. Mez. Natr-c. Spig. Zinc.
in the morning. Bell. Calc. Cham. Kali. Lye. Nitr-ac.
Phos. Puis. Rhus. Sil.
ichen rising from bed. Magn-sul.
with bleeding of the nose... Brom. Camph. Teplitz.

Fore-head Hep. Led. Sep. Phos-ac. Rhus.
Congestion of blood to, & heat Aeon. BeU. Bry. Cinnab- Ferr. Glon.
in the head. Lach. Nux-v. Phos.
Heaviness in the head Aeon. Bell Bry. Natr-m. Nux-v. Puis.
Rhus. Sil. Staph.
Stitches in the head. Aeon. Alum. Am. Ars. Bry. Caps.
Chel. Chin. Hep. Lye. Nat-m. Nux-v.
Puis. Sulph-ac.
in the forehead. Aeon. Arn. Bell. Canth. Cocc. Lauro.
Natr-c. Natr-m. Sil. Spig. Verb.
Tiolent pressure in the forehead. Arn. Ars. Bell. Natr-m. Nux-v. Petrol.
Rhod. Zinc.
He feels every step painful in Bell. Bry. Chin. Hell. Lye. Nux-v.
the head. Phos. Rhus. Sil.
Headache worse in the open air Bell. Bov. Chin. Cocc. Coff. Eupat.
better in the room. Hep. Mang. Nux-v. Spig.
Feeling of coldness about the
head Agar. Calc. Cannab. Lach. Verat.
The roots of the hair are
painful, especially when touched. Ambr. Chin. Ferr. Mez.
Falling off of the hair Calc. Graph. Hep. Kali-c. Natr-m.
Petrol. Phos. Sep. Sil.

Itching on the forehead. Graph. Sep.

Exanthema on the forehead... Ant-cr. Led. Rhus. Sep.
Tinea capitis Ars. Bary. Calc. Cic. Natr-m. Oleand.
Petrol. Rhus. Sep. Vinca-m.
Dryness of the eyes. Ars. Bell. Bry. Caust. Kali-c. Lye.
Mang. Phelland. Puis. Staph. Ve-
in the room, Eachrymation. Phelland.
Lachrymation in the open air Arn. Bell. Bry. Calc. Euphor. Phos.
Puis. Rhus. Sabad. Spig. Stram.
Running of the Eyes Bell. Caust. Kali.. Par-quad. Selen.
Pupils contracted Chel. Cocc. Sep. Sil. Verat.

Photophobia, with stitches, worse

in sultry weather Aeon. Ars. Bell. Euphr. Nux-v. Rhus.


tSi/mptoms. Corresponding Remedies.

Specks on the Cornea. Ars. Aur. Bell. Cadm. Calc. Cannab.
Chel. Con. Euphr. Hep. Lye; Nitr-
ac. Nux-v. Sep. Sil.

Obscuration Angus. Apis. Cannab. Chel. Nitr-ac.

Op. Puis.
Ulcers on the Cornea Ars. Calc. Euphr. Hep. Lach. Natr-c.
Ruta. Sil.

Blindness Bell. Bry. Calc-c. Con. Hyos. Merc.


Paralysis of the Optic nerve. Bell. Calc. Cannab. Chin. Con. Dulc.
Hyos. Merc. Nitr-ac. Phos. Puis.
Rhus. Sec-c. Sil. Spig. Stram.
Cataract. Bary. Cannab. Canst. Con. Euphr.
Magn. Nitr-ac. Op. Puis. Sil.
Diplopia. Euphorb. Hyos. Lye.
Bell. Cic. Digit.
Natr-m. Oleand. Puis. Sec-c. Verat.
lake gauze before the eyes Calc. Croc. Phos.
Dimsightedness Calc. Cannab, Caust. Con. Euphr.
Hep. Phos Puis. Sil.
Halo around the candle. Bell. Digit. Nitr. Phos. Puis. Ruta.
Inflammation of the eyes. Aeon. Ars, Bell. Calc. Cham. Euphr.
Lye. Nux-v. Puis. Rhus. Sep. Verat.
Stinging' in the eyes, especially in the Aeon. Bell. Bry. Cycla. Euphr. Graph.
sunshine, and from the light of a Lye. Nitr ac. Puis. Spig. Spong.
candle. Tarax. Thuj.
Burning in the eyes Ars. Asar. Bry. Caps. Coloc. Ruta.
Spig. Spong. Tarax.
Pain and inflammation from a
foreign body lately come into the eye. Aeon. Arn. Calc. Euphr. Ruta. Sil.
Eyelids, burning Ars. Bell. Bry. Nux-v.
twitcning Agar. Bell. Croc. Meny. Plat.
lower Am-m. Graph. Seneg. Sep.
itching Bell. Bry. Calc. Cycl. Euphorb. Mez.
.Nux-v. Phos. Rhus.
ulceration of the margins of.. Lye. Phos. Puis. Sil. Spig. Staph.
Eyebrows itching Agar. Alum. Caust. Lauro. Paris-quad.
Selen. Sil.
Stinging in the ears.. Bell. Con. Kino. Merc. Nitr-ac.
in left ear Magn-c. Magn-m. Magn-sulph.
Sep. Staph.
Wabbling in the ears as if water
was in them Calc. Spig.
Otorrhoea Bov. Calc. Carb-v. Caust. Cist. Hep.
Kino. Lach. Lye. Merc. Puis. Sep.

Humming in the ears.... Bell. Caust. Graph. Nux-v. Puis. Spig.

Hardness of hearing. Boll. Calc. Hyos. Lye. Nitr-ac. Op.
Petrol. Puis. Sec c. Sil.

Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.

Ovcrscnsit i vcncss of hearing. Aeon. Ars. Chin. Iod. Mur-ac. Therid.
Itching in the external ear Agar. Arg. Berb. Carb-veg. Caust.
Con. Graph. Hep. Meph. Sil.
Swelling and inflammation of
the nose Bell. Calc. Canth. Hep. Rhus. Sep.
Blood conies from the nose Ant-cr. Caust. Ferr. Graph. Nitr-ac.
when blowing it. Phos. Puis. Sep. Thuj.
Bleeding from the nose in the
afternoon at 3 o'clock —afterwards it
feels sore when touched Indig. Nitr. Lye.
Smell like inveterate Catarrh Graph. Puis.
Tetter across the nose (Sepia.)

Face — pale Ars. Chin. Cina. Phos-ac. Sep.
yellow color of the Con. Ferr. Nux-v. Plumb. Sep.
circumscribed red spots Chin. Ferr. Iod. Kali-c. Kreos. Lye.
on the cheeks. Phos. Puis. Stann.
Erysipelas of the Bell. Camph. Canth. Carb-an. Cham.
Euphorb. Graph. Hep. Lach. Meph.
Freckles on the Ant-cr. Calc. Dulc. Graph. Lye. Natr-c.
Nitr-ac. Phos. Puis. Sep.
Tinea faciei Ars. Bary. Calc. Cic. Cycla. Dulc.
Merc. Sars. Yiula-tri.
Sunken eyes with blue margins.... Ars. Chin. Cupr. Kali-c. Phos. Phos-
ac. Sec-c. Staph.

Swelling of the Upper lip Bary. Bell. Bov. Calc-c. Merc. Natr-m.
JS'itr-ac. Staph.

Exanthema on the Upper lip... Ars. Kali-c. Kreos. Staph.

Cancer of the lips Ars. Clem. Con. Sil,

Swelling of the submaxillary Am-c. Bar. Bell. Calc-c. Lye. Merc.

glands. Sil. Staph.
Painful eruptions around the
chin Merc. Rhus. Sars.

Aching in the sound teeth. Arn. Bry. Hyos. Rhus.
in the carious teeth Ant-cr. Chin. Kreos. Merc. Nux-v.
Puis. Staph.
Tooth, as if too long Bell. Bry. Hyos. Magn-c. Nitr-ac.
Toothache— tearing. Agar. Ars. Bry. Cham. Chin. Hyos.
Merc. Nux-v. Puis. Ehus. Sep. Sil.
on the left side. Bell. Iod. Samb. Sulph-ac.
pulsating Aeon. Cham. Chin. Coff. Hyos. Sabin.
Sep. Spig. Staph. Vitri.
. .


Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.

Toothache— boring Lach. Mez. Nux-v. Sil.

as if loose Carb-v. Chel. Hyos. Ign. Lye.

Merc. Nux-v. Rhus. Staph.
in the open air. Cham. Chin. Con. Nux-v. Petrol. Rhus.
Spig. Staph.
from the least draft of air.... Bell. Calc. Chin. Sars. Sep.
at night in bed Cham. Led. Magn-m. Merc. Puis.
from washing with cold water. Calc. Merc.
with congestion to the head.... Aeon. Aur. Bell. Calc. Cham. Chin.
Hyos. Lach.
with stilcJies in the ears. Bell.Cham. Kreos. Lach. Merc. Natr-
m. Phos. Thuj.
Sensitiveness of the points of the

Swelling of the gums with beat-

ing pain Calc. Lach. Magn-m. Nux-v. Puis.
Bleeding of the gums Carb-veg. Caust. Graph. Iod. Magn-m.
Merc. Phos. Sep. Staph.
Fistula Dental is.... Calc-c. Caust. Canth. Fluor-ac. Lye.
Natr-m. Sil. Staph.

Stomacace Ars. Borax. Carb-veg. Chin. Dulc.

Graph. Iod. Merc. Natr-m. Nitr-ac.
Nux-v. Sep. Sil. Staph. Sulph-ac.
Ptyalism, from abuse of Mercury... Bell. Chin. Digit. Dulc. Hep. Iod. Lach.
—— tasting salt ,
Euphorb. Hyos. Kali-hydr. Lye. Merc.
Mez. Phos. Sep. Verat. Verb.
sour Alum. Calc. Ign. Merc. Stann. Tarax.
bitter Thuj.
Saliva mixed with blood. Aeon. Kali-hyd.
Aphthae Ars. Bry. Borax. Chin. Iod. Merc.
Nux-v. Nitr-ac. Sulph-ac. Thuj.
Breath offensive after meals Aur. Carb-veg. Merc. Zinc.
Tongue white, with red tip and red
dry. Arg. Am. Ars. Bar-c. Bell. Bry. Calc.
Dulc.Merc. Nitr-ac. Paris-qu. Phos-
ac. Verat.
dry in the morning, Calc. Clem. Graph. Kali. Sep. Tarax.
burns ,
Aeon. Asar. Bary. Bell. Bov. Carb-v.
Caust. Colch. Hyos. Maen-m. Plat'
Plumb. Phos. Rhod.
brown. Ars. Chin. Plumb. Sec-c.

Pharynx A* Oesophagus.
Long continued sensation of a lump Bell. Calc. Lach. Merc. Natr-m. Plumb.
in the throat. Sabad.

Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.

Pharynx A* Oesophagus.
Sensation as if swallowing- a
piece of meat during empty
deglutition Sabad.
Stitches in the throat when swallow- Bary. Bell. Bry. Hep. Ign. Lach. Merc.
ing. Natr-m,
Sensation of contraction in
the throat Hyos. Ign. Sabad. Stram. Verat.
Elongation of the palate Calc. Caps. Chel. Croc. Iod. Lye. Merc.
Natr-m. Sabad. Sil.
Burning in the throat as from sour
eructation Calc. Carb-veg. Coloc. Natr-c. Plumb.
Angina gangrenosa Am-c. Ars. Carb-veg. Con. Euphorb.
Kreosot. Merc. Sec-c.
Taste & Appetite.
Sour taste in the mouth all day. Bell. Calc. Chin. Ign. Kali-c. Lye.
Natr-m. Nitr. Nux-v. Petrol. Phos.
Puis. Sep. Sil. Tarax.
Bitter taste in the morning Am-m. Bary. Bry. Carb-v. Nux-v. Puis.
Rhus. Sep.
Putrid taste in the morning Rhus.
J\o appetite, but constant tliirst. Calc. Nitr. Phos. Psor. Spig. Tart-em.
Much thirst Aeon. Ars. Bell. Bry. Calc. Cham.
Chin. Hep. Hyos. Merc. Natr-m.
Nitr-ac. Nux-v. Rhus. Sec-c. Sil.
Stram. Verat.
Longing for hramly .... Ars. Hep. Lach. Nux-v. Op. Selen. Sep.
Violent thirst for beer. Bry. Cocc. Merc. Natr-c. Nux-v. Petrol.
Phelland. Puis. Sabad. Stront.
Disgust for drinking wine... Ign. (Lach.) Merc. Rhus. Sabad.
Aversion to meat Calc. Carb-reg. Fer. Graph. Lye. Mur-
ac. Petrol. Rhus. Sabad. Sep. Sil.
Tictuals taste too salt. Carb-v. Chin. Sep. Tarax.
Milk disagrees Ars. Brom. Calc. Chin. Con. Natr-c.
Nit-ac. Sep.
After eating a little he feels full in
the stomach Bary. Cycl. Natr-m. Rhod. Thuj.

Gastric Symptoms,
Waterbrash Carb-veg. Cycl. Dros. Led. Lye. Nat-
mur. Petrol. Sil.

The food rises into the throat. Bell. Carb-veg. Bry. Ign. Nux-v. Puis.
Heartburn Bary. Con. Lobel. Lye. Natr-m. Nux-v.
Eructations Am. Bell. Cocc. Con. Merc. Natr-m.

— loud as soon as she presses upon

Nux-v. Phos. Puis. Rhus. Sep. Verat.

Calc. Con. Plat.

her stomach
empty Caust. Chin. Con. Natr-m. Tart. Verat.
Qualmishness. Ars. Caust. Natr-c.
nausea Ipec. Iris. Nux-v. Puis. Sil. Tart. Verat.


Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.

Gastric Symptoms.
Nausea in the morning Calc. Carb-v. Nux-v. Phos. Sep. Sil.
Vomiting" Ars. Bry. Cham. Cupr. Fer. Ipec.
Iris.Lobel. Nux-v. Puis. Sil. Tart.
of ingesta.
sour Calc. Chin. Lye. Nux-v. Phos.
sour or bitter, with cold perspira-
tion on the face Camph.

The region of the stomach becomes very Aeon. Ars. Bry. Canth. Cham. Colch.
painful when pressing upon it even —
Hyos. Merc. Nux-v. Puis. Tilia.
the bed cover causes pain. Verat.
Burning in the stomach Ars. Bry. Calad. Camph. Carb-veg. Cic.
Euphor. Graph. Ign. Mez. Nitr.
Spasms in the stomach immediately
after a meal Bry. Chel. Chin. Cic. Iod. Nux-v. Puis.

Stitches in region of the liver. Aeon. Bry. Calc. Carb-veg. Caust.
Kali-c. Merc. Natr-c. Natr-m. Nux-v.
Ran-scel. Sep. Tabac.
in region of the spleen Arn. Chin. Rhod. Selen. Sil. Spig.
worse when taking a deep Bry. Chin. Natr-c. Mosch. Ran-scel.
inspiration. Sabad.
Pressing- in the liver Ambr. Ars. Berb. Carb-an. Chin. Cocc.
Graph. Kali-c. Lye. Magn-m. Merc.
Nux-v. Ruta.
Cnronic Hepatitis Lach. Lye. Magn-m. Natr-c. Nux-v.
Ran-scel. Selen.
Painful sensitiveness of the ab- Ars. Bell. Bry. Coloc. Con. Digit. Kreos.
domen as if all the parts in it were Mang. Puis. Ran-scel. Rhus. Sec-c.
raw and sore. Tilia. Valer.
Rolling & rumbling in abdomen. Caust. Chin. Hell. Nux-v. Phos. Phos-
ac. Puis.
Incarcerated flatulence in left
abdomen, when constipated. Aur. Iod. Lye. Rhod.
side of the
Colic obliging one to bend double. Bov. Calc. Carb-v. Coloc. Lye.

Hemorrhoidal Carb-veg. Coloc. Lach. Nux-v. Puis.

after drinking Bry. Chin. Fer. Puis. Staph.
Flatus, stinking Ars. Asaf. Carb-veg. Puis. Sil.
Incarcerated Hernia Aeon. Ars. Bell. Lach. Nux-v Op
Rhus. Verat.
Dropsy. . Apis. Ars. Chin. Colch. Digit.
Hell. Kali. Lye. Spong. Squill.
Stool A* JMnus.
Constipation Bry. Calc. Lach. Lye. Nux-vom.
Plumb. Sil. Staph. '

Frequent unsuccessful desire for stool. Con. Lach. Natr-m. Nux-v.



Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.

StOOl A* •lilHS.
Diarrhoea Ant-cr. Ars. Chin. Merc. Phos. Phos-
ac. Puis. Rhus. Verat.
painless Chin. Cinnab. Clem. Nitr.
in the morning. Arg. Bry. Caps. Fluor-ac. Lach. Lye.
Merc. Morph. Nitr. Nitr-ac. Nux-m.
Nux-v. Op. Podoph. Rhod.
as soon as he rises from his bed. Lye.
Stool, knotty, like sheeps dung.. Magn-m. Merc. Op. Plumb. Ruta. Verb.
insufficient Am. Cham. Magn-m. Natr-c. Nux-v.
undigested Chin. Fer. Oleand.
involuntary Ars.Bellad. Mur-ac. Natr-m. Phos.
Phos-ac Verat.
purulent Am. Canth. Iod. Lye. Merc. Puis. Sil.
frotliy Coloc. Iod. Sulph-ac.
mucous . Asar. Borax. Caps. Cham. Dulc. Nux-
vom. Phos. Puis.
watery, Ant-cr. Arn. Cham. Chin. Fer. Hyos.
Jatrop. Nux-v. Puis. Rhus. Sec-c.
bloody., Alum. Ars. Canth. Ipec. Merc. Nux-v>
Phos. Puis. Sep.
green. Ars. Cham. Dulc. Magn-c. Merc. Phos.
Phos-ac. Puis. Sep. Stann. Verat.
smelling sour . Calc. Graph. Magn-c. Merc. Natr-c.
stinking. Ars. Asaf. Carb-veg. Lach. Puis. Sil.
with ascarides Calc. Chin. Cina. Fer. Ign. Teucr.

with lumbrici Cina. Sabad. Sil. Spig.

with tape worm Calc. Graph. Kali-c. Plat. Puis. Sabad.
nightly dysenteric with ten-
Colic before every evacuation. Alum. Ars. Bry. Merc. Petrol. Puis.
Aggravation of pains during stool. Ars. Cham. Merc. Puis. Verat.
During stool, discharge of blood.. Case. Coloc. Lach. Lye. Phos. Ruta.
Sep. Sil. Zinc.
palpitation of the heart Haematox. Nitr-ac. Tart-em.
pain in the small of the back .... Carb-an. Lye. Nice. Puis. Stront. Tabac-
congestion to the head Rhus.
prolapsus recti, especially during Ars. Asar. Bry. Canth. Ign. Merc.
the hard stool. Podoph. Ruta. Sep.
Alter stool tenesmus Caps. Nitr. Merc.Rheum. Rhus. Staph.
constriction of the anus Ign.Nux-m. Plat. Stront.
Itching at the anus Ambr. Ant-cr. Calc. Caust. Ign. Kali-
carb. Lye. Merc. Nitr-ac. Phos. Sep.
Sil. Spig. Zinc.
Haemorrhoids .
Berb. Caps. Caust. Graph. Kali-carb.
Lach. Mur-ac. Nux-v. Sep.
oozing. Alum. Bary-c. Caust. Natr-m. Sulph-ac.


Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.

Urinary Organs,
Retention of urine Camph. Canth. Caust. Hyos. Nux-
vom. Op. Puis. Rhus. Staph.
Micturition, frequent, especially at Alum. Am-c. Carb-veg. Graph. Lach.
night. Lye.
Discharge of urine by drops.. . Ant-cr. Bell. Canth. Digit. Dros. Nux-
vom. Puis. Sil. Staph. Stram. Tart.
Involuntary discharge of Arn. BE11. Caust. Dulc. Kreos. Magn-c.
urine at night (wetting the bed). Natr-m. Petrol. Phos. Podo. Puis.
Rhus. Ruta. Sep. Sil.
Burning in the forepart of the ur- Ars. Carb-veg. Calc. Caps. Cochl. Merc.
ethra during micturition. Natr-c. Nux-v. Seneg.
Fetid urine Agar. Ambr. Ars. Aur. Benzoic-ac.
Carb-veg. Dulc. Merc. Murex. Natr-
carb. Nitr-ac. Phos-ac. Puis. Viol-tri.
Greasy pelicle on the urine Alum. Calc. Hep. Iod. Paris q. Petrol.
Phos. Puis.
Gonorrhea, secondary, (white dis- Caps. Cinnab. Cobalt. Fer. Merc. Natr.
charge). mur. Nitr-ac. Sel. Sep. Thuj. Zinc.

JfEale Sexual Organs.

Involuntary discharge of sem- Arg. Calc. Canth. Caust. Cobalt. Kali-c.
en, with burning in the urethra. Lach. Led. Merc. Phos. Puis. Sil.
Stann. Tabac. Thuj.
The Testicles hang down loosely. Am-c. Camph. Chin. Iod. Lye. Magn-
mur. Puis. Sil. Sulph-ac.
Coldness of the Penis Agnus. Cannab. Lye. Merc.
Impotence Agnus. Calad. Con. Lye. Selen.
Phimosis (with discharge of fetid
Pus) Merc. Nitr-ac. Sabin. Sep.
Stitches in the Penis Lye. Merc. Mez. Mur-ac. Natr-mur.
Petrol. Phos. Puis. Spig. Thuj. Zinc.
Soreness and moisture of the
Scrotum Natr-c. Petrol. Zinc.
Hydrocele Graph. Iod. Puis. Rhod. Sil.

Female Sexual Organs*

Burning of the Vagina Ambr. Carb-veg. Kali-c. Lye. Nitr-ac.
Nux-v. Thuj.
Itching of the Pudendum Calc. Con. Natr-m. Sep.
First Menses delaying Caust. Graph. Kali-c. Lach. Puis.
Menses, too late Caust. Con. Cupr. Dulc. Graph. Kali-c.
Lye. Magn-c. Natr-m. Puis. Sep. Sil.
too scanty Am-c. Con. Dulc. Graph. Kali-c. Lvc
Puis. Sil.
suppressed Con. Dulc. Graph. Kali-c. Lye. Puis. Sil.
too early Ambr. Calc.
#Carb-veg. Cham. Ipec
Nux-v. Phos. Rhus. Sabin.
too profuse Bell. Calc. Fer. Ipec. Nux-v. Plat.
Sabin. Sec-c. Stram.
. .

Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.
Female Sexual Organs.
Menstrual blood acrid Am-c. Kali-c. Natr-sulph. Sars.
corroding the limbs Natr-sulph. Sil.
Before Menstruation headache. Carb-veg. Cupr. Fer. Natr-m. Nux-
mos. Verat.
bleeding from the nose. Lach. Verat.
During Menstruation bleeding
from the nose Lach. Natr-sulph. Sep.
congestion to the head Calc. Chin. Cinnab.
spasms in the abdomen Cocc. Con. Magn-m. Natr-m. Nux-v.
Bearing down in the Pelvis Arg. Bor. Bell. Con. Kali-c. Magn-m.
Natr-c. Nux-v. Paliad. Plat. Sep.
Sterility, with too profuse menstrua-
tion i Calc. Merc. Natr-m.
Fluor Albus, yellow mucus, cor-
roding, with pains in the abdomen
before menstruation Con. Fluor-ac. Natr-m. Puis. Sil.

Dryness of the nose Bell. Calc-c. Cannab. Graph. Natr-m.
Phos. Sep. Sil.

Obstruction of the nose. Alum. Bov. (Brom. [right side]). Ign.

Magn-m. Mez. Nitr-ac. Nux-v. Sabad.
chronic Con. Sil.
Fluent Coryza of burning water. Ars. Brom. Cinnab. Kali-bydr. Merc.

Liarynx & Trachea*

Roughness of the throat Am c. Carb-v. Caust. Kali-c. Laur.
Mang. Phos. Plumb. Puis. Seneg.
Stann. Sulph-ac.
Aphonia. Ant-cr. Bell. Carb-veg. Caust. Dros.
Hep. Merc. Natr-m. Nux-jug. Phos.
Puis. Spong. Verat.
Coldness in the throat during an
inspiration (Camph.?)
Dry cough, day and night, with
spasmodic constriction of the chest. Kali-c.

Cough, with expectoration during the Ars. Calc. Cham. Con. Graph. Hep.
day — without expectoration at night. Hyos. Merc. Nitr-ac. Nux-v. Puis.
Sabad. Sil. Stront.
Cough with bloody expectoration .... Aeon. Ar*. Fer. Ipec. Merc. Nitr-a.\
Phos. Puis. Zinc.
and stitches in the chest. . .

Short dry cough with stitches in Aeon. Bry. Cannab. Merc. Natr-m.
the chest Nitr. Phos. Squil.
"When coughing pain in the head. Arn. Bell. Bry. Caps. Natr-m. Nux-v.
and in the abdomen. Ars. Bell. Coloc. Con. Ipec. Lye. Phos.
Cough after a meal, or. Anac. Ant-cr. Bell. Bry. Chin. Fer.
Nux-v. Op. Ruta. Staph. Zinc.
. .


Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.

JLarynx tf Trachea.
Cough, only when walking in the Ars. Fer. Ipec. Nux-v. Lye. Phos.
open air. Seneg. Spig. Sulph-ac.

Fullness — sensation of Aeon. Arg-nitr. Bary-c. Brom. Calc-c.
Lob. Lye. Rhus. Sep.
Heaviness in the chest. Aeon. Am-c. Am-m. Am. Bry. Lye.
Magn-m. Phos. Plumb. Puis. Sep.
(when walking) Am-m. Lactuca-vir.
Stitches through into the back in the Ambr. Bov. Caust. Hep. Lye. Merc.
left shoulder blade. Nitr. Rhod. Sep. .Sulph-ac.
when lying on the back
during the least motion Bry. Caust. Mur-ac. Phos. Puis. Spong.
Spig- Staph.
when drawing a deep breath Aeon. Arn. Borax. Bry. Nitr. Nitr-ac.
Rhus. Spong. Valer. Zinc.
when lifting up the arms. Thuj.
Oppression of breathing.
Asthma at night Daph-ind. Kali-c. Lach. Nux-v. Phos.
Pain in the Chest from overlifting.
after inflammation of the
lungs Am-c. Lach. Lye. Phos.
Burning' in the chest up to the face. Ars. Bism. Calc. Carb-veg. Euphorb.
Coldness, sensation of, in the chest. Am. Carb-an. Cor-rub. Graph. Lact-vir.
Oleand. Ruta. Spong. Tonga. Zinc.
"Weakness, sensation of, in the chest
when talking Phos-ac. Rhus. Sulph-ac.
Palpitation of the heart, (without Ars. Bell. Calc. Chin Crotal. Iod.
anguish). Kali-c Lach. Natr-c. Natr-m. Nux-v.
Phos. Puis. Sep. Spig. Thuj. Zinc.
Swelling of the Mammae... Bell. Bry. Calc Cham. Con. Graph.
Lye. Merc. Phos. Puis. Sabin. Sil.
Nodosities in the Mammae Carb-an. Cham. Coloc. Con. Graph.
Lye. Nitr-ac. Phos. Ruta.
Nipples, cracking, Arn. Cast-eq. Graph.
stinging ,
Bism. Cast-eq. Ign. Lye. Mang. Mur-
ac. Sabin.
burning Agar. Cic. Graph.

Drawing in the back Am-c. Chin. Cocc. Tart. Thuj. Verat.
Gnawing pain in the small of the
back Canth. Magn-m. Nice. Phos. Stront.
Stillness in the neck Bell. Bry. Calc Caust. Digit. Graph.
Hell. Ign. Kali. Natr-c. Sil. Thuj.'
Pain in the small of the back when Ant-cr. Cannab. Con. Fer-ac. Petrol.
rising from a seat. Rhus. Staph.
, . . .


Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.

Pain in the small of the back, not
permitting one to stand erect Cocc. Petrol. Phos.
Curvature of the Vertebrae Calc. Lye. Plumb. Puis. Sil.

Upper Extremities.
Tearing in the joints of the arms.. Bov. Chin. Graph. Kali. Lye. Phos-ac.
Stront. Zinc.
hands Am-mur. Arn. Graph. Kali-c. Phos.
fingers Aur. Carb-v. Kali-c. Rhus. Zinc.
Itching' in the palms of the hands. Anac. Berb. Carb-veg. Hep. Natr-m.
Ran-bulb. Sil. Spig.
Perspiration in palms of the hands. Aeon. Calc. Carb-veg. Hep. Merc.
Natr-m. Nux-v. Sil.
Trembling of the hands when writ- Bary-c. Caust. Hep. Kali-c. Natr-m.
ing. Oleand. Sabad. Sep. Thuj. Valer.
Rhagades on the hands. Alum. Arn. Aur. Bary-c. Cilc. Cycl.
Graph. Hep. Lach. Merc. Natr-c.
Natr-m. Petrol. Rhus. Ruta. Sars.
especially between the fingers. Zinc.
on the joints of the fingers.. Phos.
in the palms of the hands. . .

Panaritium Alum. Berb. Calc. Fluor-ac. Ginseng.

Hep. Kali-c. Lach. Sep. Sil.

Mjower Extremities.
Heaviness of the legs Agar. Bell. Calc-c. Ign. Natr-c. Nux-v.
Rhus. Stram.
Swelling of the knee (white).. Bry. Calc. Chin. Hep. Iod. Lach. Led.
Lye. Nux-v. Phos. Puis. Rhod. Sep.

Erysipelas of the legs. Borax. Calc. Hep.

Stiffness of the knee . Ant-cr. Bry. Graph. Led. Petrol.
Plumb. Rhus. Sang.
of the ankle joint Ambr. Caust. Dros. Graph. Hep. Ign.
Lye. Petrol. Euta. Sil.

Cramps in the soles of the feet. Am-c. Ang. Berb. Calc. Petrol. Phos.

at every step. Petrol. Sil.

Sweaty feet. Bary. Calc. Carb-veg. Graph. Hep.
Kali-c. Lach. Lye. Natr-m. Nitr-ac.
Petrol. Sep. Sil. Zinc.

Cold sw eat
on the feet Cocc. Euphorb. Hep. Lye. Merc.
Burning of the soles of the feet. Ambr. Ars-met. Anac. Calc-c. Crotal.
Kali. Lach. Lye. Magn-m. Natr-c.
Phos-ac. Sil.


Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.

JLower Extremities.
Cold feet (and hands) Anac. Bell. Calc. Caust. Con. Graph.
Kali-c. Lach. Natr-c. Natr-m. Nitr-
ac. Phos. Sep. Sil.

Cold soles of the feet Merc-solub.

Itching in the toes that had been
formerly frozen Agar. Paeon. Staph. Zinc.
Stitches in the corns Calc. Natr-c. Natr-m. Petrol. Phos.

Great drowsiness and sleepi- Am-c. Ant-cr. Am. Calc, Carb-veg.
ness in the day time. Croc. Lye. Nux-mos. Op Puis. Sa-
bad. Tart. Verat. Zinc.
especially in the afternoon . Bov. Canth. Grat. Chin. Lach. Nux-v
Phos. Rhus.
after sunset Am. Bov. Calc. Con Croc. Kali-c.
Lach. Phos. Sil.
Goes to sleep late Calc. Carb-veg. Chin Fer. Kali-c.
Lach. Merc. Natr-m. Nux-v. Phos.
Puis. Kan-sc. Stann. Staph. Sulph-
ac. Thuj.
Long but unrefreshing morning sleep. Bry. Con. Graph. Hep. Nux-v. Op.
Sleep, with his eyes half open Bell. Bry. Caps. Coloc. Fer. Hell. Ipec.
Op. Phos-ac. Samb. Stram.
Talks loudly while asleep Alum. Bry. Calc. Cham. Ign. Magn-c.
Natr-m. Nux-v. Plumb. Puis. Sil.
Stram. Zinc.
Jerfes and twitches in the body Ars. Bell. Bry. Cham. Kali-c. Lye.
during sleep. Nitr-ac. Sil. Tart. Zinc.
Nightmare Aeon. Bry. Nux-v. Natr-c. Natr-m.
Nitr-ac. Sil.
Anxious dreams Aeon. Anac. Bell. Calc. Caust. Chin.
Graph. Kali-c. Lye. Natr-m. Nitr-ac.
Nux-v. Sil.
He has to lie on his back Bry. Nux-v. Puis. Rhus.

Chilliness and want of animal heat. Alum. Euphorb. Led. Lye. Natr-m.
frequent internal Ars. Caust. Cocc. Ign. Kali. Merc-sol.
Lach. Lye. Phos. Puis. Sep. Sil.
even by the heat of the stove Alum. Bell. Canth. Caust. Cocc. Kreos.
Meny. Rhus. Spong. Staph.
in the afternoon Ars. Bry. Chin. Lach. Nitr-ac.
in the evening Alum. Am-c. Ars. Bov. Bry. Chin.
Graph. Kali-c. Lach. Petrol
Rhus. Sep. Sil. Tabac.
Cold nose Arn. Bell. Chin. Cyol. Dros Ign.
Nux-v. Verat.
hands and feet Arn. Bell. Chin Ign. Nux-v. Verat.


Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.

Dry beat with thirst. Aeon. Bell. Bry. Calc. Cham. Colch.
Hep. Hyos. Merc. Natr-m. Ran-sc.
Rhus. Sec-c. Sil.
Heat (fever) at night. Ars. Calc. Cham. Hep. Magn-m. Merc.
Petrol. Phos. Psor. Rhus. Sil.
with headache .... Aeon. Agar. Ars. Bell. Bry. Carb-veg.
Chin. Natr-m. Nux-v. Puis. Sep.
burning in hands and feet. Agar. Bell. Lach. Led. Rheum. Taxus.
Flushes of heat Graph. Kali-c. Lye. Hep. Natr-c.
Natr-m. Nitr-ac. Nux-v. Petrol. Phos.
Sep. Spong. Stann. Thuj. Valer.
Great inclination to perspire, Bry. Calc. Cham. Eupion. Fer. Graph.
or Kali. Natr-c. Natr-m. Selen Sep.
Sulph-ac. Tart.
Want of perspiration. Aeon. Am. Ars. Bell. Bry. Calo. Coce.
Dulc. Hell. Kali-c. Lach. Led. Lye.
Merc. Nux-v. Op. Phos. Phos-ac.
Puis. Rhus. Sep. Sil. Staph.
Perspiration with anxiety. Am. Berb. Bry. Calc. Cocc. Mang.
Natr-c. Nitr, Nux-v. Phos. Puis.
on one side only Bary. Cham. Lye. Nux-v. Puis. Rhus.
on the back part of the body. Chin. Nux-v. Sep.
cold Bry. Cannab. Cina. Cocc. Hep. Ipec.
Lye. Puis. Rheum. Staph. Tart.
smelling sour. Asar. Cham. Hep. Iod. Ipec. Magn-c.
Merc. Nitr-ac. Sep. Sil. Verat.
at night Bary. Bry. Calc. Kali-c, Sil. Stann.
in the morning. Calc. Carb-veg. Natr-c. Phos. Sep.

Coldness. Ars. Camph. Ipec. Rhus. Sep. Verat.
Paleness. Bell. Calc. Cocc. Fer. Lye. Nitr-ac.
Plat. Puis.
Dryness. Bell. Calc. Cham. Chin. Colch. Dulc.
Kali-c. Led. Lye. Nux-mos. Phos.
Sec-c. Seneg. Sil. Verb.
Exanthema chapped. Puis. Sep.
Hangnails Calc. Lye. Merc. Natr-m. Rhus. Stann.
Itch Carb-veg. Caust. Dolichos. Merc. Natr-
m. Selen. Sep.
Itching . Dolichos. Lye. Merc. Rhus. Puis. Sil.
Spong. Staph.
tinglin< Am. Colch. Plat. Puis. Rhus. Sep.
voluptuous Sil. {Rhus-ver.)
with burning after scratching. Caust. Lach. Rhus. Sil.

Rhagades, after washing Calc. Hepar. Puis. Sep. Graph.



Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.

Soreness in children Carb-veg. Chin. (Calc. Lye. Graph.)
Spots, liver colored . . . Lye. Merc. Nitr-ac. Sep.

yellow Am. Con. Fer. Lye. Natr-c. Phos.

summer freckles.. . Phos.
Swelling , 1

external . . Ars. Bry. Merc. Puis. Rhus. Sep.

burning Ars. Bry. Lye. Phos.
dropsical Ant-cr. Apis. Ars. Bry. Chin. Hell.
Puis. Squill.
Tetters Ars. Bov. Calc. Clem. Con. Dulc.
Graph. Lye. Rhus. Sep. Sil.
chapped Sep.
scurfy Calc. Con. Graph. Lye. Rhus.
Ulcers Ars. Asaf. Lach. Lye. Merc. Puis.

cancerous Ars. Hep. Sil. Con. Bell. Kreos. Sep.

crusty Con. Lye. Sil.

pricking Ars. Merc. Nitr-ac. Puis. Sil.

pulsating Bry. Chin. Clem. Hep. Merc.

swollen Bell. Merc. Puis. Sep.
tearing Lye.
tension Con. Puis. Stront.
pus, stinking Ars. Lach. Hep. Phos-ac. Sec-c.
Warts Bar-c. Calc. Caust. Dulc. Nitr-ac.
Arsenicum album.

Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.

Burning pain of exterior parts.... Bry. Carb-v. Caust. Nux-v. Phos.
Phos-ac. Rhus. Stram. Sulph.
inner parts Aeon. Bell. Bry. Canth. Merc. Mez.
Nux-v. Phos. Sabad. Sep. Sulph.
Tearing pains in the arms and Calc-c. Carb-v. Caust. Kali-c. Lye.
legs which does not permit one to lie Merc. Nitr-ac. Rhod. Sep. Sil.
on the painful side, but is relieved Staph. Stront. Sulph. Zinc.
by moving the affected part.
Stiffness of all the joints Caps. Carb-an. Coloc. Graph. Kali-c.
Petrol. Sep.
Weakness Calc. Chin. Fer. Iod. Kali-c. Lye.
Nux-v. Rhus. Sep. Stann. Verat.
Sudden sinking of strength Aeon. Camph. Carb-v. Ipec. Verat.
Trembling of the limbs, (in drunk- Bell. Calc. Carb-v. Cic. Cocc. Con.
ards). Iod. Lye. JS'atr-c. Phos. Plat. Plumb.
Sec-c. Sep. Stram. Sulph. Tabac.
Therid. Zinc.
Emaciation Chin. Clem. Cupr. Fer. Iod. Lye. Natr-
mur. Nitr-ac. Nux-v. Op. Petrol.
Plumb. Phos-ac. Puis. Sars. Sil.
Stann. Sulpb. Verat.
Deficiency of blood Chin. Puis. Squill. Staph.
Swelling, in general Bell. Bry. Merc. Nux-v. Puis. Rhus.
Dropsy of external parts Ant-cr. Chin. Colch. Digit. Oleand.
internal parts Bell. Chin. Colch. Digit. Hell. Sulph.
Inflammation of external parts... Puis. Sil. Staph.
of mucus membranes Aeon. Bell. Merc. Nux-v. Sulph.
Coldness of all the limbs Camph. Carb-v. Digit. Hell. Plumb-
Sec-c. Stram. Verat.
Paralysis Caust. Cocc. Nux-v. Rhus.
especially of the lower extremities. Bell. Bry. Chin. Cocc. Lach. Nux-v.
Phos. Verat.
(feet) Chin. Oieand. Plumb.
Hecannot rest in any place chan- —
ges his position continually —
wants to go from one bed to an-
other—and lies now here and then
Burning in the glands Bell. Canth. Hep. Phos. Sil.


Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.

Cancer'. Bell. Calc-ox. Con. Nux-v. Sep.Sil. Sulph.

Attacks of pain with chilliness... Puis.

Periodical complaints Alum. Chin. Ipec. Lach. Natr-m. Nux-

Attacks of pain driving one to des-
pair and even to madness Verat.
The pains are felt during sleep Carb-veg. Graph. Nitr-ac. Sulph-ac.
Bad effects from poisoning with
Anthrax and other noxious sub-
stances. {Dissecting wounds) Lach.

Aggravation at night Aeon. Arn. Cham. Chin. Colch. Con.

Dulc. Fer. Graph. Hep. Iod. Magn-
carb. Magn-m. Mang. Merc. Nitr-ac.
Plumb. Sil. Stront.

after midnight. Dros. Fer. Kali-c. Nitr. Nux-v. Rhus.

Thuj. (The aggravation of Ars-met.
falls more towards morning, and
therein the Ars-alb. and Ars-met.

from cold in general. Camph. Caust. Dulc. Hep. Kali-carb.

Mosch. Nux-v. Rhus. Sabad. Stront.
on entering a cold place. Ran-bulb.
in the cold air Aur. Camph. Caust. Dulc. Hell. Hep.
Kali. Mosch. Nux-mos. Nux-v. Rhus.
Sabad. Stront.
after drinking. Chin. Cocc. Nux-v. Rhus. Sil. Verat.
wine Lye. Nux-v. Op. Petrol. Ran-bulb. Sil.
after eating.... Ant-cr. Ign. Nux-v. Rhus.
from cold food. Lye. Nux-v. Rhus.
ice cream Carb-v. Puis.
milk Brom. Chin. Con. Nitr-ac. Sep. Sulph.
while lying with the head low. Puis.
on the affected side Bary. Calad. Hep. Iod. Nux-mos. Ruta.
From warmth in general. Aur. Bary. Camph. Caust. Dulc. Hep.
Kali-c. Mosch. Nux-v. Rhus. Sabad.
From being near the warm stove. Ign.
From warm food Lye. Nux-v. Rhus.
From lying with the head high.. Chin. Colch. Hep. Lach. Nitr. Nux-v.
Puis. Spig. Sulph.

•Iliad and Disposition.

Anguish Aur. Bell. Calc. Cham. Graph. Hep.
Ign. Nux-v. Puis. Verat.
driving one out of bed at night. Calc. Chin. Graph. Hep. Hyos. Ign.
Rhus. Verat.

Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.

•Iliad and Disposition*

Anguish, driving one out of the bed Aeon. Aur. Con. Merc. Lach. Sil.
at night, and from one place to another Staph. Tabac.
in daytime.
Restlessness Am-c. Bell. Cham. Graph. Nux-v. Rhus.
Great fear of death. Aeon. Agn-c. Bry. Cocc. Graph. Nitr-
ac. Plat. Rhus. Verat.
Desire to commit suicide... Aur. Hep. Nux-v. Puis.
Religious melancholy Aur. Bell. Lach. Lye. Puis. Sulph.
l.oss of mind from the abuse of
alcoholic drinks Calc. Hep. Nux-v. Op. Stram.
Madness Bell. Hyos. Lye. Stram. Verat.
Bad consequences from anger
with anxiety Aeon. Ipec. Nux-v.
Delirium tremens Bell. Calc. Coff. Digit. Hyos. Nux-v.
Op. Sep. Stram.
Sensor hnn.
Delirium Aur. Bell. Bry. Calc. Cham. Chin.
Cupr. Hyos. Lach. Lyo. Nux-v. Op.
Stram. Verat.
Tearing in the head with vomiting
when raising the head up Bry. Colch. Phos. Plat. Rhus. Sulph.
Periodical headache Ambr. Arn. Bell. Fer. Nux-v. Sang.
Sep. Spig. Sulph.
Headache, after meals. Ant-cr. Arn. Bry. Calc. Cocc. Graph.
Lye. Nux-mos. Nux-v. Rhus. Sil.
much relieved by applying cold
water, and much aggravated when
the cold cloth is removed Asar. Bry. Cham. Tart-em. Zinc.
The scalp is painful to the touch. Bary. Chin. Nitr-ac. Nux-v. Petrol.
Rhus. Selen. Spig. Zinc.
Tinea capitis Bary. Calc. Cic. Lye. Natr-m. Oleand.
Petrol. Rhus. Sep. Sulph. Vinca-m.
Inflammation of the eyes. Aeon. Bell. Calc. Cham. Euphra. Lye.
Nux-v. Rhus. Sep. Verat.
and lids Aeon. Bell. Calc. Hyos. Lye. Puis. Sep.
Staph. Sulph. Thuj. Verat.
-with severe burning pain. Asaf. Bell. Bry. Calc. Con. Graph. Kali.
Lye. Merc. Nitr. Nitr-ac. Phos-ac.
Seneg. Sulph. Zinc.
Specks on the cornea. Aur. Bell. Cadm. Calc. Cannab. Chel.
Con. Euphra. Hep. Lye. Nitr-ac.
Nux-v. Sep. Sil. Sulph.
Ulcers on the cornea Calc. Euphra. Hep. Lach. Natr-c. Ruta.
Sil. Sulph.
Excessive Photophobia. Aeon. Bell. Euphr. Nux-v. Rhus. Sulph.
, .


Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.

Roaring in the ears (accompanying Aeon. Aur. Bry. Carb-an. Carb-v. Chin.
every attack of pain). Cupr. Hep. Natr-m. Petrol. Phos-
Puls. Sep. Sulph. Verat.
Swelling of the nose Arn. Aur. Bell. Bry. Calc. Canih.
Merc. Natr-m. Phos. Ran-bulb. Sep.
Sulph. Zinc.
Hard tumour in the nose.
Burning in the nose Canth. Led. Nice. Nitr-ac. Stram. Sulph.
Cancer of the nose Aur. Calc. Carb-an. Sep. Sulph.
Peeling off of the epidermis Aur. Carb-an. Natr-c.

Puniness of the face Bell. Cham. Kali-c.
Swelling—elastic — of the face, espe-
cially under the eyes Bry. Kali-c. Oleand.
Colour— pale Chin. Cin. Phos-ac. Sep. Sulph.
like earth Bism. Chin. Croc. Fer. Lauro. Lye.
Merc. Nux-v. Op. Phos. Sil. Zinc.
bluish Cin. Con. Cupr. Hyos. Ign. Lye. Merc.
Samb. Verat.
under the eyes Chin. Ipec. Oleand. Rhus. Sec-c.
Distorted features, deathlike
couu tenance Canth. Plumb.
Drawing, stinging face-ache.... Asar. Con. Euphra. Guaj. Mang. Rhus.
Spong. Stann.
burning face-ache Euphorb. Rhus. Stann.
Crusta lactea Bary. Bell. Hep. Merc. Sars.
Cancer ,
Exanthema around the mouth., Bry. Kreos. Natr-m. Rhus. Sep.

Lips blackish Bry. Merc. Phos-ac. Verat.
dry Aeon. Bell. Bry. Con. Merc. Phos.
cracked Aur. Bry. Carb-v. Cupr. Phos.
Exanthema on the upper lip. Kreos. Kali-c. Staph. Sulph.
Cancer (of the lower lip) ,

Clem. Con. Sil.

Toothache at night Cyc. Gratth. Magn-c. Merc. Phos. Rhus.
Spig. Sulph.
extending to the ear. Am c. Anac. Bary. Merc. Natr-m. Nux-
mos. Sep.
and the temple. Ant-cr. Bary. Chin. Cupr. Hyos. Merc.
Mez. Nux-mos. Nux-v. Sulph.
worse when lying on the affected
side Nux.v.
better from the heat of the stove.. Am-c. Bov. Kali-c. Lye. Magn-m. Merc.
Natr-c. Nux-uj. Rhus. Sabad. Staph'.


Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.

Grinding of the teeth. Aeon. Ant-cr. Arn. Bary. Bell. Canth.
Caust. Cham. Cic. Coff. Con. Hyos.
Ign. Merc. Plumb. Sec-c. Sep. Stram.
Gums bleeding Ambr. Bary. Bell. Bov. Carb-v. Graph.
Merc. Natr-m. Nitr-ac. Nux-v. Phos.
Phos-ac. Sep. Staph. Sulph.
Stomacace' Borax. Caps. Carb-veg. Chin. Dulc.
Graph. Iod. Merc. Natr-m. Nitr-ac.
Nux vom. Sep. Sil. Staph. Sulph.
Aphthse Bry. Borax. Chin. Iod. Merc. Nux-vom.
Nitr-ac. Sulph. Sulph-ac. Thuj.
Tongue dry Arg. Arn. Bary-carb. Bell. Bry. Calc.
Dulc. Merc. Nitr-ac. Paris-qu. Phos-
ac. Sulph. Verat.
brown Chin. Plumb. Sec-c. Sulph.
black.. Chin. Lach. Nux-v. Op. Phos. Sec-c.
cracked Bell. Cham. Chin. Nux-v. Plumb. Ran-
bul. Spig. Sulph. Verat.
Swelling and gangrene of the tongue. Bell. Bry. Cic. Hell. Lach. Merc. Mez.
Talks fast Bell. Hep. Lach.

Burning in the throat. Aeon. Arn. Bov. Canth. Carb-v. Crotal.
Euphorb. Lye. Merc. Mez. Phos.
Ran-sc. Sabad. Sec-c. Seneg. Verat.
Angina gangrenosa. Am-c. Carb-v. Con. Euphorb. Kreos.
Merc. Sec-c. Sulph.

Appetite & Taste.

Bitter taste in the mouth after eat- Ang. Bry. Hell. Lye. Nitr-ac. Ran.
ing. Teucr. Valer.
and drinking Chin. Puis.
Violent, unquenchable burning thirst, Aeon. Bry. Calc. Cham. Chin. Merc.
with frequent drinking of but little Sulph.
at a time.
Desire for cold water Bell. Calc. Merc. Natr-c. Phos. Plat.
for acids. Ant-cr. Arn. Bry. Cham. Hep. Kali.
Lach. Phos. Puis. Squill. Sep. Stram.
Sulph. Verat.
for alcoholic drinks. Chin. Hep. Lach. Nux-vom. Op. Puis.
Selen. Sep. Spig. Staph. Sulph.

Gastric Symptoms.
Qualmishness Caust. Croc. Ign. Lye. Natr-c. Phos.
Sulph. Verat.
Vomiting of the ingesta Bry. Calc. Cnlch. Fer. Ign. Natr-mur.
Nux-v. Puis. Sil. Sulph. Verat.

Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.

Gastric Symptoms.
Vomiting after each meal Bry. Cham. Crotal. Cupr. Fer. Graph.
Iod. lris-v. Lobel. Nux-v. Puis. Sec-c.
Sil. Stram. Sulph. Verat.

of bile. Bry. Cham. Ipec. Merc. Nux-v. Puis.

Sep. Verat.
of a brown substance with violent
pain in the stomach
black Calc. Hell. Lauro. Nux-v. Petrol. Phos.
Plumb. Sec-c. Sulph. Verat.
of blood. Aeon. Arn. Bry. Canth. Carb-v. Fer.
Hama. Hyos. Kreos. Mez. Millefol.
Nux-v. Op. Verat.
after drinking Arn. Bry. Sil.
of a green substance, with diar- Aeth. Cannab. Hell. Hep. Ipec. Mez.
rhea, after drinking the least quantity- Oleand. Op. Petrol. Plus. Plumb.
Stram. Verat.
Great painfullness and anxiety
in the pit of the stomach and stomach. Cupr. Sec-c.
Burning in the stomach and pit of Bry. Camnh. Caps. Lauro. Kan-sc.
the stomach. iSabad. Sec-c. Sep. Sil. Sulph. Verat.

Inflammation of the stomach Aeon. Bell. Bry. Chel. Hyos. Ipec.

Nux-vom. Puis. Verat.
Induration and cancer of the
stomach Bary-c. Con. Lye. Nux-v. Phos. Verat.
Cramp m the stomach (2. A. M.)... Natr-c.

Hard bloated abdomen Anac. Arn. Cupr. Magn-m. Mez. Op.
Phos. Plumb. Puis. Sep. Sil. Spig.
Spong. Stram.
Pains very severe with anguish. Bell. Castoreum. Cham. Coloc. Cupr.
Nitr. Plumb. Verat.
cutting Agar. Alum. Ambr. Bry. Calc. Coloc.
Cupr. Ign. Lye. Merc. Natr-m. Nitr-
ac. Rhus. Sep. Staph. Sulph. Verat.
burning. Ars. Camph. Bry. Canth. t'occ. Coloc.
Lauro. Mez. Nux-v. Ban-sc. Sabad.
Sec-c. Sep. Sil. Verat.
Chilliness in the upper part of the Camph. Kali-c. Mang. Oleand. Sec-c.
abdomen. Sulph.
Ascites Apis. Bry. Chin. Euphorb. Ign. Lye.
Nux-v. Sabin. Squill.
Swelling and induration of the
inquinal glands Calc.
Ulcer about the navel

Stool & •Mnus.

Constipation Bry. Calc. Lach. Lye. Nux-vom. Op
Plumb. Sil. Staph. Sulph.
Diarrhea at night Arg-nit. Aur. Bry. Canth. Chin. Cinnab.
Dulc. Kali. Kali-brom. Mosch. Puis.
Rhus. Sulph.
, .. .


Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.

Stool & Anus.

Diarrhea colliquative Chin. Ipec. Verat.
after eating Bry. Calc. Fer. Nux-v. Rhod. Verat.
with tenesmus Caps. Hep. Ign. Lach. Merc. Nux-vom.
Rhus. Sulph.
with thirst Magn. Sulph.
with cutting in the abdomen, Cham. Coloc.
with burning in the rectum... Caps. Castoreum. Merc-sulph. Natr-
mur. Tereb. Verat.
Stools acrid. Chin. Ign. Merc. Puis. Sulph.
mucus.... Asar. Borax. Caps. Cham. Dulc. Nux-
vom. Phos. Puis. Sulph.
black Bry. Chin. Nux-v. Op. Squill. Sulph-ac.
green . Cham. Phos. Puis. Sulph.
bloody Canth. Ipec. Merc. Nux-v. Puis. Sep.
very offensive , Asaf. Carb-v. Lach. Puis. Sil. Sulph.
involuntary Arn. Bell. Mur-ac. Natr-m. Phos. Phos-
ac. Puis. Sulph. Tart. Verat.
Burning in the hcemorrhoidal Aeon. Calc. Carb-an. Caust. Mur-ac.
tumour. Sulph-ac.
Flatulency of a putrid smell Asaf. Carb-v. Puis. Sil. Sulph.

Urinary Organs,
Difficult micturition Cannab. Canth. Dig. Euphra. Magn-m.
Plumb. Ran-sc. Sec-c.
Painful micturition. Colch. Con. Nitr-ac. Nux-mos. Ran-sc.
Sars. Uva-urs. Zinc.
Stranguary Arn. Camph. Canth. Caps. Chin. Clem.
Colch. Coloc. Digit. Dulc. Graph.
Hell. Led. Nux-m. Nux-v. Petrol.
Phos-ac. Puis. Ruta. Sil. Staph. Stram.
Sulph. Zinc.
Suppression of urine Aeon. Aur. Bell. Camph. Canth. Hep.
Hyos. Lauro. Lye. Nux-vom. Puis.
Stram. Tereb. Sulph.
Paralysis of the bladder. Aeon. Canth. Dulc. Hyos. Lauro.
Urine bloody Ant-cr. Calc. Canth. Carb-v. Caps. Ipe?.
Lvc. Merc. Mez. Nux-v. Phos. Puis.
Sec-c. Sep. Sulph. Zinc.

burning. Ang-ver. Calc. Cannab. Coch. Hep.

Lach. Merc. Sil.

•Male Sexual Organs.

Blue red swelling of the glans... Cannab. Merc. Natr-carb. Rhus. Sulph.
with rhagades Sulph.

Painful swelling of the genitals. Canth. Lye. Merc. Plumb.


Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.

•Male Sexual Organs.

Painful swelling- of the genitals
and gangrene Canth. Lauro.
Erysipelatous inflammation
of the scrotum Phos-ac. Plumb. Puis. Rhus.

Female Sexual Organs.

Catamenia too early Ambr. Calc. Carb-v. Cham. Ipec. Nux-
vom. Phos. Rhus. Sabin. Sulph.
and too profuse Bell. Calc. Fer. Ipec. Nux-vom. Plat.
Sabin. Sec-c. Stram.
Lencorrhea acrid. Alum. Bov. Con. Fluor-ac. Sil.
corroding Alum. Am-c. Bov. Carb-v. Chin. Con.
Fer. Ign. Sep. Sil. Sulph.
Profuse fluent coryza of sharp. Cast. Nux-v. Sil. Squill.

burning Alum. Arp-met. Cinnab. Kali-hydr.

Merc. Sulph.
excoriating water Am-m. Kali-hydr. Merc. Mez. Mur-ac.
Sil. Squill.

with hoarseness and sleepless- Carb-an. Caust. Digit. Graph. Kali-c.

ness. Natr-c. Nitr-ac. Petrol. Sep. Spig.
Spong. Sulph. Thuj.
JLarynx & Trachea.
Dryness in the larynx Dros. Magn-m. Lach. 3/an<7. Mez. Nice.
Paris-qu. Phos. Puis. Seneg. Spong.
Sulph-ac. Zinff.
Burning in the larynx. Am-m. Graph. Merc. Mez. Paris-quad.
Seneg. Spong. Tonga.
Bronchitis, with difficult seeretion
of mucus Calc-c. Carb-v. Caust. Cist. Phos.
Cough after drinking Aeon. Bry. Cocc. Fer. Hep. Nux-v. Lye.
during a walk in the cold air .... Nitr. Seneg. Spig. Sulph-ac.
with arrest of hreathing, and .... Arn. Am-c. Bell. Fer. Merc-solub. Mur-
ac. .Nitr-ac. Verat.
with tough mucus in the chest Bary-c. Sep.
with expectoration in the day with-
out expectoration at night Cham. Hep. Merc. Puis. Sil.
with expectoration of mucus Calc. Chin. Lye. Paris-quad. Phos. Sep.
with salty expectoration Lye. Sep. Stram. Sulph.
Haemoptysis at night with burning
heat over the whole body Arn. Fer. (Rhus.)

Respiration oppressed Aeon. Bell. Bry. Carb-veg. Cupr. Ign.
Ipec. Nux-v. Phos. Puis. Sep. Sulph!

Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.

Anxious and ©ppressiTe short- Aeon. Arn. Cin. Kali-carb. Nux-v. Op.
ness of breath. Phos. Puis. Rhus. Spig. Tabac. Thuj.
Oppressed, laboured breathing, espe- Aur. Canth. Cupr. Grat. Merc. Nitr.
cialiy when ascending a height. Ol-an. Stann. Zinc.
Suffocating spells in the evening
when lying down Chin. Fer. Graph. Tart.
Asthma (periodical) Aeon. Bell. Bry. Cupr. Fer. Ipec. Lach.
Nux-v. Phos. Puis. Samb. Sulph.
Angina pectoris Ang. Hep. Ipec. Lach. Samb. Sep. Verat.
Constriction of the chest with Arn. Cocc. Cupr. Ign. Mosch. Nux-v.
anguish. Phos. Rhus. Verat.
Chilliness internal, in the chest Bry. Natr-c.
Coldness Arn. Camph. Carb-an. Oleand. Sulph.
Burning" in the chest, and. Bism. Calc. Cham. Euphorb. Lye. Merc-
sulph. Ol-an. Seneg. Spong. Sulph.
Heat in the chest Bism. Bry. Nux-v. Op. Puis. Rat.
Palpitation of the heart, especially Agar. Arg-nit. Calc. Dig. Dulc. Ign.
at night, Nitr. Mur-ac. Oxal-ac. Phos.
with great anguish Aeon. Natr-m. Oleand. Plat. Puis. Spig.
Sulph. Tart. Verat.

Burning- in the back.. Asaf. Cannab. Nux-v. Sep. Zinc.

Upper Extremities.
Swelling of the arm with Alum.Bary. Bell. Bry. Dulc. Lye. Merc.
Mez. Rhus. Sep. Sulph.
putrid smelling black blisters Anthrax. Lach.
Drawing tearing in the arms up Ambr. Am-m. Arg. Canst. Chin. Cina.
to the shoulder, worse at night. Cocc. Cofch. Led. Natr-c. Nitr. Phos-
ac. Puis. Sars. Sil. Tart. Thuj. Zinc.
Burning ulcers on the tips of the
fingers Fluor-ac.

JLower Extremities.
Tearing and stinging in the hips. Alum. Colch. Euphorb. Natr-c. Rhus.
Sabin. Zinc.
legs Alum. Calc. Caps. Carb-v. Caust. Colch.
Dulc. Kali-c. Lye. Magn-c. Natr-c.
Natr-m. Nitr-ac. Sulph. Zinc.
and groins. Lye. Sulph-ac.
Tearing in the tibia Am-c. Kali-c. Zinc.
Old ulcers on the lower limbs. Am-c. Calc. Graph. Kali. Lach. Lye.
Sep. Sil. Sulph.
with burning Zinc.


Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.

Lower Extremities.
Old ulcers with burning and lan-
cinating Magn. Sulph.
Ulcers on the soles of the feet Caust. Lach. Ruta. Sec-c.
on the toes Caust. Graph. Petrol. Sep. Thuj.
Swelling of the feet Apis. Arn. Calc. Bry. Cannab. Caust.
Chin. Graph. Led. Lye. Merc. Natr-c.
Natr-m. Phos. Puis. Sec-c. Sep. Sil.
hot shining, with burning, red Arn. Ca!c. Cocc. Graph. Kali-c. Lye.
spots or blue black blisters. Sec-c. Sep. Stann.
Itching in the bend of the knee Natr-m.
Varices Ambr. Arn. Calc. Fer. Lye. Puis. Sulph.

Late falling asleep Bry. Calc. Carb-v. Merc. Phos. Puis.
Starting' of the limbs when on the Alum. Bell. Bry. Calc-carb. Hep. Tgn.
point of falling asleep. Kali-carb. Lye. Nitr-ac. Nux-v. Phos.
Puis. Rhus. Selen. Sep. Sil. Sulph.
Sleeplessness with restlessness and Bry. Calc. Cham. Chin. Coff. Hep. Merc.
tossing about. Puis. Sep. Sil.
after midnight Caps. Coff. Kali-c. Nux-v. Sil.
Sleep, anxious, unquiet Bary. Chin. Rhus. Sil. Sulph.
IVightly sleeplessness, anxiety
about the heart, burning under the
skin as if hot water was coursing
through the veins.
Dreams anxious with feeling of em-
barrassment Am-m.
about dead persons Am-c. Anac. Calc. Iod. Kali-c. Magn-c.
General coldness with Camph.
parchment like dryness of the skin. Asaf. Iod.
or with profuse sweat Euphorb. Sulph.
Chilliness Bry. Lye. Merc. Phos. Puis. Rhus. Spig.
without thirst Hell. Nux-moe. Puis. Sabad. Spig.
especially after drinking Asar. Cannab. Caps. Chin. Nux-vom.
Tarax. Verat.
in the evening with. Agar. Am-c. Bov. Bry. Chin. Graph.
Kali-c. Lach. Petrol. Phos. Rhus.
stretching of the limbs and restless-
ness Coff. Kreos. Lauro.
— with heat at the same time Aeon. Calc. Ign.
— alternating with heat Asar. Bary. Bell. Bry. Chin. Cocc.

— when walking in the open air. . .

Merc. Nux-v. Sil.
Alum. Am-c. Caust. Chin. Chel. Kali-
chlo. Merc. Nitr-ac. Nux-v. Petrol.
Rhus. Tabac.


Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.

Heat, internal Aeon. Bell. Bry. Nux-v. Phos-ac. Rhus.
with anxiousness Aeon. Merc. Nux-v. Phos. Puis.
burning, dry, nightly. Aeon. Anac. Am. Bary-m. Bry. Calc.
Coff. Dulc. Graph. Lack. Lye. Nitr.
Nux-v. Phos. Puis, Ran-sc. Rhod.
Intermittent fever after abuse Arn. Bell. Caps. Carb-veg. Fer. Ipec.
of Quinine. Merc. Natr-mur. Puis. Lach. Sep.
Sulph. Verat.
first chilliness in the afternoon,
then chill followed by dry evening
heat, and later, sweat.

Thirst only during the fever heat, Aeon. Bell. Bry. Calc. Caps. Carb-veg.
drinks often, but little at a time. Chin. Hep. Hyos. Lach. Lauro. Natr-
mur. Nux-v. Puis. Sulph. Valer.
During the fever,
great restlessness, and anxiety Am-c. Ipec. Rhus.
tearing in the bones and limbs Magn-c. Natr-m.
nausea Ant-cr. Chin. Dros. Ipec. Lye. Nux-v.
Op. Sabad. Sep.
pain in the forehead Bell. Coloc. Lobel. Nux-v. Sep.
pain in the small of the back Chin. Hyos. Lach. Natr-m.
(tearing) Lach. Lactuca.
and difficulty of breathing ,
Crotal. Ipec. Lobel. Puis. Sep.
Pulse small and fast ,
Aeon. Bell. Carb-v. Hyos. Iod. Merc.
Phos. Plumb. Puis. Sec-c. Sil. Stann.
tremulous Bell. Calc. Cic. Kreos. Rhus. Sabin.
Sep. Spig. Staph.
intermitting Aeon. Agar. Bry. Chin. Dig. Hep. Kali-
carb. Merc. Natr-m. Phos-ac. Samb.
Sec-c. Sep. Sil. Stram. Sulph.
Burning Acn. Bell. Lach. Lye. Phos. Sil.

Dry burning neat. Aeon. Bry. Lach. Lye. Nux-vom. Phos.

Puis. Sil. Sulph.
Coldness Camph.
Parchment like dryness Chin. Dulc. Kali-c. Led. Lye. Phos. Sil.

Swelling, blue black. Lach. Puis.

dropsical Ant-cr. Bry. Chin. Hell. Puis. Squill.
spongy. Lach. Sil.

Chlorosis Bell. Calc. Cocc. Fer. Lye. Nitr-ac.

Plat. Puis. Sulph.

Anasarca Bry. Chin. Dig. Hell. Merc. Sulph.

Petechias .
Arn. Bell. Bry. Hyos. Lach. Zed.
Nux-v. Phos. Rhus. Sec-c. Sil.

Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.

White miliary eruptions. Agar. Bov. Bry. Ipec. Phos. Sulph.
Urticaria Aeon. Ant-cr. Apis. Bell. Bry. Calc.
Carb-v. Caust. Chin. Con. Dulc. Hep.
Ign. Lye. Merc. Mez. Natr-c. Natr-m.
Rhus. Sep. Sil. Sulph.
Red pustules changing to ichorous,
crusty, burning and spreading ulcers.
burning Caust. Merc. Rhus.
Sphacelus Asaf. Euphorb. Lach. Plumb. Squill.
Sec-c- Sil. Sulph. Sulph-ac.
Exanthema, gangrenous Bell. Camph. Hyos. Lach. Sabin. Sec-c.
black pock shaped Rhus.
burning Caust. Merc. Rhus.
Vesicular eruptions Canth. Lach. Phos. Ran-sc. Ran-bulb.
Carbuncles (Anthrax) Bell. Caps. Hyos. Lach. Rhus. Sec-c.
Sil. Tart.
Herpes with vesicles and Bov. Calc. Chin. Con. Dulc. Graph.
Lye. Merc. Natr-c. Petrol. Rhus.
Sep. Sil. Sulph. Tellur.
violent burning, especially at night. Caust. Merc. Rhus.
furfuraceous Aur. Calc. Dulc. Graph. Kreos. Phos.
Sep. Sil. Sulph.
Ulcers, hard Bell. Lye. Puis.
on the edges Lye. Merc. Sil.
with hard high edges Asaf. Lye. Merc. Puis. Sil.
destitute of feeling Con. Lye.
stinging Hep. Merc. Nitr-ac. Puis. Sil. Sulph.
cancerous Hep. Sil. Sulph.
bleeding Asaf. Hep. Kali-c. Lach. Lye. Merc.
Nitr-ac. Phos. Puis. Sil. Sulph.
inflamed Aeon. Hep. Merc. Sil.
with redness around Hep. Puis. Sil.
with burning in the ulcer and Con. Hep. Kreos. Lach. Merc. Nitr-
edges. ac. Sep. Sil. Sulph.
spongy Carb-an. Lach. Sil.
—— on the edges Sil.
with proud flesh in them Carb-an. Cham. Lach. Petrol. Sep. Sil.
pricking Merc. Nitr-ac. Puis. Sil. Sulph.
in the edges Merc. Sil.
as if burnt Caust.
painful in the edges Asaf. Hep. Merc. Sil.
burning in the edges Lye. Merc, Sil.
gangrenous Asaf. Euphorb. Lach. Plumb. Sec-c.
turning black Asaf. Lach. Plumb. Sec-c. Sil.

Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.

Salt Rlicum. Arabr. Calc. Graph. Lye. Puis. Sep.
Sil. Staph.

Fungus haematodes. Carb-an. Phos. Sil.

Pus acrid Caust. Fluor-ac. Merc. Rhus. Sil.

ichorous Carb-v. Merc. Nitr-ac. Rhus. Sil.

fetid Asaf. Calc. Chin. Graph. Hep. Lye.

Merc. Phos-ac. Sep. Sil. Sulph.
bloody Asaf. Hep. Merc.
Inflamed varices Arn. Lye- Pids. Sil. Spig. Sulph. Zinc.
Discoloration of the nails. Ant-cr. Graph. Mur-ac. Nitr-ac. Sulph.
Falling off of the nails Ant-cr. Hell. Merc. Sec-c. Squill. Thuj.


Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.

Great emaciation Ars. Chin. Fer. Iod. Lye. Natr-m.
Nitr-ac. Nux-v. Plumb. Puis. Sil.
Stram. Sulph.
General nervous debility Bary. Calc-c. Con. Dig. Lauro. Nux-v.
Phos-ac. Sil. Sulph.
Trembling in all the limbs from the
least exertion Merc. Rhus.
Especially suitable for lean slender
persons Ambr. Nux-v.
Sensitiveness to change of weather. Mang. Merc. Mosch. Nux-v. Rhod.
Rhus. Sil. Sulph.
Great sensitiveness of all the
senses Aeon. Chin. Coff. Nux-v.
Liability to take cold, and from
it, stinging and tearing in the limbs.
Burning' in the body and limbs in- Aeon. Ars. Bell. Bry. Canth. Merc.
ternally. Nux-v. Sabad. Sep. Sulph.
externally Ars. Bry. Carb-veg. Caust. Nux-v.
Phos-ac. Rhus. Stann. Sulph.
Sensation of inward festering. Puis. Ran-bulb.
Dryness of inner parts Bell. Calad. Calc-c. Seneg. Sulph.
Secretion of mucus increased.. Calc. Merc. Nux-v. Puis. Sulph.
Violent ebullitions, and Aeon. Aur. Calc-c. Kreos. Lye
congestions Aeon. Bell. Chin. Fer. Nux-v. Puis.
Haemorrhages from internal or- Bell. Calc-c. Canth. Chin. Diad. Fer.
gans. Ipec. Merc. Millefol. Nitr-ac. Nux-v.
Puis. Sabin. Sep. Sulph.
Small wounds bleed much Aeon. Nitr-ac. Sep.
Sensitiveness to cool weather, and Aur. Calc. Caust. Cocc. Sabad. Sep.
to the open air Carb-veg. Cham. Cocc. Coff. Natr-c.
Nux-v. Petrol. Rhus. Sulph.
Desire for the open air Aur. Croc. Kali-hydr. Puis. Tellur.
Itching of inner parts Ambr. Iod. Nux-v.
Stinging of inner parts Asaf. Bry. Canth. Chel. Chin. Io-n
Puis. Sep. Spig. Verb.
Inflammation of inner parts.... Aeon. Bell. Bry. Canth. Merc.
Dropsy of internal organs Bell. Calad. Calc-c. Seneg.
Easy dislocations Bry. Calc. Lye. Natr-c. Natr-m.
. . .


Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.

Sprains , Calc. Lye. Natr-c. Natr-m. Petrol.
Rhus. Vitex.
Glandular diseases, especially
after contusions Con. Dulc. Iod. Kali. Petrol.
Swelling of tlie bones Asaf. Calc. Lye. Merc. Phos-ac. Puis.
Sil. Staph. Sulph.

Rachitis Asaf. Calc-c. Lye. Merc. Puis. Rhus.

Sil. Sulph.
Phthisis Calc-c. Hep. Iod. Kali. Lye. Sep.
Stann. Spong.
Chlorosis Bell. Calc-c. Cocc. Fer. Lye. Nitr-ac.
Plat. Puis. Sulph.
Aggravation in the evening Ambr. Aram. Ant-cr. Ant-tart. Am.
Bell. Bry. Caps. Caust. Colch. Cycla.
Euphorb. Hell. Hyos. Lach. Lye.
Magn. Meny. Mez. Nitr. Nitr-ac.
Plat. Puis. Ran-sc. Sep. Stront.
Sulph-ac. Zinc.
at night. Aeon. Arn. Ars. Cham. Chin. Colch.
Con. Dulc. Fer. Graph. Hep. Iod.
Magn-c. Magn-m. Mang. Merc. Nitr-
ac. Plumb. Stront. Sil.

before midnight Carb-veg. Led. Lye. Puis. Ran-sc. Sa-

in the morning.. Am-m. Aur. Calc-c. Carb-veg. Chel.
Croc. Natr-m. Nitr. Nux-v. Rhod.
Rhus. Squil.
after breakfast Cham. Nux-v.
when alone Ars. Dros. Lye. Stram.
during meals, and disappearance Am-c. Carb-an. Carb-veg. Con. Kali-c.
of symptoms, afterwards. Nitr-ac.
before eating Iod. Lauro. Natr-c.
after eating Bry. Calc-c. Caust. Con. Kali-c. Lye.
Natr-m. Nux-v. Sep. Sil. Sulph.
after eating something warm. Bry. Puis.
while lying on the back Nux-v.
on the left side Puis.
when rising from a seat, Caps. Con. Lye. Puis. Rhus. Spig.
from the light of day . . Con. Euphra. Graph. Hep. Nux-v. Sil.

candles Calc-c. Con. Dros. Lye. Merc.

during a thunder storm. Bry. Lach. Natr-c. Rhod. Sil.

from a change of weather. Calc-c. Graph. Mang. Merc. Nitr-ac.

Rhus. Sil. Sulph. Verat.
from singing Carb-veg.
from laughing Bor.
from strong smells Aur. Bell. Coff. Ign. Lye. Nux-v.
Amelioration in the dark . .. Calc. Con. Euphra. Graph.
while lying on the right side. Puis.
from rubbing Calc-c. Canth. Natr-c. Plumb.
.. . .


Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.

Amelioration from scratching. Asaf. Calc-c. Cycl. Mur-ac. Natr-c.
after sleeping Ars. Calad. Colch. Nux-v. Sep.
from cold water Caust. Sep.
eating something cold. . . Bry. Puis.
being mesmerised Cupr.

•Witt (I & Disposition.

Peevishness.. Calc-c. Lye. Sulph.
Amativeness Canth. Hyos. Lach. Plat. Verat.
CJayety Coff. Croc. Natr-c. Op.
Ecstacy Aeon. Agar. Ant-cr.
Indifference Phos-ac. Puis. Sep.

Condition too magnetic (clair-
voyance) Aeon. Stann.
Giddiness, when rising from a seat
every thing is black before the eyes. Con. Kali-c. Nice. Nitr-ac. Petrol. Thuj.
in the" morning Graph. Kali-c. Lach. Lact-vir. Nice.
Nitr-ac. Sil. Sulph.
after rising. Bary. Calc-c. Lye. Magn-c. Phos-ac.
Sabad. Stann.
as if he would fall over, Con. Nitr-ac. Sil.
after meals Kali-c. Merc. Nux-v. Petrol. Puis.
Heaviness in and Natr-m. Nux-v.
congestion to the head. tell. Bry. Calc-c Cinnab. Chin. Fer.
Glon. Merc. Mosch. Nux-v. Sulph.
Headache, in the morning Graph. Hep. Ign. Nitr-ac. Nux-v. Pe-
trol. Sulph.
pain over the left eye. . . Aeon. Ars. Nux-jug. Ox-ac. Plat.
burning, in the forehead. Alum. Bism. Caust- Meny. Natr-m.
Rhus. Spig. Sulph-ac.
better in the open air. Alum. Cannab. Croc. Hell. Lauro.
Magn-m. Natr-m. Puis. Seneg. Sep.
Hair, dark Aeon. Nitr-ac. Nux-v. Plat. Sep.
Itching on the hairy scalp. Ant-cr. Graph. Oleand. Rhod.
dandruff Calc-c. Graph. Oleand. Staph.
Falling off of the hair. Ambr. Ant-cr. Ars. Calc-c. Cvcla
Fluor-ac. Graph. Hep. Ion.
Natr-m. Nitr-ac. Petrol. Sec-c. Sep!
Sil. Staph. Sulph.

Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.

Agglutination in the eyea in the Chel. Dig. Kali-c. Magn-c. Mang. Nux-
morning with v. Psor. Sars.

lachrymation in the open air Merc. Puis. Sep. Sil. Sulph. Thuj.
worse in the wind Puis. Rhus.
Photophobia Ars. Bell. Euphra. Nux-v. Rhus. Sulph.
Aversion to the light of day Con. Graph. Euphra. Hep. Nux-v. Sil.

candle light Calc-c. Con. Dros. Merc.

Burning of the eyes Bell. Calc-c. Euphra. Kreos. Puis.
Ruta. Sil. Staph. Sulph.
Pupils contracted Chel. Cocc. Sep. Sil. Sulph. Verat.
Mistiness of sight, (gauze before
the eyes) Calc-c. Caust. Croc.
Bimsightedness Calc-c. Cannab. Caust. Con. Euphra.
Hep. Puis. Sil. Sulph.
Cataracta viridis Puis.
Halo around the candle Sulph.
Momentary loss of sight as Bell. Cic. Hyos. Merc. Natr-m. Oleand.
from fainting. Puis. Stram.
Muscae volitantes Agar. Bell. Chin. Calc-c. Con. Nitr-ac.
Rhus. Sep. Sil. Stram.
Roaring before the ears Aeon. Aur. Bry. Carb-an. Carb-veg.
Cupr. Hep. Led. Natr-m. Petrol.
Puis. Sep. Sulph. Verat.
Hardness of hearing, especially
of the human voice Ars. Sil. Sulph.

Bleeding from the nose Aeon. Arn. Bell. Bry. Cannab. Carb.
veg. Cina. Croc. Dros. Dulc. Fer-
Hep. Ipec. Merc. Millefol. Nux-v.
Puis. Rhus. Sep. Sil. Sulph.
during stool.
Blowing of blood from the nose. Agar. Caust. Graph. Lye. Paris-quad,
iuls. Sep. Stront. Sulph. Thuj.
Much discharge of mucus
from the nose without coryza, mucus
green Kali-c. Natr-c. Paris-quad. Puis. Thuj.
mucus yellow Bov. Graph. Magn-rn. Magn-sul. Mez.
Mur-ac. Natr-c. Puis. Selen. Spig.
Polypus of the nose Calc-c. Merc-subl. Sang. Sep. Sil.
Staph. Teucr.
Oversentiveness of smell Aur. Bell. Cham. Cobh. Graph. Hep.
Lye. Nux-v. Sep. Sulph.
Smell, foul Bell. Paris-quad.

Nose red Alum. Aur. Bell. Calc-c. Cannab.

Chin. Kali-c. Lach. Merc. Ran-sc.
and swollen. Alum. Arn. Bell Bry. Canth. Kali-c.
Lach. Lye. Merc. Natr-m. Ran-sc.
Sep. Sulph. Zinc.


Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.

Pale Ars. Chin. Cina. Phos-ac. Sep. Sulph.
Changing colour... Bell. Ign. Plat.

Ifiippocratic Ars. Canth. Chin. Fer. Lye. Stann.

Staph. Tart. Verat.
Bloated (puffiness) Ars. Bell. Cham. Dig. Kali-c.

Puffiness under the eyes Ars. Bry. Nux-v. Puis.

Tearing in the facial bones. Aeth. Arg. Lye. Natr-sul. Sep. Spig.
Staph. Zinc.
and stinging in the facial bones. Aeth. Alum. Guaj. Paris-quad. Psor.
Sil. Staph. Verb.

Freckles Sulph.
Circumscribed red spot on
the cheeks Chin. Ferr. Lye. Snlph.

Stitches in the teeth.. Calc-c.Caust.Merc.Mez.Rhus.Sil. Sulph.
Carious teeth Kreos.
Swelled and Am-c. Bar-c. Borax. Graph. Merc.
Nitr. Nux-v. Sil. Staph. Sulph.
Easily bleeding gunis. Ars. Bov. Graph. Carb-veg. Merc.
Nitr-ac. Phos-ac. Sep. Staph.
Swelling of the jaw bones. Calc-c.
Toothache after washing Nux-mos.

Tongue white Aeon. Arn. Ars. Bry. Cannab. Chin.
Ign. Petrol. Puis. Sep. Sulph. Verat.
coated with white mucus Bell, Dulc. Lach. Nux-mos. Phos-ac.
Puis. Sulph.
stinging in the tip of the Ign. Merc. Nux-v. Phos-ac. Ran-bul.
Sabad. Sabin. Staph.
dry Ars. Bell. Bry. Cham. Dulc. Merc.
Nux-mos. Nux-v. Sulph. Verat.
Burning in the Oesophagus.... Aeon. Arn. Ars. Bov. Camph. Canth.
Carb-veg. Cham. Crot. Euj.horb.
Laur. Merc. Mez. Ran-bul. Rhod.
Sabad. Sec-c. Seneg. Squil. Verat.
Dryness day and night Asaf. Bell. Bry. Lye. Nux-mos. Petrol.
Seneg. Sulph.
Spasmodic constriction of the
Oesophagus Bell. Con. Laur. Plat. Stram. Zinc.
Much hawking of mucus in the Caust. Hep. Kali-c. Nat-m. Plat. Sep.
morning. Tarax. Teucr.

JMppetite A* Taste.
Hunger after eating Bov. Calc-c. Cina. Plumb. Stront.
canine Chin. Cin. Merc. Mur-ac. Petrol. Sep.
Squil. Staph. Verat. Zinc.


Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.

Appetite tf Taste.
Thirst, longing for something refresh-
ing Cocc. Puis. Valer.
Taste, sour. Bar-c. Bell. Calc-c. Caps. Carb-an
Chin. Cocc. Kali-c. Magn-c. Lye.
Natr-c. Natr-m. Nitr-ac. Nux-v. Puis.
Sep. Sulph. Tarax.
saltish Merc. Puis. Sep.
sweetish Plumb. Puis. Sabad. Squil.
Sleepiness after eating. Aeon. Anac. Arum. Aur. Bov. Chin.
Nux-v. Rhus. Ruta. Sulph.

Gastric Symptoms.
Frequent eructations Ant-cr. Arn.Bry. Nux-v. Sars. Sulphac.
Pain in the Pylorus, while eruc-
tating Calad. Cham. Cocc. Rhus. Spong.
Rising up of sour ingesta Ambr. Arn-c. Bry. Calc-c. Carb-an.
Carb-v. Caust. Chin. Natr-m. Nux-v.
Puis. Ran-sc. Sep. Sil- Sulph. Verat.
Flow of water into the mouth.... Asar. Carb-veg. Hep. Ign. Plumb.
Rhus. Sabad. Seneg. Tonga. Zinc.
Vomiting of ingesta Ars. Bry. Fer. Nux-v. Sil.

of bile Ars. Bry. Cham. Ipec. Merc. Nux-v.

Puis. Sulph. Verat.
— of what has been drunk (as soon Ars. Bism. Bry. Cham. Dulc. Ipec.
as it becomes warm in the stomach). Nux-v. Sil. Verat.
— of blood Arn. Fer. Hama. Ipec.
Calc-c. Chin. Lye. Nux-v. Sulph.

Painfullness of the stomach to the Ant-cr. Canth. Colch. Natr-c.
touch, and Nux-v. Phos-ec. Sulph. Tereb.
when toalking Calc-c-
Loud rumbling and rolling in Caust. Chin. Hell. Lye. Mcny. Nux-v.
the bowels. Phos-ac. Puis. Sulph.
Sensation of great fullness Chin. Kali-c. Rhus.

Great pressure after eating Am-c. Anac. Ars. Bry. Calc-c. Carb-
veg. Chin. Fer. Iod. Kali-c. Led.
Lye. Merc. Natr-c. Nux-v. Plat.
Plumb. Sil. Sulph.
Spasms of the stomach.... Calc-c. Cocc Fer. Nux-v. Puis. Sulph.

Burning in the stomach. Ars. Bry. Calad. Camph. Canth. Carb-

veg. Cic. Euphorb. Ign. Plumb. Sa-
bad. Sec-c. Sep. Sil. Sulph.
Inflammation of the stomach. Aeon. Ars. Bell. Bry. Chel. Ilyos.
Ipec. Lach. Nux v. Puis. Verat.
The Pylorus seems too nar-
row, the victuals scarcely swal-
lowed come up again Calc-c. Chin. Lye. Nux-v. Sulph.

Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.

Stitches in the region of the liver. Aeon. Bry. Calc-c. Carb-veg. Con.
Kali-c. Magn-m. Merc. Natr-c. Natr-
m. Natr-sul. Nux-v. Ran-bul. Sep.
Sulph. Tabac.
Soreness, especially to the touch Bell. Con. Ran. Stann. Sulph.
and when walking Ran. Sulph.
Burning Aeon. Ars- Bell. Bry. Canth. Coloc
Cocc. Nux-v. Sec. Sep. Sil- Verat.
Sensation of coldness Camph. Oleand. Sec-c.
Coldness Ars. Kali-c. Plumb. Sec-c. Sulph.
Flaccidity Euphorb. Ign. Merc. Rhus. Sep.
Rumbling in the abomen Carb-veg. Lye. Natr-sul. Sars. Sap.
Sulph. Tabac.
Incarcerated flatulence Calc-c. Canth. Carb-an. Iod. Kali-c.
Lye. Natr-m. Nitr. Nitr-ac. Sulph.
Large yellow spots on the ab-
domen Ars. Carb-veg. Kali-c. Sabad. Sep.

/Stool A" tlnus.

Very soft stools Agn c. Anne. Bary-c. Borax. Calc-c.
Graph. Nitr-nc. Nux-mos. Oleand.
Puis. Ran-sc. Rath. Rhod. Sep.
Pap-like stools Agar. Arn. Calad. Phos-ac. Rheum.
Rhod. Sil. Sulph. Tart-em.
Diarrhea Ant-cr. Cham. Chin. Merc. Phos-ac.
Puis. Rhus. Sulph. Verat.
painless Ars. Fer. Hyos. Lye. Phos-ac. Stram.
debilitating Bry. Calc-c. Chin. Con. Fer. Sec-c.
Stools, involuntary Mur-ac. Phos-ac. Verat.
green Cham. Puis. Sulph.
mucus Asar. Borax. Caps. Cham. Nux-v. Puis.
bloody Canth. Ipec. Merc-viv. Nux-v.
watery Ant-cr. Arn. Cham. Chin. Fer. Hyos.
Jatro. Nux-v. Puis. Rhus. Sec-c.
Discharge of blood from the Am-c. Ars. Borax. Case. Lye. Merc-
rectum. sol. Sabin.
of mucus out of the (wide
open) anus Alum. Ant-cr. Borax. Merc. Sep. Spig.
Tape worm' Calc-c. Carb-veg. Granat. Filix-m. Kali-
c. Petrol. Sabad. Stann.
Stinging in the Anus Ars. Carb-an. Kali-c. Sep. Sil. Sulph.
Itching in the Anus Amhr. Am-c Carb-veg. Caust. Ign.
Lye. Nitr-ac. Sil. Sulph. Teucr. Zinc.


Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.

Secretion, more frequent . Ant-cr. Bar-c. Calc-c. Merc. Led. Lye.
Psor. Sulph. Valer.
and more abundant. Alum. Ambr. Arn. Clem. Magn-sul.
01-an. Rheum. Rhod. Stram. Teucr.
Whitish Rhus.
Soon becomes turbid, with a Bry. Caust. Cham. Lye. Merc.
brick dust sediment. Phos-ac. Sars. Rhus. Sang- Sep. Sulph.
While urinating, smarting... Cannab. Natr-c. Nitr-ac. Sep. Sil. Thuj.
cutting; Canth. Con. Graph. Merc. Sars. Thuj.
and burning Ars. Cannab. Canth. Cham. Colch.
Ipec. Merc. Puis. Sars. Staph. Sulph.
Twitching in the Urethra. Alum. Cannab. Canth. Kali-chlor.
Natr-c. Nux-v. Petrol.
Burning in the Urethra Ant-cr. Ars. Berb. Calc-c. Cannab.
Canth. Caust. Chin. Colch. Ign.lpec.
Merc. Natr-c. Petrol. Phos-ac. Staph.
Sulph. Thuj.
Jtlale Sexual Organs.
Sexual desire increased with Canth. Chin. Graph. Lach. Natr-m.
irresistible desire for coition. Nux-v. Plat. Puis. Verat. Zinc.
Impotence Agn-c. Calad. Camph. Cannab. Caps.
Con. Iod. Lye. Psor. Selen. Sulph.
Involuntary emission of Am-c. Bov. Carb-veg. Caust. Con.
semen too often. Kali-c. Kobalt. Lye. Nitr-ac. Petrol.
Phos ac. Plumb. Puis. Sep. Staph.
female Sexual System.
Stitches upward into the Pelvis (Berb.) Sep.
Catamenia, too early, and too Alum. Ars-met. Asaf. Mang. Petrol.
scanty (and watery). Sil.

too early, too copious, and of too Ambr. Calc. Carb-v. Cham. Ipec. Nux-
long duration. v. Plat. Rhus. Sabin.
Fluor Albus, acrid, drawing blis- Alum. Bov. Con. Fe.-. Fluor-ac. Kali-
ters. hydr. Kreos. Merc. Ran-bul. Sil.
and excoriating. Carb.veg. Ferae. Kali-hydr. Ran-bul.
Sep. Sulph. Sulph-ac.

Hoarseness Carb-veg. Hep. Mang. Nice. Spong.
liOSS Of voice (Aphonia) Carb-veg. Caust. Kali-c. Merc. Nice.
Nux-jug. Plumb. Puis.
Great painfulness of the Larynx. Iod. Lach. Thuj.

preventing talking Nice.

Croup Aeon. Brom. Hep. Iod. Kali-bichrom.
Spong. (Bell.)
. .


Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.

Bronchitis. Ars. Calc-c. Carb-veg. Caust. Cistus.
Dros. Hep. Iod. Kali-bichr. Mang.
Cough Ars. Bry. Calc-c. Nux-v. Puis. Sep.
Stann. Sulph.
worse at night. Bar-c. Bell. Bry. Eijos. Kali-c. Merc.
Nux-v. Petrol. Puis. Sep. Staph.
Stann. Sulph.
dry. Aeon. Ipec. Spong.
from tickling in the throat. Ambr. Calc-c. Iod. Lach. Natr-m.
from talking... Stann.
from laughing. Arg. Ars. Chin. Dros. Lach. Mang.
— with expectoration Bry. Carb-veg. Hep. Paris-quad. Puis.
in the morning without ex-
pectoration in the evening Squil. Sep. Sulph-ac.


expectoration bloody Fer. Ipec. Nitr-ac. Puis. Sulph.

blood streaked Bry. Chin. Fer.
of mucus Ars. Calc-c. Chin. Lye. Paris-quad.
frothy Ars. Nux-v. Op. Puis. Sil.

purulent Calc-c. Chin. Con. Kali-c. Lye. Sep.


tough Bov. Kali-bichr. Stann.

salt.... Ars. Lye. Puis. Sep.
sour... Calc-c. Nux-v.
sweet Calc-c. Plumb. Puis. Sabad. Squil.
Respiration oppressed. Aeon. Ars. Bell. Bry. Carb-veg. Cupr.
Ign. Ipec. i\ux-v. Puis. Sep. Sulph.
quick Aeon. Bell. Carb-veg. Cupr. Ipec. Lye.
Sep. Sulph.
anxious Aeon. Ipec. Puis. Squil. Stann.
Inflammation of the lungs Aeon. Bry. Chin. Kali-c. Lach. Lye.
{left). Merc. Nitr. Bhus. Squil. Tart-em.
Phthisis. Brom. Calc-c. Iod. Kali-c. Lye. Puis.
Sep. Sil. Stann.
mucosa Dnlc. Merc. Seneg. Stann.
Hard painful lump in the Carb-an. Coloc. Con. Graph. Lye. Nitr-
Mammae. ac. Sulph.
Erysipelas in the Mamma' Calc-c. Carb-an. Graph. Sulph.
with swelling.
Burning in the Mammre Bell. Iod.
Stinging Laur. Nntr-m. Plumb.
Hardness of Bry. Cham. Con. Sil. Sulph.


Symptoms, Corresponding Remedies.

Suppuration of the Mammae. Hep. Sil. (Kreos. Merc.)
Yellow spots in the chest Carb-an. Sep. Sulph.

Pain in the hack as if it was Agar. Dros. Magn-c. Merc. Nux-rn.
broken. Nux-v. Plat. Psor. Ruta. Verat.
Stiffness of the neck Bar-c. Bell. Bry. Calc-c. Lye. Nux-v.
Rhus. Sep. Sulph.
Pain in the small of the back when
rising from a stooping position Sil.

Burning in the back Ars. Asaf. Berb. Cannab. Magn-m.

Nux-m. Nux-v. Sep. Zinc.

Upper Extremities.
Tearing in the Arms, especially in Am-c. Caust. Chin. Colch. Natr-c.
the joints. Nitr. Phos-ac. Puis. Tart-em. Thuj.
Trembling of the hands Agar. Iod. Op. Stram. Sulph. Tabac.
Tart-em. Zinc.
Burning in the palms of the hands. Lye. Petrol. Sep. Stann.
Numbness of the fingers, and.... Bar-c. Calc-c. Natr-m.
Insensibility Bell. Lye. Oleand. Rhus. Sec-c.

JLower Extremities.
Tearing from the knees to the feet. Am-m. Bry. Chin. Kali-c. 01-an. Rhod.
Rheumatic stiffness of the knees. Am-m. Bry. Graph. Lye. Natr-m. Nux-
v. Petrol. Sep. Sulph.

Cold feet. Calc-c. Caust. Con. Graph. Sep. Sil.

Swelling of the feet with sting-
ing Arn. Bry. Led. Lye. Puis.
Pains in the soles of the feet
as if bruised Ambr. C;ilc-c. Graph. Puis. Sulph.

Sleepiness in daytime Ant-cr. Croc. Nux-v. Phcs-ac. Puis.
Sleeplessness before midnight. Bry. Calc-c. Carb-veg. Puis- Rhus. Sep.
does to sleep late Ars. Bry. Calc. Carb-v. Merc. Puis.
Rhus. Sep.
Waltes frequently in the night. Calc-c. Hep. Puis. Sep. Sulph.
Sleepiness with drowsiness Bell. Cham. Puis. Sep.

Breams, many Bry. Chin Magn-c. Nuv-v. Puis. Rhus.

Sil. Sulph.

Ars. Graph. Magn. Nux-v. Puis. Thuj.

vivid Rhus. Sil. Sulph.


Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.

Chilliness Ars. Bry. Chin. Natr.m. Nux-v. Puis.
Sil. S'pig. Verat.

in the evening.... Am-m. Am. Kali-c. Lye. Nux-v. Puis.

Dry neat Aeon. Ars. Bry. Lach. Lye. Nux-v.
Flushes of heat. Ambr. Carb-vcg. Lye. Sep. Sulph.
Fever with soporous condition... Bell. Lye. Op. Tart-em.
open mouth Lye. Op.
dry lips and tongue Ars. Cham. Lach. Lye.
black lips and tongue... Ars. Chin. Merc. Tart-em. Verafc.
"Want of perspiration (dryness Bell. Bry. Calc-c.Cham. Chin. Colch.
of the skin). Dulc. Led. Lye. Nux-m.
Oleand. Op. Sec-c. Sang. Sil. Sulph.
Viscid perspiration Lye.
Pulse quick, small and hard. Ars. Bry. Iod. Merc. Phos-ac. Sil.
Stann. Stram.
Blood boils. Arn. Bell. Euphorb. Led. Lye. Nitr-ac.
Phos. Sep. Sulph. Thuj.
Small wounds bleed much. Lach.
Fungus hrematodes Ars. Calc-c. Carb-an. Sil.
Polypus Calc-c. Con. Sang. Staph. Tencr.
Petechias Arn. Ars. Bell. Bry. Led. Rhus. Sec-c.
Sil. Sulph-ac.
Dry tetters ,
Led. Psor. Rhus. Sep.
Burning in the skin..., Aeon. Ars. Bell. Lach. Lye.
Exanthema, pustuliis Ars. Lach. Ran-bul.
scaly Clem.
Red spots Am-c. Bell.
Freckles Sulph.

Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.

Full habit (Plethora) Aeon. Am. Aur. Calc-c. Fer. Ilyos.
Nux-v. Puis.
Burning' of inner parts Aeon. Bry. Canth. Merc-v. Nux-v.
Phos. Sabad. Sep. Sulph.
Tearing' in the inner parts Bry. Cun. Lye. Merc. Nux-v. Puis. Sil.

Bleeding from inner parts Calc-c. Canth. Chin. Fer. Ipec. Merc.
Millefol.Nitr-ac Nux-v. Phos. Puis.
Sabin. Sep. Sulph.
Congestion to single parts Aeon. Chin. Fer. Nux-v. Puis. Sulph.
especially the head Aeon. Arn. Bry. Cham. Cinnab. Coff.
Fer. Glon. Ilyos. Lach. Strain. Sulph-

Swelling of the blood vessels Chin. Fer. Hyos- Thuj.

Apoplexia Aeon. Cocc. Glon. Lach. Lact-v. Nux.

v. Op.
Rheumatic pains, pressing, tear-
ing in the limbs Carb veg. Caust. Mez. Sulph-ac.
in the joints Arg. Bry. Colch. Kali-c. Kalm. Led.
Merc. Rhus. Sabin. Spong. Staph.
flying from one place to an- Arn. Mang. Nux-mos. Puis. Sabin.
other. Sulph. Zinc.

Stinging in the bones Calc-c. Con. Hell. Merc. Puis. Sars.

Stitches in the muscles Arn. Asaf. Bry. Calc. Dig. Euphorb.
Ign. Merc. Laur. Nux-v. Oleand.
Par-qu. Puis. Plat. Plumb. Kan-sc.
Rhus. Sabad. Sabin. Spig. Staph.
Sulph- Thuj. Valer.
Cramp pains in the muscles Anac. Arg. Calc-c. Cin. Lye. Merc.
Over-excitability of all the senses. Cham. Calc-c. Coff. Iod. Merc. Nux-v.
Puis. Teucr. Val.
Creeping in the limbs like a mouse. Calc-c. Nitr-ac. Sep. Sulph.

Contortion of the limbs Plat. Stram.

Spasins of single limbs or of the whole Cal-c. Caust. Cham. Cupr. Hyo's. Tgn.
body. Ipec. Lach. Nux-v. Op. Sil. Stram.
Spasms of children Aeon. Cham. Caust. Chin. Cupr. Coff.
ign. Ipec. Lach. More. Nux-mos.
Op. Stram. Sulph. (Glon.) (Dolich.)
. .


Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.

Spasms during dentition . Calc-c. Cham. Chin. Dolich. Ign.
Stram. Sulph.
St. Vitus's dance Calc-c. Caust. Cic. Cocc. Croc. Cupr.
Hyos. Ign. Nux-v. Sil. Stram. Zinc.
Tetanic spasms. Ana:. Bry. Camph. Cham. Ipec. Ign.
Mosch. Op. Plat. Sec-c. Stram.
Epileptic spasms, (before the Calc-c. Calc-ars. Caust. Cic. Cin. Cupr.
spasms, sensation as if a mouse were Hyos. Ign. Nux-v. Op. Sil. Stram.
running in the muscles of the limbs Sulph,
Renewal of the spasms by the
least contact (touch) Ang. Cocc. Stram.
Spasms from a glare of light Stram.
Hydrophobia Canth. Hyos. Hydrophobic Lach.
Phos. Stram.
Inflammation of inner parts Aeon. Bry. Canth. Merc. Nux-v. Phos.
of mucus membranes Aeon. Ars. Merc. Nux-v. Sulph.
Induration after inflammation Chin. Clem. Magn-mur.
Trembling of the limbs when Arg-nit. Chinin. Guaco. Par-qu. Selen.
walking. Sulph.
Lameness and Paralysis Caust. Cocc. Nux-v. Rhus. Sulph.
of inner parts Dulc. Hyos. Laur. Nux-v. Rhus.
of the organs Dulc. Hyos. Op. Puis. Sec-c. Sil.
Liability to take cold, with Aeon. Calc-c. Caps. Chin. Hep. Kali-c.
great sensitiveness to a draft of Selen. Sil. Sulph.

Bad effects from taking cold Aeon. Cham. Dulc. Nux-v. Rhus.
from fear, or Aeon. Ign. Op. Puis.
chagrin Aeon. Cham. Coloc. Ign. Nux-v. Plat.
abuse of Mercury Aur. Calc-c. Carb-veg. Chin. Hep.
Lach. Nitr-ac. Puis. Sulph.
of Valerian , Camph. Coff. Puis.
of China Ars. Calc-c. Carb-veg. Fer. Ipec. Lach.
Merc. Natr-m. Puis. Sulph. Yerat.
of Opium Bry. Calc-c. Lye. Mur-ac. Nux-v. Puis.
Rhus. Sep. Sulph.
Aggravation in the afternoon.
in the evening.
after suppressed perspiration Calc-c. Cham. Chin. Sulph.
on moving Bry. Coleh. Led. Nux-v.
from touching the parts, even softly. Chin. Ign. Nux-v. Phos. Stann.
on walking in the wind Asar. Graph. Nux-v. Phos. Puis. Spig.
from a draft of air Calc-c. Caps. Chin. Hep. Kali-c. Selen.
Sil. Sulph.
while drinking Canth. Hyos. Lach. Phos. Stram.
while looking at running water.. Brom. Fer. Hyos. Sulph.
on looking at bright shining or
glistening objects Hyos. Stram.
.. .


Sympto7ns. Corresponding Remedies.

Amelioration, on bending the af-
fected part Cham. Chin. Puis. Squil. Thuj.
backwards Cham. Lach. Thuj.
inwards Am-mur.
— while reposing.. Bry. Colch. Led. Nux-v.


from leaning the head against

something Kali-c. Merc. Sabad. Spig.
— while standing.. . Asar. Calad. Cannab. Colch. Tod. Ipec.
Led. Nux-v. Phos. Ran-bul. Squill.
Jflind and Disposition.
Melancholy Ars. Aur. Caust. Hell. Hyos. Lye.
Natr-m. Plumb. Stram. Sulph.
Or eat anguish about the heart. . Ars.Camph. Nux-v. Rhus. Sec-c. Verat.
Trembling (timidity) Anac. Bar-c. Nitr. Puis. Sil. Verb.
Restlessness Hyos. Merc. Rhus. Sep. Staph. Stram.
Nervous excitement Coff. Nux-v.
Distrust Bar-c. Cic. Hell. Hyos. Puis. Sulph-ac.
Desire to escape Bry. Cupr. Cocc. Coloc. Hyos. Stram.
Disinclination to talk. Agar. Arg. Natr-sul. Phos-ac. Thea.
Verat. Zinc.
Talks fast Ars. Hep. Lach. Merc.
Imbecility Aeon. Hyos. Natr-c. Phos-ac.
Senselessness and thoughtless-
ness Bar-c. Evon. Nux-mos. Rhus.
Insensibility Am. Bar-c. Camph. Cic. Cupr. Hell.
Hyos. Kali-c. Mur-ac. Natr-m. Nux-
mos. Phos-ac. Stram.
L.OSS of consciousness Arn. Calc-c. Cic. Cocc. Hell. Hyos.
Nitr-ac. Op. Rhus. Stram.
Delirium Ars. Aur. Hyos. Lach. Lye. Op. Slram.
Fantastic illusions Cocc. Ign. Phos-ac. Sabad. Sulph.
Craziness, with laughable gesticu-
lations Cic. Hyos. Nux-mos. Verat.
Rage Canth. Hyos. Stram. Verat.
Madness Hyos. Lye. Stram. Verat.
Disposition to bite Cupr. Sec-c. Stram. Verat. (Hydro-
to spit.

to strike Canth. Hyos. Stram.

to tear things Hyos. Verat.

Cloudiness Bry. Laur. Op.
Stupefaction Hyos. Op. Phos-ac. Rhus. Stram. Ve-
. ..


Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.

Dizziness Calc-c. Nux-v. Phos. Rhus. Selen.
Vertigo with anguish Caust. Ign. Merc. Nux-mos. Op. Rhod.
and insensibly falling on the Anac. Aur. Cic. Dros. Euphor. Lach.
left side. Mez. Natr-c. Spig. Sulph. Zinc.
whirling, with nausea Ant-cr. Bar-c. Calc-c. Cocc. Lye. Merc.
Mosch. Petro. Phos. Puis. Sil.
with flickering before the eyes. . Ign. Mez. Oleand. Tart-em.
especially when stooping. . . Aeon. Bar-c. Bry. Calc-c. Lye. Petro.
Puis. Valer.
and when rising from a stoop- A<"on. Am. Ars. Berb. Bry. Cic. Puis.
ing posture. Sulph.

Headache, stunning, mostly in the Arn. Asaf. Cycl. Hyos. Laur. Led.
forehead. Oleand. Phos. Ruta. Stann. Staph.
with loss of consciousness Arn. Carb-veg. Cocc. Cycl. Kali-bich.
Puis. Sabin. Sil.
or with sensation as if the Am-c. Caps. Chin. Merc. Natr-m. Rat.
head would burst. Sil. Spong. Sulph.
Pressure and sensation as if the
brain were pressed out Bry. Ign. Kali-hydr.
Tearing in the head Arn. l^a. Lye. Natr-m. Nux-v. Puis.
Samb. Sil. Sulph. Tongo.
Stinging in the head Aeon. Alum. Am. Ars. Bry. Canth.
Caps. Chel. Cycl. Dig. Per. Hep.
Ign. Kali-c. Laur. Magn-c. Mang.
Mur-ac. Natr-c. Natr-m. Nitr. Nitr-
ac. Nux-v. Par-q. Petr. Puis. Rhus.
Sabin. Sep. Sil. Spig. Stront. Sulph.
Jerks in the head. Caust. Mur-ac. Natr-c. Natr-m. Xatr-
sul. Nux-v. Samb. Sep. Spig. Stann.
Sulph-ac. Thuj.
especially when walking fast,
or when ascending steps Ant-cr. Arn. Par-q. Phos-ac.
Congestion of blood to the head, Aeon. Bry. Cham. Cinnab. Fer. Lach.
with xternal and internal heat, and
Nux-v. Phos. Sulph. Thuj.
distended and pulsating arteries.
Sensation as of swashing of
water in the brain Aeon. Dig. India:. Phos-ac. Samb.
Periodical, nervous headache. Arn. Ferr. Nice. Nux-v. Spig. Sulph.
Headache every afternoon from
4 o'clock until 3 o'clock in the morn-
ing, aggravated by the heat of the
bed, and when lying down.
Encephalitis Aeon. Bry. Calc-c. Camph. Cin. Cupr.
Dig. Hell. Hyos. Lach. Lye. Merc.
Puis. Rhus. Sulph.
Hydrocephalus Aeon. Arn. Bry. Calc-phos. Dig. Lach.
Merc. Op. Sil. Stram. Sulph.


Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.

The Headache is aggravated by Bry. Caps. Hep. Nux-v. Sep. Spig.
moving the eyes. Sulph. Valer.
by shaking the head Glon. Nux-mos. Spig.
by turning the head back-
wards. Cupr. Dig. Valer.
when leaning the head against
any thing. Cannab.
or from a draft of air Aeon. Calc-c. Chin. Nux-v. Phos. Se-
len. Sil. Valer. Verb.
The headache is relieved by rising
out of bed Ambr. Ign. Nux-v. Phos. Ran-bul.

Sensation of tightness Agn-c. Berb. Bry. Caust. Viola-od.
Great painfullness of the integu- Carb-an. Chin. Crot. Nitr-v. Nitr-ac.
ments of the head. Nux-v. Sars. Selen. Sil.
Convulsive shaking of, and bend-
ing the head backwards Cic. Ign. Stram.
Boring of the head into the
pillow Bry. Hell. Sulph.
Profuse sweat of the hairy scalp. Bry. Calc-c. Cham. Chin. Graph. Merc.
Nux-v. Phos. Khus. Sep. Sil. Sulph.
Violent pressure through the eyes
into the head Aur. Cannab. Chin. Cocc. Tabac. Zinc.
Congestion of blood to the eyes. Alum. Plumb. Seneg.
with redness of the veins. . Aeon. Phos-ac. Spig.
Heat in the eyes Cham. Cocc. Diad. Mang. Phos. Sulph.
Tabac. Verat.
Distension of the sclerotica (Bry.)
Fungus medullaris Calc-c. Lye. Sep. Sil.
Ectropium Ign.
Inflammation of the eyes in in- Aeon. Bor. Bry. Calc-c. Cham. Euphra.
fants. Nux-v. Puis. Sulph.
from cold. Aeon. Calc-c. Cham. Euphra. Nux-v.
Iod. Puis. Sulph.
in scrofulous individuals.. Ars. Aur. Calc-c. Caust. Chin. Dig.
Dulc. Euphra. Fer. Hep. Ign. Merc.
Natr-m. Nux-v. Puis. Sulph.
in gouty and rheumatic per- Ant-cr. Ars. Bry. Cham. Coloc. Dig.
Hep. Merc. Nux-v. Puis. Rhus. Spig.
Yellowness of the whites of the Ars. Bry. Canth. Chin. Cocc. Con.
eyes. Iod. Lach. Nux-v. Op. Plumb.

Agglutination of the eyelids Alum. Bar-c. Bry. Dig. Ign. Kali-c. Lye.
when opening them they bleed.. Am.
Pupils dilated Calc-c. Hep. Hyos. Op. Spig. Stram.
and immoveable Cainca. Laur. Op.
Eyes sparkling, red, glistening.. Aeih. Arn. Bry. Cainca. Cupr. Hyos.
Nux-v. Stram.


Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.

Eyes sparkling', red, glistening, or Am. Ars. Bry. Fer. Merc. Spig. Spong.
dim. Stann. Stram. Tart-em. Verat.
Wild look Arg.nit. Ars. Con. Cupr. Ilyos. Sec-c.
Unsteady look Stann.
Wavering- look Natr-m.
Continued Eachryniation Ars. Calc-c. Dig. Coloc. Eugen. Euphor.
Euphr. Kreos. Led. Natr-m. Phos.
Puis. Ruta. Sabin. Sil. Spig. Staph.
Tears, sharp and salty . Ars. Bry. Coloc. Euphra. Led. Natr-m.
Distortion of the eyes. Aeon. Ars. Canth. Cham. Cic. Cupr.
Hyos. Op. Plat. Sec-c. Stann. Stram.
Spasms or convulsions of the
eyes Canth. Cupr. Hyos. Ign. Spig.
Momentary loss of sight as Cic. Hyos. Merc. Natr-m. Oleand.
from fainting. Phos. Puis. Stram.
Squinting Alum. Hyos. Meny. Puis. Sec-c. S»ram.
Dimness of sight Bar-c. Bry. Calc-c. Cannab. Canst.
Con. Euphr. Fer. Hep. Hyos. Lye
Magn-c. Merc. Natr-m. Nitr-ac. Op.
Phos. Puis. Ruta. Sil. Sulph.
Diplopia Aur. Cic. Dig. Euphor. Eugen. Hyos.
Iod. Lye. Natr-m. Oleand. Puis.
Sec-c. Sulph. Verat.
Blindness at night (moon-blindness) Chel. Hyos. Meph-put. Ruta. Verat.
Paralysis of the optic nerve Con. Hyos. Phos. Puis. Sec-c. SiL
Stram. Sulph.
He sees sparks and fire Aur. Bar-c. Caust. Kali-c. Merc. Sil.
Photophobia Aeon. Ars. Euphra. Nux-v. Rhus.
Photomania Aeon. Am-m. Stram.
Things look red Con. Croc. Hep. Hyos. Sulph.
Itching burning of the eyelids. Ambr. Ars. Bry. Nux-v. Oleand. Sulph.

Inflammation of the external ear. Bov. Bry. Calc-c. Canth. Kali-c. Magn-
c. Merc. Puis.
and internal ear Aeon. Bov. Bry. Calc-c. Canth. Hep.
Kino. Merc. Nux-v. Puis. Sil.
with discharge of pus Aur. Am-c. Bov. Cal>c. Hep. Caust.
Kali-c. Kino. Merc. Puis. Sep. Sil.
Stinging in the ears Alum. Aur. Cham. Con. Kali-c. Kino.
Merc. Nitr. Nitr-ac. Nux-v. Phos.
Puis. Sep. Staph. Sulph. Thuj.
and behind the ears. Am. Berb. Nitr. Sulph. Tabac.
Hardness of hearing Calc-c. Hyos. Lye. Nitr-ac. Op. Petr.
Puis. Sec-c. Sil. Sulph.

Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.

Humming and murmuring in Ant-cr. Am. Caust. Graph. Lye. Nitr-
the ears. ac. Nux-v. Puis. Spig. Sulph.
Roaring in the ears Caust. Chin. Mang. Natr-m. Nux-v.
Merc. Phos. Therid.
Tingling in the ears Con. Kali-c. Lye. Nux-v. Sulph.
Paralysis of the auditory nerves. Hyos. Puis. Sil.
Stitches in the parotid gland .... Asuf. Bry. Calc-c. Ign. Merc. Phos.
Puis. Sep. Spong. Sulph.
Inflammatory swelling of the Am-c. Aur. Calc-c. Carb-veg. Cham.
parotid yland. Chin. Kali-c. Merc. Puis. Rhus.

Pain in the nose when touching
it as if bruised Cin. Colch. Hep. Puis.
with burning Ars. Nitr. Phos.
Stitches (nightly) in the nose Xitr-ac. Spig.
Inflammatory swelling Caust. Cocc. Nitr. Zinc.
and redness of the internal Bry. Merc. Nux-v. Phos. Sulph.
and external nose Aur. Calc-c. Cannab. Canth. Carb-an.
Iod. Kali-c. Lach. Merc. Phos. Plumb.
Rhus. Sturm. Sulph.
Haemorrhage from the nose (and Aeon. Agar. Calc-c. Carb-veg. Croc.
mouth). Kreos. Lach. Led. Lye. Merc. Nitr-ac.
Phos. Rhus. Sabin. Sil. Sulph.
Oversensitiveness of the sense of Aeon. Aur. Bar-c. Cham. Chin. Cocc.
smell. Colch. Graph. Kali-c. Lye. Nux v.
Phos. Plumb. Sep. Sulph.
Smell diminished. Alum. Anac. Calc-c. H<,os. Hep. Lye.
Mez. Natr-m. Op. Plumb. Puis. Rhus.
Sec-c. Sep. Sil. Zinc.
Putrid smell from the nose Calc-c. Graph. Meny. Nitr-ac. Par-q.
Phos. Sep. Verat.

Red face with burning heat Aeon. Berb. Bry. Cham. Chin. Cocc.
Croc. Dulc. Per. Hep. Hyos. Ign.
Lye. Mur-ac. Nux-v. Op. Plat. Rhus.
Sang. Sabad. Sil. Stram. Stront.
Tabac. Thuja.
Bluish red bloated face Aeon. Angus. Bry. Hep. Merc. Op.
Pale sunken face Lye. Mang. Nux-v. Phos. Verat.
with distorted Ars. Cham. Hydro-ac. Ign. Lach.
anxious counten-
ance Ars. Cham. Lauro. Stram.
Redness and paleness of face Aeon. Bor. Caps. Cham. Chin. Cin.
alternately. Croc. Fer. Hyos. Iyn. Led. Op. Plat.
Phos. Phos-ac. Squil. Sulph-ac. Ve-


Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.

Yellow color of the face. Ambr. Am. Bry. Canst. Cham. Chin.
Con. Croc. Fer. Kali-c. Lach. Lye.
Magn-m. Merc. Nux-v. Op. Petr.
Plumb. Sep. Spig. Verat.
Convulsive motion of the mus- Calc-c. Canth. Cham. Cupr. Dig. Ipec.
cles of the face. Natr-c. Phos. Stram. Sulph.
and mouth Cham. Ipec. Oleand. Op. Stram.
Distortion of the face Lye. Op. Stram.
Risus sardonicus Ran-sc. Sol-nigr.
Spasmodic distortion of tbe Bry. Cupr. Graph. Merc. Nux-v. Plat.
mouth. Puis. Sec-c.
Nervous Prosopalgia, with viol-
ent cutting pains Clem. Chin. Rhus. Staph.
Semi lateral swelling- of the face. Am. Bry. Canth. Cham. Merc. Nux-v.
Sep. Staph.
Erysipelas of the face Camph. Canth. Carb-an. Cham. Euphor.
Graph. Hep. Lach. Rhus. Sep. fetram.
Erysipelatous swelling of the Aeon. E:phor. Graph. Hep. Lach.
face. Rhus. Sulph.
Ulcerated corners of the mouth... Am-m. Boy. Calc-c. Carb-veg. Graph.
Mang. Merc. Nitr-ac. Nux-v. Phos.
Psor. Sil. Zinc.
Crust a lactea Ars. Bar-c. Calc-c. Cic. Cycl. Dulc.
Lye. Merc. Natr-m. Plus. Rhus.
Sara. Sul h. Viola-tr.
Lips dark red Ginseng. Mez.
swelling of the Bry. Canth. Caps. Carb-veg. Chin.
Dig. Hep. Kali-c. Merc. Mez. Natr-c.
Nitr-ac. Psor. Sil. Sulph.
and induration of the Cycl.
Upper lip swollen Arg. Bar-c. Bov. Calc-c. Canth. Kali-c.
Lye. Merc. Natr-m. Phos. Rhus.
Staph. Sulph.
Mouth half open Angus. Camph. Hyos. Samb.
or spasmodically closed by locked Angus. Bry. Calc-c. Camph. Cic. Con.
jaw. Hyos. Ign. Merc. Op. Phos. Plat.
Rhus. Sec-c. Stram. Sulph.
St itches in the articulations of the
jaws Hep. Tabac.
Inflammation of submaxillary Bar. Calc-c. Canth. Kali-c. Merc. Nitr-
glands. ac Plumb. Sars. Sulph-ac. Verb.
Swelling of submaxillary glands. . Am-c. Asaf. Bry. Calc-c. Cham. Chin.
Cic. Dulc. Graph. Hep. Lye. M>re.
Natr-m. Nitr-ac. Petr. Phos. Rhus.
Sil. Spig. Sulph.
Toothache, from cold Aeon. Bar-c. Cham. Hyos. Merc. Xux-
v. Puis. Rhus.
especially in females., Cham. Magn-c. Magn-m. Puis.
., . .


Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.

Tearing and drawing in the teeth. Agar. Ars. Cham. Chin. Merc. Nux-v.
Rhus. Sil. Staph.
up into the ear. Ars. Bry. Chin. Merc. Puis. Rhus-
Staph. Sulph.
especially in the evening . . Magn-sul. Merc. Phos. Rat. Sulph.
and at night Ars. Bry. Calc-c. Cham. Coff. Hep.
Merc. Phos-ac. Puis. Sil. Staph.
aggravated by mental
exertion Nux-v.
and sometimes after eat- Ant-cr. Bry. Coff. Cham. Ign. Nux-v.
ing. Staph.
Toothache with swelling of the Am. Ars. Bry. Cham. Merc. Nux-v.
cheek. Puis. Staph. Sulph.
aggravated by the air. Chin. Nux-v. Rhus. Staph. Sulph.
by touch Calc-c.Clem. Hep. Graph. Ign. Merc.
Lye. Natr-m. Nux-v. Phos. Puis.
Sabin. Sep. Staph. Sulph.
while masticating. Alum. Bry. Chin. Graph. Hyos. Lye.
Merc. Rhus. Sabin. Staph. Sulph.
Grinding of the teeth Aeon. Ars. Aur. Bar. Caust. Cham.
Cic. Con. Coff. Hyes. Ign. Merc.
Plumb. Sec-c. Stram. Verat.
Swelling of the gums Ambr. Bar-c. Calc-c. Cham. Merc.
Nux-v. Sep. Spong. Staph. Sulph.
with burning . . . . Cham. Merc. Mur-ac. Rhus. Sep. Stront.
and stinging Ars. Kali-c. Lye. Petr. Puis. Sabad.
Sep. Staph.
Sensation or elongation of the Alum. Ars. Bry. Camph. Caps. Magn-
teeth. c. Magn-m. Mez. Natr-sul. Rut.


Dryness of the mouth without Angus. Cannab. Kali-c. Lye. Nux-mo?.

thirst. Nux-v. Phos-ac. Puis.
Sensation of dryness in the
mouth; the mouth is moist and coated
with mucus Aeon. Sulph.
Ptyalism in feverish attacks Hep. Merc. Nitr-ac. Sulph.
Red foam at the mouth Canth. Ilyos. Sec-c. Stram.
Inflammatory swelling Aeon. Am-c. Canth. Ign. Lach. Merc-
Nux-v. Sep. Verat.
and redness of the inner
mouth. Ars. Ign.
and soft palate Bar-e. Calc c. Carb-an. Canth. Nux-v.
Plumb. Ran-sc. Ruta. Stram.
Tongue hot. Caust. Caps. Plumb-ac. Stram.
dry Ars. Bry. Cham. Dulc. Hyos. Lach.
Merc. Nux mos. Nux-v. Phos. Rhus.
Sulph. Verat.
5 ,

Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.

Tongue cracked Ars. Bar-c. Bry. Cham. Chin. Cic.
Kali-bich. Nux-v. Plumb. Phos-ac.
Ran-sc. Sec-c. Spig. Sulph. Verat.
red, Ars. Bry. Cham. Hyos. Kali-bich.
Lack. Nux-v. Rhus. Stann. Stdph.
— or only red on the edges with white
coating on the middle Sulph.
— coated brown Hyos. Phos. Sabin. Sulph.
white Aeon. Am. Ant-cr. Ars. Bry. Cham.
Chin. Cinnab. Petr. Phos. Puis. Sep.
covered with mucus. Cupr. Dulc. Lach. Merc. Nux-mos.
Phos-ac. Psor. Puis. Sulph. Verb.
Inflammatory swelling of the
tongue Aeon. Apis. Canth. Lach. Merc. Plumb.
Heaviness of the tongue with dif- Anac. Colch. Mur-ac. Natr-c. Natr-m.
ficulty in talking. Nux-v. Plumb.
Stuttering Bov. Euphra. Merc. Natr-c. Sec-c.
Stram. Verat.
Speaks through the nose. Lye. Phos-ac.
Speechlessness Caust. Chin. Cupr. Hyos. Laur. Merc.
Plumb. Stram. Verat.
Haemorrhage from the mouth Dros. Kreos. Led. Lye.

Inflammation of the throat with Bar-c. Calc-c. Caust. Hep. Ign. Lach.
sensation as of a lump, which induces Merc. Natr-m. Nux-v. Plumb. Sabad.
hawking. Sep. Sulph.
Burning in the throat Aeon. Am. Ars. Bov. Camph. Canth.
Carb-veg. Cham. Laur. Merc. Mez.
Phos. Rhod. Sabad. Sec-c. Seneg.
Squill. Verat.
Spasms in the Oesophagus, not per- Calc-c. Con. Laur. Phos. Plat. Stram.
mitting one to swallow. Sulph. Zinc.
The drink swallowed is discharged
through the nostrils Lach. Merc. Petr.
Oesophagus feels contracted Alum. Hyos. Ign. Iod. Plat. Sabad.
Sars. Stram. Verat.
Continual inclination to swal- Arum. Caust. Con. Ipec. Merc. Nux-
low. mos. Sabad. Seneg. Plumb.
Stinging in the Oesophagus Aeon. Am-m. Chin. Hep. Ign. Kali-c.
Led. Lye. Merc. Nitr. Nitr-ac. Petr.
Puis. Rhus. Sep. Sulph.
in the tonsils Merc. Ran-sc.
when swallowing. Aeth. Alum. Am-m. Bar-c. Bov. Bry.
Calc-c. Caust. Chin. Graph. Hep.
Lach. Merc. Natr-m. Rhus. Sulph.
when talking Calc-c. Pros. Magn-c.
Dryness in the Oesophagus. Crotal. Kali-chl. Lach. Natr-m. Phos
.. .


Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.

Burning in the Oesophagus. Aeon. Asaf. Bism. Cocc. Lach. Laur.
Lobel. Nitr-ac. Nux-v. Rhus. Sec-c.
Inflammation of the throat with Aeon. Alum. Caps. Hep. Ign. Lach.
redness and swelling of the Velum Merc. Merc-iod. Nux-mos. Puis. Sang.
palati and Pudendum.
Tonsils, inflammation of Berb. Canth. Cham. Ign. Lach. Natr-

swelling of. Am-caust. Bar-c. Berb. Calc-c Cham.

Hep. Ign. Puis. Raph. Sulph.
ulceration of. Bar-c. Hep. Lye. Merc. Merc-iod. Sep.

Appetite *V Taste.
Loss of taste Bry. Lye. Natr-m. Nux-v. Phos. Puis.
Taste, bitter . . Bry. Cham. Merc. Nux-v. Puis. Sep.
insipid (flat) Bry. Chin. Ign. Natr-m. Petr. Puis.
Staph. Sulph.
sticky slimy taste in the mouth . Kali-c. Natr-m. Phos.
putrid Aeon. Am. Carb-veg. Cham. Con. Merc.
Puis. Rhus. Sulph.
Cale-c. Chin. Nux-v. Phos. Puis. Sulph.
Bread tastes sour Cham. Cocc. Staph.
Excessive burning thirst with Aeon. Ars. Bry. Calc-c. Cham. Chin.
continued desire to drink. Merc. Natr-m. Sulph.
or with aversion to drink Canth. Hyos. Nux-v. Stram.
or with inability to swallow Canth. Cic. Hyos. Ign.
Aversion to meat Calc-c. Carb-veg. Graph. Lye. Mur-ac.
Petr. Sabad. Sep. Sil. Sulph. Zinc.
to acids, Cocc. Fer. Nux-v. Sabad. Sulph.
to milk . Bry. Calc-e. Guaj. Puis. Sep. Sil. Sulph.
to beer.. Cocc. Nux-v. Stann. Sulph.

Gastric Symptoms.
Eructations bitter Am. Bry. Calc-c. Carb-veg. Lye. Nux-
v. Puis. Thuj. Verat.
Gulping up of food. Bry. Calc-c. Fer. Graph. Mez. Ign.
Kali-c. Lye. Natr-m. Nitr-ac. Phos.
Seneg. Sulph.
Nausea with aversion to food. Ant-cr. Cocc. Hell. Lauro. Oleand.
Vomiting of water Am. Bry. Cannab. Caust. Chin. Con.
Cupr. Ipec. Nux-v. Stann. Sulph.
Sulph-ac. Verat.
of mucus. Aeon. Ars. Cham. Chin. Con. Dig.
Dros. Hyos. hjn. Ipec. Nit-ac. Nux-v.
Puis. Sec-c.
i Yerat.
Spn-p.. Verat.


Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.

Gastric Symptoms.
Vomiting' of acid. Calc-c. Chin. Lye. Nux-v. Phos. Sulph.
of bile Ars. Bry. Cham. Ipec. Merc. Nux-v.
Puis. Sep. Verat.
of blood Alumen. Arn.Fer. Hama. Ipec. Millefol.
Nux-v. Phos.
Empty retching Am. Asar. Bry. Chin. Ipec. Kreos.
Nux-v. Puis. Sulph. Verat.

Pressure in the stomach after eating. Bry. Chin. Fer. Kali-bich. Nux-vom.
Sulph. Zinc.
painful, in the pit of the stom- Aeon. Aur. Bov. Calc-c. Cupr. Lye.
ach. Natr-m. Nitr. Nux-v. Puis. Rhus.
Tart-em. Verat.
Spasms of the stomach Ant-cr. Bism. Calc-c. Carban. Carb-
veg. Caus. Cham. Chin. Cocc. Con.
Fer. Graph. Hyos. Kali-c. Natr-m.
•Ihdmncii. Nux-v. Puis. Stann. Tabac.

Burning in the left Ilypochondrium. Aeth. Cannab. Caus. Chel. Graph. Grat.
Plat. Seneg. Spig. Tabac.
Painfully distended abdomen.. Natr-c. Natr-m. Nux-v. Rhus. Sulph.
Colic with restlessness (he has no rest
any where) Ars.
below the Umbilicus Ambr. Bry. Carb-veg. Caus. Chin.
Hsematox. Lye. Sep.
as if from clutching and
griping with the nails Ipec.
aggravated by external pressure.. Mez. Plumb-ac. Zinc.
Flatulent colic (with protrusion
of the colon like a pad), ameliorated
by bending forward and by external
pressure Coloc.
Pain as if sore and raw in the ab- Aeon. Ars. Coloc. Con. Nux-v. Puis.
domen. Ran-bul. Stann. Sulph. Tilia.
Stitches in the left side of the ab- Chimin. Hep. Lach. Sars. Staph. Sulph.
domen. Tarax.
when coughing Chin. Lach. Sep. Staph.
sneezing & touching it. Branca.

Stool & •Mnus.

Continued desire for stool with Con. Ign. Nat-m. Nux-v. Rheum. Rhus.
fruitless pressing. Sulph.
Frequent small diarrhuric
stools of mucus Hell. Merc. Puis. Stann. Squill. Sulph.
Stools like chalk, in lumps Calc-c. Dig. Hep. Lach. Spong.

Involuntary discharges Ars. Mur-ac. Natr-m. Phos. Phos-ac.

Sulph. Verat. Ziuc.
. ,


Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.

Stool A* ilittts.
Dysenteric stools Aeon. Ars. Canth. Coloc. Colch. Dig.
Euphor. Gum-gutti. Iod. Merc. Nux-
vora. Staph. Sulph.
Before stool, perspiration Aeon.
During stool, shuddering. Alum. Calad. Castor. Con. Ind. Kali-c.
Magn-m. Natr-c. Plat. Stann. Spig.
Retention of urine Arn. Aur. Camph. Canth. Dig. Nux-v.
Plumb. Pals. Sulph. Verat.
Frequent desire to urinate Bry. Bov. Caust. Cic. Hell. Merc. Lye-
Nux-v. Phos-ac. Puis. Sabin. Sars.
Squill. Staph. Sulph.
Difficult discharge of urine (by Ant-cr. Arn. Camph. Canth. Clem.
drops). (Cochl.) Dros. Dulc. Petr. Puis.
Staph. Sulph. Tart-em. Thuj.
Urine scanty. Arg-nitr. Ars. Canth. Colch. Dig.
Graph. Hell. Kreos. Laur. Nitr. Op.
Petr. Phos. Ruta. Staph. Sulph.
fiery red Ars. Camph. Chinin. Haematox. Selen.
dark Aeon. Ant-cr. Bry. Calc-c. Colch. Graph.
Merc. Nitr-ac. Staph. Sulph.
turbid Aeon. Ars. Aur. Calc-c. Carb-veg. Chi-
nin. Dulc. Kali-c. Merc. Mez. Sabad.
involuntary discharge of, while
standing Caust. Lye. Natr-m. Puis. Rhus.
incontinence of Caust. Dulc. Lye. Merc. Natr-m. Petr.
Podo. Puis. Rhus. Ruta. Sep. Sil.
Spig. Sulph.
JfKale Genital Organs.
Pollutions, at night without erec- Bism. Carb-an. Chin. Coral-r. Kobalt.
tions. Mosch. Natr-c. Nux-v. Phcs-ac. Sa-
bad. Selen.

Female Sexual Organs.

Great pressing in the genital or- (Arg.) Chin. Con. Croc. Kali-c. Natr-c.
gans as if every thing would protrude. Nux-v. Pallad. Plat. Sep. Sulph.
Labou r like pains Cham. Kali-c. Plat. Puis. Sec-c. Sep.
Labour pains distressing Cham. Coff. Con. Lye. Nux-v. Sec-c.
too weak . Kali-c. Op. Puis. Sec-c.

spasmodic Caust. Cham. Cupr. Hyos. Ign. Ipec.

Kali-c. Nux-v. Op. Puis. Sec-c. Sep.
ceasing. Arn. Bor. Camph. Carb-veg. Cham.
Chin. Kali-c. Natr-m. Nux-v. Op.
Puis. Ruta. Sec-c. Sep.
Alter pains Arn. Bry. Cham. Coff. Cupr. Fer.
Kali-c* Natr-m. Nux-v. Puis. Rhus.
Ruta. Sabin. Sec-c. Sep. Sulph.


Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.

Female Sexual Organs.

Prolapsus of the uterus Arg. Alum. Aur. Calc-c. Fer-iod. Fer-
mur. Murex. Nux-mos. Nux-v. Pal-
lad. Plat. Podo. Rhus. Sep.
and induration of the uterus Aur. Chin. Iod. Magn-m. Murex. Pal-
lad. Plat. Sep.
Congestion of the uterus Chin. Croc. Hep. Merc. Nux-v. Plat.
Sabin. Sec-c. Sulph.
Stitches in the organs Calc-c\ Con. Kali-c. Nitr-ac. Phos. Rhus.
Sep. Staph. Thuj.
Dryness of the Vagina Lye. Natr-m.
Inflammation of the Uterus. Aeon. Aur. Cham. Merc. Nux-v. Puis.
Rhus. Sec-c. Verat.
of the Labiae Aeon. Calc-c. Merc. Nux-v. Sulph.
Nymphomania of lying in women. Murex. Plat. Verat. Zinc.
Puerperal fever Aeon. Bry. Cham. Coff. Coloc. Hyos.
Ipec. Merc. Nux-v. Puis. Tilia. Ve-
Catamenia too early, Ambr. Calc. Carb-veg. Cham. Ipec.
Nux-v. Phos. Rhus. Sabin.
or too profuse Calc-c. Fer. Ipec. Nux-v. Plat. Sabin.
Sec-c. Stram.
Menstrual blood of a light color. Dulc. Hyos. Sabin.
of a bad smell Bry. Carb -an. Sabin.
9f itrorrhagia of bright red blood Dulc. Hyos. Phos. Sabin. Rhus.
or putrid smelling lumps Cham. Plat. Rhus.
with pressing down Cham. Sabin.
or pain in the small of the back. Bry.

Larynx & Trachea.

Larynx very painful with anxious Aeon. Bry. Cic. Hep. Lack. Nice.
starts when touching it. (Phos.) Sulph.
when talking or when cough-
ing Am-c. Arg. Carb-veg. Hep. Spong.
Constriction of the Trachea Ars. Hydro-ac. Ipec. Mosch. Puis.
Sars. Verat.
Voice rough. Ant-cr. Brom. Bry. Caust. Chin. Dig.
Dros. Hep. Iod. Mang. Plumb-ac.
with a nasal sound., Aur. Bry. Lack. Merc. Phos-ac. Staph.
feeble Am-caust. Ant-cr. Bar-c. Cannab. Cro-
tal. Hep. Lye. Tart-em.
Loss of voice Ant-cr. Carb-veg.Caust. Hep. Merc
Natr-m. Nux-jug. Plat. Puis. Spong!
K 6
Hoarseness. Ambr. Brom. Calc-c. Carb-veg. Caust.
Cham. Chin. Dros- Graph. Hep.
Mang. Natr-c. Natr-m. Nux-v. Puis!
Stront. Verat.

Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.

Larynx tf Trachea.
Cough with tightness of the chest. Am-c. Ars. A spar. Carb-veg. Caust.
Cocc. Dig. Fer. Iod. Ipec. Led. Natr-
m. Phos. Rhod. Rhus. Seneg. Sep.
and congestion to the chest Sabin.
or with stitches in the hip Ars. Caust. Rhus.
Cough after eating, with mucus ex- Agar. Anac. Bry. Chin. Fer. Magn-c.
pectoration. Nux-v. Op. Puis. Ruta. Staph. Sulph.
Tart-em. Tereb. Zinc.
at night, dry Aeon. Ars. ar. Bry. Calc-c. Chin.

Dros. Ign. Ipec. Kali-c. Lye. Magn-

m. Merc. Mez. Petr. Verat. Verb.
with pain in the Sternum... Am-c. Chin. Mez. Sep. Sil.
or with Coryza Alum. Euphor. Ign- Lye. Natr-c. Nitr-
ac. Phos-ac. Spong. Sulph. Thuj.

with stitches in the chest. Aeon. Arn. Bry. Cannab. Chin. Merc.
Natr-m. Nitr. Phos. Sulph.
or with rattling of mucus on the Angus. Calc-c. Caust. Cham. Hep.
chest. Lye. Tart-em.
Dry cough day and night with tick-
ling in the Larynx Euphr. Ign. Lye. Spong.
or with headache Aeon. Bry. Caps. Chin. Lach. Natr-m.
and redness Con. Ipec. Kali-c.
& heat in the face. Am-c. Ipec. Sulph.
Short, dry cough Aeon. Alum. Coff. Laur. Natr-m. Petr.
Rhus. Squil.
Dry, spasmodic cough, with Bry. Dros. Hep. Hyos. Ipec. Magn-c.
vomiturition, especially after mid- Puis. Sulph.
Hooping cough Aeon. Arn. Carb-veg. Cin. Cochineal.
Cupr. Hep. Ipec. M'ph-put. Merc.
Nux-v. Puis. Sulph. Verat.
with crying, or pain in the
stomach before the attack. Arn. Cham. Tart-em.
sneezing after the attack Alum. Bry. Hep.
Cough with bloody expectoration Aeon. Am. Bry. Chin. Dros. Dulc.
Fer. Kama. Ipec. Led. Lye. Merc.
Millefol. Phos. Puis. Rhus. Sulph.
Sulph-ac. Zinc.

Breathing laboured Aeon. Am-c. Ars. Bry. Hep. Kreos.

Mez. Nitr-ac. Phos. Rat. Sqnil.
unequal Angus. Cupr. Op.
at one time hurried, at another
slow Aeon. Ign. Nux-v. Op. Spong.
slow Bry. Caps. Cupr. Hep. Ign. Ipec.
Oleand. Op.
short Aeon. Arn. Ars. Bry. Carb-veg. Ipec.
Lobel. Mosch. Phos. Sep. Sulph.
. ,


Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.

Breathing quick Aeon. Bry. Carb-veg. Cupr. Hep. Ipec.
Lye. Phos. Samb. Sep. Spong. Sulph.
with moaning (sighing) Bry. Calad. Ipec. Mur-ac. Stram.
Expirations vehement Caps. Chin. Ign. Stram.

Feeling of suffocation when

,or when touching Lach.
or turning the neck.

Oppression of the chest Aeon. Arn. Are. Cham. Con. Crotal.

Dulc. Graph. Lach. Lye. Nux-mos.
Nux-v. Oleand. Rhus. Sep. Staph.
with pain between the scapulas ... Kali-sulph-cyanid.
Stitches in the chest, especially when Aeon. Arn. Bry. Cannab. Chin. Merc.
coughing. Natr-m. Nitr. Phos. Sabad. Sang.
Sep. Squil. Sulph.
or yawning Aur. Bor. Natr-sulph. Phelland.
Congestion of blood to the chest. Am-c. Aur. Chin. Fer. Iod. Nitr-ac.
Nux-v. Phos. Rhod. Seneg. Sep.
Spong. Squil. Sulph.
Violent palpitation of the heart, Asaf. Aur. Calc-c. Chin, Caust. Colch.
reverberating in the head. Dig. Kali-c. Lach. Lye Natr-c. Natr-

m. Phos. Puis. Thuj. Verat.

Tremor of the heart, with anguish
and an aching pain Calc-c. Natr-m. Staph.
Mammae swelled Bry. Calc-c. Cham. Con. Graph. Lye.
Merc. Phos. Puis. Sabin. Samb. Sil.
inflamed (erysipelatous) Bry. Carb-an. Carb.veg. Con. Phos.
Sil. Sulph.
indurated Bry. Carb-an. Cham. Clem. Con.
Graph. Nitr-ac. Sil. Sulph.
Flow of milk Aeon. Bor. Bry. Calc-c. Chin. Lact.

•Week and Sack.

Stiffness of the neck. Bar-c. Calc-c. Caust. Ign. Kali-c. Lye.
Man<r. Magn-c. Nux-v. Phos. Plat.
Rhod. Sep. Sulph.
Painful swelling of the glands Bov. Calc-c. Carb-an. Dulc. Iod. Kali-
of the neck. c. Lye. Merc. Nitr-ac. Staph. Sulph.

and of the Axillae Brom. Clem. Iod. Kali. Lye. Nitr-ac.

Phos. Rhus. Sil. Staph. Sulph.
Sour perspiration only on the
neck Ars. Magn-c. Nux-v. Sulph.
Intense cramp pain in the small
of the back, and the Os coccygis he —
can only sit for a short time Ma Sil.


Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.

Upper Extremities.
Arms heavy Alum. Fer. Mur-ac. Natr-m. Puis. Sil.

and paralyzed Calc-c. Cocc. Dulc. Nux-v. Plumb.
Rhus. Sil. Stram.
Scarlet redness and swelling of
the arms Ars. Bry. Merc. Rhus. Sulph.
and hands Bry. Hep. Mez. Rhus. Stram.
Painful twitchings— in the arms
and hands Cic. Ign. Lye. Merc. Op. Thuj.
Spasms and convulsions in the Bar-c. Bry. Caust. Cupr. Hyos. Natr-
arms and hands. o. Ran-bul. Stram. Sulph.

Rheumatic stiffness of the Meta- Chel. Kali-c. Lye. Merc. Natr-c. Phos-
carpal bones. ac. Puis. Rhod. Rhus. Ruta. Sabin.
Sep. Staph. Sulph. Thuj. Viola-od.

Miower Extremities.
Coxalgia with stinging pain Arg. Coloc. Merc. Nux-v. Rhus. Sep.
or burning' in the hip joint. Carb-veg. Hell. Rhus. Valer.
worse at night. Merc.
aggravated by the least contact Ruta.
Involuntary limping Calc-c. Coloc. Kali-hydr. Lye. Puis.
Rhus. Zinc.
Tearing in the legs. Agar. Ambr. Bar-c. Canth. Cham.
Chin. Cin. Colch. Ign. Kali. Lye.
Merc. Nitr. Sars. Sil. Sulph. Teucr.
especially in the knees Am-caust. Chin. Led. Lye. Phos. Sil.
Sulph. Zinc.
Heaviness Agar. Calc-c. Ign. Natr-c. Nux-v. Rhus.
Stann. Sulph.
and Paralysis of the legs. Bry. Cocc. Lach. Natr-m. Nux-v. Ole-
and. Op. Plumb. Rhus. Ruta. Sep.
Sil. Stann. Sulph. Zinc.

and feet. Angus. Chin. Cocc. Nux-v. Oleand.

Phos. Plumb. Rhus. Sulph. Zinc.
Phlegmasia alba dolcns Ars. Calc-c. Graph. Hama. Iod. Led.
Lye. Merc. Nux-v. Rhus. Sulph.
Swelling of the feet Am. Ars. Bry. Calc-c. Carb-an. Caust.
Chin. Cocc. Graph. Led. Lye. Merc.
Natr-c. Natr-m. Phos. Puis. Sec-c.
Sep. Sil.
The child is late learning to
walk Calc-c. Calc-phos. Sil. Sulph.

Sleeplessness Ars. Bry. Calc-c. Cham. Chin. Coff.
Hep. Kali-c. Merc. Puis. Sep. Sil.

with drowsiness Carb-veg. Cham. Clem. Hyos. Phos.

Puis. Sep.

Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.

Somnolence Am. Ars. Cic. Coff. Dig. Hydr-ac. Lu-
pulum. Morph. Op. Stram. Tart-em.
Stupor Crotal. Hydr-ac. Hyos. Lact-v. Op.
Phos-ac. Tart-em.
Lethargy — deep sleep with snoring. Camph. Carb-veg- Hyos. Op. Rhus.
Sil. Stram.
Starting', during sleep, as in a fright Ars. Carb-veg. Cham. Graph. Hyos.
(especially when closing the eyes). Lach. Lye. Merc. Nitr-ac. Nux-v. Op.
Petr. Phos. Puis. Samb. Sec-c. Sil.
Sleeping with his eyes half open Bry. Fer. Hell. Ipec. Op. Phos-ac.
Samb. Stram. Sulph. Tart-em. Verat.
Fearful visions, when closing the Alum. Calc-c. Camph. Chin. Ign. Led.
eyes to sleep. Rhus. (Op.) Phos. Phos-ac. Spong.
and twitches Alum. Ars. Calc-c. Castor. Ign. Kali-c.
Puis. Rhus. Selen. Sep.
Delirium at night.... Hyos. Op. Stram. Verat.
Sleep with moaning Ars. Aur. Caust. Cham. Cupr. Ign.
Lach. Lye. Nitr-ac. Nux v. Puis.
and tossing about Alum. Bry. Calc-c. Cin. Ign. Lach.
Lye. Puis. Rheum. Senna. Staph.
Dreams, anxious Ars. Graph. Magn-c. Nux-v. Phos.
Puis. Thuj.
Night-mare Aeon. Ambr. Am-c. Bry. Lye. Natr-c.
Natr-m. Nitr-ac. Nux-v. Phos. Sil.
Stretching of the limbs Aeon. Alum. Angus. Calc-c. Cham.
Chin. Cin. Ign. Ipec. Stram.
Chilliness over the shoulders and
back with nausea Bov. Caps. Croc. Kali-hydr. Nux-mos.
Cold feet, swollen red face,
and congestion to the head Cham.
Coldness and chilliness of some
parts of the body (limbs) with burn-
ing heat in other parts (head) Alum. Ambr. Am. Berb. Rhus.
Chilliness' as soon as he moves under
the cover Asar. Coff. Mez. Nitr-ac. Nux-v. Sil.
and heat alternate Ars. Bry. Chin. Cocc. Merc. Nux-v.
Sil. Verat.

then heat, with sweat Caps. Carb-veg. Cham. Hep. Op. Puis.
Rhus. Sabad. Spig. Sulph.
Evening fever — first chilliness, Aeon. Arn. Bry. Carb-veg. Cham. Dulc.
then heat and thirst. Ign. Ipec. Lye. Merc. Nitr-ac. Phos-
ac. Puis. Rhus. Sabad. Spig. Sulph.
Internal. Aeon. Ars. Bry. Nux-v. Phos-ac. Rhus.
and external burning heat with
restlessness Ars. Bry. Ign. Rhus. Sil.
. . .


Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.

Internal and external burning Aeon Bry. Calc-c. Cham. Hep. Merc.
heat with much thirst. Natr-m. Puis. Sec. Sil. Sulph.
Heat with shuddering Cham. Hell. Nux-v. Rhus. Zinc.
of single parts — externally Ars. Merc. Phos. Phos-ac. Sulph.
internally Aeon. Bry. Cantb. Laur. Merc. Phos.
Pulse full Aeon. Dig. Hyos. Nitr. Stram.
hard Ars. Bry. Merc. Phos. Phos-ac. Sulph.
strong and quick Aeon. Laur. Op. Tart-em.
full and slow , Camph. Canth. Chinin. Coloc. Dig.
Laur. Op. Phos. Puis. Samb.

Glands swelled. Bar-c. Calc-c. Lye. Merc. Nitr-ac. Phos.
Rhus. Sulph. Zinc.
inflamed Aeon. Bar-c. Camph. Merc. Nux-v.
Phos. Puis. Sep. Sulph.
painful Am. Lye. Merc. Phos.
stinging Merc. Puis.
Burning in the skin. Aeon. Ars. Lach. Lye. Phos. Sil.

Pale skin Calc-c. Cocc. Fer. Lye. Nitr-ac. Plat.

Puis. Sulph.
Smooth, even, shining red- Aeon. Bry. Lach. Lye. Nux-v. Op.
ness of the skin with dryness. Phos. Puis. Rhus.
heat, Aeon. Arn. Ars. Bor. Bry. Chin. Cocc.
Hep. Iod. Lach. Lye. Merc. Nux-v.
Phos. Puis. Rhus. Sep. Sil. Sulph.
itching Ant-cr. Caust. Lach. Nitr-ac. Phos.
Puis. Rhus. Stram. Sulph.
burning, Arn. Ars. Bar-c. Bry. Caust. Cham.
Hep. Lach. Lye. Merc. Petr. Phos.
and swelling of the Rhus. Sep. Sil. Sulph.
parts, especially face, neck, chest,
abdomen and hands Arn. Ars. Bry. Cham. Lye. Phos. Sulph.
Miliary eruptions Aeon. Brv. Ip- Merc.

Scarlet red rash over the whole Aeon. Am-c. Bry. Calc-c. Coff. Crot-tig.
body Dulc. Ipec. Merc. Sulph. Zinc.

Erysipelatous inflamma- Aeon. Bry. Camph. Carb-an. Cham.

tions. Dulc. Graph. Hep. Lach. Merc. Phos.
Phos-ac. Puis. Rhus. Sil. Sulph.
Red spots, as if occasioned by flea- Aeon. Dulc. Graph. Kali-bich. Mez.
bites. Sec-c. Stram. Tart-em.
Furunculi Arn. Lach. Led. Lye.

Boils (returning every spring) Arn. Calc-c. Lach. Led. Lye. Merc
Mur-ac. Nitr-ac. Nux-v. Phos. Phos-
ac. Sep. Sil. Staph. Sulph.

Vesicular eruptions, with scabs,

white edges, and cedomatous swelling.

Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.

Chilblains Agar. Arn. Carb-an. Cycl. Nitr-ac
Nux-v. Petr. Phos. Pule. Rhus. Sulph.
Ulcers, with burning pain when Ars. Carb-veg. Lye. Merc. Mez. Puis.
touching them. Rhus. Sil. Sulph.
(Bleeding') soreness of the bends of Caust. Lye. Mang. 01. Petr. Sep. Sulph.
the joints.
Jaundice Aeon. Ars. Aur. Bry. Carb-veg. Cham.
Chin. Con. Iod. Lach. Merc. Nux-v.
Op. Plumb. Rhus. Sep. Sulph. Verat.
Warts. Bar. Calc-c. Caust. Dulc. Nitr-ac. Sulph.
Calcarea carbonica.

Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.

Great weakness and debility. Ars. Chin. Fer. Iod. Kali-c. Lye. Nux-v.
Sep. Stann. Verat.
from a short walk in the open air. Kali-c. (Natr-m.) Puis.
talking Alum. Fer. Iod.
Tendency in children and young Ant-cr. Caps. Cupr. Fer. Lye. Puis.
men to grow very fat Sulph.
Bloated ness of body and face Bell. Bry. Hyos. Kali-c. Op. Phos.
Samb. Spig.
with swelled abdomen in children. Ambr. Ant-cr- Canst. Coloc. Kali-c.
Sep. Sulph. Thuj.
Great emaciation with swelled
abdomen and good appetite Iod. Staph.
Puffiiiess Ant-cr. Caps. Cupr. Fer.
Full habit Aeon. Arn. Bell. Seneg.
and ebullitions Bell. Cannab. Carb-veg. Caust. Croc.

Chlorosis Bell. Cocc. Fer. Lye. Nitr-ac. Plat. Puis.

Liability to take cold, and great Bar-c. Bor. Camph. Carb-veg. Dulc.
sensitiveness to moist, cold, air. Graph. Ign. Lye. Natr-c. Natr-m.
Nitr-ac. Nux-v. Petrol.

Aversion to the open air Cham. Cocc. CofF. Ign. Kali-c. Natr-c.
Nux-v. Petrol. Sil.

Bleeding from inner parts Bell. Canth. Chin. Fer. Ilamam. lpec.
Merc. Millefol. Nitr-ac. Nux-v. Phos.
Puis. Sabin. Sep. Sulph.

Beating (pulsating) pain Am-m. Ars. Bry. Carb-an. Cham. Hep.

Kali-c. Led. Lye. Merc. Plat. Puis.
Sil. Thuj. Zinc.

Visible quivering of the skin, Asaf. Bar-c. Bell. Kali-c. Mang. Natr-c.
from the feet to the head, with which Rat. Sulph. Zinc.
he becomes dizzy.
Sensation of coldness in the Ars. Laur. Lye. Meny. Nux-v. Par-q.
inner parts. Sep. Sulph.

Cutting in the outer parts Bell. Dros. Natr-c.

inner parts Canth. Kali-c. Merc. Sulph.

Pricking (stinging) in outer parts. Asaf. Bell. Bry. Merc. Puis. Rhus. Spig.
Staph. Sulph. Tarax.
Sensation of dryness of the
inner parts Bell. Calad.

Trembling of inner parts Iod. Rhus. Staph.



Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.

Tearing in the muscles.... Carb-veg. Caust. Kali-c. Lye. Merc.
Nitr-ac. Rhod. Sil. Staph. Stram.
Sulph. Zinc.
Arthritic tearings Caust. Guaij. Herac. Spig.
nodosities Ant-cr. Aur. Benz-ac. Carb-an. Caust.
Graph. Led. Lye. Nitr. Rhod. Rhus.
Easy Straining, from which he Am. Bor. Graph. Lye. Natr-c. Phos-ac.
gets sore throat, stiff neck, and head- Rhus. Sil.
Sprains Lye. Natr-c. Natr-m. Petrol. Phos.
Rhus. Vitex.
from overlifting Rhus.
St. Vitus' dance. Bell. Caust. Cocc. Croc. Cupr. Hyos.
Lm. Nux v. Stram. Zinc.
Epileptic attacks, at night, dur-
ing the full moon, with hallooing and
shouting Kali-c. Sil.
Cramps which draw Agar. Ambr. Caps. Graph. Lye. Merc.
in single parts,
the limbs crooked, especially the toes Rhus. Sec-c. Sulph-ac. Zinc.
and fingers.
Painful swelling- of the glands. Graph. Lye. Staph.
Bones, swelling of the Asaf. Lye. Merc. Mez. Nitr-ac. Phos.
Phos-ac. Plumb. Puis. Ruta. Sil
Staph. Sulph.
softening of the. Asaf. Hep. Lye. Merc. Mez. Nitr-ac.
Phos. Sep. Sil. Sulph.
stinging in the... Bell. Con. Hell. Merc. Puis. Sars. Sep.
curvature of the Asaf. Hep. Lye. Merc. Nitr-ac. Sil.
Caries. Asaf. Aur. Hep. Lye. Merc. Nitr-ac.
Phos-ac. Ruta. Sil. Staph. Sulph.
Polypi Merc-sub. Staph. Teucr. (Caust. Phos.
Varices Ambr. Amm. Ars. Caust. Lye. Puis.
Sulph. Z nc. ;

Great desire to be mesmerized.

Morning, evening, and after mid-
On awaking Ambr. Ars. Caust. Hep. Laeh. Nitr-ac.
Phos. Puis. Sep. Sulpn.
In the cold air, and in wet weather. Am-c. Dulc. Nux-mos. Rhus.
After washing, and by cold Am-c. Arr-m. Ant-cr. Canth. Carb-veo-
water. Cham. Clem. Rhus. Sep. Spig. Staph.'
After eating., Bry. Con. Kali-c. Lye. Natr-m. Nux-r
Phos. Sep. Sil. Sulph.
smoked food Sil.
Aftertaking milk Ars. Chin. Con. Nitr-ac. Sep. Sulph.
From exertion of the mind. Ign. Nux-v. Sep.

Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.

After writing Kali-c. Natr-m. Sil.
From lying on the side. Aeon. Anac. Bry. Carb-an. Kali-c. Lye.
From pressure of the cloths. Lye. Nux-v.
From sexual excess Phos-ac. Sep. Staph.
From suppressed perspira-
tion Bell. Cham. Chin. Sulph.
After breakfast Croc. Iod. Natr-m. Staph.
On rising Am-c. Ars. Samb. Sep.
From drawing up the limbs. Sep. Sulph. Thuj.
From loosening the garments. Lye. Nux-v.

•Hi ml and Disposition.

Low-spirited Bell. Ars. Aur. Colch. Coloc. Iod. Natr-
c. Nux-v. Psor. Sulph. Thuj.
and melancholy .... Ars, Aur. Caust. Hell. Hyos. Lye. Natr-
on. Plumb. Puis. Seneg. Stram. Sulph.

Great desire to weep. Ars. Bell. Bry. Carb-an. Caust. Cham.

Graph. Natr-m, Phos. Plat. Puis. Sep.
Staph. Tilia. Verat. Viol-od.
Anxiety produced by meditation. Aeon. Ars. Camph. Cham. Nux-v. Puis.
Rhus. Sec-c. Verat.
when hearing of cruelties.
Anxiety with horror and shuddering
in the evening Bell. Natr-c. Plat. Puis. Sars. Tart-em.
Anguish with palpitation of the heart. Fer. Mosch. Nux-v. Plat. Puis. Tabac.
Anxious restlessness. Arg. Ars. Bry. Canth. Carb-veg.
Cham. Lach. Merc. Nux-v.
Puis. Rhus. Sil. Thuj. Verat.
Apprehension of some future mis-
fortune Ant-cr. Fluor-ac. Graph. Lach. Nux-v.
She she will lose her under-
standing, or that people will ob-
serve her confusion of mind. Aeon. Alum. Ambr. Merc.
Despairing mood with fear of
disease and misery Ars. Bor. Sep.
Peevishness and obstinacy- Am. Kali-c. Lye. Nux-v. Phos. Sil.
Dislikes to be alone. Phos. Sep. Stram.
Indifference Ars. Con. Dig. Phos-ac. Rhod. Sep.
Easily offended Alum. Ars. Aur. Bov. Caps. Carb-veg.
Caust. Cocc. Lye. Plat. Puis. Sars.
Sulph. Verat.
Dullness, and trembling beforebreak-
fast as is experienced after intoxication Natr-m. Nux-v.
Dizziness Bell. Nux-v. Phos. Rhus. Selen.

Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.

Vertigo, when ascending a height. Bor. (Con. Dig.) Sulph.
walking in the open air Agar. Ars. Aur. Euphorb. Lach. Merc.
Mur-ac. Nux-mos. Oleand. Sep. Spig.
Stann. Sulph. Thuj.
turning the head quickly Am-c. Bar-c. Carb-veg. Spig. Staph.
after vexation.
Mania a Potu, with delirious talk Ars. Bell. Coff. Dig. Hyos. Lach. Nux-
about fire, murder, rats and mice. v. Op. Sep. Stram.

Headache from lifting Phos-ac. Rhus.
one-sided Aeon. Ars. Caps. Ign. Kali-c. Puis.
Sang. Sep. Sulph.
with empty eructa-
tions Arg-nitr. Graph. Lye. Phos. Sil. Sulph.
and nausea Am-c. Ant-cr. Am. Cocc. Graph. Hep.
Kali-bich. Lach. Natr-m. Nux-v. Pe-
trol. Sep. Sil. Sulph.
and vertigo Fer. Hep. Kali-bichr. Lach. Lobel. Natr-
c. Phos. Puis. Sang. Sep. Stram.
stupifying pressing Agar. Anac. Ant-cr. Arn. Asaf. Aur.
Bry. Chin. Hell. Led. Nux-v. Puis.
Khus. Staph. Thuj. Zinc.
or throbbing Alum. Bell. Bry. Carb-an. Carb-veg.
Caust. Cham. Chin. Glon. Kali-bichr.
Knli-c. Lye. Magn-m. Natr-m. Phos.
Puis. Rhus. Sans. Sep. Sulph.
aggravated by men-
tal labour Puis.
by spirituous liquor. Ant-cr. Nux-v. Ran-bul. Verat.
and stooping Alum. Bar-c. Kreos. Puis.
Congestion of blood to the head.... Aeon. Aur. Bell. Bry. Carb-veg. Chin.
Cinnab. Coff. Coloc. Glon. Graph.
Hyos. Ign. Kali-c. Knos. Lach.
Merc. Mosch. Nux-v. Op. Phos. Puis.
Ran-bul. Rhus. Sep. Sil. Spong.
Sulph. Verat.
Fullness and heaviness in the Ars. Bell. Bry. Glon. Mign-m. Sil.
head, especially in the forehead, com- Sulph.
pelling one to close the eyes.
aggravated by motion Arn. Bell. Bry. Dulc. Nux-v. Staph.
by mental labour , Nux-v.
and by turning the head. Cic. Spong.
Pulsations in the Occiput , Asar. Con. Glon. Hep. Natrm. Petrol.
Puis. Rhus, Spig.
Icy coldness in the head Ambr. Arn. Bell. Kali-c. Laur. Merc.
Phos. Tilia. Verat.
and about the head, especially
the right side Verat.
. , ,


Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.

External Mead,
Enlargement of the head with
open fontanelles Calc-phos. Sil.
Sweat on the head (in the evening). Bell. Berb. Cham. Chin. Graph. Gum-
gut. Lach. Led. Merc. Mez. Mosch.
Natr-m. Nitr-ac. Ol-an. Petrol. Puis.
Raph. Sil. Sulph. Valer.
Scabs on the head. Ars. Bov. Bry. Carb-an. Chel. Graph.
Hep. Natr-m. Oleand. Petrol. Rhus.
Sil. Sulph.
Tumours Hell. Nux-v. Petrol. Puis. Ruta. Sep.

— and suppurating boils on


the head Kali-c.

Itching of the hairy scalp Bar.c. Graph. Oleand. Rhod. Rhus.
Ruta. Sep. Staph. Sulph.
Falling off of the hair Ambr. Bar-c. Carb-an. Carb-
veg. Con. Cycl. Fluor-ac. Graph.
Hep. Ign. Kali-c. Lye. Merc. Natr-m.
Nitr-ac. Petrol. Phos. Sec-c. Sel. Sep.
Eyes. Sil. Staph. Sulph.

Pressure in the eyes. Arn. Bell. Bry. Carb-veg. Graph. Hep.

Ign. Merc. JS'itr-ac. Ran. Rhus. Ruta.
Sahad. Spig. Spong. Sulph. Valer.
Itching .. Agar. Carb-veg. Caust. Natr-m. Phell.
Sulph. Zinc.
Stinging. Ant-cr. Graph. Hep. Kali-c. Lye. Natr-
c. Nitr-ac. Ol-an. Puis. Sars. Sep.
Spig. Spong. Sulph. Zinc.
Burning. Am-c. Asaf. Bell. Bry. Caps.
Cham. Coloc. Con. Croc. Mang.
Merc. Nitr. Nux-v. Par-q. Phos.
Phos-ac. Rhod. Ruta. Spig. Spong.
Tart-em. Thuj. Tongo.
cutting in the eyes. Canth. Coloc. Dros. Hep. Merc. Mur-
ac. Mosch. Petrol. Plumb. Puis.
Rhus. Staph. Verat.
and lids Merc.
when reading by candle light Cina. Mang. Mez. Nux-mos.
Inflammation of the eyes from
foreign bodies coming into them Aeon. Arn. Sulph.
in infants Aeon. Arn. Bor. Bry. Cham. Euphr.
Nux-v. Puis. Sulph.
-or in scrofulous subjects. Dulc. Euphr. Fer. Hep. Ign. Magn-c.
Merc. Natr-m. Nux-v. Puis Sulph.
Agglutination of the eyelids. Alum. Bar-c. Bell. Bry. Pig. Ign.
Magn-c. Nux-v. Phos. Puis. Staph.
Ulcers on the cornea. Bell. Hep. Natr-c. Sil.

Specks Apis. Ars. Aur. Bell. Cannab. Con.

Euphr. Hep. Lye. Nitr-ac. Nux-v.
Sep. Sil. Sulph.

Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.

Specks and dimness of the Cornea. Apis. Cannab. Euphorb. Puis. Seneg.
Fungus medullaris Bell. Lye. Sep. Sil.

Oozing' of blood from the eyes.... Crotal.

Fistula lachrymal is Chel. Fluor-ac. Natr-c. Petrol. Puis.
Sil. Stann.
Watering of the eyes in the
morning* Natr-m. Nitr. Par-q. Phos. Rat. Sulph.
Pupils dilated Aeon. Bar-c. Bell. Brom. Chin. Cic.
Cina. Hell. Hep. Hyos. Led. Mang.
Op. Spig. Staph. Stram.
Dimness of sight. Bar-c. Bell. Bry. Cannab. Caust. Con.
Euphorb. Fer. Hep. Hyos. Lye.
Magn-c. Merc. Natr-m. Nitr-ac. Op.
Phos. Pids. Ruta. Sil. Sulph.
Like gauze before the eyes. Caust. Croc. Phos.
Mist before the eyes Am-m. Bell. Caust. Cycl. Evon. Merc.
Plumb. Ruta. Sulph.
Bright light dazzles the eyes. Bar-c. Con. Bros. Kali-c. Lye. Nitr-ac.

Stinging in the ears. Alum. Anac. Am. Bell. Kino. Merc.
Nitr. Nitr-ac. Nux-v. Phos. Puis.
Sep. Staph. Thuj.
Inflammation of the external. Bell. Bor. Bry. Canth. Kali-c. Magn-c.
Merc. Puis:
and internal ear Magn-m. Spig.
Pulsations in the ears Magn-m. Spig.
Discharge of pus from the ears. Am-c. Asaf. Aur. Bor. Bov. Caust.
Hep. Kino. Merc. Puis. Sep. Sulph.
Polypus of the ear Staph.
Tingling in the ears Caust. Puis.
Hardness of hearing. Bell. Hyos. Lye. Nitr-ac. Op. Petrol.
Puis. Sec-c. Sil. Sulph.
especially after the suppres-
sion of intermittent fever by Chinin. Carb-veg. Hep. Nux-v. Puis. Sulph.
Inflammatory swelling of the Am-c. Bell. Brom. Cham. Kali-c. Merc.
parotid glands. Nux-v. Rhus. Sars.

Inflamed. Ars. Aur. Bell. Cannab. Canth. Hep.
Lach. Mang. Natr-m. Rhus. Sep.
Red Aur. Bell. Cannab. Carb-an. Lach.
Rhus. Sulph.
Swollen . Alum. Am. Bry. Cham. Lach. Merc.
Natr-m. Nice. Phos. Puis. Sulph.

Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.

Nostrils ulcerated Graph. Kali-c. Lye. Merc. Sep. Sil.
scabby Brom. Magn-m. Nitr-ac. Phos. Sulph.
Polypus Merc. (Phos.) Sang. (Sep. Sil.) Staph.
Bleeding {Epistaxis) in the morning. Ant-cr- Bell. Croc. Hyos. Merc. Nitr-
ac. Puis. Rhus. Sabin.
Stcncta before the nose as from
manure Anac. Magn-c. Verat.
putrid eggs Aur. Bell. Merc. Phos. Sep. Sulph.
or gun powder
Stench from the nose Aur. Bell. Graph. Natr-c. Nux-v. Puis.
Yellow colour Ars. Bell. Bry. Chin. Iod. Lach. Lye.
Merc. Plumb. Sulph. Verat.
Pale, emaciated Selen. Tabac.
Eruption of many small painless Ant-c. Bar-c. Carb-veg. Cic. Graph.
pimples. Kreos. Lye. Merc. Natr-m. Phos-ac.
Sep. Sulph.
Itching of the face Berb. Colch. Con. Natr-c. Natr-m.
Nux-v. Phos-ac. Ruta. Stront. Sulph-
ac. Verat.
and under the whiskers Agar. Anibr. Natr-m. Sil.

Moist, itchy, scurfy eruption Cic. Dulc. Graph. Merc. Natr-c. Rhus.
on the cheeks and forehead (with Sep.
burning pain).
Crusta lactea Ars. Bar-c. Caust. Cic. Cycl. Dulc.
Lye. Merc. Sars. Sep. Sulph.
Tearing face-ache, in the bones. Magn-sul. Mur-ac. Nitr. Sep. Stront.
Sulph-ac. Tabac. Teucr. Vinca.
Eruptions on the lips and around Ars. Caps. Graph. Hell. Natr-m. Phos-
the mouth. ac. Sep. Sil. Sulph.
and in the corners of the
mouth Bell. Ign. Merc. Phos. Psor. Sil.

Ulcerated corners of the mouth Ant-cr. Bell. Graph. Hep. Mang. Merc.
Natr-m. Phos. Sil. Zinc.
Swelling of the upper lip (in Arg. Bar c. Bov. Canth. Kali-c. Lye.
the morning). Merc. Natr-m. Nitr-ac. Phos. Rhus.
Painful hard swelling of the Bar-c. Hell. Iod. Mur-ac. Petrol. Phos.
submaxillary glands. Sil. Sta t ,h. Sulph.

Tooth-ache, drawing, stinging Agar. Angus. Bell. Carb-an. Iod. Lye.
Nitr. Ran-bul. Rhod. Staph.
from draft of air Bell. Chin. Sars. Sulph.

aggravated from drinking any- Cham. Graph. Merc. Nux-mos. Nux-v.

thing cold. llhus. Spig. Sulph.

by noise.

Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.

Tootli-aclie aggravated during Am-c. Carb-veg. Cham. Graph. Kali-c.
Catamenia. Phos. Sep.
after Catamenia Magn-c. Phos.
during pregnancy Bell. Bry. Hyos. Merc. Nux-mos. Puis,
Rhus. Sep. Staph.
Difficult dentition Cham. Cic. Cupr. Hyos. Tgn. Rheum.
Fistula dentalis Canth. Caust. Fluor-ac. Natr-m. Lye.
Petrol. Staph.
Gums swollen Alum. Caust. Graph. Merc. Nat-m. Phos.
bleeding Carb-veg. Caust. Graph. Magn-m. Merc.
Nux-v. Ph.s. Sep. Staph. Sulph.
Dryness of the tongue at night. Nux-mos.
in the morning when awak- Clem. Cobalt. Graph. Kali-c. Sep. Ta-
ing. rax.
Ranula Ambr. Merc. Natr-m. Nitr-ac. Staph.
Accumulation of mucus in the Ar#. Brom. Caust. Chin. Iod. Nux-v.
mouth. Phos-ac. Psor. Squil. Teucr.

Spasmodic contraction of the Alum. Hyos. Ign. Phos. Sabad. Stram.
Oesophagus. Sulph. Verat.
Inflammatory swelling of the
palate with blisters on it Nux-v. Phos-ac.
Swelling of the tonsils Am-c. Bar-c. Bell. Hep. Ign. Lye.
Merc. Natr-sul. Sep. Stann. Sulph.
Stinging in the throat when Bell. Bry. Chin. Hep. Ign. Merc. Nitr.
swallowing. Nitr-ac. Petrol. Puis. Rhus. Sep.
Sulph. Thuj.
JMppetite A* Taste.
Continued violent thirst for cold Am-c. Ars. Natr-m. Nitr. Phos. Psor.
drinks without the least appetite. Sil. Spig. Sulph. Tart-em.
Canine hunger Chin. Cin. Iod. Lye. (Merc.) Nux-v.
Sil. Verat.
in the morning Ant-cr.
Desire for wine Cic. Hep. Lach. Sep. Spig. Sulph.
salt things Caust. Con. Nitr-ac. Verat.
sweet things Chin. Kali-c. Lye. Natr-c. Rheum.
Rhus. Sabad. Sulph.
After drinking milk, nausea and
sour eructations Carb-veg. Lye. Tart-em.
After eating, heat Nitr-ac- Phos. Sep. Viol-tr.
or bloatedness, with nausea, Phos. Sep. Thuj.
or eructations Bry. Chin. Fer. Phos. Sil. Sulph. Thuj.
Sour taste Bell. Chin. Nux-v. Phos. Puis. Sulph.
Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.
Gastric Symptoms.
Eructations tasting of the ingesta.
Bry. Carb-veg. Chin. Cic. Natr-m. Sars.
Sil. Spig. Sulph. Thuj. Vitex.
After eating, heart-burn, and con-
tinued loud belching up of wind Am-c. Chin. Iod. Natr-m. Sep. Sil.
Morning nausea Anac. Hep. Nux-v. Sep.
Sour vomiting, especially in chil- Ars. Bell. Cham. Chin. Ipec. Lye.
dren. Nuxv. Phos. Psor. Sulph. Verat.
Vomiting of children, especially
d uri ng dentition (Bism.) Hyos.
Vomiting of the ingesta Ars. Bry. Fer. Natr-m. Nux-v. Puis.
Sep. Sil. Sulph. Verat.
Pressing or cramp-like pain,
especially when fasting Arg-nitr. Gran. Puis.
or after meals Cham. Cocc. Phos. Puis. Sulph.
with vomiting of ingesta. Ars. Dig. Lach. Plumb-ac. Puis.
Pit of the stomach swollen and Am-c. Aur. Bell. Bry. Cham. Coff. Lye.
painful to pressure. Natr-m. Nux-v. Petrol. Sulph.

Stinging pain in the liver (dur- Aeon. Bry. Caust. Cocc. Kali-c. Magn-
ing or after stooping). m. Natr-c. Nux-v. Ran-sc. Sabad.
Sep. Sil. Sulph. Zinc.
Cutting in the upper part of the ab- Chinin. Laur. Lye. Magn-m. Nux-mos.
domen. Sulph.
Sensation of coldness in the Ars. Bell. Hypomanes. Meny. Phell.
abdomen. Phos. Sec-c. Sep. Tereb.
Enlargement of the abdomen Ambr. Ant-cr- Caust. Coloc. Kali-c.
Sep. Staph. Thuj.
with swelling of the Mes-
enteric glands. Ars. Con.

Incarcerated flatulence. Canth. Carb-an. Carb-veg. Iod. Knli-c.

Lye. Natr-m. Nitr. Nitr-ac. Phos.
Tension in bothHypochondres. Aeon. Cham. Con. Dig. Graph. Lye.
Puis. Sep. Staph. Verat.
Inguinal glands swollen and pain- Badiaga. Bell. Clem. Hep. Iod. Merc.
ful. Nitr-ac. Staph. Thuj.

Stool and Jlnus.

Constipation Alum. Bry. Cocc. Lach. Lye. Natr-m.
Nux-v. Plumb. Sep. Sil. Staph. Sulph.
Hard and undigested stool Con. Graph. Plat. Sulph.
Frequent looseness of the bow-
els (2 stools daily) Graph. Natr-m. Phos. Sulph-ac.
"White stool Bell. Dig. Hep. Lach. Spong.

Diarrhea, of sour smell Am. Cham. Graph. Hep. Magn-c. Merc.

Natr-c. Rheum. Sep. Sulph.
or putrid. At*. Asaf. C irb-veg. Lach. Puis. Sil.

Sulph. Sulph-ac.

Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.

Stool A* •Inns.
Diarrbea during dentition Canth. Cham. Coff. Merc. Podo.

Involuntary stool (as if fermented). Ars. Bell. Chin. Mur-ac. Natr-m. Phos.
Phos-ac. Sulph. Verat.
Tapeworm with stool Graph. Kali-c. Plat, Puis. Sabad. Sil.

Ascaricles with stool Chin. Cin. Fer. Ign. Sil. Spig. Sulph.
Teucr. Yaba.
Varices, swelling. Mur-ac. Nitr-ac.
protruding Caust. Hep. Lye Phos. Phos-ac. Rat.
Rhus. Sep.
with burning pain, Aeon. Ars. Carb-an. Sulph-ac.
Discharge of Mood from the Alum. Am-c. Bor. Case. Merc.
rectum. Natr-m. Sabin. Sep. Sulph.
Prolapsus ani Ign. Merc. Mez. Mur-ac. Podo. Ruta.
Sep. Sulph.
Itching of the Anus. Ambr. Am-c. Carb-veg. Caust. Ign.
Lye. Nitr-ac. Sil. Sulph. Zinc.

Very frequent micturition, Ant-cr. Bar-c. Led. Lye. Psor. Sep. Sil.
also at night. Sulph.
Dark, urine Bell. Carb-veg. Colch. Dig. Hep. Merc.
brown urine , Colch. Dig. Nitr-ac. Petr. Puis. Tart-em.
with white sediment. Graph. Hep. Phos. Phos-ac. Rhus. Sep.
Spong. Sulph. Ziuc.
and putrid smell. Agar. Ambr. Ars. Aur. Benz-ac. Carb-
an. Carb-veg. Coloc. Cupr. Dulo.
Guaj. Kreos. Merc. Natr-c. Nitr-ac.
Petrol. Phos-ac. Puis. Rhod. Sulph.
Bloody. Ars. Canth. Caps. Ipec. Lye. Merc.
Mez. Nux-v. Phos. Puis. Sec-c. Sep.
Sulph. Zinc.
Burning in the Urethra during Cannab. Caust. Cochl. Colch. Kali-c.
micturation. Natr-c. Isux-v. Sars. Sulph. Thuj.
Verat. Zinc.
Polypus in the bladder Con. Graph. Lye. Thuj.

Jflale Sexual Organs.

Inflammation of the prepuce,
with redness and burning pain Ars-met. Merc. Natr-c. Nitr-ac. Sulph.
Want of sexual desire Agn-c. Bals-cop. Camph. Kali-c. Lvc.
Nitr-ac. Sulph.
Strong sexual desire and volup-
tuous lewd fancies and thoughts Ign. Sil.

During coition stinging.

and burning while discharg-
ing the semen Kreos.

Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.

•Male Sexual Organs

During coition erections of too
short duration Con. Nux-mos.
Frequent nocturnal emis- Carb-veg. Caust. Cobalt. Con. Kali-c.
sions. Lye. Nitr-ac. Petrol. Phos. Phos-ae.
Plumb. Puis. Sep. Staph. Sulph. -

Female Sexual Organs,

Catamenia too early Ambr. Carb-veg. Cham. Ipec. Nux-v.
Phos. Rhus. Sabin. Sil. Sulph.
and too profuse Bell. Fer. Ip. Nux-v. Plat. Sabin. Sec-e.
Suppressed menstruation Con. Dulc. Graph. Kali-c. Lye. Natr-
(with full habit). m. Puis. Sil. Sulph.
During menstruation cutting Am-m. Bar. Bell. Cannab. Caust. Con.
in the abdomen. Lye. Phos. Plat. Sil.
and griping in the back Bell. Carb-veg. Phos.
heat and congestion to the head... Bell. Cham. Cinnab. Glon. Magn-m.
Stitches in the Os uteri Bell. Con. Kali-c. Murex. Nitr-ac. Pal-
lad. Phos. Rhus. Sep. Staph. Thuj.
Pressing- in the Vagina Bell. Chin. Con. Croc. Kali-c. Natr-c.
Nux-v. Plat. Sep. Sulph.
Itching in the Vagina Ambr. Ars-met. Carb-veg. Con. Natr-
m. Petrol. Sep. Sil. Sulph.
Varices on the Lahiac Carb-veg. Lye. Nux-v. Zinc.
Sterility, with Catamenia too early
and too profuse Merc. Natr-m. Sulph. Sulph-ac.
Abortion Apis. Bell. Cham. Croc. Fer. Iod. Ipec.
Ncx-v. Sabin. Sec-c. Sep. Zinc.
Prolapsus uteri, with sensation Arg. Aur. Bell. Fer. Iod. Merc. Nux-v.
of pressing on it. Pallad. Plat. Rhus. Sep.
Metrorrhagia Bell. Cham. Chin. Fer. Ipec. Nux-v.
Fluor albus, before the Catamenia. Alum. Bar-c. Carb-veg. Chin. Puis.
burning Am-c. Carb-an. Con. Kali-c. Puis.
itching Alum. Kreos. Merc. Phos-ac. Sabin.
like milk Am-c. Carb-veg. Fer. Lye. Puis. Sil.
Sulph. Sulph-ac.
in starts Sil.

during micturition Am-c. Sil.

Dryness of the nose Ars. Bell. Cannab. Graph. Natr-m.
Phos. Sep. Sil. Sulph.
Stoppage of the nose with yellow
putrid pus in it Lich. Led. Natr-c. Puis. Sep.
Dry Coryza with much sneezing.... Arg. Calad. Cycl. Dros. Natr-m. Sep.
Squil. Staph. Tart-em.

Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.

Fluent Coryza with ulcerated nos-
trils. Brom. Cocc. Squil. Staph. Tart-em.
with head-ache Aeon. Ars. Bry. Caust. Cin. Graph.
Ign. Lach. Lye. Sep. Spig. Thuj.
«,nd oppression of the chest. Graph.

Liarynx Sf Trachea.
Hoarseness {painless) Am-c. Am-m. Carb-veg. Caust. Cham.
Dros. Iod. Macg. Merc. Nux-v. Phos.
Puis. Spong. Verb. Zinc.
Gou^ta without expectoration, from Bry. Cham. Dros. Kali-c. Lye. Nux-v.
tickling in the throat. .Rhus. Sep. Tabac.
Tickling cough caused by a sen-
sation as of dust in the Larynx Am-c. (Brom.) Ign.
Ulceration of the Larynx Carb-veg. Caust.
Cough in the evening in bed Carb-veg.Dros. Hep. Merc. Natr-m.
Nux-mos. Nux-v. Petrol. Rhus. Staph.
or at night Am-c. Am-m. Bell. Caust. Cham. Chin.
Ign. Kali-c. Lye. Merc. Petrol. Sulph.
Tart-em. Verat.
and while sleeping Arn. Cham. Lach. Nitr-ac. Sep. Verb.
mostly dry and violent Cocc. Croc. Mez. Nux-v. Phos.
with expectoration during the day,
but not at night Ars. Cham. Hep. Merc. Puis. Sil.
with expectoration in the morning Bry. Carb-veg. Hep. Par-q. Phos. Puis.
but without expectoration in the even- Squil. Sep. Sulph-ac.
Haemoptysis Aeon. Arn. Bry. Chin. Con. Dig.
Dros. Fer. Hama. Hep. Laur. Led.
Lye. Merc. Mez. Millefol. Natr-m.
Nitr. Phos. Plumb. Puis. Ruta. Sep.
Sil. Stann. Sulph.
Tubercular Phthisis Kali-c. Lye. Phos. Puis. Stann.
Ulceration of the lungs Carb-veg. Chin. Kali-c. Led. Lye. Nitr.
Nitr-ac. Phos. Puis. Ruta. Sep. Sil.
Stann. Sulph.
Expectoration of mucus Ars. Chin. Lye. [Par-q. Phos.
thick mucus Dulc. Phos. Puis. Seneg. Sep. Sil.
Squil. Stann. Staph. Tart-em. Thuj.
yellow Phos. Puis. Stann.
putrid Ars. Guaj. Kreos. Lye. Natr-c. Phos-ac.
Puis. Stann. Sep. Sulph.
purulent Chin. Con. Kali-c. Lye. Phos. Sep. Sil.

tastes sour Nux-v. Phos.

Tightness of the chest as if too Ars. Bry. Con. Dulc. Fer. Ign. Kali-c.
full. Lye. Nitr-ac. Nux-v. Phos. Puis.
and filled with blood. Carb-veg. Phos. Puis. Sep. Sulph. Verat.
Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.

Arrest of breath when walking
against the wind Lye. Phos. Psor. Selen.
and when stooping. Caust. Chin. Laur. Seneg. Sil. Sulph.
Burning in the chest. Ars. Bism. Carb-veg. Euphra. Lye.
Merc-sulph. Phos. Seneg. Spong.
Inclination to draw a deep Carb-veg. Chin. Evon. Ign. Kali-c.
breath. Lach. Phos.
Sensitiveness and sensation of
soreness in the chest when draw-
ing a deep breath Nitr-ac.
and when touching it Colch. Ran-sc.
Stitches in the chest, and sides Aeon. Arn. Bry. Chin. Kali-c. Lye.
of the chest. Merc. Nitr. Phos. Puis. Sulph.
when moving Bry. Cannab. Graph. Mur-ac. Rhus.
and when taking a deep
inspiration Bry. Caust. Natr-m. Nitr. Rhus. Sulph.
& when leaning against
the painful side. Sabad.
Palpitation of the heart. Aeon. Chin. Iod. Lach. Lye. Merc.
Naja. Natr-c. Natr-m. Nux-v. Phos.
Puis. Sep. Spig. Sulph.
at night Agar. Ars. Dulc. Mur-ac. Nitr. Nitr-ac.
Oxal-ac. Puis.
or after eating. Camph. Lye. Nitr-ac. Nux-v. Phos.
with anguish Aeon. Lye. Phos. Puis. Spig.
Trembling pulsation of the Ars. Kreos. Natr-m. Rhus. Sabin.
heart. Spig. Staph.
Hot swelling of the Mammae... Bell. Bry. Merc. Phos.
Secretion of milk, too abundant
(Galactorrhea) Aeon. Bell. Bry. Borax. Chin. Tart-em.
or suppressed Agn-c. Asaf. Bry. Cham. Chin. Calc.
Dulc. Phelland. Puis. Rhus. Sep. Zinc.

Sack and Neck,

Stiffness of the neck. Bar. Bell. Kali-c. Ign. Lye. Magn-c.
Nitr-ac. Nux-v. Plat. Rhod. Rhus.
Sep. Sulph.
Pain in the small of the back and
neck from lifting Lye. Rhus.
or as if sprained Agar. Arg-nitr. Oleand. Petrol. Puis.
Rhod. Sep. Sulph.
Pain in the small of the back,
that he can scarcely rise from his
seat, after being seated Ant-cr. Staph. Sulph.
Pressing between the shoulder blades. Bell. Graph. Kali-c. Lach. Laur. Ran-sc.
when moving Petrol.
impeding breathing.

Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.

Sack and JYeck.

Curvature of the Dorsal vertebras. Lye. Plumb. Puis. Sil. Sulph.
Thick, struma-like swelling of the Ambr. Brom. Carb-an. Caust. Iod.
Glandula thyreoidea. Kali. Lye. Natr-c. Natr-m. Spong.

Painful swelling of the cervical Bell. Bov. Carb-an. Cham. Dulc. Iod.
glands. Kali-c. Lye. Merc. Nitr-ac. Staph.
Suppuration of axillary glands Coloc. Hep. Merc. Natr-m. Nitr-ac.
Petrol. Sil. Sulph.

Upper Extremities.
Tearing and drawing pains in
the arms, mostly at night Am-m. Caust. Nitr. Phos.
Weakness and lameness of the Anac. Kali-c. Natr-m. Rhus. Sep, Sulph.
arms (left). Tabac.
Pain as if sprained in the wrist- Ambr. Am-c. Am. Bov. Bry. Caust.
joint (right). Hep. Puis. EJwd. Ruta. Sulph. Verb.
Arthritic nodosities on the hands Ant-cr. Benz-ac. Graph. Hep. Lye.
and finger joints. Rhod. Staph. Vitex.
Deadness of the fingers Am-c. Am-m. Chel. Hep. Lye. Nitr-ac.
Phos. Sulph. Thuj.
Trembling of the hands. Ars. Bism. Chinin. Coff. Led. Merc.
Natr-m. Plumb. Sep. Stram. Sulph.
Perspiration in the palms of the Aeon. Bar-c. Dulc. Hell. Ign. Kreos.
hands. Led. Lye. Nitr-ac. Nux-v. Petrol.
Jjower Extremities.
Coxalgia, with drawing stitches, or Bell. Bry. Colch. Coloc. Hep. Merc.
tearing, cutting. Puis. Rhus. Sep. Sulph.
The child is late learning to
walk Bell. Calc-phos. Sil. Sulph.
Heaviness of the legs Agar. Bell. Ign- Natr-c. Nux-v. Rhus.
Stiffness of the legs ,
Anac. Caps. Cic. Lye. Natr-m. Nux-v.
Rhus. Sep. Thnj.
Swelling of the knee Fer. Hep. Led. Lye. Puis. Sep.
Tearing and stinging in the knee. Bell. Coleh. ign. Kali-c. Lye. Merc.
Nitr. Sars. Sil. Sulph. Teuur. Zinc.
Cramp in the bend of the knee Cannab. Caust. Nitr. Paeon. Petrol.
Phos. Sulph.
in the calf of the leg Ars. Cupr. Lye. Tart-em.
in the sole of the foot Am-c. Ang. Berb. Carb-veg. Phos. Sil.
Stann. Sulph.
in the toes Am-c. Bar-mur. Caust. Luc. Nice. Plat.
Sil. Sulph.
especially when extending the leg. Bar-c.
and when pulling on the boots
Erysipelas Natr-c. Sulph. Ztnc.

Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.

JLoiver Extremities.
Erysipelas and swelling of the leg. Ars. Carb-veg. Dulc. Iod. Led. Kali-c.
Lye. "Merc Nux-v. Rhus. Sep. Sil.
Phlegmasia alba dolens Ars. Bell. Graph. Hamam. Iod. Led.
Lye. Merc. Nux-v. Rhus. Sulph.
Much itching' on the lower limbs. Bar-c. Euphorb. Spig. Zinc.
and on the foot joint Berb. Kali-c. Lye. Ran-bul.

'Burning' of the soles of the feet Amor. Canth. Carb-veg. Crotal. Graph.
Natr-c. Nux-v. Phos-ac. Puis. Sang.
Sil. Sulph.
Foot-sweat Bar-c. Carb-veg. Graph. Kali-c. Lye.
Nitr-ac. Petrol. Phos. Sep. Sil. Sulph.
Coldness and deadness of the feet
at night Iod. Nux-v. Sep.

Corns, sore or with burning pain Ambr. Bry. Lye. Rhus. Verat.


Sleepy the whole day Ant-cr. Croc. Lye. Nux-mos. Nux-v.

Op. Phos. Phos-ac. Puis. Sabad.
Sulph. Tart-em.
and early in the evening Arn. Con. Croc. Kali-c. Lach. Lye.
Phos-ac. Sil. Sulph.
He falls asleep late Bell. Carb-veg. Chin. Fer. Lach. Lye.
Merc. Natr-c. Nux-v. Phos. Puis.
Ran-bul. Rhus. Sep. Stann. Sulph.
Sulph-ac. Thuj.

Sleep early in the morning Graph. Nux-v. Sep.

Sleeplessness from many thoughts

crowding his mind Chin. Lye. Nux-v. Puis. Staph.

When closing his eyes he has many Bell. Carb-veg. Chin. Led. Merc. Morph-
horrid visions. ac. Phos.

Awakens early in the night Hep. Puis. Sep. Sulph.

Fearful dreams during sleep Arn. Cocc. Graph. Lye. Nux-v. Phos.
Puis. Sars.

Delirium with talking Aeon. Arn. Bell. Bry. Op. Rheum.

Sep. Sulph.

Fantastic dreams Natr-m. Op.

Oppression of the chest at

night Am-m. Ign. Nux-v. Petrol. Rhus. Sep.

with heat Aeon. Ars. Bell. Bry. Cham. Hep.

Magn-m. Petrol. Phos. Psor. Bhus.
Sil. Sulph.

and restlessness Ars. Carb-veg. Cham. Cocc. Magn-m.

Phos. Ran-bul. Rhod.
Thirst at night Arn. Bry. Magn-m. Nice. Nitr-ac.


Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.

Chilliness when rising in the morn-
ing Aeon. Bor. Puis. Tart-em.
great, internal Agn-c. Anac. Bell. Bry. Chrom-ac.
Hell. Natr-m. Nux-v. Phos. Sabad.
Thuj. Verat.
internal, with external heat Laur. Nux-v. Sep.
Frequent flushes of heat with
anxiety Graph. Lye. Phos. Thuj.
and palpitation of the heart. Lach.
Heat with thirst Aeon. Hep. Merc. Rhus. Sec-c. Sulph.
followed by chilliness Bry. Nux-v. Sep. Sulph.
Afternoon fever Ars. Lach. Natr-m. Nitr-ac. Ran-sc.
Spig. Staph. Sulph.
Profuse perspiration by day
from moderate exercise Kali-c. Lye. Natr-c. Sep. Sulph.
Perspiration, on the forepart of
the body Selen.
with anxiety Puis. Sep. Sulph.
Niglit- sweat, especially on the
chest Bar-c. Kali-c. Sil. Stann. Sulph.
Morning-sweat .... Carb-veg. Natr-c. Phos. Rhus. Sep.
Tremulous pulse. Ars. Bell. Cic. Kreos. Lach. Natr-m.
Rhus. Sabin. Spig. Staph.

Pale. Bell. Con. Fer. Lye. Nitr-ac. Plat.
Puis. Sulph.
Dry... Bell. Bry. Cham. Chin. Coleh. Dulc.
Kali-c. Led. Lye. Nux-m. Oleand. Op.
Phos. Sec-c. Seneg. Sil. Sidph. Teucr.
Flaccidity of the skin. Caps. Chin. Iod. Lye. Verat.
Kloatedness Ant-cr. Caps. Cupr. Fer. Oleand. Puis.
Nettle-rash, mostly disappearing in Apis. Alnus. Ant-cr. Ars. Bry. Canst.
the cool air. Con. Dulc. Hep. Nitr-ac. Rhus. Sulph.
Rough shin as if covered with rash. Bell. Graph. Iod. Merc. Sep.
Exanthema, dry Bar.c. Lach. Verat.
Eruptions, moist Carb-veg. Graph. Lye. Rhus.
scurfy Con. Graph. Lye. Rhus.
Milk crust Calc-caust. Cic. Dulc. Graph. Led.
Merc. Rhus. Sars. Sep. Staph. Sulph.
Herpes Ars. Bov. Clem. Con. Dulc. Graph.
Lye. Merc. Rhus. Sep. Sil. Sulph.
with burning pain Ars. Bry. Calad. Canst. Carb-veg. Con.
Led. Lye. Merc. Rhus. Sars.
chapped , Sep. Sulph.
furfuraceous Ars. Sil.


Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.

Herpes scurfy.. Con. Graph. Lye. Rhus. Sulph.
Knots, (blotches) Canst. Dulc. Lach. Mez. Rhus.
Itching, abating by scratching. Asaf. Cycl. Mur-ac. Pbos.
Rhagades Alum. Cycl. Graph. H»p. Kreos. Lach.
Lye. Mang. Nitr-ac. Petrol. Puis.
Rhus. Sep. Sars. Sulph.
— especially on those
who work in
Ant-cr. Puis. Sep.
Unwholesome, readily ulcerat- Bar-c. Bor. Cham. Graph. Hep. Petrol.
ing' skin, even small wounds sup- Sil. Staph. Sulph.
purate and do not heal.
Polypus Con. Phos. Staph.
Ulcers— fistulous Bell. Carb-veg. Caust. Con. Fluor-ac.
Lye. Nitr-ac. Puis. Sep. Sil. Sulph.
carious Angus. Asaf. Merc. Sil.

deep Puis. Sil.

Steatoma, reappearing and suppur-

ating every four weeks Graph. Hep. Sil.

Corns pricking Bry. Sulph.

"Warts Bar-c. Bell. Caust. Dulc. Magn-c. Nitr-

ac. Sulph. Thuj.

inflamed ,
Caust. Nitr-ac. Sep. Sil. Sulph.
stinging Hep. Lye. Nitr-ac. Rhus. Sep. Sulph.
suppurating Ars. Caust. Hep. Thuj.
Pulsatilla pratensis.

Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.

Especially suitable for slow,
phlegmatic, good natuied, timid tem-
peraments Croc. Ign. Lye. Sil.
for females Bell. Calc-c.Caps. Cham. Cocc. Croc.
Pallad. Plat. Sabin. Sep.
during pregnancy Bell. Cham. Cocc. Croc. Plat. Sabin.
confinement Bell. Cham. Rhus. Sabin. Sec-c. Sep.
Debility in the morning, ag- Carb-veg. Croc. Natr-c. Natr-ru. Nitr-
gravated by lying. ac. Nux-v. Petrol.
Pain as from sub- cutaneous Am-c. Am-m. Bry. Caust. Cic. Graph.
ulceration. Ign. Kali-c. Mang. Mur-ac. Natr-m.
Rhus. Zinc.
in inner parts . . Am-c. Bry. Caust. Lach. Merc. Nux-v.
Sensation as of inward festering. Phos. Ran-bul.
Tearing, jerliing in the muscles Chin. Cupr. Lye. Merc. Phos. Phos-ac.
(as if they were pulled). Staph.
Tension in outer parts Bar-c. Caust. Coloc. Con. Phos. Plat.
Rhus. Stront. Sulph.
in the joints Bry. Caust. Lye. Natr-m. Seneg. Sep.
in the inner parts Asaf. Bell. Lye. Nux-v. Stront.
Burning stinging pain Apis.
Rheumatic red hot swelling Aeon. Am. Ars. Bell. Bry. Cham.
with stinging pain. Chin. Colch. Dale. Ign. Merc. Nux-v.
Pains (rheumatic) shifting from Arn. Asaf. Mang. Nux-mos. Plumb.
one place to another. Rhod.
Congestions to single parts Aeon. Bell. Chin. Fer. Nux-v. Sulrh.
Bleeding from internal organs Bell. Calc-c. Canth. Fer. Ipec. Merc.
Nitr-ac. Nux-v. Phos. Sabin. Sep.
Aeon. Bell. Bry. Canth. Merc. Nux-v.
with disposition to suppurate.... Asaf. Bell. Hep. Lach. Lye. Merc.
Mez. Sil. Sulph.
Mucus membranes, diseases of. Am-c. Dulc. Euphorb. Hep. Merc.
Mez. Seneg. Stann. Sulph. Tart-em.
inflammation of Aeon. Ars. Bell. Merc. Nux-v. Sulph.

Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.

Pulsation through the whole body. Am-c. Ars, Bell. Cham. lod. Nux-v.
Sep. Sil. Sulph.
Frequent anxious trembling
of the li mbs Fer.
Desire for tlie open air Aur. Croc. Kali-hydr.
Bones, inflammation of the Merc. Sil. Staph.
curvature of the Am-c. Asaf. Calc-c. Merc. Sil. Staph.
caries Ang. Asaf. Calc-c. Con. Lye. Mez.
Nitr-ac. Op. Ruta. Sil. Spong. Sulph.
Chlorosis Bell. Calc-c. Cocc. Fer. Lye. Nitr-ac.
Plat. Sulph.
Hysterical complaints Asaf. Aur. Bell. Cocc. Con. Graph.
Ign. Magn-m. Mosch. Natr-m. Nitr-
ac. Nux-mos. Nux-v. Phos. Plumb.
Stann. Stram. Sulph. Yaler. Viol-od.
One-sided complaints (left side).

Pulsatilla symptoms are very

often accompanied by chilSiness,
thirstlessness, and oppres-
sion of the chest.
Bad from misuse of
Mercury Hep. Nitr-ac. Sulph.
China Am. Ars. Bell. Cale-c. Carb-vcg. Fer.
Ipec. Bach. Merc. Natr-m. Sulph.
Sulphur Chin. Merc. Nux-v. Sep. Sil.
Chamomilla tea (Aeon. Ign. Nux-v.)

In the evening.
In twilight Am-m. Calc-c. Rhus. Staph.
By fright Aeon. Ign. Op.
When rising after sitting long. Chin. Led. Nux-v. Nitr-ac. Rhus. Sil.

or when sitting after a long Chel. Cycl. Hell. Ipec. Magn-c. Samb.
•walk. Spong. Valer. Vitex.
When sitting Caps. Con. Cycl. Dulc. Euphorb. Lye.
Plat. Rhus. Sep. Verb. Viol-tr.

After lying down and having Ambr. Ars. Aur. Dulc. Lye. Plat.
risen again. Rhus. Samb. Stront.
On beginning to move Caps. Carb-veg. Caust. Con. EvpJiorb.
Fer. Lye. Phos. Rhus. Sabad. Samb.

From changing the position. Caps. Euphorb. Fer.

While lying down Ars. Aur. Caps. Cham. Con. Dros.
Euphorb. Fer. Lye. Meny. Plat.
Rhus. Samb. Tarax.
in bed Ambr. Iod. Lye.
on the left side Phos.
on tha painless side. Ambr. Br;/. Calc. Caust. Cham. Coloc.
Ign. Kali-c. Rhus. Sep. Stann. Viol-tr.


Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.

While lying with the head low. Ars. Chin. Hep. Nitr. Spig. Sulph.

In a warm room Croc. Iod. Sabin. Tilia.

On awaking Ambr. Ars. Calc-c. Caust. Hep. Lack.
Nitr-ac. Phos. Sep- Sulph.
During an expiration. Colch. Dig. Dros. Ign. Iod. Oleand.
Sep. Spig. Staph. Viol-od. Viol-tr.
From eating fruit.. Ars. Bor. Bry. China. Verat.
ice (ice-cream) Ars. Carb-veg.
pork Ant-cr. Carb-veg. Colch. Cycl. Ipec.
Natr-c. Natr-m. Sep. Thuj.
pastry Ars. Carb-veg. Cjcl.
warm food Bry. Phos.

From slow motion Caps. Con. Euphorb. For. Samb-
In tlie open air Alum. Croc. Magn-c. Sabin.
In a cold place Dros. Iod. Led. Seneg. Tart-em.
While lying on the pain-
ful side Bry. Calc. Cham. Rhus. Sep.
From eatin: cold things. Bry. Phos.

•Jllind and disposition.

Gloomy and melancholy Ars. Aur. Caust. Hell. Hyos. Lye.
Natr-m. Plumb. Seneg. Stram. Sulph.
Melancholy with "weeping,
sadness Aeon. Ign. Natr-m. Tilia.
Peevishness which increases to Ars. Aur. Bell. Calc-c. Cham. Coloc.
tears. Dig. Graph. Ign. Lye. Merc. Plat.
Rhus. Spong. Stann. Staph. Verat.
Anguish in the region of the heart,
even to desire for suicide Ars. Aur. Coff. Cycl, Dig. Verat
Full of cares about his domestic
affairs Bar-c. Sep.
Anthropophobia Anac. Bar-c. Cic. Con. Hyos. Lye.
Natr-c. Stann.
Indifference Chin. Phos. Phos-ac. Sep.
Mistrust Bar-c. Caust. Cic. Hell. Hyos. Lye.
Tremulous anguish as if death Ars. Bell. Natr-c. Plat. Psor. Sars.
was near. Tart-em.
Covetousness Ars. Lye. Natr-c. Sep.

Delirium Bell. Hyos. Op. Stram. Verat.
Frightful visions Bell. Bry. Op. Samb. Stram.
Intellectual labour fatigues him. Aur. Calc-c. Colch. Natr-c. Nux-v. Plat.
Sep. Sil.


Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.

Yertigo, as if intoxicated. Agar. Arg. Bell. Camph. Caps. Cocc.
Graph. Laur. Led. Nux-v. Rhus.
when rising from a seat. Aeon. Bry. Con. Petrol. Thuj.
when stooping Bar-c. Calc. Kali-bich. Led. Petrol.
after eating. Cham. Kali-c. Nux-v. Phos. Phos-ac.
when lifting up the eyes. Nux-v.
Giddiness with nausea Am-c. Ant-cr. Bar. Calc-c. Cocc. Lye.
Merc. Mosch. Nitr-ac. Petrol. Phos.
SO. Therid.
and loss of sight. Aeon. Arg. Bell. Cic. Fer. Nux-v. Phos.
Congestion of blood to the head,
with stinging pulsation in the brain,
especially when stooping Aeon. Bell. Bry. Lach. Phos. Sulph.
Stitches in the head Am. Bell. Caps. Chel. Natr-c. Natr-ra.
Great heaviness of the head. Aeon. Bell. Bry. Carb-veg. Cham. Ipee.
Natr-m. Nux-v. Phos. Sabin. SO.
Staph. Verat.
Pain, as if the head would burst. . . Am-c. Bell. Caps. Chin. Merc. Nat-m.
Rat. Sil. Spong.
Tearing in the head, especially Alum. Am-m. Arg. Calc-c. Canth.
in the temples. Carb-veg. Colch. Dig. Iod. Magn-sul.
Pressing head-ache from stoop- Bell. Bry. Ign. Kali-c. Nux-v. Rhus.
ing forwards. Sang. Sulph. Thuj.
One-sided head-ache Ars. Asar. Caps. Cic. Cham. Coif. Co-
loc. Nux-v. Sang. Sep. Spig.
Head-ache from abuse of
Mercury Hep.
eating fat food Carb-veg. Colch. Cycl. Ipec. Natr-c.
Natr-m. Sep. Thuj.
in the evening after lying down. Am-c. Carb-veg. Eugen. Fer. Hep.
Lach. Lye. Petrol. Phos. Rhus. Sep.
Sulph. Zinc.
in the morning Agar. Cham. Graph. Hep. Lye. Nux-
mos. Nux-v. Squil. Thuj.
aggravation by meditation. Asar. Calc-c. Chin. Colch. Ign. Lye.
Natr-c. Nux-v. Petrol. Sabad. Sil.
in the warm room Croc. Laur. Natr-c. Sulph. Zinc.
— amelioration from compres-
Arg-nitr. Bry. Hep. Magn-m. Sil.
in the open air Alum. Croc. Hell. Laur. Natr-m. Seneg.
Sep. Zinc.

External Head*
Perspiration on the head and in
the face Valer. Verat.


Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.

In the eyes pressing Arn. Bell. Bry. Calc-c. Carb-veg. Graph.
Lye. Nitr-ac. Khus. Kuta.
Spig Sulph. Verat. Zinc.
tearing Kali-c. Led. Lye. Nux-v. Squil. Verat.
and stinging Ant-c. Graph. Lye. Kali-c. Natr-c. 01-an. Sars. Sep. Spig.
Painful inflammation of the Aeon. Bell. Cadm. Calc-c. Euphr. Nux-
eyes. v. Phos. Rhus. Sop. Sulph. Verat.

of the Meibomian glands . . Cham. Dig. Euphr. Staph. Stram.

Swelling of the eye-lids Ars. Bry. Cham. Euphr. Nux-v. Rhus.
Ruta. Stram. Sulph. Verat.
and redness of the eye-lids... Ars. Bell. Cham. Calc-c. Cannab. Nux-v.
Sep. Sulph.
Styes Am-c. Bry. Con. Fer. Graph. Lye. Phos.
Phos-ac. Rhus. Sep. Stann. Staph.
Lacbrymation, in the open cold
air and in the wind Phos. Sil. Sulph.
In the eyes, burning Aeon. Am-c. Ars. Bar-c. Bell. Calc-c.
Canth. Caps. Caust. Kali-c. Natr-c.
Natr-m. Nice. Nitr-ac. Phos. Sulph.
and itc liing, inducing rub- Alum. Berb. Bry. Calc-c. Natr-c. Nice.
bing and scratching. Petrol. Phos. Ruta. Sulph.
Dryness of the (right) eyes Mang. Rhod. Staph. Tongo.
and lids, and sensation as Aeon. Euphorb. Verat.
if it was darkened by some mucus
banging over tbe eye which
ought to be wiped away Croc.
Oversensitiveness to light Aeon. Ars. Bell. Euphr. Nux-v. Sulph.
Cornea obscured Ang. Apis. Calc-c. Cannab. Chin. Eu-
phorb. Magn-c. Seneg. Sulph.
Frequent dimness of sight .... Calc-c. Cannab. Caust. Con. Euphr. Hep.
Phos. Sil. Sulph.
especially when rising from
a seat, and compelling one to rub the
eyes Croc. Plumb.
Incipient cataract Bar-c. Cannab. Caust. Con. Euphorb.
Hyos. Magn-c. Nitr-ac. Op. Sil. Sulph.
Amaurosis Bell. Calc-c. Cannab. Caust. Chin. Natr-
m. Rhus. Sulph.
Paralysis of tbe optic nerve. Bell. Con. Hyos. Phos. Sec-c. Sil.
Stram. Sulph.

Otalgia with darting tearing pain . Anac. Ang. Cainca. Caust. Cham.
Guaj. Kino. Mans. Merc. Mez. Nux-
v. Plat. Ran-sc. Rhod. Rhus.
V 6


Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.

Inflammation of the external Bell. Bor. Bry. Calc-c. Canth. Kali-c.
Kreos. Magn-c. Merc.
and internal ear Aeon. Bell. Bor. Bry. Calc-c. Canth.
Hep. Merc. Nux-v. Sil.
with neat Alum. Ang. Ant-cr. Camph. Carb-veg.
Chin. Hep. Ign. Natr-m. Sabin.
redness Ant-cr. Camph. Chin. Hep. Ign. Kreos.
Magn-c. Nitr. Tabac.
and swelling. Alum. Ant-cr. Calc-c. Caust. Kali-c.
Natr-m. Nitr. Rhus. Sep. Sil. Zinc.
Flow of pus from the (left) ear. Am-m. Am. Asaf. Aur. Bov. Calc-c.
Con. Hep. Kali-c. Lye. Merc. Sep.
Sil. Sulph. Zinc.
of mucus from the (left) ear. Calc-c. Lye. Merc. Phos. Sulph.
Hardness of hearing, as if the Anac. Am. Bell. Calc-c. Graph. Hyos.
ears were stopped up. Iod. Kali-c. Led. Lye. Mang. Merc.
Mur-ac. Natr-m. Nitr-ac. Op. Petrol.
Phos. Phos-ac. Sec-c. Stram. Staph.
Sulph. Verat.
especially after suppressed measles. Arg-nit. Asar. Sil. Spig. Sulph.
from cold or from having the hair
In the ears humming Bell. Caust. Graph. Nux-v. Spig. Sulph.
and tingling Calc-c. Caust.

Nose feels sore internally Am-m. Camph. Cocc. Graph. Ign. Ka-
li-c. Magn-sul. Nux-v. Ehus. Sil.
and externally Graph. Ign.
Ulceration wing of
of the external
the nose emitting a watery humour.
Bleeding of the nose Ant-cr. Sell. Calc-c. Croc. Dulc Fer.
Hep. Ipec. Merc. Mosch. Nitr-ac.
Nux-v. Phos. Puis. Rut. Rhod. Ehus.
Sabin. Sep. Sil. Stram. Sulph. Thuj.
blood coagulated Bell. Chin. Croc. Fer. Hyos. Ign. Ipec.
Plat. Ehus. Sabin. Stram.

with dry Coryza (Ars.)

Green foetid discharge Asaf. Aur. Kali-bich. Merc. Nitr-ac.
Nux-v. Rhus. Sep.
Smell diminished Bell. Calc-c. Hyos. Lye. Nux-v. Phos.
Smell before the nose as from
old catarrh Sulph.

Alternate redness and pale- Aeon. Am-c. Bell. Bov. Caps. Croc.
ness. Hyos. Ign. Kali-c. Nux-v. Op. Phos.
Colour of face pale . Ars. Chin. Cin. Phos-ac. Sep.- Sulph.
. .


Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.

Colour of face pale or yellowish Ambr. Bry. Cham. Chin. Con. Fer.
Lach. Lye. Nux-v. Plumb. Sep. Sulph.
Face bloated Aeon. Am-c. Ars. Bar-c. Bell. Bry.
Chin. Dig. Hyos. Kali-c. Natr-c. Op.
Phos. Samb. Sep. Spig.
blue-red Bell. Bry. Cupr.
Puffiness of the cheek.. Am. Cham.
nose Bell. Caust. Merc. Natr-c. Phos-ac.
Rhus. Sep.
Sweat in the face and on the
hairy scalp Valer. Verat.
Li©wer lip swelled and cracked Alum. Asaf. Calc-c. Caust. Lye. Mez.
in the middle. Mur-ac. Natr-m. Sep. Sil.

Jaws and Teeth.

Tooth-ache tearing, jerking, as
ifthe nerve was strung and suddenly
released Coloc.
Stinging in the teeth Bar-c. Bell. Bry. Merc. Nux-v.
Pain extends from the teeth to
the eyes Bell. Cham. Kreos. Lach. Merc. Nice.
and ears Ars. Bry. Cham. Merc. Rhus. Staph.
& is accompanied with
congestion of blood to the
head Aeon. Calc-c. Chin. Hyos.
Tooth-ache aggravated in the
evening Magn-sul. Merc. Phos. Sulph.
at night , Ars. Graph. Magn-c. Magn-m.
Merc. Phos. Rhus. Spig. Sulph.
in bed Bov. Carb-an. Cham. Graph. Magn-c.
Petrol. Phos. Sulph-ac.
in the room Cham. Magn-c. Nice. Nux-v. Rhod.
Sep. Sulph.
from taking warm things in Anac. Bar-c. Bry. Calc-c. Carb-veg.
the mouth. Merc. Sulph.
when sitting. Am-m. Graph.
relieved in the open air and
when walking Bry. Hep. Magn-m. Sep.
Gums pain as if they were sore. . Alum. Carb-veg. Graph. Merc. Natr-m.
Putrid taste Am. Bry. Cham. Cycl. Merc. Natr-m.
Petrol. Rhus. Sep. Sulph. Verat.
Bitter taste. Aeon. Bry. Carb-veg. Cham. Graph.
Dryness of the mouth in the Arg-nit. Cannab. Caps. Carb-an. Lye.
morning.; Magn-c. Mur-ac. Nitr-ac. Nux-v. Op.
Sang. Seneg. Sulph. Thuj.


Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.

Increase of saliva... Bell. Merc. Nux-v. Phos. Rhus.
Ptyalism sweet Dig. Phos. Plumb. Sabad.
Tongue coated yellow. Ars. Bell. Bry. Cannab. Cham. Chin.
Cocc. Ipec. Merc. Plumb. Sabin.
and covered with tough Bell. Cupr. Dulc. Lach. Merc. Nux-v.
mucus. Phos-ac. Sulph.
— coated white. Aeon. Ant-cr. Am. Ars. Bism. Bry.
Cannab. Cham. Chin. Cin. Ign. Pe-
trol. Phos. Sep. Sulph. Verat.
feels in the middle as if burned... Hyos. Plat. Psor. Sabad. Sep.

Pain in the throat as if sore
and raw Arg. Bry. Mang. Nitr-ac. Thuj. Zinc.
stinging Aeon. Apis. Bell. Calc-c. Hep. Ign.
Lye. Merc. Natr-m. Nitr-ac. Stram.
with pressing Alum. Bry. Merc. Nitr-ac. Phos. Sep.
and tension when
swallowing Asar. Chel. Sep. Stram.
Inflammation of the throat with
veins distended.
Dryness Aeon. Bell. Bry. Calc-c. Cham. Ign.
Merc. Nitr-ac. Nux-v. Phos. Seneg.
Staph. Sulph.
in the morning Am-c. Bov. Caust. Lye. Petrol. Plumb.
and tough mucus in the throat,
especially in the night and in the
morning Kali-c. Lact. Sars. Seneg.

•Mppetite X Taste.
Taste, empyreumatic Calad. Nux-v. Phos-ac. Sars.
stale Bry. Chin. Petrol. Staph. Thuj.
putrid Arn.
fatty Alum. Asaf. Caust. Lye. Mang. Valer.
bitter Bry. Cham. Merc. Nux-v.
especially after swallowing
food. Sil. Sulph.
or drink. Ars. Chin.
sweetish Phos. Plumb. Sabad. Squil.
(Bitter beer* tastes sweet.)
Thirstlessness with moist tongue. Calad. Hell. Meny. Nux-m. Sabad.
or thirst for beer Aeon. Bry. Cocc. Lach. Merc. Natr-c.
Nux-v. Petrol. Sabad. Stront. Sulph.
or strong alcoholic drink . . Ars. Hep. Nux-v. Op. Selen. Sulph.

* Beer tastes very bitter —Merc.

. .


Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.

•Mppctite tf Taste,
Aversion to fat food (butter). Ang. Bry. Carb-an. Carb-veg. Cycl.
Natr-m. Petrol.
meat . Mur-ac. Petrol. Sil. Sulph.
bread Con. Lye. Natr-m. Nitr-ac. Nux-v. Sep.
milk. Bry. Calc-c. Guaj. Sep. Sil. Sulph.
Hunger, with desire to eat, without
knowing what Chin. Magn-m.

Gastric Symptoms.
Eructations tasting and smelling Ant cr. Bry. Chin. Con. Phos. Ran-sc.
of what has been eaten. Sil. Thuj.
like bile in the evening Ambr. Bism. Phos. Sep. Sil. Verat.
Nausea Ipec. Iris. Nux-v. Sil. Sulph. Verat.
felt in the upper part of the ab-
domen Agn-c. Cupr.
especially in the evening Calc-c. Natr-c. Nux-v. Petrol. Phos. Sep.
or after eating Am-m. Bism. Carb-veg. Chinin. Kali-c
Nitr-ac. Op. Sang. Sep. Sil.
and drinking. Natr-m. Nux-v.
with rumbling in the abdomen. Arg-nit.
Vomiting of mucus Aeon. Bell. Cin. Digit. Dulc. Ipec.
Sec-c. Stram. Tabac. Verat.
of bile Ars. Bry. Cannab. Cham. Colch. Cupr.
Dros. Ipec. Merc. Nux-v. Phos. Sabin.
Sec-c. Sep. Stram. Verat.
of bitter, sour fluids Grat. Ipec. Tart-em.
of slimy matter Dros. Nitr-ac.
of ingesta after each meal, espe- Ars. Bry. Calc-c. Colch. Fer. Ipec.
cially in the evening and at night. Natr-m. Nux-v. Plumb. Sil. Sulph.
of blood. Aeon. Arn. Bry. Canth. Carb-veg.
Fer. Hama. Hyos. Ipec. Millefol.
Nux-v. Phos. Verat.
Cramp in the stomach, ending with
vomiting Calc-c. Kali-c.
Pressure stomach
in the pit of the
after each meal with vomiting of the
ingesta Bry. Caps. Cham. Nux-v.
Sensible pulsations in the pit of
the stomach Asaf. Iod. Oleand. Tart-em.
Inflammation of the stomach... Aeon. Ars. Bry. Nuv-v. Phos. Sec-c.

Colic and rumbling of wind Carb-veg. Chin. Lye. Nux-v. Rhod.
Staph. Verat.
especially in the upper part of the
abdomen Caust. Chin. Lye. Nux-v. Phos. Phos-ac.


Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.

Incarcerated flatulence Ant-cr. Carb-beg. Cham. Cocc. Graph.
Ign. Kali-c. Lye. Nitr-ac. Nux-v.
Plumb. Staph, tart-em.
Cutting pain in the abdomen above Alum. Ant-cr. Bar-c. Bov. Bry. Calc-c.
the navel, especially in the evening. Hep. Merc. Natr-m. Nitr-ac. Nux-in.
Petrol. Sil.
Great sensitiveness of the walls Aeon. Canth. Cham. Cycl. Hyos. Merc.
of the abdomen. Nux-v. Stann. Stram. Sulph. Tabac.
Tilia. Verat.
Stinking flatus Ars. Asaf. Carb-veg. Chin. Plumb. Sil.
Anus X Stools.
Constipation Bry. Calc-c. Cocc. Lye. Nux-v. Plumb.
Op. Sil. Sulph.
Frequent soft diarrhoeic stools Asar. Bor. Caps. Merc. Nux-v. Petrol.
consisting of yellow mucus. Sulph.
with some blood Canth. Ipec. Merc. Nux-v. Sep. Sulph.
preceded by cutting in
the abdomen Bare. Bry. Merc. Tart-em. Thuj. Verat.
Nightly diarrhea Ars. Bry. Caps. Cham. Chin. Dulc.
Phos. Rhus. Sulph. Verat.
watery Ant-c. Arn. Cham. Chin. Fer. Hyos.
Jatr. Nux-v. Rhus- Sec-c.
green Cham. Phos. Pod. Sulph.
like bile Cham. Dulc. Ipec. Merc. Oleand. Verat.
after previous rumbling in Ars. Carb-veg. Kali-c. Magn-sul. Merc-
the abdomen. solub. Rat. Spong. Sulph.
Frequent soft stools mixed with Asar. Bor. Caps. Cham. Nux-v. Phos.
mucus, or only consisting of mucus. Sulph.
Discharge of blood from the Alum. Am-c. Bor. Calc-phos. Case.
Anus during the stool and at other Lye. Merc. Sabin. Sep. Zinc.
Stools, acrid Ars. Chin. Ign. Merc. M>rc-sulph.
bloody Canth. Ipec. Merc. Nux-v. Sep. Sulph.
very offensive Ars. Asaf. Carb-veg. Lach. Sil. Sulph-ac.
Varices, with soreness Calc-c. Carb-veg. Caust. Graph. Kali-c.

Urine and Urinary

Ischuria, with redness and heat in Aeon. Arn. Aur. Campk. Canth. Dig.
the region of the bladder. Nux-v. Plumb.
Dysuria Arn. Canth. Caps. Colch. Merc. Nux-v.
Plumb. Sars. Sil.
Incontinence of urine — the
urine is discharged by drops when
sitting Caus. Spig.
and when walking .... Bry. Caus. Magnc. Magn-m. Nat-m.


Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.

Urine and Urinary

Involuntary discharge of Ant-cr. Caus. Kreos. Nat-m. Phos. Sep.
urine when coughing. Squil. Staph. Sulph. Verat. Zinc.
and when passing wind. Sulph.
Scanty, red-brown urine Bry. Chin. Colch. Coloc. Dig. Seneg.
Sulph. Sulph-ac.
Hematuria .
Arn. Ars. Calc-c. Camph. Cannab.
Canih. Con. Hep. Lye. Mez. Millefol.
Nux-vom. Phos. Sec-c. Sep. Squil.
Sulph. Tart-em. Zinc.
with burning in the end of the Ambr. Chenop. Chin. Graph. Kali-c.
Urethra. Seneg.
Burning when urinating Cannab. Caps. Caus. Cochl. Colch.
Nat-c. Nux-v. Par-q. Psor. Sabad.
Sars. Seneg. Staph. Thuj. Verat.
Sediment of the urine reddish Canth. Nat-m. Sep. Valer.
Canth. Phos-ac.
of mucus Berb. Dulc. Nat-m. Valer.
Gonorrhoeic discharge from the Agn-c. Cannab. Canth. Cochl. Cop.
Urethra. Merc. Nit-ac. Petrol. Selen. Sep.
Sulph. Thuj.
•Wale Genital Organs.
Inflammation Clem. Nitr-ac. Nux-v. Spong. Staph.
and swelling of the testicles. Arn. Clem. Merc. Nit-ac. Nux-v. Rhod.
with red Arn. Petrol.
and swelled Scrotum. Arn. Phos-ac. Rhus. Sep.
also after suppressed gonorrhea.. Agn-c. Aur. Clem. Merc. Nit-ac.
Sexual desire too strong Canth. Chin. Nux-v. Phos. Plat. Verat.
Itching burning on the inner and
upper side of the prepuce Euphorb. Ign. Lye. Nit-ac.
Long lasting erections in the
morning when awaking Ambr. Nux-v. Petrol.
Involuntary emissions in the Caus. Cobalt. Con. Kali-c. Lye. Nit-ac.
night. Petrol. Phos. Phos-ac. Sep. Sulph.
Hydrocele Arn. Graph. Iod.Jtfux-v. Sil. Sulph.
Inflammation of the prostatic
gland Cannab. Thuj.

Female Sextial Organs.

Menstruation too late Caus. Con. Cupr. Dulc. Graph. Kali-c.
Lye. Magn-c. Nat-m. Sep. Sil. Sulph.
too scanty Am-c. Con. Dulc. Graph. Kali-c, Magn-
carb. Sulph.
of too short duration Am-c. Sulph.
with cramp in the stomach Am-c. Con. Cham. Cocc. Graph. Ign.
. .


Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.

Female Sexual Organs,

Menstruation accompanied by
many other complaints.
First menstruation delayed... Caus. Cocc. Con. Graph. Kali-c. Nat-m.
Petrol. Sulph.
Metrorrhagia (discharge now stop- Am. Bell. Caus. Cham. Croc. Fer. Hyos.
ping, and then stronger again) of Ign. Magn-m. Plat. Rhus. Stram.
coagulated, clotted blood. Stront.
Menstruation suppressed Apis. Con. Dulc. Graph. Kali-c. Lye.
Sil. Sulph.
Labour pains too weak Bell. Kali-c. Op. Sec-c.
ceasing Bell. Cham. Kali-c. Nat-m. Op. Ruta.
Sec-c. Sep.
Bell. Cham. Hyos. Ip. Nux-v. Sep.
After pains of too long duration.. Am. Bell. Bry. Cham, Kali-c. Nat-m.
Nux-v. Op. Rhus. Ruta. Sabin. Sec-c.
Sep. Sulph.
Suppression of the milk . . . Asaf. Calc-c. Cham. Dulc. Phel. Rhus.
Sulph. Zinc.
of the Lochia Coloc. Hyos. Nux-v. Plat. Sec-c. Verat.
Fluor albus sharp, burning. Am-c. Calc-c. Canth. Carb-an. Con.
Kali-c. Kreos. Sulph-ac.
like milk and without pain Am. Calc-c. Carb-veg. Lam. Sil. Sulph.

Coryza with loss of smell Am-m. Magn-m. Nat-m. Nitr. Rhod.
and taste Magn-m. Nat-m. Rhod. Tart-em.
chronic with yellow -green dis- Kali-bich. Kali-c. Nat-e. Par-q. Phos.
charge from the nose. Thuj.

Hoarseness which does not permit Am-c. Am-m. Carb-veg. Caus. Dros.
one to speak a loud word. Hep. Mang. Nice. Spong.
Dry cough at night, disappearing
while sitting up in bed, and returning
as soon as lying down again Hyos.
Dry severe cough, mostly in the
morning, with retching and desire to
vomit, and sensation as if the stomach
were turned inside out Nux-v.
Cough with expectoration of much Ars. Cham. Merc. Nat-c. Nux-v. Sep.
bitter mucus. Verat.
yellow mucus Calc-c. Phos. Stann.

with green, Ars. Carb-veg. Fer. Kreos. Led. Nat-c.

Par-q. Phos. Sep. Stann.
or bloody (black- clotted) expec- Bell. Cham. Chin. Fer. Hyos. tpec.
toration. Rhus. Sabin.
Expectoration yellow Calc-c. Phos. Stann.

Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.

Expectoration salty Ars. Chin. Lye. Merc. Nat-c. Phos. Sep.
offensive Ars. Iod. Merc. Stann.
Taste of the expectoration
like the discharge in chronic catarrh. Ign. Sulph.
Acute suppuration of the lungs. Chin. Dulc. Fer. Kreos. Laur.
Cough with expectoration in the Bry. Carb-veg. Hep. Par-q. Phos. Sep.
morning without expectoration in the Squil. Sulph-ac.
with expectoration during the day
without expectoration at night Ars. Cham. Hep. Merc. Sil.
Breathing impeded as from the
vapour of Sulphur Camph. Croc.
Anxious and spasmodic tight- Bell. Nat-m. Nux-v. Phos. Rhod. Rhus.
ness of the chest as if it was too full, Spig. Stann. Sulph.
and the Larynx constricted,
especially in the evening and at night.
Nightly attacks of suffoca- Graph. Kali-c. Nux-v. Phos. Samb.
tion, with giddiness and weakness Sulph.
in the head when lying horizontally
on the back.
better when rising. Led. Sulph.

Pain in the chest as from sub- Carb-an. Kreos. Merc. Psor. Ran-bul.
cutaneous ulceration. Staph.
Tension in the chest, especially
when drawing a deep breath Nat-m. Seneg. Tarax.
Stitches in the chest Aeon. Bry. Kali-c. Lye. Merc. Phos.
Frequent and severe attacks of pal- Aeon. Ars. Asp. Graph. Lach. Nat-c.
pitation of the heart, often Nat-m. Nit-ac. Oleand. Spig.
accompanied by anguish and loss of
(Organic diseases of the heart) Calc.c. Caus. Crotal. Lach. Lye. Naja.
Stinging pain in the neck Bell. Cocc. Nat-c. Tarax.
Pain in the small of the back
as after long stooping Lye. Meny. Verat.
Stitches in the small of the Asaf. Berb. Con. Merc-sol. Phos. Sep.
back. Sulph. Thuj. Zinc.
Curvature of the spine Calc-c. Lye. Plumb. Sil. Sulph.

Upper Extremities.
Tearing and drawing in the Alum. Ambr. Am-m. Bell. Bry. Fer.
shoulder joint and in the arms. Magn-c. Mang. Merc. Natr-c. Nitr.
Pressing heaviness Rhus. Sulph. Thuj. Zinc.
in the arms
from the shoulders to the fingers Alum. Bell. Mur-ac. Natr-m. Sil. Stram.


Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.

Upper Extremities,
Pressing heaviness in the arms Ambr. Cham. Croc. Graph. Kali-c.
from the shoulder to the fingers, with Lye. Magn-m. Nux-v. Sep. Sil.
Enlarged veins on the arms and Am-c. Am. Calc-c. Laur. Oleand. Phos.
hands. Rheum. Thuj.

JLower Extremities,
C o\ algia. Arg. Ars. Asaf. Aur. Bell. Bry. Calc-c.
Canth. Cham. Coloc. Dig. Hep. Merc.
Nux-v. Rhus. Sep. Staph.
Inflammatory swelling of the Bry. Calc-c. Chin. Cocc. Hep. Iod. Merc.
knee. Lye. Sil. Sulph.
Varices on the legs Ars. Calc-c. Carb-veg. Fer. Graph. Lye.
Sulph. Zinc.
Predominating chilliness Agar. Alum. Anac. Bar-c. Calc-c. Carb-
veg. Chrom-ac. Niir-ac. Plumb. Sa-
bad. Sil. Sulph. Tart-em.
and thirstlcssness. Ars. Chin. Lye. Mang. Nux-v. Sabad.
Samb. Sep. Spig. Tart-em.
Attacks of heat with anguish . . Aeon. Ars. Ign. Natr-m. Phos. Phos-ac.
Sep. Spong. Stann.
Intermittent fever, first chills,
then heat followed by perspiration,
thirst only, if at all, during the heat
in the afternoon and evening Sabad.
after misuse of Chininum
Sulph Am. Ars. Carb-veg. Fer. Ip. Verat.
Night sweats
Morning Sweat, often of a bad Bar-c. Graph. Kali-c. Lye. Nux-v. Phos.
smell. Staph.
Perspiration of one side only Bar-c. Nux-v.
with anxiety Calc-c. Sep. Sulph.

Yawning .
Caust. Cin. Croc. Ign. Kreos. Nux-v.
Drowsiness in the day time. Calc-c.Carb-veg. Croc. Lye. Nux-m.
Op. Sep. Sabad. Tart-em.
Feverish somnolency with un-
easiness and various fancies day and
night Con. Croc. Nux-m. Op. Tart-em.
Sleep prevented by ideas crowd- Calc-c. Coff. Graph. Hep. Kali-c. Nux-v.
ing upon the mind, evening & night. Staph. Sulph.
by ebullition Psor. Senna. SM.
Congestions to the head and
unpleasant heat Calc-c. Cham. Hep. Petrol. Phos. Psor.

Liability to start in sleep. Bry. Cham. Ipec. Nux-v. Rhus. Staph.


Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.

Jerking of the limbs, or of the Ambr. Ars. Bell. Cupr. Hep. Kali-c.
whole body during sleep. Lye. Natr-c. Sil.

Crying out with vivid dreams. Bor. Cham. Lye. Sulph.

When awaking- in the night he
does not know where he
is, and is unconscious Chin. Plat. Sol-m.
Nightmare Aeon. Am-c. Lye. Nux-v. Sulph.
When sleeping he lies on his back. Coloc. Dros. Nux-v. Plat. Sulph. Tart-
em. Viol-od.
with knees drawn up Plat. Stram.
and hands over the head or Chin. Nitr-ac. Nux-v. Plat. Rheum.
across the abdomen. Sulph. Verat.
The limbs on which he lies go to
sleep Bry. Chin. Lye. Mez. Phell.
Dreams about money Alum. Cycl. Magn-c. Zinc-ox.

Pale. Bell. Calc-c. Cocc. Fer. Lye. Nitr-ac.
Plat. Sulph.
Eruptions from eating much pork,
itching violently in bed Cycl.
Eruptions like measles. Aeon. Bell. Bry. Ipec. Kali-bich. Rhus.
Exanthema stinging Euphorb. Led. Lye.
itching-stinging Bry. Graph. Led. Rhus. Spong. Viol-tr.
chapped Sep. Sulph.
Chilblains Agar. Arn. Carb-an. Carb-veg. Cham.
Chin. Cycl. Hyos. Lye. Nit-ac. Pe-
trol. Phos. Phos-ac. Rhus. Sulph.
Sulph-ac. Thuj.
inflamed, itching Agar. Berb. Sulph.
Rhagades Calc-c. Sep. Sulph.
Suppurating wounds Bor. Calend. Merc. Plumb. Sil.
Ulcers Ars. Asaf. Lach. Lye. Merc. Sil.
bleeding easily Nitr-ac. Sil. Sulph.
with burning Ars. Caust. Lye. Merc. Rhus. Sil.
in the circumference Asaf. Caust. Lach. Lye. Merc. Rhus.
with stinging Ars. Hep. Merc. Nit-ac. Sil. Sulph.
in the circumference. Asaf. Merc. Sil. Sulph.
biting Euphorb. Lach. Led. Lye. Sulph.
itching round about Hep. Lach. Lye. Sil. Staph. Sulph.
hard Ars. Bell. Lye.
swollen Bell. Merc. Sep. Sil. Sulph.
round about Bell. Hep. Merc. Sep.

Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.

Ulcers with redness around. Ars. Asaf. Cham. Hep. Lach. Lye.
Merc. Rhus. Sil. Staph.
fistulous Asaf. Bell. Calc~c. Carb-veg. Lye.
Nitr-ac. Sil. Sulph.
Pus too copious Ars. Asaf. Merc. Phos. Rhus. Sil.

yellow Calc-c. Carb-veg. Caust. Clem. Phos.

Sep. Sil. Staph.
Skin pains as if ulcerated Am-m. Graph. Rhus.
Varices Ambr. Am. Ars. Carb-veg. Caust.
Fer. Kreos. Lach. Lye. Nat-m. Spig.
Sulph. Tart-em. Zinc.
inflamed Arn. Ars. Lye. Sil. Spig. Sulph. Zinc.
Tilia europaea.

Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.

Especially suitable for females. Bell. Cham. Ign. Plat. Puis. Sep.
after parturition Am. Cham. Coff. Puis. Rhus.
for children Calc-c. Cham. Sil.
during dentition Bell. Calc-c. Cham. Ign. Sil. Sulph.
The left side of tlie body is
mostly affected
Aggravation in the afternoon and
evening Puis.
in the warm room Iod. Led. Puis.
Sec-c. Seneg.
in the heat of the bed (the skin Alum. Bov. Calad. Calc-c. Clem. Cocc.
symptoms). Merc. Puis. Sars.
during motion, only the rheumatic
symptoms Bry. Colch. Led. Nux-v.
Amelioration in the cool room.... Iod. Puis.
from motion Aur. Caps. Con. Cycl. Euphorb. Fer.
Lye. Puis. Rhus. Sabad. Samb. Ta-
•Mind and Disposition. rax. Valer.

Melancholy, disposed to weep Aur. Calc-c. Ign. Lye. Puis. Sulph.

Giddiness, with staggering Kali-c. Nux-v. Petrol. Stram.
& like gauze before the eyes. Aeon. Bell. Cic. Fer. Nux-v. Puis.

Stinging pains in the forehead, Aeon. Bell. Canth. Nat-c. Nat-m. Sil.
with heat in the head and face. Sulph.

Sensation as of gauze before the
eyes Calc-c. Caust. Croc. Phos.

Stinging in the ears Bell. Con. Merc. Nux-v. Puis. Sil.
Spig. Sulph. Zinc.
Bleeding from the nose — the
blood is thin Chinin. Kreos.
pale but quickly coagulates. Chinin. Dig. Dulc. Kreos.

Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.

Pain, sore, as from subcutaneous
ulceration in the right side of the
face over the cheek-bone, followed by
a similar pain in the left side of the
face, beginning; in the temples ex- —
tending to the jaw bones ending in —
the gums (Hep. Puis.)
Pimples about the right corner of
the mouth Bell. Hep. Merc. Sep.

Shifting pain in all the teeth. Mang. Puis.
aggravated by cold water.... Ant-cr. Bry. Calc-c. Cham. Mang. Merc.
Nux-m. Nux-v. Puis. Rhus. Staph.
Painful tension in the left articu-
lation of the jaw preventing mastica-
tion. Am-m. Merc. Spig. Verb.

In the morning when awaking the Bell. Graph. Ign. Magn-c. Nice. Puis.
mouth is covered with mucus, Rheum. Sil. Spiff. Stront.
which even covers the teeth and im-
pedes speech.

JMppetite and Taste.

Disgust, even when thinking of eat-
ing Ars.
Desire for something refreshing Caust. Cocc. Phos. Phos-ac. Puis.
llheuni. Valer.

(Moderate) burning in the throat.... Ars. Canth. Carb-veg. Croton. Euphorb.
Merc. Mez. Phos. Ran-bul. Ran-sc.
Sabad. Sec-c. Verat.
Sensation of swelling of the palate. Nux-v. Seneg.
with desire to swallow Bell. Merc. Sabad. Thuj.
and hoarse voice Carb-veg. Nit-ac.

putrid Am. Bell. Cocc. Nux-v. Puis. Sep.
Burning in the stomach even when Cham. Kali-c. Lach. Nux-r. Phos.
eating but little. Rhus. Sil.

Bloated abdomen, pain as from Carb-veg. Chin. Lye. Nat-c. Nat-sul.
incarcerated flatulence, and repeated Nux-v. Rhus. Sulph. Verat.
noisy discharge of it with much relief.

Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.

• 'Ihdomcu.
Loud rumbling and rolling in
the abdomen, with discharge of fetid
flatulency followed by soft stool Dulc. Phos. Phos-ac. Puis. Stront.
Abdomen painful when touched, Aeon. Bell. Bry. Canth. Car6-veg.
especially around the navel. Caust. Cham. Phos. Verat.
Sensitiveness, soreness, and
sensation of subcutaneous ulceration
in the upper part of the abdomen ... Con. Hell. Ran-sc. Sulph.
Stitches suddenly appearing in the
abdomen, extending into the pelvis,
and impeding breathing Chel. Chin. Kali-c. Ran-sc. Samb.
Burning around the navel extending Aeon. Berb. Carb.veg. Lach. Nat-c.
into the small of the back. Plat. Sep.

Stool and •Mnus,

Frequent desire for stool with
repeated but scanty discharges of soft
foeces Puis. Sulph.
Discharge of very putrid flatus, Ars. Camph. Carb-veg. Ign. Nit-ac.
with which some watery contents of Sars. Zinc.
the rectum escape.

Urinary Organs.
Stinging in the Urethra Arg. Arg-nit. Berb. Calc-c. Ign. Lach.
Nat-m. Nux-v. Squil. Thuj.
Mucus-sediment in the urine. Berb. Dulc. Nat-m. Puis. Valer.

Female Sexual Organs*

Frequent pressing on the Ut- Arg. Bell. Con. Magn-m. Murex. Nat-
erus as if every thing would fall out c. Nux-v. Pallad. Plat. Sep. Sulph.
of the pelvis.
Spasmodic labour-like draw-
ing from the abdomen down the small
of the back as if the Catamenia would
set in Croc. Kali-c. Puis. Sep.
Great sensitiveness and soreness
in the whole Uterus as after parturi-
tion Ambr. Am. Puis. Rhus. Thuj.
Redness of the external parts Ars. Calc-c. Sep.
Soreness of the external parts Ambr. Carb-veg. Graph. Hep. Petr.
Sep. Sulph. Thuj.
Burning of the external parts Ambr. Ars. Calc-c. Caust. Carb-veg.
Kali-c. Kreos. Lye. Nit-ac. Nux-v.
Petrol. Sulph. Thuj.
Catamenia delaying 8 days, and Am-c. Con. Dulc. Graph. Lach. Magn-
lasting only one day (blood pale). c. Merc. Phos. Puis. Sabad. Sep.
Sil. Sulph.


Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.

Coryza with much sneezing. Arg. Calad. Calc.c. Chin. Cycl. Dros.
Nat-m. Sep. Staph. Tart-em.
tickling in the nose Caps. Carb-veg.
— and roughness in the throat.... Caust.

JLarynx & Trachea,

Stitches in the Larynx Chin. Laur. Nit-ac. Sulph-ac. Zinc.
Hoarseness with mucus in the
Trachea Lach. Nat-m.

Oppression in the chest with numb-
ness of the arms.
Drawing (gripes) in the left nipple. Evon. Zinc.

Upper Extremities.
Weakness in the arms Agar. Am-c. Ars. Bism. Caust. Kali-c.
Nux-v. Petrol. Plumb-ac. Ruta. Sec-c.
Tearing' in the fore-arm, down from Aeth. Asaf. Berb. Calc-c. Kali-c. Magn-c.
the elbow. Mez. Phos. Ran-bul. Sars.

IdOiver Extremities.
Trembling and weak Ars. Con. Nux-v.
Pain as if sprained in the left instep. Bar-c. Dros. Merc-sol. Nat-m. Nux-v
Phos. Puis.
Sleeplessness with restlessness, the
bed seems to be too hard to hiii) Laur. Majm c. Phos.

Chilliness in the evening Am, Kali c. Lye. Phos. Puis. Rhus.
Heat all over, but most in the Aeon. Bry. Hep. Nat-c. Petrol.
head and cheeks. Plat. Sabad. Sulph. Thuj. Verat.

Pulse, full, hard, accelerated.... Canth. Iod. Nux-v. Phell.

Night-sweat Am-m. Ars. Bar-c. Bry. Calc-c. Carb-
an. Caust. Chin. Graph. Iod. lpec.
Kali-c. Lach. Lye. Nat-c. Nit-ac.
Petrol. Phos. Puis. Rhus. Sabad.
Sep. Sil. Stann. Staph. Sulph. Zinc.

At night in the heat of the bed

eruption of small pale -red
pimples in clusters, with violent
itching, and burning after scratching.

Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.

Stiffness of thejoints (hands, knees Bell. Caps. Carb-an. Caust. Cocc. Co-
and feet.) loc.Graph. Kali-c. Lye. Petrol Puis.
Rhus. Sulph.
Arthritic pains (in the joints).... Arg. Bell. Bry. Colch. Kali-c. Led.
Merc. Rhus. Sabin. Spong. Staph.
Tearing in the muscles Calc-c. Carb-veg. Caust. Kali-c. Lye.
Merc. Nit-ac. Rhod. Sil. Staph.
Stront. Sulph. Zinc.
Sensation of contraction in
the outer parts Graph. Nux-v. Rhus.
Cramp pain in the muscles Anac. Ang. Bell. Calc-c. Cin. Lye.
Merc. Rat.
Excessive sensitiveness of the
body pain
to Aeon. Cham, Coff. Nux-v.
Sore pain in the outer parts Graph. Hep. Ign. Nux-v. Plat. Zinc.
in the inner parts Ign. Puis. Zinc.
Burning pain in many parts of the Aeon. Bell. Bry. Canth. Merc. Mez.
body (especially in the inner parts). Nux-v. Phos. Puis. Sabin. Sulph.
Bleeding' from the inner parts Bell. Calc-c.Canth. Chin. Fer. Ipec.
Merc. Millefol. Nux-v. Phos. Puis.
Sabin. Sulph.
Congestions at night, with palpita-
tions of the heart, and pulsation all
Jerking and twitching of the Alum. Ambr. Cham. Cic. Hyos. Iod.
limbs during the day. Lye. Nat-c. Nat-m. Petrol. Sec-c.
Sol-nig. Stram.
Twitching in the muscles Asaf. Bir-c. Bell. Kali-c. Mez. Nat-c.
Rhus. Sulph. Zinc.
Inflammatory swellings Aeon. Calc-c. Canth. Kali-c. Merc.
Puis. Rhus. Sulph.
Stinging pain in the limbs Asaf. Bell. Bry. Calc-c. Merc. Puis.
Rhus. Snig. Staph. Sulph. Tarax.
in the bones Bell. Calc-c. Con. Hell. Merc. Puis.
in the inner parts Aeon. Asaf. Bry. Canth. Chel. Chin.
Ign. Kali-c. Phos. Spig. Sulph. Ta-
rax. Verb.
Tingling in the outer parts Aeon. Am. Colch. Nux-v. Plat. Rhus.
Sec-c. Spig.
. . ,

SEPTA. 115

Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.

The limbs go to sleep easily after
manual labour.
Vibration like dull tingling in the
body Bell. Sulph.
Sensation as of a ball in the
iuner parts Ign. Lach. Plumb.
Aversion to the open air Calc-c. Cham. Cocc. Coff. Ign. Kali-c.
Nat-c. Petrol. Sil.
Heaviness in the body Calc-c. Kali-c. Mez. Nat-c. Nat-m.
Spong. Stann.
Want of natural heat. Alum. Euphorb. Led. Lye. Nat-m.
A short walk fatigues much... Kali-c.
Fainting Aeon. Cham. Chin. Nux-v. Puis. Stram.
Weakness Ars. Calc-c. Chin. Fer. Iod. Kali-c.
Lye. Nux-v. Rhus. Stann. Verat.
of the joints. Aeon. Arn. Calc-c. Kali-c. Lye. Merc.
Rhus. Sulph.
Especially suitable for persons
with dark hair Aeon. Nit-ac. Nux-v. Phos. Plat.
Aggravation — forenoon & evening.
from exertion of the mind Calc-c. Ign. Nux-v.
washing in water Am-m. Ant-cr. Clem. Rhus Sulph.
stretching the affected limb. Calc-c. Sulph. Thuj.
when sitting Caps. Con. Cycl. Dulc. Euphorb Lye.
Plat. Rhus. Verb. Viol-tr.

on bending down... Am-c. Bry. Calc-c. Maj>;n-c. Spig.Valer

from masturbation. Calc-c. Chin. Con. Phos-ac. Staph.

after coition Agar. Calc-c. Kali c.

sexual excess Calc. Phos-ac. Staph.

during pregnancy Bell. Cham, Cocc. Croc. Puis. Sabin.
with women in confinement. Bell. Bry. Cham. Puis. Rhus. Sabin.
Sec-c. Tilia.
while suckling the child Bry. Calc-c. Puis.
Amelioration from warm air Ars. Aur. Camph. Caust. Dulc. Hell.
Hep. Kali-c. Mosch. Nux-v. Rhus.
Sabad. Stront.
on rising Am-c. Calu-c. Samb.
from bed Dulc. Puis.
after rising from bed Ambr. Iod. Puis.

from a seat Cup. Cycl. Dulc. Lye. Plat. Puis. Rhus

Verb. Viol-tr.
on drawing up the limb. Calc-c. Sulph. Thuj.

•Mind and Disposition.

Sadness, with weeping Bell. Carb-an. Graph. Kali-c. Mez. Nai-
rn. Phos. Plat. Puis. Staph. Strain.
Discouragement Ars. Colon. Coloc. Nat-c. Nux-v. Psor.
Sulph. Thuj.
116 SEPIA.

Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.

Mind and Disposition.

Restlessness ; fidgety Aur. Bell. Ign. Puis. Sil. Sulph.
Great indifference Ars. Bell. Calc-c. Chin. Ign. Phos. Phos-
ac. Sil. Staph.

even to his own family Hep. Plat. Phos.

Is easilyoffended Aeon. Caust. Puis.
Inclines to be vehement... Aur.Camph. Caust. Hyos. Merc. Nux-v.
Dread of being alone Calc-c. Phos. Stram.
Sadness about her health Bry. Calc-c. Nit-ac. Phos.
domestic affairs Bar-c. Puis.
Aversion to his occupation. Fluor-ac. Kali-bich.
Heavy flow of ideas Am-c. Aur. Calc-c. Carb-veg. Lye. Nit-
ac. Petrol. Sulph.
Weak memory. Alum. Anac. Bur. Cai'b.veg. Hep. Laur.
Nat-c. Spig. Staph. Viol-od.

Stupefaction in the head (which Aeon. Aeth. Asar. Calc-c. Chin. Nux-m.
disables him from performing any Nux-v. Op. Plat. Rhod. Rhus.
mental labour).
Vertigo, when walking in the open Agar. Calc-c. Dros. Merc. Mur-ac. Nux-
air. m. Oleand. Spig. Sulph.
when rising from the bed Con. Lye. Nat-m. Nit-ac. Nux-v. Phos.
Phos-ac. Sil.

or in the afternoon Ambr. Kali-c. Merc. Nux-v. Phos. Puis.


Paroxysms of Haemicrania... Asar. Bell. Cic. Coloc. Con. Eug. Ipec.
Nat-m. Nit-ac. Nux-v. Puis. Sang.
Sil. Yerat.
with boring Nat-m. Zinc.
and sticking, extorting cries. Bov. Canth. Cic. Dig. Graph. Laur.
Nat-m, Petrol. Phos-ac. Zinc,
with nausea Alum. Am. Calc-c. Carb-veg. Cocc. Co-
loc. Eug. Graph. Ipec. Kali-c. Magn-
c. M. sch. Nat-m. Nit-ac. Nux-v. Sil.
Stram. Sulph. Yerat.
and vomiting. Bry. Coloc. Eug. Ipec. Iris-v. Nux-v.
Puis. Sang. Verat. Zinc.
Head -ache every morning, with Calc-c. Graph. Nat m. Nux-v. Sil.
nausea. Stram. Sulph.
when shaking or moving the head. Caps. Coral. Glon. Graph. Lye. Nat-c.
Nat-m. Puis. Phos-ac. Spig.
when stepping, as from commotion Lye. Nit-ac. Nux-v. Phos. Rhus. Sil.
of the brain. Spig. Sulph.
with stinging, often one-sided Bov. Canth. Cic. Dig. Graph. Laur.
Nat-m. Petrol. Phos-ac. Zinc.
or in the forehead (with Aeon. Am. Bell. Canth. Cocc. Na.-c.
nausea). Nat-m. Sil. Spig. Sulph. Verb.
relieved by lying down Am-m. Con. Nat-m. Nuxo,

SEPIA. 117

Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.

Head-ache, shooting above the left
Am-c. Ant-cr. Perl). Bov. Caust. Kali-
bich. Nat-m. Nit-ac. Phos-ac. Zinc.
as if the eyes would fall out
as if the head would burst Bry. Eug. Nat-c. Seneg. Sil.
— pulsating, especially in the top of Aeth. Agar. Alum. Berb. Bry. Calc-c.
the head. Cannab-ind, Carb-an. Caust. Glon.
Magn-m. Nat-c. Nux-v. Fhos, long.
External coldness of the head Agar. Calc-c. Sabad. Sulph. Verat.
Itching- on the head Graph. Oleand. Rhod. Ruta.
in the nose and on the eyes Agar. Carb-veg. Nux-v.
Falling off of the hair Ambr. A:s. Bar-c. Calc-c. Cycl. Graph.
Hep. Kali-c. Lye. Merc. Nat-m. Nit-
ac. Petrol. Pftos. Sec-c. Sep. Sil.
Small red pimples on the fore- Ambr. Clem. Hep. Led. Mur-ac. Nat-m.
head. Nit-ac. Par-q. (Phos.)
Rough forehead Rhus. Sulph.

Pressure on the eyeballs Aeon. Arn. Bell. Bry. Calc-c. Carb-
ve<i. Graph. Hep. Ign. Lye. Merc.
Nit-ac. Nux-v. Ran-sc. Rhus. Ruta.
Sabad. Spig. Sp>ng. Sulph. Valer.
Verat. Zinc.
Inflammation of the eyes with Aeon. Bell. Bry. Euphra. Op. Rhus.
redness. Sil. Spig. Stram. Sulph. Thuj.

and stinging pain Ant-cr Apis. Graph. Kali-c. Lye.

Nat-c. Puis.
Nit-ac. Sars. Spig.
Spong. Sulph. Zinc.
Burning of the eyes, in the morning. Am-c. Graph. Magn-sul. Nice. Nitr.
Nit-ac. Phell. Rat. Rhod. Sars. Se-
neg. Stront. Zinc.
Eachrymation in the morning... Magn-c. Merc-sol. Nat-m. Nitr. Phell.
Phos. Hat. Staph. Sulph.
and evening Eug. Magn-m. Phos. Rhus.
Fungus haematodes Calc-c. Lye. Sil.

UJightly agglutination of the Alum. Bell. Calc-c. Carb-veg. Croc.

eyes. Euphorb. Fer. Graph. Kah-c. Lye.
Magn-m. Nit-ac. Sil. Stram.
The eyelids pain in the morning
when awaking, as if they were too
heavy, and as if he could not keep
them open Nit-ac.

Inability to open the eyelids at

night Cocc. (Rhus.)

Heaviness and falling down Aeon. Bell. Cham. Chel. Graph. Nux-v.
of the upper eyelids. Sil.

Eyelids inflamed Aeon. Ars. Bar-c. Bell. Bry. Caust.

Cocc. Con. Hep. Kali-c. Lye. Nat-c.
Rhus. Sirs. Spig. Stann. Sulph.
Thuj. Zinc.
118 SEPIA.

Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.

Eyelids red Aeon. Ant-cr. Ars. Bell. Berb. Bry.
Calc-c. Cannab. Cham. Graph. Nux-v.
Puis. Sars. Zinc.
swollen , Ars. Bar-c. Bry. Calc-c. Caust. Cham.
Ign. Lye. Puis. Rhus. Sec-c. Seneg.
Sulph. Valor.
Styes (Hordeola). Am-c. Bry. Con. Fer. Graph. Lye. Phos.
Phos-ac. Puis. Rhus. Stann. Staph.
Great sensitiveness of the eyes Aeon. Bell. Bry. Camph. Euphra.
to the light of day. Graph. Hep. Ign. Merc. Nat-c. Nux-
v. Phos. Psor. Sil.
Black spots, hovering and swim- Aeon. Bar-c- Cale-c. Carb-veg. Chinin.
ming before the eyes. Lye. Petrol. Phos. Tereb. Yerat.
Green halo around the light of the
Pupils contracted. Chel. Cocc. Sil. Sulph. Verat.

'Stinging in the ears (left) Aeon. Bar-c. Boll. Calc-c. Caust. Graph.
Kali-hyd. Nit. Mang. Phos. Puis.
Staph. Tabac. Zinc.
Discharge of thin matter from
the ear Merc-sol. Sil.
Much itching in the affected ear. Agar. Arg. Bar-c. Caust. Ign. Kali-c.
Phos. Sil. Sulph.
Over sensitiveness to music Phos-ac. Viol-od.
Swelling Aeon. Anac. Ant-cr. Bell. Caust. Cist.
Puis. Sil. Spong.
and eruptions, on the external
ear Puis. Verb.
Tetters on the lobe of the ear Caust. Teucr.
behind the ear Graph.
and in the neck Caust. Petrol. Sulph.

Nose swollen. Arn. Ars. Bry. Calc-c. Caust.
Cist. Coral. Kali-c.
Lye. Nitr. Phos.
Rat. Rhus. Sulph. Thuj. Zinc.
and inflamed Cist. Merc-sol. Phell. Sulph.
especially on the tip. Bor. Bry. Kali-c. Lye. Merc-sol. Nice.
Tip of the nose scurfy. Carb-an. Carb-veg. Nit-ac. Sil.
Ulcerated nostrils... Calc-c. Coral. Graph. Lye. Petrol. Phos.
Stoppage of the nose...., Alum. Bry. Calc-c. Carb-v. Castor.
Phos-ao, Rhod. Sil. Sulph.
Dry Coryza Bry. Graph. Nux-v. Plat. Psor. Thuj.
Frequent sneezing without &
ryza Aeon. Con. Hell. Kali-c. Sil. Sulph.
Violent bleeding of the nose Arn. Bar-c. Carb-v. Caust. Chinin.
Pule. Kali-c. Lacb. Merc. Phos.
Sabad. Sil.

SEPIA. 119

Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.

Ozoena Arg. Asaf. Aur. Con. Kali-bich. Lach.
Lye. Merc. Puis.
Loss of smell Anac. Camph. Caust. Hep. Hyos. Ka-
li-hyd. Lye. Phell. Plumb. Sang.
Paleness of the face, with blue Berb. Calc-c. Graph. Ipec. Natr-c.
margins around the eyes. Phos-ac.
Yellow colour of the face and Calc-c. Canth. Carb-nn. Caust. Crotal.
of the white of the eyes. Graph. Iod. Lach. Lye. Magn-m-
Nat-c. Nit-ac. Sec-c.
Yellow saddle across the nose and
Yellowness around the mouth Agar. Ars. Cina. Magn-m.
Tetters around the mouth Am-c. Anac. Ars. Magn-c. Nat-c. Nat-
m. Par-q. Phos. Rhus.
Moist scaly eruptions in the
red part of the lips Ant-cr. Ars. Sil.

and on the chin Sulph. Verat.

Swelling of the under lip Alum. Asaf. Calc-c. Caust. Lye. Mez.
Mur-ac. Nat-m. Pids. Sil.
Erysipelas and swelling of one
side of the face from the root of a
decayed tooth

Tooth-acne, stinging Bry. Chin. Clem. Colch. Con. Dros.
Euphorb. Graph. Kali-c. Laur. Merc.
Nux-mos. Puis. Sabin. Sil. Squil.
pulsating, drawing Hyos.

extending to the ear Alum. Bell. Caust. Cham. Chenop.

Ind. Kreos. Magn-c. Merc. Meph.
Nice. Nux-m. 01-an. Puis. Rat.

during pregnancy Alum. Bell. Calc-c. Cham. Magn-c.

Merc. Nux-m. Puis. Rhus. Staph.
with shortness of breath
with swelled face Am. Ars. Bell. Bry. Cham. Merc.
Nux-v. Puis. Staph.
and swelling of the submaxil-
lary glands Am-c. Bar-c. Dulc. Merc.

Teeth dull Ars. Aur. Berb. Lye. Nat-m. Nit-ac.

Nux-m. Phos. Phos-ac. Sulph. Sulph-
ac. Zinc.

Ciums painfully swollen Graph. Magn-m. Merc-sol. Sil. Sulph.

bleeding without any cause.... Graph. Iod. Magn-m-

Calc-c. Carb-veg.
Merc. Nux-v. Phos. Staph. Sulph.
120 SEPIA.

Symptoms, Corresponding Remedies.

•if Month,
Bad smell from the mouth Agar. Amor. Anac. Aur. Carb-an.
Lye. Nit-ac. Petrol. Sil. Sulph.
Tongue and cavity of the mouth
feel as if scalded Hyos. Plat. Psor. Puis. Sabad.
Tongue coated white Aeon. Arn. Ars. Bism. Bry. Cannab.
Cham. Chin. Cin. Ign. Petrol. Phos.
Puis. Sulph. Verat.
Soreness of the tip of the tongue. Kali-c. Poth.

Dryness of the throat Aeon. Am-c. Am-m. Ars. Bell. Carb-
Teg. Caust. Crotal. Hyos. Lobel. Lye.
Magn-m. Petrol. Phos. Stram. Zinc.
Soreness Alum. Arg. Bell. Calc-c. Ign. Kali-c.
Lobel. Nat-m. Sulph. Zinc.
and stinging in the throat. Alum. Am-m. Apis. Bar c. Calc-c. Hep.
Ign. Nat-c. Nice. Nit-ac. Phos-ac.
with swelling of the sub- Am-m. Bar-c. Bell. Brom. Calc-c.
maxillary glands. Coral. Iod. Lye. Merc. Nat-m. Nit-ac.
Sil. Spong. Staph. Sulph. Sulph-ac
Sensation as of a plug in the Bar-c. Bell. Calc-c. Lach. Merc. Nat-m.
throat. Plumb. Sabad.
Hawking up of mucus in the Ambr. Caust. Nat-m. Petrol. Phos.
morning. Rhus.

JMppctite & Taste.

timiue hunger Agar. Alum. Arn. Asaf. Bry. Calc-c.
Caust. Merc. Nitr. Oleand. Op. Phos.
— with sensation of empti-
Puis. Sil. Sulph. Verat. Zinc.

ness in the stomach Arn. (Ign.)

Thirst in the morning... Calc-c. Graph. Grat. Magn-m.
Nit-ac. Plumb-ac- Sars.
or thirstlessness. Am-c. Bell. Bov. Cycl. Lye. Nux-m.
Petrol. Puis. Sabad. Sars. Staph.
Food tastes too salt Carb-veg. Chin. Sulph. Tart-em.
{Thuj., has, not salt enough.)
Acidity in the mouth after eat-
ing. Carb-veg. Chin. Magn-c. Sabin.
and hloatedness of the Ambr. Bor. Calc-c. Carb-veg. Cast.
abdomen. Graph. Kali-c. Nux-v. Phos. Rhus.
Taste putrid. Arn. Bell. Carb-veg. Cham. Merc.
Nux-v. Puis. Rhus. Staph. Sulph.
sour (with constipation) ,
Bell. Calc-c. Chin. Nux-v. Phos. Puis.
Sulph. Tarax.
Gastric Symptoms,
Eructations, mostly sour.... Alum. Ambr. Bry. Carb-veg. Kali-c.
Lye. Nat-m. Nux-v. Phos. Phos-ac.
Sil. Tart-em. Verat. Verb.
Waterbrash, after drinking...
SEPIA. 121

Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.

Gastric Symptoms.
Waterbrash, after eating Am-m. Calc-c. Phos. Sil. Sulph.
Acidity of stomach All-sat. Carb-veg. Chin. Magn-m.
Nausea, especially in the morn- Arn. Calc-c. Carb-veg. Cham. Nux-v.
ing and while fasting. Phos. Sil. Sulph.
Vomiting of pregnant fem- Con. Ipec. Nat-m. Nux-m. Nux-v. Ox-
ales. ac. Petrol. Puis.
of bile Ac >n. Ant-cr. Ars. Bism. Bry. Canth.
Cham. Colch. Dig. Iod. Lach. Phos.
after eating Ars. Fer. Graph. Iod. Lach, Op. Puis.
Sec-c. Stann. Sulph.
in the morning Bar-m. Calc-c. Pig. Dros. Dulc. Fer.
Hep. Kali-c. Sulph.
with head-ache Chinin. Cimex. Cou. Lach. Nux-v.
Pressure in the stomach, as
from a stone, especially after eating. Kali-bich. Nux-v. Sulph.
Cutting, boring, from the region
of the stomach towards the spine
Colic, with spasms in the chest Cupr. Verat.
Burning in the stomach Aeon. Ars. Bism. Calc-c. Cam ph. Carb-
an. Carb-veg. Chinin. Crotal. Dig.
Hydr-ac. Ign. Iod. Kali-c. Laur.
M'illef. Phos. Sabad. Sil. Sulph.
Pulsation in the pit of the Bell. Chin. Dros. Graph. Iod. Kali-c.
stomach. Lach. Lam. Magn-m. Nat-m. Nit-ac.
Plat. Puis. Sulph. Thuj.
Painful sensation of empti- Am-m. Dig. Hell. Ign. Ipec. Mur-ac.
ness in the stomach. Nice. Petrol. Phos. Plumb-ac. Sang.
Sulph. Teucr.
Pain in the pit of the stomach
when washing Bell.

Stitches in the region of the liver. Aeon. Bry. Calc-c. Carb-veg. Caust.
Con. Hep. Kali-c. Magn-m. Merc.
Nat-c. Nat-m. Nat-sul. Nux-v. Phos.
Ran-bul. Sulph. Tabac.
in the left hypochondre
Soreness of the abdomen in
pregnant females Bell. Con. Ran-bul. Stann. Sulph. Tilia.
Pressing in the abdomen Ambr. Arg. Bism. Calc-c. Caps. Caust.
Chin. Cupr. Par-q. Plat. Staph.
Cutting Alum. Ars. Bry. Calc-c. Nat-m. Petrol.
Puis. Rhus. Sil. Stront. Sulph-ac.
Stinging Bry. Grat. Kali-c. Nit-ac Psor. Spig.
Sulph. Tarax. Verb.
Burning Aeon. Ars. Bry. Canth. Cocc. Nux-v.
Sec-c. Sil. Verat.
122 SEPIA.

Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.

Coldness in the abdomen Camph. Phos. Oleand. Sec-c.

Sensation of emptiness in the Cocc. Coloc. Dig. Merc. Mur-ac. Sars.

abdomen. Stann.
Rumbling in the abdomen Carb-an. Lye. Sars. Sulph. Sulph-ac.

Pot-belliedness of mothers (Iod. Nat-c.)

Brown spots on the abdomen Ars. Carb-veg. Kali-c. Phos.


Stool and Jlnus.

Constipation . Bry. Calc-c. Graph. Hep. Kali-c. Lye.
Nux-v- Op. Plat. Plumb. Sil. Sulph.
Verat. Zinc.
during pregnancy Lye. Nux-v.
with fruitless pressing to stool. Caust. Con. Ign. Merc. Nat m. Nux-v.
Rhus. Sabad. Sulph. Verat.
Difficult discharge even of soft
8tO0ls Chin.
Stool, like sheeps dung. Magn-m. Merc. Op. Plumb. Verb.
green Ars. Cham. Magn-c. Merc. Phos. Phos-
ac. Puis. Stann. Sulph. Verat.
smelling sour (especially in Calc-c. Graph. Hep. Magn-c. Merc.
children). Rheum. Sulph.
Discharge Of blood during and Alum. Am-c. Merc. Mur-ac. Puis. Thuj.
with stool. Zinc.
Diarrhea, debilitating, chronic Ars. Nux-mos. Petrol. Oleand. Sec-c.
after eating boiled milk. Nat-c. Nice. Nit-ac. Nux-m.
Burning in the Anus Ars. Carb-veg. Coloc. Merc. Nat-c.
Nat-m. Lye. Phos. Stront. Sulph.
Stinging Carb-an. Ign. Kali-c. Sulph.
Itching Ambr. Am-c. Caust. Ign. Lye. Nit-ac.
Sil. Sulph. Teucr. Zinc.
Prolapsus Ani (during stool) Ant-cr. Calc-c. Colch. Graph. Gum-gut.
Magn-rn. Merc. Mur-ac. Nit-ac.
Plumb-ac. Ruta. Sulph. Therid.
Pain in the Rectum, as from Calc-c. Lack. Nat-m. Plumb. Plumb-
contraction. ac. Stront.
Itching in the Rectum Calc-c. Nit-ac. Sil. Spig.
Burning Ars. Carb-an. Kali-c. Nit-ac. Sulph.
Stinging Carb-an. Ign. Kali-c. Lye. Sil. Sulph.
Oozing from the Rectum •Anac. Carb-an. Carb-veg. Coloc.
Discharge of mucus, with sting-
ing and tearing Aeon. Bor. Coff. Stann.
Prolapsus of the hemorrhoidal Am-c. Bar-ac. Calc-c. Caust. Gran.
tumour. Hep. Kali-c. Merc-sol. Nitr. Nit-ac.
Phos. Plat. Puis. Rat. Rhus. Sil.
SEPIA. 123

Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.

Urinary Organs.
Pressing on the bladder Alum. Arn. Carb-veg. Kreos. Nat-m.
Puis. Ruta.
Frequent micturition, even at Arg-nit. Bry. Cupr. Iod. Kreos. Petrol.
night, has to rise frequently. Phos-ac. Rat. Rhus. Sang. Sara.
Involuntary discharge of
urine at night, especially in the

first sleep Am-c. Kreos. Podo. Seneg.

Burning in the bladder Ars. Berb. Cnnth. Colch. Lach. Rheum.
Rhus. Sabin. Tereb.
in the front part of the Urethra.., Bry. Cannab. Cochl. Nit-ac. Sulph.
Urine, turbid Ambr. Ars. Bell. Chin. Con. Ign. Merc.
Puis. Rhus. Sabad. Sars.
with sediment of red .., Alum. Lvc. Nat-m. Nit-ac. Petrol.

— blood-red,
with white sedi-
Phos. Sil.

Calc-e. Carb-veg.
very offensive Aur. Benz-ac. Calc-c. Dulc. Merc. Nat-
c. Nit-ac. Phos-ac. Rhod. Viol-od.

•Wale Sexual Organs,

Continued erections at night... Canth. Euphorb. Kali-c. Kali-brom.
Lach. Merc. Nat-c. Nat-m. Op. Plumb.
The prepuce ulcerates continu- Coral-rub. Hep. Merc. Nit-ac. Sulph.
ally. Thuj.
and itches Nit-ac.
Profuse perspiration, especi-
ally of the Scrotum Daph. Ign. Nat-sul. Rhod. Sil. Thuj.
Scrotum swollen Arn. Phos-ac. Plumb. Puis. Rhus.
Cutting in the testes Phos-ac. (Tereb.)
After coition, great weak- Agar. Calc-c. Con. Kali-c. Lye. Petrol.
ness in the knees. Sil.

female Sexual Organs.

Pressure as if every thing would Arg. Bell. Chin. Con. Croc. Kali-c.
protrude (with oppression of breath- Nat-c. Nux-v. Pallad. Plat. Sulph.
Prolapsus Uteri Arg. Aur. Bell. Calc-c. Fer. Nux-v.
Pallad. Plat. Rhus.
Vagina". Kreos. Merc. Nux-v.
Violent stitches in the Vagina,
upwards Berb. Kreos. Mur-ac. Nit-ac. Rhus.
Induration of the neck of the Alnus. Aur. Bell. Chin. Iod. Magn-m.
Uterus. Nat-c. Plat.
Redness, swelling & itching Bry. Calc-c. Graph. Kali-c. Merc. Nux-
moist eruptions on t..e I<abia;. v. Rhus. Tart-em.

Catamenia, too early Ambr. Calc-c. Carb-veg. Cham. lpec.

Nux-v. Phos. Rhus. Sabin.
. .

124 SEPIA.

Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.

Female Sexual Organs.

During' Catamenia, tooth- Am-c. Bov. Calc-c. Graph. Kali-c.
ache. Lach. Magn-sul. Nat-m. Nit-ac. Phos.
or bleeding- ©f the
nose Lach. Sulph. Verat.
Leucorrhea, of yellow Aeon. Alum. Cham. Kali-c. Kreos.
Nat-e. Phos-ac Sulph.
or greenish water, . Oarb-veg. Merc. Murex. Nat-m. Nit-ac.
or pus-like Cop. Ign. Merc.
bad-smelling fluids. Coloc. Nux-v. Sabin.

JLarynx & Trachea.

Hoarseness with Coryza Ars. Dig. Nat-c. Nit-ac. Petrol. Spons.

— with dry cough from

the throat
titillation in

Ambr. Dros. Merc. Nat-c. Phos. Spong.

Sensation of dryness in the La- Ars. Dros. Lach. Mang. Mez. Nice.
rynx. Par-q. Phos. Spong. Zinc.
»ry cough, especially in the even-
ing in bed, frequently with nausea... Kali-c. Nat-c.
and bitter vomiting Arn. Calc-c. Cops.Carb-veg.Daph. Hep.
Lach. Nat-m. Sil. Sulph.
Cough, especially evening and morn-
ing with salty expectoration Lye. Nat-c. Sil.
with rattlingof mucus on thechest. Am-m. Lye. Tart-em.
• with expectoration in the morning, Bry. Carb-veg. Hep. Par-q. Rhus. Puis.
without expectoration in the evening. Squil. Sulph-ac.
with expectoration at night, with-
out expectoration during the day Am-m. Caust. Rhod. Staph.
which awakens him in the night. Nit-ac. Merc-sol. Phos. Rhod. Sulph.
during the day only Calc-c. Chinin. Cic. Fer. Hep. Lach.
Nit-ac. Sulph.
with expectoration pro- Agar. Euphra. Iod. Laur. Lye. Puis.
fuse. Seneg. Stann.
purulent. Calc-c. Chin. Con. Cop. Fer. Kaii-c.
Lye. Nat-m. Phos. Sil. Zinc.
offensive Ars. Cop. Iod. Merc. Puis. Sil. Stann.
whitish Arg. Lye. Phos.
green Ars. Fer. Marg. Puis. Stann. Sulph.
tasting salt. Ars. Chin. Lye. Merc. Nat-c. Phos.
Puis. Sil. Stann.
with soreness in the chest, Calc-c. Caust. Magn-c.
Nat-c. Nux-v.
Phos. Spong. Stann.
with stitches in the chest..., Aeon. Arn. Bry. Cannab. Chin. Merc.
Nat-m. Phos. Squil. Sulph. Zinc.
or back Merc.
— and being obliged to swallow again Arn. Cannab. Caust. Con. Kali-c. Lach.
what had been raised. Staph.
Expectoration difficult Chin. Euphra. Kali-c. Stann. Sulph.
SEPIA. 125
Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.
Dyspnoea. Ars. Cannab. Ign. Laur. Phos. Puis.
Sulph. Zinc.
Oppression of the chest, & short-
ness of breath when walking... Aeon. Ign. Plat. Sulph.
Stitch in the left side of the chest and Aeon. Bry. Calc-c. Caust. Lach. Nai-
Scapula when breathing & coughing. rn. Nitr. Rhus. Sulph.
Congestion of blood to the chest.... Aeon. Am-c. Aur. Bell. Chin. Nit-ac.
Nux-v. Rhod. Seneg. Spong. Sulph.
with violent palpitation of Aeon/ Aur. Bell. Calc-c. Chin. Dig.
the heart. Iod. La:h. L;,c Nat-c. Nat-m. Phos.
Puis. Spig. Sulph. Verat. Thuj. Zinc.
Brown spots on the chest Carb-veg.
Soreness of the nipples Am. Calc-c. Casi-eq. Cham. Graph.
Hama. Ilclianth. Hypericum. Sulph.
Stiffness in the small of the back and
neck Ang. Caust. Led. 01-an. Sulph. Thuj.
Stitches posteriorly above the right
hip; she could not lie on the right
side, and when touched it felt sore.... Carb-an. (Left hip. Sulph.)
Weakness in the small of the back
when walking Nat-m. Zinc.
Pulsation in the small of the back. Caust. Graph. Kali-c. Lach. Nat-m.
Nit-ac. Nux-v. 01-an. Tabac.
Chilliness in the back Bell. Bov. Caps. Guaj. Ign. Lach.
Spong. Stann. Staph.
Perspiration in the back Chin. Lye. Petrol. Phos-ac.
in the arm-pit Bov. Kali-c. Nat-m. Sil. Squil. Sulph.
Moist tetter in the arm-pit Carb-an. Nat-m.

Upper Extremities.
Paralytic drawing and tear- Arg. Ambr. Am-m. Canth. Caust. Chin.
ing in the arm and arm-pit to the Cocc. Colch. Nat-c. Nitr. Phos-ac.
fingers. Puis. Sars. Sil. Tar^-eui. Thuj. Zinc.
Pain as from dislocation in Ambr. Bry. Caust. Croc. Ign. Nice.
the shoulder joint. Petrol. Puis. Rhod. Sabin. Staph.
Stiffness of the elbow joint Alum. Asaf. Bell. Bry. Kali-c. Lach.
Phos. Spig. Sulph. Zinc.
Stitches in the joints of the arm Bry. Dros. Nitr. Puis. Sulph. Zinc.
the hand Ars. Bar-c. Berb. Bry. Hell. Kali-c.
Sars. Sulph. Verb.
— the fingers Carb-veg. Con. Mang. Nat-m. Nit-ac.
Phos-ac. Sulph-ac. Thuj. Zinc.
Swelling and suppuration of Calc-c. Coloc. Hep. Merc. Nat-m. Nit-
one of the axillary glands. ac. Petrol. Sil. Sulph.

Burning in the palms of the hands. Canth. Lye. Petrol. Phos. Sang. Stann.
126 SEPIA.

Symptoms* Corresponding Remedies.

Upper Extremities.
Cold perspiration on the hands. Bell. Caps. Cocc. Hep. Spig.

Cold hands (and feet) Aeon. Ars. Chinin. Dig. Hell. Kali-c.
Nit-ac. Tabac. Zinc.
Painless ulcers on the joints and
tips of the fingers Carb-veg. Plat. (Ran-sc.)
Itch Alum. Berb. Graph. Lach. Nit-ac.
Phus. Rhus. Sars. Sulph.
and scabs on the hands. Sars.

JLower Extremities.
Cramp pain in the hip joint Ang. Aur. Cannab. Carb-veg. Caust.
Coloc. Nat-m. Ruta. Sulph-ac. Valer.
Pain as if bruised in the right
hip joint Aeon. Am-c. Phos-ac. Ruta.
Stiffness of the legs up theto
hip joint after sitting for a short time. Bell. Dig. Nux-v. Puis. Rhus. Zinc.
Swelling of the limbs and feet. Am-c. Ars. Graph. Kali-c. Lach. L°d.
Lye. Phos. Plumb. Puis. Sil. Sulph.
It runs up & down the leg like a mouse.
Stiffness of the knee joint Ant-cr.Bry Graph. Led. Petrol. Rhus.
Sang. Sulph.
and foot joint Carb-an. Caust. Chel. Ign. Lye. Petrol.
Ran-bul. Ruta. Sil. Sulph.
Spasms in the buttocks at night
in bed when stretching out the limb. Bar-c. Calc-c. Nux-v.
Restlessness in the legs every even-
ing with formication in them Sec-c. Tabac.
Coldness of the legs and feet, Calc-c. Carb-an. Chin. Mang. Sil. Sulph.
especially in the evening in bed. Zinc.
Swelling of the legs & feet (worse
when sitting or standing — better when
walking) Rhus.
Burning in the feet Ars. Calc-c. Cocc. Graph. Kali-c. Lye.
Phos-ac. Sec-c. Stann. Zinc.
Profuse perspiration of the Ang. Bar-c. Calc-c. Cannab. Canth.
feet. Carb-veg. Graph. Kali-c. Lye. Magn-
m. Puis. Sil. Sulph.
Stinging in the heels. Berb. Bry. Calc-c. Graph. Hep. Ign.
Kali-c. Ran-bul. Sil. Sulph. Zinc.
and corns Bov. Calc-c. Caust. Hep. Lye. Magn-m.
Nat c. Nat-m. Petrol. Phos. Phos-ac.
Tension in the Tendo-Achillis. Caust. Graph. Magn-c. Mur-ac. Ran-
bul. Teucr.
Ulcer on the heel from a spread-
ing blister Caust. Lamium-alb. Nat-c.
Painless ulcers on the joints
and tips of the toes Ars. Carb-veg. Graph. Plat. Sil- Sulph.
SEPTA. 127
Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.

Great sleepiness in day time. Calc-c. Carb-veg. Croc. Lach. Lye.
Nux-m. Op. Puis. Sabad. Sulph.
Frequent awaking without
cause ; Magn-c.
Talks aloud during sleep Ars. Calc-c. Nux-v. Puis. Sulph.
Twitching of the limbs during sleep. Ambr. Ars. Bell. Cham. Cupr. Hep.
Kali-c. Nat-c. Sil. Sulph. Thuj.
Nightly delirium
Aeon. Am. Aur. Bell. Bry. Cam ph.
Cocc. Coloc. Dig. Op. Rheum. Sulph.
Ebullitions at night with restless-
ness Senn. Sulph.
He awakes in the morning at
3 O'clock and cannot go to sleep
again Psor. Selen.

Want of animal heat. Alum. Euphorb. Led. Lye. Nat-m.
Chilliness in the evening.. Am-c. Am-m. Am. Kali-c. Lye. Magn-
m. Nat-sul. Nux-v. Phos. Puis. Rhus.
and in the open air. Agar. Hep. Merc. Nux-v. Petrol. Plat.
Intermittent fever with thirst Am. Bry. Cannab. Caps. Carb-veg.
during the chill; pain in the limbs; Ign. Ipec. Merc. Nat-m. Verat.
hands and feet icy cold ; the fingers
feel as if they were dead.
Morning thirst Nit-ac.
Flushes of heat, at intervals daily Graph. Lach. Lye. Phos. Sulph-ac.
(when moving). Thuj.
Profuse perspiration when walk- Bell. Brom. Fer. Merc. Nat-m. Op.
ing or when taking the least exercise. Stann. Sulph. Sulph-ac.
even while sitting Anac. Fer. Sulph. Sulph-ac.
Night sweat, cold Aeon. Arn. Ars. Bar-ni. Bell. Camph.
Cin. Dig. Hell. Lach. Lobel. Nux-v.
Plumb. Tabac. Verat.
on the legs .. Calc-c. Rhod.
on the chest Bov. Calc-c. Chinin. Cocc. Dros. Euphra.
Nitr. Lye. Merc. Nit-ac. Phos. Phos-
ac. Selen. Tabac.
and on the back. Anac. Chinin. Dulc. Guaj. Hep. Mur-
ac. Nat-c. Phos. Stram.

Morning sweat smelling sour. Calc-c. (Mosch.) Sulph.

Pulse slow, 56 to 50 Dig. Stram.

Itching in the face..., Alum. Am-c. Calc-c. Con. Dol-pr. Lye.
Nat-m. Phos. Rhus. Sars. Verat.
armal. Bov. Caust. Lach. Lye. Phos. Puis.
Sulph. Zinc.

128 SEPIA.

Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.

hands Berb. Carb.veg. Cau^t. Colch. Gran.
Lye. Merc. Nat-m. Nit-ac. Rhus.
S;irs. Sil. Stann. Sulph.

hips, Alum. Dig. Puis.

feet.. Bell.Berb. Bov. Calc-c. Caust. Ign.
Lach. Zinc.
abdomen Bell.Led. Merc. Nat-c. 01-an. Petrol.
Puis. Sars. Sulph. Zinc.
and genitals.. Calc-c. Carb-veg.Caust. Con. Kali-c.
Lye. Merc. Nat-m. Sil. Sulph.
changing to burning-. Ambr. Con. Graph. Lye. Magn-c. Merc.
Op. Puis. Rhus. Sil. Sulph.
Soreness of the skin in the joints. Bi-U. Mang. Oi-an.
Pemphigus Ars. Cham. Clem. Graph. Hep. Nat-c.
Nit-ac. Sil. Sulph.
Brown spots Ars. Carb-veg. Con. Nit-ac. Petrol.
1 hos. Sulph.
or claret-coloured tetter-like Ars. Bell. Calc-c. Lach. Merc. Phos.
spots on the skin. Rhus. Sabad. Sulph. Sulph-ac.
Ring- worm Dulc. Hell. Phos. Tellur.
Boils Apis. Calc-c. Caust. Hep. Lach. Merc.
Phos. Phos-ac. Sil. Sulph.
Ulcers, painless..., Ars. Carb-veg. Phos-ac.
or itching Alum. Ars. Bov. Graph. Lye. Phos-ac.
Puis. Sil. Staph. Sulph.
stinging ,
Apis. Ars. Hep. Nit-ac. Nux-v. Puis.
Sil. Staph. Sulph.
burning Apis. Ars. Carb-veg. Hep. Lye. Nit-ac.
Crippled nails. Alum. Ch1c-c. Graph. Merc. Sabad.
Sil. Sulph.
Agaricus muscarius.

Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.

Great sensitiveness of the body Aeon. Ant-cr. Bell. Bry. Cam ph. Cina.
to pressure. Cocc. Hepar. Nux-mos. Tart-em.
and cold air Aur. Calc-c. Camph. Caust. Cocc. Phos.
Sabad. Sep.
Great debility and lieaviness Bar-c. Chin. Nux-v. Petrol. Phos. Ruta.
in the limbs. Sec-c. Tart-em. Ther. Thuja.
Boring pains Aur. Bell. Bism. Hell. Hep. Merc.
Mez. Ran-sc. Spig. Zinc.
Tearing pains. (Face — legs.) Aet. Arn. Bry. Chin. Kali-c. Lye. Sil.
Sulph. Zinc.
Soreness. (Rawness.) (Nose-mouth.) Arn. Chin. Graph. Hep. Lye. Petrol.
Sep. Sulph.
Twitching. (Eye-lids.) Alum. Amb. Bell. Cham. Cina. Hyos.
Iod. Lauro. Lye. Natr-c. Natr-ni.
Petrol. Plumb. Sec-c. Sep. Sol-nigr.
Itching, burning, and redness Arn. Carb-an. Carb-veg. Cham. Chin.
(as if frost-bitten). (Nose, ears, fing- Oycla. Hyos. Lye. Nitr-ac. Petrol.
ers, toes.) Phos. Phos-ac. Puis. Rhus. Sulph.
Sulph-ac. Thuj. Zinc.
Epilepsy (with great efforts of Ars-calc.Bell. Calc-c. Caust. Cicuta.
strength). Cina. Cupr. Hyos. Strain. Sulph.
Symptoms frequently appear diagonally. Eupat. Hyp. Mang. Nitr. Nux-mos.
(Righj; arm —
left leg.) Sang.
Tearing pain in the limbs con- Aur. Caps. Con. Cycla. Dulc. Euphorb.
tinuous while at rest — disappear while Fer. Lye. Puis Rhus. Sabad. Samb.
moving about. Tart-em. Valer.

When moving about slowly, feels best. Puis.

•lit Htl anil Disposition.

Indisposition to talk Bell. Cycla. fgn. Lach. Magn-s. Phos-
ac. Puis. Plat.

Aversion to any kind of labour, Chin. Graph. Iod. Nitr-ac. Staph.

especially Sulph.
Exuberant fancy Ant-cr. Bell. Chin. Coff. Lach. Op.
Phcs. Sulph-ac. Valer. Viol-od.
Extasy Aeon. Ant-cr. Bell. Lach. Op. Phos.
Prophecy (Aeon.)
He makes verses (Ant-cr.)



Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.

Vertigo, as if intoxicated Arjr. Bell.Camph. Caps. Cocc. Graph.
Lauro. Nux-v Op. Puis. Rhus. Verat.
early in the morning . Calc-c. Cham. Graph. Iod. Phos. Verat.

Sensation of heaviness. Bell. Bry. Calc-c. Natr-m. Nux-v. Puis.
Sil. Sulph.
Pressing, especially over the eyes . Arn. Brom. Bry. Carb-veg. Chin. Glon.
Puis. Sil.

forehead Bell. Calc-acet. Cycla. Grat. Hydro-ac.

Ign. Iod. Ol-an. Seneg. Staph. Valer.
in the temples. Kali-c. Natr-c. Plat. Ran-sc. Spig.
Stann. Sulph-ac. Thuja.
Drawing head -ache, mostly Calc-c. Cic. Cocc. Croc. Natr-m. Nitr.
when awaking the morning, ex-
in Nux-v. Petrol. Sep. Squil. Stann.
tending into the root of the nose. Sulph. Zinc.
and eyes Asar.
Pain in the right side of the head
as from a nail Hep. Thuja.
in the left side Natr-m.

Exterior Mead.
Great sensitiveness of the scalp, Calc-c. Carb-veg. Iod. Nitr-ac. Petrol.
as of subcutaneous ulceration. Phos. Rhus. Stann. Tarax. Zinc.
Itching of the hairy scalp, especially Bovis. Calc-c. Con. Dros. Lach. Nitr.
early in the morning after rising. Sep.

Burning in the corners of the eyes. Am-m. Calc-c. Carb-veg. Natr-m. Pe-
trol. Sulph. Thuja.
Twitching, frequent, in the eye-lids. Bell. Croc. Meny. Plat. Puis. Rhus.
A viscid yellow humor glues the eye- Bell. Cham. Digit. Euphra. Nux-v.
lids to one another. Puis. Rhus. Spig. Sulph.
Narrowing of the intervals between the
eye-lids Euphra. Nux-v. Nat-m. Rhus.
M uscse volitantcs Bell. Calc-c. Caust. Chin. Con. Natr-m.
Nitr-ac. Phos. Rhus. Ruta. Sep. Sil.
fctram. Sulph.
Shortsightedness Calc-c. Con. Lach. Lye. Nitr-ac. Phos.
Puis. Sulph.
Black mote hovering before the
lef c eye Merc.
He sees things double Bell. Cicut. Dig. Euphorb. Hyos. Iod.
Lye. Natr-m. Oleand. Puis. Sec-c.
Sulph. Verat.
Itching, redness and burning
of the ears as if they had been frozen. (Hep.)

Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.

Bleeding- of— in the morning after Am-c. Bry. Natr-c. Nitr-ac. Nux-v.
blowing it.

Tearing in the face Are:. Bry. Carb-veg. Colch. Lye. Merc.
Phos. Plumb-ac. Staph.
in the jaw bones Am-m. Calc-c. Nitr. Magn-sul. Phos.
Twitching in the cheek Ars. Bar-c. Cham. Graph. Hyos. Mez,
Kali-c. Nitr-ac. Nitr. Puis. Stront.
Sulph. Thuj. Valer.
Pulsations in the cheek Arg. Cannab. Cham. Clem. Croc.

Tooth-ache, mostly tearing and
aggravated by cold Nux-mos. Puis. Rhus.

Soreness of the tongue Ars. Canth. Digit. Cicut. Kali-c. Lye.
Merc. Natr-m. Nitr-ac. Sep. Sil.
Smell from the mouth offensive
as from horse-radish

Stool A' .liitrs.

Stools, pappy with violent cutting in
the abdomen, and discharge of much
flatulency Arg-nitr. Sulph-ac. Tabac.

Urinary/ Organs,
Discharge of tough mucus from the
Urethra Bov. Digit. Nitr-ac. Phos. Tart-em.

Jtfale Sexual Organs,

Increased sexual desire without erec- Aur. Calc-c. Calad. Crotal. Fer-magn.
tions. Ign. Lach. Natr-m. Puis. Sabad.
Sep. Sulph. Trifol.
Short hreath and IMspneea,
making it very difficult to walk.... Carb-veg. Con. Lye. Psor. Sep. Stann.

Upper Extremities,
Trembling of the hands Iod. Op. Phos. Stram. Sulph. Tabac.
Tart-em. Zinc.
JLower Extremities,
Heaviness in the legs Bell. Nux-v. Rhus. Stann. Sulph.

Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.

Sleepiness in the day time, espe- Anac. Arum. Bov. Chin. Nux-v. Phos.
cially after eating. Rhus. Sulph.

Great chilliness in the open air. Hep. Nux-v. Petrol. Plat. Rhus. Sep.

Itching, burning and redness Am. Carb-an. Carb-veg. Cham. Chin.
as if frozen. Cycla. Hyos. Lye. Nitr-ac. Petrol.
Phos. Phos-ac. Puis. Rhus. Sulph.
Sulph-ac. Thuj. Zinc.
Miliary eruptions. Ars. Bry. Ip. Nux-v. Phos. Sulph.
close & white with burning. Bry. Nux-v.
and itching Bry. Calad. Sulph.

Rhus toxicodendron.

Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.

Rheumatic tension, drawing and Arg. Bell. Bry. Colch. Kali-c. Led.
tearing in the limbs worse while
; Merc. Sabin. Staph. Vitex.
at rest, better when moving about.
Tension, stiffness, and stitches
in the joints; worse when rising from
a seat Caps. Con. Lye. Phos. Puis. Spig.
Tearing in the joints Arg. Caust. Kali-c- Lye. Merc. Stront.
Sulph. Zinc.
Weakness of the joints Aeon. Am. Calc-c. Kali-c. Lye. Merc.
Sep. Sulph.
Sensation of contraction in the
outer parts Graph. Nux-v. Sep.
of tension in the outer parts. Bar-c. Caust. Coloc. Con. Phos. Plat.
Puis. Stront. Sulph.
of extension Par-q. Puis. Spig.
of heaviness in the outer parts. Bell. Nux-v. Phos. Puis. Spig. Stann.
in the inner parts Aeon. Bism. Calc-c. Nux-v. Sil. Sulph.
of fullness in the inner parts. Aeon. Chin. Mosch. Phos. Sulph.
as if the inner parts were grown
together Mez. Plumb. Sep. Thuj.
Tingling in the outer parts Aeon. Am-c. Colch. Nux-v. Plat. Sep.
Spig. Sec-c.
in the inner parts Colch. Plat.

Trembling of the outer parts Cic. Merc. Op. Plat. Puis. Stram. Sulph.
of the inner parts Calc-c. Iod. Staph.

Burning pain in the exterior parts. Bry. Carb-veg. Caust. Nux-v. Phos.
Stann. Sulph.
Pain as if ulcerated in the outer
parts Am-m. Puis.

Stinging in .the outer parts Asaf. Bell. Bry. Calc-c. Merc. Puis.
Spig. Staph. Sulph. Tarax. Thuj.
in the muscles Asaf. Bell. Bry. Calc-c. Chin. Merc.
Puis. Spig. Staph. Sulph. Tarax.
Jerking pain in the outer parts . Asaf. Bell. Calc-c. Caus.. Merc. Natr-
m. Puis.
Inflammatory swelling Aeon. Calc-c. Canth. Kali-c. Merc.
Nux-v. Sep. Sulph.

Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.

Twitching of the limbs and mus- Ang. Aur. Berb. Bell. Carb-veg. Cham.
Cin. Cupr. Hyos. Natr-m. Nux-v.
Op. Phos. Plumb. Sec-c. Strain.
Restlessness of the body Anac. Bell. Hyos. Merc. Sep. Staph.
Inclination to move the affected
limb Cham. Chin. Fer.

Paralysis of the limbs . ,

Con. Lach. Natr-m.
Bell. Calc-c. Caust.
Nux-v. Oleand. Phos. Plumb. Ruta.
Sec-c. Sep. Sil. Sulph. Verat. Zinc.

painless Cocc. Con. Lye. Oleand.

The parts on which one lies go to
sleep Chin. Kali-c. Sil.

Sprains Calc-c. Lye. Nat-c. Nat-m. Petrol. Phos.

Disposition to sprain a part by
lifting heavy weights Calc-c.

Pain as if sprained in the outer

parts Am. Calc-c. Nat-m. Petrol. Sulph.
Bad consequences from getting
wet, especially after being heated Calc-c. Dulc. Nux-v. Sars. Sep.
from excessive bodily exer- Am. Cocc. Croc. Lye. Nat-m. Sec-c.
cise. Sulph.
Sensitiveness to the open air Calc-c. Cham. Coff. Croc. Ign. Kali-c.
Nat-c. Nux-v. Petrol. Sil.
In the morning Am-m. Aur. Calc-c. Carb-veg. Chel.
Croc. Nat-m. Nitr. Nux-v. Phos.
Rhod. Squil.
After midnight Aur. Dros. Fer. Kali-c. Nitr. Nux-v.
While lying down Ars. Aur. Caps. Chin. Con. Dros. Eu-
phorb. Fer. Lye. Meny. Plat. Puis.
Rhus. Samb. Tarax.
Aft^r lying down and having risen Ambr. Ars. Aur. Dulc. Lye. Plat.
again. Puis. Samb. Stront.
While reposing Aur. Caps. Con. Cycl. Dulc. Euphorb.
Fer. Lye. Puis. Sabad. Samb. Ta-
rax. Valer.
While sitting Caps. Con. Cycl. Dulc. Euphorb. Lye.
Plat. Sep. Valer. Viol-od.
On rising Aeon. Bell. Bry. Nux-v. Op. Sulph.
from a seat Caps. Con. Lye. Phos. Puis. Spig.
After rising from the bed Am-m. Lach.
From stepping heavily upon the
ground Bry. Con. Sil.

On change of the weather Nux-v. Phos. Sil. Sulph.

In wet weather Am-m. Calc-c. Dulc. Nux-mos.
From getting wet Calu-c. Dulc. Nux-v. Sars. Sep.
., . .


Symptoms, Corresponding Remedies.

From cold in general , Ars. Camph. Caust. Dulc. Hep. Kali-c.
Mosck. Nux-v. Sabad. Stront.
In the cold air Ars. Aur. C-.imph. Caust. Dulc. Hell.
Hep. Kali-c. Mosch. Nux-v. Sabad.
In cold and wet weather
air Am-m. Calc-c. Dulc. Nux-v.
From cold water Canth. Nux-v.
taking cold Bell.Bry. Cham. Hyos. Merc. Nux-v.
Phos. Puis. Sil. Spig.
denudation Hep. Samb. Sil. Squil. Stront.
uncovering the head... Hep. Nux-v. Sil.
drawing up the limb . Sec-c.
heavy a weij
lifting too Calc-e.

When walking Aur. Caps. Con. Cycl. Dulc. Euphorb.
Fer. Puis. Sabad. Samb. Tarax. Va-
From moving the affected part Caps. Dulc. Fer. Puis.
After rising from a seat, and when Caps. Cycl. Dulc. Lye. Plat. Puis. Sep.
moving. (The longer the motion is Verb. Yiol-od.
continued, the less pain he feels).
From stretching out the limb Sec-c.
warmth in general Ars. Camph. Caust. Dulc. Hep. Kali-c.
Mosch. Nux-v. Sabad. Stront.
Ars. Aur. Camph. Caust. Dulc. Hell.
Hep. Kali-c. Mosch. Nuv-v. Sabad.
wrapping up one-self warmly. Hep. Samb. Sil. Squil. Stront.
up the head Hep. Nux-v. Sil.

in dry weather Calc-c. Dulc. Nux-v.

Jflind & Disposition.

Anxiety & apprehensiveness. Aeon. Arn. Ars. Bell. Bry. Camph.
Chin. Con. Hyos. Ign. Lye. Nux-v.
Puis. Samb. Sec-c. Verat.
at twilight Ambr. Ars. Calc-c. Carb-veg. Dig.
Laur. Nux-v. Sep.
Restlessness which does not permit Ars. Asaf. Bell. Bry. Canth. Calc-c.
him to sit quiet. Carb-veK. Cham. Dulc. Graph. Lach.
Merc. Nat-c. Nux-v. Phos. Plumb.
Puis. Sabad. Sil. Stann. Tabac. Ve-

Fear of being poisoned. Beli. (Bry.) Hyos.

Fears that he will die Aeon. Bry. Calc-c. Graph. Nit-ac. Plat.
Puis. Verat.
Desire to commit suicide . . Ant-cr. Ars. Aur. Dros. Hep. Nux-v.
Psor. Puis. Sec-c. Spig. Tart-em.
Absence of mind Bar-c. Bell. Evon. Nat-m. Nux-mos.
Phos-ac. Ruta. Spig.
. .


Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.

•Wad and Disposition.

Inclined to weep Aeon. Ars. Aur. Bell. Calc-c. Cham.
Chin. Coloc. Dig. Graph. Ign. Lvc.
Merc. Plat. Puis. Stann. Sulph. Ve-
rat. Viol-od.
Illusions of the fancy. Ant-cr. Bell. Calc-c. Merc. Op. Phos-ac.
Sabad. Staph. Stram. Valer.
Visions ... Bell. Bry. Op. Puis. Samb. Stram.
Delirium Aeon. Ars. Bell. Bry. Cham. Hyos.
Nux-v. Phos-ac. Plat. Plumb. Sec-c.
Stram. Sulph. Verat.
Stupefaction Bell. Hyos. Op. Phos-ac. Stram. Verat
Dullness Calc-c. Merc. Xat-m. Nux-v. Op. Pe-
trol. Sep. Sil. Sulph.
Giddiness when walking as if he
would fall forward Am. Fer. Nat-m. Ran-sc.
as if he would fall backward. Led.
in the evening in bed Nux-v. Staph.
when rising from the bed Cham. Magn-m. Nat-m. Nice. Phos.
Ruta. Sep.
Fullness and heaviness in the Aeon. Am
c. Ars. Chin. Con. Bros.
head. Dulc. Kali-c. Magn-m. Mez. Nitr.
Phos. Puis. Sil.
with sensation when stooping
as if the brain would fall out Aeon. Calc-c. Nux-v. Plat. Spig.
Rush of blood to the head Aeon. Bell. Cinnab. Glon. Puis.
Stinging head - ache, day and Aeon. Alum. Am-c. Am-m. Anac. Arg.
night, into the ears. Arn. Asaf. Bell. Bov. Cale c. Dros.
Dulc. Graph. Ign. Kali-c. Lach. Sep.
at the root of the nose, Agar. Berb. Chin. Ran-bul. Sars. Sep.
into the Malar bones. Ind.
and with painfulness of
the teeth Kreos.
Congestion to the head Aeon. Arn. Bell. Bry. Cinnab- Fer. Glon.
Nux-v. Phos. Psor. Puis. Sil. Sulph.
Painful tingling in the head Arg. Arn. Colch. Cupr. Plat. Psor.
Burning in the forehead when walk-
ing Bism. Bry. Dulc. Phos. Stann.
It feels, when stepping, as if the brain
was loose Aeon. Nux-v. Staph. Sulph-ac. Verat.

Inflammation of the eyes Aeon. Alum. B^ll. Bry. Caps. Fer.
Hyos. Ign. Kali-c. Merc-sol. Spig.
Stram. Thuj.
and lids, with redness. Ant-cr. Ars. Bell. Calc.c. Cannab.
Chin. Nux-v. Puis. Sep. Sulph.
. .


Symptoms. Corresponding} Remedies.

Inflammation of the eyes and lid, Alum. Carb-veg. Croc. Lye. Magn-m.
with redness and agglutination of the Sep. Sil. Stann. Sulph. Verat.
lids at night.

especially of the internal surface Ars. Bell. Merc. Nux-v. Phos. Puis.
of the eye-lids. Sil. Sulph.
Swelling- of the eye-lids Ars. Bry. Cham. Eupbra. Nux-v. Puis.
Ruta. Stram. Sulph.
erysipelatous, of the eyes and
around them Aeon. Hep.
Eyes full of water (bleareyed-
ness) Bry. Sep. Tart-em. Teucr.
Stye on the lower eye-lids
Aversion to light (Photophobia). Aeon. Ars. Bell. Euphr. Nux-v. Sulph.
Heaviness of the eye-lids Bell. Cham. Graph. Nux-v. Sep. Sil.
Discharge of bloody pus from the
ears Caust. Graph. Merc. Petrol. Sep.
Inflammatory swelling of the Am-c. Bell. Calc-c. Cham. Kali-c. Merc.
parotid glands. Sars.
Ulceration of the parotid glands.. Bar-c. Sars. Sil.

Redness of the tip of the nose, with
soreness when touched Carb-an. Nice. Nit-ac. Vinca-m.
Inflammation of the nose Arn. Aur. Bell. Canth. Merc. Nux-v.
Phos. Sil. Stann. Stdph. Verat.
The nose feels sore internally. Am-m. Camph. Cocc. Graph. Ign. Ka-
li-e. Magn-sul. Nux-v. Puis. Sil.
Pufllness of the nose Bell. Caust. Kali-c. Merc. Nit-ac. Phos-
ac. Puis. Sep.
Discharge of green offensive pus
from the nose Asaf. Aur. Merc. Nux-v.
Bleeding of the nose at night Ant-cr. Bell. Calc-c. Croc. Hyos. Merc.
Nit-ac. Puis. Sabin.
when stooping . Dros. Fer. Nat-m. Sil.

blood coagulated Bell. Chin. Croc. Fer. Hyos. Ign. Ipec.

Flat. Puis. Sabin. Stram.
Frequent sneezing (spasmodic). Hell. Phos. Sil. Stram.

Fluent catarrh Ars. Puis. Selen.

Face pale, sunken, with blue rings
under the eyes, and pointed nose Ars. Chin. Ipec. Oleand. Sec-c.

Erysipelatous swelling of the

face, with buruiag, tingling, and
stinging Bell. Graph. Hep.
Erysipelas, with vesicles, contain- Ars. Bell. Eup&orb. Graph. Hep. Lach.
ing yellow water. Sulph.


Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.

Milkcrust Ars. Bar-c. Calc-c. Cic. Graph. Lye.
Merc. Sars. Sulph. Viol-od.
Acne rosacea Ars. Aur. Carb-an. Caust. Kreos. Lach.
Ledum. Ruta. Sep.
Exanthema on the cheeks Ant-cr. Kreos. Staph.
(Impetigo facialis) Ars. Calc-c. Graph. Lye. Sep.
Exanthema on the chin Graph. Merc. Sep. Zinc.
around the mouth Ars. Bry. Kreos. Nat-m. Sep. Staph.
Impetigo on the forehead Ant-cr. Kreos. Led. Sep. Sulph.
Stiffness in the articulation of Bell. Caust. Cocc. Euphr. Graph. Hyos.
the jaws. Merc. Nat-sul. Nux-mos. Nux-v. Pe-
trol. Sars. Sep. Thuj.

Dryness with much thirst Aeon. Arn. Bry. Canth. Nit-ac. Petrol.
Sec-c. Sulph. Tabac.
Accumulation of much saliva Canth. Colch. Dulc. Euphorb. Hell.
in the mouth (Ptyalisin). Hop. Hyos. Ign. Iod. Ipec. Lach.
Merc. Nit-ac. Puis. Stram. Verat.
Bloody saliva Arg. Canth. Clem. Hyos. Kali-hyd.
Magn-c. Nux-v. Staph. Sulph. Thuj.
Offensive smell from the mouth. Agar. Ambr. Arn. Aur. Lye. Merc.
Nit-ac. Petrol. Sep. Spig. Sulph.
Tongue dry Ars. Bell. Bry. Cham. Dulc. Merc.
Nux-mos. Nux-v. Phos. Sulph. Verat.
red Ars. Bell. Bry. Cham. Hyos. Lach.
Nux-v. Kan-sc. Sulph. Verat.
cracked Ars Bell. Cham. Chin. Nux-v. Plumb.
Ran-sc. Spig. Verat.
Looseness of the teeth. Am-c. Carb-veg. Chel. Cocc. Hyos.
Ign Merc. Nit-ac. Nux-v. Psor. Sec-c.
Tooth-ache, tearing. Agar. Am-c. Carb-veg. Chin. Colch.
Hyos. Merc. Nitr. Nux-mos. Nux-v.
Phos. Rhod. Sanib. Sil. Staph. Sulph.
stingin: Clem. Euphorb. Kali-c.
Calc-c. Caust.
Merc. Men. Nitr. Phos. Puis. Sabad.
Sep. Sil. Sulph.
often at night Ars. Cycl. Graph. Magn-c. Magn-m.
Merc. Nat-sul. Phos. Spig. Sulph.
worse in the open air.. . Nux-v.
better from external heat. Ars. Bov. Cast. Lach. Lye. Mur-ac.
Nux-v. Sulph-ac.
Stinging when swallowing Aeon. Am-m. Bell. Ign. Kali-c. Nit-ac.
Petrol. Puis. Sep. Sulph.
Much tough mucus accumulates Bor. Hydroph. Magn-c. Phos. Psor.
in the throat. Puis. Seneg. Tabac.
. — .


Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.

•Mppetite and Taste,
Taste, putrid, especially in the
morning, and after eating
Arn. Nux-v. Sulph.
metallic Cupr.
Food tastes bitter, especially Asar. Dig. Dros. Phos-ac. Sars. Sulph-
ac. Thuj.
Thirst, especially in the night from Ant-cr. Bry. Calc-c. Cham. Lye. Magn-
dryness in the mouth, and mostly for Magn-m.
c. Nit-ac. Su^ph. Thuj.
cold water.
and cold milk. Phell. Phcs-ac. Sabad. Staph.
Hunger without appetite Nat-m. Op. . .

When eating, sudden vomiting. Am-c. Ars. Iod. Sep. Sil. Stann. Verat.
After eating, great sleepiness Aeon. Anac. Aur. Bow Chin.
. .
Nux-v. Phos. Ruta. Sulph. Verb.
fullness in the stom- Agar. Chin. Kali-c. Lach. Nat-c. Nat-
ach. m. Nit-ac. Phos. Sil. Zinc.
giddiness Chin. Kali-c. Nux-v. Petrol. Puis. Sulph.

Heaviness in the stomach, as Bar-c. Chin. Kali-bich. Kali-c. Lach.
from a stone, after eating. Nat-m. Nux-v. Plumb. Sil. Zinc.
Pulsation in the pit of the stomach. Ars-met. Iod. Oleand. Puis. Tart-em.
Stinging — Arn. Bry. Kali-c. Nit-ac. Sep. Sulph.
Tart-em. Zinc.
IVausea, with inclination to vomit. . Cham. Ipec. Iris-v. Puis. Tart-em.
Eructations Arn. Bell. Cocc. Con. Merc. Nat-m.
Nux-v. Phos. Puis. Sep. Sulph. Ve-
Colic, compelling him to walk bent. Puis.
Visible contraction in the ab-
domen above the navel
Sensation, as if something was
being torn off in the abdomen. Plumb.
Abdominal pains at night Ind. Nat-c. Ruta. Plumb. Sep. Verat.
Sensation of soreness in the Arg-nit. Calc-c. Coloc. Euphorb. Kali-c.
walls of the abdomen. Nat-c. Nat-m. Nux-v. Puis. Stann.
Sulph. Til. Trif.
Bloated abdomen, especially af-
ter eating Ambr. Puis.
From drinking ice-water, pain
in the stomach and nausea Ars. Carb-vegr. Puis.

Stool and •Mnus.

Diarrhea Ant-cr. Cham. Chin. Merc. Phos. Phos-
ac. Sulph. Verat.
watery Ant-cr. Arn. Ars. Cham. Chin. Dulc.
Fer. Hyos. Phos. Puis. Sec-c. Sulph.


Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.

Stool *V minus.
Diarrhea of mucus Asar. Bor. Caps. Cham. Nux-v. Phos.
Puis. Sulph.
bloody. Canth. Ipec. Kreos. Merc. Nux-v. Puis.
Sep. Sulph.
with tenesmus, and nausea, Caps. Gutt. Hell. Ilyos. Merc. Nitr.
tearing and pinching in the abdomen. Rheum. Sep. Spong. Staph. Tabac.
at nignt with violent pains in Am-m. Bov. Dros. Nat-c. Nux-v. Puis.
the abdomen which are relieved after Rheum. Seneg. Sulph. Verat.
stool, and while lying on the abdomen.
Involuntary stool, especially at Ars. Bell. Chin. Mur-ac. Nat-m. Phos.
night while asleep. Phos-ac. Sulph. Verat.
During stool, shortness of breath.

Frequent urging-, day and night, Arg. Bar-c. Caust. Kali-c. Merc. Mur-
with increased secretion. ac. Nitr. Spig. Squil. Staph.
Involuntary discharge at night. Bell. Podo. Puis. Sil. Sulph.
or while sitting Puis.
Urine whitish Phos.

•Male Sexual Organs.

Swelling* of the glans Ars. CiDnab. Nafc-c. Sulph.
and of the prepuce. . . Calad. Cannab. Cinnab. Coral. Graph.
Merc-sol. Nit-ac. Sil. Sulph. Thui.
Eruption on the genital organs,
closing the Urethra by swelling. Ant-cr. Iod. Merc. Sep- Sil. Tart-em.
Stinging, itching on the inner
surface of the prepuce Sulph.
Prepuce dark red Calc-c. Cannab. Cinnab. Merc. Sil.
The scrotum becomes thicker and
harder Carb-veg.
with intolerable itching Aur. Caust. Kali-c. Nat-m. Nit-ac.
Nuv-v. Petrol. Puis. Khod.
Erysipelas of the Scrotum Am. Canth. Graph. Merc. Nat-m. Puis.

Female Sexual Organs.

Bearing - down pain (when Bell. Cham. Cocc. Croc. Kali-c. Magn-
standing). m. Nat-c. Nux-v. Pallad. Plat. Sep.
Catamenia too early. Ambr. Calc-c. Carb-veg. Chin. Ipec.
Nux-v. Phos. Sabin.
Discharge of blood during preg- Cham. Cocc. Croc. Kali-c. Phos. Sabin.
nancy. Sec-c.
Blood acrid Am-c. Kali-c. Nat-c. Sars. Sulph.
Metrorrhagia, blood clotted, with Arn. Bell. Cham. Croc. Per. Hvos
labour-like pains. Plat. Puis.


Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.

Female Sexual Organs.

The Lochia becomes bloody
After-pains of too long duration. Arn. Bell. Bry. Cham. Kali-c. Nat-m.
Nux-v. Op. Puis. Ruta. Sabin. Sec-c.
Sep. Sulph.
Galactorrhea Aeon. Bell. Bry. Calc-c. Chin. Lach.
or Suppression of the milk Asaf. Calc-c. Cham. Dulc. Phell. Puis.
(with burning heat over the body). Sulph. Zinc.
Phlegmasia alba dolens Ant-cr. Ars. Bell. Bry. Calc-c. Chin.
Iod. Led. Lye. Merc. Sep. Sil. Sulph.
Larynx & Trachea.
Sensation of coldness in the
Larynx when breathing Arg. Brom. Chinin. Iod.
Cough from tickling in the bron- Calc-c- Carb-veo;. Hep. Tod. Nat-c. Nat-
chii. m. Nit-ac. Sep. Stann. Staph. Zinc.
Short and dry, especially in Bell. Calc-c. Nit-ac. Nux-v. Petrol.
the evening and before midnight. Puis.
in the evening with vomit-

ing of the ingesta Eug. Ipec. Lach. Sil. Verat.

in the morning soon after awak-
ing Nux-v. Phos-ac. Sep. Sil.
with expectoration of (black, Bell. Cham.Chin. Fer. Ilyos. Ipec.
clotted) blood. Puis. Sabin.
with pain in the stomach. Bell. Ipec. Lye. Nit-ac. Phos.

Oppression of the chest, with
anxiety Aeon. Cin. Op. Phos. Puis. Spig. Verat.
Stinging, or stitches in the chest and Carb-an. Euphorb. Kali-c. Phos-ac.
sides of the chest, especially when Staph. Trif.
sitting crooked.
when talking Cannab.
when taking a deep inspira- Aeon. Bry. Calc-c. Caust. Nat-m. Nitr.
tion. Sulph.
Stitches in the region of the heart. Aeon. Anac. Caust. Hydroph. Paeonia.
Ran-sc. Spig. Zinc.
Violent palpitation of the heart
while sitting still Magn-c. Phos. Spig.
Fluttering sensation about the
heart Nat-m.

Rheumatic stiffness of the neck, Bar-c. Bell. Bry. Calc-c. Caust. Ign.
with painful tension when moving. Kali-c. Lye. Magn-c. Nit-ac. Nux-v.
Phos. Plat. Psor. Rhod. Sep. Staph.
Swelling of the glands of the
neck Bar-c. Bell. Merc. Staph.
. .


Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.

Pain in the small of the back Agar. Arn. Caust. Graph. Nat-c. Nat-
as if bruised. m. Nux-v. Stront. Thuj. Verat.
worse while lying and sitting. Agar. Bry. Nat-m.
better when walking Agar. Bar-c. Cobalt. Phos. Ruta. Stront.
Curvature of the dorsal ver-
tebrae Calc-c. Lye. Plumb. Puis. Sil. Sulph.

Upper Extremities,
Tearing Aeon. Ambr. Am-c. Kali-c. Lye. Phos.
Sep. Sulph.
and burning in the shoulder-
joint, witb lameness of tbe
arm Carb-veg. Graph. Stront.
Paralysis of tbe arm Bar-c. Bell. Calc-phos. Caust. Cupr.
Pule. Fer. Lye. Nitr. Op. Plumb.
with coldness and insensibility.. Plumb. Zinc.
Erysipelatous swelling of the
arm Bell. (Petrol.)
Tension in the elbow joint Aeon. Pros. Kali-c. Lach. Laur. Mang.
Mur-ac. Nitr. Pub. Sep. Stann. Sulph.
Rhagadcs on the back of the hand. Nat-c. Sep.
Swelling of the fingers Am-c. Ant-cr. Dig. Hep. Nat-c. Nit-ac.
Nux-v. Phos. Ran-sc. Sulph. Tabac.
Painful swelling of the axillary
glands Bell. Nit-ac. Sep. Sil. Sulph.

JLower Extremities.
Pain in tbe bip when rising from
a seat Con. Nat-c. Nat-sul. Nitr.
when ascending steps
and after over-exercise
Spasmodic twitcbing in the
limbs when stepping out Coff.
Pain as if sprained in the 7iij>. Calc-c. Caust. Chin. Euphorb. Hep.
Ipec. Nux-v. Puis. Rhod. Stann.
in the knee Am-c. Graph. Kreos. Lach. Lye. Nat-
m. Spig.
and foot-joint. Ang. Ars. Bar-c. Camph. Caust. Cocc.
Cvcl. Bros. Graph. Hell. Hep. Ign.
Lye. Merc-sol. Mosch. Nat-m. Nit-ac.
Nux-v. Phos. Phos-ac. Plat. Plumb.
Puis. Ruta. Sil. Sulph. Zinc.
Swelling of the feet (in the even- Am-c. Ars. Bry. Fer. Graph. Kali-c.
ing). Lach. Led. Nat-c. Petrol. Puis. Sep.
Sil. Stann. Sulph. Zinc.
Yawning . . Caust. Cin. Croc. Ign. Kreos. Nux-v.
spasmodic. Piat.


Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.

Yawning without inclination to
with stretching of the limbs. Ars. Cham. Nux-v.
lie falls asleep late Ars. Bry. Calc-c. Carb-veg. Merc. Nux-
v. Phos. Puis. Sep.
Sleeplessness before midnight Bry. Calc c. Carb-veg. Merc. Phos.
Puis. Sep.
At night he can only lie on his
back Bry. Puis.
Vivid dreams Phos. Sil. Sulph.

Constant chilliness as if cold Ars. Bry. Lye. Merc. Phos. Puis. Spig.
water was poured over him. Verat.
Sensation of coldness when he
moves Merc. Nux-v. Sil. Spig.
Coldness of one side only
Flushes of heat Arn. Carb-veg. Graph. Hep. Kali-c.
Lach. Lye. Nat-c. Nux-v. Petrol.
Phos. Plat. Sep. Spong. Srann. Sulph.
Sulph-ac. Thuj. Valer.
Burning dry heat of the skin. Aeon. Arn. Bry. Lach. Lye. Nux-v.
Op. Phos. Puis.
often alternating with chil- Anon. Ars. Bell. Bry. Cham. Cocc.
liness. Hep. Merc. Mosch. Nux-v. Sep. Sil.*
Coldness with paleness of the
face alternating with heat, and
redness of the face.
Evening fever, with diarrhea . .

Perspiration when sitting

(often accompanied by violent tremb-
ling) Anac. Sep. Staph.
Perspiration with the pains. Merc. Nat-c. Tabac.
IVigllt-Sweat (with miliary itching Ambr. Am-m. Bar-c. Bry. Calc-c. Ka-
eruption). li-c. Sil. Staun. Sulph"

Itching over the whole body Dol-pr. Lye. Merc. Mez. Sil. Spong.
Staph. Sulph.
especially on the hairy parts.
stinging, Bar-c. Bry. Graph Puis. Spong. Viol-tr.
tingling . Arn. Colch. Plat. Puis. Sep. Spig.
and after scratching, burning Caust. Lach. Sil. Sulph.
erysipelas Bell. Graph. Hep. Lach. Lye. Merc.
eruptions Ara-c. Caust. Lye. Sulph.
humidity of the skin |
Graph. Lach. Lye.


Symptoms. Corresponding Remedies.

Stinging in the skin Bar. Bry. Graph. Puis. Spong. Viol-tr.
Swelling of the affected parts Bell. Merc. Puis. Sep. Sulph.
hard Bry. Phos. Puis.
Hardness of the skin with thicken-
ing Sep.
Humidity of the skin Carb-veg. Graph. Lye.
Exanthema, burning Ars. Caust. Merc. Rhus.
on the parts covered with hair. . Merc. Nat.m. Nit-ac.
erysipelatous Aeon. Bell. Graph. Merc.
with swelling Bell. Merc.
itching Caust. Sep. Staph.
blotches (nodes) Apis. Calc-c. Caust. Dulc. Lach. Mez.
milk-crust Calc-c. Sars. Sulph.
nettle-rash Calc-c. Caust. Dulc. Hep.
pock-shaped Ant-cr. Merc.
moist Carb-veg. Graph. Lye.
black Ars.
purulent Merc. Nat-c. Sep.
Eruptions, pustulous Ars. Lach. Phos. Ran-bul. Tart-em.
scurfy (crusty) Calc-c. Con. Graph. Lye.
with swelling Merc.
tensive Caust.
Zona Merc. Sep.
Sensation of coldness in the
skin Merc. Mosch. Plat. Sec-c. Verat.
Tetters, alternating with pains
in the chest, and dysenteric


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