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A Research Project

Presented to the Faculty of the

Computer Engineering Technology Department
College of Engineering Technology
Technological University of the Philippines Visayas
Capt. Sabi St., Brgy. Zone 12,
Talisay City, Negros Occidental



In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree

Bachelor of Engineering Technology Major in
Computer Engineering Technology

June 2022
Chapter 1


Background of the Study

In nature, chicks hatch after 2 to 4 weeks of incubation by the parents, most often

the hen. The hatched chicks provide the stimulus to the hen to change her work from

incubating eggs to brooding young. This form of brooding chicks is the easiest if only a

few chicks are raised because the mother hen does all the work (Hermes, 2009). When

broody hens are not available, or large numbers of chicks are to be raised, artificial

brooding is necessary. Chicks will perform equally well under artificial or natural

brooding, providing they are precocial; that is, able to walk and feed themselves within

hours of hatching, as baby chickens are.

A brooder is a place of safety where chicks are kept warm, fed, watered and cared

for until they are able to care for themselves. Brooding in chicken is an important part of

making the relationship between mother and chick strong as well as ensuring proper growth

and development. Caring for chicks during their formative years is essentially what

brooding means. Early-stage chicks are unable to effectively control their body

temperature. Only when feathering begins after 2-3 weeks following hatch does their

thermoregulatory metabolic capacity mature (Brooding, 2022).

One of the reasons a chicken hatches so many eggs is because, in nature, not all

chicks are expected to survive. In fact, it’s considered normal to lose up to 5 percent of a

clutch. This means that it’s common for some chicks to die (9 Reasons Why, 2022). In
general, deaths in chicks in approximately the first 3-4 days post-hatch are closely linked

to the quality of the day-old chicks from the hatchery. After 3-4 days, death is more closely

linked to the quality of the care after delivery of the chicks. “Normal” mortality in the first

and second week of life should not exceed 1%. Failure to provide the adequate environment

during the brooding period will reduce profitability, resulting in reduced growth and

development, poorer feed conversion, and increased disease, condemnation and mortality

(Pitesky, 2018).

Research has shown that chicks that are subjected to cold temperature have

impaired immune and digestive systems. As a result, cold stressed chicks have reduced

growth and increased susceptibility to diseases. Cold stressed chicks will exhibit higher

incidence of ascites, a metabolic disorder that results in reduced performance, increased

mortality and increased condemnations at the processing plant. Warm air can hold more

moisture than cold air. This is because they’re quite delicate in the first few weeks of life,

especially in the first week. They don’t have many feathers and their immune system isn’t

fully developed yet. For chicks, a healthy body temperature is 42 degrees Celsius, or around

107 degrees Fahrenheit. Even brief periods of direct rain might cause hypothermia, which

can ultimately kill the chick. Therefore, it is essential to keep chicks' bodies at the proper

temperatures. (Dunkley & Singh, 2018).

When it comes to raising chicks, there are a few ways to go about it. The most

common and, ultimately the easiest way, is to let a hen raise her own. When chicks are

with a mother chicken, she will provide for most of their needs. She’ll keep them warm

and protected. And she’ll find them food and teach them what to eat. But if you don’t yet

have hens or ones that are suitable for raising chicks, then you’ll probably be raising your
chicks in a brooder. We have to make sure that they’re not too warm or cold. And that

they’re well-fed and hydrated. Some chicken breeds are natural setters. These are breeds

whose females are likely to feel the instinct to sit on a clutch of eggs and hatch baby chicks.

Unfortunately, the broody instinct to set doesn’t indicate an equal instinct to mother. Even

among the breeds we expect to be good moms, some hens are not made for parenting. A

first-time mother chicken is in danger of injuring or killing her babies, especially if her

first-hatched is the first chick she’s ever seen. If a hen pecks or injures one of her chicks,

we should isolate the baby immediately. The hen could continue to hurt the injured or

bloodied chick if it’s not removed, or she could even kill the injured chick intentionally

(Anger, 2016).

This motivated the researchers to come up with an automatic temperature control

brooder system for chicks that will automatically operate itself through its built-in

temperature sensor and low-cost which can help in chicken production. The temperature

sensor will detect the temperature content of the brooder box. The device will send a

notification using Wi-Fi connection that contains the real-time temperature condition of

brooder and a GSM based notification to notify the owner through sending a text message

that contains the temperature condition inside the brooder if there is a problem controlling

the temperature or if the temperature is too high between 32° to 35°C. which is 89.6° to

95° F. If the brooder is hot enough to raise their body temperature above 117°F (47°C),

chicks die (Damerow, 2010).

Objectives of the Study

The general objective of the study is to develop an Automatic Temperature Control

Brooder System for Chiks that will contribute to the chicken farmers and minimize the

labor in raising newly hatched chicks.

Specifically, this study aims to:

1. Design an automatic temperature control brooder system with the following


1.1. Automatic control and monitoring of temperature inside the brooder;

1.2. Automatic temperature compensation with respect to the environment

inside the brooder;

1.3. Wireless control of temperature using mobile device either WIFI based

and Cellular Data real time monitoring to the owner; and

1.4. SMS (Short Message Service) notification if there is:

1.4.1. Problem controlling the temperature; and

1.4.2. Temperature exceeded the optimum temperature within one


2. To fabricate the prototype.

3. Develop a program for the microcontroller with the following features:

3.1. Where sensors automatically detect the temperature and send the data on

the control and monitoring of temperature using Wi-Fi module;

3.2. Notification system with SMS if the temperature is more than the

operating temperature between 32° to 35°C which is 89.6° to 95° F within

one minute; and

3.3. Problems in controlling the temperature inside the brooder box like

hardware malfunction and change of temperature in surroundings.

4. Test the device’ efficiency and functionality in terms of:

4.1. Accuracy of the control and monitoring the temperature value in the


4.2. Notification system using SMS

Scope and Limitations of the Study

This developmental study focuses on the fabrication of Automatic Temperature

Control Brooder System for Chicks that will provide chicks a healthy environment. The

Brooder System will operate based on a temperature sensor paired with the capabilities of

a microcontroller that can handle automated functionalities to minimize the effort required

to the end-user. The Brooder System will be capable of sheltering a maximum of 20 chicks,

where they will be warmed, fed, and watered. The Automatic Temperature Control Brooder

System for Chicks can be applicable to poultry production of chicken but it is intended to

be used for households where they can raise healthy chickens in their backyards to reduce
their workload and to properly monitor the parameters of a brooder to develop chicks

properly even if they are not home.

The prototype will be using a temperature sensor that will monitor the brooder

box’s temperature to handle the optimal warmth for the chicks. It will be able to send

notifications between 5 to 10 meters from the device. The device will not be focusing on

other factors such as observing chicks’ disease related problems but rather on giving the

chicks a comfortable environment, especially in temperature control, to prevent them from

having those problems in the first place. It also utilized Global System for Mobile (GSM)

communication as the notification system if the sensor detects the temperature inside the

brooder exceeds the optimum temperature within a minute. The device will send a

notification to the owner if it is done in controlling and monitoring the real-time

temperature of the brooder system. The system can only be accessed through the use of

WiFi and cellular connections. Lastly, this focused primarily on temperature content as the

basis for the automatic operation of the brooder system.

Significance of the Study

The development of the Automatic Temperature Control Brooder System for

Chicks can automatically control and monitor the temperature of the chicks to help owners

reduce their workload and properly monitor the parameters of a brooder to avoid chicks

dying from being too cold. It can be used in households and in poultry production to raise

a lot of chickens in a healthy environment without the hen.

The study can help maintain the heat needed to raise the chicken. The study will

benefit the technology industry in programming and algorithms for future machinery with

different purposes, such as the department of agriculture, since they can utilize the device

in their poultry production, the poultry community that allows the farmers to save money,

and households that want to raise chickens making it affordable for them to buy. This can

also serve as a reference or basis for the researchers who will conduct a study about the

brooder system or other similar studies using other variables not found in the study.

Chapter 2


This chapter presents the articles, journals, and studies that are used to reinforce the

conceptualization or framework of the study. This supports the foundations and processes

that will be involved in the research. It also provides the necessary information for the

selection of materials and components that will be used in the development of the

prototype. Lastly, this includes the discussion of the conceptual model that will be used in

the research and the operational/ functional definition of terms.

Review of Related Literature and Studies

Livestock and Poultry in the Philippines

Livestock and poultry makeup two of the most important subsectors in the

Philippines' agricultural industry. Of all the animals reared for human consumption, hogs

and chickens were the most consumed, contributing to most of the production volume of

livestock and poultry in the country. Nevertheless, prolonged lockdown restrictions in

response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic drastically impacted these subsectors.

In 2020, the gross value added of the livestock sector contracted by 6.9 percent, the highest

among the sub sectors in the agriculture industry (Livestock and poultry sectors in the

Philippines, 2022).

Chicken Production in the Philippines

Poultry production accounts for 13% of agriculture gross value added (GVA) and

dressed chicken production in the Philippines surged 40% between 2009 and 2018,

increasing from a million metric tons to 1.4 million (Philippine Poultry and Livestock,

2021). The January to March 2022 total chicken production was registered at 455.04

thousand metric tons, liveweight. This indicates an increase of 13.0 percent from the

previous year’s same period output of 402.77 thousand metric tons, liveweight. Central

Luzon was the top producer of chicken during the quarter with 167.63 thousand metric

tons, liveweight or 36.8 percent of the country’s total chicken output. In the second quarter

of 2021, the poultry sub sector also logged a 2.5% growth rate (Philippines Statistics

Authority, 2022).
Importance of Livestock Agriculture in Negros Occidental

According to Philippine News Agency (2020) In Negros Occidental, Philippines,

more livestock and poultry raisers have ventured into business, which could guarantee a

steady meat supply and food security for the local market. The provincial government

continues its efforts to further strengthen the local livestock and poultry industry in Negros

Occidental. Data from the Provincial Veterinary Office (2020 showed that a growing

number of their veterinary farm clients are highly-inclined to engage in animal raising

purposely for entrepreneurship.

Abundance and Importance of Chicken Production in Negros Occidental

There has been a massive growth in the demand of native chicken and free-range

chickens in markets in Negros Occidental. The production figures from last year make

Negros Occidental the largest producer of native chickens in the Philippines. In the second

spot is Iloilo which produced some 4.16 million heads of chickens in 2016. The native

chickens in the Philippines also have a higher market value. Many vendors in Negros

Occidental have been able to realize the higher potential of native chickens especially the

dressed free-range chickens as opposed to live markets sold in the market. This is an

important innovation. In the past, many free range and native chicken farmers in the region

sold their chicken live, a fact that might have diminished their appeal among middle class

consumers. Today, you can find free range and native chickens in Negros Occidental which

are properly dressed like the white chickens and broilers on the supermarket shelves

(Native Chicken Farming in Negros Occidental, 2022).

Factors of Early Chick Mortality

Especially in the first few weeks of life, chicks are highly vulnerable. Therefore,

having good management is essential to maintaining the health of your flock. Moreover,

early chick death cannot be completely prevented, regardless of the caliber of the chicks

supplied/purchased and the strength of management. A poultry farm should expect a

mortality rate of 1 to 5 percent, but anything higher than that should be handled carefully.

A high mortality rate is a sign that there is a problem with the flock, and the owner of the

poultry must act right once to stop more losses or else there could be significant losses.

Early chick mortality is caused by a variety of reasons, including genetic, environmental,

medical, and dietary variables (Causes of Early Chick Mortality, 2022).

In birds, there are about 21 fatal gene mutations. The majority of these deadly genes

cause the incubation period death of chicks. Congenital abnormalities and tremors,

however, result in the mortality of chicks within a week after birth. Due to a temporary loss

of immunity during the first six weeks of life, young chicks are more vulnerable to

infections and illnesses. Maintaining biosecurity measures is essential since failing to do

so raises the likelihood of a disease epidemic. A bacterial infection called pullorum, which

also causes ruffled feathers, labor breathing, white diarrhea, chirping, and death, is another

one. Poor management is another major factor in early chick death. For flocks to remain

alive and healthy, good management is essential. Inefficient poultry management prevents

chicks from reaching their full genetic potential. Water that is unclean increases mortality.

Death can result from a severe lack of fat-soluble vitamins. Water-soluble vitamins are an

essential component of poultry diets, as slight lack of these vitamins leads to growth

cessation, lacrimation, rickets, ruffled feathers, exudative diathesis, anemia, etc. They are

necessary for the development, growth, and metabolism of chicks. A severe lack of these
vitamins can be fatal, while a mild lack in chicks might result in poor feathering, slow

growth, weight loss, dermatitis, nervous symptoms, anemia, etc.

Chick mortality to 10 days of age was 3.2% for those hatched at the commencement

of the hatch, 1.2% for those hatched at peak of hatch and 52.9% for those hatched at the

end of hatching. Chicks hatched early were more prone to dehydration while late hatching

chicks had a higher incidence of leg weakness. Chicks held for 48 hours in hatcher

machines lost 12.5% to 21.7% of their hatching weight and 79.4% of the hatching weight

of the yolk sac. Normal 10-day mortality from this hatchery in winter months was observed

to be 2.4% but was reduced to 1.2% when staggered setting times of donor flocks was

employed by removing chicks from the machines 3 hours after 100% hatch, but was

increased to 5.6% by holding chicks in the hatchery in chick boxes for 24 hours at 70

degrees C (Kingston, 1979).

Principles of Chick Brooder

Brooding is the “lift-off” phase of chicken development, with the highest

percentage of feed going to growth and so producing the most rapid growth rate, giving

chicks a good start in life. That good start is extremely important. No failure to achieve

optimum growth during brooding can ever be made up later in the grow-out. Both research

and on-farm experience show that even a few hours of poor conditions during brooding

can do significant harm to overall flock performance. Modern poultry houses and

management systems give us the ability to control conditions in the house and give chicks

the good start they need.

Artificial Heat Sources in Brooder

Chicks need supplemental heat. Their little bodies will not keep themselves warm

enough until they fully feather out. Feathering out means that they completely lose their

baby down and develop true feathers. This can happen at different ages depending on your

breed of chicken. The larger the breed, the sooner they will no longer need a supplemental

heat source. Most breeds need it for about six weeks depending on the outside

weather. Brooding in the winter is different from brooding in the summer. The

temperature around your brooder will make a difference in how long you keep your chicks

under the heat. A baby chick runs to the safety and warmth of its mother’s wings. Here it

feels secure and loved. The mother hen’s body heat warms the little chick and when it is

ready the chick will dart out into the world to find food and water. When choosing a heat

source for your brooder you will want something that can be as close as possible to a natural

mother hen (Peterson, 2018). Artificial heat sources include incandescent light bulbs, heat

lamps, electric hovers, gas hovers, and hot water radiators. Each works satisfactory as long

as it is set-up in a safe manner and maintains a constant temperature comfortable for the

chicks (Clauer, 2016).

Effect of Incandescent Bulbs Emitted Light Colors on Performance, Gathering

Density and Behavior of Broiler Chicks during Brooding Period

Light has an impact on broiler welfare, behavior, health, and output. Performance

during the brooding phase has an impact on subsequent productivity. The study's goal was

to find out how brooding chick performance, gathering density (GD), mortality, and

behavior are affected by the primary light colors blue, green, red, and white/yellow normal

light (Control) emitted by incandescent bulbs (60 Lux; 60W). 144 Cobb-500 strain broiler

chicks were used in the experiment. The light color (LC) treatments were entirely

randomized and replicated six times. Birds were placed in brooder cages (n=24) by

balancing weights (40.87g6). Daily records of feed intake (FI), water intake (WI), and

mortality were kept. Weekly weight gain (WG) data were kept. Every day, throughout the

course of three sessions—morning, evening, and night—behavior and GD were recorded.

For 14 days, typical behaviors such as lying, eating, drinking, standing up on feeders or

drinkers, walking, stretching out the wings or legs, sleeping, wing flapping, feather

plucking, vocalizing, running, eating from the litter, nodding off, body swaying, bird

interaction, excretion, and other behaviors were observed. One way ANOVA was used to

compare means. Walking was significantly impacted by LC (p0.05), with red-treated

chicks walking the best and blue-treated chicks walking the worst. The majority of

behaviors, however, were not significantly impacted (p>0.05). Maximum (515.42g bird-1)

and minimum (494.44g bird-1) WG were reported with blue and red LCs, respectively,

even though WG was not substantially impacted (p>0.05). The highest FCR was achieved

in red (1.67 0), whereas the lowest was recorded in blue (1.51 0), even though the Feed

Conversion Ratio (FCR) was not significantly impacted (p>0.05). The effects of interaction

on the GD of chicks during the first week were substantial (P 0.05). Yellow recorded the

lowest GD (49.044) while blue recorded the highest (64.46/4). The performance, mortality,
WI, and FI were found to be unaffected by LC brooding. Feeder areas can be expanded for

red light brooded chicks because red exposed birds exhibit greater movement, however

blue light brooding is better suitable for spaces with restricted space because under blue,

gathering is increased (Seneratna, 2021).

Brooding Control

The fundamental goal in brooding chicks is to proficiently and monetarily give an

agreeable, healthy environment for developing birds. Temperature, air quality, mugginess

and light are basic variables to consider. Inability to give the sufficient climate during the

brooding time frame will lessen productivity, bringing about decreased development and

advancement, less fortunate feed change, and expanded sickness and mortality.

Keeping up with the right temperature is basic in chick brooding, particularly

during the initial fourteen days of the chick's life. In its early life, the chick is inadequately

prepared to direct its metabolic cycles to control its internal heat level satisfactorily. Thus,

the baby chick is reliant upon ecological temperature to keep up with ideal internal heat

level. Assuming that the room temperature decreases, the chick's internal heat level will

diminish. In like manner, in the event that room temperature expands, the chick internal

heat level will increase. Chilling or overheating during this critical period can bring about

unfortunate development, unfortunate feed transformation and expanded defenselessness

to infection. Legitimate brooding practices should keep up with the chick's internal heat

level so it doesn't need to utilize energy to lose heat by gasping or produce heat through

Research has shown that the chick fosters the capacity to direct its internal heat

level around 12 to 14 days old enough. The chick can be effectively focused on in the event

that its internal heat level abatement or increments by as much as one degree. When the

internal heat level changes the bird will attempt to redress and as a rule this implies that it

will adversely affect performance. The internal heat level of a day-old chick is roughly 103

degrees F or 39 degrees C, however by around five days old enough internal heat level is

106 degrees F or 41.1 degrees C, equivalent to the grown-up. Outrageous temperatures or

high or low frequently bring about chick mortality, however even gentle chilling or

overheating can influence the presentation of youthful chicks without causing demise.

While chicks are more lenient toward high temperatures than grown-up birds, high

temperatures for expanded time frames increment mortality and adversely affect


Research has shown that chicks that are exposed to cold temperature have impeded

immune and digestive related systems. Subsequently, chilly focused chicks have

diminished development and expanded helplessness to sicknesses. Cold stress on chicks

will show higher occurrence of ascites, a metabolic issue that results in decreased

performance, expanded mortality and expanded condemnation at the handling plant. In

research studies where gatherings of chicks were brooding at either 80 degrees F or 90

degrees F, the chicks raised under the hotter temperature would be wise to weight gains,

feed change and reasonableness. Chicks agonized under 80 degrees F experienced

decreased development contrasted with the high brooding temperature treatment. The

chicks raised under those temperatures didn't make up for lost time in body weight and thus

weighed less at market age than birds that were brooded appropriately. Besides the fact
that chicks presented to low brooding temperatures have decrease development rates,

however they will consume more feed to keep themselves warm, lessening feed proficiency

and expanding feed costs (Muhammad, 2018).

Brooding Temperature Comparison

A lot of work has been finished in poultry brooding. Egg size has been brought

under hereditary control, slow padding has been working on in flooks, and numerous

different attributes have been improved by choice. Work has been finished on the

nutritional requirements of poultry. However, there is minimal fundamental ecological data

concerning the chick during the time frame. This may be the most basic and troublesome

period in the management of homegrown birds. Suggest temperatures for chicks can be

made from the opportunity they hatch from the egg to the time they are four to five weeks

old. Anyway, there is no broad understanding among poultry men with regards to what

comprises appropriate brooding temperatures for chicks barely out of the egg or at

succeeding ages (Ahammad, 2004).

Experienced poultry men control brooding temperatures as per chick response. Less

experienced producers find thermometers accommodating. Tests have shown that for each

period of chick there is a temperature at which metabolism was at least. This temperature

was 94-to-95-degree Fahrenheit for day old chicks and declined around 0.8 of a degree
each day through the 32nd day. At one year old enough, this ideal temperature was viewed

as 70-degree Fahrenheit. At temperatures underneath these ideal temperatures, the chicks

need more intensity and this is provided by increased metabolic movement. This increase

goes on until the chicks are presently not ready to deliver sufficient intensity to keep up

with internal heat level and pass on for cold. In this way chicks from a day old to about

fourteen days old enough are typically unfit to endure temperature under 70 degrees

Fahrenheit for 24 hours, chicks five to about two months old enough under comparable

openness regularly bite the dust at temperature under 50 degrees Fahrenheit. Comparable

deadly temperature has not entirely settled past about two months old enough. Metabolic

action additionally increments when the ambient temperature increases over the ideal

temperature. This is basically because of the additional work expected in gasping to vanish

additional dampness from the respiratory lot for the end goal of cooling to keep up with

internal heat level. This interaction also has a cutoff past which the chick can't go and dies

from heat. Hence the exposure of a child chick to a temperature of around 103 degrees

Fahrenheit for 24 hours is deadly while a comparative exposure of a nature pullet at 90

degrees Fahrenheit is lamentable. Some examinations are led on electronically warmed

brooders. They offer a larger number of conceivable outcomes than different kinds, for

example, those warmed with oil, coal or gas, taking everything into account and

furthermore in well being from fire hazards. One of the principal electric brooders being

used was a drift type brooder, a semi-enclose chamber encompassing an intensity unit. This

unit gives warmth to the chicks regardless of the encompassing temperature of the

agonizing room itself. Development of such a brooder is made so chicks can move all

through the warmed region freely. Ventilation under the float is given by one or the other
regular or constrained wind current. The most recent couple of years have achieved a

deviation from the ordinary, electrically warmed brooder. This was caused by an

inescapable utilization of the infrared intensity light. End of the float was conceivable in

light of the fact that infrared beams of these lights were not changed over into heat until

interacting with the floor or the chick's bodies. In certain regards the infrared intensity light

demonstrated was unacceptable. The intensity necessity ended up being more prominent

since heat from the chicks was scattered to the encompassing air and not used as in that

frame of mind of the hoover type brooder. Another heat misfortune was from the infrared

beams that struck no strong item. Expensive controls must be utilized for good temperature

guidelines. Since the infrared light demonstrated monetarily disheartening in some ways,

poultry men and analysts went to alternate approaches to agonizing. One strategy was

warming the floor of the brooder house. The primary disservice of this strategy was the

absence of versatility. Endeavors had been made to plan a versatile intensity piece, yet hold

the benefits of extremely durable sort of under floor brooding (Demeke, 2012).

Brooding for Chicks

Early on in life, newly hatched chicks are unable to regulate their body

temperatures. They must have access to a heat source. The chicks are kept warm during

this critical period in a brooder. An infrared heat lamp with a hood covering it to distribute

heat toward the floor and a brooder guard make up a basic brooder. A cardboard or wire

mesh ring used as a brooder guard keeps the chicks confined to an area close to the heat

If you don't have a thermometer, you can tell if the temperature in the brooder is

right for the health of the chicks by observing their behavior. When they feel cold, chicks

will gather under the heat light. When the lamp becomes too warm, the chicks will move

as far away from it as the brooder ring will allow. The chicks will shift to one side of the

brooder if it is drafty in an effort to stay warm while avoiding the draft. The chicks will be

uniformly spread across the brooder area, softly chirping and pecking at one another if the

temperature is exactly right (Brooding and Caring for Chicks, 2022).

Studies Related to Brooder System

Environmental Factors to Control When Brooding Chicks

One of the goals during brooding is to maintain chicks within their comfort zone,

which is where they are not using energy to gain or lose heat to maintain body temperature.

When birds are kept in environmental temperatures above or below their comfort zone,

more energy must be expended to maintain body temperature. This extra energy will

ultimately be supplied by the feed consumed. Therefore, the energy from the feed will be

used to maintain body temperature instead of growth and development resulting in poorer

feed conversion. Thus, the environmental temperature plays a major role in determining

the cost of producing a pound of meat or a starter pullet.

Cold stressed chicks will exhibit higher incidence of ascites, a metabolic disorder

that results in reduced performance, increased mortality and increased condemnations at

the processing plant. In research studies where groups of chicks were brooded at either 80

degrees F or 90 degrees F, the chicks reared under the warmer temperature had better

weight gains, feed conversion and livability. Chicks brooded under 80 degrees F

experienced reduced growth compared to the high brooding temperature treatment. The

chicks reared under those temperatures did not catch up in body weight and as a result

weighed less at market age than birds that were brooded properly. Not only do chicks

exposed to low brooding temperatures have reduced growth rates, but they will consume

more feed to keep themselves warm, reducing feed efficiency and increasing feed costs.

Proper brooding not only consists of maintaining proper temperature but also the

use of good husbandry practices. Brooding temperatures will vary depending on whether

the heat source is air furnace, conventional brooder or radiant brooder. The best method to

monitor chick comfort is to observe chick behavior and regulate the temperature

accordingly. When observing a broiler house, chicks should be distributed evenly across

the house. Chicks that are cool can be seen huddling together (even next to the side wall)

and will tend to sit in feeder pans. Chicks that are hot will move away from the brooders

and furnaces, will pant and will stretch out on the litter in efforts to cool themselves. Many

houses have electronic environmental controllers that monitor house temperature and turn

brooders and furnaces on and off as needed. The controllers also monitor the amount of

time a heat source operates. This information can be used to locate areas of the chick

environment that might experience excessive air leaks or drafts. For example, if the

brooders/furnaces near the tunnel curtain have more run time than others in the house, it

may indicate air leaks around the curtain or end wall door (Fairchild, 2009).
Effect of Environmental Temperature During the First Week of Brooding Period on

Broiler Chick Body Weight, Viscera and Bone Development

The development of the chicks in the first week of life is an important condition for

their future performance because physiological processes such as cell hyperplasia and

hypertrophy, maturation of the thermoregulatory and immunological systems, growth and

differentiation in the gastrointestinal tract will markedly influence the body weight and

feed conversion of the birds until market age. It is known that the thermoneutral

temperature for broiler chicks up to 7 days of age ranges between 33and 35 degrees Celsius,

and that temperatures higher than these may induce hyperthermia and dehydration, leading

to a lower feed consumption and delayed growth (Mickelberry et al., 1966). On the other

hand, a lower environmental temperature induces hypothermia and may lead to pulmonary

hypertension in broilers.

Post-hatch development has been studied in turkey and Leghorn chicks. Sell et al.

(1991) reported that the body weight of turkey chicks increased linearly from 2 to 8 days

of life, with residual yolk decreasing rapidly starting on day 26 of incubation and being

nearly depleted on day 4 post-hatching; these authors also observed that gizzard weight

increased until day 4 post-hatching and then remained relatively constant up to 8 days.

Yang & Siegel (1997) in a study of heart and lung development in Leghorn lines found that

both relative weight of heart and lung declined with chick age.

The present study indicates that chicks brooded at 20°C had lower feed and water

intake during a 7-day post-hatching period compared with birds kept at 25 and 35°C,

respectively. These results probably are related to the heat conserving behavior of these
birds, since at low ambient temperature (20) it was observed that they clustered to avoid

heat loss and the frequency to the feeder and drinker was reduced. Environmental

temperature is an important factor for broiler performance, and chicks brooded at 35°C

showed a significantly lower body weight. Van der Hel et al. (1991) observed that high

thermal exposure of chicks during the 1st day post-hatching resulted in body weight losses.

Exposure to high temperatures during the first 2 days of life causes body weight losses of

about 12% in chicks (Van der Hel et al., 1992). In this trial, we also observed that chicks

reared at low ambient temperature ate less feed and their body weight was significantly

lower when compared to birds kept at 25°C. Noy & Sklan (1999) indicated a body weight

decrease in chicks with no access to feed during 48 h post-hatching. Malheiros et al. (2000)

also reported a lower body weight at 7 days of age in birds raised at low environmental


Environmental temperature could be an important factor for linear bone growth.

Leeson & Caston (1993) reported that high environmental temperature was able to induce

a 10% increase in shank length of Leghorn pullets at 14 weeks of age. Other studies have

demonstrated that high environmental rearing temperature reduces tibia and humerus

weight (Yalçin et al., 1996) and long bone growth (Bruno et al., 2000) in broiler chickens.

In the present study, we found that environmental temperature did not affect (p>0.05) tibia

or femur width; however, the bone weight and length of chicks reared at 20°C were lower

when compared with birds reared at 25 and 35°C.

Development of Computer Models For Simulating the Optimum Design Parameters

of a Passive Solar Heating Chicken Brooder System

Artificial chick brooders exist of every conceivable type and size, heated by oil,

coal, wood, water, gas and electricity. With the exception of the electric brooders, all other

methods are difficult to operate with local skills in rural areas. They do not maintain

constant brooding temperature, require foreign currency for importation and are expensive

for flock size of less than 1000 chicks. On the contrary electric brooders are economically

feasible, could safely and easily be constructed and maintain the desired constant brooding

temperature. However, it is difficult to adopt electric brooders by the African rural

household poultry producers owing to the unavailability of electric power, numbers of

chicks to be raised and remote locations of the farm sites. As chicks grow and mature, the

need for supplemental heat is less important whereas, the need for adequate space becomes

critical. The initial brooding temperature below the hover should be 35°C at 5 cm from the

floor and this initial brooding temperature should be reduced by approximately 3°C per

week until 21°C is reached. According to (as cited in Ahiaba, 2015) thriving poultry

production in developing countries where electricity supply has remained inadequate and

unreliable therefore, alternative methods of meeting the energy needs in agriculture and in

the poultry industry specifically have to be evolved.

This study showed that the wall thickness of 100 and 150mm are suitable for

development of a chicks’ brooder. Though, supplementary source of heat will be required

to keep the birds comfortable for the first one week of brooding period. The exponential

increase of the emitted ammonia gas from day one to the 28th day of brooding shows the
significance of designing brooders to have provision for facilitating removal of birds’

droppings in order to minimize emission of the ammonia gas from the floor of the brooder

(Mulindi, 2019).

Sustainable brooder for supporting local chicken in North Sumatera Province,


Local chickens are native chickens of Indonesia that have long been nurtured and

developed by the community, especially rural communities who maintain them as a source

of family food for eggs, meat, and as savings that at any time can help finance (as cited in

Suprijatno and Atmomarsono, 2005). Brooding time was an important moment in nurturing

local chickens so handling intensively should be taken at this period. Failure in this period

will minimize the achievement. In the brooding period, the temperature needs to be well

noticed, especially the heating process. Local chicken breeders who have not developed

well, still use oil lamps, LPG gas and in small amounts using an incandescent lamp as a

source of energy for the brooder. Although the breeders complained about brooder

operational costs, they kept using them like no other option. Electricity consumption was

growing along with the increase of population while raw materials to produce electricity

such as fossil fuel was limited and LPG gas was expensive.

On the other hand, fossil fuel emits greenhouse gases, and Indonesia committed to

reducing its greenhouse gas (GHG) by 26% in 2020 one way by promoting clean energy

use for example biogas. Ginting (2018) found biogas gave more benefits in the agricultural

areas such as energy which was environmentally friendly energy, slurry which was organic
fertilizer and clean environment as agricultural waste which usually discharged into the

environment become biogas input. Ginting (2018) mentioned that biogas support farmers

in the rural area when farmers use biogas instead of firewood in the process of coffee bean

roasting. Biogas was capable of producing good energy; the flames are blue, odorless and

smokeless. Therefore it was expected that biogas could be used during brooding as a source

of heat. Balde (as cited in Ginting, 2018) found that biogas produced renewable electricity

and heat. According to Rajakovic (as cited in Ginting, 2018) in comparison, 1 m3 biogas

was equivalent to 0.48 kg LPG, 0.42 l solar, 0.8 l gasoline, 0.62 l kerosene, 0.6 crude oil,

1.4 kg coal, 4.7 kWh electricity and 3.5 kg firewood. Based on the research, biogas and

LPG brooder were better than electric brooder as they had better on temperature stability,

chicken spreading, body weight gain, and mortality. Biogas brooder was better than LPG

as it was environmentally friendly.

Comparative Study on the Efficiency of Locally Made Low-Cost Brooders for

Brooding Chicks

Three types of indigenous brooders viz. charcoal, haricane and sawdust brooders

were used for brooding chicks throughout the experimental period of 28 days. The

efficiency of the brooders was observed in respect of their ability to maintain temperature,

fluctuation in temperature during operation and cost effectiveness. Following initial trial

of temperature maintenance for 48 h, the chicks were put under the brooder stoves and

brooded for up to 28 days. The experimental birds were fed on a chick starter diet.

Maintenance of temperature with sawdust brooders was found satisfactory and optimum
for brooding the chicks at different stages of brooding and at the same time involved least

cost for brooding in comparison with charcoal and haricane brooders which did not perform

well in generating heat necessary for brooding and were not economically feasible for poor

farmers. On the other hand, performance of charcoal brooders was better in respect of

temperature maintenance during initial stage (when the brooder was started) but the

temperature fluctuated rapidly, whereas fluctuation of temperature was gradual in sawdust

brooders. Body weight gain and feed conversion were best in sawdust brooders.

Survivability was highest in sawdust brooders and lowest in haricane brooders. Sawdust

brooders may be appropriate for brooding chicks in rural areas, where electricity is not

available (Hassanuzzaman, 2021).

Welfare of Chicks

For domestic grown chickens, maternal care significantly influences the behavioral

development of the chicks. The mother hen directs the behavior of the chicks and it acts as

a cushion for stressed chicks. The mother hen plays a crucial role in shaping the behavior

of the chicks and in allowing them to develop feeding preferences. Chicks raised by a

mother hen are far less fearful and show higher behavioral synchronization than chicks

raised artificially. In a business setting, more frightened chicks with unsynchronized

behavior are more prone to experience behavioral issues like feather pecking. Inherent

welfare problems can also cause fear, panic attacks, suffocation and sometimes, broken

bones. It was found during the course of experiment that when brooder temperature was

too high the birds were away from the brooder stoves and when the temperature was too
low the birds gathered under the brooder stoves. The behavior and movement of chicks

was found to be more satisfactory in Sawdust brooder than in Charcoal brooder and

Haricane brooder. This behavior of chicks was consistent with the results of Pieper et al.

(1995). In Haricane brooder the birds were often found gathered under the brooder stove.

Satisfactory brooding temperatures were not achieved from this type of brooder. In

Charcoal brooder initially the birds were found with satisfactory movement because the

birds got optimum temperature but in later stages when temperature fluctuates rapidly, the

birds were gathered under the brooder stoves.

As a precocial species, domestic chicks are self-sufficient after hatching, meaning

that maternal behavior has become redundant on farms. For commercial egg and meat

production, chicks are hatched using artificial incubation and reared in large groups,

without a mother hen. Maternal behavior, from laying through to chicks’ independence,

has a substantial influence on chick development. As well as serving an important

protective and heat-providing function, the mother hen attracts chicks to profitable food

items, and also redirects their attention away from harmful or non-profitable items. This is

especially important during the first few days of life, when pecking behavior is not

particularly sensitive to the consequences of ingestion, and chicks learn little by

conventional trial and error. In a commercial setting, the lack of opportunity to learn about

species-specific appropriate behavior may have implications for the ability to display

normal behavior later in life. Since maternal care has detrimental effects on some

production parameters, research should focus on determining the important features of

maternal care that could be artificially simulated to improve welfare and can be practically

integrated into commercial chick rearing practice (Edgar et al., 2016).

Microcontrollers and Sensors


A microcontroller is a compact integrated circuit designed to govern a specific

operation in an embedded system. A typical microcontroller includes a processor, memory,

and input/output (I/O) peripherals on a single chip. Sometimes referred to as an embedded

controller or microcontroller unit (MCU), microcontrollers are found in vehicles, robots,

office machines, medical devices, mobile radio transceivers, vending machines, and home

appliances, among other devices. They are essentially simple miniature personal computers

(PCs) designed to control small features of a larger component, without a complex front-

end operating system (OS).

A microcontroller is embedded inside of a system to control a singular function in

a device. It does this by interpreting data it receives from its I/O peripherals using its central

processor. The temporary information that the microcontroller receives is stored in its data

memory, where the processor accesses it and uses instructions stored in its program

memory to decipher and apply the incoming data. It then uses its I/O peripherals to

communicate and enact the appropriate action. Microcontrollers are used in a wide array

of systems and devices. Devices often utilize multiple microcontrollers that work together

within the device to handle their respective tasks.

For example, a car might have many microcontrollers that control various

individual systems within, such as the anti-lock braking system, traction control, fuel

injection, or suspension control. All the microcontrollers communicate with each other to

inform the correct actions. Some might communicate with a more complex central

computer within the car, and others might only communicate with other microcontrollers.

They send and receive data using their I/O peripherals and process that data to perform

their designated tasks.

Arduino Microcontroller

In the existing literature, many research papers are temperature-controlled, and the

Arduino microcontroller is commonly used for automatic control of temperature,

especially for monitoring applications. We studied several papers and they had important

contributions presented. Atilla et al. presented a case study that the design of a heating

system controlled by Arduino and studied the technology, software, and hardware used in

the heating system, which consists of an isolated box, dry resistance, voltage regulator,

thermo-couple, air fan, microcontroller, and computer. Proportional–integral–derivative

(PID), neural network, and fuzzy logic are mainly used for the temperature control of

heating systems. The system uses a PID controller and exhibits the satisfactory value of

stability, good reliability, and sensitivity also. Microcontroller-based temperature control

was designed by comparing theoretical values of temperature. However, Arduino control

and implementation were not done.

Abdullah et al. suggested a design of a temperature control system and implemented

it on the Tudung Saji microcontroller. Hardware implementation, as well as a software

simulation, was tested and obtained. The purpose of this work includes protection against

bacteria after a certain value of temperature. The application seems to be very good at

controlling and rather preventing bacteria since, after a certain temperature, the bacteria

can be killed. This could be also tested on the Arduino IDE system. Wayan et al. proposed

developing and designing temperature distribution control for baby incubator application.

In this system, it is very important to maintain a certain temperature inside the room to take

care of the proper health of a baby. Humidity was also included in the study of the

experiment using the microcontroller-based system for temperature measurement and

control. This proved to be a very important application for baby care and health.

Temperature Sensor

In order to record, monitor, or communicate temperature changes, a temperature

sensor is an electronic device that monitors the temperature of its surroundings and turns

the input data into electronic data. Temperature sensors come in a wide variety of forms.

Some temperature sensors (contact temperature sensors) need to be in close proximity to

the object they are monitoring, whereas other temperature sensors gauge an object's

temperature indirectly (non-contact temperature sensors).

Infrared (IR) sensors are frequently used as non-contact temperature sensors. They

detect an object's IR energy from a distance and transmit a signal to a specially calibrated

electronic circuit to get the temperature of the object. Thermocouples and thermistors are

two examples of contact temperature sensors. Two conductors, each composed of a

different kind of metal, are linked at one end to form a junction to make up a thermocouple.
When the junction is heated, a voltage that exactly matches the temperature input is

produced. The thermoelectric effect is a phenomenon that accounts for this. Since their

structure and construction are straightforward, thermocouples are often inexpensive.

Thermistor is the name for the alternative form of contact temperature sensor. Resistance

in thermistors diminishes as temperature rises.

Negative Temperature Coefficient (NTC) and Positive Temperature Coefficient are

the two primary categories of thermistors (PTC). Thermistors are constructed of ceramics

or polymers and are more accurate than thermocouples (capable of measuring between

0.05-1.5 degrees Celsius). The most accurate and pricey kind of temperature sensors are

Resistance Temperature Detectors (RTD), which are essentially the thermistors' metal

counterparts. Automobiles, medical equipment, computers, kitchen appliances, and other

sorts of technology all use temperature sensors.

DHT11 Sensor

The DHT11 sensor module is a combination module for sensing humidity and

temperature that produces a calibrated digital output signal. It has a humidity and

temperature complex with a calibrated digital signal output. We receive extremely accurate

humidity and temperature readings from the DHT11, which also guarantees great reliability

and long-term stability. This sensor includes a resistive humidity measurement component

and an NTC temperature measuring component, together with an integrated 8-bit

microprocessor with a quick response time, low cost, and a 4-pin single row packaging.

The DHT11 module utilizes serial, or single-wire, communication. This module

transmits data in the form of pulse trains at predetermined intervals. It requires certain
initialization commands with a time delay before transferring data to Arduino.

Additionally, the entire process takes roughly 4ms. System integration is quick and simple

thanks to the single-wire serial interface. It is the finest option for a variety of applications,

including those that are the most demanding, because of its small size, low power

consumption, and up to 20 meter signal transmission. The 4-pin single row pin package is

the component. The ability to connect is simple, and users can request certain packages.


There are multiple studies that tackle the concepts, statistics and theories related to

the Automatic Temperature Control of Brooder System for Chicks. However, there are

only limited studies that included a notification system and utilized an automatic

temperature control in the above-mentioned automated device. This unified review of

related literature combines concepts, theories, terms and different variables found in other

studies as a basis in developing the device. There are several studies that can be anchored

to the study that cited local sources and augment the reference in developing the device.

Conceptual Model of the Study

A conceptual model is created based on the foundations, principles, and conclusions

of the related studies as well as the concepts of the literature presented. Figure 1 shows the

Input Process Output (IPO) model utilized in the conceptualization of the project.
Figure 1: The Conceptual Model of the Study


The input of the study contains the required knowledge related to Circuit

Design, Microcontroller Programming, Electronic Fundamentals, and Technical

data of temperature sensor.

The prototype of the study was created according to the project design,

assembled according to device specifications, and tested to accordingly evaluate its



During the evaluation, the device will be evaluated by experts in the related

field of the study to assess the device’s efficiency using a validated evaluation


Statistical Analysis

The statistical methods that are used in this study include planning,

designing, data gathering, examination, and expounding research findings.


The result of this research is the Development Of Automatic Temperature

Control Brooder System For Chicks.

Operational Definition of Terms

This part of the chapter will present a set of terms that are used in the study and

their definition to help scaffold the comprehensive cognition of the research.

Arduino Microcontroller is a physical programmable circuit board, also known

as a microcontroller, and software, known as an IDE (Integrated Development

Environment) that runs on your computer and is used to write and upload computer code

to the physical board.

Brooder for chicks is a place that will keep the chicks contained, warm, and dry.

Typically, it involves some kind of walls, a bottom surface that can be covered with

shavings, a heat lamp, and possibly a top to keep them from flying out. It also needs to

house their food and water.

Chicks are baby birds, especially a just-hatched chicken. They are small, yellow,

and fluffy.

GSM Module is a customized Global System for Mobile Communications,

originally Groupe Spécial Mobile, is a standard developed by the European

Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI). It was created to describe the protocols

for second-generation (2G) digital cellular networks used by mobile phones and is now the

default global standard for mobile communications – with over 90% market share,

operating in over 219 countries and territories.

Incandescent Bulb or lamp is an electric light source that emits light through

incandescence, which is the result of heating the filament. They come in a colossal variety

of shapes, wattages, and voltages.

Mobile Phone is a wireless handheld device that allows users to make and receive

calls. While the earliest generation of mobile phones could only make and receive calls,

today’s mobile phones do a lot more, accommodating web browsers, games, cameras,

video players and navigational systems.

Mortality Rate is the ratio between deaths and individuals in a specified population

and during a particular time period: the incidence of deaths in a given population during a

defined time period (such as one year) that is typically expressed per 1000 or 100,000


NodeMCU is an open-source LUA based firmware developed for the ESP8266 Wi-

Fi chip. By exploring functionality with the ESP8266 chip, NodeMCU firmware comes

with the ESP8266 Development board/kit i.e., NodeMCU Development board.

Pine Shavings are one of the most-used chicken bedding materials in the United

States. They're used in both brooders and chicken coops. They're loved for their

absorbency, cheap cost, insulating properties, and composting ease.

Plywood is a structural material consisting of sheets of wood glued or cemented

together with the grains of adjacent layers arranged at right angles or at a wide angle
Temperature Control is a process in which change of temperature of a space is

measured or otherwise detected, and the passage of heat energy into or out of the space is

adjusted to achieve a desired average temperature.

Temperature Sensor is an electronic device that measures the temperature of its

environment and converts the input data into electronic data to record, monitor, or signal

temperature changes.

DHT11 Sensor is a widely used humidity and temperature sensor. The sensor

includes a dedicated NTC for temperature measurement and an 8-bit microprocessor for

serial data output of temperature and humidity information. Additionally factory calibrated,

the sensor makes it simple to integrate with other microcontrollers.

Chapter 3


This chapter shows the isometric drawings, block diagram, and process flow

diagram related to the concept of the study. Such figures have discussions to help in the

development of the project. This also shows working drawings and schematic diagrams as

well as the step-by-step procedures of the prototype fabrication. The operational, testing

and evaluation procedures are also presented in this chapter.

Project Design

The design for brooder for chicks will follow a box-like design which is shown in

Figure 2. The project design was created using a 3D modeling software program Sketchup

Pro 2021. The brooder will be built upon a thick quality plywood connected to the 1x2

wood frame which will be used as the main material of the brooder box that will ensure the
resilience of the box and the consistent maintenance of the box’s temperature. The brooder

box’s size will be designed to be able to shelter at least twenty chicks. The lamp where the

bulb is will be used to provide the needed heat for the desired temperature of the brooder

will be placed just right above the brooder box. The DHT11 will monitor the temperature

of the box and will be placed just right beside the brooder box. The microcontroller will be

placed in a casing that will be placed beside the box.

Figure 2. Automatic Temperature Control Brooder System for Chicks Front View

Isometric Drawing

The block diagram of the brooder is shown in Figure 3. The brooder will be

powered with an AC power supply. The AC power supply will supply the power for the

Microcontroller, relay module, sensor and the lamp. The Microcontroller will be connected

to a relay which will act as a switch when it is connected to the lamp. The Microcontroller

will send the initial command for the relay, and then the dht11 will read the temperature
which will then be sent back to the Microcontroller. The Microcontroller will send data

through the WIFI module which will deliver the data to the mobile device. A GSM module

is also connected to the Microcontroller which will send a text message to the mobile

device in case the temperature is not regulated properly.

Figure 3. Automatic Temperature Control Brooder System for Chicks Block Diagram
The flowchart of the brooder system is shown in Figure 4. The initial process that

will happen is that the DHT11 will read and detect the temperature every 5 minutes. If it

successfully detects the temperature, it will forward the data that has been read to the

arduino uno then it will send to the NodeMCU after that it will send to the database then it

will send to the mobile. Once the data was forwarded to the Mobile Device, the said data

will be recorded on a database. If the system is unable to regulate the temperature within 5

minutes, a SMS will be sent to a mobile device giving a notification that the brooder box

is having problems regarding maintaining the normal temperature.

Figure 4. Microcontroller Process Flow Chart
Project Development

The design of the prototype with its general dimension is shown in figure 5. The total height

of the The brooder box has a height of 60 cm, width of 58 cm and a length of 90 cm.

Figure 5. Isometric of the Automatic Temperature Control Brooder

Fabrication Procedure

The following figures show the precise dimensions and designs of the prototype's


1. Brooder Box frame

1.1 Cut a 1in x 2in lumber into 4 pieces with lengths of 90 cm.

1.2 Cut a 1in x 2in lumber into 4 pieces with lengths of 58 cm.

1.3 Cut a 1in x 2in lumber into 4 pieces with lengths 60 cm.
1.4 Create a rectangular frame using the 90 cm as length, 58 cm as width and

60 cm as height.

1.5 Attach each part hammering 2 inch nails in each corner where each part

touches each other.

1.6 Cut a plywood board to use in a base with 90 cm as the length and width of

64 cm.

1.7 Cut 2 rectangular plywood with a length of 90 cm and width of 64 cm.

1.8 Cut 2 rectangular plywood with a length of 64 cm and width of 58 cm.

1.9 Attach each 2 rectangular plywoods in the 1in x 2in lumber frame to make

a box.

Figure 6. Isometric View of the Brooder Box

2. Chicken Wire Cover

2.1 Cut a 1in x 2in lumber into 2 pieces with lengths of 91 cm.

2.2 Cut a 1in x 2in lumber into 2 pieces with lengths of 58 cm.
2.3 Create a rectangle with the 4 pieces of 1in x 2in with the 2 pairs parallel

with each other.

2.4 Cut a piece of wire mesh with a length of 91 cm and a width of 58 cm.

2.5 Align the chicken wire and attach the wire to the wood using nails.

Figure 7. Isometric View of the Chicken Wire Cover

3. Hinges

3.1. Screw in the hinges in which the non-moving part of the hinge is screwed in the

brooder box itself

3.2. Screw the moving part of the hinge to the chicken wire cover.

Figure 8. Isometric View of Chicken Wire Cover with hinges

4. Microcontroller Casing

Figure 9. Isometric View of Microcontroller Casing

Operation and Testing Procedure

Operation Procedure

To ensure ideal operational performance and output quality, few things are needed

to be considered and several steps are needed to be done.

Prior to starting the operation when using the prototype, the connection of the

DHT11, Arduino microcontroller, Incandescent bulb, GSM module, ESP8266 WIFI

module should be checked. The supply should be sufficient to power the Incandescent bulb,

circuits and components before starting the operation. The pine shavings were used in

bedding to absorb moisture. After turning on the prototype the bulb must be protected from

splashing water and not close enough to catch the bedding on fire. The bulb should be

tightly fitted to the lamp socket to ensure that it will not come out and fall. Status of the

temperature sensor set at 90-95 degrees Fahrenheit should be checked. It should be waiting

for status for the signal coming from the Arduino microcontroller. This is to make sure that

the bulb and temperature sensor is working properly. Check if there is enough space at the

feed and water to allow all chicks to eat or drink at the same time. Feed and water should

be placed around the brooder like spokes of a wheel.

Construction of the Mechanical Structure of the Automatic Temperature Control of

Brooder System for Chicks. The researchers used marine 1/4 plywood, 1x2 wood,

Incandescent bulb, DHT11 Sensor, pine shavings, hammer and nails. The 1x2 wood was

connected to make the frame of the box. Plywood boards are hammered to the frame which

serves as the wall of the box. The incandescent bulb was used as the heating source. The

DHT11 Sensor was used to ensure that the temperature inside is controlled.
Fabrication of Wirings of Electronics and Program of Arduino. After all the

components were collected and prepared (Arduino UNO, NodeMcu, Temperature Sensor

or the DHT11 Sensor, Incandescent Bulb, GSM Module and Power Supply), a series of

wires were used to form connection between them. The Arduino UNO was then

programmed using logic and series of variables that whenever the temperature sensor

senses brooder temperature condition it will automatically control and monitor the operated

temperature and will send a notification to the owner of the device stating the temperature

status of the prototype. A SMS (Short Media Service) will also be sent to the owner from

the Arduino UNO via GSM module, if the device is unable to maintain the normal

temperature within a minute. After the temperature sensor senses that the temperature in

that area satisfies the set threshold value in the program, it will then send data to the owner

indicating the monitoring of the temperature of the box. The cycle keeps on repeating until

the whole system is turned off via pulling of the plug in the socket which is connected to

the power supply in the system.

Setting Up the Controller Station. The researchers made a casing in order to house

the components namely the wirings, Arduino UNO, ESP8266 NodeMcu and GSM module

in order to protect them from water exposure.

The general operating procedure should also be followed for ideal results.

General Operating Procedure

1. Place the prototype or brooder in a warm room or place with good ventilation.
2. Mount the temperature sensor to an area where it must be able to see what is

happening throughout the box to get an accurate measure of the temperature.

3. Set the brooder system that will keep the temperature within the ideal range of 90-

95 degrees Fahrenheit for the first week.

4. Check if the plug is connected to the power source.

5. Turn on the prototype and make sure the bulb is supplying heat to the chicks.

6. Observe the temperature sensor and must detect the temperature changes for the

purpose of maintaining the temperature of an enclosed area essentially constant and


7. Check for the temperature reading on the mobile device.

8. Wait for the operation to finish.

9. Open the mobile device to access the data in monitoring containing the temperature

content of the brooder sent by the system.

Testing Procedure

Temperature Control and Monitoring Testing

1. Set the temperature as per requirement of the chicks.

2. Make sure the device is on and properly working.

3. Run the prototype for 30 Hours.

4. Record the temperature reading of the sensor every 1 hour for monitoring.

Notification Functionality Testing

1. Open the mobile device for the notification.

2. Check the accuracy of the temperature data in the mobile application.

3. Check the notification system alertness of the temperature elevation via SMS.

Evaluation Procedure

The prototype brooder will be presented to 20 evaluators composed of 5 technical experts,

5 IT experts, and 10 poultry owners.

General Evaluation Procedure:

1. Present the prototype to the chosen evaluators.

2. Give a brief discussion and explanation of the study to the evaluators.

3. After the discussion, the questionnaires will be given to the evaluators.

4. Demonstrate how the prototype brooder works.

5. Evaluators are now open for further questions regarding the prototype.

6. Collect, tabulate and analyze the result

7. Lastly, interpret the result of the evaluation.

For the evaluation, Likert scale will be used to easily understand the assessment. It

will be rated from highest to lowest, lowest rating of 1 and highest rating of 5. Indicators

based on the criteria will be used to assess the prototype. Table 1 shows the scoring system

to be used in the prototype evaluation. The output of the assessment or prototype evaluation

will be analyzed and will be interpreted. Table 2 shows the quantitative interpretation of

the score or data.

Table 1

The Scoring System Showing the Equivalent of the Rating

Numerical Scale Descriptive Rating

5.0 Excellent/Highly Acceptable

4.0 Very Good/ Very Acceptable
3.0 Good/Acceptable
2.0 Fair/Fairly Acceptable
1.0 Poor/Not Acceptable

Table 2

Quantitative Interpretation of the Survey Result

Numerical Scale Descriptive Rating

4.51-5.00 Excellent/Highly Acceptable

3.51-4.50 Very Good/ Very Acceptable
2.51-3.50 Good/Acceptable
1.51- 2.50 Fair/Fairly Acceptable
1.00-1.50 Poor/Not Acceptable

Chapter 4

This chapter will discuss the collected data, its description, structures, capabilities,

and limitations of the study. It includes the presentation, analysis, and interpretation of the

tests and evaluation results conducted.

Project Description

This project, Development of Automatic Temperature Control Brooder System for

Chicks, aims to give more convenience in handling the brooding process, which is low cost

and will automatically compensate for the temperature inside the brooder to keep the chicks

safe and warm. The proposed automatic temperature control brooder system for chicks

consists of a brooder box with a microcontroller casing and a control unit.

The brooder is made of 90x58x60 cm, 1x2 frame enclosed with marine plywood, a

microcontroller casing which contains the components at the back, and chicken wire cover

used as a gateway for air and moisture. Inside the brooder box is the DHT11 sensor used

to detect temperature and two incandescent bulbs for the heating material for the chicks.

The microcontroller casing includes the ESP8266 NodeMCU that controls the system, the

wifi module that ensures wireless communication, a relay used as an automatic switch, and

a GSM module for emergency notification and a battery.

The control unit of the proposed automatic temperature control brooder system for

chicks is an Android phone where all the parameter settings can be seen. The unit includes

the control of temperature, which can be controlled and monitored live using an

application. As a form of notification for an emergency where the temperature exceeds the
optimum temperature, the GSM module sends a message so that the owner is aware of the

chicks inside the brooder.

Figure 10. Brooder Box

Figure 11.Microcontroller Casing

Project Structure

This section presents a description of the different components used in the assembly

parts of the project.

The DHT11 sensor is designed for measuring and monitoring the temperature of

the brooder. The DHT11 sensor has four pins: VCC, GND, Data Pin, and a not connected

pin. A pull-up resistor of 5k to 10k ohms is provided for communication between the sensor

and the microcontroller with the temperature range of DHT11 is from 0 to 50 degree


The incandescent bulb placed on top of the brooder provides 32-35 degree Celsius

of heat that helps the newly hatched chicks since they are unable to regulate their own body


ESP8266 NodeMCU WIFI Module

The ESP8266 NodeMCU was used as the microcontroller where we put programs

onto it and run them, it also has a WIFI communication, which was used to connect the

device to the mobile application through a WIFI network. By simply opening the Arduino

Iot Cloud Remote mobile application, one can access the gadget he/she would like to use.
Figure 12. ESP8266 NodeMCU

Figure 13.Mobile Application

DHT11 Sensor
The DHT11 Sensor was used to measure and monitor the temperature values inside

the brooder.

Figure 14.DHT11 Sensor


The relay was used as a switch which controls (opens and closes) circuits

automatically. The main operation of this device is to make or break contact with the help

of a signal without any human involvement in order to switch it ON or OFF.

Figure 15. Relay

Project Test Results

Table 3

Result of Temperature Reading Test

Time Temperature (℃)

5:00 PM 33
6:00 PM 33.4
7:00 PM 33.8
8:00 PM 33.7
9:00 PM 34.3

10:00 PM 35
11:00 PM 34.9
12:00 AM 35
1:00 AM 34.9
2:00 AM 34.9
3:00 AM 34.8
4:00 AM 34.9
5:00 AM 34.3

6:00 AM 33.8
7:00 AM 34.7

8:00 AM 33.9
9:00 AM 34.7

10:00 AM 35.1
11:00 AM 33.6
12:00 PM 35
1:00 PM 35.1
2:00 PM 35

3:00 PM 35
4:00 PM 34.9
5:00 PM 34.5

6:00 PM 34.9

7:00 PM 34.5
8:00 PM 35.1
9:00 PM 34.1
10:00 PM 34.9
Mean 34.5
Standard Deviation 0.5900

Table 3 shows the results of the different temperature readings every hour starting

from 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, October 20, to 10:00 p.m. on Friday, October 21, 2022. The

sensor was placed at the center side of the brooder to ensure that the system has a balanced

temperature. The data were gathered, and the readings of each hour were as follows: 5:00

PM with 33℃, 6:00 PM with 33.4℃, 7:00 PM with 33.8℃, 8:00 PM with 33.7℃, 9:00

PM with 34.3℃, 10:00 PM with 35℃, 11:00 PM with 34.9℃, 12:00 AM with 35℃, 1:00

AM with 34.9℃, 2:00 AM with 34.9℃, 3:00 AM with 34.8℃, 4:00 AM with 34.9℃, 5:00

AM with 34.3℃, 6:00 AM with 33.8℃, 7:00 AM with 34.7℃, 8:00 AM with 33.9℃, 9:00

AM with 34.7℃, 10:00 AM with 35.1℃, 11:00 AM with 33.6℃, 12:00 PM with 35℃,

1:00 PM with 35.1℃, 2:00 PM with 35℃, 3:00 PM with 35℃, 4:00 PM with 34.9℃, 5:00
PM with 34.5℃, 6:00 PM with 34.9℃, 7:00 PM with 34.5℃, 8:00 PM with 35.1℃, 9:00

PM with 34.1℃, and 10:00 PM with 34.9℃. Thereafter, the mean was calculated by the

researchers for all the time and it was 34.5 °C. Furthermore, the standard deviation of the

data was 0.5900. The temperature readings every hour were recorded, and the values were

widely dispersed, as proved by the standard deviation of 0.5900, and the researchers

concluded that the values were close enough to the mean. When the optimal temperature

was reached, the device automatically turned off.

Table 4

Result of Notification Functionality of the GSM module when temperature exceeded to

its optimum temperature

Trials Temperature (℃) Response Time (seconds)

T1 36.1 60.20
T2 37.1 60.84
T3 37.9 61.67
T4 38.9 69.00
T5 39.5 68.96
T6 40.2 62.24
T7 42.3 62.25
T8 47.2 58.73
T9 50 61.42
T10 52 59.58
T11 53.6 61.42
T12 53 64.19
T13 51.6 59.82
T14 49 54.31
T15 54.5 61.36
T16 58.9 61.43
T17 59.9 51.58
T18 59.9 62.06
T19 58.7 65.61
T20 57.9 62.05
Mean 48.91 61.44
Standard Deviation 8.4043 4.0010

Table 4 shows the results of the GSM notification functionality every minute when

the temperature exceeds its optimum temperature in seconds for all trials. A notification

was sent by the GSM module when the temperature increased more than the set

temperature, and the response time of the notification for each trial was measured by the

researchers. The response times in seconds for Trials 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,

14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, and 20 were as follows: 60.20, 60.84, 61.67, 69.00, 68.96, 62.24,

62.25, 58.73, 61.42, 59.58, 61.42, 64.19, 59.82, 54.31, 61.36, 61.43, 51.58, 62.06, 65.61,

and 62.05 seconds. Then, the mean of the response time of the notification every minute

was calculated by the researchers and was found to be 61.44 seconds. Moreover, the

standard deviation of the data every minute was 4.0010. From the standard deviation of

the response time of notification every minute, the researchers concluded that the values

were very dispersed from the dependent means.

Table 5

Result of Temperature Reading Test when two bulbs are off

Time Temperature (℃)

8:00 PM 28.7
9:00 PM 28.4
10:00 PM 28.2
11:00 PM 28.1
12:00 AM 27.8
Mean 28.24
Standard Deviation 0.3362

Table 5 shows the results of the different temperature readings when both bulbs are

off in the brooder box. This was completed in five hours, with the following temperature

readings: 8:00 p.m. - 28.7 °C; 9:00 p.m. - 28.4 °C; 10:00 p.m. - 28.2 °C; 11:00 p.m. - 28.1

°C; and 12:00 a.m. - 27.8 °C. The average temperature over the five hours was 28.24 °C,

with a standard deviation of 0.3362, therefore, it was concluded that the values were close

enough to the mean.

Table 6

Result of Temperature Reading Test when right bulb is off

Time Temperature (℃)

9:00 AM 31
10:00 AM 32.5
11:00 AM 32.7
12:00 PM 32.3
1:00 PM 33.1
Mean 32.32
Standard Deviation 0.7950

Table 6 shows the results of the different temperature readings when the right bulb

is off inside the brooder box. This was completed in five hours, with the following

temperature readings: 9:00 a.m. - 31 °C, 10:00 a.m. - 32.5 °C, 11:00 a.m. - 32.7 °C, 12:00

p.m. - 32.3 °C, and 1:00 p.m. - 33.1 °C. The average temperature over the five hours was

32.32 °C, with a standard deviation of 0.7950, therefore, it was concluded that the values

were close enough to the mean.

Table 7

Result of Temperature Reading Test when left bulb is off

Time Temperature (℃)

2:00 PM 33.2
3:00 PM 32.3
4:00 PM 31.1
5:00 PM 30.8
6:00 PM 30.6
Mean 31.6
Standard Deviation 1.1113
Table 7 shows the results of the different temperature readings when the left bulb

is off inside the brooder box. This was completed in five hours, with the following

temperature readings: 2:00 p.m. - 33.2 °C, 3:00 p.m. - 32.3 °C, 4:00 p.m. - 31.1 °C, 5:00

p.m. - 30.8 °C, and 6:00 p.m. - 30.6 °C. The average temperature over the five hours was

31.6 °C, with a standard deviation of 1.1113, therefore, it was concluded that the values

were close enough to the mean.

Project Capabilities and Limitations

The Automatic Temperature Control Brooder System for Chicks is capable of

being a substitute in the mother's absence, so the heat will keep them warm enough to

reduce stress on their internal systems. The device is not only low-cost and easy to use,

but also features a WIFI module where one can enter a mobile application using Arduino

IoT Cloud Remote to easily monitor the temperature inside the brooder.

The research project has the following capabilities:

1. The device operates at the temperature range from 32 to 35 degrees Celsius;

2. The sensor detects temperature ranges from 0 to 50 degrees Celsius with 2

degrees accuracy;

3. The brooder automatically detects and regulates its temperature with respect to its

set parameter;
4. Features a real time monitoring system to monitor the data and stores data within

15 days and;

5. GSM based notification to notify the owner through sending a text message that

contains the temperature condition inside the brooder if there is a problem

controlling the temperature or if the temperature is too high between 32°C to


The research project has the following limitations:

1. It will not send notification to more than 10 meters away from the device

2. The device will not be focusing on other factors such as observing chicks’ disease

related problems

3. The system can only be accessed through the use of WIFI and Cellular


4. The device will not send a SMS notification to the owner if the temperature is not

more than the operating temperature between 32° to 35°C which is 89.6° to 95° F

of the brooder system.

Project Evaluation

The Development of Automatic Temperature Control Brooder System for Chicks

conducted an evaluation via an online form on November 7, 2022. It was mostly

evaluated by poultry owners, IT experts, and TUPVisayas faculty. A video presentation

and pictures were shown to aid the evaluators in understanding the project. An evaluation

form is based on a five point criterion given through a link in a Google form. The

prototype was evaluated by 20 random respondents to assess the functionality and

efficiency of the system. Each criterion is rated as poor, fair, good, very good, or

excellent. An overall summary of the evaluation will be shown in the table below.

Table 8

Overall results of the Project Evaluation

Factors Criterion Mean Descriptive Mean

Functionality 4.46 Very Good

Workability 4.37 Very Good

Durability 4.39 Very Good
Economy 4.24 Very Good
Safety 4.37 Very Good
Saleability 4.42 Very Good
Overall Mean 4.38 Very Good

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