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by Dr. Alan Keyes (  •  •  December 28, 2018    13 Comments

A function of God's will, not human judgment

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Dr. Alan Keyes

Heretofore pro-life Gov. John Kasich of Ohio

recently vetoed a bill passed by the Ohio
legislature that, as he described it, banned
abortion "if a heartbeat can be detected in the
unborn child." He explained that this "central
provision ... is contrary to the Supreme Court of the
United States' current rulings on abortion." To
preserve his pro-life credentials, he "signed a ban
on dismemberment abortions."

The bill's architect, Janet Porter of Faith2Action,

said Kasich's veto was "absolutely heartless."

"Kasich not only denied science, he turned his back on thousands of babies whose heartbeats
can be detected," said Porter. "Kasich can never claim to be pro-life again."

However heartfelt, Porter's criticism reveals the inherent contradiction in the

"regulatory" approach to the issue of abortion. She claims that Kasich "denies science" because
he refuses to accept the presence or absence of a heartbeat as the decisive indicator of life in
the nascent child. But the practice of abortion is not controversial because pro-abortion
advocates deny that the nascent mass of cells growing in the womb is alive. Killing a living mass
of cells growing in the body is not, in and of itself, a matter of controversy. It is the aim, for
example, of anti-cancer chemotherapy and the use of non-invasive radiation therapy to target
certain cancerous tumors.

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If the nascent child in the womb could
somehow defend itself against the
abortionist's attack, would anyone deny that it
has the natural right to do so?
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Of course, a medical treatment killing living cells aims to extend a human life, not end
it. Abortion aims to kill. It aims to kill an ordered array of living cells that, in the normal course
of events, are scienti cally known to develop, in an orderly and predictable fashion into a
human body capable of surviving, as a separate entity, in the world outside the human. The
controversy arises with the question:

Should the intentionally deadly disruption of the naturally programmed and

organized cellular activity of provably human cells (let's call that activity "human
life") be considered a criminal o ense under human law at any stage? Or, at
every stage before natural death, should human law presume that the
intentionally deadly disruption of the naturally programmed and organized
activity of provably human cells is a criminal o ense, until and unless exonerating
circumstances are shown to rebut this presumption?

The substantially non-controversial use of chemotherapy suggests that, generally speaking, the
human opinion holds, and has always held, that carefully targeting human life (as just de ned)
for destruction is not a criminal act when it serves to preserve human life. So even when a fully
formed human being, fully recognized and accepted as such, threatens the life of another, that
person may be injured or killed in order to avert the threat. If the nascent child in the womb
could somehow defend itself against the abortionist's attack, would anyone deny that it has the
natural right to do so?

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Is this right of self-defense a function of natural power or natural justice, regardless of

power? There was a time when "might makes right" was almost universally accepted as the
practical de nition of justice. This view came naturally to conquerors and the forces they relied
on to get their way. As long as they constantly prevailed, people subjected to their power were,
perforce, doomed to accept it as well. In the course of generations, the minds and spirits of
such people became so inured to presumptuous power that nothing short of utter desperation
induced them to resist it. Even when they did so successfully, their brief outburst of strength
gave way to vengefulness, which inevitably ended in a way that validated the maxim of power.

These days, Americans, and others inspired by our example, take it for granted that the
relatively powerless may nonetheless rightly challenge power when they have just grounds for
doing so. This obliging right to resist abuses looks to a standard apart from power; a standard
such that those entirely subject to the power of others may appeal against abuses of it, and
prevail in reason even when and if they die in the attempt.

If those who perish in fact nonetheless prevail in reason, the standard for judging their appeal
cannot be a matter of empirical fact. The English political theorist John Locke appreciated this
when he said that the contest over injustice involved an "appeal to Heaven," which is to say, to
the seat of power beyond human measures from whence arises the rule of law that produces,
and therefore, governs things, from their inception. No matter what sophistical logic one uses
to mask the de ciency, the issue of justice is not decided by force, but by the rule that
orders and therefore accounts for its results.

There was a time when 'might makes
right' was almost universally accepted as
the practical de nition of justice. This view
came naturally to conquerors and the forces
they relied on to get their way.
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Modern empirical science takes this for granted; which is why the programmatic orders it
reveals are called discoveries, not creations. If the universe represented no consequential code
of conduct at all, empirical science would be little more than another name for happenstance.
Reliance on scienti c results would be seen as a matter of ultimately groundless faith, a game
of chance, like any other. As things stand, human beings have successfully deciphered the
codes that govern the world of our perception. In the course of doing so, we have extended
our vision, devising means to see what we humans once correctly described as "things

But what accounts for the binding power of thought (reason) that make such successes
possible (
mostly-an-illusion-and-what-that-means-for-public-speakers/%232f0973cd5227) remains the
penultimate mystery. This mystery opens the mind and heart of our humanity to the mystery
that transcends thought, which the Bible calls by the name of God. Though we live in an age
when the invisible power of thought has given humanity unprecedented access to forces never
before subject to our control, the original resource of our thoughtfulness exceeds its grasp. If
might makes right, surely this original font of absolute power holds the key to understanding
the ultimate meaning of righteousness.

campaign-2018)People were led to reach this
conclusion, both naively and in a profoundly
sophisticated way, long before the age in
which we live. They sought to worship God in
many ways, until one way of worship invited
people to accept, rather than simply fear or
seek to manipulate, the way of God, in truth.
Striving to see the world with the heart of
God, some people sought to decipher its
meaning — in the stars and then in all the
world around us. This veri ed the truth, so
often proclaimed in the Bible, to those who, in
mind and heart, walk in God's ways, may by
their trust in His word, decipher the power
that speaks with thunder, strikes with
lightning and casts mountains into the sea.

But in pride of the power that came of seeing things in God's way, there was the temptation to
deny that the power revealed is not our own. As human beings are not ultimately responsible
for the power of creation, we are not, on our own, possessed of the wholesome knowledge 5/21
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(knowledge of the whole) required to use it rightly. Though now full of ourselves, and tempted
to do what is right in our own eyes, the full import of the powers our science has unleashed is
known but to God.

Lacking God's wholesome knowledge, can we use those powers without in icting damage on
the whole? Our only hope of doing so is to ponder the rules that govern His creation, including
those He has encoded in the information of our humanity, in and through which He previsions
our existence and preservation. But this assumes respect for God's authority over us, as well as
the rest of things.

In our day, our discovery and deciphering of human DNA is the most striking token of God's
informational prevision for the human race. We now have no excuse now for believing that
there is no basis for our common sense of humanity. In our marvelously di erent ways, as
individuals, peoples and nations, we are all variations on the theme — bridging the abyss that
divides life from lifelessness, and human life from other living things of God's creation.

When will America again respect for God's
will for all humanity? From before the
existence of creation, He intended life for
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Like a computer program running through its routines, human life moves through the God-
ordained course of its development. DNA allows us to know that, at every stage in that
development, God's intention for our humanity informs events, looking ahead to the
appearance of the individual human whole, conceived and willed into existence in the
unfathomable mind and heart beyond all being but God's own.

Given these re ections, doesn't it make sense to conclude that neither Gov. Kasich nor the
sincerely well-intentioned proponents of the heartbeat Ohio bill have as yet returned to the
ground of principle (and empirical fact) on which the battle against abortion must be fought
and won?

The question is not when human life must be respected. The question is: When will America
again respect for God's will for all humanity? From before the existence of creation, He
intended life for humankind. For he prepared the salvation of the world in Christ before ever it
was lost to sin. So He envisioned the sacred sharing of His image and likeness in human form
before Adam, the man of dust, became by the Spirit of God, a living soul.

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As Americans, we must not surrender the standard of justice implied in the assertion of God-
endowed right with which our nation began. The key to victory in the cause of life is therefore
to demand respect for the authority of God. On this, more than anything else, the revival of our
life in liberty utterly depends.

Dr. Alan Keyes ( served as Assistant Secretary of State for

International Organizations under President Ronald Reagan, and ran for president in 1996,
2000 and 2008. He holds a Ph.D. in government from Harvard, and writes at his
website Loyal to Liberty (

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Crusader Mike • an hour ago

Kasich is weak
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Carol • 10 hours ago

The son of a mailman has always been a fraud. He will soon leave
the Republican Party to go home to the democrat party or
Independent Party which ever he feels will help him politically in the
future. Kasich is fraud and always has been.
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TMarta • 21 hours ago

While I agree that life begins at conception, a 'heartbeat bill' or
anything that stops any abortions is a step in the right direction.It
starts with saving 10s-100s of thousands and may lead to saving
millions.Anything that leads to people THINKING of any preborn
baby AS A BABY, is a good thing, and they may become sensitized
again to sex-as-life-giving, not just a plaything and the
consequences, (babies) as disposable.
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Jack • a day ago

Amidst all of the clamor for "safe spaces", (the ultimate of which is
the womb) we arm wrestle over whether a "clump of cells" that has
formed a beating heart is worthy of that safety. Dr. Keyes is correct;
that argument totally misses the mark.

It is the nature of all animated life to partake in a developmental

stage of existing as simple cells (with common DNA unique to
themselves). To remove that stage from any organism would
necessarily negate that organism's existence. That stage is one of
many sine qua non elements of being a human, and therefore must
be respected and protected on those grounds, not on what 'feat'
those cells can perform.

Having a certain number of heartbeats is not a determining factor

on whether something is human or not. In fact, expecting a human
to have a heart beat before it is developmentally able, is as
pointless as expecting a two year-old to recite Shakespeare. And
it's also irrelevant to the worth of that toddler's life.
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bc3b • a day ago

Kasich, a former Catholic, is a sanctimonious, self-righteous fraud.
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Father Ignatius • a day ago

I lost all respect for Kasich with his extremely dignified demeanor
towards the Republican National Convention and his disrespectful
treatment of President Trump. Kasich had a perfect opportunity to
do the right thing and he chose to abscond from his responsibility
as Governor of Ohio. The tension between federal and state law
exists and has a natural way of being resolved. If what he signed is
found to violate the Constitution then it would be stricken down and
there would be no penalty. Instead we have one man decide what
the Supreme Court is capable fo discussing and they have are (/donate)
more experience than he does. 9/21
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utah rose • a day ago

Operations are being done on the early months of babies in the
womb to correct congenital defects, so clearly babies in the womb
are human beings, not a clump of cells. So why is there a law that
enables one to kill them? Kasich is just another RINO that believes
his veto will enable "progressives" to promote him as a candidate
for the presidency. In reality, he as well as many other politicians
are selling their souls to gain the world. I used to respect Kasich a
little bit, although I didn't agree with all of his views. He was raised
in the Catholic faith but like so many others isn't any more. as he is
an outgoing governor, he should've signed this bill as he had no
voters to lose. I grew up in Ohio and I like he has a Czech
nationality, so thought perhaps he'd have more of a Catholic view
but guess not. Thanks Mr.Keyes for this article.
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John Tarter • a day ago

Kasich is setting up a landing pattern for his upcoming run against
Riro- Republican in rumor only.
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KF • a day ago
I never thought governor Kasich was pro-life.
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Carol > KF • 8 hours ago

He claimed to be when it is was politically prudent for him.
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Countryman • a day ago

Governor Kasich should have signed the bill so it would be
challenged in court and ultimately end up in the Supreme Court.
J t th b f h tb t i id d th l l t d d

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