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Removed because Blizz deleted Leatherworking Specializations and their trainers,

but did not transfer these recipes to normal trainers:

Ebon Netherscale Breastplate
Ebon Netherscale Belt
Ebon Netherscale Bracers
Netherstrike Breastplate
Netherstrike Belt
Netherstrike Bracers
Primalstrike Vest
Primalstrike Belt
Primalstrike Bracers
Windhawk Hauberk
Windhawk Bracers
Windhawk Belt
Wolfshead Helm

Removed in 3.02 when Blizz deleted Naxx 40, has NO Northrend iLevel 213 equivalent
version, and is desireable for Transmog
The quests/drops were removed with Naxx 40, but there is no visual equivalent and
LW would be the perfect place to add them:
Icy Scale Coif
Icy Scale Spaulders
Icy Scale Bracers
Icy Scale Gauntlets
Icy Scale Leggings
Polar Helmet
Polar Shoulder Pads
Polar Bracers
Polar Gloves
Polar Leggings

Removed when Blizz revamped Zul'Gurub and deleted the Zandalar Tribe faction:
Primal Batskin Jerkin
Primal Batskin Gloves
Primal Batskin Bracers
Blood Tiger Breastplate
Blood Tiger Shoulders
Removed when Blizz revamped Zul'Gurub and deleted the Zandalar Tribe faction:
Primal Batskin Jerkin
Primal Batskin Gloves
Primal Batskin Bracers
Blood Tiger Breastplate
Blood Tiger Shoulders

Removed because Dire Maul was revamped and Knot's cache was deleted:
Pattern: Hide of the Wild
Pattern: Shifting Cloak
Pattern: Chromatic Cloak
Pattern: Girdle of Insight
Pattern: Mongoose Boots
Pattern: Swift Flight Bracers
Gordok Ogre Suit (hey, come on... it was fun)

Removed because Blizz deleted Leatherworking Specializations and their trainers,

but did not transfer these recipes to normal trainers:
Ebon Netherscale Breastplate
Ebon Pattern: Wild Leather Vest
Pattern: W
Seemingly removed (cannot get post-4.03a drop confirmation) because Blizz revamped
Winterspring and did... something...

Removed because Dire Maul was revamped and Knot's cache was deleted:
Pattern: Hide of the Wild
Pattern: Shifting Cloak
Pattern: Chromatic Cloak
Pattern: Girdle of Insight
Pattern: Mongoose Boots
Pattern: Swift Flight Bracers
Gordok Ogre Suit (hey, come on... it was fun)

Removed because Blizz deleted Leatherworking Specializations and their trainers,

but did not transfer these recipes to normal trainers:
Ebon Netherscale Breastplate
Ebon Pattern: Wild Leather Vest
Pattern: W
Seemingly removed (cannot get post-4.03a drop confirmation) because Blizz revamped
Winterspring and did... something... to the loot tables of Winterfall Totemics,
Ursas, and Den Watchers:. to the loot tables of Winterfall Totemics, Ursas, and Den

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