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Exam Two

Lecture One
1) Coalitional Strategies
 Definition of coalition
 Who to include for coalition? (2)
 How do we make ourselves attractive as coalitional partners? (2)
2) Coalitions
 Coalitions is two or more parties who what? (2)
 What leads to defection in fragile coalitions?
i. Two things
3) When do Coalitions Form?
 Likely to form when
i. Three things
 Unlikely to form when
i. Four things
4) Flaunting Power
 In 2-party negotiations you want to do what? In multi-party negotiation
you don’t what to do what?
 Someone who flaunts power is more likely to have what?
Lecture Two
1) Team Negotiations
a. Group Superiority Effect
i. Definition
ii. Three Traits
2) Individuals or Teams
a. Conjunctive tasks
i. Definition
ii. Two Traits
b. Disjunctive tasks
i. Definition
ii. Two Traits
3) What about team size
a. What is the relationship between size and performance on conjunctive
b. What is the relationship between size and performance on disjunctive
4) Heterogeneous vs. Homogeneous
a. What are the two effects of heterogeneity?
5) Team Negotiations
a. Four added challenges of team negotiation
b. What is the usual result of team negotiation
i. Three reasons why this happen?
6) Team Characteristics
a. Size
i. Two traits
b. Structure
i. Three traits
c. Roles
i. Two traits
7) Team Communication
a. What is one thing that is unique
i. What two things needs to be aware of?
Lecture Three
1) Multi-Party Negotiations
a. Two key questions…
2) Multi-Party Challenges
a. What greater things? (4)
b. What is the bottom line?
3) Multi-party Negotiation Strategies
a. Three strategies
4) Multi-Party Strategies
a. What kind of solving strategy to use?
b. Question
c. What is the 3 Factors Predicting Group Productivity?
5) Group-Based Problem Solving
a. Potential Productivity
i. Consider what? (3)
b. Sources of Interaction Gains:
i. Define social facilitation processes? What is the good trait?
ii. What’s group efficacy? Results in what?
c. Interaction Losses
i. Three issues (2,1,2)
6) Managing Multi-Party Negotiations
a. Six steps (1,3,3,3,2,0)
7) Pithy Tips: Multi-Party Negotiations
a. Three steps (2,1,2)
Lecture Four
1) Conflict Basics: Conflict Defined
a. When does conflict occur?
b. What is a cheap means for resolving our conflict?
c. What are the two keys?
2) Conflict Basics: Downsides
a. Six basics of downsides
b. What is the bottom line?
3) Conflict Basics: When things go wrong…
a. Six ways things go horribly wrong?
b. What is the note?
4) Conflict Basics: Benefits of Conflict
a. Five traits
b. What is the key?
5) Three Approaches to Resolving Disputes
a. Three things to focus on (3,3,3)
6) Interest-Based Approaches
a. Working together to get…?
i. Five characteristics
b. Requires what to achieve goals (3)
7) Interest-Based Approach: Costs and Benefits
a. Four Advantages
b. Three Challenges
8) Rights-Based Approaches
a. Three big questions to consider
b. Must search for an objective view that is what three things?
i. Must turn to what two standards?
9) Rights: Costs & Benefits
a. Five Challenges
b. Four Advantages
10) Power: Foundations
a. Two parts definition for power
b. Where is your sources of power (4)
11) Power and Threats
a. When you make a threat, or encounter a threat, it will typically be judged
on at least what three levels?
12) Power Strategies
a. Three characteristics of high power players?
i. What is the key?
b. Three characteristics of low power players?
i. What is the key?
13) Power Costs & Benefits
a. Four key advantages
b. Four costs significance?
14) When to Use Rights and Power
a. Three scenarios when you should use rights and power
15) Maintaining an Interest-Based Approach in Negotiation
a. Don’t do what two things
b. Be willing to do what?
c. Attempt what?
16) Responding Counter-Intuitively
a. Four things you need to focuses on?
17) Steps to Calming an Angry Party
a. Five things to consider (1,2,2,2,2)
18) Succeeding In Conflict: Five Big Themes
a. Five things (3,2,5,4,3)
19) 3 Party Assistance
a. Four benefits of brining in a neutral 3rd party?
b. Three costs of bringing in a neutral 3rd party
20) 3 Party Impact: Motivation (Four things)
21) 3rd Party Impact: Outcomes
a. What is Arbitration?
i. History
ii. Variations
22) 3 Party Impact: Processes
a. What should you do
i. Three traits
Lecture Five
1) Electronic Negotiation
a. Three pros of electronic negotiation
b. Five cons of electronic negotiation
2) Indirect Negotiation: Using Agents
a. Four benefits of an agent
b. And Three things you are looking for?
3) Downside of Agents
a. Three challenges to address?
4) How to be a Good Agent
a. Four characteristics of a good agent?
5) How to be a Good Client
a. Four things of a good client
6) Highlights of Buying Real Estate
a. Three highlights of agency issues
7) Highlights of Selling Real Estate
a. Three things of select an agent carefully
b. Three things under listing home
c. Control what three information
d. Four agency issues
e. Two things under BATNAs
f. Three things under collect information
g. Two things under make aggressive opening offer
h. Four things under add issues
8) HOT TOPIC: Agents in Realty…
a. … not really important

Lecture Six
1) When No Deal is Good Deal
a. Three things
2) Agent & Ethics
a. Four deviations in the interests of agents and their clients
3) Ethnics (Applied Values)
a. Definition
4) Drivers of Unethical Behavior
a. Four drivers and why are they the drivers?
5) “Red Flags”… Am I at Risk?
a. Our opponents may be tempted to take what (3)
6) Feeling Skeptical?
a. What should you do when your opponent is evasive?
7) Fraud and Bad Faith Bargaining
a. What is fraud?
8) Fraud: Knowledgeable Misrepresentation
a. Three characteristics?
9) Fraud: Material Facts
a. Material (1)
b. Factual (2)
10) What can negotiators legally lie about?
a. Bluffing (4)
b. Fraud (4)
11) Fraud: Victim Reliance
a. Main question (1)
b. Two things
12) Fraud: Causing Damage
a. Main question (1)
b. Two things
13) What are your ethical standards?
a. Four things
14) Pithy ethical bargaining tips…
a. Three things

Lecture Seven
1) Crossing Cultures: Headaches??
a. Five problems related to cross culture
b. What is the reality?
2) Crossing Cultures: Horror Stories
a. Three bad outcome examples
b. What is a general beginning like?
3) Understanding Culture: Basics
a. What is culture?
b. Four things under culture
4) Understanding Culture
a. Culture is like what?
b. Three questions
5) Trompenaars’ Model: Culture as an Onion
a. Define three layers (2,3,1)
6) Cultural Boundaries
a. May see differences in wat five things
b. What is one common challenge
7) Culture & Negotiation: Challenges
a. Five challenges
b. One key thing
8) Cultural Differences
a. Three differences
9) Individualism vs. Collectivism
a. Individualism definition
b. Collectivism definition
c. Three traits under negotiation challenges
10) Power Distance
a. Egalitarianism definition
b. Hierarchical definition
c. Two negotiation challenges
11) Neutral vs. Affect-Based Cultures
a. Neutral definition
b. Affective definition
c. Four Negotiation challenges
12) Achievement Motivation
a. Task-Orientation definition
b. Relational-Orientation definition
c. Women are what
d. Two negational challenge question
13) Desire for Certainty
a. High-Risk Orientation definition
b. Low-Risk/Structure Orientation definition
c. Three Negotiation Challenges
14) Use of Time
a. Cyclical or Traditional definition
b. Linear or Modern definition
c. Four Negotiation Challenges’
15) Level of Formality
a. Highly Formal definition
b. Informal definition
c. Two Negotiation challenges
16) Business “American” Style
a. Four strengths
b. Four weaknesses
17) American Style: Adaptation
a. Three main questions
18) Stylistic Adaptation
a. Two factors under promoting adaptation
b. Four ways to leverage knowledge sources
c. What to remember?
19) Cultural Trap: Ethnocentrism
a. What serves as a benchmark?
b. Tendency to what? Two things under it?
c. What’s more insidious
d. Two remedies
20) Cultural Trap: Competing Values
a. Four things people will negotiation
b. Four things people will not negotiate
c. Three remedies if values enter into the mix
21) Cultural Trap: Miscommunication
a. Four characteristics under verbal codes
b. What is the trap
c. Two remedies and tips
d. Two things under non-verbal communication
e. Wat are five ways to remedy this problem
22) Tips for Negotiating Cross-Culturally…
a. Five things to find

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