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 The introduction of Richard’s family – Angie, Gus, Richard and Pa.

 Pa – Richard’s father and his mother died when he was seven.
 Richard, Gus and Pa went for hunting – Richard misfired the buck ( has a sense of
compassion for animals)
 Pa and Gus disappointed with Richard. Gus encourage Richard to involve in sports.
 Richard ignored Gus as he likes to write and read poems (this is Richard’s biggest secret) and
 Richard wrote a poem about pa killing a buck. Richard felt that he was different from the

Chapter 2

 Mrs Hansen introduced poems to the class by using “Trees and Other Poems.”
 The class felt poems and poets are sissy. Richard was the only one who interested with that
 Richard met Mrs Hansen and borrowed the book.
 On his way to the class, he saw Hannah cried at the hallway – because of the words “Dirty
Huns” on her book cover.
 Richard found New York Times’s address ( Kilmer’s address). He decided to post letter to
Joyce Kilmer after taking the address.

Chapter 3

 Schermer’s tavern had been damaged by some irresponsible people.

 To show sympathy, Mrs. Hansen asked students to sign a card. Mrs Hansen disappointed
with the students as there was only one signature (Richard’s)
 Richard asked the card from Mrs. Hansen as he wanted to give the card to Hannah’s family
personally on his way home.
 Abner and Harry wanted to have a fight with Richard but he fought back.
 Richard went to Hannah’s house to give the card.

Chapter 4

 Richard produced many poems and choose one to be sent to Kilmer.

 Mrs. Hansen suggested that Richard to share his poems with his classmates – Richard was
nervous to reveal his big secret to the class. (afraid of their reaction).
 After school, Hannah apologised to Richard about her behaviour when Richard sent the card
to her house.
 Hannah told Richard that they came to Iowa from Milwaukee to build a better life,
unfortunately, things turned out to be the other way round.
 Hannah and family worried about Otto’s safety (he has to kill his own kin and might be killed
in the warzone). Richard worried about Kilmer’s safety as Kilmer now is Richard’s penpal.
Chapter 5

 Richard shared about the content of the letters and poems between him and Kilmer
 Richard didn’t like the last line of the poem as it sounded negative (“though some will surely
 Some of his classmates felt so Hannah suggested “although I wonder why”.
 Richard felt relieved that his secret was known by many..
 In History class, Mr Higby explained the meaning of “Huns” – nomadic Mongolian and didnt
have any relation with present day’s Germans
 School ended on Summer. Richard enjoyed his farming and thought a lot about Hannah. He
even composed poems about Hannah.
 For Richard, Hannah – smart and beautiful.

Chapter 6

 Richard and Kilmer exchanged letters during that school holiday – Kilmer said that soldiers
were afraid of the war.
 Richard wondered if he and Gus would join the war.
 School reopened. Mrs. Hansen wanted to put on a patriotic programme for the class ( to
raise funding for the army at the battlefield).
 Programmes were selling Liberty Bond (raise awareness about their independence) and
essay competition.
 Richard and Hannah won the essay competition and got the roles to act as Doughboy
(Richard) and Lady of Liberty (Hannah).
 The whole class gave a big applause to Richard but not Hannah.

Chapter 7

 A group of frowning parents went into principal room – demand that Mrs Hansen choose
somebody else for the role.
 Hannah turned down the role to avoid anything bad happen in the future. Richard
understood d respect Hannah’s decision. As a sign of protestation to the class, Richard
turned down the role as Doughboy.
 Millie and Herbie had replaced them for the roles. This gladded Richard’s and Hannah’s
 Schermers invited Richard to have supper with them. Richard is always welcomed to come
to their house. After spending time with Schermers, Richard walked home. Pa waited
Richard at the garden swing.
Chapter 8

 Pa asked Richard why he turned down the role. Richard explained that the class was being mean to
Hannah and family.
 Ike told pa that Richard was being unpatriotic and supported the enemy. Pa reminded Richard that
their people helped them during they were in their hard time and Hannah’s family had only been
around for a short time.
 As time passed , the class isolated Richard and Richard had been very close to Hannah.
 Richard shared his letter with Hannah. In the letter, Kilmer said he was so sad that he had to be afar
from his family.
 To lessen Kilmer’s sadness and loneliness, Hannah baked some cookies and knitted a scarf for Kilmer.
 President Wilson’s “Fourteen Points” peace plan would help to end all wars. Kilmer had been
promoted as Sergeant
 Before school ended, the whole class went for picnic. Hannah and Richard sat together and dreamed
to go to New York (multicultural environment and modern buidings)
 While craving their initials “R” and “H” on the tree, someone threw a stone craved “Dirty Hun” on
Hannah’s ankle – as a reminder of war and prejudice.

Chapter 9

 Gus came home and told his father that he has been enlisted in army. He explained to pa that he
wanted to join the war to make pa proud and to do his patriotic duty.
 He told pa that he is “too tough and smart” to be killed.
 Pa disagreed of Gus ‘s decision and felt reluctant to let him go. Gus insisted and went to Sioux City
without pa’s blessing.
 Richard went to Schermers’s house to share his feelings about what happened to his family.
 He wrote letter to Mr Kilmer and asked “how poems and poets could make the world a better place?”
 Because his sense of urgency, Richard personally went to post office to send the letter.
 On his way, he met Hannah. She told Richard that Kilmer had died in the warzone.

Chapter 10

 Richard was shocked with the news. Reluctantly, he read the newspaper to know what happened to
Mr Kilmer.
 The headline in the newspaper about “The American Poet Killed in Battle” recounted what happened
to Kilmer.
 War ended in the mid-November because of President Wilson’s Peace Plan
 Richard wrote a poem entitled “In the memory of Joyce Kilmer”
 Pa and Richard were finally in the good terms as they had clarified everything (Richard’s passion on
poem, uncle Roland who died in war)
 Richard’s poems have been published in Turtle Lake Weekly by the help of Hannah and her family.
 Pa has been Richard’s consultant in producing more poems.
 They lead a happy life.






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