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xThe 15 Super Aspects are Enhancements Aspects:

Conjunctions, Trines, Parallels, and Contra-Parallels. A day with 5 or more is very

1. Jupiter-Pluto - Super Success Aspect
2. Venus-Pluto
3. Pluto-Sun
4. Uranus-Pluto - has a 1 degree orb for Declinations
5. Jupiter-Sun
6. Jupiter-Venus - Aspect of Champions
7. Jupiter-Uranus - Super Fame Aspect & Historic Aspect
8. Jupiter-Neptune
9. Uranus-Venus
10. Neptune-Venus
11. Uranus-Sun
12. Neptune-Sun
13. Jupiter-Chiron
14. Venus-Chiron
15. Chiron-Pluto (very rare)

 There are four bi-directional quincunxes that are equivalent to Super Aspects,
when applying. Quincunxes, Conjunctions, and Trines are Magical Angles.
 The orb is 2.30 degrees. These have the same power as a conjoined trine. Also, a
Uranus or Jupiter Bi-Directional Quincunx, when applying toward another planet, has
tremendous power.

The Four Quincunxes:

1. Sun-Jupiter Bi-Directional Quincunx

2. Sun-Uranus Bi-Directional Quincunx
3. Sun-Pluto Bi-Directional Quincunx
4. Sun-Neptune Bi-Directional Quincunx

Twelve Super Progressions and Super Transits (Enhancements.)

Those in Bold are also Super Aspects.
By Jupiter to:
1. Jupiter-Sun
2. Jupiter-Venus
3. Jupiter-Saturn (Very Best)
4. Jupiter-Uranus
5. Jupiter-Neptune
6. Jupiter-Pluto

By Uranus to:
7. Uranus-Sun
8. Uranus-Venus
9. Uranus-Jupiter
10. Uranus-Saturn
11. Uranus-Neptune
12. Uranus-Pluto

18 Sports Champion Aspects:

 Venus-Jupiter Enhancement is considered the Aspect of Champions

1. Mars-Sun Enhancement
2. Mars-Mercury Enhancement
3. Mars-Jupiter Enhancement
4. Mars-Uranus Enhancement
5. Mars-Neptune Enhancement
6. Saturn Trine Mars
7. Mars-Venus Enhancement
8. Mars-Pluto Enhancement
9. Venus-Pluto Enhancement
10. Pluto-Sun Enhancement
11. Jupiter-Pluto Enhancement
12. Jupiter-Uranus Enhancement
13. Sun-Jupiter Bi-Directional Quincunx
14. Sun-Uranus Bi-Directional Quincunx
15. Sun-Pluto Bi-Directional Quincunx
16. Pluto Semi-Sextile Sun
17. Mars Enhancement by EXDEK
18. Mars-Chiron Enhancement

 CAC (Combined Alignment Chart) Alignment Clarifications:

 All Conjunctions, Trines and Parallels in CAC's are considered to be linkages.

 The Quincunx and the Contra-Parallel between planets are also considered to be
linkages UNLESS one of the planets is Saturn. With a Saturn involvement, the
alignment involving the quincunx or contra-parallel is then considered to be a clash.
Squares and Oppositions are always considered to be clashes - regardless of the
planets involved.

Sex Appeal:

 A Sexual Aspect is comprised of two Sexual Planets: (Juno, Pluto, Mars.

 A Romance Aspect is comprised of two Romance Planets: (Chiron, Venus,
 For example, Mars quincunx Juno is a Sexual Aspect for a male or female, while
Venus quincunx Chiron is a Romance Aspect for a male or female).
 Juno is the Most Sexual Planet:

 People with Great Juno Aspects, like Venus Trine Juno or Chiron Trine Juno Have
Great Sex Appeal:

1. Venus-Juno
2. Chiron-Juno
Sexual Planets:

There are also the Sexual Planets: Venus, Mars, and Pluto.
These can be ANY aspect, but Enhancements are stronger.

 Venus-Pluto
 Mars-Pluto
 Venus-Mars

Male Sexual Aspects and Juno:

 Chiron-Juno

1. Juno has sex, affairs, one night stands, affairs, and quickies
2. Chiron makes love with emotional involvement.

More on Chiron-Juno from the Magi Society 7/8/2004:

 According to Magi Astrology, Chiron Linkages are not just signs of enduring love,
but Chiron Linkages actually actively create the conditions necessary for a couple to
marry; on the other hand, Juno Linkages impede the development of the conditions
necessary for a couple to marry.

 Some of the reasons for this are that according to Magi Astrology, Juno is ruler of the
mistress, the affair that does not lead to marriage, the desire to remain single, and
disrespect for the institution of marriage. Juno rules sex outside of marriage, sex
without commitment, sex without love, sex without feelings, unwed mothers, children
out of wedlock, and being less responsible than one should be.

 Whereas in Magi Astrology, Chiron is the ruler of commitment, true love, marriage
and having children through marriage.

To help utilize the above information, Magi Astrology has developed the following

 Chiron versus Juno Rule One: Any Chiron Linkage formed between the two
persons increases the chances of marriage between two persons, except the
Chiron/Juno linkage.
 Chiron versus Juno Rule Two: Any Juno linkage formed between two persons
reduces the chances of marriage between the two persons, except the Chiron/Juno
 Chiron Versus Juno Rule Three: The Chiron/Juno linkage neither increases
nor decreases the chances of marriage; it does however greatly increase the chances of
a long-term intimate relationship between two heterosexual persons (it does not
increase the chances of a long-term intimate relationship between same-sex
In Magi Astrology, the Chiron/Juno Linkage is not a Chiron Linkage, and it is not a
Juno Linkage. We are not trying to be cute but it is a Chiron/Juno Linkage and a sign of
long-term togetherness that neither tilts toward marriage nor away from marriage. For this
reason, the Magi Society refers to the Chiron/Juno Linkage as the Long-Term Linkage.

Chiron and Juno:

 Chiron is the planet that points to your soul mate, symbolizes true love,
and represents romantic attachment and commitment, while Juno is the planet that
creates illusions, symbolizes lust, and represents sexual attachment and relationships
that may never fulfill their potential.

Because of the above, Magi Astrology has the following two essential rules for the
Astrology of Love:


 When a couple form too many Chiron Clashes, their relationship will be turbulent
and will most likely end in Heartbreak.


 When a couple form too many Juno Linkages, their relationship is built on illusions
and unattainable dreams and will most likely end in Heartbreak.

Other Male Sexual Aspects:

These can be ANY aspect, but Enhancements are Stronger.

 Mars-Neptune
 Mars-Uranus
 Mars-Chiron

Male Super Sexual Aspects:

 Juno-Venus

Juno-Venus rules 'Sex without Commitment'

Other Male Super Sexual Aspects:

These can be ANY aspect, but Enhancements are Stronger.

 Mars-Pluto
 Mars-Neptune
 Venus-Mars
Womanizer for Men: or Female Who Just Wants to Have Fun:

 Juno-Venus rules 'Sex without Commitment'

 Venus-Uranus Natal Aspect

Female Sexual Aspects: (These more address an urge for family or pro-creation.)

These can be ANY aspect, but Enhancements are Stronger.

Chiron Makes Love with Emotional Attachment and Commitment

 Mars-Neptune
 Mars-Chiron

Female Super Sexual Aspects:

These can be ANY aspect, but Enhancements are Stronger.

 Venus-Juno and Chiron-Juno Enhancements gives 'Enormous Sex Appeal'

 Venus-Pluto
 Venus-Mars

Linkage: An inter-aspect that is formed by any Enhancement Angle or a Quincunx:

Sexual Linkages:

1. Most Powerful Linkage:

 Juno-Venus: Ultimate Sexual Linkage: Rules Sex without Commitment

2. Second Most Powerful Linkage:

 Chiron-Juno: Makes Love

3. Venus-Pluto
4. Mars-Pluto
5. Venus-Mars
6. Mars-Chiron (Marital Sexual Linkage)

Five Seduction Aspects:

 Note: Venus is the Ruler of Seduction. Look for Multi-Dimensional Amplifications

(Geo and Helio Charts are similar, bringing confluence and support).
1. Sun Enhanced by Venus: A Time for Seduction
2. Moon Enhanced by Venus: A Mood for Seduction
3. Venus Enhanced by Neptune: A Time for Sensual Desires
4. Venus Enhanced by Mars: A Desire for Sex
5. Mars Enhanced by Pluto: Energy for the Sex Organs

Linkage of Trust:

 Sun-Chiron Enhancement

Linkage of Loyalty:

 Venus-Jupiter Enhancement

Three Romance Planets:

Chiron is the Most Powerful.

 Romance Aspects are any aspect that is created by any pairing of Chiron, Venus,
or Neptune.

1. Chiron-Venus
2. Chiron-Neptune
3. Venus-Neptune

Four Female Romance Aspects:

1. Sun-Venus
2. Venus-Moon
3. Sun-Chiron
4. Moon-Chiron

Four Romance Linkages:

These are the most helpful linkages: also called "Alliance Linkages" in Mundane

1. Venus Links Chiron (conjunction, trine or quincunx)

 Most Reliable Sign of Marriage: Magical Linkage

2. Venus Links Neptune

3. Chiron Links Neptune (Lifetime Linkage & Least Romantic of the four)
4. Jupiter Links Chiron

Relationships and Love:

1. Jupiter Trine Sun Linkage: Very good for both individuals, particularly the Sun Person. the
Jupiter person looks at the Sun person with rose-colored glasses, that filter out the faults and
mistakes of the Sun person, and provides the ability to forgive them for almost anything.
2. Venus Conjunct Sun Linkage: This means love for the person; the Venus person does the
3. If your Venus or Mars makes a strong Equal Degree aspect to someone's Natal Pluto,
especially an Enhancement Aspect, you could become obsessed with that person.

Heartbreak Clash or Heartbreak Transit:

 A Heartbreak Transit occurs whenever Saturn makes a stressful and turbulent transit
to Chiron.
 A stressful and turbulent transit from Saturn occurs whenever it is at a 90 degree
angle (the square), 180 degree angle (the opposition), the 150 degree angle (the
quincunx) or is contra-parallel in declination to any planet in a natal chart.

Saturn Forming a Clash Angle to Chiron

1. The Heartbreak Transit of Saturn to Chiron is one of the two very worst transits that
anyone or anything can have.
2. The other is the Nuclear Transit of Saturn to Jupiter.
3. The transit of Saturn to Neptune would come in as the third worst transit.

Looped Transit:

 A Looped Transit occurs whenever a planet in either Longitude or Declination makes

 LOOPED TRANSITS can be either good or depends on what planet is
TRANSITING and what type of ALIGNMENT the transiting planet is making to the
natal planet.

 The very worst transits are from Saturn. Saturn makes no good transits.
 But the stressful and turbulent transits of Saturn are the very worst of all. Therefore,
the very worst LOOPED TRANSITS that one can have are Stressful and Turbulent
Looped Transits involving Saturn.

Cupid Linkage:

 Sun Links Venus

Reluctance to Marry:

 Chiron-Uranus

Nuclear Clash:
 Saturn-Jupiter or Saturn-Chiron involved in a Contra-Parallel, Square, Quincunx, or
Opposition Inter-Aspect.
 Uranus-Jupiter involved in a Contra-Parallel, Square, Quincunx, or Opposition Inter-

Nuclear Transits:
Whenever Saturn makes a Clash Angle to our natal Jupiter, we are having a Nuclear Transit
and it is one of the worst transits we can have.

"This is one of the most critical and dangerous times in your life. Your judgment is
now at its worst ."

Mystical Triangles:

 A Mystical Triangle is formed by three planets where one side is a trine, one side is a
square, and the third side is a quincunx. A mystical Triangle in a CAC is very
powerful and creates a very high level of mutual attraction. In Magi Astrology, the
Mystical Triangle that is the most powerful in creating love and romantic attraction is
the one that is formed by the three Magi Romance Planets. There are three Magi
Romance Planets and they are Chiron, Venus and Neptune. So when it comes to love,
a Mystical Triangle formed by Chiron, Venus, and Neptune is the most powerful of
all possible Mystical Triangles and they are signs of nearly irresistible mutual
romantic attraction. Such Mystical Triangles are so powerful and important that we
give them a special name - we call them Romantic Mystical Triangles.

 A Romantic Mystical Triangle is a Mystical Triangle formed by the three Romance

Planets (Chiron, Venus, and Neptune). A Romantic Mystical Triangle is extremely
rare. The average woman or man never gets a chance to date anyone with whom she
or he forms a romantic Mystical Triangle. For further information, please go to:

Flying Eagle

 The Flying Eagle Formation is comprised of two Mystical Triangles:

 We already have learned a little about how powerful a single Mystical Triangle is.
 The Flying Eagle has two Mystical Triangles working together in unison.
 One reason the Flying Eagle is so powerful is that there are four Magical Angles in
the Flying Eagle: two trines and two quincunxes.

Golden Flying Eagle:

When the aspects that create a Flying Eagle include a Cinderella Aspect, then the entire
Flying Eagle formation really flies like an eagle when it comes to making money and we call
it a Golden Flying Eagle.
For more information, please refer to:
Super Linkages:
Super Linkages involve 3 Planets: an Aspect and an Inter-Aspect. A Person's Natal Planet
Links with Another Person's Natal Aspect.

A Super Linkage exists between 2 persons if one person has an aspect and the 2nd person
has a natal planet that matches degrees with both planets that create the aspect, thus forming
2 inter-aspects to the 1st person. At least one of the inter-aspects must be a linkage. 3 planets
and 1 linkage - orb can be 4 degrees. Romantic Super Linkages:

A Romantic Super Linkage is a Super Linkage that involves Chiron in the 3 planet Linkage.
It can be formed in 2 ways, but always involves Chiron:

1. One person has a Chiron Aspect, and the other person has a planet that links to Chiron.

2. One person has an aspect, and the other person's Chiron links to one of the planets that
form the aspect.

All Romantic Super-Linkages are not created equal, but they all involve one person's
Chiron (linkage) in the CAC (Combined Alignment Chart), and they all must include a
minimum of 3 (or more) different planets. The Romantic Super-Linkage involving the
Romance Planets is powerful, (Venus, Neptune, and Chiron), and is the most romantic of all.

The aspects involved in the Romantic Super-Linkage can be conjunctions, trines,

oppositions, squares, quincunxes, parallels, and contra-parallels. The Romantic Super-
Linkages may be present in any one of the 4 dimensions, and the planets that may be
combined to form the Romantic Super-Linkage are:

 Chiron (which is an absolute), along with Sun, Earth, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus,
Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto.
 Moon can also be considered, but only if you are confident that you are working with
an exact birth time.
 Juno is not a consideration for this configuration.

Research done by the Magi Society has repeatedly proven that a couples whose CAC's
(combined alignment charts) feature one or more Romantic Super Linkages, are highly
drawn to marry one another, as they could be soul-mates....The more Romantic Super
Linkages that are present in a chart - the greater the chances of marriage between the couple.

"Cinderella Time"


 "Chiron is the planet of Cinderella's. Like any other planet, Chiron is constantly
moving as it orbits the Sun. As Chiron moves in the sky, whenever it makes a
MAGICAL ANGLE to your Venus, Jupiter or Neptune, you are at the peak of
your Romance Cycle. The same is true when the position of Venus, Jupiter or
Neptune in the sky makes a Magical Angle to your Chiron. It is at these times that
you are in your Cinderella Time and you are most attractive, most charming and
most fascinating. During your Cinderella Time, people forgive you for everything.
They overlook your faults and you are at the peak of your popularity. It is during your
Cinderella Time that you are as irresistible as you can possibly be. You can almost
walk on air. This is when you have the greatest chance of meeting your Prince
Charming, fall in love together and marry him. But as you must have guessed, your
Cinderella Gateway is open only for a few times in your life and only briefly each
time. Don't miss it. It is crucial that you take advantage of it whenever it occurs in
your own life. By studying the following illustrations of Cinderella's, you can begin to
learn how to recognize the opening of your own Cinderella Gateway so you can walk
through it before it closes."

Cinderella Linkages and/or Cinderella Transits:

Note from Sandy: It has been brought to my attention that there are a few Magi Students
who have questions and/or expressed concern about their confusion with respect to the
content of the information I have shared below on Cinderella's...Please rest assured that
the information was - and continues to be - correct. However, to provide those of you who
remain confused with a bit more clarity and peace of mind, I have addressed and
elaborated on the confusing points below - points of concern that were brought forth to me
in a private email by a Magi Student. I have taken the time to now provide links for you to
follow if you continue to remain confused or have doubts. You may now review the
accuracy of the information objectively, for yourselves. Hopefully this action on my part
will clear any doubts and confusion about Cinderella's.

Now if I may make a few comments to those of you who are studying Magi
Astrology...PLEASE take the time to understand the principles behind the Magi teachings,
and then things will make so much more sense to you. Sometimes you must "think outside
the box" in order to fully understand the concept behind the teaching. The Chiron/Uranus
explanation (below), direct from the writings of the Magi Society, elaborates a bit more on
this concept...and hopefully both this, and the additional clarifications addressed below,
will help.

Additional Note from Sandy added 8/23/2006: reference for my statement:

 "Every Cinderella Aspect is a Super Aspect" Please refer to:


Magi Sandy L. Crowther

Cinderella Linkages and/or Cinderella Transits

1. Venus-Chiron (Magical Linkage)

2. Jupiter-Chiron
3. Chiron-Neptune
4. Chiron-Uranus* *(while this (Ch-Ur) is not "technically" a Cinderella Transit, for a
politician it is close, because Uranus is symbolic of the Masses, the Public, Popularity
and Fame.")

"In the field of politics, we have noted in our books and on this website that Uranus, the
planet which symbolizes Popularity and Fame is the most important planet. We have also
noted that Pluto, the planet of Power, Competitive Fields, Big Money, and Elevated levels of
Talent is the second political planet. Chiron of course is key to anyone being recognized,
their Public Image, ability to be charismatic and ability to become a Chiron
is as important to recognition and success in Political Fields as it is in the fields of Sports,
Entertainment, Big Business, etc."

"When a Political Party is a Cinderella, it doesn't get married...or get a good job...or form
a company...instead, it wins elections. Using commonplace astrology, you would never
have been able to see this. As we have said...Magi Astrology is remarkably consistent, and
useful in all sorts of different contexts."

"Chiron is the planet of Cinderella's of all kinds. Only the Magi Society has identified how
very powerful and important Chiron is with regard to Recognition, MAGIcal levels of
Charisma, putting forward a positive Public Image, being seen as Noteworthy, and being
thought of as being able to inspire Trust."

For better understanding, remember that Uranus imparts independence and freedom. This
makes Chiron-Uranus detrimental for Relationships/Marriage, but highly relevant for the
areas of both Politics and Fame.

"Uranus was applying parallel to his Chiron...while this is not "technically" a Cinderella
Transit, for a politician it is close, because Uranus is symbolic of the Masses, the Public,
Popularity and Fame."

5. Chiron-Sun

6. Chiron-Pluto "A Cinderella Transit occurs when Pluto makes a MAGIcal angle to
Chiron, or when Chiron makes a MAGIcal angle to Pluto. This transit is actually the most
powerful Cinderella Transit but it is also the most rare so we did not bring it to your
attention until now".

"If you look at the linkages and clashes to Hillary's chart from that May 16 (2000)
Nomination Chart, it is clear that Hillary was having very very very good fact,
she was having no fewer that 4 Cinderella Transits...and the Cinderella transit of Chiron
trine her Pluto was Trans-dimensional as well!"

Cinderella Aspects:

Chiron Rules Cinderella's: "Every Cinderella Aspect IS a Super Aspect"

1. Chiron - Neptune Enhancement (+ Quincunx)

2. Venus - Chiron Enhancement (+ Quincunx)
3. Jupiter - Chiron Enhancement (+ Quincunx)
"Both countries were formed on a day when there was a Jupiter-Chiron Cinderella
(Walmart) (Clay Aiken)
5. Pluto-Chiron
6. Chiron-Uranus

"In the field of politics, we have noted in our books and on this website that Uranus, the
planet which symbolizes Popularity and Fame is the most important planet. We have also
noted that Pluto, the planet of Power, Competitive Fields, Big Money, and Elevated levels
of Talent is the second political planet. Chiron of course is key to anyone being recognized,
their Public Image, ability to be charismatic and ability to become a Chiron
is as important to recognition and success in Political Fields as it is in the fields of Sports,
Entertainment, Big Business, etc."

For better understanding, remember that Uranus imparts independence and freedom. This
makes Chiron-Uranus detrimental for Relationships/Marriage, but highly relevant for the
areas of both Politics and Fame.

Magical Angles:

 All Trines, Conjunctions, and Quincunxes are Magical Angles, with any two
planets except Saturn in the Quincunx.
 Whenever any two Financial Planets are aligned to form a Magical Angle, there is a
Financial Aspect.

Ten Success Linkages: Five Golden and Five Silver: For Business or Partnership Success.
They also enhance earning potential.

 Five Golden Linkages:

1. Venus-Chiron (So powerful that it can overpower what outwardly appears to be a total
mismatch.) Magical Linkage.
2. Jupiter-Chiron (Cinderella)
3. Jupiter-Pluto Linkage
4. Pluto-Chiron Linkage (Cinderella)
5. Venus-Pluto Linkage

 Five Silver Linkages:

1. Venus-Neptune Linkage
2. Venus-Uranus Linkage
3. Venus-Jupiter Linkage
4. Jupiter-Uranus Linkage
5. Jupiter-Neptune Linkage

Financial Planets:

There are four Financial Planets:

1. Venus
2. Chiron
3. Neptune
4. Pluto

 Ceres is also considered to be a Financial Planet. (For further reference, please


 Whenever any two Financial Planets are aligned to form a Magical Angle, there is a
Financial Aspect.


(From the Magi Society

 The First Trade Chart is the chart of the first time a company’s stock is bought by the
public – this equates to the actual date of the IPO, or Initial Public Offering.
 We have done a lot of research into the merits and pitfalls of The First Trade
Chart. What we have found is that the First Trade Chart is worse than useless. The
First Trade Chart is misleading. If you bet your house on a stock based on the First
Trade Chart, you are MUCH more likely to lose your house than make any
money. (Any money anyone makes from using a First Trade Chart is sheer
luck.) Most of you probably already have had a very bad experience from investing
using the First Trade Stock, or by taking the advice of an astrologer who uses the First
Trade Chart. We have received a lot of emails detailing horror stories in this regard.

 It is one thing to use an astrological tool that is worthless. It is much worse to use an
astrologically derived tool that is actually misleading. The First Trade Chart is
actually misleading, and very much so.
 For Business, look for Super Aspects and Midpoint Enhancements: Jupiter-Mercury
Enhancements are considerably more intelligent than others. Jupiter-Pluto
enhancements are for amassing Fortune in big business, and bring inordinate amounts
of Good Fortune.

Enhancement Aspects Most Favorable for Big Business:

1. Sun-Pluto
2. Jupiter-Pluto
3. Venus-Pluto 4. Uranus-Pluto
5.Enhancements of Venus by Midpoint of Jupiter-Pluto 6. Enhancements of Sun by
Midpoint of Venus-Pluto
7. Enhancements of Mars by Midpoint of Jupiter-Pluto 8. Enhancements of Mars by
Midpoint of Venus-Pluto 9. Enhancements of Sun by Midpoint of Jupiter-PlutoHistoric
Aspect: Jupiter-Uranus Enhancement
Politicians and Actors:

Politicians should have Uranus and Pluto Enhancements (Powerful Politics) - as should
Actors (Powerful in Entertainment Business).

Masculine, Feminine and Neutral Planets:

Masculine: Feminine: Neutral: Mercury, Mars, Saturn, Pluto Venus, Moon, Uranus, Neptune
Jupiter, Chiron Change:

 Desire for Change: Venus Trine Uranus

 Unfortunate Change: Saturn Square Uranus

Dragon Points:

 Dragon Points and Sexual Dragons: Dragon Points are highly significant in all areas
of astrology, such as the astrology of love and the astrology of wealth. Dragon Points
can be created in a number of ways. Transiting Planets can create Dragon Points. In
synastry, Dragon Points can be created in CACs. We will ultimately teach you about
all the various types of Dragon Points. But in this link, we will only begin to teach
about Dragon Points for the astrology of love and sex.

 In matters of love and sex, there are Romantic Dragon Points and there are Sexual
Dragon Points.

 Romantic Dragon Point will help us find true love.

 Sexual Dragon Points are especially powerful in determining to whom we will be
most sexually attracted and with whom we can have the very best sex.

 The term "Dragon Points" is derived from the Chinese term that the Magi Society has
used for hundreds of years. Sorry it does not sound astrological enough but Dragon
Points is pretty accurate descriptively.
 A Dragon Point is created as the result of superbly powerful forms of Planetary
 A Dragon Point is a point in a chart that is created by a particular type of alignment of
specific types of planets.

For illustrations on the above, please visit:

Heartbreak Dragon and Nuclear Dragon:

Dragonized Heartbreak Transits and Nuclear Dragon:

 A person will have a Heartbreak Transit whenever transiting Saturn is forming a

Clash Angle to the person's natal Chiron.
 A Heartbreak Transit is really bad and is one of the two worst transits you can have
(the other is the Nuclear Transit, which is formed whenever transiting Saturn is
forming a Clash Angle to natal Jupiter).
 The Heartbreak Transit and the Nuclear Transit are the worst transits we can
have. But it is even worse to have horrible Planetary Geometry formed by transiting
 Once in a while, as the planets go around and around, the transiting planets line up in
such a way with our natal planets so they combine to form powerful Planetary
Geometry. Whenever this happens, something truly significant can happen in our
 One of the most powerful forms of Planetary Geometry is the Mystical Triangle.
 Dragonized Heartbreak Transit is the absolute worst transit anyone can have.
 These are best shown by viewing and understanding the chart examples
demonstrating these points: So for references to both the Heartbreak Dragon and the
Nuclear Dragon, please visit:

Worst Turbulent Aspect in Longitudes:

 Saturn Quincunx Sun

Worst Aspect in Declinations:

 Saturn Contra-Parallel Sun

Most Disruptive Transit Aspect:

 Saturn Aspect to Pluto (Disaster - Losing Power)

Tragic Day Aspect:

 If Saturn makes an Enhancement Aspect to a Natal Planet, it is NOT beneficial

UNLESS the Natal Planet is Mercury or Uranus.

 Saturn-Sun Transits
Good Day Aspect:

 Jupiter-Sun (Great for Wedding Day!)

One of the Best Transits:

 Uranus-Sun Enhancement (Popularity to the Native)

Not Good:

 Transit Uranus Quincunx to a Natal Planet

Stubborn Personal Aspect:

 Saturn Square Neptune: (Person will not give an inch)

Risk Taker:

 Saturn-Pluto

Increased Longevity:

 Neptune Enhancement of Sun (Most Powerful)

 Jupiter Enhancement of Neptune
 Mars Enhancement of Sun

Iron Will:

 Sun-Pluto conjunction (Cannot be pushed around)

Genius Aspect:

 Saturn-Mercury Enhanced by Jupiter

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