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Northwestern University
This paper provides a theoretical perspective for dealing with the initial entry
stage of interpersonal interaction. The seven axioms and 2 1 theorems
presented suggest a set of research priorities for studying the development of
interpersonal relationships. The paper concludes with a discussion of some of
the problems to be considered if the theory is to be extended beyond the
initial stages of interaction.

When communication researchers have con- to include previous research findings which lend
ducted empirical research on the interpersonal support to our axioms and theorems.
communication process, they have tended to em-
ploy social psychological theories as starting DEVELOPMENTAL STAGES
points. Theories relevant to such areas as person
perception, social exchange, and interpersonal bal- Before we consider specific constructs and their
ance have frequently been employed as frame- relationships with each other, we feel it useful to
works from which to derive testable hypotheses provide some idea of the possible stages by which
about the interpersonal communication process. the communication transaction might be viewed.
While it is true that Newcomb’s (1953) balance For purposes of the discussion, it is assumed that
formulation and subsequent research on the ac- the persons involved in the communication trans-
quaintance process (Newcomb, 1961) do include action are strangers. We have labeled the first stage
communication-relevant constructs, his theory of the transaction the entry phase. One reason for
does not focus on several important aspects of the use of the term “entry” is that when strangers
interpersonal communication. Obviously, Asch‘s are faced with each other in a particular situation,
(1 946) work in the area of person perception and their communication behaviors are, in part, deter-
subsequent developments in that area (Kaplan & mined by a set of communication rules or norms.
Anderson, 1973) are also relevant to the study of Some rules are implicit; persons may not be able
interpersonal communication. However, here too to verbalize them or indicate where they acquired
we find that these formulations do not directly them. Other rules are quite explicit and the indi-
focus upon the interpersonal communication pro- vidual might be able to indicate verbally what the
cess. rule is and where he acquired his knowledge of the
The present model seeks to remedy this situa- rule. For example, two persons might both say
tion by employing communication-relevant con- “please” when asking someone to pass them some-
structs which, in turn, lead to the formation of thing. One person might indicate that he said
hypotheses which directly involve communication “please” because it “is the polite thing to do,”
behavior. In constructing the theory, we have while the other person might indicate that he said
elected to focus our attention on the initial phases “please” because it is “natural” and not neces-
of interaction between strangers. Our hope is that sarily “polite.” From this example it would seem
through subsequent research and theoretical exten- that the first person is more aware of the “rule”
sion, the model can be used to make predictions which guided his behavior. Of course, it would also
about and explain interpersonal communication be possible for a person to be more or less certain
phenomena which occur later in relationships. In about the appropriateness of a particular behavior.
our explication of the model, we have attempted Some persons consistently have to concern them-
100 Berger and Calabrese

selves about the “appropriateness” of their be- most instances, it is probably the case that the
havior in particular situations, while others do not. final physical act of parting is preceded in time by
These individual differences would suggest that the a series of interactions and decisions which pro-
learning of rules and norms appropriate to situa- duce the final behavior. Knapp, Hart, Friedrich,
tions, whether through direct instruction or social and Shulman (1973) have begun to study the
modeling, is not uniform for all individuals. kinds of non-verbal behaviors which occur during
Findings to be discussed later indicate that the exit phase of a particular communication
during the entry phase, communication content is transaction. Their data suggest several behaviors
somewhat structured. For example, message con- which signal the end of a particular encounter.
tent tends to be focused on demographic kinds of By employing these descriptive categories we
information. The amount of information asked for do not mean to imply that the phases are
and given by the interactants tends to be sym- exhaustive or necessarily exclusive. Moreover,
metric. During the latter phases of the entry stage, there are probably conditions under which the
persons begin to explore each other’s attitudes and entry phase will be of relatively short duration and
opinions. The kinds of attitude issues explored are the interactants will move rapidly to the personal
of rather low consequence or low involvement. By phase. Of course, it is also possible that because of
the end of the entry phase, the interactants have a certain information gained during the entry phase,
fairly confident estimate of whether or not they the interaction will be terminated and the personal
will develop their relationship toward a more phase skipped entirely. All of these possibilities
intimate level. will be discussed in greater detail. By employing
The second phase of the communication trans- certain constructs, we feel that we can provide
action we have labeled the personal phase. This adequate explanations for these kinds of phenom-
phase begins when the interactants engage in ena.
communication about central attitudinal issues,
personal problems, and basic values. This phase AXIOMS
could begin after a few minutes of interaction;
however, in most informal communication situa- Verbal Communication and Uncertainty
tions, the personal phase does not appear until the
individuals involved have interacted on repeated Central to the present theory is the assumption
occasions. While there are almost always rules and that when strangers meet, their primary concern is
norms which regulate communication behavior in one of uncertainty reduction or increasing predict-
most situations, when interactants have moved to ability about the behavior of both themselves and
the personal phase, communication is more spon- others in the interaction. This assumption is
taneous and less constrained by social desirability consistent with Heider’s (1958) notion that man
norms. During this phase, persons may talk about seeks to “make sense” out of events he perceives
socially undesirable aspects of their personalities in his environment. By uncertainty we mean at
and social relations. In the entry phase, such least two things. First, at the very beginning of a
information is not usually sought or given. particular encounter, there are a number of alter-
The final phase of the transaction we have native ways in which each interactant might
called the exit phase. During this phase decisions behave. Thus, one task for each interactant is to
are made concerning the desirability of future attempt to predict the most likely alternative
interaction. Frequently, these decisions are dis- actions the other person might take. Moreover, the
cussed and plans for future interaction made. At a individual interactant must then select from his
more macroscopic level of analysis, the exit phase own available response alternatives those which
of a relationship may occur over several inter- might be most appropriate to the predicted action
actions. Divorce is probably a good example. In of the other. However, before such response

selection can occur, the individual must reduce his given individual’s communication behavior is a
uncertainty about the other; that is, narrow the knowledge of the kinds of predictions and expla-
range of alternatives about the other’s probable nations the individual has for the behavior of the
future behavior. He must attempt to develop person with whom he is interacting.
predictions about the other before the other acts. Such theorists as Adams (1965), Altman and
In the first sense of uncertainty reduction, the Taylor (1973), Homans (1961), and Thibaut and
individual is engaged in a proactive process of Kelley (1959) have argued that reward/cost ratios
creating predictions. determine whether or not an interaction will
The second sense of uncertainty concerns the continue. Following from their position, one
problem of retroactively explaining the other’s might argue that since uncertainty reduction is
behavior. For example, a target person might say rewarding, the notion of rewards/costs is coter-
something or act in a particular way which induces minous with the uncertainty construct. This anal-
the other interactant to ask himself or others, “I ysis is somewhat faulty for the following reasons.
wonder what he meant by that?” In almost any While uncertainty may be rewarding up to a point,
situation, there are a number of plausible alter- the ability to completely predict another’s behav-
native attributions one might make for a particular ior might lead to boredom. Boredom in an
communicative act. The problem here is for the interpersonal relationship might well be a cost
individual to reduce the number of plausible rather than a reward. Moreover, since it is difficult
alternative explanations for the other person’s to stipulate on an a priori basis just what is likely
behavior. Thus, in our view, uncertainty involves to be rewarding in a particular relationshp, we feel
both prediction and explanation components. that the rewardlcost notion is of limited value in
The view of uncertainty explicated above fol- the construction of theory designed to predict
lows from Heider’s (1958) seminal attribution rather than to retrodict interaction outcomes.
work and is consistent with later attribution Thus, we feel that uncertainty reduction is a more
formulations. Jones, Kanouse, Kelley, Nisbett, fruitful organizing construct than is rewardlcost.
Valins, and Weiner (1972), Kelley (1967), and There are data which support the assertion that
Kelley (1973) generally take the view that we at the beginning of the entry phase uncertainty is
strive to make our own behavior and the behavior relatively high and is subsequently reduced as a
of others predictable, and we try to develop causal function of time. For example, Lalljee and Cook
structures which provide explanations for our own (1973) found that as interactions between strang-
behavior as well as the behavior of others. Within ers progressed, filled pause rate decreased while
this framework, interpersonal communication be- speech rate increased. Pause rate and speech rate
havior plays at least two different roles. First, we were employed as two empirical indicators of
must attempt to develop predictions about and uncertainty. In addition, it was found that a
explanations for our own and others’ communica- measure of anxiety, the non-ah speech disturbance
tion behavior; that is, communication behavior ratio, did not decrease as the interaction progres-
itself is something which we endeavor to predict sed. This latter finding was interpreted as lowering
and explain. Second, communication behavior is the plausibility of the rival hypothesis that the
one vehicle through which such predictions and decrease in pause rate was directly related to
explanations are themselves formulated. Attri- anxiety reduction.
bution theorists have been quick to point out that The preceding discussion of the uncertainty
such predictions and explanations generally yield construct and the empirical evidence provided by
imperfect knowledge of ourselves and others. Lalljee and Cook (1973) suggests the following
However, it is significant that such imperfect axiom:
knowledge does guide our total behavior toward AXIOM 1: Given the high level of uncertainty
others. Thus, crucial to an understanding of a present at the onset of the entry phase, as the
102 Berger and Calabrese

amount o f verbal communication between Two persons meeting for the first time at a
strangers increases, the level o f uncertainty for political rally might well open a conversation by
each interactant in the relationship will de- discussing the particular candidate and expressing
crease. A s uncertainty is further reduced, the their views about him. In other circumstances, the
amount o f verbal communication will increase.
same two persons might begin a conversation by
This axiom posits a reciprocal causal relationship focusing upon each other’s backgrounds. Thus, we
between the amount of verbal communication and recognize that uncertainty level may be influenced
the level of uncertainty reduction; i.e., reduction by the communication situation itself.
in uncertainty level feeds back to determine the
amount of verbal communication. The previously Nonverbal Affiliative Expressiveness
cited Lalljee and Cook study which allowed for and Uncertainty
two-way exchange found that the number of For the same reason that high uncertainty levels
words per minute uttered by interactants increased at the beginning of the encounter lower the
significantly over a nine minute period. However, a amount of verbal communication during that
study by Berger and Larimer (1974) revealed that period, uncertainty also acts to lower nonverbal
when feedback was not allowed between strangers, expressions of affiliation. There are a number of
the number of words per minute uttered decreased empirical indicators of nonverbal affiliative behav-
significantly over a four minute period. In this ior which have been shown to be positively
study, subjects were led to believe that they were correlated with each other. For example, in a
talking to a person in another room whose picture factor analytic study of various verbal and non-
they possessed. Actually, the pictures had been verbal dimensions in an initial interaction situa-
previously scaled for physical attractiveness (high, tion, Mehrabian (1 97 1a) found significant positive
moderate, or low). While no differential effects correlations between such variables as total state-
were found for the physical attractiveness variable, ments per minute, percent duration of eye con-
across all conditions there were significant de- tact, head nods per minute, positive verbal con-
creases in verbal output over time. The present tent, head and arm gestures per minute, and
formulation would suggest that since the subjects pleasantness of vocal expressions. These and other
did not receive any feedback from the targets, the variables loaded on a factor labeled affiliative
subjects’ levels of uncertainty about the targets behavior. A second study by Mehrabian and
remained at a high level. The persistent high level Ksionzky (1971) found much the same pattern of
of uncertainty about the target persons reduced factor loadings for the same variables as those used
the amount of communication directed toward in the Mehrabian study. It is interesting to note
them. that in both of these factor analyses, distance
The Comm~nicationEnvironment and Uncertainty between the interactants was not associated with
the affiliative behavior factor.
The basal level of uncertainty a person has In comparing the results of these two studies
about a stranger can be modulated by the com- with the results of other prior research on the
munication situation itself. For example, the street distance-liking relationship, Mehrabian (1 97 1b)
of a large city provides an observer with relatively points out that several experimental studies have
little information about the persons walking along supported an inverse relationship between liking
it. By contrast, an observer at a political rally for a and physical distance; persons who like each other
particular candidate may be able to infer, with a tend to stand closer to each other. Mehrabian
high probability of being correct, the political explains this apparent inconsistency by arguing
attitudes of those present at the rally. In situations that in both the factor analytic studies cited
where uncertainty levels are reduced by the above, the distance between the interactants was
situation itself, conversations are likely to begin by averaged over the duration of the interaction.
focusing on content areas related to the situation. Studies which show liking to be associated with

smaller interaction distances usually use initial number of questions asked to another in a
distance between interactants as the primary de- simulated communication situation declined
pendent variable. through time.
The above discussion of the nature of the
nonverbal affiliative expressiveness dimension and Uncertainty and Intimacy Level
its relationship to level of uncertainty suggests the of Communication Content
following axiom:
We assume, as does Goffman (1959), that
AXIOM 2: A s nonverbal affiliative expressive- persons generally prefer to have smoothly running
ness increases, uncertainty levels will decrease interpersonal relationships. Goffman argues that
in an initial interaction situation. In addition,
decreases in uncertainty level will cause in- persons frequently assist each other in their
creases in nonverbal affiliative expressiveness. performances so that each performer will maintain
“face.” Given this assumption and the relatively
high level of uncertainty existing at the beginning
Uncertainty and Information Seeking of the entry phase, we might ask what is the least
disruptive way of reducing uncertainty about the
Given the relatively high level of uncertainty other? One strategy might be to ask the other how
existing at the onset of the entry phase, one would he feels about a variety of political and social
expect persons in the situation to interrogate each issues. The problem with this strategy is that
other in order to gain information which might be persons may disagree on such issues which, in turn,
instrumental in uncertainty reduction. Thus, one may lead to disruptions of their relationship. A
might expect interactants to engage in more better strategy would be to ask for and give
question asking in the initial phases of the inter- biographical and demographic information during
action. Moreover, the kinds of questions asked the entry phase. Dissimilarities along these dimen-
during the beginning of the entry phase might be sions probably have a relatively trivial negative
ones which demand relatively short answers. For impact on the interaction system. However, simi-
example, requests for such information as one’s larities and dissimilarities in background character-
occupation, hometown, places of prior residence, istics might lead to the development of predictions
and so on, generally call for relatively short of similarity or dissimilarity on more crucial
responses. It seems that if an individual gives a attitudinal issues. Thus, not only might uncer-
relatively long response to such questions, he is tainty be reduced, predicted similarities or differ-
generally judged somewhat negatively, especially ences might also determine: (1) whether or not the
when a detailed answer to the question was not interaction system will continue to exist and/or
explicitly called for. The predominance of short- (2) whether or not the interactants will engage in a
answer questions during the early stages of the discussion of more intimate issues. For if two
entry phase allows interactants to sample a num- persons predict that they have widely differing
ber of different attributes in a relatively short beliefs on intimate and consequential issues and if
time. they wish to have a smoothly running interaction,
The preceding line of argument leads to the they will probably choose to avoid discussions of
following axiom: the issues of potential conflict.
The preceding discussion suggests the following
AXIOM 3: High levels o f uncertainty cause axiom concerning the relationship between uncer-
increases in information seeking behavior. A s
uncertainty levels decline, information seeking tainty and intimacy level.
behavior decreases.
AXIOM 4: High levels of uncertainty in a
relationship cause decreases in the intimacy
Data reported by Frankfurt (1965) support the level of communication content. Low levels o f
relationship posited in Axiom 3. In this study, the uncertainty produce high levels o f intimacy.
104 Berger and Calabrese

In their discussion of social penetration theory, amount of demographic (low intimacy) informa-
Altman and Taylor (1973) argue that intimacy tion asked for and given was highest during the
level of communication content tends to increase first minute of interaction. After the first minute,
through time. However, their explanation of this statistically significant decreases in the amount of
phenomenon rests on the notion that as a relation- demographic information exchanged were ob-
ship becomes more rewarding and less costly, served; while the amounts of information asked
persons will become more intimate. Our explana- for and given in such more intimate categories as
tion of the same phenomenon is that as persons “attitudes and opinions” and “other persons”
continue to communicate with each other, their increased. Studies by Cozby (1972), Ehrlich and
uncertainty about each other decreases. Decreases Graeven (19711, Sermat and Smyth (19731, Tay-
in uncertainty lead to increases in intimacy level of lor, Altman, and Sorrentino (1969), and Taylor,
communication. Altman, and Wheeler (1973) also support the
Taylor and Altman (1966) had both college development of intimacy through time.
students and navy recruits sort 671 conversational These outcomes are in agreement with the
topics along an intimacy continuum. Generally it observations of Altman and Taylor (1973) who
was found that topics falling into such categories suggest that the early stages of the development of
as biographical, hobbies and interests, and current a relationship are characterized by exchanges of
events received low intimacy ratings, while topics “superficial” information. While we agree that
falling into the categories of religion, sex, and most observers would tend to judge a conversation
personal attitudes received higher intimacy ratings. consisting of exchanges of biographical informa-
Taylor and Altman suggest that the statements tion “superficial,” we feel that the kinds of
scaled in their study can be used as guidelines for information asked for and given during the initial
developing rating systems to score the intimacy phases of the entry stage are crucial for the
level of communication content. Sermat and development of inferences about the persons
Smyth (1973) followed Taylor and Altman’s rendering the information.
recommendation and were able to obtain accept- As Jones and Goethals (1972) have pointed
able interjudge reliabilities of content intimacy in out, primacy effects are more the rule than the
their study. However, Cozby (1973) has pointed exception in person perception research. There are
out that the kinds of topics which Taylor and conditions under which recency effects will ob-
Altman scaled for intimacy value may be quite tain, but because of the prevalence of primacy
different from the kinds of communication con- effects, we are forced to conclude that informa-
tent actually passed during an interaction. For tion exchanged early in the interaction has func-
example, according to the Taylor and Altman tional significance for the actors involved. Know-
scaling study, talking about movies is a relatively ing that a given individual is a college professor
low intimacy communication topic. However, may well help to reduce uncertainty about his
there is probably a great deal of difference in political and social attitudes. Obviously, many of
perceived intimacy between a conversation in the inferences drawn may be inaccurate. Never-
which the interactants talk about the movie “Mary theless, persons do encode messages on the basis of
Poppins” and one in which they exchange their such “imperfect knowledge.”
views on “Deep Throat.” Thus, although the
Taylor and Altman study may provide us with
Uncertainty and Reciprocity Rate
rather general guidelines about the intimacy level
of communication content, more specific kinds of
content within general topic areas must be assessed The notion that a reciprocity norm acts to
for intimacy value. control information exchange in an interaction has
A study by Berger (1973) revealed that during been advanced by Gouldner (1960). Research in
the course of interaction between strangers, the the area of interviewer-interviewee speech behavior

suggests that interviewees tend to match variations exists does not ips0 facto explain its existence.
in the rate of interviewer speech behavior (Mata- However, we feel that the requirement for even
razzo, Wiens & Saslow, 1965). Furthermore, evi- uncertainty reduction in order to avoid asym-
dence supporting the proposition that the amount metries in information power distribution provides
of information exchanged in an interaction tends an explanation for the reciprocity norm’s appear-
to be reciprocal has been reported by Worthy, ance during initial interaction.
Gary, and Kahn (1969). While these studies Jourard (1960) found evidence suggestive of a
support the existence of a reciprocity norm in “dyadic effect” concerning the intimacy level of
interaction, the underlying explanation for the self-disclosure. In this study he found that persons
phenomenon is not clear. who disclosed more to others reported that they
In view of the present formulation and the also received high amounts of disclosure from
previous argument that persons prefer smoothly others. Subsequent experimental evidence (Wor-
running interactions to ones in which there is great thy, Gary & Kahn, 1969; Ehrlich and Greaven,
stress (Goffman, 1959), it seems reasonable to 1971; Cozby, 1972; Sermat & Smyth, 1973)
assume that the easiest way in which to reduce suggests that when an individual discloses intimate
mutual uncertainty would be to ask for and give information to another, the other tends to recipro-
the same kinds of information at the same rate of cate at that level of intimacy. Moreover, Sermat
exchange. In this way, no one interactant in the and Smyth (1973) found that when a confederate
system would be able to gain information power continued to demand higher levels of disclosure
over the other. Moreover, it also seems reasonable through the questions he asked the subject, while
to assume that as uncertainty is reduced, there is at the same time refusing to disclose intimate
less need for symmetric exchanges of information information about himself, the subject tended to
at a rapid rate. That is, it becomes more possible lower his level of liking for the confederate.
for greater time lags to occur between speaking However, when the confederate matched the
and listening. Once uncertainty is at relatively low subject’s level of disclosure and then demanded
levels, one person might be able to talk to another disclosure at a higher intimacy level, the subject
for long periods of time without fear of being was more willing to meet the confederate’s dis-
accused of “dominating the conversation.” How- closure request. These studies together with Ax-
ever, if a given individual plays the speaker for iom 5 suggest that early in a relationship it is
long periods of time during the entry phase, he crucial for the interactants to convey information
would most probably be accused of dominating evenly and at a fairly rapid rate and to disclose
the conversation and the probability that the information which is at about the same intimacy
interaction would continue would be reduced. level. Violations of one or more of these rules raise
Thus, when uncertainty is high, reciprocity rate the probability of dissolution of the relationship.
will also be high. As uncertainty is reduced,
reciprocity rate decreases. Formally stated:
Similarity and Uncertainty
AXIOM 5 : High levels of uncertainty produce
high rates of reciprocity. Low levels of uncer- Most social psychological theories concerned
tainty produce low reciprocity rates, with friendship formation have employed the
notion of similarity of some sort as an antecedent
Altman and Taylor (1973) have argued that the of liking. Byrne (1971), Duck (1973), Homans
reciprocity construct is of limited value in the (1961), Newcomb (1953), and Newcomb (1961)
development of a theory of interaction develop- have argued that similarities along such dimensions
ment since there has been little in the way of as attitudes and conceptual structure produce
explanation provided for the reciprocity phenom- interpersonal attraction, while dissimilarity pro-
enon; i.e., merely asserting that a particular norm duces negative interpersonal affect. Byrne employs
106 Berger and Calabrese

a reinforcement framework to explain the simi- explanations for our liking. This phenomenon
larity-attraction relationship. He argues that atti- Koenig has labeled “justification”; i.e., we must
tude agreements are rewarding and that such justify our negative affect toward others. Koenig
rewards lead to liking. By contrast, balance theo- presents data which lend support to his justifi-
rists (Heider, 1958) explain the similarity-liking cation hypothesis. Moreover, in research currently
relationship by arguing that shared affect toward being conducted by Berger, a tendency has been
an object will result in pressures toward liking. found for persons to make more causal attribu-
Recently, Duck (1973) has developed a “filter tions for a disagreement between two persons than
hypothesis” which asserts that different kinds of when the two persons show agreement. In these
similarity are important for liking at different studies, subjects are presented with alleged con-
phases of the relationship. He suggests that at the versations in which persons show either attitude
early stages of a relationship, similarity of atti- agreement or attitude disagreement. Some studies
tudes tends to be a strong determinant of liking; have involved tape recorded conversations while
however, as the relationship progresses, conceptual others have used transcriptions of conversations.
similarity along both content and structural di- After the subjects read through or listen to the
mensions becomes the significant determinant of conversations, they are asked to list as many
attraction. Duck employs Kelly’s (1955) theory of reasons (attributions) as they can for the agree-
personal constructs as a conceptual basis for his ment or disagreement shown by the persons in the
predictions. He reports several studies, employing conversation. Data from one of the studies indi-
a modified version of the Role Rep Test, which cate that subjects who were presented with a con-
show that friends do have significantly higher versation in which disagreement occurred make
levels of conceptual similarity than randomly more attributions than do subjects who are pre-
formed dyads. sented with agreeable conversations. These data
There is an impressive amount of evidence suggest that as dissimilarity between persons in-
(Berscheid & Walster, 1969; Byrne, 1971) to dem- creases, uncertainty in terms of number of alter-
onstrate a positive relationship between attitude native explanations for behavior also increases.
similarity and interpersonal attraction. Moreover, Similarity reduces the necessity for the generation
Duck’s (1973) research supports a positive rela- of a large number of alternatives for explaining
tionship between similarity of conceptual struc- behavior. The preceding line of argument suggests
ture and friendship formation. In our view, both the following axiom:
types of similarity act to reduce the level of
uncertainty in a relationship; i.e., similarity of AXIOM 6 : Similarities between persons reduce
uncertainty, while dissim ilari ties produce in -
attitudes and conceptual structure produces de- creases in uncertainty.
creases in uncertainty, while dissimilarities along
attitude and conceptual dimensions raise uncer- Uncerrainty and Liking
tainty levels. Why do disagreements along attitude
dimensions tend to raise uncertainty? After all, if a As we noted in the previous section, a number
person holds an opinion opposed to mine, does of social psychologists have adduced evidence sup-
that not reduce my uncertainty about him? portive of a positive relationship between similar-
In order to answer the above question, we must ity and liking. Furthermore, two main theoretical
consider the influence of affect direction on the positions have been employed to explain this
number of alternative attributions generated about relationship: (1) reinforcement theory and (2)
a person. Koenig (1971) has argued that when we cognitive consistency theories. Earlier in this paper
dislike another person, social norms demand that we suggested some inadequacies of the reinforce-
we provide explanations for our dislike. When we ment approach to the study of interaction devel-
like someone, however, we do not have to provide opment. We have also argued that similarity-

dissimilarity is connected to uncertainty level. By tion and nonverbal affiliative expressiveness are
making such a connection, we are subsuming the positively related,
notion of similarity-dissimilarity and the related
notions of balance under the broader conceptual The relationship suggested by Theorem 1 has been
umbrella of uncertainty. This formulation is con- verified in at least two factor analytic studies
sistent with the suggestion made by Berkowitz (Mehrabian, 1971a; Mehrabian & Ksionzky, 1971).
(1969) that “the striving for cognitive balance may In both studies such variables as total number of
actually only be a special case of a desire for statements per minute and number of declarative
certainty” (p. 96). statements per minute were found to correlate
When persons are unable to make sense out of positively and significantly with such indices of
their environment, they usually become anxious. nonverbal behavior as percent duration of eye
Moreover, Festinger (1954) has suggested that contact, head nods per minute, hand and arm
persons seek out similar others who are proximate gestures per minute, and pleasantness of vocal
when they experience a high level of uncertainty expressions. The observed correlations among
regarding the appropriateness of their behavior these empirical indicators of the amount of verbal
and/or opinions in a particular situation. Schach- communication and the amount of nonverbal affil-
ter’s (1959) research on anxiety and affiliation iative expressiveness lend support to Theorem 1.
tends to confirm this social comparison theory THEOREM 2: Amount o f communication and
prediction for first born children. In view of the intimacy level of communication are positively
tendency to seek out similar others in order to re la ted.
reduce uncertainty, reduction of uncertainty by
such means should tend to produce liking. This While no study has directly related these two
line of reasoning leads to the following axiom variables, the Lalljee and Cook (1 973) finding that
regarding the relationship between uncertainty and as an interaction progresses the number of words
liking: uttered per unit of time increases and the finding
that intimacy levels of communication content
AXIOM 7: Increases in uncertainty level pro- increase with passage of time would suggest the
duce decreases in liking; decreases in uncer-
tainty level produce increases in liking.
relationship posited by Theorem 2.
THEOREM 3: Amount o f communication and
Taken together, Axioms 6 and 7 suggest that information seeking behavior are inversely rela-
uncertainty level mediates between similarity and ted.
liking. It should be clear, however, that variables
other than similarity-dissimilarity influence uncer- Indirect support for Theorem 3 can be derived
tainty level. Thus, an observed relationship be- from the Lalljee and Cook (1973) and the Frank-
tween uncertainty level and liking may be due to furt (1965) studies. As was noted above, Lalljee
similarity and/or the amount of communication and Cook found significant increases in speech rate
that two persons have had with each other. over a nine minute initial interaction period.
Frankfurt reported data which supported the
THEOREMS proposition that as an interaction progresses, the
number of questions asked decreases. Taken to-
From the preceding seven axioms, it is possible gether, these findings would suggest an inverse
to deduce the following 21 theorems. Existing relationship between the amount of communica-
evidence relevant to the relationship posited by tion and the amount of information seeking be-
the theorem will be cited. havior.
THEOREM 4: Amount of communication and
THEOREM 1: Amount of verbal communica- reciprocity rate are inversely related.
108 Berger and Calabrese

While there are no data bearing directly upon ducing solutions to a problem; i.e., the group was
the veracity of Theorem 4, the suggestions that as explicitly task oriented. By contrast, the findings
the relationship continues the amount of com- related to social comparison theory seem to be
munication will increase and that greater time lags more relevant to situations in which the “task”
in reciprocity will be tolerated as the relationship confronting the individual is one of establishing
continues both lend support to Theorem 4. How- the appropriateness of his opinions and behavior.
ever, the notion that reciprocity rate will decrease For purposes of the formulation, the relationship
through time is one which needs to be verified between amount of communication and similarity
empirically. suggested by the data relevant to social compari-
son theory would seem to be most appropriate,
THEOREM 5: A m o u n t of communication and
liking are positively related.
since the present theory deals with initial inter-
action situations between strangers.
Empirical support for the above proposition has THEOREM 7: Nonverbal affiliative expressive-
been obtained by Lott and Lott (1961) and Moran ness and intimacy level of communication con-
(1966). In both of these studies it was found that tent are positively related.
persons who expressed liking for each other com- THEOREM 8 : Nonverbal affiliative expressive-
municated more than persons who were strangers ness and information seeking are inversely re-
or persons who did not work together well. In his lated.
discussion of group cohesiveness and quantity of THEOREM 9: Nonverbal affiliative expressive-
interaction, Shaw (1971) concludes that cohesive- ness and reciprocity rate are inversely related.
ness and amount of verbal interaction are posi-
tively related. There is little, if any, direct or indirect empirical
evidence bearing upon the above three theorems.
THEOREM 6: A m o u n t o f communication and Studies involving intimacy level of communication
similarity are positively related. content, information seeking, and reciprocity rate
have not related these variables to nonverbal in-
Data supportive of Theorem 6 have been pre- dices of affiliative behavior. Thus, research is
sented by Schachter (1959). Following from Fes- needed to determine whether empirical hypotheses
tinger’s (1954) social comparison theory, Schach- derived from the above three theorems hold.
ter found that persons preferred to affiliate with
similar others. While Theorem 6 would seem to THEOREM 10: Nonverbal affiliative expressive-
hold for initial interaction situations, there is some ness and liking are positively related.
evidence that under certain conditions, dissimilari-
ties between persons will produce increases in the The previously cited Mehrabian factor analytic
amount of communication. Schachter (1 95 1) studies as well as the research in the area of visual
found that the amount of communication directed interaction summarized by Exline (1 97 1) tend to
toward a deviant in a group tended to increase support the above theorem. Persons who are at-
through time. In highly cohesive groups to which tracted to each other have higher levels of eye
the group task was highly relevant, the amount of contact, greater numbers of head nods and hand
communication directed toward the deviant ten- gestures per unit of time, and more frequent
ded to increase at first then to decrease. The displays of pleasant facial expressions than persons
discrepancy between these findings and the social who dislike each other.
comparison theory findings seems to involve the THEOREM 1 1 : Nonverbal affiliative expressive-
nature of the interaction situation. Schachter’s ness and similarity are positively related,
(1 95 1) deviation-rejection study involved a group
of persons interacting for the purpose of pro- We know of no studies which provide direct

support for Theorem 11, although it seems reason- the above four theorems. However, since Theo-
able to assume that since liking and nonverbal rems 17 and 18 appear to be non-commonsensical
affiliative expressiveness have been found to be predictions, further comment is in order. First,
positively related, similarity and nonverbal affilia- Theorem 17 suggests that as liking increases in a
tive expressiveness should also be found to be relationship, the amount of information seeking
positively related. behavior will decrease. One operational indicator
of information seeking suggested earlier was the
THEOREM 12: Intimacy level of communica- number of questions asked per unit of time. It
tion content and information seeking are in-
versely related. would seem reasonable to suggest that as a rela-
tionship develops through time, there is less need
THEOREM 13: Intimacy level of communica-
tion content and reciprocity rate are inversely for questions to be asked. Frankfurt’s (1965)
related. findings support this suggestion. As the relation-
ship develops, persons are more willing to proffer
There are no data which provide direct support information about themselves without specifically
for these two theorems. AItman and Taylor’s being asked for it. Thus, if positive affect does
(1973) social penetration theory and research sug develop in a relationship through the reduction of
gest, however, that intimacy levels of communica- uncertainty then the necessity for extensive inter-
tion increase through time, while information rogation would also tend to decrease, thus pro-
seeking at tempts decrease. These tendencies lend ducing a negative relationship between informa-
some support to Theorem 12. tion seeking and liking. In the case of Theorem 18,
we have suggested that similarity tends to reduce
THEOREM 14: Intimacy level of communica- uncertainty and that reductions of uncertainty
tion content and liking are positively related. obviate the necessity for extensive verbal interro-
gation. Thus, we would expect to find that simi-
One implication of Theorem 14 is that persons larity and information seeking are negatively re-
tend to disclose intimate information to persons lated.
they like and withhold intimate information from
persons whom they do not like. In a review of THEOREM 19: Reciprocity rate and liking are
self-disclosure literature relevant to this issue, negatively related.
Pearce and Sharp (1973) concluded that self- THEOREM 20: Reciprocity rate and similarity
disclosure generally occurs within the context of are negatively related.
positive relationships. However, these authors cau- THEOREM 21: Similarity and liking are posi-
tion that there is some contradictory evidence tively related.
which suggests that the relationship between dis- While there appears to be little evidence bearing
closure and liking is probably a complex one. on Theorems 19 and 20, there is an incredible
amount of support for the similarity-attraction
THEOREM 1 5 : Intimacy level of communica-
tion content and similarity are positively re- relationship. Byrne’s (1 97 1) research relevant to
lated. the attraction paradigm not only demonstrates
THEOREM 16: Information seeking and reci- that attitude similarity produces attraction, Byrne,
procity rate are positively related. Clore, and Worchel (1966) found that persons are
THEOREM 17: Information seeking and liking more attracted to others who are perceived to be
are negatively related. from economic backgrounds similar to their own.
THEOREM 18: Information seeking and simi- In addition, Duck (1973) has found that concep-
larity are negatively related. tual similarity is positively related to friendship
formation. It should be kept in mind, however,
There is no evidence that bears directly upon that the present theory explains the above empiri-
110 Berger and Calabrese

cal findings by employing the uncertainty con- would seem imperative that techniques be devel-
struct as a mediating variable. This implies that if oped to help highly mobile persons form stable
the effects of uncertainty were statistically re- relationships with others as quickly as possible.
moved from the similarity-attraction relationship, For example, perhaps information about new
the similarity-attraction relationship would weak- neighbors could be provided to a family about to
en significantly. move into a new neighborhood. Advanced infor-
mation about neighbors might aid the new family
BEYOND INITIAL INTERACTION in their adaptation to the new environment. While
this process may seem “artificial” and not very
For the present time, we have elected to con- “spontaneous,” it could help the highly mobile
fine our theory to the initial stages of interaction family anchor themselves more quickly in their
between strangers. Obviously, a full blown theory new environment.
of interaction development would have to stipu- We believe that the present formuIation serves
late broader boundary conditions than the present to bring together a diverse body of findings as well
one. We feel that one critical construct which as to generate predictions for future research.
might be part of such an extension is frequency of Some of the theorems generated by the model
contact. The reason for our view is simply that in have already received strong empirical support
all probability, persons who do not have frequent while others have not been subjected to direct test.
contact with each other become uncertain about Obviously, there are other relevant constructs
each other; i.e., as the time between contacts which might be explicitly incorporated into the
increases, persons’ opinions, beliefs, and behaviors model. Some of these constructs will no doubt be
can change due to the influence of other persons derived from the failure of the present model to
and events. When two persons face each other predict particular relationships. Thus, our view is
after a long period of separation, they may have to that the present formulation is a first effort.
go through a certain amount of biographic- Hopefully, subsequent research and reformulation
demographic scanning behavior in order t o “up- will result in a more general theory of the develop-
date” their “knowledge” of each other. Thus, mental aspects of interpersonal communication.
because of the possible strong link between con-
tact frequency and uncertainty level, an extension
of the present formulation would have to take into
account this relationship. 1. The procedure for explicating the axioms and
In a broader social perspective, Toffler (1970) theorems of the present theory is taken from
has suggested that the rate of social change in the Blalock (1 969). Blalock suggests that assumed
United States is increasing. One ingredient in the causal relationships be stated as axioms and
accelerated rate of change is the high level of statements of covariation stated as theorems.
mobility experienced by both individuals and fam-
ilies. If the rate of social change is indeed increas-
ing and persons are becoming more mobile, then REFERENCES
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