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Name: Charity Anne Camille B.

Penaloza Course: BSEd-English IV

Subject: English

Grade & Section: 9-Gold, Aluminum & Silver

Time: 9:00-10:00, 1:00-3:00

Cooperating Teacher: Mrs. Lorna N. Saldon

A Detailed Learning Plan in English

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
a. explain what A Raisin in the Sun is all about,
b. apply the lines in A Raisin in the Sun through a dialogue,
c. value the theme of the play through using it in daily life encounters and

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: A Raisin in the Sun
B: References:
 A Journey through Anglo-American Literature (Learner’s
Material), pp. 431-434
 http://www.ARaisininSunLiteratureGuideTeacherVision.html
 http://www.ARaisinInTheSunLorraineHansberry.html
 http://www.driving_miss_daisy.wikipedia.htm
C. Materials: instructional aids, pictures, hand-outs and medium-sized printed characters
D. Values Integration: value the theme of the play through using it in daily life
encounters and experiences.
E. Teaching Strategies: Cooperative Learning

III. Learning Procedure

Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities
A. Preliminary Activities

1. Collecting and Checking of


Class, get your assignment and pass it

forward. At the count of five, your papers
must be in front. I want you to do it, without
talking and standing. Students do as told.


Are all papers submitted? Yes Ma’am!


So, let’s now check your assignment and

don’t forget to write corrected by. Students do as told.

Instruction: In 1⁄4 sheet of paper, provide

what is asked on the following statement.

1. Who was the author of the story? 1. Alfred Uhry

2. Who were the main characters in 2. Daisy Werthan, Hoke Coleburn,
the story? Boolie Werthan
3. What occasion did Hoke and 3. Thanksgiving
Boolie visit Daisy?
4. Who was honored by the Jewish 4. Martin Luther King, Jr.
organization’s banquet?
5. Who told his own story of seeing 5. Hoke Coleburn
his friend’s father hanging from
a tree?

2. Review
Based on the answered questions, class. Our topic last meeting was all about
What do you think was our topic last Driving Miss Daisy.

That’s correct!

So, what is the story of Driving Miss Daisy Students’ answers may vary.
all about?

Very well said, class! Students do as told.

A round of applause to everybody.

3. Spelling

Okay class! Please get ¼ sheet of paper.

Because we will have a spelling test before
having an activity.

Am I clear? Yes Ma’am!

Okay, are you ready? Yes Ma’am!

Listen carefully to my instruction. I will use

the word you are going to spell in a
sentence. I will read the sentence once and
the word to be spelled twice.

Okay lets’ start. Number 1…

1. Ruth comes into the room and pulls her

coat with dejection.
2. Lena and Walter’s dialogue seems very
dramatic to me.
3. She gives her a hopeless look for this
grandmotherly enthusiasm.
4. When Vina sees her crush, she feels near
- hysteria
5. Travis is fighting hard to suppress a

Are you done answering? Yes Ma’am!

Now, exchange your papers with your

seatmate and write corrected by.

Who wants to answer number 1?

Come in front and write your answers on Student does as told.

the board.

Are you done checking? Yes Ma’am!

Pass your papers forward at the count of

five without talking and standing.

Are all papers submitted? Yes Ma’am!

4. Motivation (After answering)

Okay! Let’s have a game! I have posted on
the board a statement. Here it is:

“A _____ in the _____”

Then, I have here two characters. Class,

meet Upin and Ipin. They have two
questions to ask to answer the missing
words in the statement. So, are you ready?

I am black in
color. I consider myself as a little
round fruit. I’m usually found on
many foods like Macaroni, Fruit
Salad, Bread, Torta and more.
I always get hurt when I am dried
in the sun. What am I?
I am the brightest star.
Many are afraid to
go near me and touch me. But the whole
world sees me. I help someone by
drying something. What am I?

1st question: Raisin

2nd question: Sun

Okay class! Let us now check your answers.

Very good! We have now completed the


Based from the activity, what will be the Students’ answers may vary.
title of our story?

Okay! So, do you know what that said title No Ma’am!

is all about?

Well then, brace yourselves class! Because

this morning, we will have a play! Please be
alert, attentive and energetic in order to
really understand the play.

A. Developmental Activities

1. Presentation of the Topic

Today, we will have a play entitled A Raisin
in the Sun.

2. Unlocking of Difficulties
Class, as you can remember, we had a
spelling activity earlier. Those spelled
words were the difficult terms that we could
encounter in the play. So, kindly listen as I
unlock the following terms.

 Dejection- sadness and lack of

hope, especially as a result of
 Dialogue- the words spoken by
characters in a book, movie, or play.
 Enthusiasm- something that arouses
the interest.
 Hysteria- an emotionally unstable
state brought about by a traumatic
 Suppress- to prevent something
from happening.
3. Discussion

Okay class. Before proceeding to the actual

play, I want you to meet the cast of

Walter Lee Younger Beneatha Younger

(The protagonist, dreams (Walter’s sister)
of being wealthy)

Mama (Lena) Younger Ruth Younger

(Walter and Beneatha’s (Walter’s wife and
mother) Travis’s mother)

Travis Younger
(Walter and Ruth’s son)

Now class, I want you to divide into two

groups. Then, each group must provide an
explanation about the play. Considering that
there should be someone to report the
group’s work. No need to worry because I
will be providing everyone a copy of the

Reminder: Don’t forget to look for the

play’s theme.
The group with most appropriate and
meaningful explanation will gain the extra
points. I will give you 10 minutes for the

Let the activity begin! Students do as told.

Okay class! Time’s up. Let’s now start Students’ answers may vary.
hearing each group’s work.

Very good, class! Let’s give a clap for a job

well done.

4. Application
Okay class, let’s have another activity. This
time, I will divide you into five groups. I
will give you a script from the play in order
to make a dialogue.

So here’s the script:

(Mama gives an envelope to Travis containing

Mama: It ain’t much, but it’s all I got in the

world and I’m putting it in your hands. I’m
telling you to be the head of this family from
now on like you supposed to be.

Walter: (stares at the money) You trust me

like that, Mama?

Mama: I ain’t never stop trusting you. Like I

ain’t stop loving you.

(She goes out, and Walter sits looking at the


But before anything else, remember the


L-Listen to ideas of others

B-Behave accordingly
C-Cooperate with other members

Now, I will give you 10 minutes to prepare

for your dialogue. The group with most
meaningful and creative dialogue will be
declared as winner and will enjoy the extra
points. Okay Ma’am!
Remember class, don’t forget the feelings
and emotions to be at its best. Put the script
into reality.

5. Generalization
Do you have any questions concerning our
play today, class? Students’ answers may vary.

Okay, very good!

So, what’s the play all about? The play is all about a poor black family
struggling to escape the hardships of life.
But still ended up with broken dreams.
The play shows us about a family that
stands together against racial and
economic adversity.

Very good!

Class, is it important to know play about A Yes Ma’am!

Raisin in the Sun?

Why is it important class? It is important to know the play in order to

have knowledge that not everything we
dreamed of will be achieved and obtained.
Sometimes, failure will come

How about the theme of the play, class? Three major themes in A Raisin In The Sun

 The value and purpose of dreams

 The need to fight racial
 The importance of family

Okay class, why should we value the theme It is important to value the theme of the
of the play in our daily life experiences? play in our daily experiences in order to
know how to deal with other people in a
good and respectable way. It also teaches
us that not everyone will achieve dreams
so easily. Just like talking or being with
someone, we should not let our differences
become a barrier to have a harmonious
relationship to one another.
Well said class!

IV. Evaluation
In your ¼ sheet of paper, write TRUE if the statement is correct, FALSE if the
statement is wrong.

1. The Younger family has paid an initial amount for a house in Clybourne Park.
2. In the play, Beneatha reveals her pregnancy.
3. Mama paid the man ninety-five hundred dollars as a down payment to the house.
4. Mama was a generous, proud woman.
5. Travis gave the remaining money to Walter.
6. Travis always wanted to live in a house.
7. Beneatha is Walter and Ruth’s daughter.
8. Ruth found out at the doctor's office that she has breast cancer.
9. Mama approves Travis of investing money to liquor business.
10. Mama told Walter to be the head of the family like he supposed to be.

V. Assignment

 0-5 scores
In your ½ sheet of paper, give at least two characteristics of each cast in the play.

 Mama (Lena)
 Travis
 Ruth
 Walter
 Beneatha

 6-10 scores
In your ½ sheet of paper, make a reflection about the play.

Mrs. Lorna N. Saldon

Cooperating Teacher

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