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Saint James Academy

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics



Research Design

This study employed an engineering design, planning and analysis. In order

to achieve a simple yet effective proposal, research of existing process was


Design and Development Stages

The procedures employed in the study to achieve the objectives were set in

the following stages:

The first stage focused on the structure of an Earthquake Alarm System

using Arduino Uno and ADXL 335 Accelerometer. This stage focused in

gathering related information, planning of activities during conceptualization and

actual construction of the prototype. The researchers collected related information

about the Earthquake Alarm System using Arduino Uno, its apparatus design,

component design and assembly for operation. Locally available materials were

Oblates of Saint Joseph Schools

Saint James Academy
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

prioritized by the researchers in order for them to develop a cost effective


The second stage focused in the preliminary testing and the

modifications > wala pa tayo ditto ma tetest tsaka sa third stage.

Design and Construction Stage

The materials used in making Earthquake Alarm System Using Arduino

Uno and ADXL 335 Accelerometer are locally available Arduino Uno Board,

ADXL 335 Accelerometer, Led, Buzzer, 9V Power Supply, Solderless PCB, 16x2

LCD. The effectiveness and accuracy of the earthquake alarm system was also

considered. The prototype was assembled and constructed at the ___________.

After the design is completed , construction of the Earthquake Alarm System

using Arduino Uno and ADXL 335 Accelerometer prototype was followed.

Oblates of Saint Joseph Schools

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