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Date: Dec.




I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
1. Identify action and state of being verbs
2. use correct action verbs and;
3. Categorize visible actions and Mental actions.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Action and State of Being Verbs

Reference(s): Lourna V. Tagay (2009). Journeying through Literature and Language I with
Philippine Literary Texts

Materials: whiteboard strips, prepared handouts, manila paper, chalk, eraser, pen-til pen

III. Procedure
A. Classroom Routine
-Class Attendance
B. Activity Proper
a. Review. (Students will be ask about the lesson they’ve learned in the past
few days).

(Before Using the Telephone)

(While using the Telephone)
(After Using the Telephone)

2. Write it Up. Students will write a sentence for each of the following verbs.

1. Bake ____________________________________________________
2. Shine ____________________________________________________
3. Decide ___________________________________________________
4. Throw____________________________________________________
5. Remember _______________________________________________
C. Analysis
1. Why is there a need to know the state of being of a verb?

D. Abstraction
Post a list of sentences that has action verbs in it.

-My cousin Maria is writing her autobiography

-Mrs. Herera’s students attend classes regularly
-The dog waits for its master

- Discussion of the Topic

- Exchange of thoughts and Ideas
Date: Dec.10-11,2018

E. Application.
Students will practice the following exercises:
Underline the verb in each of the sentences. Write V if the verb depicts Visible
actions. And M if it is Mental action. Write your answer on the space provided.
(1-10 items)
Ex. Question 1.
___1. Samuel is always thinking of his family in Baguio City.

IV. Assessment.
Students will be task to identify if the question is an Action Verb (AV) or a State of Being Verb
(SBV), then they will underline the verb in each of the following sentences.
__________1. My mother and I went to Thailand last summer.
__________2. The temples and the Golden Buddha looks marvelous.
__________3. We stayed in a hotel near the tallest building in Bangkok.
__________4. My mother tasted every Thai food she saw.
__________5. It was one wonderful summer experiences for me and my mother.
__________6. The new school choir sounds better than the choir from the other school.
__________7. Yesterday, Mother felt weak and tired.
__________8. The strawberry pie looks very delicious.
__________9. My relatives from Chicago stayed in the country for three weeks.
__________10. We watched two movies the other day.

V. Assignment
Students will be assign to give 10 examples of the most common linking verbs.

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