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Classroom Lesson Plan

School Counselor:​ Amber Puckette ​ School year:​ 2017/2018

Activity:​ Conflict Resolution Lesson ​ Grade:​ 7th grade

ASCA Mindsets & Behaviors (Domain/Standard):

1. Behavior Standard: Social Skills 1- Use effective oral and written communication
skills and listening skills.
2. Behavior Standard: Social Skills 2- Create positive and supportive relationships
with other students.

Learning Objectives (aligns with competency):

1. How to resolve peer conflicts.
2. How to speak and listen, using Accountable Talk.
3. To experience empathy through role playing.
Materials:​ Accountable Talk poster, Computer/ Google Slides, Role Play Graphic
Organizer for each pair and Conflict Scenario Cards for each pair.
1. Start by showing a quick video about conflict resolution.
2. Review the Accountable Talk poster with students to show them how to properly
discuss, and disagree with people during a discussion-make sure to ask if any of
their teachers have talked to them about this yet.
3. Open discussion with questions to get them started.
4. Go over the Dos and Don’ts of fighting fair, and strategies for handling conflict
5. Have them get into pairs with who they are sitting beside and have them plan a
role play- go over the worksheet and the sample sentence at the bottom of the
page as a way to handle conflict. If they need help coming up with a scenario,
give them a card.
6. The students role play.
7. The last 3-5 minutes discuss what they learned, what they will try to do in the
future, and what it was like to role play these situations.

Plan for Evaluation: How will each of the following be collected?

Process Data: ​Keeping track of how the lesson is delivered and who received this
Perception Data: ​Informal evaluation by asking teachers if they see a difference after
the lesson in peer relations.
Outcome Data: ​Checking fight and bullying referrals for 7th grade before and after the

Follow up: ​Asking the teachers what they are noticing in their classes to see if a follow
up lesson is needed, also offering small groups if peer conflict continues to be an issue
for 7th graders.

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