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Mohammad Asad 6/8/18

Characters: Ellie the wandering boy, The naive Eddy, Edwin the cop and crew,
Mysterious agent~ Emma the intelligent sherlock!!

VOCABULARY USED: Dilation,dilated, shapes(triangle, square), point, angle, ray,


Setting: New York Harbor---U.S.A 1960----Night time-

U.S.A ----1960----day/night

* IT ALL BEGAN IN*..... A house…. not so far from the island! Of the colossus (statue
of liberty!! *Phone rings* dring dring dring

A island not so far away…. ((A phone rang))… as it trilled up the house of a
suspicious vib…. ( As emma was working on a case,( The colossus murderer)
was unsolved as geometric *shapes* and *dilation* of the liberty was
unobtainable at the time… As emma was chosen for the case to study the
statue of liberty to find out what had happened…. Emma rushed down the
stairs, as she quickly caught a quick glimpse of the stairs she noticed that
the stairs, where the *point* of line ran across the stairs where identical to
of stair that were quiet old or rusty, do to the time it was build…. ( Quick
Fact::: The house was build the same time the statue of liberty was built )...
Emma answered the phone, as she was called right away to the statue of

Harbor~~ 1960~~The great sea:

Emma had ran out as she had heard the call…. As emma was running.. She
ran into to ellie. (how apparently was on the same case, as he was studying
the size and how the statue of liberty was built by *geometric sequences*.
Both had decided, two birds with one stone was better than to do it
alone…. As the ships were passing by… emma and ellie decided on the boat
which has a capsitisty of holding more than 2 people… ( just in case
someone tagged along)).. As emma had turned around for a while as ellie
asked what was wrong!... emma was talking to the *narrator* … SHE HAD
BROKEN THE FOURTH WALL!!.... As she replied ….. NOTHING….. As emma
and ellie quickly got onto a boat… As ellie had noticed the *RAY* of the
light was coming in from the other side.. Through a crack on the boat
widow.... NO one cared much for it though….

AS emma and ellie arrived at the statue of liberty!.. Ellie begin to write on
his journal of what he had found out that the statue of liberty was built (
There's more then one statues of Liberty. ((Ellie had said))The one in new
york (whos real name is 'Liberty Enlightening the World') was presented to
America by the French in 1886 to commemorate the signing of the
declaration of independence…. As he pointed out the fun fact. Had he
wrote as well that the statue of liberty was built on the island but (


The first model was built in France in 1870, as ellie research had also wrote
that the statue of liberty height as it has been said that the total overall
height from the base of the pedestal foundation to the tip of the torch is
305 feet, 6 inches for found out just ((((the day before the murderer)))) …. As
emma was exploring the liberty statue… Also that Height of the Statue
from her heel to the top of her head is 111 feet, 6 inches…. Also described
that Total weight of the Statue of Liberty is 225 tons (or 450,000 pounds)..
The angle was measured by *measurements* to determine the size and

height of the liberty! …

Ellie noticed there were cops ALMOST EVERYWHERE as the head chief
edwin had explained the situation…. someone appeared out of nowhere
(agent mysterious) had told emma and ellie that the killer was caught… but
that seemed far fetched…

as he began to explain the the *square* or squares and *triangle* or

triangles around the liberty were made for the appeal of it…. The statue of
liberty was *dilated* to big or small depending on the blueprints and how
each square of piece would fit.
Emma and ellie were send back with eddy the other cop for safety as
explained…. BUt emma knew something was wrong but her hands were tied
do to the law……

Will we ever find out why the murderer happened? who did it? And why?
How knows……?

THE END!!!!!!!! :> :/…….. MAYBE!

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