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Jaycee Lee Dugard – Documentary

The documentary of the kidnaped girl is the story of the long lost Jaycee Lee
Dugard , told by her stephfather named Carl Probyn. Jaycee lived a happy little
life in South Lake Tahoe, California, with her Mother, stephfather and her one
year old sister. She got kidnapped at age eleven by a convicted sex offender
named Phillip Garrido and his wife Nancy. They took the girl to a village named
Antioch, who was well known for its large amount of sex offenders and rapists.
Jaycee was imprisoned at the Garrido’s for 18 years and was eventually found
by a curious agent.

3. I fin dit remarkable that Jaycee does not seem happy with her release. It is
understandable beacause she has lived with these people for so long, but they
have taken her entire life. I find that strange.
4. I would like some more information about her future. Hardly anything is said
about what happend with Jaycee after she was found. I would like to know how
she is now and how she has dealt with all the terrible memories.
5. To explain the story in picture, with all the footage that has been collected
over the years of the kidnapping. It’s a good thing that Carl can tell his story and
that it becomes clear to people how terrible it is as a family to have a missing
6. I find the story heartbreaking and it’s a good thing that a documentary has
been made about it. It’s a way to reach people with the story and to pay more
attention to kidnapping.

Zepha van Beckum

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