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ANSWER KEY-Correct answer is indicated by symbol (V) in options.
HINTS-In some questions options E-HINTS is indicating the hints of answer.
1) The equation for 25 cycles current sine wave having rms value of 30 amps, will be
A [v]) 42.4sin50πt.
B [ ]) 30sin50πt.
C [ ]) 30sin25πt.
D [ ]) 42.4sin25πt.
E [ ]) HINTS-Imsinωt = Imsin2πft.,Im = √2 X 30 = 42.4 A ,f is here 25 Hz ,equation will be
42.4sin2π25t = 42.4sin50πt.

2) The internal resistance of a practical voltage source is considered to be connected in

A [v]) series.
B [ ]) parallel.
C [ ]) either parallel or series.
D [ ]) none of the above.

3) R1 = 36 Ω and R2 = 75 Ω, each having tolerance of ±5% are connected in series. The

value of resultant resistance is
A [ ]) 111 ± 0 Ω.
B [ ]) 111 ± 2.77 Ω.
C [v]) 111 ± 5.55 Ω.
D [ ]) 111 ± 7.23 Ω
E [ ]) HINTS-R1 = 36 ± 5% = 36 ± 1.8 Ω. R2 = 75 ± 5 % =75 ± 3.75 Ω. ∴ R1 + R2 = 111 ± 5.55

4) The form factor of sinusoidal alternating current is

A [ ]) 0.
B [ ]) 1
C [v]) 1.11
D [ ]) 1.15
E [ ]) HINTS-form factor=rms value /average value=0.707/0.637=1.11

09/09/2016 This quiz was created with QuizFaber 3.1 build 2 1

5) Whenever current is supplied by a source its terminal voltage
A [ ]) increases.
B [v]) decreases.
C [ ]) remains constant.
D [ ]) increases exponentially.

6) A current of 4 A flows in an AC circuit when 100 V DC is applied to it whereas it takes

250 V AC to produce the same current the power factor of the circuit is
A [v]) 0.4.
B [ ]) 10.
C [ ]) 1.
D [ ]) 0.85.
E [ ]) HINTS=FOR DC,R=V/I=100/4=25 Ohm
FOR AC,Z=V/I=250/4=62.5 Ohm
power factor cosφ=R/Z=25/62.5=0.4

7) A branch of a network is said to be active when it consists of one

A [ ]) resistor.
B [v]) voltage source .
C [ ]) inductor.
D [ ]) capacitor.

8) A branch of a network is said to be passive when it contains

A [v]) voltmeter.
B [ ]) voltage source.
C [ ]) current source
D [ ]) battery.

9) terminal voltage is equal to the source emf.

A [ ]) terminal voltage can not exceed source emf.
B [v]) terminal voltage is always lower than source emf.
C [ ]) terminal voltage is higher than the source emf.
D [ ]) terminal voltage is equal to the source emf.

09/09/2016 This quiz was created with QuizFaber 3.1 build 2 2

10) To neglect a voltage source, the terminals across the source are
A [ ]) open circuited.
B [ ]) short circuited.
C [ ]) replaced by some resistance.
D [ ]) replaced by inductor.

11) A network consists of linear resistors and ideal voltage source. If the value of resistors
are doubled, then voltage across each resistor is
A [ ]) halved.
B [ ]) doubled.
C [ ]) increased four lines.
D [v]) not changed.

12) A practical current source is represented by

A [ ]) a resistance in series with an ideal current source.
B [v]) a resistance in parallel with an ideal current source.
C [ ]) a resistance in parallel with an ideal voltage source.
D [ ]) none of above.

13) Constant voltage source is

A [ ]) active and bilateral.
B [ ]) passive and bilateral.
C [v]) active and unilateral.
D [ ]) passive and unilateral.

14) Total power consumed in the circuit below is 10 W. Find x.

A [ ]) 1 A.
B [v]) 2 A.
C [ ]) 3 A.
D [ ]) None of these.

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E [ ]) HINTS-Total power consumed = x² X 2 + 2²/2 ∴ 10 W = 2x² + 2 Therefore, x = 2 A.

15) In which braking back emf exceeds supply voltage?

A [v]) Regenerative.
B [ ]) Dynamic.
C [ ]) Plugging.
D [ ]) None of these.

16) Our household apparatus are connected in

A [v]) parallel.
B [ ]) series.
C [ ]) cascade.
D [ ]) series and parallel combination.

17) In a delta network each element has value R. The value of each element in equivalent
star network will be
A [ ]) R / 6
B [ ]) R / 4.
C [ ]) R / 2.
D [v]) R / 3.

18) Nodal analysis can be applied for

A [ ]) planar networks.
B [ ]) non planar networks.
C [v]) both planner and non planner networks.
D [ ]) neither planner nor non planner networks.

19) Mesh analysis is applicable for

A [v]) planar networks
B [ ]) non planarnetworks
C [ ]) both planner and non planner networks.
D [ ]) neither planner nor non planner networks.

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20) KCL works on the principle of which of the following
A [v]) Law of conservation of charge
B [ ]) Law of conservation of energy
C [ ]) both
D [ ]) None of these

21) KVL works on the principle of

A [ ]) Law of conservation of charge
B [v]) Law of conservation of energy
C [ ]) Both
D [ ]) none of these

22) Super mesh analysis is used in case of

A [ ]) Ideal voltage source is connected between two non reference nodes
B [v]) Current source branch is common for two meshes
C [ ]) Both
D [ ]) Either 1 or 2

23) When we use super node technique

A [ ]) Current source branch is common for two meshes
B [v]) Ideal voltage source is connected between two non reference nodes
C [ ]) All of the above

24) If a resistor is connected across the voltage source and the frequency of voltage and
current wave form is 50Hz, then what is frequency of instantaneous power
A [ ]) 0 Hz
B [v]) 100Hz
C [ ]) 50Hz
D [ ]) 150Hz

25) In a series R, L circuit, voltage across resistor and inductor are 3 V and 4 V
respectively, then what is the applied voltage?

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A [ ]) 7V
B [v]) 5V
C [ ]) 4V
D [ ]) 3V
E [ ]) HINTS-

26) The alternative names for active power is/are

A [ ]) Real power
B [ ]) Average power
C [ ]) True power
D [v]) All of the above

27) In series R, L circuit power factor can be defined as

A [ ]) R/Z
B [ ]) P/S
C [ ]) Vr/V
D [v]) All of the above

28) In RLC series circuit, if the voltage across capacitor is greater than voltage across
inductor, then power factor of the network is
A [ ]) lagging
B [v]) leading
C [ ]) unity
D [ ]) zero

29) In RLC parallel circuit circuit current through inductor is more than current through
capacitor. Then what is the power factor of the circuit?
A [v]) lagging
B [ ]) leading
C [ ]) unity
D [ ]) zero

30) When power factor angle is varying, the shape of the current locus is

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A [v]) Semi circle
B [ ]) Circle
C [ ]) Triangle
D [ ]) Straight line

31) In RLC parallel circuit if current through capacitor and inductor is equal. Then What is
the power factor?
A [ ]) lagging
B [ ]) leading
C [v]) unity
D [ ]) zero

32) By which of the following elements transients will not occur?

A [v]) R
B [ ]) L
C [ ]) C
D [ ]) All of the above

33) For steady state current inductor acts as

A [v]) Short circuit
B [ ]) Open circuit
C [ ]) Voltage source
D [ ]) Current source

34) In RL series circuit R=2Ω and L=10mH and applied voltage is 10V DC. Then find the
current in the network?
A [ ]) 0A
B [ ]) 10A
C [v]) 5A
D [ ]) 1A
E [ ]) HINTS-For DC voltage inductor acts as a short circuit at steady state. I=V/R=10/2=5

35) In steady state condition capacitor acts as a

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A [ ]) Short circuit
B [v]) Open circuit
C [ ]) Voltage source
D [ ]) Current source

36) Time constant of RL series circuit is

A [ ]) 2L/R
B [ ]) RC
C [v]) L/R
D [ ]) 2RC

37) Time constant of RC series circuit is

A [ ]) L/R
B [ ]) 2RC
C [ ]) 2L/R
D [v]) RC

38) In RL series circuit R=2Ω and L=2mH. What is the value of time constant?
A [v]) 1msec
B [ ]) 2msec
C [ ]) 4msec
D [ ]) 100sec

39) Time constant is the time taken for response to rise -------of maximum value?
A [ ]) 100%
B [ ]) 90%
C [v]) 63.2%
D [ ]) 68.3%

40) Image impedance can be written by using short circuit impedance(Zsc)and open circuit
impedance(Zoc) as
A [ ]) Zsc+Zoc
B [ ]) Zsc-Zoc

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C [ ]) Zsc/Zoc
D [v]) (Zsc . Zoc)½

41) Given network is having N nodes and B branches, then number of twigs are
A [ ]) N
B [v]) N-1
C [ ]) B-N+1
D [ ]) B-N-1

42) Given network is having N nodes and b branches, then number of individual loops are
A [ ]) N
B [ ]) N-1
C [v]) b-N+1
D [ ]) b-N-1

43) Mesh analysis is prefered when loops are------nodes

A [v]) less than
B [ ]) greater than
C [ ]) equals to
D [ ]) any of the above

44) A motor having a power factor of 0.8 absorbs in active power of 1200 W the reactive
power drawn from the supply is _________ VA.
A [ ]) 130.
B [v]) 900.
C [ ]) 250.
D [ ]) 400.
E [ ]) HINTS- VI sinφ = reactive power , Active power = 1200 W , cosφ = 0.8 VI = 1200 / 0.8,
reactive power = 1200 / 0.8 × 0.6 = 900 VA.

45) the coils having self inductor of 10 mH and 15 mH have an effective inductor of 40 mH ,
when connected in series aiding. What will be the equivalent inductor if we connect them in
series opposing
A [ ]) 20 mH.

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B [ ]) 5 mH.
C [ ]) 0 mH.
D [v]) 10 mH
E [ ]) HINTS- L = L1 + L2 + 2M, when ordinary 40 = 10 + 15 + 2M 2M = 15 mH L = L1 + L2 - 2M ,
when opposing L = 10 mH

46) Reactive power drawn by a pure resistor is

A [v]) 0
B [ ]) minimum
C [ ]) maximum
D [ ]) none of the above

47) Kirchhoffs laws are valid for

A [v]) linear circuit only.
B [ ]) passive time invariant circuits.
C [ ]) non-linear circuits only.
D [ ]) both linear and non-linear circuits.

48) In what connection we get neutral?

A [v]) Star.
B [ ]) Delta.
C [ ]) Mesh.
D [ ]) Both A and B.

49) What is the relation between line voltage and phase voltage in case of delta
A [v]) VL = VP.
B [ ]) VL =1/ VP.
C [ ]) VL = √3VP.

50) If a resistor and an inductor are connected in series across a voltage source. Which
two parameters in that circuit increase if frequency of voltage source increases?

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A [v]) VL and Z.
B [ ]) Z and I.
C [ ]) VL and I.
D [ ]) VL and VR.

51) If a resistor and an inductor are connected in series across a voltage source. Which
two parameters in that circuit decrease if frequency of voltage source increases?
A [ ]) VL and Z.
B [v]) VR and I.
C [ ]) Z and I.
D [ ]) VL and VR.

52) If a resistor and a capacitor are connected to form series R - C circuit across a voltage
source. If frequency of voltage source increases
A [v]) the current increases.
B [ ]) the current decreases.
C [ ]) the current remain unaltered.
D [ ]) the current decreases abruptly.

53) Which of the following characteristics is attributed to an ideal independent voltage

A [v]) Independent of magnitude of current supplied.
B [ ]) Dependent of the magnitude of current supplied.
C [ ]) Dependent of the direction of flow of current.
D [ ]) None of above.

54) With some initial change at t = 0+, a capacitot will act as

A [ ]) short circuit.
B [ ]) open circuit.
C [v]) a voltage source.
D [ ]) a current source.

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55) i) In star connection line current is equal to phase current.
ii) In delta connection line voltage is equal to phase voltage.
For a given phase connected to the particular line which of the statement is true ?
A [ ]) Only (1).
B [ ]) Only (2).
C [v]) Both (A) and (B).
D [ ]) None of these.

56) A 3 -PHASE delta connected symmetrical load consumes P Watts of power from a
balanced supply. If the same load is connected in star to the same supply then what is the
power consumption?
A [v]) P / 3.
B [ ]) P.
C [ ]) 3P.
D [ ]) NONE

57) For a 3 - phase load balanced condition, each phase has the same value of
A [ ]) impedance.
B [ ]) resistance.
C [ ]) power factor.
D [v]) all of these.

58) In delta connected circuit when one resistor is open, then power will be
A [ ]) 0.
B [ ]) increased by factor of 3.
C [v]) reduced by the factor of 3.
D [ ]) remain unchanged.

59) In a highly capacitive circuit

A [ ]) actual power is more than its reactive power
B [v]) reactive power is more than actual power
C [ ]) reactive power is more than apparent power
D [ ]) apparent power is equal to the actual power

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60) The peak factor of a triangular ac voltage wave is
A [ ]) 1
B [ ]) 1.11
C [ ]) 1.41
D [v]) 1.732

61) The right hand rule for determining the direction of the induced EMF was introduced by
A [ ]) Faraday
B [ ]) Lenz
C [v]) Fleming
D [ ]) Maxwell

62) Whenever the magnetic flux changes with respect to an electric conductor or a coil, an
EMF is induced in the conductor is Faraday’s
A [v]) first law
B [ ]) second law
C [ ]) third law
D [ ]) fourth law

63) Which of the following represents ohms law

A [ ]) V = RI
B [ ]) J = σE
C [ ]) I = GV
D [v]) All of the above

64) Conductor is constant and field is varying then emf will induce. This principle is called
A [ ]) virtually induced emf.
B [ ]) dynamically induced emf.
C [v]) static induced emf.
D [ ]) none of these

65) In the left hand rule, forefinger always represents

A [ ]) voltage.

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B [ ]) current.
C [v]) magnetic field.
D [ ]) direction of force on the conductor.

66) Cork Screw rule is used to find

A [ ]) direction of current.
B [v]) direction of magnetic field.
C [ ]) direction of electric field.
D [ ]) direction of emf.

67) Biot-Savarts law states the relation between magnetic intensity and
A [ ]) filament current only.
B [ ]) surface current only.
C [v]) volume current only.
D [ ]) (A), (B), and (C) are all correct.

68) According to Coulomb’s law, the force of attraction or repulsion, between to electrical
charges is
A [ ]) directly proportional to the square of the distance between them.
B [ ]) inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.
C [v]) inversely proportional to the distance between them.
D [ ]) directly proportional to the distance between them.

69) Ohm’s law in point from field theory can be expressed as

A [v]) J = σE.
B [ ]) V = IR.
C [ ]) J = E / σ.
D [ ]) R = ρ × ( l / A).

70) It was suggested by _____________ that the electric field should be imagined to be
divided into tubes of force containing a fixed number of line of force
A [ ]) Kelvin.
B [v]) Faraday.

09/09/2016 This quiz was created with QuizFaber 3.1 build 2 14

C [ ]) Newton.
D [ ]) all of above.

71) The Biot-savarts law is a general modification of

A [ ]) Kirchhoffs law.
B [ ]) Lenzs law.
C [v]) Amperes law.
D [ ]) Faradays law.

72) The direction of induced emf can be found by

A [ ]) Laplaces law.
B [ ]) Kirchhoffs voltage law.
C [v]) Lenzs law.
D [ ]) Flemings right hand rule.

73) Conductor is varying and field is fixed then emf will induces. This principle is called
A [v]) dynamically induced emf.
B [ ]) static induced emf.
C [ ]) both A and B.
D [ ]) none of the above.

74) Flemings left hand rule may be applied to an electric generator to find out the direction
A [v]) induced emf.
B [ ]) rotor rotation.
C [ ]) magnetic field.
D [ ]) none of the above.

75) Which of the following is not the same as watt?

A [ ]) joule/sec
B [v]) amperes/volt
C [ ]) amperes x volts
D [ ]) ( amperes )² x ohm.

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76) When P = Power, V = Voltage, I = Current, R = Resistance and G = Conductance, which
of the following relation is incorrect?
A [ ]) V = √ (PR)
B [ ]) P= V²G
C [v]) G= P / I²
D [ ]) I =√ (P / R)

77) The unit of electrical conductivity is

A [v]) mho / metre
B [ ]) mho / sq. m
C [ ]) ohm / metre
D [ ]) ohm / sq. m.

78) How many different combinations may be obtained with three resistors, each having
the resistance R ?
A [ ]) 3
B [v]) 4
C [ ]) 5
D [ ]) 6

79) Ohm's law is not applicable to

A [ ]) DC circuits
B [ ]) high currents
C [ ]) small resistors
D [v]) semi-conductors.

80) A metal resistor has resistance of 10 ohm at 0°C and 11 ohms at 160°C, the temperature
coefficient is
A [ ]) 0.00625 / °C
B [ ]) 0.0625 /°C
C [v]) 0.000625 /°C
D [ ]) 0.625 /°C.

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81) Ohm's law is not applicable in all the following cases Except
A [ ]) Electrolytes
B [ ]) Arc lamps
C [v]) Insulators
D [ ]) Vacuum ratio values.

82) Which of the following has negative temperature coefficient ?

A [ ]) Brass
B [ ]) Mercury
C [v]) Electrolytes
D [ ]) Silver.

83) Variable resistors are

A [v]) Wire wound resistors
B [ ]) Thin film resistors
C [ ]) Thick film resistors
D [ ]) All of the above.

84) Temperature coefficient of resistance is expressed in terms of

A [v]) ohms / ohms oC
B [ ]) mhos / ohm oC
C [ ]) mhos / oC
D [ ]) ohms / oC.

85) A fuse is always installed in a circuit is

A [v]) Series
B [ ]) Parallel.
C [ ]) either series or Parallel.
D [ ]) both

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86) The rating of fuse wire is expressed in terms of
A [ ]) Ohms
B [ ]) Mhos
C [v]) Amperes
D [ ]) Watts.

87) The current carrying capacity of the fuse material depends on

A [ ]) cross-sectional area
B [ ]) length
C [ ]) material
D [v]) all of the above.

88) ccording to the fuse law, the current carrying capacity varies as
A [ ]) diameter
B [v]) (diameter)³⁄²
C [ ]) 1 / diameter
D [ ]) )1 / (diameter)²

89) In the color code white color represents the number

A [v]) 9
B [ ]) 8
C [ ]) 7
D [ ]) 6
E [ ]) 5

90) Production of heat due to current is related by which law

A [ ]) Ohm's law
B [v]) Joule's law
C [ ]) Kelvin's law
D [ ]) Maxwell's law.

91) A rheostat differs from potentiometer in the respect that

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A [ ]) rheostat has large number of turns
B [ ]) rheostat offers larger number of tappings
C [ ]) rheostat has lower wattage rating
D [v]) rheostat has higher wattage ratings.

92) Which of the following has negative coefficient of resistance?

A [ ]) Wire wound resistor
B [ ]) Metals
C [ ]) Non-metals
D [v]) Thermistor.

93) Certain substances lose their electrical resistance completely at finite low
temperatures. Such substances are called
A [ ]) dielectrics
B [v]) super-conductors
C [ ]) semi conductors
D [ ]) perfect conductors.

94) In a carbon resistor in case fourth stripe is not present, it can be concluded that
A [ ]) the resistor is highly accurate
B [ ]) the resistor is defective
C [ ]) the resistor does not contain carbon
D [v]) the tolerance limit is ± 20 %.

95) In a nickel-cadmium-alkali cell the electrolyte is

A [ ]) sulphur acid
B [v]) potassium hydroxide
C [ ]) zinc chloride
D [ ]) ammonium chloride.

96) All good conductors have high

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A [ ]) resistance
B [ ]) electrical conductivity
C [ ]) electrical and thermal conductivity
D [v]) conductance.

97) A light dependent resistor is basically a

A [ ]) power resistor
B [ ]) non-metallic resistor
C [ ]) carbon resistor
D [v]) variable resistor.

98) Voltage dependent resistors are usually made from

A [ ]) graphite
B [ ]) charcoal
C [v]) silicon carbide
D [ ]) nichrome.

99) Metals approach super-conductivity conditions

A [v]) near absolute zero temperature
B [ ]) near critical temperature
C [ ]) at triple point
D [ ]) under the conditions of high temperature and pressure.

100) Voltage dependent resistors are used

A [ ]) as current stabilizers
B [ ]) as heating elements
C [ ]) for inductive circuits
D [v]) to suppress surges.

101) .When a lead-acid battery is in fully charged condition, the colour of its positive plate

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A [ ]) dark grey
B [ ]) brown
C [v]) dark brown
D [ ]) none of above

102) Cells are connected in series in order to

A [v]) increase the voltage rating
B [ ]) increase the current rating
C [ ]) increase the life of the cells
D [ ]) none of the above

103) The ratio of ampere-hour efficiency to watt-hour efficiency of a lead-acid cell is

A [ ]) just one
B [v]) always greater than one
C [ ]) always less than one
D [ ]) none of the above.

104) The ampere-hour efficiency of a leadacid cell is normally between

A [ ]) 20 to 30%
B [ ]) 40 to 50%
C [ ]) 60 to 70%
D [v]) 90 to 95%

105) .The capacity of a lead-acid cell does not depend on its

A [ ]) temperature
B [v]) rate of charge
C [ ]) rate of discharge
D [ ]) quantity of active material

106) The storage battery generally used in electric power station is

A [ ]) nickel-cadmium battery
B [ ]) zinc-carbon battery

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C [v]) lead-acid battery
D [ ]) none of the above

107) The capacity of a battery is expressed in terms of

A [ ]) current rating
B [ ]) voltage rating
C [v]) ampere-hour rating
D [ ]) none of the above

108) Trickle charging of a storage battery helps to

A [ ]) maintain proper electrolyte level
B [ ]) increase its reserve capacity
C [ ]) prevent sulphation
D [ ]) keep it fresh and fully charged

109) As compared to a lead-acid cell, the efficiency of a nickel-iron cell is less due to its
A [ ]) compactness
B [ ]) lower e.m.f.
C [ ]) small quantity of electrolyte used
D [v]) higher internal resistance

110) The output voltage of a charger is

A [ ]) less than the battery voltage
B [v]) higher than the battery voltage
C [ ]) the same as the battery voltage
D [ ]) none of the above

111) The watt-hour efficiency of a lead-acid cell varies between

A [ ]) 25 to 35%
B [ ]) 40 to 60%
C [v]) 70 to 80%
D [ ]) 90 to 95%

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112) In ______ system the charging current is intermittently controlled at either a maximum
or minimum value
A [v]) two rate charge control
B [ ]) trickle charge
C [ ]) floating charge
D [ ]) an equalizing charge

113) When the specific gravity of the electrolyte of a lead-acid cell is reduced to 1.1 to 1.15
the cell is in
A [ ]) charged state
B [v]) discharged state
C [ ]) both (A) and (B)
D [ ]) active state

114) .The effect of sulphation is that the internal resistance

A [v]) increases
B [ ]) decreases
C [ ]) remains same
D [ ]) none of the above

115) The specific gravity of electrolyte is measured by

A [ ]) manometer
B [ ]) a mechanical gauge
C [v]) hydrometer
D [ ]) psychrometer

116) Each cell has a vent cap

A [ ]) to allow gases out when the cell is on charge
B [ ]) to add water to the cell if needed
C [ ]) to check the level of electrolyte
D [v]) to do all above functions

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117) The open circuit voltage of any storage cell depends wholly upon
A [ ]) its chemical constituents
B [ ]) on the strength of its electrolyte
C [ ]) its temperature
D [v]) all above

118) Over charging

A [ ]) produces excessive gassing
B [ ]) loosens the active material
C [ ]) increases the temperature resulting in buckling of plates
D [v]) all above

119) Internal short circuits are caused by

A [ ]) breakdown of one or more separators
B [ ]) excess accumulation of sediment at the bottom of the cell
C [v]) both (A) and (B)
D [ ]) none of the above

120) .Excessive formation of lead sulphate on the surface of the plates happens because of
A [ ]) allowing a battery to stand in discharged condition for a long time
B [ ]) topping up with electrolyte
C [ ]) topping up with electrolyte
D [ ]) low level of electrolyte

121) .Undercharging
A [v]) reduces specific gravity of the electrolyte
B [ ]) increases specific gravity of the electrolyte
C [ ]) produces excessive gassing
D [ ]) increases the temperature

122) If a battery is wrongly connected on charge following will happen

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A [ ]) current delivered by the battery will be high
B [ ]) current drawing will be nil
C [ ]) current drawing will be very small
D [v]) current drawing will be very high

123) In constant-current charging method, the supply voltage from discharged to fully
charged condition
A [ ]) decreases
B [v]) increases
C [ ]) remains constant
D [ ]) none of the above

124) .Level of electrolyte in a cell should be _____ the level of plates

A [v]) below
B [ ]) equal to
C [ ]) above
D [ ]) none of the above

125) .Cell short circuit results in

A [ ]) low sp. gravity electrolyte
B [ ]) abnormal high temperature
C [ ]) reduced gassing on charge
D [v]) all above

126) Internal resistance of a cell is reduced by

A [ ]) using vent plug to permit gas formed during discharge
B [ ]) increasing the plate area
C [ ]) putting plates very close together
D [v]) all above methods

127) Following will happen if battery charging rate is too high

A [ ]) excessive gassing will occur
B [ ]) temperature rise will occur

09/09/2016 This quiz was created with QuizFaber 3.1 build 2 25

C [ ]) bulging and buckling of plates will occur
D [v]) all above will occur

128) .Under normal charging rate, the charging current should be

A [v]) 10% of capacity
B [ ]) 20% of capacity
C [ ]) 30% of capacity
D [ ]) 40% of capacity

129) Cells are connected in parallel to

A [ ]) increase the efficiency
B [v]) increase the current capacity
C [ ]) increase the voltage output
D [ ]) increase the internal resistance

130) .When two batteries are connected in parallel, it should be ensured that
A [v]) they have same e.m.f.
B [ ]) they have same make
C [ ]) they have same ampere-hour capa-city
D [ ]) they have identical internal resistance

131) Thevenin resistance Rth is found

A [ ]) by removing voltage sources along with their internal resistances
B [ ]) by short-circuiting the given two terminals
C [ ]) between any two 'open' terminals
D [ ]) between same open terminals as for Eequvalent

132) In Thevenin's theorem, to find Z

A [ ]) all independent current sources are short circuited and independent voltage sources are
open circuited
B [ ]) all independent voltage sources are open circuited and all independent current sources are
short circuited
C [ ]) all independent voltage and current sources are short circuited

09/09/2016 This quiz was created with QuizFaber 3.1 build 2 26

D [v]) all independent voltage sources are short circuited and all independent current sources are
open circuited

133) A bilateral networks having independent voltage or current source is replaced by a

singe voltage source in series with single equevalent resistance is known as

134) A bilateral networks having independent voltage or current source is replaced by a

singe current source in parrallel with single equevalent resistance is known as
A [ ]) Thevenins theorem
B [ ]) Maximum power theorem
C [v]) Nortons theorems
D [ ]) Non og above

135) which one is Joules law

A [ ]) H=VIt
B [ ]) H=Wt
C [ ]) H=I²Rt
D [v]) all of above

09/09/2016 This quiz was created with QuizFaber 3.1 build 2 27

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