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Matthew Spencer (Order #10010925)

The Tarot Deck of

Many, Many Things

A sourcebook for adventurous characters of all levels.


Cover adapted from a photo by Derek Gavey
(under creative commons attribution 2.0)

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Matthew Spencer (Order #10010925)

Table of Contents

Introduction page 3

The Deck page 4

The Cards
The Major Arcana page 5
Minor Arcana: Wands page 11
Minor Arcana: Swords page 15
Minor Arcana: Cups page 19
Minor Arcana: Coins page 23

Tips for Play page 27

Scenarios page 28

Adventure page 29

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Matthew Spencer (Order #10010925)

There are few magic items in Dungeons and The cards below are fairly balanced with a
Dragons that embody the game's potential for mix of positive results, negative results, or
fantastic possibilities as the Deck of Many neutral results -- strange things that will
Things. A draw from the deck can completely change a character or their circumstances.
change a character into a force to be feared or Whatever draw from the deck a player gets, it
strike them with some terrible circumstance will likely be memorable. And if they draw
that takes months to overcome. multiple cards, the interplay between them
could be shockingly epic.

This guidebook expands the 22-card deck

from the many editions of D&D into a full But a note of warning: draws from this Tarot
Tarot of 78 choices, both the major and minor deck can drastically change a campaign. It is
arcana. And much like actual Tarot readings, recommended you use these cards only if you
whether the cards are drawn right side up or can truly embrace the idea that anything can
inverted can drastically alter the outcome. happen in your game and you are ready to
really shake things up. But that is the point
to roleplaying -- to see where the most unreal
As a player, when I drew from the original situations take you. And with that, it is time
deck, I found myself facing my own grim to shuffle...
reaper. As a Dungeon Master, I have seen a
fighter instantly gain a level. I have also seen
a cleric lose all of their items, including a
Shield +5 they were fortunate to roll as loot
from a giant lizard randomly encountered in
the fields of Faerun.

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Matthew Spencer (Order #10010925)

The Deck

This collection of 78 tarot cards are usually When the effect of the card begins, the
made with the best materials, expertly crafted physical card will instantly disappears from
vellum with finely painted figures or ivory existence, flawlessly teleporting back into the
with etched and stained images. The deck can deck. Thus, a player could get the same card
be contained in a velvet pouch, a wooden box, multiple times in a row.
or even a metallic case.

The tarot deck is divided into the Major

The Reader, the one giving the Tarot reading, Arcana, featuring 22 named cards such as
will ask the player how many cards they want Justice or the Magician. The Minor Arcana
to draw while they shuffle. This may be a are the remaining 56 cards, four suits not
disembodied voice, if the deck was abandoned unlike a typical deck of the playing cards. The
somewhere. If another player is the one to suits are Wands, Swords, Cups, and Coins,
pick up the deck and give readings, they will rather than the four suits in a deck of playing
be compelled to ask the question and shuffle. cards. The cards are numbered 2 to 10 and
then there are face cards, including an Ace --
besides the King and Queen, there is a Page
The player then draws a card and flips it over. card and a Knight card instead of just a Jack.
The Reader notes which card was drawn and The suits are Wands, Swords, Cups, and
if it is properly oriented or inverted, from the Coins, rather than the four suits in a deck of
point of view of the one drawing. This is playing cards.
crucial because an inverted card has a
different result than one drawn upright.
So without further adieu, here are the 78
cards themselves. Good luck on your draw.
The effect occurs immediately, though a few
have a delayed reaction. Other cards beyond
the first must be drawn less than 1 hour after
the last card they drew. If the player does not
physically draw the card(s), they will fly to the
player themselves and take effect.

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Matthew Spencer (Order #10010925)

The Cards

The Major Arcana

The Reader says, "Prepare for the aid of the
O - THE FOOL priestess." A matronly woman appears,
The Reader says, "Here comes the fool." A dressed in robes of holy authority. She asks
jester appears and insults the player, saying whom the player wants restored. Everyone
they are a bigger fool than him. He laughs designated in 1 minute is healed completely,
and points at the character. A sense of including all diseases and ailments.
embarrassment overcomes the character.
They lose 10,000 experience and draw once
more, foolishly. inverted
The same woman appears and asks the
player, "Which infidel do you wish defeated?"
inverted The NPC named suddenly dies via divine
The jester walks around and looks at player intervention. If the character says they do not
and says, "You are a fool." The PC goes into wish any deaths the priestess calls the
shock, thinking about their life, realizing the character merciful and heals the group like
jester is right. They come out of the daze with the non-inverted card.
insight on how they have been foolish in the
past. They gain 10,000 experience.


The Reader says, "All hail the empress." A
I - THE MAGICIAN raised platform is brought out by four
The Reader says, "A practitioner of magic servants and the well dressed ruler is
approaches." A Wizard appears and gives revealed. She blows a kiss to the PC, saying
assistance to the party in any way he can, she gives them her blessing. The character
but he will seek spells or magic items as becomes pregnant. If the character is male,
payment. He looks like a stereotypical human the baby grows inside a magic bubble inside
wizard with a robe and a pointy hat. He is their torso, and will need to be birthed via a
12th level, with ability scores all 10 except for C-section when the time comes.
an Int of 16. and his tradition is Divination.

inverted The empress gives a look of scorn and curses
The same wizard appears, attempts to help, the PC, declaring, "Barren. Bare. You will die
but makes things worse. The entire time he without children, without legacy, without
insults the character for wasting his time. love." The character is now sterile.

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Matthew Spencer (Order #10010925)

IV - THE EMPEROR mark on their forehead that says the word
The Reader says, "Long live the glorious faithless in the tongue of the native language
emperor." An emperor on his throne sprouts of whoever reads it. The mark will only
up from the ground. He asks the player to disappear when the character finds faith.
draw near. He gives a speech on what it takes
to rule. He then examines the character and
pronounces them worthy. He bestows upon
the player his Rod of Lordly Might (DMG
p196). He asks the player to use it for the VI - THE LOVERS
good of all. The first time the player uses the The Reader hands the character a small token
rod in a deliberately evil way it will stop being that hints at the identity of the love of their
magical for one day. The second time it will life and says, "This will lead you to true love."
lose all its magic permanently. The PC will meet their soulmate sometime
during the next week. The PC will have to face
many obstacles to win their love. The DM
inverted should put the time in to make the soulmate
The emperor examines the character and a fully fleshed out NPC with stats, goals, etc.
pronounces them unworthy. The PC is forced
to kneel, paralyzed in that position. Then he
presses the button and turns his Rod into a inverted
Battleaxe +3, and gets a single attempt to The same as above, except a tragedy will
chop off their head (Instant Death rule befall their soulmate. It could be illness. It
applies, PHB p197). After the single attack is could be murder. It could even by they go on
made, the emperor returns to the ground. a quest that changes them into a villain.


The Reader states, "Now comes a servant of The Reader cocks head as if listening and
the heavens." A wizened priest appears, states, "Hark the rumble of the chariot." A
stating he is a messenger of the gods. He asks black chariot being pulled by two Nightmares
the character if he has a patron god. If he (MM p235) and driven by a Cambion (MM
does, the priest comments on the god’s great p36). It will run down the PC. They all will
qualities and then touches the player on the attack relentlessly for one minute, ten
forehead. The symbol of the god is forever rounds, each day. This will reoccur until the
branded there. Those who follow this god will PC is killed or they are. The chariot is
give the PC respect, but enemies of said god intangible to everyone else, except for the PC.
will hate them. The DM should devise
suitably drastic results in social situations.
Players who answer they do not follow a god inverted
The same chariot appears and asks the
just get a pitiful glance from the priest.
character whom they would see vanquished.
It will perform the same actions as above, but
inverted against whomever is named.
The same as above, though the priest
punishes the faithless by putting a magical

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Matthew Spencer (Order #10010925)

VIII - STRENGTH (1) or a critical success (20) on any d20 rolls.
The Reader says, "You are reborn, with the Have fun with this one!
Strength to succeed." The PC becomes a half-
orc. All changes and modifiers occur, with an
additional +1 to Strength above the usual inverted
modifiers. If already a half-orc, the receive an The same as above, except the wheel is tilted,
additional +2 to Strength. and only a 1 on a 1d4 in the morning gives
good luck.

The Reader says, "You are drained of your
strength." The character gets a -2 to Strength.
The Reader states, "Justice shall be served." A
sense of foreboding weighs on the PC. The
next important action the character
IX - THE HERMIT completes will have consequences. If it is a
The Reader says, "Behold your future." The good act, an unforeseen reward will result. If
player is given a glimpse of themselves at old it is a negative act, than something like poetic
age. They are alone and crazy, a hermit in the justice will occur.
wild. They are abandoned and they are fated
to die alone. This leaves the character with a
sense of dread for the future, losing whatever inverted
experience gained toward their next level. The Reader states, "Justice will come to one
who is close to you." Similar to above, but it
will be on an NPC close to them, with the
inverted result somehow effecting the player (for better
The same as above, except the old version of or for worse).
the character is giving advice to a room of
students. A year of such classes flashes by in
the PC's mind. They gain confidence in the
future, receiving 50% Experience needed to
gain their next level.


The Reader states, "You are bound by the
whims of luck." The character gains
exceptional luck. The player rolls a die at the
start of the day: an odd result means the
character has -1 to all d20 rolls that day and
even means +1 to all d20 rolls that day.
Extremely good or bad things should also
occur when the player rolls a critical failure

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Matthew Spencer (Order #10010925)

The Reader expresses sympathy for the PC,
16 (+3) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 16 (+3) 16 (+3)
then they are swallowed by a large black gem,
the size of a wall. The party can look into it Damage Immunities: necrotic, poison
and watch as a gallows instantly appears and Condition Immunities: charmed, frightened,
paralyzed, petrified, poisoned
the PC is hung. Time seems to speed up as Senses: darkvision 60 ft., truesight 60 ft., passive
they watch the body of the character be Perception 13
buried. It speeds quicker as days of horrible Languages: all languages known to its summoner
weather pass. Finally the player emerges as Challenge — (0 XP)

an undead who slowly approaches the gem

and emerges from it. The gem turns to dust Incorporeal Movement. The reaper can move
through other creatures and objects as if they were
and blows away. The PC is now a kind of difficult terrain. It takes 5 (1d10) force damage if it
Ghoul (MM p148), their skin tight and ends its turn inside an object.
slightly discolored, though not decaying. They
Turning Immunity. The reaper is immune to features
have the poison immunity and the darkvision that turn undead.
of a Ghoul, the bite of a Ghoul, but not the
claws or the need to devour corpses. Action: Reaping Scythe. The reaper sweeps a scythe
through a creature within 5 feet of it, dealing 7 (1d8
+ 3) slashing damage plus 4 (1d8) necrotic damage.

The same as above, but when the character is
buried, they emerge not as undead, but
reborn with a new regard for life. The XIV - TEMPERANCE
character now has Damage Resistance to The Reader says, "You are now tempered." The
Necrotic energy. PC no longer needs food, water, sleep, or air.
They just exist. One could consume these
things, but they aren’t needed to survive.

XIII - DEATH inverted

The Reader solemnly states, "Now there is The Reader says, "You are ill-made." They now
death." A grim reaper comes to kill the PC. It need double the food and water to live. They
warns that anyone who helps the player will also get exhausted easily, with endurance
have their own reapers to face. It will If a checks being made at a -4 penalty.
character is slain, they are slain forever.

The reaper comes and tells the character
about the next great threat they will face and
a bit of knowledge on how to avoid it.

Grim Reaper
Medium undead, true neutral
Armor Class 20
Hit Points: half the hit point maximum of player
Speed: 60 ft., fly 60 ft. (hover)

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Matthew Spencer (Order #10010925)

XV - DEVIL Constitution, over heart; Intelligence, side of
The Reader states, “I smell sulphur. You’ve head; Wisdom, forehead; Charisma, around
gained the enmity of the netherworld.” A devil one eye. Once per day, the PC can touch the
attacks the player sometime during the next brand and choose to activate it for one
week. It won’t stop until it is killed or the minute. The brand will glow for that minute,
player is. The devil is a Bone Devil if player is raising that ability score by 5 points.
level 6 or less, an Erinyes if level 7 to 11, or a
Pit Fiend if level 12 or more (MM p66 to 78).
The same as above, except when the brand is
inverted activated, the PC also loses 1 point in each of
The Reader states, “I smell sulphur. Are you the other 5 ability scores.
sure you aren’t of the netherworld?” The
character gets little nubs on their head that
grow into full horns after a week. It is not
unlike a Tiefling (PHB p42) — they even get
the Thaumaturgy cantrip (PHB p282) and XVIII - THE MOON
The Reader says, "The genie of the night shall
Darkvision like one.
grant your wishes." A moonstone (translucent
and pearl-like) appears in air before them. It
grants 1d4 Wishes to use (PHB p288), one a
minute, measured in realtime. This is
XVI - THE TOWER represented as a moonstone with the shape of
The Reader says, "You shall rise above all the phases; full=4, gibbous=3, half=3,
others." The PC grows in height. They grow to crescent=1, new=0. The moonstone changes
the maximum height + 10%. Their Strength shape as wishes are granted, the Reader
and Constitution will be +1, but their stating the phase as it happens.
Dexterity will be -2.

inverted The moonstone is full, but tinted dark red.
The Reader says, "All shall rise above you." The player makes one wish, which first seems
The character shrinks to minimum height - beneficial, but will turn out to be rather
10%. Their Strength and Constitution will be disastrous for the player.
-1, but their Dexterity will be +2.


The Reader says, "Starlight shall empower
you," pointing to the white light surrounding
the card. This light then bursts at the
character. The player chooses an attribute. A
branding of a star appears at an appropriate
location: Strength, back of dominant hand;
Dexterity, palm of dominant hand;

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Matthew Spencer (Order #10010925)

The Readers says, "The light of the sun shall The Reader states, "Prepare for a journey
radiate upon you." From a large ball of light, through the world." The world flashes by
an item from Magic Item Table F (DMG p146) them, land and sea alike. With a sudden jolt,
emerges and floats to the PC. Then a burst of the character finds themselves in a random
sunlight occurs as the ball fades, granting the place in their world. The dungeon master may
player wondrous insight, which provides or may not choose for the other PCs to take
50,000 experience. the trip too.

inverted inverted
After receiving the item, the player will see the The Reader states, "Prepare for a journey to
same ball of light, but the player is sucked in. another world." A similar blurring of space
They take 1d6 damage per level and are around the character occurs, but they see
blinded permanently. outer space with planets and stars going by
and when it stops the player is on another
world altogether. The dungeon master may or
may not choose for the other PCs to take the
trip too.
The Reader gives the character a grim look
and exclaims, "Thou shall be judged." The
character and the closest ten people (allies
and enemies) will be transported to a marble
court room. No one is able to lie, or speak out
of turn. There, three judges will question the
PC’s life, seeing if they were Good. The jury
asks questions and then make a ruling. The
judges then rule. If they acted Good in life,
they are freed without consequence, if Neutral
then they permanently loses a level, if Evil
they are instantly slain.

It is a corrupt court room, where being Evil is
the preference.

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Matthew Spencer (Order #10010925)

MINOR ARCANA, WANDS The same as above, except the Reader asks,
"Whose end shall you witness?” The player
Ace of Wands – BALANCE answers and sees the death of another
The Reader says, "You are weighed in the person, with the player now forewarned of a
balance, and found wanting." A flood of threat to that individual.
thoughts on morality overwhelm the PC.
When the barrage dies down, the PC is not
the same. Randomly change their alignment.
If the player doesn’t follow the new alignment,
Four of Wands – THRONE
they will receive a -1 to all d20 rolls.
The Reader says, "Somewhere you shall have
a throne of your own. Where shall be your
home?" The player answers, gaining a small
keep at that location. With this gain comes
The same as above, except they are fanatical,
the knowledge to maintain those who work
compelled to criticize friends and family that
there, as well as proficiency in Intimidation
act outside their new alignment. If the player
and Persuasion while in the keep.
doesn't do so, they get another -1 to d20 rolls.

The same as above, except the keep becomes
Two of Wands – CHARLATAN a magnet of trouble, always being attacked by
The Reader says, "What a tangled web we wandering monsters or would be conquerors
weave." The character is now a pathological coming for the keep.
liar. At minimum, they must lie at least once
per day, usually when the situation is critical,
and usually for personal gain.

Five of Wands – DRAGON

The Reader says, "May this new life bring
hope to yours." The character receives a
The character now abhors lying, and they can
Pseudo Dragon (MM p254), of the character’s
cast the Zone of Truth spell once per day
alignment, as a familiar. The normal rules for
(PHB p289).
having a familiar apply (PHB p107, PHB p240,
MM p254).

Three of Wands – DOOM inverted

The Reader says, "Welcome to life’s end." All The same as above, except the Pseudo Dragon
becomes dark, then a play-like scene appears is Chaotic Neutral. It will be harder to raise--
before them. They see themselves, witnessing but over time the alignment of the familiar
their own death. After falling to the floor in will shift to that of character.
hysterics, they find themselves back in the
real world. Whenever they encounter a similar
situation, they make a Wisdom save versus
DC 12 or be Frightened (PHB p290).

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Matthew Spencer (Order #10010925)

Six of Wands – ECHO Eight of Wands – DESIRE
The Reader says, "May a thing you behold be The Reader says, "Who do you want to see?"
voiced and echoed throughout this place." The player names a living character they have
After they say the name of an item they can met in the past. That character is instantly
see, the words echo continuously through the teleported to the player's side. They remain
area, becoming louder, a shape of energy for 1 minute, and then are teleported back. If
forming in the center. It culminates in a the subject is killed or knocked out, they do
booming echo and the item popping into not teleport back.
existence. The character is given a double of
an item (not an artifact) in sight.
The Reader asks, "Who do you want to be?"
inverted The player names another character they
The Reader says, "May a thing you behold be have met. The player is told what feats or skill
named, so it shall fade away like the echo of proficiencies that character possesses. They
your voice." The echo crescendos once more, then choose one to get for free. With that
but this time the energy surrounds an object. ability comes the muscle memory that
The echo’s loud conclusion makes the item character has for said ability.
pop out of existence.

Nine of Wands – FLESH

Seven of Wands – FAITH The Reader points at the character and says,
The Reader says, "Let a hollow receptacle be "A pound of flesh, no more no less." They feel
filled." The image of a deity of the character’s a sickening drain. Reader adds, “Only blood
alignment appears in their mind. The PC will salve your body.” The character begins to
becomes a believer of this deity. They roll decay, losing 1 Constitution point every week,
1d10 when they level up; on a result of 1 they unless they bathe in fresh blood that week,
must take a level of Cleric. Repeat until a which gives 1 Constitution point back. This
level of Cleric is taken. If the character is will persist for a lifetime, barring divine
already a believer in a god or a Cleric, the intervention or a Wish (PHB p288).
vision is of their deity. The PC is gifted with
the ability to contact a proxy of their lord
once per week, ala Commune (PHB p223). inverted
The Reader points and says, "The body is a
temple." The character feels a soothing wave
inverted of energy, making their flesh perfect; scars
The same as above, except the character is disappear and will not appear in the future.
instantly reshaped by their new belief, losing Any physical ailments are removed. The
all levels in their given class and gaining character gains proficiency in Constitution
levels as a Cleric. The player may make a one saves, or doubles the bonus if they already
time decision to switch the numbers in have that proficiency.
Wisdom and another ability score.

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Matthew Spencer (Order #10010925)

Ten of Wands – GREED inverted
The Reader says, "Greed fills your heart and The Reader says, "May the darkness find you
blinds your eyes." Thoughts of greed and bind you." The lights are of darker hues:
overwhelms the character. Double your blues, purples, and grays. They become
number of remaining draws, adding a Drow-ish: skin becomes grayer, hair become
minimum of one. lighter, and eyes become much paler. Elves
become more Drow-ish, with similar cosmetic
changes, and an additional +1 to Charisma.
inverted Half-elves become a full-blooded Drow, with
The Reader says, "Greed fills your mind and all the appropriate modifiers (PHB p24), as
sickens your soul." The character realizes the well as an additional +1 to Charisma on top
horror of greed and the next considerable of the other ability score adjustments.
magic item they receive will be refused or
given away. They also refuse any remaining
draws from the deck.

Queen of Wands – KEY

The Reader says, "Here is your key," and
hands a large brass key to the character. It
Page of Wands – IDIOT changes shape into a useful magic weapon.
The Reader says, "Ignorance is bliss." The Roll on Magic Item Table G (DMG p147),
character suddenly feels lazy and lethargic. with any result not being a weapon, staff, or
They slump over, their mind emptying. They wand being considered a Weapon +1. The
lose 1d4 points of Intelligence, but they can actual form of the weapon, such as a long
choose to draw another card. sword or short bow, is changed to a weapon of
the player’s choice. The weapon has a Minor
Property (DMG p143). The weapon will be
inverted instrumental in defeating an upcoming
The same as above, but they gain double the enemy, due to the enemy having a weakness
loss as a Wisdom bonus. to that particular weapon.

The same as above, except the item is Cursed
Knight of Wands – FEY
(DMG p138), causing the player to have a 50%
The Reader says, "May glamour find you and
chance to automatically fail a Saving throw.
bind you." Lights of all colors surround the
But only one save can be failed per day.
character, filling him with a sense of wonder
and delight. When these little lights cease the
character finds they have become more fey. It
is special for a half-elf because they become
full-blooded, with appropriate ability score
adjustments and abilities added (PHB p21),
as well as Charisma +3. Elves gain Charisma
+2 as they become closer to the ideal of
Elvenkind. For everyone else they gain
Charisma +1, as an elf-like grace is given.

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Matthew Spencer (Order #10010925)

King of Wands – THE SEVEN
The Reader says, "You are now enthralled by
the seven." He raises his hands and with each
finger names a sin. Everyday one sin takes
hold of the character in a random order. This
lasts seven days until each gets a turn. If the
person survives, they gain a permanent +1 to
all saves. The Sins are Greed (tries not to
spend wealth, only stare at it), Lust (seeks out
partners for sex), Gluttony (goes on a binge,
eating and drinking), Pride (becomes arrogant
and overconfident), Envy (covets what others
have), Wrath (becomes easy to anger), Sloth
(unwilling to act, -2 to rolls).

The same as above, except The Reader names
the virtues and it is these seven that control
them. The Virtues are Justice (giving people
just desserts), Fortitude (strength against
impossible tasks), Prudence (approach
obstacles cautiously), Wisdom (give advice to
others), Temperance (be moderate and
balanced), Courage (boldly fight despite fear),
Charity (give unto others).

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Matthew Spencer (Order #10010925)

Quirk (DMG p143). The player, and them only,
MINOR ARCANA, SWORDS can see a starlight aura on the enemy.

Ace of Swords – BLOOD

The Reader says, "Blood is life." The PC goes
into convulsions. Every time the character is
Three of Swords – HELL
hurt, their blood rages and they convulse
The Reader says, "There is hell to pay." A
(losing a round of action). They must make a
chasm opens up, and a demon crawls out of
Constitution save with a DC = to 8 + the
it. They seek payment, something that will
damage dealt. If they fail, The PC’s blood
hurt the PC to give up -- a favorite weapon, all
begins to race in agony, receiving a -2 to all
their gold, their love for their siblings. DM
rolls, until they take a Short Rest. Only Wish
must decide what is valuable enough to the
(PHB p288) can remove the affliction.
player that the demon is satisfied. If the devil
does not get such a thing after negotiation,
they will attack without mercy. The demon is
a Shadow demon if player is level 5 or less, a
The same as above, except rather than going
Glabrezu if level 6 to 10, a Nalfeshnee if level
into convulsions, when hurt they are
11 to 15, or a Balor if level 16 or more (MM
automatically invigorated. They receive a +4
p50 to 65).
Constitution bonus which lasts until the
encounter is over.

The same as above, but the demon laughs
and says the PC’s terrible future impresses
Two of Swords – COMET him. He gives the PC the weapon Black
Starlit darkness surrounds the area. The Razor (DMG p216) to bring that future.
Reader points at a shooting star and says,
"Your next enemy shall be as a comet that
guides you toward the future." If the player
defeats next hostile opponent with a challenge
Four of Swords – DONJON
rating equal to or greater than the player's
The Reader says, "You have lost your
level, they gain enough experience to go up a
freedom." Shimmering walls of force envelop
level. The player, and the player only, can see
the character. It and the PC then fade from
a starlight aura around the enemy.
sight. They leave their items behind. The PC’s
party must seek out the imprisoned comrade.
The same as above, except the Reader says,
"Your next enemy shall be the comet that
The Reader says,"Bars shall not bind you."
guides you toward glory." If the player
The PC (and their party) will be freed from
successfully defeats next hostile opponent
their next instance of bondage -- it’s basically
with a challenge rating equal to or greater
a get out of jail for free card.
than the player's level, they will find an
additional piece of loot from Magic Item
Table I (DMG p149). The magic item has a

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Matthew Spencer (Order #10010925)

Five of Swords – ROGUE inverted
The Reader says, "There is a rogue out for The same as above, except the player becomes
you." A close NPC gains a secret hatred obsessed, wanting to hunt everyday, eat only
toward the character. They will plot against fresh meat they kill, learn abilities or spells to
the character, and will reveal their hatred at help with hunting.
the culmination of their revenge.

The same as above, except the NPC will work Eight of Swords – VOID
towards a good thing that will help the player. The Reader says, "You are void." Black energy
surrounds the character as they flail about.
Once they are completely covered, they stop
flailing and the black energy rises off the
body. It resembles a black balloon illuminated
Six of Swords – HERO to gray because of the vibrant soul within.
The Reader says, "The world needs heroes." A This soul balloon floats into the horizon. The
trumpet sounds and the world dissolves and PC’s soul is lost somewhere, their body falling
they find they are in a King’s Hall. They into a coma. The party must reunite the soul
brought before the King and charged as a with the body. A Wish (PHB p288) can reveal
Knight on a Quest. The character and their where soul is located.
party have been teleported to a storybook
world. The PC becomes the center of a heroic
quest. This quest is a cliche, with a princess inverted
held by an evil wizard or cruel knight. The black energy stays on the body, whisking
it away, leaving a shadowy image of the
character. They are ethereal and can’t touch
inverted the material plane or effect it with magic. The
The same as above, except there will be an PC’s body is lost, and the soul must find it. A
ironic twist that makes the PC the villain. Wish can reveal where the body is located.
Perhaps the princess appears captive, but is
really undergoing some strange ritual before
marriage. The PC will learn form her that she
didn’t want to be rescued.

Seven of Swords – HUNT

The Reader says, "You seek the thrill of the
hunt." An urge for nature will hit the
character: the need for fresh air and the smell
of trees. They realize that the hunt calls
them. The PC gains proficiency in Survival.
They are compelled to hunt at least once a
week, if possible.

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Matthew Spencer (Order #10010925)

Nine of Swords – LIFE "Thou shall resist pain." Once per day, the
The Reader says, "Receive the gift of life." A player can bolster themselves for one minute,
little point of light appears and the character gaining resistance to bludgeoning, piercing,
feels their hit points leaving them. Their and slashing damage.
health appear as points of light flying out of
their body like fireflies, joining the first light,
Soon, there is a concert of lights floating in
the area. When the PC reaches zero HP, they
are paralyzed. The symphony of lights begin Page of Swords – LEGEND
to rapidly fly around in swarms. Then the The Reader says, “You are the stuff of legend."
lights violently fly back into the character’s A book forms with the PC’s name on top. The
body. The player is completely rejuvenated first page starts with the words, 'Once upon a
and healed. The character’s hit points become time there was a man…' (change race and
as if the player had rolled the maximum gender to fit PC). They instantly now know the
number of HP every level. tale of a famous hero that has the same name
as the PC. A past exploit of the PC mirrors
this commonly known legend. The PC is seen
inverted as the reincarnation of this famous hero. The
The Reader says, "Now your life slips away." PC may receive positive attention and fame
The point of light appears, as well as the wherever they go.
lights flying out of the PC. When the lights go
wild some of them burst and die. The lights
return to the PC, who learns they have lost 2 inverted
HP per level from their total hit points. The same as above, but it puts the PC in a
bad light. This makes the player infamous
when they become known.

Ten of Swords – PAIN

The Reader says, "Behold the horrible face of
pain." A scarred female face appears, floating Knight of Swords – KNIGHT
in space--not a head, but a hairless visage of The Reader says, "You shall be served.” A
just the skin and muscles of the actual face. fighter arrives on horseback. They say they
Blood drips from behind. It floats over to the shall serve until death. They are the same
character, staying quiet. Then it slowly curses race and gender and alignment as PC. Their
the character, "Thou shall feel my agony." The ability scores are 15,15,15,12,12,12; Level is
PC is cursed into taking +2 damage from each half of PC, rounded down; HP total is level x
melee attack against them, leaving 10. The warrior has plate mail and great
horrendous scars. This can only be stopped sword (both +1 for levels 4 to 6, +2 for levels 7
with Remove Curse or similar magic. and 8, +3 for levels 9 and 10).

inverted inverted
This same face appears and floats over to the The same as above, except the NPC is merely
PC. The face smiles and heals into a perfect a level 1 squire with all scores of 12.
beauty, including long black hair growing.
This beautiful female blesses the player,

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Matthew Spencer (Order #10010925)

Queen of Swords – PHOENIX After the duel, if he lives, the Challenger
The Reader says, "From the ashes, it is laments his survival. He explains that once
reborn." In the air a small flame appears. The he fought the Challenger and he killed them
phoenix emerges from it and shrieks. It then -- he gained all of his swords by becoming the
flies into the character, becoming a tattoo. next Challenger. If the player does kill the
The tattoo is ribbons of flame crisscrossing Challenger, they learn about this outcome the
the person’s body, culminating with a huge hard way, by being cursed to the same fate.
fiery bird on the back. The tattoo grants Fire
Resistance. When the character dies there is
an explosion 1d6 rounds later (as they inverted
become engulfed by fire) equal to a Fire Ball The Challenger looks at PC and says they are
spell (PHB p241) of 10d6 damage and DC 15 unworthy, The party is teleported back. After
centered on the body. The character emerges the player gains two levels, they will be
from the explosion resurrected, with all teleported to the arena to finally duel him.
ailments, equipment, and the tattoo, gone.
The Challenger
Medium human, neutral
inverted Fighter, level 9
When the phoenix appears, she attacks the Armor Class 15
character, in a rage. Stats are the same as a Hit Points: 100

Giant Eagle (PHB p306, MM p325), but STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
Ability scores are all +2, attacks have +2 to 16 (+3) 14 (+2) 16 (+3) 10 (0) 10 (0) 10 (0)
hit and +1d6 fire damage; Armor Class is +2
Senses: passive Perception 10
natural armor; Hit Points are +2d10; it has
Languages: common
immunity to fire; and at death causes the Challenge — (0 XP)
above Fire Ball. The phoenix’s Challenge
rating is 4. Dueling style (PHB p72). When wielding a sword in
one hand, and no other weapons, the Challenger
gains a +2 bonus to damage rolls.

One-handed assault. Two attacks with a base bonus

of +7 and +5 damage, before weapon modifiers.
King of Swords – DUEL
Two-handed assault. Two attacks with a base bonus
The Reader says, "It is time to dance the of +7 and +3 damage, before weapon modifiers.
duel." The PC and their party are whisked
away. The PC who drew the card is inside an
arena, the party in the stands. A man The Challenger’s Blades
wrapped in bloody bandages is across from 1 - Sword of Dancing, rapier (DMG p161) and Dagger of
Venom (DMG p161)
the PC. He challenges the PC to a duel using
2 - Defender, long sword (DMG p164)
only weapons. (Magic spells automatically
3 - Frost Brand, great sword (DMG p171)
fail.) The Challenger gives him a choice: a
4 - Nine Lives Stealer, scimitar (DMG p183)
duel until knock out, where if the PC wins,
5 - Scimitar of Speed (DMG p199)
they can keep one blade; or a duel to the
6 - Sword of Life Stealing, short sword (DMG p206)
death, where if the PC wins, they keep all the
7 - Sword of Sharpness, long sword (DMG p206)
blades. The PC is told that they must pick -- a
8 - Vorpal Sword, great sword (DMG p209).
duel is the only way the party can leave. The
PC chooses. The Challenger grabs his blade(s)
from a rack -- roll 1d8 and consult table.

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Matthew Spencer (Order #10010925)

MINOR ARCANA, CUPS The same as above, except after nemesis
fights the character for the first time, it
Ace of Cups – MEMORY realizes that the PC deserves to live. It will
The Reader says curiously, "Can you leave, but one day it will return, to sacrifice
remember?" A glorious halo appears around itself to save the original character.
the character’s head, writhing with tendrils of
light. The character feels a rush as their
minds expand. A magic-using character may
recast a spell once per day. If a Sorcerer, they
Three of Cups – FATES
gain an extra casting of their highest spell
The Reader says, "The fates carefully examine
level. If a Warlock, they gain an additional
the thread of life that is each of us." A boggy
Invocation. If not a spell caster, they gain the
fog envelops a corner of the area. From this
ability to cast one spell of their choice once
corner steps out the three fates, old hags who
per day, as if they were a Sorcerer. The spell is
share one eye. One holds the thread coming
of a spell level that a Sorcerer of their level
from the mist, the second has the loose end
would have access to, though the spell can be
of the thread stretched out, and the third
from any class's spell list. It should fit the
holds the scissors (and has the eye). They ask
character’s personality.
in unison if the character wishes to undo an
event that has occurred to them since the last
new moon. When the character replies, they
undo this one occurrence, cutting out a piece
The Reader says the words with morbidity. A
of thread and then knotting it back together.
magic-using PC loses enough memories to
If the PC answers no, the second one holding
lose a level. If they aren’t such a character,
the end of the thread takes the eye, examines
they only lose 1d4 days of memory and half
the character, saying that she will just have to
the experience toward their next level.
make sure a coming tragedy never happens at
all. Then the fates drift back into the fog,
which then dissipates.

Two of Cups – NEMESIS

The Reader says, "Everyone has a relentless inverted
rival, they just don't know it." Directly in front After appearing, the fates examine the
of the character the nemesis appears, layer character’s thread and state that they seek
after layer of flesh coming together. The revenge against something the character did.
nemesis has the same stats as the PC. They They curse him, saying that a horrible fate
also look identical to the character, except awaits him, it could be in one day or one
their eyes are completely black and they have decade. They then leave. (The dungeon master
small antlers. The nemesis’s personality is a can decide if this is just to frighten the PC, or
morbid and determined version of the if they will actually act on it.)
character. It mocks the character, warning
that they shall return. They will return to
wreak havoc on the PC.

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Matthew Spencer (Order #10010925)

Four of Cups – NUMBERS Six of Cups – PARAGON
The Reader says, "Laws and measurements The Reader says, "People seek someone to
form this universe; all one needs to know is look up to." Confidence fills the character, but
the math." Strange symbols (Greek letters also an aura of power. The character gains
used in math and other symbols used from the Inspiring Leadership feat (PHB p167). In
equations) swirl around the PC, changing general, the PC is now impossible to forget.
them. The player rolls percentile, a result of
01 to 33 gives you the number 3, 34 to 66
gives you the number 4, 67 to 99 gives you inverted
the number 5, and 100 allows the PC to The Reader says, "People seek others, but you
choose from the trio of numbers. Every base shall be unsought." The character is easily
number divisible by the result of 3 or 4 or 5 forgotten, a paragon of obscurity wrapped in
gains a +1 bonus: ability scores and an aura of obfuscation. Only those that have
proficiency bonus gain +1. For hit points, they had extended contact with him, at least one
gain +1 per level. There is no bonus for level, week, can remember him. Against all others,
or Hit Dice total or die type. the PC has Advantage on Stealth checks.

The same as above, except every number
divisible gets the amount as a minus. Seven of Cups – SMITH
The Reader says, "The smith’s anvil shall
ring." A blacksmith’s hut rises from the earth.
The player watches as an old Dwarven smith
and his Dwarven assistants go to work. Time
Five of Cups – PARADISE seems to speed up in the hut until it is
The Reader states, "Somewhere there is a numbingly quick. Then it stops and the smith
perfect paradise for us all." The area instantly approaches. He hands the player a
changes into a paradise of the character’s Spellguard Shield (DMG p201) that is
desire. They also choose companions, up to a Sentient (DMG p214). It has random
dozen people, that are willing to come. There qualities, but it’s Special Purpose is Bane, to
is food, drink, and any non-magical and defeat or kill Wizards.
inexpensive objects they want. The Reader
and Tarot Deck are there as well. Anyone can
leave when they wish to. The party can stay inverted
as long as the character wills it, resting, The same as above, except the Smith ask the
healing, studying, seeing loved ones. Time player for a weapon or piece of armor. It gains
does not pass in the real world. an additional +1 enhancement, but it has a
flaw and the player has to make a Dexterity
saving throw to prevent it from breaking on a
inverted critical hit or fumble, DC 12.
There is trouble in paradise. After a day, there
is an attack from a formidable monster.

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Matthew Spencer (Order #10010925)

Eight of Cups – PATHS inverted
The Reader says, "We all must choose our The same as above, except the Reader states,
path in life. Perhaps you wish that you "Gain peace of body, or give piece of your
walked a different path?" The player may mind." Result is same, but whenever the
remake their character: changing class, character’s pacifism is criticized, they are
alignment, ability scores, background, skills, compelled to attack the critic.
feats, or powers. How drastic they can go is
up to the DM. The character then gets
memories of this new life. The character
possesses both time-lines of memories, but
the old one is hard to recall, requiring Ten of Cups – POX
Wisdom checks with varying degrees of The Reader says, "A pox upon you," with a
difficulty based on the obscurity of the dismissive wave of a hand. A wave of heat and
memory or information. The PC’s party only nausea flows through the PC. They convulse
knows the new version of the character. The and throw up. Their condition quickly
DM should state that although the players worsens. The character has become sick,
remember the old version of the character, losing 1d4 Constitution permanently.
their characters should not.

inverted The Reader says the same words, though the
The same as above, except the change has illness they feel doesn’t effect them directly.
unseen consequences. Perhaps they never For the next week they spread Sewer Plague
met a love interest? Or their family was killed (DMG p257) to anyone they touch. It is a more
in a tragedy? Maybe certain NPCs are now potent version that incubates in 1d4 hours.
enemies? The DM could also press for drastic
changes to a PC’s personality and alignment.

Page of Cups – RUIN

The Reader says, "This is your ruin." A
Nine of Cups – PAX character is given a vision where the wealth
The Reader says, "Gain peace of body, gain that isn’t on them is taken by officials. Then a
peace of mind," and he gestures toward the stuffy official with a group of guards appears
character. The character is suddenly hit by and takes whatever wealth is on him
agony and regret. When they recover from the currently. The PC loses all wealth.
shock, they find that they abhor violence.
They can cast Calm Emotions (PHB p221)
once per day and Sanctuary (PHB p272)
The same as above, except after one month
twice per day. They can also choose to make
will gain wealth that is ten times what they
any damage they deal — by weapon, ability,
lost. The officials will return, apologize for the
or spell — automatically knockout, rather
mistake, and reward the character.
than kill, opponents reduced to 0 hit points.

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Matthew Spencer (Order #10010925)

Knight of Cups – NEED King of Cups – MAGI
The Reader says, "The need shall drive you." The Reader says, "Learn the magi’s answer."
The image of a likable thing or enjoyable act An old man bumbles in, kind of unfocused.
appears in the PC’s mind. The character is He seems unkempt and sloppy. He then offers
now enthralled by it. They need this thing to to answer any inquiry. He replies with an
go on with their life. If they don’t get it after a absurd attention to detail.
week, they make a Wisdom save DC 12 in the
morning to prevent from irrationally pursuing
the thing at all cost. If they pass, the next day inverted
it is a -1 check, the following day it is made at The same as above, except after he begins to
-2, and so on, until the addiction is met. answer, he babbles without end about
(Until it starts over a week later.) During the irrelevant details, then switches to life stories,
period of pursuit, all d20 rolls are made at -2 which become silly anecdotes. If bothered
due to distraction. enough he simply leaves. If the party
diplomatically explains how the information
may be important, he will finally answer the
inverted question they have.
The Reader says, "The need shall desert you."
A calmness comes over the character and
they gain an addiction for avoiding vice. The
PC will not allow themselves any luxury,
pleasure, or frivolity. If they do engage in
something against this stoicism, they will get
-2 to all d20 rolls for 24 hours.

Queen of Cups – ROULETTE

The Reader says, "Life is just a game of
roulette, as are you." The character’s body
begins to rapidly change, continuously
adjusting to different permutations of their
ability scores. Finally it settles. Their ability
scores are randomly reassigned.

The same as above, except the change occurs
once a month, with every new moon. The DM
does not have to track it perfectly and can call
for the change to happen to the PC whenever
they deem it appropriate.

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Matthew Spencer (Order #10010925)

MINOR ARCANA, COINS The same as above, except after the strict
sage teaches the character for a number of
Ace of Coins – GAMBLE years equal to 5% of current age, the
The Reader says, "Are you willing to gamble it character realizes they are inadequate and
all?" A twisted doorway of black wood appears can never truly grow mentally. They do not
in a wall. The white door opens from the gain the bonuses and in fact may never gain
inside and a man wearing an expensive black bonuses to Intelligence or Wisdom, from going
suit steps out with a coin in his hand. He up levels, magical enhancement, or by any
asks the PC if they want their ultimate desire. other means.
The risk is losing their soul, which will fuel
the magic to provide the next gambler's
desire. If the character agrees, he asks the
player if they want heads or tails, then flips. If
Three of Coins – SENSES
they call it, the PC gains their heart’s desire,
The Reader says, "Open the doors of your
or they are slain forever. Not even divine
perception." The PC suddenly feels acute pain
intervention can bring them back. The desire
in their head and falls unconscious. When
should be exceeding grand -- more than a
they awake moments later they are changed.
Wish (p288), though the DM may still want to
A character’s senses are heightened. Roll 1d6
limit any numerical gains.
to see which sense. 1=Sight, 2=Hearing,
3=Smell, 4=Taste, 5=Touch, 6=Danger. How
are they changed? For Sight the gain is +2 to
Insight. For Hearing, the gain is +2 to
The same as above, except if the player wins,
Perception checks. For Smell, the gain is a +2
the man in the suit will take the soul of a
to Survival. For Touch, the gain is +2 to one
NPC beloved by or important to the PC, to fuel
relevant skill that is randomly chosen. For
the magic that will get them everything they
Danger sense, the gain is +2 to initiative.
ever wanted.

The same as above, except the sense rolled up
Two of Coins – SAGE is diminished instead, and the bonus is a -2
The Reader asks, "Do you seek sage advice?" penalty instead.
A hole in the floor appears. Stairs lit by old
candles end at an elaborate oak door. When
the character goes to touch it they hear,
"Come in, come in." When the door is opened
they see a room, like a dusty study, where an
old sage waits. She asks the character if they
seek knowledge? If the character agrees they
stay and the sage teaches the character,
gaining 1d4 in Intelligence and Wisdom, but
aging 5% of current age per point gained. The
PC may age, but no time actually passes.

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Matthew Spencer (Order #10010925)

Four of Coins – SEX rest of the gems, one after another. Each of
The Reader says, "How much does your sex the fifty are expertly cut, flawless, and with
shape you?" A red shell envelops the PC. They perfect clarity, worth 1000 gold pieces each.
emerge biologically changed one minute later: There are ten of each jewel: emerald, ruby,
The player rolls 1d10. If 1-6, opposite sex; sapphire, topaz (yellow), and diamonds.
7-9, sexless; 10, become more comely, gaining
Charisma +2 and the ability to use Charm
Person (PHB p221) once per day. inverted
The same as above, except one day later a
gnome Mage (MM p347) will come to get his
inverted riches back. He will secretly attack them with
The same as above, except the character pranks and illusions, to create an opportunity
becomes sexless, but with the power to for him to steal the gems. He will avoid direct
change into either male or female, at will, as a combat, until he is discovered or directly
standard action, up to 3 times per day. In confronted by the players.
some situations, the DM can give the player
Advantage on a Disguise check due to
changing sex.

Seven of Coins – SOUL

The Reader says, "Are you a survivor?" A
purple Will o’ Wisp (MM p301) flies into the
Five of Coins – SIEGE PC’s eyes. The player starts coughing up
The Reader calmly says, "I believe you are purple slime. Each round they lose 20% of
besieged." There is silence, than a faint their hit points, unless they make a
rumble which becomes a cacophony, as an Constitution save of DC 12 for that round. If
army of 2d10 Fighters attack the player and they make two saves, the coughing stops. If
everyone around him, friend or foe. The levels their hit points reach 0, they go into a coma
of these fighters are 40 levels in total, as for 1 day. Either way, from then on the
evenly distributed as possible; two fighters of character is afflicted. The player must play
20th level, three fighters of 14th, 13th, and their character as usual, but they will try to
13th level, four fighters of 10th level, etc. murder a party member in their sleep, the
purple wisp hovering above the afflicted’s
head. The wisp leaves the character’s body
inverted once all the other members of the party are
These warriors instead praise the character murdered, or the Wisp is killed.
and begin to revel wildly. After a week of
partying, they may be persuaded to do a favor
for the PC before their next siege. inverted
The same as above, except the Wisp is benign.
After the coughing and/or coma, it takes
control to right some random wrong. After it
does so, it flies out of the character. The PC
Six of Coins – GEM gains a +2 bonus on saves against
The Reader remarks in awe, "How the light Enchantment-based magic or attacks.
plays off the facets." One gem blinks into
existence and falls onto the table, then the

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Matthew Spencer (Order #10010925)

Eight of Coins – TIME Ten of Coins – WHISPER
The Reader says, "Take time as thine own." A The Reader silently looks around and then
minute glass appears on the table. When the mutters, "Can you hear them, can you hear
character grabs it, the Reader explains that the whispers?" The character begins to hear
the sands of this minute glass stops the murmurs. The PC becomes paranoid. They
sands of time. The character gains a minute- develop an irrational fear for crowds. The
glass that stops time for a minute, ala Time whispers emerge when groups of people are
Stop (PHB p281). The sand may be used one near by. Though mostly unintelligible,
round at a time. The minute glass is highly occasionally the words “kill”, “death”,
elaborate with a flowing, almost liquid bone “murder”, “maim” are heard. Wisdom save DC
design. After the minute passes and the sand 12 or be stunned.
is used up, the item disappears.

inverted The reader says the same phrase, but instead
The same as above, except this minute glass the PC is gifted with the ability to hear
ages the PC 2% of their maximum age every distant whispers as if directly spoken to them
round used, for a total of 20%. (they automatic succeed on Perception checks
for whispering).

Nine of Coins – WORM

The Reader says, "You are a lowly worm, Page of Coins – MELODY
eating of king and beggar alike." A hunger The Reader says, "Listen to mind’s melody." It
instantly comes over the character, and they begins with a small melody played on a
know it is a hunger for rancid flesh. The mandolin runs through the character’s head.
character must eat from decaying carcasses This song then begins being played with the
to live. Charisma -1, due to the slight odor of instrument of the PC’s choice. Then they
decay that lingers about them. notice a beautiful example of said instrument
sitting in the corner. And the character now
knows how to play this tune. They want to
inverted play this song. The PC gains Proficiency in
The Reader says, "You are no longer food for the Perform skill in that music instrument.
the worms." When the character dies, they
will not decay. The result is that it is easier to
bring them back to life -- Raise Dead (PHB inverted
p270) does not have a limit of 10 days; rather, The same as above, except the Reader says,
it is now 10 years. Furthermore, whatever "You are a slave to mind’s melody." The PC
method of restoration, the -4 penalty to rolls becomes obsessed with music, to the point of
that comes with returning to the living is wanting a minstrel’s life. Wisdom save DC 20
automatically dropped to -2. every sunset to fight the urge to stay in a
tavern and play music all night.

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Matthew Spencer (Order #10010925)

Knight of Coins – WARD King of Coins – HEAVEN
The Reader says, "You are now warded from The Reader says, "One of heaven’s hallowed
harm." An armor made of energy flashes into shall hail you." A pillar of light from the sky
existence around them with a clanging rains down. When it ceases an emissary of
sound, then fades into invisibility. The the character’s deity remains. This being
character has a permanent Mage Armor spell grants the character a random Blessing (DMG
(PHB p256) active on them. This Armor also p 227). If the character has no deity, an
grants proficiency in one save of the player's emissary of the central deity of the
choice that they currently do not have character’s racial pantheon will appear.
proficiency with, choose when the card is
drawn. Whenever the Mage Armor or that
save is used, the armor momentarily re- inverted
appears with a metallic sound. The emissary can tell if the PC lives by the
deity’s ideals. If so, they gain the Blessing. If
they don’t, they are cursed with the inability
inverted to sleep, until they redeem themselves.
The same as above, except the Reader adds,
"but you must have self control." Whenever
the player instigates a fight, there is only a
25% chance that the Armor will work.

Queen of Coins – TALONS

The Reader says, "The talons strike you." A
cacophony of bird shrieks are heard and a
flock of crows made of dark energy appear
and harry the character. When they finally fly
away, the character learns that all of their
magical items have disintegrated.

The same as above, except in one day a
golden owl will come give the player Wings of
Flying (DMG p214).

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Matthew Spencer (Order #10010925)

Tips for Play

Here are a few tips for using the Tarot Deck 5. Go for it
in your game. If a card is too drastic for your game, halve a
number, make an effect temporary, or switch
out a card for the inverted card. You can also
1. Get real modify any save DCs. But, rather than
I recommend you use an actual tarot deck changing a card, you could rewrite the
with this item, and physically play out the campaign to fit disruptive draws. Often this
actions of the Reader of the deck. Some dim will result in a game that is more exciting.
lighting and suitably eerie music does not
hurt either.
6. Be true
You many want to warn players as the DM, or
2. Change it up via an NPC. Tell them that this could greatly
Tarot decks in the real world can vary. There help or hurt them, that it is not a move to be
may be a few names different in the Major taken lightly. Add that if they would feel bad
Arcana, such as Universe instead of The from an unlucky result or get jealous if
World. The suits in the minor arcana may another player drew better than they did, that
also differ; staves instead of wands or discs maybe they should avoid the deck.
instead of coins. Regardless of the differences,
it should be pretty easy to map the card to
the standard deck used here. 7. Next time
Some cards guarantee that the party will have
to go on a quest, like saving an imprisoned
3. Single out PC. But others can also mean adventure. The
Since the changes can be overwhelming, you party could seek the blessing of a bishop to
may want to skip having players name the remove a curse, find a remote pool in the wild
number of cards they want and instead only that cures afflictions, or be hunted by an
let them draw a single card each. assassin hired to kill the empowered party.

4. Do the shuffle 8. Pick your poison

In terms of drawing, you should shuffle the This deck can be used with other editions of
cards in front of the players and have them Dungeons and Dragons. Switch out feats for
tell you to stop shuffling when they are ready. other feats or bonuses, Proficiency bonuses to
Have them take the card and place it on the flat +2 bonuses, and saves for those in that
table face down. They should then quickly edition. And items can be substituted.
turn it over, in whatever method they wish.
This way, there is no dispute if the card is
inverted or not.

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Matthew Spencer (Order #10010925)


There are many ways in which to add the 4. A merchant's daily special
Tarot Deck to your game. Here are six. While walking down a path in the wilderness,
the party will meet a traveling merchant with
a variety of simple magic items: potions, low-
1. Reward for a good deed level wands, and the like. She will hint at a
The players are traveling across the land and special deal. If she is pressed, she will admit
they hear a scream over the next hill/around that she has a wondrous, but dangerous
the bend in a forest path/beyond a ridge of artifact: a tarot deck that can rewrite reality.
dunes in the desert. A traveling caravan or If they trade her a magic item she will share a
nomad tribe are being attacked by monsters. card or two.
The players kill the monsters. As reward, the
huge family shares a meal with them. At the
end of the lunch or dinner, the eldest among 5. Doing a job for a collector
them invites them into their wagon or tent for A store’s proprietor will offer to hire the party
a tarot reading each. to deliver a specialty item to a collector across
town. Each player would get a discount at the
shop and a bag of gold, half now and half
2. A gambler pays a debt from the collector. The PCs just need to get it
At a tavern or inn common room, the players to them safely. The party is given a beautifully
begin playing cards or dice with a table filled crafted box the size of a large book. Maybe a
with folk, including a skilled gambler. By the thief will attempt to steal it during the
end of the night, the only players remaining is transport. Maybe the players will get curious
one of the PCs and this professional gambler. and pick the lock, and find the finely painted
When he loses, he will offer the use of a cards, a woman's disembodied voice telling
magic item instead of the thousands of gold them to choose carefully. Or perhaps, rather
he owes them. than gold, the collector will let each player
pick a card as a reward for their good work.

3. Investigating a town’s troubles

The players arrive in a small village to find it 6. On a dead adventurer
decimated by a plague, or the mayor haunted The next time the party explores a ruin or a
by a ghostly chariot, or the inn ransacked by dungeon, they will come across a table with a
a legion of warriors. The party is dealing with half-skeletal body slumped over it. Clutched
the results of an unlucky draw from the deck. in one hand with be a velvet pouch. When a
Eventually, they trace the calamity to a young player touches the body or the pouch, with a
man who drew the card, and from there, the creepy breeze, the body will become animated
traveling minstrel who owns the deck. This and ask in a harsh whisper if they wish to
bard will offer them time with the Tarot deck tempt fate by drawing from the deck.
if they do not reveal he is the source of the
recent unpleasantness. Will the players court
chaos and draw cards themselves?

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Matthew Spencer (Order #10010925)


And here is an adventure that features the A talk with the local constable will direct
Tarot deck prominently. them to the local graveyard, where the
warlock is yelling at some tombstones.

1. The Cursed Dwarf

Bolik will be screaming about how the deck
Whilst traveling, a rain storm hits. The party
ruined his life: killing his friend Xark;
takes refuge in the only building for miles, a
changing Marin to forget that she and Bolik
farm. The farmer and his family will happily
were in love. He had to destroy it.
have them, for the promise of help setting the
farm right after the storm passes.
He can be convinced — by force or by
persuasion — to give up two cards: the Moon
One of the PCs will be awoken in the barn by
and the Eight of Cups. He admits a pair of
the sound of a shriek. If they go investigate
thieves, the Raven Alley Boys, took the other
the dairy, they find a sickly thin Dwarven
cards when they robbed him the night before.
woman covering herself in the blood of a dead
cow. Her name is Marin Brightshield.
Poking around Raven Alley, they can get info
from a beggar that the pair belong to the local
She explains that she’s been cursed by an evil
thieves guild. The guild owns and operates a
deck of Tarot cards. It killed her friend, a
gambling hall called the Dice Pit.
Dragonborn named Xark, and turned another
mad, a Halfling warlock named Bolik
Tarriwild. He used a Wish from the deck to
end the magic of the deck. Then he ran away 3. Broken Partners
with six of the ornate cards. Whether the party talk or fight their way into
the member’s only Dice Pit, they will find a
tense situation. One table of Liar’s Dice has
The dwarf explains that if the party can get two players accusing each other of cheating —
the cards back, Xark’s father Xuresh, a the Raven Alley Boys. The party can see a
wizard of some repute — and who the players pair of finely painted cards in the pot.
recognize — will restore the deck and then
use it to end her curse. The wizard would
surely reward them for their aid. If the party However it goes, the players will get an
agrees, she will tell them that Bolik was on opportunity to buy, trade, or play for the
his way to a nearby city. cards from whomever wins the argument. The
cards? Three of Wands and Five of Coins.

2. Finding the Warlock They can learn from the Boys that the other
When they get to the city and the inn the two cards have been sold off. One to a Sir
Dwarf named, they find that the halfling has Gerek of Ardur, a human, and the other to a
been kicked out for disturbing the peace. merchant name Toblynn, a half-elf.

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Matthew Spencer (Order #10010925)

4. A Knight’s Luck If the party interrupts the ritual, the four
Sir Gerek is in his small keep. He is a knight members will fight back with weapons, spells,
of middle years, but still wants to fight. He’s and scrolls. The group is made up of retired
been collecting items of good luck to help adventurers turned business owners. And
insure that he doesn’t lose his edge in battle. they have a pet Hell Hound (MM p182)
chained to the altar where the Death card
rests. They will not give up the card unless
He will part with his card, the King of
they are all killed or knocked out.
Swords, if the players can persuade his sister
Sally to call off her marriage to an Elven
barkeep named Lysanther. 6. The Chaos Undone
The players return the cards to Marin at the
Whether they persuade Sally or take her side farmhouse. They journey with her to a lonely
and persuade Sir Gerek to drop his prejudice wizard’s tower in the wilderness. Xuresh will
let the marriage continue forward, the players let them in, treating Marin with sadness and
will get the card as thanks. the party with distaste.

Xuresh will take the complete Tarot deck and

5. The Cult of Last Words with a ritual, restore the magic to the cards.
Tracking the merchant down, leads them to Once done, he will cast a spell and draw a
an antique shop called Toblynn’s Terrific card. He too draws the Moon, with a single
Treasures. When they confront the dapper wish, and uses it to remove the curse from
half-elf, he will say the card isn’t for sale. If Marin. He will show regret that he did not get
the players press him he will grab a glass jar another wish to restore Xark.
of smokey glass and threaten to break the jar
and unleash something terrible upon them.
7. One Last Shuffle
If pressed further, he will unleash a Black Xuresh sees the party as scoundrels abusing
Pudding (MM p241) and run. If they catch up an opportunity, but he will keep to his word.
and threaten his life or simply follow him, He gives each player a bag of 50 platinum.
they will learn the card is now at a friend’s
house. (If the players don’t press Toblynn, he He then says he will be destroying the cursed
can be followed there when the store closes.) Tarot deck the next day, but he would allow
each of them a chance to draw from it.
When the adventurers get to the house, they
find four others inside. The group goes into Marin says that it has only ruined her life,
the cellar, where they don black robes and but maybe the party will have better luck?
begin a ritual around the final card, Death. Xuresh advises against it, but begins to
shuffle the tarot cards anyway. And then he
This Cult of Last Words chants about the holds the deck out toward them, awaiting the
glory of the grim reaper and the ultimate player’s decision.
judgment of death. They beseech death to
grant them long lives, prosperity, and power
of their enemies.

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Matthew Spencer (Order #10010925)


A special thanks to Andrew, Ashanti, Gary, and Mike who helped me with
feedback, and thanks to all the other players who had to suffer this whimsical
deck. The most gratitude goes to my wife Kay, who usually got it the worst.


Kevin Ohannessian has been roleplaying for decades and still misses the 20-
hour sessions of his youth. He is a tech and game journalist, with his work
reachable at He can be contacted @khohannessian.
He lives in Brooklyn, New York with his wife.

Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only.

Matthew Spencer (Order #10010925)

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