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Diploma in Learning the Tarot

Minor arcana:
The Suit of
Pentacles (Eight
to Ten, and the
court cards)

3 Lesson outcomes

3 Eight of Pentacles

5 Nine of Pentacles

6 Ten of Pentacles

7 Page of Pentacles

9 Knight of Pentacles

10 Queen of Pentacles

11 King of Pentacles

13 References

Lesson outcomes
By the end of this lesson, you should be able to:

Uncover the symbolism of the Eight of Pentacles to the Ten of Pentacles, and the court cards
Understand the upright meaning of the Eight of Pentacles to the Ten of Pentacles, and the court cards
Explore the reversed meaning of the Eight of Pentacles to the Ten of Pentacles, and the court cards

Practical lesson outcome:

Apply the meaning of the upright Eight of Pentacles to the Ten of Pentacles, and the court cards
Apply the meaning of the reversed Eight of Pentacles to the Ten of Pentacles, and the court cards

Eight of Pentacles

The Rider-Waite-Smith tarot symbolism:

The Eight of Pentacles depicts a young man in a black apron, labouring over eight coins, carefully etching out a pentacle
shape into each coin. He is completely absorbed in his work and seems to be quite skilful at it.

In the background, there is a small town, however he has separated himself from the distractions of home life so that he
can fully dedicate himself to completing this task. He is very focused, eager to do a good job and avoid any mistakes. As he
creates each coin, his skills improve, and he becomes a master of his craft. He is fully immersed and committed in
delivering his best work.

The upright Eight of Pentacles:

• Skills development
• Mastery
• Dedication
• Commitment
• Apprenticeship

The Eight of Pentacles indicates hard work, commitment, diligence, and dedication. This card is often known as ‘the
apprentice’. It comes up in a reading to denote education or the gaining of a new qualification. It is especially relevant for
someone who is at the beginning of their career.

The work you are undertaking may seem boring, mundane, or even relentless, but you are on the brink of achieving great
success. The skills you are learning will be invaluable later in life. Therefore, continue to concentrate on your work to reach

The Reversed Eight of Pentacles:

• Frustration
• Repetitive work
• Poor workmanship
• Low productivity

The reversed Eight of Pentacles signifies a period of frustration and disappointment. Your attention to detail and focus on
perfectionism may be detrimental and holding you back from achieving your goals. It can also be a sign of unsatisfying
work leading to impatience, carelessness, and poor concentration whereby you feel like giving up.

This card advises you to keep perspective on the big picture. Shift your focus to bring your activities back into alignment
with your broader goals. Try a different approach and let go of any unworkable methods or projects.

Nine of Pentacles

The Rider-Waite-Smith tarot symbolism:

The Nine of Pentacles shows a well-dressed woman standing in a beautiful vineyard. The vines are rich and filled with
grapes and golden coins/pentacles, signalling that she has been very successful in her ventures, which are yielding a great
and plentiful harvest.

Her fingers wrap around the purple grapes on the vine, further symbolising her healthy relationship with money. On the
woman’s arm is a hooded falcon, disciplined and under her command, signifying the woman’s intellectual and spiritual

The woman wears what appears to be a long, luxurious dress adorned with sunflowers and a red beret, signs of her wealth
and social status.

Far in the background is a large house, presumably belonging to the woman herself, a further signal of her abounding
wealth and financial security.

The upright Nine of Pentacles:

• Financial independence
• Financial stability
• Material security
• Wealth
• Rewards through hard work
• Status
• Success

The Nine of Pentacles is a great omen as it represents success, independence, confidence, self-reliance, security, and
stability. It also signifies beauty, grace, elegance, and sophistication so you may find yourself enjoying the finer things in
life when it appears. Through hard work you have achieved a high standard of living, and by all rights you should enjoy it.
You have earned it!

If representing a person, it usually represents a strong, confident, independent person who is beautiful and sophisticated
and has worked hard to get where they are.

The Reversed Nine of Pentacles:

• Lack of independence
• Superficial
• Unstable
• Restricted
• No self-control

The reversed Nine of Pentacles means you are not independent, and you lack freedom or stability. You are feeling
financially inadequate. It is also reminder that materialism alone will not result in true happiness. It can also signify that
you are lacking self-discipline, therefore be mindful of excess spending to avoid overindulgence.

You may be feeling hemmed in by work or responsibilities or involved in an unsatisfying work. It can represent your past
mistakes and the consequences that you are now dealing with.

If representing a person, it can represent a person who is money hungry, superficial, and reckless. It also signifies a lack of
grace or sophistication.

Ten of Pentacles

The Rider-Waite-Smith tarot symbolism:

The Ten of Pentacles shows an elderly man sitting comfortably in front of an archway leading into a town. The archway is a
symbol of passage or transition, whereas the town represents centres of community and cooperation.

He wears a robe decorated with crescent moons and grapevines indicating his wealth and status. Three generations are
illustrated on this card. In front of him are his family and two dogs representing loyalty. The child represents new
beginnings, fresh ideas, and hope. The grapes and pentacles situated around the old man are telling symbols. Not only
does this family have emotional harmony, but they are financially secure as well. It is an endearing scene.

The elderly man can rely on his family, and he is immensely gratified that he can now share his wealth, abundance, and
legacy with his loved ones. His successes and accomplishments are now providing financial security to his family.

The themes for this card include family, community, and the preservation of family heritage.

The upright Ten of Pentacles:

• Family life
• Inheritance
• Property
• Strong foundations
• Affluence
• Gain through tradition

The Ten of Pentacles means you will have material success. It ultimately tells of inheritance, a windfall, and wealth. It also
speaks of an earned status in your community.

It is also an indication that you should stick to tradition, maintain the status quo, and stick to conventional ways of doing
things. At this time, you will gain from long established relationships and community organisations. You will find great joy
and satisfaction to see your loved ones enjoying your wealth and abundance.

The Reversed Ten of Pentacles:

• Financial disputes / failures
• Family feuds
• Unstable foundations
• Breaking traditions

The reversed Ten of Pentacles represents instability, especially within a family unit. It also signifies going against tradition.
It may signal old feuds, skeletons in the closet, or a quarrel over finances. You may experience loss or unexpected change.
It can also represent being unconventional and breaking with stifling or oppressive family rituals.

The number ten often represents both the beginning and the end. This means that just as the Ten of Pentacles can signify
the starting of a great legacy, it can also mean the conclusion of a cycle or indicate that a long-term distressing family
matter is concluding.

Page of Pentacles

The Rider-Waite-Smith tarot symbolism:

The Page of Pentacles depicts a young man standing in a wide field surrounded by flowers, holding a pentacle. He is
wearing a large, distinctive hat, which is connected to a long red scarf. Red is the colour of energy, passion, and action.

The young man’s attention is completely captured by the shimmering gold pentacle. In this moment, he realises the value
of the pentacle, and even his own value. The Page of Pentacles symbolises the realisation of one’s potential and the value
of material security.

The upright Page of Pentacles:

• Ambitious
• Diligent
• Grounded
• Dependable
• Financial opportunity
• Goal orientated
• Studious

The Page of Pentacles, like all the pages, brings a welcome message of new beginnings, inspiration and the initial stages of
a creative project or venture. Since Pentacles rule the material realm and correspond to the earth element, the Page of
Pentacles represents an awareness of the value of money.

This page resembles a youth, beginner or scholar engaging in a new career or practical pursuit. It signifies a new
opportunity to prosper, to experience wealth, security, and a chance to realise your dreams.

You will need to take a realistic approach and act when the opportunity arises. This is a time to establish your credibility
and prove you are dependable to grow and expand yourself financially.

The Reversed Page of Pentacles:

• Lack of progress
• Underachieving
• Missing opportunities
• Poor prospects
• Lack of focus
• Financially reckless

The Page of Pentacles is the card of ambition but when reversed it speaks to halted progress and a lack of focus. Either
you do not have clear goals or are not acting on your plans. It is time to stop procrastinating regroup and take steps
toward your dreams. Be sure to stay responsible and be in control of your actions.

The reversed Page of Pentacles can also represent someone who is distracted, immature, and insecure.

Knight of Pentacles

The Rider-Waite-Smith tarot symbolism:

The Knight of Pentacles sits upon a steady plough horse in a field. Unlike the other knights, who are always off on one
adventure or another, this knight is steady, hardworking, methodical, practical, uncomplaining.

The knight’s eyes are focused on a single golden pentacle. He gazes into it, and in his eyes, we see a careful consideration
of what it could bring him.

In the background, there is a broad field that has been laboriously ploughed row by row, He is in no hurry, preferring to
assess and plan his path ahead before acting. The other knights may think he is a little boring, but this knight is more

concerned about the long-term future of his kingdom and is willing to do the work to realise his dreams, even if it is
repetitive and dull.

The upright Knight of Pentacles:

• Practical
• Reliable
• Slow and steady
• Diligent
• Hard-working
• Productive

Much like the other court cards of this suit, the Knight of Pentacles revolves around work, productivity, and a general

The Knight of Pentacles symbolises persistence, stamina, and diligence. He pursues his goals at all costs. He might not be
original, but he is incredibly hard working and devoted. He can be inflexible, he does not like change of any kind and
prefers to stick with tried and tested methods of work. As such, the Knight of Pentacles reminds you to establish a routine
and follow it, from beginning to end. Take stock of what is working and repeat it diligently.

The Reversed Knight of Pentacles:

• Unreliable
• No initiative
• Impractical
• Boredom
• Complacency
• Pessimistic

The reversed Knight of Pentacles indicates impracticality or wanting rewards without doing any work. Feeling so
overwhelmed by what is to be done, that one does nothing. The lack of progress may subsequently lead to depression.

As a person, the reversed knight is stubborn and cannot see others’ viewpoints. He is plodding and pessimistic, reluctant
to act and closed to new ideas.

The reversed Knight of Pentacles is a warning to regain focus on your goals and take action towards attaining them.
Otherwise, you risk letting it all slip away.

Queen of Pentacles

The Rider-Waite-Smith tarot symbolism:

The Queen of Pentacles sits on a stone throne lavishly decorated with carvings of fruit trees, goats, angels and other
symbols of material success and sensual pleasure. She cradles a gold pentacle with both hands, as if to nurture this
symbol of wealth and material success.

Flourishing plants and flowers surround her, representing her connection to the earth, nature, and abundance. A small
rabbit jumps near to where she is seated, symbolising luck, high energy and fertility and suggesting that her life is in flow
and alignment.

This card represents the achievement that comes from sustained action toward a specific goal.

The upright Queen of Pentacles:

• Nurturing
• Practical
• Reliable and trustworthy
• Resourceful
• Financial provider
• Material success

The Queen of Pentacles is the nurturing mother of the material world. She represents material success and prosperity, as
well as creature comforts and practicality. She has practical skills, very connected to the earth, healthy habits, and
behaviors, and nurturing to others. She is generous, reliable, and trustworthy. Her personality is a combination of the
positive earth energy of the pentacles suit and the inward focus of a queen.

This card can also indicate a very fruitful time. With a focus on production, creating, making, caring for your world,
including body, home, health, and extended family and friends. A truly lovely and fruitful card!

The Reversed Queen of Pentacles:

• Misplaced priorities
• Unhealthy behaviours
• Insecurities leading to unwise choices

• Self-centered
• Deep insecurities
• Untrustworthy

The reversed Queen of Pentacles warns that you or someone else might not be acting in a forthright and in an upstanding
manner. It can represent being too materialistic, deep insecurities, and general untrustworthiness. It signals not being
down to earth and inept dealings with material resources. You are feeling unsure about what you offer or what you have is
not enough. It also indicates misplaced priorities and engaging in unhealthy behaviors and reckless action. Could also be
feeling detached from your physical environment.

King of Pentacles

The Rider-Waite-Smith tarot symbolism:

The King of Pentacles is sitting on a throne that is adorned with vines and bull carvings which represents this king’s
attainment of materialistic success. He wears a robe that is embroidered with many images of grapevines. He looks
sophisticated and regal.

He holds a scepter in his right hand symbolising his power. In his left hand he holds a golden coin with a pentacle engraved
into it, which represents his material success. The castle can be seen behind him, which is a symbol of his determination
and effort.

The King of Pentacles refers to a man of high ambition, materialistic satisfaction, and worldly success.

The upright King of Pentacles:

• Wealth
• Abundance
• Power
• Stability
• Ambition
• Provider

The King of Pentacles signifies abundance, security, power, and stability. It can herald a breakthrough in your career or
release from financial burden. King of Pentacles is a very good sign for your finances.

Now is the time to emulate this king and translate your vision into something tangible, practical, and often very lucrative.
Support and sponsor new ventures, be steadfast in your commitment, and provide an environment of steady, reliable

The Reversed King of Pentacles:

• Poor financial decisions
• Obsessed with wealth and status
• Exploitive
• Greed
• Overindulgence
• Loss of success

The reversed King of Pentacles indicates that you are not in control of things. You are feeling crushed by fiscal
responsibility. This card often refers to the loss of a once successful and prosperous position.

Due to impatience or decadence, the king may have taken one too many risks or shortcuts, thus leading him to ruin. It can
represent losing your social status, failure, or lack of success, being impractical, unprincipled, taking ill-advised risks,
making careless decisions, or having poor judgement.


A Little Spark of Joy. 2021. Do you want to Learn the Knight of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning. Available

A Little Spark of Joy. 2021. King of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning: Love, Health, Money & More. Available
at: 2021. Eight of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning. Available at:
meanings/eight-of-Pentacles 2021. Page of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning. Available at:
meanings/page-of-Pentacles 2021. Queen of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning. Available at:

Biddy Tarot. 2021. Eight of Pentacles Tarot Card Meanings. Available at:

Biddy Tarot. 2021. King of Pentacles Tarot Card Meanings. Available at:

Biddy Tarot. 2021. Knight of Pentacles Tarot Card Meanings. Available at:

Biddy Tarot. 2021. Nine of Pentacles Tarot Card Meanings. Available at:

Biddy Tarot. 2021. Page of Pentacles Tarot Card Meanings. Available at:

Biddy Tarot. 2021. Queen of Pentacles Tarot Card Meanings. Available at:

Edelwyn. 2021. Nine Of Pentacles: Love Advice, Future Outcomes, Yes or No?. Available

Edelwyn. 2021. Queen of Pentacles: Love Advice, Future Outcomes, Yes or No? Available at:

Edelwyn. 2021. Ten of Pentacles: Love Advice, Future Outcomes, Yes or No? Available at:

Labyrinthos. 2021. King of Pentacles Meaning. Available at:


Labyrinthos. 2021. Knight of Pentacles Meaning. Available at:


Labyrinthos. 2021. Page of Pentacles Meaning. Available at:


Labyrinthos. 2021. Queen of Pentacles Meaning. Available at:


Labyrinthos. 2021. Ten of Pentacles Meaning. Available at:

of-Pentacles-meaning-tarot-card-meanings 2021. Ten of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning. Available at:

Trusted Tarot. 2021. Nine of Pentacles Tarot Card Meaning. Available at:

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