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तनाव एवं वैचारिक मतभेद को समझना और
निवारण करना
What is a Stress or a Conflict
& Where does it come from?
 Stress/conflict can be defined as our
– Mental,
– Physical,
– Emotional, and behavioral reactions
to any perceived demands or threats.
 Goals
 Personality conflicts
 Unknown resources
 Styles
 Values
Why Do We "Stress Out"?
 For two major reasons:
– We perceive a situation as dangerous, difficult,
or painful.
– We don't believe we have the resources to cope.
What Makes Something Stressful
or Create Conflict?
 Situations that have strong demands – Goals, occupation,
 Situations that are imminent (करीब, नजदीक, जुडी हुई) - social status, family
 Life transitions – Joining a Job, starting a new skill, life style
change. Health changes
 Timing (e.g., deviation from the “norm”) – sleeping and
waking patterns, job requirements, family needs.
 Desirability – Ambition, growth, financial conditions
 Controllability – controlled by boss, controlled by situations
 Type of Stress or conflicts –
 Occupational, Social, Health, Financial,
Connecting Thoughts and Emotions

“There is nothing either good or bad,

but thinking makes it so.”
 Do you agree or disagree with this quote?  —William Shakespeare,
 Thoughts Drive Feelings Hamlet Act 2, Scene 2

 What situations cause fear? Jealousy? Excitement? Chances are, if you asked your
coworkers, they would all answer differently.
 It can take practice to get used to the idea that your own interpretation drives your

He makes me
so mad!
Unproductive Ways of Deal
with Conflict & Stress
 Conflicts indicate a low degree of emotional intelligence

• Inability to recognize—or intentional rejection of—issues

that are important to another person.

• Negative, reactive responses to disagreement or conflict,

such as anger, defensiveness, resentment, or jealousy.

• Aggression, withdrawal, or other behaviors that indicate an

assumption of an unsuccessful outcome.
What is a Stress & conflict
management style and why do I need
to know this?
 Stress & Conflict Management Style: Form of
behavior that a person practices in response to
conflict with others

 When living and interacting with others on

campus, you need to know how to resolve
issues in different situations.
The “Fight or Flight” Response
 When situations seem threatening to
us, our bodies react quickly to supply
protection by preparing to take action.
This physiological reaction is known
as the "fight or flight" response.

– The physiological response to a stressor is

known as reactivity.
– Physiological responses can accumulate
and result in long-term wear on the body
Not All Stress/Conflict is Bad…
 Distress :
– Distress is a continuous experience of feeling overwhelmed,
oppressed, and behind in our responsibilities.
 It is the all encompassing sense of being imposed upon by difficulties
with no light at the end of the tunnel.

– Examples of distress include financial difficulties, conflicts in

relationships, excessive obligations, managing a chronic illness, or
experiencing a trauma.

 Eustress :
– Eustress is the other form of stress that is positive and
 We may feel challenged, but here the sources of the stress are
opportunities. That are meaningful to us.
 Eustress helps provide us with energy and motivation to meet our
responsibilities and achieve our goals.

– Examples of eustress include graduating from college, getting

married, receiving a promotion, or changing jobs.
Five Styles of Conflict Management
You will experience some form of internal or external
conflict while living with roommates at some point in
your college career. Understanding how you handle
conflict is important in helping you decide how to deal
with stress and manage certain situations.
Which one is Best?
There is no BEST way to handle conflict. Each conflict is
different and requires a different response.

As a society, we teach:

“Two heads are better than one.” (Collaborating)

“Kill your enemies with kindness.” (Accommodating)

“Split the difference.” (Compromising)

“Leave well enough alone.” (Avoiding)

“Might makes right.” (Competing)

Stress Response: Example
 A good example of a stressful situation for
many people is taking a test. If you find
testing to be stressful, you might notice
certain physical, behavioral, mental, and
emotional responses.
– Physical Response?
– Behavioral Response?
– Mental Response?
– Emotional Response?
Stress Warning Signals
 What are your "red flags," or
warning signs
– That stress is creeping into your life?

– If we keep pushing ourselves,

eventually something inside of use will
send "red flags," or warning signs that
stress is becoming a problem.
Suggestions for Reducing Stress &
 1. Find a support system:
– Find someone to talk to about your
feelings and experiences. (any one
friends family or your colleague)
Suggestions for Reducing Stress &
 2. Change your attitude:
– Find other ways to think about stressful
– "Life is 10% what happens to us, and
90% how we react to it."
Suggestions for Reducing Stress &
 3. Be realistic:
– Set practical goals for
dealing with situations
and solving problems.
– Develop realistic
expectations of yourself
and others.
Suggestions for Reducing Stress &
 4. Get organized and take
– Being unorganized or engaging in
poor planning often leads to
frustration or crisis situations,
which most always leads to
feeling stressed.
– Plan your time, make a schedule,
establish your priorities.
Suggestions for Reducing Stress &
 5.Take breaks, give yourself "me
– Learn that taking time to yourself for
rejuvenation and relaxation is just as
important as giving time to other
– At minimum, take short breaks during
your busy day.
Suggestions for Reducing Stress &
 6. Take good care of yourself.
1. Eat properly, get regular rest, keep a
2. Allow yourself to do something you
enjoy each day.

– Paradoxically, the time we need to take

care of ourselves the most, when we are
stressed, is the time we do it the least.
Suggestions for Reducing Stress &
Suggestions for Reducing Stress &
Suggestions for Reducing Stress &
 7. Learn to say "no."
– Learn to pick and choose
which things you will say
"yes" to and which things
you will not.

– Protect yourself by not

allowing yourself to take on
every request or opportunity
that comes your way.
Suggestions for Reducing Stress &
 8. Get regular
– Exercising regularly
can help relieve
some symptoms of
depression and
stress, and help us
to maintain our
Suggestions for Reducing Stress &
 9. Get a hobby, do something
– For a balanced lifestyle, play is as
important as work.
Suggestions for Reducing Stress &
 10. Slow down.
– Know your limits and cut down on the number
of things you try to do each day, particularly if
you do not have enough time for them or for

– Be realistic about what you can accomplish

effectively each day.

– Monitor your pace. Rushing through things

can lead to mistakes or poor performance.
Take the time you need to do a good job.
 Poorly done tasks can lead to added stress.
Suggestions for Reducing Stress &
 11. Laugh, use humor.
– Do something fun and
enjoyable such as seeing a
funny movie, laughing with
friends, reading a humorous
book, or going to a comedy
Suggestions for Reducing Stress &
 12. Learn to relax. Develop
– a regular relaxation routine.
– Try yoga, meditation, or some simple
quiet time.
Stress & Conflict Management:
Few more Steps
 Try
to change the way you appraise a situation to
make it less stressful.

 Remember stress is normal but watch out for

symptoms of stress.

 Use coping skills/ways to reduce stress, Practice

relaxation techniques.

 Contact 104 for counseling.

Relaxation Exercises
 Many different kinds, but 2 are:
– Deep Breathing
– Visualization: Visualization is a nice
way of giving our minds and bodies a
"mini vacation."
Conclusion Preventing Emotional
Hijacking (भावनात्मक ब्लैक मेल)
 An emotional hijacking may hinder you from choosing an effective
response, action, or decision. To prevent this, you must take some time to
recognize the cues that your emotions are taking over – do these

• Take a deep breath.

• Silently count to ten!
• Train yourself to use a gesture to remind yourself to pause and breathe. For
example, when you feel your emotions rising, tap your leg.
• Close your eyes and visualize a scene that is pleasant and calming to you.

 Quick visualization, combined with deep breathing, will go a long way

toward giving you time to catch up with your emotions and consciously
decide how to respond in a particular situation.
Personal Hygiene
Good and Bad Hygiene
The difference between good and bad hygiene:

 Good personal hygiene is essential to promoting good health.

Personal hygiene habits such as washing your hands and
brushing and flossing your teeth will help keep bacteria,
viruses, and illnesses at bay.
 Poor hygiene habits can also affect your self-esteem and can
be a risk factor for serious health issues including heart
Types of Health Hazards
Common workplace health hazards:
Chemical Physical

Biological Ergonomic
When in doubt… Wash
Washing (bathing or showering) is the most important way of maintain
good health and protecting ourselves from infections, illnesses, and
ailments. Maintaining cleanliness is also important for our self-
confidence, physical and emotional well-being.
When in doubt… Wash
Washing (bathing or showering) is the most important way of maintain
good health and protecting ourselves from infections, illnesses, and
ailments. Maintaining cleanliness is also important for our self-
confidence, physical and emotional well-being.

Check list
Bathroom Etiquette For Male
Bathroom Etiquette For
Bathroom Etiquette For
Types of Health Hazards
Common workplace health Etiquette :
Office Toilet Etiquette
If someone is inside, don’t peep under the doors or knock

endlessly. Wait for the other person to come out.

Female employees should avoid carrying their handbags
inside the washroom. Do not carry expensive items to the
Make sure you do not wet the toilet seat. Do not throw water

on the floor as someone might slip and get hurt.

Females should always sit on the toilet seat while peeing.

Male employees should always stand a little close to the toilet

seat to avoid dripping.

Remember you are not the only person using the restroom at
the workplace. There are other employees as well.
Types of Health Hazards
Common workplace health Etiquette :
Office Toilet Etiquette
Office Toilet Etiquette refers to set of rules an individual
needs to follow while using the office restroom. It is
essential to keep toilets clean and hygienic to avoid
transmission of germs and infections. A dirty and unhygienic
toilet is the breeding ground of several diseases.
Let us go through some office toilet etiquette necessary for an
individual to follow:

Never leave the restroom dirty. Smelly toilets are big turn offs.

Lock the door carefully when you are inside.
Types of Health Hazards
Common workplace health Etiquette :

Females should always sit on the toilet seat while peeing. Male
employees should always stand a little close to the toilet seat to avoid

Never forget to use flush once you are done. Check the toilet seat for
unwanted stains or substance. Do not hesitate to call the toilet
attendant if the flush is not working.

Make it a point to wash your hand with an antiseptic soap or sanitizer
every time you use the restroom. Use a tissue paper to wipe off hands.

Do not spit on walls. It is absolutely childish to write names or make
designs on toilet walls.

Don’t take much time inside the restroom. One should avoid taking
hand phones inside the washroom
Types of Health Hazards
Common workplace health Etiquette :

Make sure you do not throw anything in the commode. Tissue paper
must be thrown inside the dustbin and not anywhere else. Sanitary
napkins must be wrapped in polybags and disposed in dustbins.

Do not leave the restroom with taps on. It is important to conserve

One should not smoke inside the office toilet. It leads to suffocation.

Make sure you turn on the exhaust fan once you are inside the toilet.
Do not forget to switch off the lights and exhaust fan when you leave
the restroom.

Do not throw unwanted hair or soap wrappers in the washbasin.
Keep the soap inside the soap case.

Ask the attendant to clean the toilet whenever it is dirty.
What happen if you don’t
follow Etiquettes
• More people are employed in the health care sector
than in any other industry.
• Health care workers HCWs are at occupational risk
for a vast array of infections that cause substantial
illness and occasional deaths.
• Despite this, few studies have examined the
incidence, prevalence, or exposure-associated rates
of infection or have considered
infection-specific interventions recommended to
maintain worker safety.
What happen if you don’t
follow Etiquettes
• Biological Hazards Bacteria-Tetanus, Tuberculosis, Anthrax,
Brucellosis (Milkmen),Gonorrhea(Sex-workers-Genital
organs get affected).
• Virus - Hepatitis, AIDS
• Protozoal Parasitic-Malaria, Hydatid(Dog handlers),
Hookworms, tapeworms (Agri-workers), etc.
• Fungi-Tinea-infections, Coccidiomycosis, ornithosis, etc.
• Hygiene-related Diseases Athlete’s Foot (tinea pedis) Body
Lice Chronic Diarrhea Dental Caries (Tooth Decay) Head
Lice Hot Tub Rash (Pseudomonas Dermatitis/Folliculitis)
Lymphatic Filariasis Pinworms Pubic Lice (“Crabs”) Scabies
Swimmer’s Ear (otitis externa) Trachoma Recreational Water
Illnesses (RWIs) Acanthamoeba keratitis (AK) Ringworm

 Different conflict and stress management styles may be

used when faced with different situations.

 Knowing yourself and fully understanding each situation

will help you to understand which conflict/stress
management style needed.

 Try a scenario-based approach to test the effectiveness

of different approaches to specific situations.

 Always care for hygiene at workplace, at public place

and at home.
V ita l S ig n A d u lt C h ild In f a n t
S k in co lo u r p in k p in k p in k
T e m p e ra tu re 98.5F o r 37 C 98.5F o r 37 C 9 8 .5 F o r 3 7 C
C a p i l a r y r e fi l l le s s th e n 2se c le s s th e n 2se c le ss th e n 2se c
P u lse 60 to 100/ m in 70-120/m in 80-140/m in
R e th y m - R e gu lar / Irra g u la r
सा म ा न् य / अ सा म ा न् य
Q u a lity - W e a k / S tro n g / T h re a d y / B o u n d in g
क म जो र / म ज बू त / धा गे जै सी ह ल् की / ते ज ध ड क न
R e s p i r a ti o n 12 to 20/m in 15-30/m in 25-50/m in
R e th y m - R e gu lar / Irra g u la r
सा म ा न् य / अ सा म ा न् य
Q u ality - N o rm a l/ S h allo w / La b o u re d /
N o ise
सा म ा न् य / ह ल की सा ँ स / सा ँ स ले ने में ब हु त अ धि क ता क त ल ग ना /
सा ँ स में आ वा ज सु ना ई दे ना
B lo o d p re s s u re s y s to lic 100- 139 s y s to lic 100-139 sy sto lic 100-139
D ia sto lic 60-89 D ia sto lic 60-90 D ias to lic 60-91
P u p ils S iz e - N o rm a l S iz e - N o rm a l S iz e - N o rm a l
R e a c ti n g t o l i g h t b r i s k R e a c ti n g t o l i g h t b r i s k R e a c ti n g t o l i g h t b r i s k
D ia la te d R e a c ti n g t o l i g h t -
- B r i s k N o r m a l प् रति क्रि या सा म ा न् य
- S l u g g i s h सु स् त प् रति क्रि या
- N o n e r e s p o n s i v e को ई प् रति क्रि या न ही ं
C o n s tru cte d

SPO 2 95- 100% 95- 100% 95- 100%

P e r i p h e r a l c a p i l a r y O x y g e n S a t u r a ti o n
B lo o d g lu co se 70 - 140 m g/d l 71 - 140 m g/d l 72 - 140 m g/d l
T e m p e r a tu r e अं ग्रे जी उ च् चा र ण हि ं दी अ र्थ

H y p e r th e rm ia in c re a s e d b o d y te m p ra tu re हा इ प र थ र्मि या सा म ा न् य से अ धि क ता प म ा न
H y p o th e rm ia d e c re a s e d b o d y te m p ra tu re हा इ पो थ र्मि या सा म ा न् य से क म ता प म ा न
P u ls e
T a c h y c a rd ia in c re a s e d p u ls e ra te टे की क र्डि या ध ड़ क न ते ज हो ना
B ra d y c a rd ia d e c re a s e d p u ls e ra te ब् रेडी का र्डि या ध ड़ क न धी म ी हो ना
R e s p ir a tio n
T ac hy p nea in c re a s e d b re a th in g ra te टे कि प्नि या सा ं स ते ज च ल ना
B ra d y p n e a d e c re a s e d b re a th in g ra te ब् रेडी प्नि या सा ं स धी मी च ल ना
A p nea A b s e n t b re a th in g
B lo o d p r e s s u r e
H y p e r te n s io n in c re a s e d b lo o d p re s s u re हा इ प र टें श न उ च् च र क् तचा प
H y p o te n s io n d e c re a s e d b lo o d p re s s u re हा इ पो टें श न नि म् न र क् तचा प
B lo o d g lu c o s e
H y p e r g ly c e m e a in c re a s e d g lu c o s e le v e l हा इ प र ग् ला ई से मि या खू न में श र्क रा का स् तर अ धि क हो ना
H y p o g ly c e m e a d e c re a s e d g lu c o s e le v e l हा इ पो ग् ला ई से मि या खू न में श र्क रा का स् तर क म हो ना
अं ग्रे जी श ब् दअं ग्रे जी उ च् चा र ण अ व धि हि ं दी अ र्थ
N e w b o rn न् यू बो र्न 0-1 day
N e o ne t नि यो ने ट 1 d a y to le s s the n a m o nth न व जा त
Infa nt इ न् फें ट 1 m o nth to 1 ye a r शि शु
T o d d le r टू ड ल र 1 - 2 ye a r ब हु त छो टा ब च् चा
P re s c ho o l प् री स् कू ल 3 - 5 ye a r शा ला जा ने से पू र्व वा ली उ म् र का ब च् चा
S c ho o l a ge स् कू ल ए ज 6 - 1 2 ye a r शा ला जा ने वा ली उ म् र का ब च् चा
A d o le se nt ए डो ल सें ट 1 3 - 1 8 ye a r कि शो र
A d ult ए ड ल् ट M o re the n 1 8 ye a r व य स् क
A a b o rtio n अ बो र्श न B e fo re 2 0 w e e k ग र्भ पा त
P re m a ture प् री मे च् यो र 2 0 - 3 7 w e e k o r w e ight the n 2 .5 k g स म य से पू र्व
T e rm ट र्म 3 7 to 4 2 w e e k s पू र्ण का लि क पू र्ण स म य
P o s t te rm पो स् ट ट र्म A fte r 4 2 w e e k s पू र्ण स म य के बा द
G ra vid a ग् रेवि डा N um b e r o f p re gna nc ie s ग र्भों की सं ख् या
P rim igra vid a प् री म ी ग् रेवि डा W o m a n w ho is p re gna nt fo r the firs t tim e व ह म हि ला जि स ने प ह ली बा र ग र्भ धा र ण कि या
M ulti gra vid a म ल् टी ग् रेवि डा W o m a n w ho is p re gna nt fo r the m ultip le tim e s व ह म हि ला जि स ने क ई बा र ग र्भ धा र ण कि या
P a ra पे रा N o o f p ra gna nc ie s c a rrie d to full te rm उ न ग र्भों की सं ख् या जि न् हों ने ग र्भ का ल पू रा कि या
P rim ip a ra प् री म ी पे रा W o m a n w ho ha ve give n b irth to he r firs t c hild व ह म हि ला जि स ने अ प ने प ह ले ब च् चे को ज न् म दि या
M ulti p a ro us म ल् टी पे र स W o m a n w ho ha ve give n b irth to m ultip le tim e s व ह म हि ला जि स ने अ प ने 1 से अ धि क ब च् चों को ज न् म दि या
N a ta l ने ट ल C o nne c te d to b irth शि शु के ज न् म से स म् बं धि त
P re na ta l प् री ने ट ल O c c urring b e fo re the b irth शि शु ज न् म से पू र्व
P o s t na ta l पो स् ट ने ट ल O c c urring a fte r the b irth शि शु ज न् म के प श् चात
A nte p a rtum एं टी पा र ट म B e fo re d e live ry प् रस व से पू र्व
P o s t p a rtum पो स् ट पा र ट म A fte r d e live ry प् रस व से प श् चात्
G e sta tio n जे स टे श न P e rio d o f tim e fo r intra ute rine fe ta l d e ve lo p m e nt भ्रूण के ग र्भ के अं द र वि क सि त हो ने का स म य
F e tus फी ट स D e ve lo p ing unb o rn b a b y वि क सि त हो र हा अ ज न् मा शि शु
P e rina ta l पे री ने ट ल D uring the la b o ur प् रस व का ल के स म य

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