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Topics: Types of stressors

Case Study

Types of Stressors
1.External Stressors
-Physical Environment ( Bright Lights, Heat, Confined Spaces,

-Social Intersection ( Rudeness, Bossiness, Aggressiveness by

others, Bullying, etc.)

-Organizational ( Rules, Regulations, Deadlines, etc.)

-Major Life Events ( Birth, Death, Lost job, Promotion, Marital

status change, etc.)

-Daily Hassles ( Commuting, Misplaced keys, Mechanical breakdown,


2.Internal Stressors
-Lifestyle choices ( Caffeine, Lack of sleep, Overloaded
schedule, etc.)

-Negative self – talk ( Pessimistic thinking, Self critism, Over

analyzing, etc.)

-Mind traps ( Unrealistic expectations, Taking things personally,

All or nothing thinking, Exaggeration, Rigid thinking)

-Personality traits ( Perfectionists, Workaholics, etc.)

Disadvantages of Stress Management
Stress can be a motivator. For example, if you’re stressed
out because you have a big assignment due, this may motivate you
to work on it and complete it. The stress can help you to put in
your very best effort. If you’re afraid of losing your job,
stress may encourage you to raise your own standards and make
improvements you most likely would not have made without the
threat of unemployed.
The key for us all is to learn what strategies and behaviors help
us to cope with stress in a positive manner.


What causes you stress?

How do you react?

There is a fine line between positive/negative stress.

How much can you cope with it before it becomes negative?


What can you do to help yourself combat the negative effects of



1. Exercise
Regular moderate exercise has been shown to reduce
stress and make us more resistant to it.

2. Have fun
People who participate in sports and other leisure
activities have lower blood pressure and cortisol levels.

3. Choose your reaction

In every situation we have a choice : we can either let
stress consume us or we can see it as a new challenge and
focus on the positive. Its best for our health and sanity to
choose the latter.

4. Relax wisely
Instead of spacing out in front of your television, go out
for a walk, do yoga or dance in your living room.

5. Sleep
Try to get 7 to 8 hours sleep at night. If this isn’t
possible, take a 10 minute nap during the day; any longer
than that can disturb your sleep cycle.

6. Breathe
in times of stress, we tend to take quick, shallow
breaths. Tyr to focus on your breathe and take longer,
deeper breaths.

7. Worry… But only for 10 minutes

Set a timer and give yourself a limited time to worry.
Think of all the possible outcomes of the situation. Once
the timer goes off, let it go and visualize the positive.

8. Put things into perspective

Sometimes the things we stress over the most, won’t
matter in 5 years. Think about the big picture to help
you turn mountains back into molehills.


 Positive stress

 Negative stress

Positive Stress

 Receiving a promotion or raise at work.

 Starting a new job.

 Marriage.
 Buying a home.

 Having a child.

 Moving.

 Taking a vacation.

 Holiday seasons.

Negative Stress

 Experiencing relationship strain.

 Ending a relationship.

 Death of a friend loved one, or spouse.

 Abuse or neglect.

 Working a high – pressure job with never- ending demand.

 Unaddressed mental or physical health conditions.

 Financial difficulty.


The present study was conducted at J B Boda and Co. Pvt.

Ltd. The aim was to find the stress levels, personality type of
the employees. This was done using a detailed questionnaire. The
study revealed that fall under low stress category only a small
percentage is highly stressed & needed prevailing in the
organization to some extent.
At the end of the study, we can conclude that through there
are signs of stress among the employees & such stress is
affecting their behaviors, it can be controlled & reduced
This can be done by giving counseling & incorporating the
suggestions given here in at individual & organization level.

“ The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one

thought over another”
William James

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