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Angel Oracle Card Diploma Course

Other uses for readings

45. About
The angel oracle cards can help you with answers to any aspect of life, the Oracle would have been
consulted in ancient times by Kings hoping for a successful outcome in battle and looking for signs
from the Gods, or a merchant might go and consult the Oracle for answers about a business
decision.  A lady might go and consult the Oracle about childbirth or the health and wellbeing of her
favourite horse. In terms of what we can use them for today there is not much difference between
then and now. When we are connecting with the energy of the angelic realm through the cards we
are asking for their support in our task ahead, it is important to remember that in our realm “Free
Will” exists, that means you have the choice to do whatever you want BUT you will always reap the
consequences of your actions, good or bad.

46. Reading on a business

You can do a reading on a business, for example you might be planning on becoming self-employed
and you want to ask for angelic guidance and energetic support with that and in this case, you will
do a long term 3 card reading, when you shuffle the cards you will have this thought in your mind
and you will read them as past/present/future. If your future card is not looking that promising that
is normally a sign that there is something you need to work on in the present to change that future
outcome. This is your message from the Angelic Realm as far as they can intervene. However, as you
have invited them in to support you in that by drawing the 3 angel cards, then you have a team of
angel energy behind you and the universe now knows that you striving to make a change and will
work with you to achieve it. Remember you get what you need not necessarily what you think you

47. Reading on an animal

The angelic realm works really closely with the animal kingdom and if you want to know what is
going on for your beloved pet or you want to ask for a yearly guide for your pet then you can do any
of the readings you have learnt. I particularly like the single card yearly guide reading for my pet as it
brings in the energy of one of the angels to be by their side as well as their spirit elemental guides.
Animals have guides too, these are normally from the elemental kingdom and could be a fairy,
gnome, pixie, etc. but can also be from the galactic realms like a pleiadian..
48. Reading on a relationship
Perhaps the second most common use of Oracle cards is to get a reading on a relationship whether
existing or future possibilities. It seems to be for some an all-consuming search for answers and in
some way, it is meant to be.  Your relationships are your biggest teachers in life whether they are
with a child, a parent, a friend or a partner. The dynamics of those relationships trigger many aspects
of self and it is not only the aspects of you that you are working on, but the other person is also
teaching you aspects of self-growth for learning. If you consider what a relationship with a child
brings, it brings a lesson in enduring patience, it brings courage, it teaches us the meaning of
unconditional love, it triggers our creativity and reconnects us with our own inner-child etc. Whereas
a relationship with a partner is about growing in love through to unconditional love, is about
courage, hope, manifestation, harmony, patience, balance, mutual respect, honouring, and
overcoming so many of our negative emotions like jealousy and distrust.

To do a reading on a relationship I recommend the 3 card monthly or yearly reading. When you
connect with the cards you can ask for guidance in your relationship in the month or year ahead.

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