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Hello to everyone,

We are undergraduate students of Bachelor of Science (Hons.) Construction Technology in

UiTM Seri Iskandar. We will be conducting data analysis based on your response to this
survey. The purpose of this study is to find out the test anxiety among students.

It will be highly appreciated if you could spare some time to answer the questionnaire for my
research proposal. All the information given will be kept confidential. Thank you and May
Allah ease your day.

Part 1: Demographic Information

Instructions: Please answer the questions.

1. Gender

Male Female

2. Course study/ Program Code: ___________

3. Year of studies
First year
Second year
Third year

4. Academic performance
Least satisfied
Very satisfied

5. Social life
Least satisfied
Very satisfied
6. Parental status

Married orphan/ single parent.

7. Total family income per month


Part 2: Test Anxiety Scale

Instruction: Please read each statement and circle a number 0, 1, 2 or 3 which indicates how
much the statement applied to you over the past week. There are no right or wrong answers.

The rating scale is as follows:

0 Did not apply to me at all - NEVER.

1 Applied to me to some degree, or some of the time - SOMETIMES.

2 Applied to me to a considerable degree, or a good part of time - OFTEN.

3 Applied to me very much, or most of the time - ALMOST ALWAYS.

(You may tick only one option.)

1. I have visible signs of nervousness such as sweaty palms, shaky hands, and so on
right before a test.
0 (Never)
1 (Sometimes)
2 (Often)
3 (Almost always)
2. I have “butterflies” in my stomach before a test.
0 (Never)
1 (Sometimes)
2 (Often)
3 (Almost always)

3. I read through the test and feel that I do not know any of the answers.
0 (Never)
1 (Sometimes)
2 (Often)
3 (Almost always)

4. I panic before and during a test.

0 (Never)
1 (Sometimes)
2 (Often)
3 (Almost always)

5. My mind goes blank during a test.

0 (Never)
1 (Sometimes)
2 (Often)
3 (Almost always)

6. I have trouble sleeping the night before a test.

0 (Never)
1 (Sometimes)
2 (Often)
3 (Almost always)
7. I have trouble sleeping the night before a test.
0 (Never)
1 (Sometimes)
2 (Often)
3 (Almost always)

8. I have trouble choosing answers.

0 (Never)
1 (Sometimes)
2 (Often)
3 (Almost always)

9. I worry when other students are finished before I am.

0 (Never)
1 (Sometimes)
2 (Often)
3 (Almost always)

10. I worry that I am doing poorly on a test and that everyone else is doing well.
0 (Never)
1 (Sometimes)
2 (Often)
3 (Almost always)

11. I can ‘t think clearly during tests

0 (Never)
1 (Sometimes)
2 (Often)
3 (Almost always)
Part 3: Effect of test anxiety

Instruction: What are the effects of test anxiety on yourself, your academic life, and your
interaction with society? (PLEASE TICK ONLY 3 OPTIONS FOR EACH CATEGORY)

1. Towards yourself
Keep to myself.
Talk to my friends.
Eat more than usual.
Listen to the music.
Feel depressed.

2. Towards academic.
Burden my studies.
Finish up the assignments.
Skip classes.
Get low grades.

3. Towards society.
Harm other people.
Mock other people.
Drive beyond speed limit.
Throw things away.
Take revenge on others.
Expose other bad personality.
Part 4: Ways to reduce anxiety.

Instruction: Based on the questions below, do these solutions can help you to release stress?
(PLEASE CHOOSE EITHER ‘Agree’ OR ‘Disagree’ ONLY. Tick the appropriate column)

1. I spend my time working on a hobby of mine.

Agree Disagree.

2. I spend my time on writing personal letters, writing in a diary, or writing creatively.

Agree Disagree.

3. I spend my time talking casually with people.

Agree Disagree.

4. I watch movie/ drama for entertainment.

Agree Disagree.

5. I focus on my religious beliefs and philosophy of life.

Agree Disagree.

6. I spend time working towards a life goal or ambition of mine.

Agree Disagree.
7. I avoid my stress by speeding in a motor vehicle to add excitement and challenge.

Agree Disagree.

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