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Karl Lynne Bruce

Dawson McTaggart Lipton

welcome Seeing the The world
to Matrix whole according
Reimprinting to new edge
magazine science

getting connected! Summer 2012

Bruce Lipton
on the evolution of humanity
Lynne McTaggart
our Bond, the space between and the
common humanity that binds us together
Life-Changing Stories
from practitioners around the globe
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Matrix Reimprinting Using EFT

Whatever your background, you will find this book
invaluable for its excellent layout, clear explanations of
the theory, thorough guide to practice, comprehensive
background information and numerous fascinating
case examples.
Karl Dawson

K arl is one of only 28 EFT

Masters Worldwide. He
is an international EFT courses
Karl is also the creator of the
evolutionary new EFT techniques
Matrix Reimprinting and co-
trainer and was a presenter author of the new Hay House
at the London, Dallas, Denver book ‘Matrix Reimprinting
and Australian EFT Masters using EFT’ released in
Conferences. August 2010

Welcome to the
first ever Matrix
Over the last few decades a psychology conferences Similar current life experiences
group of ‘super-techniques’ internationally, including the re-activate the old memories,
have emerged and are United States, Asia, Europe bringing the thoughts, feelings,
increasingly gaining in and Australia. emotions and beliefs of the
popularity. Coming under original trauma flooding back
He was also a presenter at
the umbrella term of ‘Energy into the body and mind,
the Hay House I Can Do
Psychology’, based on ancient causing stress and eventually
It Conference in London,
wisdom, these techniques leading to physical and
presenting alongside Louise Hay,
engage the mind and body psychological illness
Dr Bruce Lipton, Gregg Braden,
simultaneously to create
Caroline Myss and other leaders Matrix Reimprinting works
rapid personal transformation
from the self-help industry. directly with these ECHOs, not
on both a physical and
only to resolve the negative
emotional level. In 2007, a shift in awareness
energetic charge around them
enabled Karl to gain a new
One such, Matrix Reimprinting, but by also creating positive
understanding behind the
has been catapulted into memories in their place.
causation and resolution of
the limelight, following the
trauma. This new awareness, This changes our relationship
release of the book ‘Matrix
gained from extensive to our past, and affects our
Reimprinting Using EFT’ by
observation and experience emotional and physical health in
publishing giants, Hay House.
with many, many different the present.
Matrix Reimprinting is a cases of emotional trauma and
Matrix Reimprinting also goes
collection of new cutting- physical disease, has led him
hand in hand with other healing
edge techniques created by to create Matrix Reimprinting.
modalities such as life coaching,
EFT Master Karl Dawson. Since then the technique has
hypnotherapy, counselling,
They combine EFT with grown and developed.
psychotherapy, all types of
understandings from the
Matrix Reimprinting is based bodywork and energy work,
new biology, epigenetics and
on the understanding that and so on. Whatever techniques
quantum science, to create
we hold in our energy fields you use in your practice, having
RAPID personal change.
the traumatic life events that a tool that helps you to quickly
Karl, one of only 28 EFT have gone before, not just transform life traumas enables
Masters worldwide, has trained as memories but as specific the body to return from a state
thousands of people globally in energy bodies, which Karl has of stress so that healing can
EFT and Matrix Reimprinting, named Energetic Consciousness take place.
He has presented at energy Holograms or ECHOs. 3
The theme of this month’s magazine is Lynne Mctaggart shares an amazing story of
connectivity; that most basic of human needs 73 year old Texan Don Beck and the work he
– our desire to connect with other people. did in the 80s to help bring the people of South
The documentary ‘What the Bleep’ heralded a Africa together.
new breed of film by connecting scientists, self
Rabbi Immanuel Yosef is currently training a
help experts and new age Gurus together to take
whole team of care professionals in Matrix
spiritual and cutting edge scientific concepts to
Reimprinting and EFT in Israeli city of Tzfat to
the masses, followed by the likes of ‘The Secret’
help resolve tragic events that happened to the
‘The Living Matrix’ to the latest science/spiritual
city in the 70s and since
documentary ‘Thrive’
Such is the awareness now of a new dawn of We will also share with you several Matrix
understanding, and the ongoing change in Reimprinting client accounts, demonstrating how
human consciousness, that these new concepts wonderful these techniques are for resolving
are not out of place on today’s prime time TV. trauma, letting go of the past and allowing a
renewed feeling of connectivity with people in
For example, ‘Touch’, the latest hit drama from
the US, staring Keither Sutherland, focuses on our lives.
his Autistic son, Jake, who has the ability to see We will hear a charming story from Erik
patterns in numbers. Although unable to speak,
and Helen and how their work with Matrix
Jake communicates these patterns to his father,
Reimprinting not only helped with their health
helping connect people through apparently
and financial issues, but also brought them
random events.
together to find love.
Synchronicity and the law of attraction; two of
the cornerstones of the new consciousness being But global transformation starts with the
the theme of a major drama series on mainstream individual. We’ll hear from Adam in Australia and
TV – times are changing’. Tina in the UK, and how working with a Matrix
Reimprinting practitioner helped them once again
All the articles and videos in this month’s
feel connected to people rather than living in
magazine centre on this theme of connectivity.
isolation and fear.
Dr Bruce Lipton talks about how the future of the
human race at this very important evolutionary We hope you enjoy these wonderful stories and
time will depend on our ability to connect at a articles, and please feel tree to contact Karl with
global level. any comments at
Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D.

S pontaneous Evolution
is a book written by
biologist Bruce H Lipton
geometry and what this means
to the future of humanity.
Following is an excerpt which
Ph.D. & philosopher Steve resonates with the basis of Matrix
Bhaerman which focuses Reimprinting
on epigenetics, quantum
biophysics and fractal

The World
According To
New-Edge Science
hat does science say prove the opposite. According occurs when we gaze into the
about this mind over to conventional belief, the mirror and see ourselves as
matter stuff? The complexity of a human should singular, individual entities.
answer depends upon which require vastly more genes than In reality, each of us is a
science you ask. are found in a simple organism. community of 50 trillion cells.
Surprisingly, the HGP discovered While this number is easy to
The science of conventional
that humans have nearly say, it is almost unfathomable.
medicine tries to reassure us
the same number of genes The total number of cells in a
that none of the phenomena
as lowly animals, a finding human body is greater than
we just described actually
that inadvertently reveals a the total number of humans on
exists. That’s because today’s
fundamental myth-perception 7,000 Earths!
biology textbooks and mass
underlying genetic determinism.
media describe the body and its Nearly every cell in your body
Science’s pet dogma has long
component cells as machines has all of the functions present
outlived its usefulness and
made of biochemical building in the entire human body,
needs to be mercifully put to
blocks. which means that every cell
has its own nervous, digestive,
This perception has
So, if genes do not control life . respiratory, musculoskeletal,
programmed the general
. . (pause to formulate a mind- reproductive, and even immune
public to accept the belief in
blowing question) . . . what systems. Because these cells
genetic determinism, which is
does? represent the equivalent of
the notion that genes control
a miniature human being,
physical and behavioural traits. The answer is:
conversely, every human is the
This sad interpretation is that we do!
equivalent of a colossal cell!
our fate is inextricably linked Evolving new-edge science
to ancestral characteristics reveals that our power to As we will come to see, our
determined by genetic control our lives originates mind represents a government
blueprints derived from our from our minds and is not pre- that coordinates and integrates
parents and their parents and programmed in our genes. the functions of the body’s
their parent’s parents, ad massive cellular civilization. In
infinitum. This causes people to This is great news. The the same manner that decisions
believe that they are victims of power for change is within by a human government
heredity. us! However, to activate the regulate its citizens, our mind
amazing power of mind over shapes the character of our
Fortunately, the Human genes we must reconsider cellular community.
Genome Project (HGP) has our fundamental beliefs-our
pulled the rug out from under perceptions and misperceptions- Insights into the nature of the
conventional science’s beliefs of life. mind, how it influences us,
concerning genetic control. This and where it lives, offer an
is ironic because it set out to Our first serious misperception opportunity for us to fully realise 5

our true powers. An awareness

of this knowledge allows us
to actively participate in the
unfolding of our individual
lives as well as contribute to
the evolution of our collective
For more information on Bruce
and Steve’s work, please visit:

The Evolution of
the Butterfly
A four-minute short by like #OWS are bringing the brink of a spontaneous
filmmaker Abraham Heisler, together imaginal cells to evolution.”
features the renowned create the blueprint of a new
This enlightened thinking is the
cellular biologist Dr. Bruce society,” Heisler said. “We see
next phase of our evolution as
Lipton narrating the process it in general assemblies and the
a species. As “the butterfly is
of a caterpillar transforming hope and inspiration found in
an evolutionary advance over
into a butterfly over footage the process of direct democracy
the caterpillar,” so the Occupy
Heisler shot of the early stages and social justice.”
Movement is an advance over
of Occupy Wall Street. Like
This film is an elaboration on an economically unjust society.
a caterpillar, which must
the ideas of Dr. Lipton, who
change its form to survive, our Credit: Steve Bhaerman and
believes that “humanity is on
society birthed a revolutionary Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D.
movement when it became
evident that the system the 1%
built was no longer sustainable
for humanity. After society
broke down and went into its
metaphorical cocoon (triggered
by the economic collapse),
unique individuals came
together, carrying with them the
blueprint for a beautiful new
structure, mirroring the cellular
process of the caterpillar as it
takes on a new form.
“Large scale social movements
Lynne McTaggart

L ynne McTaggart, a world

expert on the science of
spirituality, is the award-
The Bond. As editorial director
of What Doctors Don’t Tell
You (, she also
and workshops. Lynne is also
the architect of the Intention
Experiments, a web-based
winning author of six books, publishes one of the world’s most ‘global laboratory’, testing the
including the worldwide highly praised health publications power of intention to heal the
bestsellers The Field, The and runs highly popular health world
Intention Experiment and and spirituality teleconferences

Seeing the Whole

on Beck is convinced showing people on one side In your own life, you can
that, if he’d been that those on the other side begin to develop this kind of
alive in 1860 and had are not all the same. In Beck’s “aerial vision” by fine-tuning
a conversation with Abraham experience, what often polarises your ability to notice the detail
Lincoln, he might have been people or pulls societies apart is about people and cultures
able to prevent the Civil War. a simple lack of appreciation of that are different from yours,
A former professor of social the spectrum of different beliefs which eventually helps you to
psychology at University of that exist in cultures outside refrain from thinking that traps
North Texas, Beck, a florid 75- their own. you into an “us” and “them”
year-old Texan, is most known mindset. You learn to question
“We don’t have the language
for a system he has developed your automatic assumptions
of difference, so we tend to
called Spiral Dynamics, which about the neighbours you don’t
stereotype,” he says.
identifies the fine gradations of know, the people of a different
belief systems and their level of During his sixty-three trips to ethnic or religious persuasion,
complexity of any given society. South Africa in the 1980s, Beck the countries and people
became known as a bridge beyond your borders.
He considers his work a
builder between the country’s
continuation of his doctoral Aerial vision also enables you
black and white populations;
dissertation, which examined to hold opposing ideas in your
as a consequence, he played
the polarisation of Americans head without being judgmental
a behind-the-scenes role in
just prior to the Civil War. Beck because you recognise the
helping to smooth the country’s
discovered no less than eight whole that ties everything
transition from apartheid to
positions about slavery — together. You detach from your
from those in favour of unpaid own vantage point and your
servitude to those desiring In his dealings with the business own prejudices in order to
full abolition. community, he began to realise entertain several viewpoints and
that many of the pro-apartheid stop taking your own side.
When the moderate position
Afrikaners, the dominant
disappeared from both sides, When you see and notice
white group, were unable to
he says, the country polarised the whole, you allow for and
differentiate between various
and the war began. “If we had respect more than one version
black tribes, while members of
done certain things in 1860, we of reality.
the African National Congress,
would have ended slavery and
the party led by Nelson Aerial vision also allows you
we wouldn’t have lost 700,000
Mandela, also had difficulty to transcend your tendency
people,” says Beck. “And we
distinguishing between different to always look to your own
wouldn’t still be fighting the
types of Afrikaners. Beck began vantage point for solutions
Civil War.”
delivering presentations all to problems. Recently,
As a political consultant on over South Africa to educate Don Beck attended a large
resolving societal conflict, Beck whites and blacks in the fine investment conference in
calls himself a human “heat- distinctions between the many Bethlehem, where a number
seeking missile,” drawn to the different Zulu tribes and white of western multinationals
world’s hot spots: South Africa, groups. were recommending high-tech
Palestine, Afghanistan, Israel. investment in Palestine.
His current work attempts to “I was able to break up,” he
break up the thinking that fuels says, “the definitional systems To their astonishment, Beck
us-versus-them prejudice by that fueled prejudice.” insisted that they invest in a 7

cement factory. The potential black population in South Africa as Hoosier and Chariots of
investors were alarmed by the actively boycotted the sport. Fire to help establish the sense
idea of investing in Industrial- of a “mystical brotherhood”
Age technology until Beck In 1995, Beck presented Kitch – the sense that the team
convinced them to look through Christie, the Springbok’s coach, stands together as one family,
Palestinian eyes. The refugees with a paper entitled Six Games with a blood bond greater than
were living without permanent to Glory, which detailed a series their loyalty to themselves, and
homes; what they needed of psychological strategies that a cause to fight for.
most was not computers or would help transform the team
from underdog to world-class Beck arranged for the team to
mobile homes, but materials
contender in the games leading visit Mandela’s tiny prison cell
for housing, predictable, blue-
up to the World Cup. Besides at Robben Island, in order to
collar work, an industry with a
the strategies for winning the emphasise their larger role in
constant market and a source
game, Beck’s paper included their country’s destiny. Above
of building materials inside their
ways that the Springboks could all, his exercises were to help
own borders.
stand as a focal point of pride develop a sense that each
It was Beck who first came up for the fledgling country and member of the team faced a
with the idea of using South connect the township blacks life-defining moment requiring
Africa’s entry into the World with the Afrikaners. that they pull together as one.
Cup rugby play-offs in 1995,
Psychologists call this a As the games progressed,
depicted in the film Invictus,
superordinate goal – a goal only Beck’s superordinate goal began
as a means of creating nation-
achieved by large cooperative to infect the country; young
building euphoria, in order to
teamwork of two or more blacks from the township tore
unify a country emerging from
people. Engaging in sharing down anti-rugby signs and
apartheid. Beck had a special
and teamwork tends to hung photos of their Springbok
fascination with the psychology
transcend differences, because heroes. During the World Cup,
of premier-league games, and
it emphasises the very heart of which the Springboks went on
through his experiences working
humanity — we are all in this to win, Mandela was persuaded
with the Dallas Cowboys and
together. And if we are all in to appear in a Springbok green
the New Orleans Saints, he had
this together we are no longer and gold shirt — the colours
developed a belief in the power
competing for scarce resources. that had always symbolised his
of sports as a peacemaker.
oppressors — as a tangible sign
Beck’s document offers many of unity and forgiveness.
This was a bold idea, given
strategies that can be used
that the Springboks, the South To Beck, creating a
to create superordinate goals
African rugby team, were superordinate goal is one of
in other areas. He suggested
the very symbol of apartheid. the best ways to achieve peace
that the Springboks adopt
Rugby was considered a white in areas of political conflict. In
a collaborative or common
man’s sport. Virtually all players his work, Beck often meets with
identity — the green and gold
were Afrikaners, the white both sides in an area of conflict
colours of the team shirts, and
pro-apartheid minority; rugby and shows them a positive
a sports crowd song, with a
coaches even shouted out plays vision of future possibility, but
Zulu drum to lead the team and
in Afrikaans. English-speaking one that requires that both
arouse the crowd. He advised
or black players seldom made sides work together and use
Christie to have the team sit
the team, and consequently, the their common geography and
together and watch films such

resources to create a solution sharing resources for services Once you begin to see the
for all who live there. such as education and health whole, you can see past your
care. Presently, he is consulting own assumptions and beyond
Recently, he presented the Arabs
with both sides to work out differences to our Bond:
and Israelis with a plan to make
the details and timeline of how the space between and the
occupied Palestine “the Hong
to achieve this kind of society common humanity that binds
Kong of the Middle East,” an
within thirty years. us all together.
affluent society with both sides

Here’s how to create your own
Power of Eight:

Assemble a group of between 6 and 12

Power likeminded friends who are open to the

possibility of healing and intention.

of Eight 2 Ask if any one of the members of the

group with a healing challenge of some
sort (emotional or physical) would like to
Economists have traditionally claimed that we be the target of the healing intention. Allow
do best for society by looking out for number the person nominated as the recipient to
1. But the latest science clearly demonstrates describe his or her problem in detail.
that we all do better by choosing what is best

not simply for ourselves but also all the people Spend a few moments talking over and
around us. Every success story for resolving designing the intention statement that
conflict shares one thing in common: an you will all hold together.
ability to harness the fundamental human need

to connect, or Bond, and to move past ‘every
Gather around in a circle. Either join
man for himself’ to ‘we’re all in this together.’
hands or place the nominated subject
In fact, people who fire together wire in the middle of the circle, as all the rest
together; evidence shows that whenever a of the group place one hand on him, like the
group works together for a common goal, the spokes of a wheel.
brains of all parties begin to get on the same

wavelength, strengthening the Bond within Begin by having each member of the
the group. A common and larger purpose group close his eyes and concentrate
creates instant closeness in any social setting on inhaling and exhaling. Each should
and offers an excellent tool for maintaining clear his mind of any distractions, then hold
cooperation in your office or neighbourhood. the intention statement in his mind while
In my work, I’ve seen what I call the ‘Power of imagining, with all five senses, the intention
Eight’: the extraordinary power of small groups recipient as healthy and well in every way. All
to transform into a ‘superorganism’ of instant members should then send out the intention
closeness and potent healing. During my many through their hearts. The intention recipient
workshops, I have witnessed powerful stories should remain open to receive.
of emotional or physical healing among both

the senders and receivers. At the end of 10 minutes, each member
The feeling of oneness reported by the may come back into the room and
members of the workshops and the Intention begin to share experiences. First ask the
Experiment community is an example of intention recipient to describe how he or she
The Bond – the resonance effect of pure feels, and if he has experienced any changes,
connection. The simple act of belonging and positive or negative. All the other members
spontaneously giving within a small group of may then take turns sharing experiences. Take
strangers is so powerful and so satisfies our note of any feelings of palpable oneness and
deepest longing that it heals both the healer also any improvement in the condition of both
and the recipient. senders and receivers.

For further information on Lynne’s article, please visit: 9

The Bond:
Through the
Time-Light Space Between Us
by Bryan Hubbard
By Lynne McTaggart
You will be familiar of the name Bryan Hubbard
if you know the work of What Doctors Don’t We are in crisis because we live a lie. We believe
Tell You. He is the founder and editor, so knows we flourish because we compete and fight
a thing or two about mainstream health vs. - personally, as a nation, and as the dominant
alternative solutions. Well, not before time (no species. But we succeed only because we share,
pun intended), Bryan has written this gem that we care and we’re fair, as Lynne McTaggart’s
can really help in all areas of your life. latest, profound and life-altering book proves.
The Bond demonstrates that we are in constant
Time-Light is a philosophy, a therapy, a self-
relationship with everything and everyone. Pulling
help method - and yet it is greater, and deeper,
together a vast array of cutting edge scientific
than the sum of its parts. It is a new way to see
discovery, McTaggart demonstrates that the
yourself, the world and the purpose of life.
idea of ‘us against them’ is one of the most
Time-Light tells you who you really are. It takes fundamental misconceptions we make.
you on a unique voyage of discovery as you
Lynne McTaggart is the Malcolm Gladwell of
uncover that ‘you’ are made up of three selves, or
the new science, whose superbly written book,
time bodies. As you age, you become time-heavy
a blend of frontier discovery told in compelling
as experiences you never fully understood begin
stories, offers hope but also an action plan in
to weigh you down.
these troubled times. Read this book and change
Time-Light is a theory and a practice that includes your life and the life of everyone around you
a 21-day programme that helps you become - Jack Canfield, Bestselling Author Of The Chicken
time-light as you were when you were a child Soup For The Soul Series
and you could see the world as it really is - an
Once in a very great while, a book comes along
unfolding miracle in the present.
that shifts our sense of reality, or extols a new
Time-Light includes a Foreword by best-selling way of living. Lynne McTaggart’s extraordinary
author Lynne McTaggart (The Field, The Intention new book, The Bond, does both - Deepak Chopra,
Experiment and The Bond). She describes Time- Bestselling Author Of Reinventing The Body,
Light as “one of the most plausible theories I’ve Resurrecting The Soul)
ever read about what it means to be human.”
For information about this book, and further
To explore further, check out reading please visit:
Rabbi Immanuel Yosef Legomsky

O ur work is all
non-profit and we
need budget to continue
populations in cities worldwide.
Please visit IsraelTraumaCare.
org and contribute to our work
this essential life restoring online!
work, which is a model
we will replicate in urban

First Ever Model

City Programme
for Preventing and
Resolving PTSD Trauma
and it’s EFT & Matrix
Reimprinting Based!
By Rabbi Immanuel Yosef Legomsky: Director of Israel Trauma Care & EFT Trainer of Trainers and
Matrix Reimprinting Trainer

zfat, is the highest city hostage by invading Muslim and poison to the missiles to
in Israel, located about terrorists from Lebanon while cause maximum carnage.
45 kms south of the sleeping in a school at 3 am in
The youngest Mayor in Israeli
Northern border with Lebanon nearby Ma’alot. After 12 hours
history, Ilan Schochat, is himself
and Syria. Geographically, Tzfat of brutality, which included
named after his 15 year old
is one of the 3 most strategic using these children as human
Aunt who was killed in the
military targets in Israel so it has shields to barter with the
1974 Ma’alot massacre. The
many bases in the surrounding Israeli Army for the release of
Mayor recognised Israel Trauma
area. With 30,000+ almost terrorists from jails, the terrorists
Care’s unique effectiveness
entirely Jewish people, as one began firing machine guns and
of using EFT and Matrix
of the 4 Ancient Jewish Holy throwing hand grenades at the
Reimprinting to resolve a
Cities, Tzfat is known as the children, who were in a small
number of survivors’ 38 year old
place where both Kabbalah second story classroom. 18 girls
traumas from this massacre.
and Jewish Law were cognised and 4 boys were massacred and
and codified in the late 1500s, 68 injured in what was called In September, 2011, he officially
and also has a world renowned the Ma’alot massacre of Tzfat gave us a mandate to train all of
cultural quarter which attracts teenage school children. The Tzfat, according to my unique
many leading artists from survivors are now Tzfat’s leaders systems approach to training
around the country. along with their children. whole cities, and making
Tzfat the first Model City for
Tzfat has a history of Tzfat was bombarded in July-
PTSD Trauma urban-wide for
earthquakes and other August 2006, the 2nd Lebanon
prevention and treatment. In
devastating events, for instance, Missile War by more than 500
November, 2011, he gave us a
the 1929 Muslim programme deadly Hezbollah terrorist
designated office in a municipal
to massacre the Jewish Quarter. Ketusha missiles. The terrorists
education building for our
In 1974, 102 local teenagers on intentionally added ball
a weekend outing were taken bearings, rusty screws, metal 11

In this iconic photo of the Ma’alot Massacre,

We began training supervisory staff of Special Tzipi Maimon-Bokris is being saved,
Education Supervisors and Teachers, with an unknowingly, by her own brother after a
expansion plan for all schoolteachers, school grenade lands next to her once she jumps
children, emergency paramedic 1st responders, from the Netiv Meir school building in Ma’alot,
nurses and then security, medical, and mental Israel, May 15, 1974.
health staff, including the hospital and new (Courtesy Their Eyes Were Dry)
medical school.
We are constantly seeing miracles on a daily basis
We have also had famous visiting trainers here where even lifelong traumas are being totally
such as Karin Davidson and Alina Frank. Currently, resolved –often in just 1-3 Matrix sessions. It’s
we are still mainly teaching EFT Practitioner clear that this resolution occurs in moments on
Trainings to various staff, and using Matrix all levels; physical body sensation, emotions,
Reimprinting extensively in private treatment. thoughts, socially and spiritually. Matrix is
Soon we will begin introducing our locally trained remarkable and wondrous. To observe the client
EFT Practitioners to become Matrix Reimprinting actually joining their younger traumatized self,
Practitioners. We are networking these staff into and hand in hand, they reconcile the stuck
diversified teams that will each service different trauma and learn new lessons together for a
sections of the city for all traumatic issues. The unified progressive future, is amazing. We are
threat of trauma is a constant reality with Tztat blessed to regularly succeed in facilitating easy
being just seconds away from huge arsenals of and uniform Matrix successes on issues for
missiles and weapons of mass destruction at the which nothing else seemed to have worked. Our
nearby Syrian and Lebanon borders. Destruction most common examples with Ma’alot Massacre
and terror is a real everyday possibility that hangs survivors and anyone who was here in the 2006
over everyone in the region, and denial doesn’t Missile War are: releasing the survivor guilt,
make it go away. overcoming the common triggers of fireworks or
missiles, sirens, microphones, loud and unfriendly
Arabic voices and screaming children.
Janice Thompson BSc

J anice has her own personal

training business and has
worked as a lecturer in sports
an EFT & Matrix Reimprinting
practitioner and trainer. She
is one of only a handful of
Crystal Healing Organisation
(ACHO), and Association of
Advancement of Meridian
science and psychology at sixth Matrix Reimprinting trainers Energy Techniques (AAMET),
form and undergraduate levels. in the world. She is a member International META-medicine
She now also works as a master of the Register of Exercise Association (IMMA).
META-medicine health coach, Professionals, Association of

How Matrix
Reimprinting can
help with self
“I was completely lost, had then please read Karl Dawson’s to the point where I couldn’t go
no self-confidence and feared book). This first session was the places if people asked me to”
rejection... there were so many beginning of Tina’s personal to “I have noticed how different
things I was afraid to do or transformation. I am around people now...
say”, these are the words people want to spend time in
When Karl explained to me that
spoken by one of my clients my company”.
the theme for this newsletter
when they first came to see
was connection I immediately One of the most interesting
me. When I first met Tina I was
thought of Tina. Her journey aspects of working with Tina
aware of her warm nature, but
through Matrix Reimprinting was how she thought that
it seemed squashed, she was
has enabled her to feel more going back to some childhood
lacking in confidence and would
connected with her true self in issues would be so hard to do,
constantly ask me to tell her
terms of honouring her own too upsetting, she was very
how to deal with a situation,
needs, listening to her heart and worried that she would re-live
she really didn’t trust anyone.
making positive choices about those traumatic experiences,
Although Tina does not want
her own life. Perhaps the most but as you can see from the
me to go into great detail about
inspiring connections were of video, she says that was not
her situation, it is reasonable
that with her family. After a few the case at all. The beauty of
to say that she had been in a
sessions working through her Matrix Reimprinting is that you
very negative relationship which
fear of rejection she explained do not re traumatise yourself,
left her fearful and scared of
to me how she was going to but you do address those
rejection and she desperately
see her sister and mother after 3 negative emotions which can
wanted to feel better and to
years of no contact whatsoever still be having a significant
change her life. After just one
with them. It was something impact on your life today. In
session of Matrix Reimprinting
she realised she wanted to do; Tina’s case she realised after
where we worked on a very
she wanted to forgive and enjoy her initial session how simple
upsetting and frightening
being with them again. She the process was, she was not
childhood experience, she
described the feeling as “relief only less worried about looking
contacted me to say that she
beyond my comprehension”. at upsetting events from her
was surprised by just how much
She then contacted them and past, but actually found some
more confident she felt. It may
has enjoyed several months sessions quite fun. If you are
sound odd that from her issues
together. Her mother recently not used to Matrix Reimprinting
of a negative relationship we
passed away and Tina was by this may sound a bit odd, but
worked on a childhood memory,
her side. Her connection with it does occur, obviously this is
but this is normal in the world
people in general has also not the case for everyone but it
of Matrix Reimprinting (and if
altered considerably, from “I got certainly was for Tina.
you want to understand why 13

Tina’s introduction to Matrix Reimprinting was

the beginning of a wonderful journey of
self-love, trust, confidence building and the
connection with so many new friends. I cannot
possibly overestimate how much Tina’s life has
changed. Where she found it easier to stay
in, she is now out socialising regularly. Where
she doubted her own judgements, she is now
confident to trust in her own feelings. Where she
feared rejection, she now does what she feels is
right for her without worrying about what others
may think or say. Where she was not comfortable
meeting new people she now loves making new
friendships and finds people interesting. I could
go on but I think you get the picture.
As you can see through Matrix Reimprinting Tina
has made massive changes to her life, changes
that she never believed could happen, but they
have. In contrast to the negative words spoken
by Tina at the beginning of this article I will leave
you with her words now, “I feel confident, lighter,
more able to say what I want, I have noticed how
different I am around people. One of my favourite
things is laughing at myself when I think I can’t
do something “. So come on, jump on the Matrix
Reimprinting train and see how your life can
change for the better, take that journey to
change and connect.
Caroline Paulzen

A fter a career of 30 years as

a nurse, Caroline Paulzen
is now pursuing her passion
Trainer in Australia and the
Matrix Reimprinting Trainer
of Trainers for the Asia Pacific
about ‘Eradicating Bullying’,
where Matrix Reimprinting and
EFT is at the core as a strategy
of personal empowerment Area. Caroline is currently to achieve this. She also
and healing of others.. She introducing EFT into schools presents workshops on Personal
is a Matrix Reimprinting and and the corporate sector, and is Empowerment.
EFT (AAMET) Practitioner and working on a documentary film

Adam’s Story
dam’s severe accident Some guys in class with low ‘I am awkward’ – not
as a teenager lead him emotional awareness would say comfortable speaking in medium
to feel isolated from the “Oh Yuck, that’s disgusting... size social groups and often
world. Matrix Reimprinting has what’s wrong with you?!” I had embarrass myself. Very aware
helped him feel more connected no respect for them so didn’t of when people are watching
with the world and himself. mind what they said, but it me/judging.
This is Adam’s story: was a huge shock to know that
‘I can’t be spontaneous’ (as I
everyone in school knew my
When I was 16 I was rushed was mucking around when the
secret, and this lead to fears of
into hospital, squirming in pain accident occurred)
‘being exposed’ and not trusting
following a very strange accident. ‘I can’t make any mistakes, or my
the people around me.
I spent the first few days in a world will collapse’.
The embarrassment and shame
haze of morphine and the effects Now for the
was so strong that for years I
of anaesthesia. Because of this positive!!!!!!
would react badly the instant the
I had no opportunity to process
accident was mentioned to the I have had a number of Matrix
the initial shock of waking up
few people outside my circle of Reimprinting sessions where
in hospital with my stomach
trust. I was able to address the
cut open. I felt angry that the
following memories by using
doctors didn’t explain what had Then came the prospect of
tapping to release the negative
been done and the potential returning to hospital for the
emotions at each stage, and then
ramifications. I felt very fearful reversal operation, knowing
was able to change the negative
of not being able to survive; my exactly how much pain and
beliefs I had formed at the time:
belief was ‘I am very damaged pathetic indignity was looming.
for life’. I also experienced I had already come out of the I was able to process the shock
shock from loved ones being so first one like a skeleton from of waking up after the operation,
alarmed at the sight of me. not eating solid food for 7 seeing my stomach wounds and
days. Interestingly I was not a colostomy.
I can’t consciously remember
particularly concerned about this The night before the morning
it, but according to my family,
at the time. I must have been operation, I was drugged up so I
my girlfriend broke up with me
in too much of a survival state. had no idea what had happened.
when I was in hospital. Feelings
Matrix Reimprinting allowed a This is why it was such a shock to
of anger came up in the Matrix
chance to feel and resolve these wake up and see my stomach!
Reimprinting session around
fears that had stayed with me for
that, which were resolved. After the Matrix Reimprinting
many years.
Isolation: session my energy levels
Beliefs formed skyrocketed and I spent the
I spent two months with the as a result of my
colostomy bag at school, which next 10 days doing anything
was downright horrible. Neither and everything I could like a
‘I’m damaged’, from spending madman.
the bag nor the accident itself
ten days in hospital with my
was discussed openly except with As I have CFS (Chronic Fatigue
stomach split open and sewn
a few friends. It would fart noisily Syndrome) this was unusual for
back again. I felt like a car after
in class and smelled so bad that me.
a crash that should be ‘written
no one could imagine it came
off’. My reading improved and I
from a human. 15

began to use weaker glasses; now I need no glasses ‘have a nice day’ I can tell they mean it. I was not
at all and read without strain. (I realise now I had consciously acting or saying anything differently,
not wanted to see my damaged stomach). and the first few times I looked behind me to see
what celebrity/AFL champion was standing behind
I resolved the trauma of the accident; arriving in
me! Of course this has only happened on a few
emergency, not being assessed as a priority and
occasions, but I don’t remember it happening like
being examined (fear of major irreversible damage,
that beforehand (even when I was fit and strong).
even considering possibility of death).
In regard to healing other areas of my life, I still
I reimprinted the operation so that it went as
consider myself a ‘work in progress’, but in general
smoothly as possible with minimal scarring. I also
I feel more alive and connected to the world.
reimprinted the surgeon explaining what had
Matrix Reimprinting allowed me to visit my worst
happened and that it would eventually heal with
memories with dignity in a safe and controlled
no significant lasting effects.
After the Matrix Reimprinting session I felt light
Instead of having to push through confoundingly
pains along the ‘suture’ (cut) line, which I never do
difficult times, things are becoming effortless.
normally – signs now of healing taking place about
6 years after the operation!!! Initially I really struggled using basic EFT. I would
usually feel numb and tired within a few minutes.
Within two weeks my stomach flattened out.
Using EFT in conjunction with Matrix Reimprinting
Before I had a layer of fat covering/protecting the
helped discharge many freeze responses and led to
area when the rest of me was skinny.
the reconnection with my spiritual self.
I reimprinted my time at school. I got a good
EFT/Matrix Reimprinting has been very effective
mate to gather up my friends and explain to them
at accessing my pre-conscious memories and
what had happened. I pictured my ex-girlfriend
releasing freeze responses there.
as a friend and an angel who gave me support
(removed isolation). By clearing so many survival states, I must feel safe
to be fully present in the world and hence don’t
I imagined that the accident was just a crazy feel as numb. Basic EFT is effective now.
dream, and all my friends rolling with laughter
when I told them about it. Note from Adams Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner:
Through the Matrix Reimprinting sessions we
After that I even reimprinted again so that I didn’t discovered that Adam’s experience and feelings
have to trudge around school with the colostomy of isolation started just after he was born,
and gave myself permission to take more time at prematurely, when he was placed in a humidicrib
home to recover. Usually I would just try and push and tube fed for 12 hours.
through times when I was unwell.
With Matrix Reimprinting we were also able to
Law of attraction – It seems that strangers perceive take Adam back to that time also so that his ‘baby’
me differently after the Matrix Reimprinting self was united with his mum straight after birth,
sessions; girls at the counter of my local pool and reverse the belief of ‘I am wrong,’ which he
smile at me with their eyes, and when they say formed at that time.

Helen Jones and Erik Cornish

of the vocabulary and during

the 70s an interest in all things
mystical became a driving force.
The theory of connectivity was
already growing, but the first
deep experience of this came
in 2005 in a guided meditation
when there was suddenly a
sense of total unity with all of
creation, and the phrase “ I am
all that is, nothing exists outside
of me” flooded through every
atom of my being. At that point
it became clear I had to work
with this concept of unified
Helen Jones – Life thought was a brilliant concept.
consciousness, and following
after ME After the talk, I connected with
training as a healer in 2009
For 15 years, I had successfully the speaker, Erik Cornish. I
I started Financial Healer. It
limited my connectivity with the wanted to keep in touch with
soon became clear that all the
world by coming down with him, as I had unhelpful beliefs
traumas which people regarded
ME/CFS. I was horrendously, about money. He gave me a
as deeply personal were in fact
massively, unbelievably session, and the reimprint was
the same trauma in different
exhausted and there appeared phenomenally powerful. We
guises, which is the illusion of
to be no help, no information, kept in touch. We connected
separation from the Absolute,
no way out. I was self-employed easily. One thing led rapidly to
and this has the effect of hiding
and living on my own. another (notwithstanding the
the underlying joy of creation
left brain’s occasional freaks),
By the end of 2009, I could from the individual. Then the
and we are now together and
barely get out of bed and universe decided to turn life
planning to get married!
needed to be looked after, upside down, and at the end
which entailed moving to a The saga of Erik of 2011, after a talk I was
part of the country I didn’t Cornish – Financial giving in Studley, I got talking
know. By this time, the Matrix healer to a lady in the audience.
Reimprinting book had just been This is a story of the One thing led very quickly to
published. In 2010, I made a transformation of an individual another and Helen and I got
safe connection by working with into a cosmic soul, starting in engaged on Valentine’s Day
a wonderful Matrix therapist. Bristol in 1951, born to parents 2012! She has opened my
The healing began. who had been traumatised heart to the Universe and given
in Burma during the war and me the space to love myself,
In February 2011 I did the 5-day something I have never been
saw the world as a threatening
training with Karl. I still had able to do before, and I am now
place and life as a battle to
traces of the ME but during the able to create a beautiful and
stay alive. Then came the
course could not feel it at all – a wonderful life free of battle,
public school “stiff upper lip”
wonderful experience of another struggle and fear!
education which locked the
massively powerful connection
emotions up nice and tight.
– that of mind and body.
A move to London in 1969
All that year, I continued to For more details about financial
started a life-time journey with
heal. In December, I went to healing, please visit:
meditation and the beginnings
the Supervision Day in Studley,
of connection to higher states
very keen to hear the talk or to contact Helen, email:
of consciousness. Phrases such
on financial healing, which I
as “we are all one” became part 17

Thrive: What On
Earth Will It Take?
THRIVE is no conventional movie, it’s like nothing
you would have watched before and most likely
it will change the way you think forever. Weaving
together breakthroughs in science, consciousness
and activism, THRIVE offers real solutions,
empowering us with unprecedented and bold
strategies for reclaiming our lives and our future.
Filmmaker Foster Gamble has gone the extra
mile with THRIVE and has taken us down the
rabbit hole and beyond. The website supports f
new or nex
the THRIVE Movement with facts and figures, slet
ideas and solution-based suggestions. If you iefs r on Tr th’s
wit aum
Dr ha a an
want to see a better world, make life easier for all Bru rtic d
ce L les
Dr by:
mankind, then you really may find this movie a Rup ipto
ert n
valuable resource. Dr She
Dav ldra
id H ke
You can download the movie free online at: Clic
kH ilto
ere n


Erika and Mauline Course participant in


Jack Catholic Priest and Feedback from Hong Kong

recovering Alcohlic

Pamela Bruner co-author Karin Davidson on Matrix

with Jack Canfield Reimprinting

Dr Spyder Webb Brett Moran

Transformational Guru 19

Join Karl Dawson on one of his five day EFT and
Matrix Reimprinting practitioner courses, open to
everyone, no previous experience necessary.
Learn these amazing skills for self help, friends &
family or start a new career as a practitioner.
Courses available monthly at:

The Thistle Hotel Brighton

The Kings Court hotel in Alcester near The Mercule Bolton West Hotel near Manchester

For all of Karl’s Courses please visit
Visit the home of Matrix Reimprinting at you’ll find Events, EFT &
Matrix Reimprinting Training courses, talks, speciality courses & Practitioners worldwide plus lots of
great information on Matrix Reimprinting
Matrix Reimprinting
using EFT is to be
launched by
Hay House Publishing
in the US in
July 2012

Books are available in German and Spanish with

translations in French, Japanese and other languages
available soon.

Buy Online From:

Ask yourself the Now take a moment to ask yourself what it is costing
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