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Activity two


Presented by
Código: 448292


Cooperative University of Colombia

Faculty of Postrados
Specialization in University Teaching

Bogotá, october 07, 2018

Frida Kahlo Biography

1.Find the following words in the reading and define them from your point of
view and according to the biography’s context. (1 point):

a) Heritage:

What we have received from our ancestors, in the case of Frida Kahlo, her German

b) Polio:

Is a viral disease that can affect the spinal cord causing muscle weakness and
paralysis. She contracted him at age six, leaving her right leg thinner than the left.

c) Symbolism:

An artistic way of expressing contents of the conscious, subconscious and

unconscious. Frida Kahlo was influenced by the Mexican indigenous culture, which
is manifested in its use of bright colors and dramatic symbolism, constantly including
the monkey that symbolizes lust.

d) Tumultuous:

When there are many people who approach that social circle, in this case the
marriage of Frida Kahlo. Kahlo and Rivera had fiery temperaments and both had
numerous extramarital affairs.

e) Ashes:

That which remains after being burned. In this case the body of Frida Kahlo. She
died on July 13, 1954.
2. Write the events that happened the following years:

a) 1907: She was born on July 6, 1907 in the house of her parents, known as La
Casa Azul (The Blue House), in Coyoacan.

b) 1941: Her father, Guillermo Kahlo (1872-1941).

c) 1910: The Mexican Revolution began in 1910 when Kahlo was three years old.
Later, however, Kahlo claimed that she was born in 1910 so people would directly
associate her with the revolution.

d) 1940: The couple eventually divorced, but remarried in 1940. Their second
marriage was as turbulent as the first.

e) 1954: A few days before Frida Kahlo died on July 13, 1954, she wrote in her diary:
"I hope the exit is joyful - and I hope never to return - Frida".

3. Answer the following questions:

a) When and where was Frida’s father born?

Her father, Guillermo Kahlo (1872-1941), was born in Pforzheim, Germany.

b) When did Frida contract polio?

Kahlo contracted polio at age six, which left her right leg thinner than the left, which
disguised by wearing long skirts.

c) What were the consequences of the accident in Frida’s personal and professional

After an accident, Frida Kahlo turned her attention away from the study of medicine
to begin a full-time painting career. The accident left her in a great deal of pain; she
painted to occupy her time during her temporary state of immobilization. Her self-
portraits became a dominant part of her life when she was immobile for three months
after her accident. Frida Kahlo once said, "I paint myself because I am often alone
and I am the subject I know best".

d) Who disapproved Frida’s marriage?


e) When did Frida die?

On July 13, 1954

4-5. Make a mind map in which you summarize the reading by presenting the most
important facts of her life. You must include information about her family, marriage
and professional life.

Frida Kahlo

Frida's mother, Matilde Calderon y Gonzalez, was a devout Catholic

of primarily indigenous, as well as Spanish descent.

Later, however, Kahlo claimed that :

The openly bisexual Kahlo had
she was born in 1910 so people Frida Kahlo turned her attention away from the affairs with both men (including
would directly associate her with study of medicine to begin a full-time painting Leon Trotsky) and women;.
the revolution. career.

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