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TLT-5606 Spread spectrum techniques — Spring 2009

Exercise #3: Wed 11.3.2009, 14 - 15, TB223 (the first hour of the lecture)

Note: To earn bonus points, you must solve the tasks before the session.

1. (Chapter 4, Eq. (3)): Show that distribution of hn, hi is characterized by

E[hn, hi] = 0 and E[hn, hi2 ] = ||h||2 .
2. Find the probability of error of the single-user matched filter for user 1 in
the absence of noise (P1 (0)) in a 5-user synchronous CDMA channel with

(ρ12 , ρ13 , ρ14 , ρ15 ) = (−0.2, 0.1, 0.3, 0.2) (1)

and received amplitudes

(A2 , A3 , A4 , A5 ) = A1 × (2, 1, 2, 1) (2)

3. Consider a DS-SS system with N chips per bit and rectangular chip wave-
forms (pTc (t) = 1 when t ∈ [0, Tc ], and 0 otherwise). Continuous-to-
discrete-time conversion is realized by a chip matched filter that is sam-
pled at the chip rate. Assume now that sampling has a timing offset
0 ≤ τ ≤ Tc :
Z lTc +τ
sl = pTc (t − (l − 1)Tc − τ )s(t)dt, (3)
lTc −Tc +τ

where s(t) is the signature waveform

s(t) = A (−1)ci pTc (t − (i − 1)Tc ) (4)

Express the signature vector s = [s1 , ..., sN ]T at the output of the chip
matched filter as a function of τ and the binary chip sequence (c1 , . . . , cN ).
4. Consider K = 2 asynchronous CDMA users in AWGN channel, so that
the matched filter output for user 1 equals

y1 = A1 b1 + A2 b− +
2 ρ12 + A2 b2 ρ21 + n1 (5)

where b− +
2 and b2 are the two consecutive symbols of user 2, interfer-
ing the demodulation of b1 , and ρ12 , ρ21 are related asynchronous cross-
correlations between the users. Derive the probability of error P (bˆ1 6= b1 )
for conventional single-user matched filter detection in this case.

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