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(MIGUEL) INTROCUCTION: In this presentation we are going to talk about

the Sami Language. We are going to talk about this language, because the
Sami Language is something that we are not used to listen but they have
really interesting lives and that´s what we are going to show.
(MIGUEL) Powerpoint 1

(ANTÓNIO)Powerpoint 2

(ANTÓNIO) HISTORY: The Sami language is believed to have formed in the

area of the Gulf of Finland between 1000 BC to 700 AD.
This language developed in South Finland or in Karelia around 2000-2500
years ago,e xpanding them to northern Fennoscandia. At present there
are nine living Sami languages.
The largest six of the languages have independent written languages; the
three others have no written standard, and of them ,three are only a few,
mainly aged, spkears left.
The Sami Language is spoken in four countries: Finland, Norway, Russia
and Sweden.

(TOMÁS) NUMBER OF SPEAKERS: The total population of Sami traditional

speakers, according to the 2015 edition of Ethnologue, are about 30.000

(TOMÁS) Powerpoint 3

(RAFAEL) SAMI PEOPLE: Sami languages are a group of Uralic languages

spoken by the Sami people in Northern Europe, in parts of Norway,
Sweden,Finland and Russia. The area traditionally inhabited by the Sami
people is known as Sápmi in North Sami, Saemic in South Sami and
Sameland in Norwegian and Swedish. The Sami languages are divided into
two groups:
Western and Eastern, and there are various subdivisions within each
The Sami people are sometimes refered to as Lap, and the area where
they live as Lapland.
The Sami people have a variety of livelihoods, including fishing, fur
trapping and sheep herding.
Actually about 10% of the Sami are connected to reindeer herding,
providing them with meat, fur and transportation.

(MIGUEL) Powerpoint 4
(MIGUEL) RELIGION: Most Sami today belong to State-run Lutheran
churches of Norway, Sweden and Finland. Some Sami in Russia belong to
the Russian Orthodox Church.
(MIGUEL) Powerpoint 5 e 6

(ANTÓNIO) Powerpoint 7 Mulher Sami

(ANTÓNIO) CLOTHING: Gákti are the traditional clothing worn by the Sami
The Gákti is worn both in cerimonial contexts and while worning,
particular when herding reindeer.( pastorear renas)
Traditionally, the Gákti was made from reindeer leather and sinews, but
nowadays, it is more common to use wool, cotton, or silk.
Women’s Gákti typically consist of a dress and boots/shoes made of
reindeer fur or leather.
Men’s Gákti have a shorter “jacket-skirt” than women’s long dress.

(RAFAEL) CURIOSITY: The myth of Santa’s residence says he lives in

Rovaniemi, Finland’s city in Lapland, where there is Santa’s office as well
as the Park known as Santa Park which has become a tourist attration of
the place.

(TOMÁS) CONCLUSION: With this work we learned a lot about the Sami
Language and his people and we had a lot of fun doing it.
We hope you had the same fun hearing it.

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