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1. What is your personality trait according to the 2 tests? (Myers and temperament)

According to the first personality test which is Myers, my type is an idealist, a portrait of the
teacher (ENFJ). I am a slightly expressed extravert, moderately expressed intuitive personality, moderately
expressed feeling personality and moderately expressed judging personality. While based on the
temperament test, I am choleric.

2. Which of this do you agree or disagree with?

I don’t completely agree with the result of the first personality test though some of the descriptions
for my personality are actually true. Yes, though I try to deny it sometimes, I am more of an idealist than a
realist. I’m a very principled person and I try my best to live according to what I think is right. I also tend to
become the unofficial leader in a team though I don’t plan it, it just happens. I’m also not afraid of
responsibilities and welcomes challenges. I do know and appreciate people and I try my best not to judge
people beforehand. I don’t know if I’m type of person who neglects my needs for others. Yes, sometimes I
do that, but not always. I’m sure I’m not a martyr. I’m also not a very organized person though others
accused me of being OC. I am not decisive unless the matter at hand is very important. I’m also not sure if I
have “tremendous” charisma. I also don’t see myself as someone who manipulates people. I’m also not
sure if I’m expressive. Others won’t know how I really feel unless I let them.

I think I agree with the temperament test. Even before the four temperament class was brought up
in class, our case study group already tried to decide who among us is choleric, sanguine, phlegmatic and
melancholic. According to my group mates, the most dominant in me is being choleric. I guess that’s true.

3. Which personally traits would you naturally work with and why?

I think the type of personality trait I would naturally work with is the Introverted Sensing
Thinking Judging (ISTJ) type. According to the profile description, ISTJs have a keen description of right
and wrong therefore a person possessing this trait would have already have a common ground with me. I
also like the fact that ISTJs have devotion to duty and are usually punctual. There would be no hassle
working with people of this type since they will act responsibly and possible working issues would be
avoided. Even if they are introverted, it won’t affect people like me who are ENFJ since ENFJs know,
appreciates and understand people. Also, ISTJs are truthful and I think honesty is very important in a team.

4. Which personality traits would you least like to work with and why?

I think the personality trait which I would probably least like to work with are those of the
Extraverted iNtuitive Feeling Perceptive (ENFP) profile. This is because although they may be fun to work
with and may actively participate in brainstorming, I love stability and I don’t think those possessing the
ENFP personality trait are the type who’ll stick until the end since they get bored easily and have short
attention span. I also don’t think highly of people who are attention seekers and who seems to find their
worth by the number of “admirers” they have. Also, even though I’m guilty of procrastinating at times, I
don’t like people who always procrastinate.

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