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Good Afternoon Everyone,

The honorable the director of Fakfak State Polytechnic

to the honorable the lecturers
to the honorable parents of graduates
and to all my beloved friends.

Firstly, let’s give our praise and gratitude to the presence of the God Almighty for His grace and
blessing, we are given the best condition of our health to gather here today to celebrate our

Time flies so fast, finally the graduation day arrived. A few years ago, I stood here as a student
but now I am standing here as a graduate. I feel blessed because this is a wonderful opportunity
to stand, speak and bring an achievement in front of you as a represent of all graduates.
I’m Anafia Rahawarin from Fakfak State Polytechnic.

Today is a happy day for all of us who are in this room because this is a day that we have been
waiting for. This achievement is certainly not only the result of our hard work and efforts
individually but this cannot be separated from the support and assistance of all parties, especially
parents and lecturers who always give their support and motivation. It has been 3 years since our
first time to study and take many lessons at this college. There are lots of knowledge and lessons
we had. All of them are really helpful for us.Every lesson and advice you gave we will always
remember. we realize that we cannot give you any reward except our deepest thankfulness for
you. May God repays your kindness and bless you all.

We would also like to apologize to all lecturers, administration staffs and all the elements of
Fakfak State Polytechnic. Please, forgive all our mistakes, forgive all the bad things that we have
done, and hopefully we can be a better person than before.

To my friends, we all have different backgrounds, tribes, religions, races and different mindsets,
but from the difference we can learn to understand and appreciate each other. There are a lot of
experience we had at this campus; sadness and happiness will always remind us to this beloved

Today is not the end of everything but the beginning of a new struggle. We all realize that one of
the roles of youth is as an agent of change, therefore what we have gained during the learning
process can contribute in social life especially in this globalization era, where the competition is
getting tighter, as we know that there are hundreds or thousands graduates from any colleges in
Indonesia in every year, it is not worth with the availability of jobs.
Therefore, we must conquer the competition by proving that our vocational graduates can work
well in accordance with their respective fields.

Now it is time for us to choose our own path to success. We will keep the graduation promise
and keep the good name of our campus alma mater.

Finally, I as a represent of my friends, I would like to say goodbye to our beloved campus. We
will always remember this campus.

I think that’s all I can say, I apologize for any mistakes on my words.
Lastly, I would like to say on behalf of the graduates: thank you, forgive us, and remember us.
Thank you very much.
How to Manage Solidarity among Students
Give me ten youth, And I will shock the world! "Said Mr. Soekarno..
Let me bring you back to the time where the revolution was started, when youths were able to
force Mr. Soeharto as president to put his position as president off and they did it, right?. This
fact proves that the youths have a main role when we want to achieve a big goal to change the
world.However, all theyneed is solidarity to achieve that. Anyway, talking about youth is talking
about students or vice versa.
Today, seemingly the value of solidarity is increasingly faded especially among students. In the
environment, we can feel a sense of high solidarity in good and bad things suppose the students
involved in fighting,they say that they have a sense of high solidarity so if his friends join the
brawl then the other students also must join this brawl is one example of a very bad attitude of
solidarity that many occur and befall the students in Indonesia, should be a sense of solidarity in
use for good things for example in terms of learning together. Some say that brawl is a natural
thing for teenagers. In big cities like Jakarta, Surabaya, and Medan, this brawl often happens.
Data in Jakarta for example (Bimmas Polri Metro Jaya), in 1992 recorded 157 cases of student
fights. In 1994 it increased to 183 cases by killing 10 students, in 1995 there were 194 cases with
the death toll 13 students and 2 other members of the community. In 1998 there were 230 cases
that killed 15 students and 2 police officers, and the following year the victim increased with 37
deaths. Seen from year to year the number of fights and casualties tends to increase. Even often
recorded in one day there are up to three fights in three places at once.
Therefore, I am AnafiaRahawarin from Fakfak State Polytechnic, I feel special to stand here and
give some information of how to manage solidarity among students.
When we enroll to the school or college, we will meet many people with different backgrounds,
tribes, religions, races and others. Hanging out with friends who have different mindsets is not
something to be concerned about, but the most important thing is how to appreciate the
difference so that solidarity among us is maintained. Whoever our friends, there will be
conditions where there is a mismatch or misunderstanding between us. This is one of the causes
of solidarity reduction. So how to manage solidarity among students?
1. Care, it means that we know the situation of our friends, when they down we can give
sympathy and empathy. For example, we can entertain a friend who is sad, trying to restore his
happiness as a small form of our concern. This will make the emotional bond between us and
grow stronger.
2. Respect to each other, everyone is different, therefore we must appreciate the difference in
order to become solid. Appreciating the diversity is when we can apply a mutual tolerance, for
example in a discussion, appreciating the different opinions whether we agree or disagree, try to
do not offend friends when telling a joke, and we all have a different habit or culture so tolerate
3. Help, as a proverb said; a friend is need is a friend indeed. Help is not only in terms of
material but also in terms of learning. We can create a learning group and then discuss what we
do not understand and try to solve it together.

4. Communication, Communication affects our relationship with others, we certainly do not

memorize all the names of friends, but at least we still remember his/her face.Therefore, try to
greet each other even just say 'hello' wherever we meet cause communication does not only
occur in school area but also outside the school hours.
5. Hang out together (especially to our close friends), for example we can enjoy the weekend
together and telling about everything and laughing together.
So, hopefully we can apply these five steps to keep the solidarity among students.I think that all
from me, let's keep solidarity between us so that life becomes harmonious and peaceful. I
apologize if there is a mistake on my words, thank you very much. Wassalamwrwb..

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