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三点水: The Water Radical

Chinese characters can often be broken up into smaller pieces, or “radicals.”  These radicals can
give clues to a word’s meaning and pronunciation.  One of the easiest radicals to spot in Chinese is
三点水 (sān diǎn shuǐ), or the water radical.  If you encounter this radical on the left side of a
character, you can be almost certain that the character has something to do with water or liquid. 
Here are some common characters that use 三点水:

1. 汤 (tāng)
汤 (tāng) = soup / hot or boiling water / decoction of medicinal herbs

Example: 我喜欢喝我妈妈做的汤。 (Wǒ xǐhuan hē wǒ māma zuò de tāng) = I like to eat

my mother’s soup.

2. 汗 (hàn)
汗 (hàn) = perspiration / sweat

Example: 我跑完步后出了很多汗。 (Wǒ pǎo wán bù hòu chū le hěnduō hàn) = I am very

sweaty after I run.

3. 油 (yóu)
油 (yóu) = oil / fat / grease / petroleum

Example: 他做菜时忘记放油了。 (Tā zuò cài shí wàngjì fàng yóule) = He forgot to add
oil when he was cooking.

4. 河 (hé)
河 (hé) = river

Example: 我们要过了河才能到家。 (Wǒmen yàoguòle hé cáinéng dàojiā) = We need to

cross the river to get home.

5. 泪 (lèi)
泪 (lèi) = tears

Example: 如果你是男子汉就不要流泪。 (Rúguǒ nǐ shì nánzǐhàn jiù bùyào liúlèi) = Don’t

cry if you are a real man.

6. 洗 (xǐ)
洗 (xǐ) = to wash / to bathe

Example: 他昨天忘记洗衣服了。(Tā zuótiān wàngjì xǐ yīfule) = He forgot to wash the

clothes yesterday.

7. 湖 (hú) = lake
湖 (hú) = lake

Example: 湖边的景色很美。(hú biān de jǐngsè hěn měi) = The view beside the lake is
very beautiful.

8. 渴 (kě)
渴 (kě) = thirsty

Example: 他太渴了所以一下子喝了很多水。(Tā tài kěle suǒyǐ yīxià zi hēle hěnduō shuǐ)

= He was very thirsty, so he drank a lot of water in one gulp.

9. 滑 (huá)
滑 (huá) = to slip / to slide / smooth / slippery

Example: 楼梯上都是水所以太滑了。(Lóutī shàng dū shì shuǐ suǒyǐ tài huále) = There is

too much water on the stairs, so they are very slippery.

10. 海 (hǎi)
海 (hǎi)= ocean / sea
Example: 深海里有许多神秘的生物。 (Shēnhǎi li yǒu xǔduō shénmì de shēngwù) =
There are many mysterious creatures in the deep sea.

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