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18 Margin Notes
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and years to come. Landscapes of His Grace: A Visual Devotional showcases Dr. Stanley’s finest
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The patterns in Scripture reveal a God who loves order.


 LIKE AN AGILE plate spinner , I’m all about keeping things mov-
ing and balanced. At work, I’m a mistress of schedules and time-
lines, helping coordinate the many steps required to get a magazine
out the door on time. And at home, I manage a family agenda jam-
packed with medical appointments, sports, church events, and
school assignments. A color-coded calendar and tidy to-do list
have become my best friends, allies in the battle against calamity.
But don’t think all this is onerous. I’d still sort, collate, and systemize
even if life weren’t so hectic, because deep down I crave order. I want
|a place for everything and everything in its place. However, in my
attempts to keep things tidy, it’s easy to forget that structure is God’s
forte too, not some burden I must bear alone. And evidence of this is
everywhere, from the seasons that pass methodically one to the next,
to the predictability of the tides and
phases of the moon. Halley’s Comet,
the Golden ratio, the geometrical skills
of honeybees, the radial symmetry of a
dahlia, the rightness of a C major chord:
A single lifetime isn’t enough to soak in
the wonder of this ordered world.
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Word is also to the use of scrolls. “When envy, anger, and all those other last verses bring balance to the
precisely arranged in ways we fully unrolled, a scroll creates lovely sins we call our own. We passage and emphasize the cen-
might not realize, and not just a symmetrical perception of the bring nothing of value to God, tral takeaway: Our authority is
in the neatness of books, chap- overall content,” according to and yet we are “crowned with from God, and His granting it to
ters, and verses. The Bible is theologian Brad McCoy, which glory and honor.” Selah, indeed. humankind both gives us dignity
filled with methodical literary led people to “focus on the con- The next section parallels and brings Him glory.
devices like allusions, imag- tent in its center.” As it turns verses two and three, detailing This structure is not mere hap-
ery, metaphors, similes, and out, all those historical movies the things placed under man’s penstance. It is the handiwork of
symbolism—all of which are got it right. Folks really walked dominion: all manner of beasts an almighty Father who metic-
relatively familiar. However, around in togas reading from and birds and creatures cruis- ulously cares for and arranges
another device, chiasmus, tightly rolled pieces of parch- ing the sea (vv. 5-8). Finally, His world down to the last jot and
might not be so recognizable. ment. The codex—predecessor David closes the psalm with the tittle. Examples of His orderli-
The word is a Latin term taken to the modern-day book—wasn’t same declaration he used in the ness can be found everywhere in
from the Greek word khíasma, invented by the ever-resourceful opening lines (v. 9). He’s not lazy the Bible, and they’re cause for
which means “crossing” or “to Halley’s Comet, the Romans until the first century. or lacking in creativity. These much oohing and ahhing—and
shape like [chi], the letter X.”
In chiasmus, two or more words, Golden ratio, the geometrical (And boy, was that a honey of
an idea. By the fifth century, the
humility as well. They’re remind-
ers that we are meant to live and
phrases, or ideas are balanced
against each other by the rever- skills of honeybees, the radial codex outnumbered scrolls 10 to
one. By the sixth century, scrolls
move and have our being in Him
and the grander structure He has
sal of their structure. You know
it well, even if you don’t real-
symmetry of a dahlia, the had disappeared altogether.)
Knowing these facts, all of
created. (See Acts 17:28.) We
are free to forget ourselves and
ize it. Think back to your high
school English teacher’s dusty
rightness of a C major chord: which literally shaped the way
the Bible was written, should
surrender the need for control
to the Creator of all things fear-
classroom where you studied
Shakespeare’s Macbeth. In that
A single lifetime isn’t enough compel us to step outside our mod-
ern “bookend” mode of thinking. In
fully, wonderfully, and perfectly
to soak in the wonder of

play, three witches observe the a chiastic passage, the beating
weather and tell readers, “Fair
is foul, and foul is fair.” That’s this ordered world. heart—the essential message—
is found not at the beginning or
chiasmus at its finest. Oh, and end as we expect but, rather,
remember President Kennedy smack in the middle.
saying, “Ask not what your coun-
try can do for you; ask what you LOOK AND SEE Tosee this device at
can do for your country”? Yep,
that’s chiasmus too.
work, examine Psalm 8. The song
opens with a declaration of the
In a chiastic passage,
In the Bible, this pattern is
most apparent in single verses.
majesty of God in verse one and
then describes the scope of His
the beating heart—the
Take Matthew 6:24, for instance: dominion (vv. 2-3). When faced essential message—is found
“No one can serve two masters;
for either he will hate the one
The crisscross structure creates
emphasis and forces readers to
paper, people had to learn by rote.
According to scholar John Breck,
with such wonders, David has
only questions: Who is man in not at the beginning or end
and love the other, or he will
be devoted to one and despise
recognize that the two cannot
be reconciled. One love must be
once the first half of a chiastic
passage was memorized, recall-
the face of such awesome power?
Why do we matter? as we expect but, rather,
the other. You cannot serve God
and wealth.” The verse opens
given pride of place.
This device isn’t just a nifty
ing the second was easy since it
followed the same structure.
These questions without
answers (vv. 4-5) are the central
smack in the middle.
with an assertion, gives evidence parlor trick. When both the Breck also asserts that Greek axis of the psalm—the area that
for that assertion, stresses it Old and New Testaments were and Latin students “were trained should receive greater attention.
via repetition, and then closes created, chiasmus was a type of throughout their school years Think about it. There is abso-
with a restatement. In the cen- mnemonic aid, a way of mem- to read from the center out- lutely no reason we should be a
ter, two ideas—love of God and orizing large passages of text. ward and from the extremi- step below the angels. We’re hot
love of money—are contrasted. Without affordable ink and ties towards the center” due messes, grab bags of greed, lust,

T H O U G H T F U L FA I T H . D E V O T E D L I V I N G . 32 33 INTOUCH.ORG

CHAPTER & VERSE has made Him both Lord and

Christ—this Jesus whom you
crucified” (v. 36). The gospel
TURN TOWARD GOOD does not start with, “You need
to make Jesus Lord,” but rather,
NOW “God has made Jesus Lord.” God
isn’t looking for your vote; He’s
Repentance is so much more than saying “I’m sorry.”
looking for your submission.
saying whatever you want to
hear to secure a vote. Rather, He
 WHEN PEOPLE TODAY HEAR THE WORD repent, some think of angry is already elevated, sitting in the
protestors with “Turn or Burn” signs, hurling insults at passersby. But seat of power, installed as King
in the Bible, repentance is less about turning away and more about over all the earth.
turning toward the life-giving and the good. It is motivated less by fear This is the good news, the
and more by joy, and connects intimately with what it means to surren- glorious reality we’re invited to
der our life to Jesus—to bend our knee and bow before Him as King. turn our lives toward. Peter goes
Repentance can literally be read as “coming to your senses.” It on to tell the crowds, “Repent,
derives from the Greek word metanoia, which is created by combining and each of you be baptized”
metá (a “change” or “relocation”) and a form of the word nous (“mind, (v. 38). Repentance is how we
intellect, perception”). It is literally a “relocation of the mind”—a get in on this new reality. We die
change of perception that sparks a change in direction, an epiphany to the old ways we’ve been liv-
about what’s truly valuable, that reorients one’s trajectory in life. Yes, ing and are raised into the living
it involves turning away from the bad, but it’s driven by something reign of Jesus.
much more contagious: falling in love with the good. This highlights a difference
between confession and repen-
ENTER THE KINGDOM Jesuscame preaching, “Repent, for the kingdom of tance. While it can be easy to see
heaven is at hand” (Matt. 4:17). He didn’t say “Repent in order to get them as the same thing, there is
the kingdom here”; He said, “Repent because the kingdom’s already a distinction. Confession looks
here.” Repentance allows you to realign your life around what’s truly back; repentance looks for-

GOOD NEWS FOR ALL! real and reorient what you’re living for, in light of God’s radiant glory.
Repentance means reevaluating what you perceive to be truly valu-
ward. Confession involves own-
ing your past while repentance
able in view of God’s in-breaking victory over all the earth, and turning involves changing your course
You can now read the Scripture in your favorite translation while learning the 30 Life Principles from the kingdom of self toward the kingdom of God. for the future. Confession is a
that have guided Dr. Stanley for more than 50 years. Each Life Principles Bible will enhance your personal We don’t build this kingdom; we enter it. We’re less like construc- rear-view mirror to get honest
study time through explanations of key passages, plus helpful resources like Answers to Life’s Questions, tion workers hired to erect God’s new skyscraper, raising its walls with what’s behind you; repen-
a concordance, maps, and much more. from earth to heaven, and more like bedazzled tourists: We enter the tance charts a new GPS course for
wonder, mystery, and joy of life where you’re headed . We need
according to His will and ways. both: to get real with where
But unlike tourists, we don’t we’ve been and let God’s reality
return to where we’ve been— adjust where we’re going.
we stay forever. When we sur-
Make the most of your time reading NKJV Life Principles Bible, from $39 USD render our lives to Jesus, God Our need for
the Bible NASB Life Principles Bible, from $39 USD begins to build His kingdom in us repentance reveals an import-
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minimal disruptions. for product codes call number below. and through us into His world. ant truth: We’re not the good
In Acts 2, Peter stands before guys. As C. S. Lewis put it,
Spend a few minutes in prayer before
you begin reading, asking the Holy Spirit the crowds and gives what could “Fallen man is not simply an
for wisdom. 1-800-980-0020 | INTOUCH.ORG/BIBLES be considered the church’s first imperfect creature who needs
Bring a journal to write down questions, sermon. He declares, “God improvement: he is Continued on pg 36
thoughts, and insights.


you will be saved” (Isa. 30:15). past, but forward toward a differ-
God is essentially saying, “Come ent future: “Create in me a clean
to your senses! Wake up to My heart, O God, and renew a stead-
ways that lead to vitality and fast spirit within me” (v. 10).
abundance; return to Me and Like David, we need a “clean
find rest.” heart.” Turning toward God is
And God is waiting with open not simply a tune-up to the way
arms to receive us. At Solomon’s we’ve been running; it is receiv-
dedication of the temple, God ing God’s new motor under our
makes an extravagant prom- hood. It is not an addition to our
ise—that if His people “humble existing foundation; it’s demoli-
themselves and pray and seek tion to make way for a whole new
[His] face and turn from their building. It is not simply agreeing
wicked ways, then [He] will to do our duty; it’s discovering
hear from heaven, will forgive God’s ways are more appealing C
their sin and will heal their land” and desirable.
(2 Chron. 7:14). Our Creator God gladly accepts us as we
waits with healing in His wings are—but will not let us stay
for us to turn from darkness as we are. As John the Baptist
a rebel who must lay down his toward His light. commanded his listeners, “Bear
arms.” We have lived in service fruit in keeping with repen-
of other rulers—believed the A NEW FOUNDATION No
one is too far tance” (Matt. 3:8). If you let God
lies of devils, bent our knee to gone for God’s grace. King David replant your roots, you can’t A
idols, exchanged the living God experienced this firsthand. After help but eventually bear fruit.
for shiny stuff and shallow alli- committing murder and adul- Jesus wants you to come to your
ances, and ultimately exalted tery, he cried out to God in con- senses and replant your roots in
and enthroned ourselves. What fession, “Wash me thoroughly Him. He is a King who freely
have you made more ultimate in from my iniquity and cleanse offers amnesty, a Savior whose
your life than God? me from my sin” (Ps. 51:2). He arms are open wide, inviting us
Repentance is essentially owned his junk. to turn from lesser things and
switching allegiance, but this David, however, not only enter the reality of His glorious,
can be hard. The prophet Jer- looked back to acknowledge his life-giving kingdom. 
emiah speaks of rebellious
Jerusalem in league with the D
ways of the world, refusing to
do justice or seek truth: “They
have made their faces harder
than rock; they have refused to BE ENCOURAGED
repent” (Jer. 5:3). But if we’re
willing to switch sides, God
Repentance involves Creative ways to revive and refresh EVERY DAY.
freely offers amnesty, holding
out a way that leads to flour-
turning away from the bad, your devotion time
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that He takes no pleasure in the
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He offers it with outstretched in your life.
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T H O U G H T F U L FA I T H . D E V O T E D L I V I N G . 36
EDITOR’S NOTE: We hope this brief study—taken from Dr. Stanley’s personal
notes—will help you explore and understand God’s Word more deeply.

A C L O S E R L O O K W I T H D R . S TA N L E Y

Submission to the Lord involves deferring to authorities He has established over us in four areas of life. They are:

CALLED TO ORDER Government. It is God who establishes governing

authorities (Rom. 13:1-7). As Christians, therefore,
Home. In Ephesians 5:22-6:4, the Lord has ordained
His order of authority for families. Even if the one in
we’re to submit to them—even if we didn’t personally authority lack godliness, that does not alter the com-
What does Scripture say about following vote for them. mand to submit (1 Pet. 3:1).
God’s established order of authority? Work. Obedience to our superiors is not to be con-
 Church. We believers are commanded to obey and
tingent upon our employer’s character (Col. 3:22-25; submit to our leaders because they keep watch over
1 Pet. 2:18-21). our souls (Heb. 13:17).

WHERE THERE IS NO AUTHORITY, THERE IS CONFUSION, CHAOS, AND FEAR. Yet in our culture today, we prize inde-
pendence and resist anyone who tells us what to do. Often, if matters don’t go as we
please, we’re quick to stand up for our rights—even when they haven’t been violated.  “Authority is a tremendous thing in
Though many people today think negatively of having a submissive spirit, it’s what God the universe—nothing overshadows
desires to see in His people. THERE ARE LIMITATIONS TO SUBMISSION. it. It is therefore imperative for us
who desire to serve God to know the
Our primary submission is to the Lord. Therefore, obedience to God must
Let’s read James 4:4-10 to see what God has to say on the subject. authority of God.” —Watchman Nee
supersede any directive or request that is against His moral standards or
commands. If we must refuse to comply with a superior’s order, then we’re
 Judson Van DeVenter penned the
given the opportunity to suffer with an attitude of praise and thanksgiving
hymn “I Surrender All” 19 years
that we have been counted worthy to suffer for Christ (1 Pet. 3:13-17). For
after he submitted to God and
instance, when Peter and John were commanded not to teach in Jesus’ name,
entered full-time ministry. One
[D]o you not know that friendship with the world is hostility toward God? Therefore who- they obeyed God rather than man (Acts 4:18-20). Like them, believers should
of the many places he served was
never compromise moral standards in order to obey an authority. As God’s
ever wishes to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God. Or do you think Florida Bible Institute, where he
beloved children, we’re commanded to be imitators of Him (Eph. 5:1). Lying,
inspired a number of young preach-
stealing, immorality, impurity, or greed should have no place in our lives.
that the Scripture speaks to no purpose: “He jealously desires the Spirit which He has ers—including Billy Graham.

made to dwell in us”? But He gives a greater grace. Therefore it says, “God is opposed to  In Philippians 2:8, Paul tells us that
Jesus “humbled Himself.” The word
the proud, but gives grace to the humble.” Submit therefore to God. Resist the devil and for “humbled” is tapeinoó, which
GOD FULFILLS HIS PURPOSE FOR BELIEVERS means “to become low.” This hap-
he will flee from you. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, THROUGH THEIR SUBMISSION. pens when we are “fully dependent
on the Lord” rather than ourselves
you sinners; and purify your hearts, you double-minded. Be miserable and mourn and The Father’s goal is to conform us to the likeness of His Son (Rom. 8:29), and “prompts the gift of His fullness
and submission is one of the tools He uses. If we reject the authorities He’s in us.”
weep; let your laughter be turned into mourning and your joy to gloom. Humble yourselves placed over us, we are resisting His sanctification, removing ourselves
from the umbrella of His protection, and failing to be a godly example to  “God built into the creation a vari-
in the presence of the Lord, and He will exalt you. the unbelieving world. ety of cultural spheres, such as the
family, economics, politics, art,
and intellectual inquiry. Each of
these spheres has its own proper
‘business’ and needs its own unique
The Bible uses two Greek words to convey the idea of “submit” or “subject.” QUESTIONS pattern of authority. When we con-

Hypeikō is composed of two root words, hypo (“under”)

 Hypotassō is a combination of hypo (“under”) and tassō
 Is there any area—government, work, home, or church—in which you are
 fuse spheres, by violating the proper
and eikō (“to yield”), and means “to submit to another.” (“to arrange”) and means “to subject oneself to another.” resisting submission to God? boundaries of church and state, for
instance, or reducing the academic
Implicit in both these words is the idea of obedience. With regard to God, we are to arrange our lives under His guiding How does your perception of submission change when you realize God
life to a business enterprise, we
principles and submit to His authority over us. uses it to make us like Christ?
transgress the patterns that God
has set.” —Abraham Kuyper

T H O U G H T F U L FA I T H . D E V O T E D L I V I N G . 38 39 INTOUCH.ORG
18 Margin Notes
Let God’s Word and these images of His created world encourage and uplift you in the days
and years to come. Landscapes of His Grace: A Visual Devotional showcases Dr. Stanley’s finest
photography from around the world, accompanied by passages of Scripture, short
meditations, and inspiring quotes from Dr. Stanley’s lifetime of ministry.
Landscapes of His Grace: A Visual Devotional, $40 USD


On the cost of generous living



cles around the house and collect all the things we no longer use,
for a donation to Goodwill. Just because we don’t use them doesn’t
mean they’re worthless. In fact, we hope our castoffs will help alle-
viate someone else’s burden. But the giving comes at little cost to us.
That’s not true of all gifts. A few years ago my mom and
I were talking about my parents’ divorce. I asked about her
wedding ring— her  first  wedding ring that my dad had given her. 
“Where is it now?” I asked. “Do you still have it?”
“No, I sold it,” she said, pausing. “I sold it one year so I could buy you
kids Christmas presents.”
True, the ring no longer had the same sentimental value since my
parents were divorced. But it did cost my mom something—both emo-
tionally and financially. And
though the Atari game sys-
tem or the Cabbage Patch Kid
she bought with the money
are long gone, selling the ring
was a sacrifice Mom was will-
ing, even happy, to make.
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Somewhere between donating costless charity Araunah offered the kingdom or to help those in would naturally give more than
extras and happily letting go of is sometimes called “regifting.” greater need, but we also rely on those who earned less. The
an heirloom lies the difference Somebody gives you some- them to provide food, shelter, money could then be redistrib-
between giving and sacrificing, thing, and you pass it along to and other necessities for us and uted to those in need so that no
two points on the generosity someone else as a gift from you. our families. Inevitably, we find one went without. Our tithe,
spectrum that Scripture chal- In one sense, you might argue ourselves conflicted. then, serves as a benchmark
lenges us to span. Sometimes that all our giving is actually Perhaps this is a reason behind to help us see how we can both
we’re called to give out of abun- just regifting back to God since the tithing requirement in Scrip- take care of our responsibilities
dance, like the Old Testament everything we have comes from ture. Through both working and and give to kingdom work.
precept of not harvesting to the Him. On the other hand, we also giving a portion of our income to But giving isn’t just a logistical
edge of the fields so those in work for the resources we have. God, we bear His image as care- necessity for Christians. Other-
need might provide for themselves They’re all we’ve got. We can takers of all the people, prop- wise, why would the Lord also
(Lev. 19:9-10). Other times, give them away for the work of erty, and ministries entrusted require the Levites themselves
we’re called to go beyond that, to us. Specifically, tithing was to tithe 10 percent as an act of
like the widow who gave all she instituted as God’s way to care worship (Num. 18:26)? Maybe
had to live on (Mark 12:41-44). for the nation’s spiritual and it’s because when we give, we
It reminds me of King David, physical needs. In Numbers 18, also bear the image of God as a
who made a costly mistake God said tithes were to be given generous benefactor. You might
when he decided to take a cen-
sus against the Lord’s wishes
to the Levites for their priestly
work (vv. 21-24). I also like how
even say the more we give, the
more we become like Him. When we give, we also
(2 Sam. 24). That misstep, which
cost the lives of 70,000 people in
the apostle Paul explains it in
2 Corinthians 8-9—as similar
See, while tithing makes us
responsible members of God’s
bear the image of God as a
a plague, left David anguished.
Seeing his remorse, God sent the
to the provision of manna to the
Israelites, where each person
family, we were never supposed
to stop there. Our heavenly
generous benefactor. The
prophet Gad to offer a plan: Build
an altar on the threshing floor of
got what he or she needed: By
giving a percent of their income,
Father invites us to give extrav-
agantly—sacrificially, even. This
more we give, the more we
Araunah the Jebusite and make the Corinthians who had more is the point Paul was so eager for become like Him.
a sacrifice to God as a sign of the Corinthians to understand.
repentance. In writing about the way the
When David approached Macedonians gave, out of “deep
Araunah, the man wanted to just poverty” and “beyond their abil-
give him the property. But the ity,” he acknowledged that this
Jewish king would hear nothing kind of giving comes with great
of it. He insisted, “I will not offer
burnt offerings to the Lord my
We need only look cost. The Macedonians went
without. It was a sacrifice. But
God which cost me nothing”
(v. 24). The Hebrew word trans-
to the cross to see this it also comes with great reward.
They gave cheerfully because
the Lord: “You will be enriched in
everything for all liberality,
transform a gift into a sacri-
fice? It’s not merely a matter of
lated as “paying” is qanah, which nexus of great cost and “they first gave themselves to which through us is producing degree. We can’t simply “give ’til
means “to get or acquire.” It’s the
same word used to describe God great joy as the definition the Lord and to us by the will of
God” (2 Cor. 8:5).
thanksgiving to God” (9:11).
We need only look to the
it hurts” to bring a sacrifice to
the Lord. If that were the case,
as Creator in Genesis 14:22. But
it’s also used to describe God’s of true sacrifice. Seeing this command to give
as mere compulsion would be
cross to see this nexus of great
cost and great joy as the defini-
churches could simply send out
invoices to parishioners and
redeeming work, which, from usury, not sacrifice. Instead, Paul tion of true sacrifice. We need compel them to pay a tithe or
Passover to the cross, always urged his fellow believers to give only look to Jesus, “who for the beyond. Instead, a sacrifice is
came at a price. David knew his willingly, out of the joy of belong- joy set before Him endured the a gift that costs us something,
prayer to prevent further deaths ing to God and as an expression cross, despising the shame, and but we give it anyway—happily,
from the plague must come at a of trusting Him. Paul wanted the has sat down at the right hand of even—because we trust God and
cost to himself, too. Corinthians to see what hap- the throne of God” (Heb. 12:2). find ourselves becoming more
In modern times, the kind of pens when we’re generous like How much is enough to like Him with every offering. 

T H O U G H T F U L FA I T H . D E V O T E D L I V I N G . 32 33 INTOUCH.ORG

CHAPTER & VERSE phrase “make a covenant,”

chances are it’s a translation
of the Hebrew phrase “cut a
THE GOD WHO WALKS ALONE covenant” (kārat berît).
In Jeremiah 34:8-22, for exam-
ple, Zedekiah and the people of
The new covenant is not about us but the One who established it. Judah enter a covenant together,
agreeing to free their slaves. But
points out how He kept His cov-
enant when He freed them from
 HAVE YOU EVER WONDERED where the phrase “cut a deal” comes slavery. He confronts the people,
from? Its roots appear to be from an ancient Near East covenant- saying they have “transgressed
making ceremony that shows up in Scripture. In Genesis 15, for exam- My covenant” and “have not ful-
ple, there’s a scene that, at first glance to us today, looks really strange. filled the words of the covenant
Abraham slices some animals in two, lays the halves opposite each which they made before Me.” So
other, and creates a pathway between them. He then falls into a “deep God goes on to declare, “I will
sleep,” where a “great darkness” comes over him. God promises to be treat [them] like the calf they cut
with His people in the future and to ultimately bring them back to the in two and then walked between
land. Then God walks down the pathway in between the animals, as “a its pieces[—the] leaders of
smoking oven and a flaming torch.” What is going on here? Judah and Jerusalem, the court
officials, the priests and all the
SEALING THE DEAL In the ancient Near East, one important purpose of sac- people of the land who walked
rifice was “sealing the deal” when two political parties were making between the pieces of the calf”
an agreement. It was kind of like signing a contract. So let’s say Great (vv. 18-19 NIV).

King Joe is negotiating with Little King Ben, saying, “I’ll protect your God is referencing how the
people and land from invasion.” Little King Ben responds, “Great! I’ll people walked between the
pay taxes and send men to join your military.” Great King Joe smiles. pieces of the calf in the cove-
“Ladies and gentlemen,” he says, “we have a deal!” nant ceremony, but now they

To make it official, they’d perform a covenant ceremony. They would have broken their word and will
cut the sacrificial animals in half, lay the sides opposite each other, and become like the animal. The
then take a stroll down the people will fall by the sword,
pathway together, walk- the passage goes on to say, and
ing as two parties united, their corpses will become food
between the ingredients for the birds.
QUIET DAYS, HUMBLE HEARTS: for the covenant meal. It God takes their word seri-
NOTE CARDS FROM AMERICA was a way of saying, “If I ously, and the treaty ceremony
don’t keep up my end of the graphically demonstrates the
Make someone you know feel special with a thoughtful, bargain, may I get sliced up gravity of breaking the covenant.
handwritten note of encouragement. This new note card set, like these animals.” They
featuring Dr. Stanley’s photography of the United States, provides literally called this cere- I’LL PAY THE DEBT The
Lord regularly
the perfect opportunity to surprise and delight a friend or loved mony “cutting a covenant.” reminds the people of the cov-
one. Each set of 18 features six striking scenes from America’s In the Old Testament, enant He made with them. (See
varied landscapes, paired with an inspiring verse and the word kārat (“to cut”) Deut. 29:1; 1 Kings 8:9 NIV.)
space for your notes. shows up about 90 times Interestingly, however, His
in reference to making emphasis is not on the cove-
$12 usd covenants. So when you’re nant we made, but rather on the
reading your Bible and covenant He made. This high-
come across the English lights an interesting Continued on pg 36

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Dive Deeper. Soar Higher.

Imagine spending your personal devotional time growing in faith with a
feature of the covenant God wise and godly friend. The Charles F. Stanley Life Principles Bible was
cuts: God walks through the written to guide you into a deeper, life-changing relationship with
animals alone.
Jesus Christ. Based on Dr. Stanley’s 30 Life Principles, this study Bible
Normally, the two parties
is filled with special features and helpful resources designed to provide
would go together. But in Gen-
powerful insight into God’s Word.
esis 15, God takes a stroll on the
covenant pathway by Himself. In Genesis 15, God takes Starting at $39 usd
The significance? God takes sole
responsibility for His commit- a stroll on the covenant
ment to Abraham’s family. If
Israel messes things up, makes a
pathway by Himself.
blunder of the relationship, and
fails the covenant, God says, May
The significance? God
I get sliced up like these animals
if I still don’t keep My word.
takes sole responsibility
God will be faithful to His end for His commitment
of the deal, even if Israel is not
to hers. to Abraham’s family.
Can you imagine going to a car
dealership to purchase a brand-
new Ferrari and watching the
papers drawn up to declare you
the proud new owner of this
fancy car—only when you go to
sign, there’s no dotted line for
you at the bottom? The only
dotted line is already signed—
by the president of Ferrari. While the sacrificial system communion table, we come to
You’re invited to contribute the did many things, an important the sacrifice of Christ. We don’t
payments and participate in the one was this: It reminded Israel come to show Jesus how seri-
deal, but even if you don’t, he’ll that God was for them with an ous we are about Him, but to be
incur the debt. unwavering commitment. How- shocked afresh at how serious
The full weight of responsi- ever unfaithful they might be, Jesus is about us. Jesus declares
bility for this hot rod to remain God was going to be faithful to the of the wine at the table, “This
yours rests solely on the pres- vows He had made to His bride. cup which is poured out for you
ident being faithful to stand by is the new covenant in My blood”
his word. Ultimately,
JESUS’ SOLITARY JOURNEY (Luke 22:20). Did you catch that
This is important, because God would bear the weight of word covenant? Jesus is cutting
Genesis 15 is a foundation story. the covenant Himself. When a new covenant, like Abraham’s
It sets the stage for Israel’s sac- His people betrayed, rejected, covenant so long ago—only this
rificial system. Years later, when and rebelled against Him, God time in His own blood. Great King
the people brought their animals took on flesh and allowed Him- Jesus is sealing the deal with us,
to the temple, they were not self to be torn apart in Christ. His little people. And He does
“sealing the deal” with God, but As Jesus fixed His eyes on Gol- so, not with the blood of animals
rather celebrating the God who gotha, He prepared to walk the but with His very own life on the
had already done so with them. path alone, to bear the burden of cross. We can know that we will
They were not creating a new our betrayal upon His own back, forever be together with Him,
covenant, but commemorating in order to bring us home. because He is the God who was
an ancient one. When we come to the willing to walk alone for us. 
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T H O U G H T F U L FA I T H . D E V O T E D L I V I N G . 36
EDITOR’S NOTE: We hope this brief study—taken from Dr. Stanley’s personal
notes—will help you explore and understand God’s Word more deeply.

A C L O S E R L O O K W I T H D R . S TA N L E Y  There were no chairs in

Let’s read the following passages to better understand what Jesus accom- the temple, because the
priests’ work was never
plished through His death on the cross in His role as Sin Bearer.

BEHOLD, THE LAMB OF GOD  John 10:17-18—His death was vol-  1 Timothy 2:5-6—His death was nec-
done. However, the
writer of Hebrews tells
us that Christ our Sin
untary. From a human perspective, essary. Without His ransom, there Bearer, “having offered
We know Christ died for us, but do we know it may have seemed that Jesus was would be no mediator between holy one sacrifice for sins
exactly what transpired on the cross? a victim of crucifixion, but no one God and sinful man; all humanity for all time, sat down at
could take the life of the omnipotent would come under divine wrath. the right hand of God”
Son of God; He Himself laid it down.
 1 John 2:2—His death was sufficient.
Jesus Christ is given many titles and names, all of which aid in our understanding of  Romans 3:23-26—His death was His sacrifice wasn’t just partially  In Isaiah 53:6, the
who He is. He’s called Savior, Lord, Word, Light, Son of God, Son of Man, and much more. One a “satisfaction.” How could God effective; it was completely suffi- prophet states that God
description we may not use very often is Sin Bearer, yet this title describes exactly what He did show mercy to sinners if His justice cient for all our sins. Nothing else is allowed our wickedness
on the cross. It’s the reason we regularly observe the Lord’s Supper in our churches. required that sin be punished? The required, because Christ paid sin’s and the penalty for our
sins to “fall” on Christ.
only way was to pour out His wrath penalty in full on the cross.
Consider the prophecy of Christ’s sacrifice in Isaiah 53:4-6: The word comes from
on His Son, whose death would fully
 Hebrews 9:24-26—His death was the Hebrew term hipgîà,
pay mankind’s penalty for sin and a derivation of paga,
final. The Old Testament priests
propitiate (satisfy) God’s justice. which means “to meet,
had to enter the holy place year
Then He could be both just and the encounter, or reach.”
after year to offer the blood of
justifier of those who come to Him
sacrifice, but Jesus’ blood covered
Long before Jesus through Jesus.  “Come and see the
all sins for all time. That’s why He victories of the cross.
Surely our griefs He Himself bore, came to earth,  2 Corinthians 5:21—His death was cried from the cross, “It is finished!” See the Lord Jesus
His role as the a substitution. Jesus was judged (John 19:30). even a conqueror when
And our sorrows He carried; Sin Bearer was for our sins, all of which He bore he seemed a captive;
spoiling principalities
Yet we ourselves esteemed Him stricken, symbolized in in His body (1 Pet. 2:24), and His
and powers, when he
the sacrificial record of righteousness was cred-
seemed totally defeated
Smitten of God, and afflicted. system of worship ited to our account.
and routed by them. See
God established Christ upon the cross
But He was pierced through for our for the Jews in breaking the serpent’s
transgressions, Leviticus 16:21-22.
head, disarming Satan,
triumphing over death
Then hundreds
He was crushed for our iniquities; The scope of all that Christ accomplished is staggering, but there is only one way to and the grave, ‘leading
of years later, personally receive the benefits He has provided as the Sin Bearer: Come to Him in captivity captive,’ and
The chastening for our well-being fell upon Him, John the Baptist faith, calling out for salvation.
going forth in that char-
iot of war, ‘conquering
came on the scene,
And by His scourging we are healed. paving the way
and to conquer.’”
—Matthew Henry
All of us like sheep have gone astray, for the Messiah
and announcing,  In Judaism, a sacrifice
Each of us has turned to his own way; “Behold, the
was known as a korban,

and an animal sacri-

Lamb of God who  What does Christ’s role as Sin Bearer reveal about the great chasm between holy
But the Lord has caused the iniquity of us all takes away the God and sinful humanity? Have you personally come to Jesus as your Mediator?
fice specifically was
referred to as a zevah.
To fall on Him. sin of the world!”  How does Christ’s willingness to bear sin inspire you to love Him more? What The animals most com-
monly sacrificed were
(John 1:29). does it say about your eternal security in Him?
bulls, sheep, goats, deer,
and doves.

T H O U G H T F U L FA I T H . D E V O T E D L I V I N G . 38 39 INTOUCH.ORG

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