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The term oncology literally means a branch of science that deals with tumors and
cancers. The word “onco” means bulk, mass, or tumor while “-logy” means study.
To apply for the Medical Oncology program, lasting 3 years, you must first study
the specialty of Internal Medicine, which lasts 4 years. This is done once you finish
your medical degree. This depends on the country.
Role of an oncologist
Medical professionals who practice oncology are called Cancer specialists or
oncologists. These oncologists have several specific roles. They help in diagnosis
of the cancer, help in staging the cancer and grading the aggressive nature of the
Cancer therapy
Based on the grade and stage of the cancer, oncologists help plan the therapy that
is suitable for each of their patients. This could be by surgery, chemotherapy,
radiation therapy and other modalities.
Relapse and remission
Once initial therapy is completed the oncologists is responsible for follow up of the
patient to detect relapse and remission. The former means recurrence or return of
the cancer while being in remission means remaining cancer-free.
Palliative care
The oncologist is also responsible for palliative or symptomatic care in patients with
terminal malignancies. This and other issues of treatment choice have several
ethical issues including patient autonomy and choice that the oncologist needs to be
concerned about.
Cancer screening
Oncology and cancer research involve screening the general population for cancer
and screening the relatives of patients (in types of cancer that are thought to have a
hereditary basis. For example, in breast cancer both population screening by regular
mammography and familial screening by genetic analysis of the BRCA1 and BRCA2
genes is performed.
Progress in oncology
There is a tremendous amount of research being conducted on all areas of oncology,
ranging from cancer cell biology to chemotherapy treatment regimens and optimal
palliative care and pain relief. This makes oncology a continuously changing and
developing field.

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