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To the Respondents:

Good day! We, the graduating students of Bachelor of Science in Accounting

Technology (BSAT) from University of Caloocan City are conducting a survey on the
Effectiveness of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System Software.

We highly appreciate your cooperation in answering the survey. Rest assured that all data
gathered will be treated with utmost confidentiality and will be used for academic purposes only.

The Researchers


Part I. Demographic Profile of Respondents in Skintimates Inc.

Name: ________________________________________________ (Optional)

Instruction: Kindly put a check ( ) on the box that corresponds to your answer.

1. Age:
below 21 years old 31-40 years old

22-25 years old 41-50 years old

26-30 years old 51 years old and above

2. Gender:
Male Female

3. Civil Status:
Single Separated

Married Widowed/Widower

4. Highest Educational Attainment:

High School Graduate College Graduate

Vocational Post-graduate

College Level
5. Position in the Company:

Rank and File Supervisor/Manager

6. Length of service:

1 year and below 2-5 years

6-10 years 11-15 years

16 years and above

Part II. Assessment of the Respondents on the Effectiveness of ERP System Software in
Skintimates Inc.

Instruction. Please put a check that corresponds to your answer according to the rating.

4 Strongly Agree
3 Agree
2 Disagree
1 Strongly Agree

4 3 2 1
1. Inventory Management (SA) (A) (D) (SD)

a. Monitors the number of stocks in the warehouse regularly.

b. There is proper segregation of stocks according to their specification.

c. Manages the stocks using First in-First out (FIFO) method.

d. Avoids over-stocking and under-stocking of stocks.

e. There is memo as a reminder that the inventory needs to be replenished.

4 3 2 1
2. Sales Report (SA) (A) (D) (SD)

a. Consistently hits the sales target/quota on daily activity.

b. There is a sales audit to have an unbiased review of the basic objective and
policy of the selling function.
c. Sales are recorded automatically at the point of sale need at correct prices.

d. Updates sales return record instinctively.

e. Generates all types of reports and always tally from sales documents to the

3. Financial Report

a. Ensures the calculations and formulas are standardized and not easily
b. Actively encourages process audits, system audits, and configuration audits.

c. Prepares financial statements accurately.

d. There is no clerical error by means of putting the wrong data or mistaken of
information input in the financial statement.
e. Fraud by employee in the financial statement by manipulating the amount
indicated therein.

4. Security of data

a. The transactions per department are authorized by at least one individual

not directly connected with the transactions.
b. Connections are always secure and test the security regularly.
c. Ensures users log on to the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) with secure
user identifications and strong passwords.
d. Restricts access of employees and managers to only the processes relevant
to their job and role.
e. The Financial statements are easily traced by means of audit trails
Part III. Problems Encountered by the Respondents.

Instruction. Please rate from 1 to 5, 1 is the highest and 5 is the lowest.


 No journal entry impact for inventory adjustment transaction.

 There is error in Input VAT Report which vatable amount doesn’t

match with VAT amount.

 Cost of Sales recording not automatic upon encoding of sales.

 The journal entry related to accounts receivable does not appear at

collection transaction to apply accounts receivable deductions.

 The inventory transfer is not in sequence/order as per item encoded.

Part IV. What recommendation may you suggest on the improvement of ERP System












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