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The long, convoluted story

of the Metal Gear Solid

saga (so far)
By David Roberts July 13, 2017Xbox One
• Metal Gear Glossary
Big Boss, aka Naked Snake - Big Boss is the central figure and overarching
villain of the Metal Gear series. He starts out as a good guy, working for the US
government as a FOX operative, but a string of betrayals eventually lead him
down a dark path.
The Boss - Naked Snake's mentor, she led the legendary Cobra Unit during
WW2, and formed FOX along with Major Zero. She allegedly betrayed the US by
defecting to the Soviets, but was secretly working for the US to recover the
Philosophers' Legacy. She dies by Naked Snake's hands at the end of MGS3:
Snake Eater.
EVA, aka Big Mama - An ex-NSA agent who defected to China during the Cold
War, she is Naked Snake's contact during MGS3. She's also a secret agent for
the Chinese branch of the Philosophers.
FOX - A black ops unit created by The Boss and Major Zero, specializing in
infiltration missions. Naked Snake is its first operative, and the events of MGS3
are its first mission.
FOXHOUND - Created by Naked Snake to combat a renegade FOX unit,
FOXHOUND became an official part of the US military in 1971, and specialized
in solo infiltration and covert operations.
Frank Jaeger, aka Gray Fox - Rescued by Big Boss in the late 1960's, Jaeger
worked with FOXHOUND for decades, helping Solid Snake during the Outer
Heaven Uprising in the first Metal Gear. However, Jaeger's loyalty to Big Boss
causes him to turn on Snake in Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake.
GW - A Patriot-developed AI program that was originally created to distort
information and influence human activity, it's also part of a greater network
that provides information to the nanomachines of the global military complex.
Hal Emmerich - Huey Emmerich's son and the lead designer on Metal Gear
REX. After the events of Metal Gear Solid, he joins up with Snake in an attempt
to atone for his sins by ridding the world of Metal Gear once and for all.
Huey Emmerich - One of the designers on the Peace Walker project, Naked
Snake rescues him and brings him into Militaires Sans Frontieres, where he
designs Metal Gear ZEKE.
Kazuhira Miller - Second in command of Militaires Sans Frontieres. He used
his connections with Cipher to grow MSF into a dominant force of the war
Les Enfants Terribles - A secret project initiated by Major Zero in an attempt
to clone Big Boss. Three clones were created from this project: Liquid and Solid
were created first, with the experiment finally perfected with the creation of
Solidus. The program was discontinued in 1976.
Liquid Snake - One of the clones created from the Les Enfants Terribles
project, and villain of Metal Gear Solid.
Major Zero - A British SAS officer who headed FOX during Operation Snake
Eater, Major Zero would go on to create The Patriots, a secret organization that
aimed to take over the world.
Metal Gear - Metal Gear has taken on many forms over the years, but all of
them are some form of bipedal battlemech capable of launching nuclear
missiles from any location.
Militaires Sans Frontieres - A mercenary organization formed by Naked
Snake and Kazuhira Miller that grew large enough that it began to upset the
global war economy.
Naomi Hunter - Frank Jaeger's sister and chief of FOXHOUND's medical staff
during the Shadow Moses incident, she injects Solid Snake with the FOXDIE
virus prior to the mission to avenge her brother's death.
Outer Heaven - A series of ideals held by Big Boss that represent the soldier's
paradise, where soldiers could exist free from government exploitation or
tyranny. It was also the name of Big Boss' base of operations during the events
of Metal Gear.
Paz Andrade - A Cipher agent, Paz originally called upon Snake to rid Costa
Rica of foreign invaders, though it was actually a front for her true purpose: to
gather information on Snake, MSF, and Metal Gear ZEKE, and report back to
The Patriots/Cipher - A new, even more shadowy organization that replaced
the Philosophers after Major Zero and Ocelot recovered both halves of the
Philosophers' Legacy.
The Philosophers - A shadowy organization created after the events of WW1
that sought to control world events.
The Philosophers' Legacy - A microfilm containing account transfer
information for $100 billion in funds.
Raiden - The Big Shell might be Raiden's first official operation, but he was
actually a child soldier in Rhodesia in the 1980's, and Solidus was his CO and
surrogate father at the time. He's whiny, but then becomes a cyborg ninja in
MGS4, which kinda makes up for it.
Revolver Ocelot, aka Adamska - A Russian GRU officer. Ocelot and Naked
Snake formed a bond during Operation Snake Eater, despite being on opposite
sides. The two would work together in FOXHOUND, and later, The Patriots. He…
kinda turns into Liquid Snake a bit by the end.
Solid Snake - One of the clones created during the Les Enfants Terrible project
and series hero. He's seen some shit.
Solidus Snake, aka George Sears - A perfect clone of Big Boss created in
the Les Enfants Terribles project, Solidus became president of the United
States, and was in office during the events of Metal Gear Solid. Ousted from
office by the Patriots, he sought revenge by commandeering Arsenal Gear.
XOF - A new, secret military organization introduced in Ground Zeroes. Not
much is known about them.

Metal Gear?!

Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain is a phenomenal swansong from series
creator Hideo Kojima, easily taking the top honors of our Game of the Year
Awards in 2015. But if The Phantom Pain is your first time entering the world of
tactical espionage action, you'll quickly find yourself drowning in one of the
most ridiculously dense narratives in video game history. For 30 years, Kojima
has built upon the foundation laid by the 1987 MSX/NES classic, bolting on plot
points and new characters wherever they fit to serve the narrative of the
current entry, until the series transformed into a Frankenstein's monster of
double (and triple)-crosses, name changes, and retcons.
But you don't need to fret, because I've compiled a timeline detailing the
series' most important events. There's even a glossary at the bottom in case
you get your Snakes mixed up (it happens to the best of us). If you're hopping
into Big Boss' shoes for the first time (or simply need a refresher), and you
don't want to watch hours upon hours of cutscenes to get the big picture, this
will get you properly up to speed. The events of the Metal Gear saga cover over
a century of world history, so strap in and enjoy the ride. Oh, and if anything
doesn't make sense to you, just remember: nanomachines probably did it.
Big thanks to the Metal Gear wikia and the Metal Gear Solid 4 Database on PS3
for helping me keep my dates and names straight while I wrote this.

1914 - The Philosophers are formed, and aim

to control world events

Metal Gear's story truly begins in the aftermath of World War 1, as the
wealthiest and most influential members of the US, the Soviet Union, and China
form a secret organization known as the Philosophers. With their vast reach
and near limitless resources, the Philosophers aim to influence world events so
we never have to experience another global conflict on the scale of WW1. As its
members die off, the group begins to splinter, and by the 1930s, the true
purpose of the organization had distorted from its original ideals, eventually
giving way to the Cold War, an era of nuclear tension that began thanks to the
infighting between members of the Philosophers.
Before their nasty break-up, the Philosophers pooled together vast sums of
money to stop World War 2 in its tracks, gathering over $100 billion (or over
$1.6 trillion, in 2014 dollars) to develop nuclear weapons and genetically-
enhanced supersoldiers. The money-laundering records needed to store this
amount of cash were kept on microfilm - called the Philosophers' Legacy - along
with the names of all of the organization's members. The Cold War started
because each of the world's three major superpowers fought over this massive
chunk of change, until a Soviet commander and Philosopher agent named Boris
Volgin stole the microfilm and passed it on to his son after his death.

Object 1

The Philosophers may have lost their slush fund and they may be fractured, but
they haven't lost their teeth. Before the events of Metal Gear Solid 3, President
John F. Kennedy goes against the will of the Philosophers during the Bay of Pigs
invasion and is subsequently assassinated - such is the power of this shady

1964 - Naked Snake prevents all-out nuclear

warfare by killing his mentor (Snake Eater)

A Soviet rocket scientist by the name of Nikolai Sokolov wants to defect to the
US, so the government calls upon FOX, a CIA covert operations unit formed by
Major Zero (a British SAS officer) and The Boss (head of Cobra Unit, a legendary
squadron of soldiers who fought numerous battles in WW2). John (code name:
Naked Snake), an ex-Green Beret and the first-ever FOX operative, is sent into
the Soviet jungles to retrieve Sokolov, but is stopped when The Boss, Snake's
mentor and mother figure, double-crosses him. The Boss recaptures Sokolov
and joins up with members of Cobra Unit and Commander Volgin (son of Boris
Volgin), who steals the Shagohod, a nuclear-equipped tank and Metal Gear
progenitor, and launches a Davy Crockett nuke at his homeland, ensuring the
US gets blamed for its illegal presence in the Soviet Union.
In order to prevent retaliation and mutually-assured destruction, Naked Snake
must return to Volgin's command center, destroy the Shagohod, and kill The
Boss. Along the way, he receives help from EVA, an ex-NSA agent/actual
Philosopher agent and Snake's sole contact in the Soviet Union. He also meets
Russian GRU officer Adamska (code name: Revolver Ocelot), forming a special
warrior's bond with him despite their opposing allegiances. With their help,
Snake defeats each of the members of Cobra Unit, destroys the Shagohod,
takes down Volgin, and faces off against The Boss. Before Snake deals the final
blow, The Boss hands over half of the microfilm containing the location of the
Philosophers' Legacy.
Snake returns to the States a hero, and receives the title of Big Boss, but he
also learns the horrible truth of his mission. The Boss was secretly working for
the US from the inside to recover the Legacy, but thanks to Volgin's nuke, the
parameters of her mission changed: she had to die by Snake's hands, forever
known as a traitor. While Snake succeeded in his mission, he grew disillusioned
with the government who betrayed him, renounced the title of Big Boss, and
quit FOX.

1970 - The beginnings of a soldier's paradise

(Portable Ops)
FOX has gone rogue, and is now being led by Gene, a super-soldier the
Philosophers used as a subject for genetic experiments. Gene wants the
Philosophers' Legacy to create his own empire, so he captures a base on the
San Hieronymo Peninsula and kidnaps and tortures Naked Snake, since he's the
last person to know its whereabouts. Snake promptly escapes from the facility,
along with Green Beret Roy Campbell. After meeting up with Major Zero, he
learns that the government has classified him as persona non grata, thinking
he is the cause of the FOX revolt. In order to clear his name, Snake forms the
beginnings of FOXHOUND along with Zero, Ocelot, and Frank Jaeger, a war
orphan Snake rescued a few years prior.
Snake recruits a variety of soldiers and finally defeats Gene, who recognizes
him as the true successor to The Boss, and bequests FOX to him, as well as the
plans to a soldier's paradise called 'Army's Heaven'. Of course, this wouldn't be
a Metal Gear game without some kind of twist: the entire rebellion was actually
staged by Ocelot and Major Zero as an attempt to lure the CIA director out of
hiding and grab his half of the Legacy. Ocelot kills the director, snags the
Legacy, and forms a new, even more shadowy secret organization called the
Patriots with Major Zero and Naked Snake.

1972 - The Patriots, Les Enfants Terribles, and

the final straw

Snake, Major Zero, and Revolver Ocelot originally formed The Patriots to honor
The Boss' dream of a perfect world. Zero interpreted this to mean creating a
'World Without Borders', effectively uniting the nations of the world under one
rule. So Zero exaggerated and distorted the legend of Big Boss, using it as a
means of control. Snake isn't too happy about being a puppet for Zero,
believing that Zero is skewing The Boss' vision for his own gains.
The final straw was Zeros creation of the Les Enfants Terribles project without
Snake's knowledge or consent. The project aimed to take Snake's DNA and use
it to clone a series of enhanced supersoldiers. From the project came three
'Sons of Big Boss': Solid, Liquid, and Solidus, each one representing the best
parts of Big Boss' DNA, with some accelerated aging thrown in to prevent the
enemy from copying the clones' genetic code. Snake finds out about this and is
understandably pissed off. He leaves The Patriots and FOXHOUND, drifting from
skirmish to skirmish, until he meets Kazuhira Miller and forms the Militaires
Sans Frontieres. Sometime after Snake's departure, Major Zero and the Patriots
take on the code name 'Cipher'.

1974 - Militaires Sans Frontieres and the birth

of Mother Base (Peace Walker)

Snake is asked by Costa Rican agents Paz Andrade and Ramon Galvez Mena for
assistance regarding a mysterious army that's holed itself up in the Latin
American nation. He only agrees when he hears a recording of The Boss' voice,
seemingly alive and well. That voice actually belongs to an AI program
attached to Peace Walker, a nuclear-equipped weapon created to ensure that
mutually-assured destruction could never come to pass by guaranteeing
mutually-assured destruction would occur if anyone ever launched a nuke. It's
best if you don't think about that too much.
Anyway, Snake and Miller set up Mother Base off the Costa Rican coastline and
design it to resemble an offshore oil rig. Snake wanders the jungles, recruiting
soldiers for his army, researching new tech, rescuing Dr. Huey Emmerich (the
scientist responsible for Peace Walker's design), and building his own nuclear
deterrent, a walking battlemech called Metal Gear ZEKE. Snake discovers that
Galvez is a KGB agent who wanted Peace Walker for himself, but Snake puts a
stop to him and once again prevents a nuclear holocaust, finally adopting the
title Big Boss as his own.
Oh, it's not over yet. Paz is also a double agent, who actually works for Cipher
(aka Major Zero). She attempts to steal ZEKE and frame MSF for launching a
nuke should Snake decide not to join Cipher. Snake quickly defeats ZEKE, and
Paz is flung into the ocean from the resulting explosion. Miller was also
apparently a business partner with Cipher and knew all about Paz's plot, using
his connections to build MSF into a driving force of the Cold War economy.
Snake is apparently cool with this, and the two continue to operate MSF
together, growing Mother Base into massive mercenary operation.

1975 - A nation falls (Ground Zeroes)

On the eve of a nuclear inspection (brought about by Huey's insistence that

MSF proves to the world that it's running a squeaky clean operation), Miller and
Snake receive word that Paz had survived their encounter, and is currently
being held at Camp Omega, a US black site in Cuba. To make matters worse,
one of Snake's recruits, a young teen named Chico, went off to rescue her and
got himself captured. Both Paz and Chico know of the existence of Metal Gear
ZEKE, so Snake needs to rescue them before they reveal any information to
their captors.
Snake infiltrates the facility and rescues them, but returns to find Mother Base
under attack by operatives of a mysterious new organization, XOF, led by their
equally enigmatic CO, Skullface. Snake finds Miller and the two escape via
chopper, only to be thwarted by a bomb planted inside Paz's body by XOF. She
leaps from the helicopter in an attempt to save Snake, but the blast causes
their helicopter to crash, putting Snake into a coma which lasts for nine whole

1984 - Already demons (The Phantom Pain)

Big Boss (aka Venom "Punished" Snake in this one) awakens from his coma
inside a hospital in Cyprus and finds himself under attack by XOF forces and
minus one left hand. He escapes the facility with the help of Ishmael, a
mysterious man covered in bandages, eventually coming into contact with
Revolver Ocelot. Ocelot helps get him back on his feet, equipping him with a
bionic arm and assisting him in an operation to infiltrate Afghanistan and
rescue Kazuhira Miller. Together, the three form a new private military
corporation, now known as Diamond Dogs, and rebuild Mother Base off the
coast of the Seychelles.
Diamond Dogs accepts various missions within Afghanistan and the Angola-
Zaire border region in Africa, both in an attempt to recruit new soldiers and
earn money, as well to gather intel on Skull Face's operations and wait for the
right time to strike back. Snake rescues Huey Emmerich from his clutches, but
Miller is reluctant to believe his loyalty, believing Huey to be the one that sold
out MSF nine years ago. Snake also brings on Quiet, a crack-shot sniper who
doesn't wear enough clothing; Eli, a kid who is suspected to be one of Snake's
offspring from the Les Enfants Terribles project until a blood test provides a
negative result; and Code Talker, a Navajo scientist forced to work for Skull
Face to create a strain of vocal cord parasites that infect and kill off people who
speak specifically targeted languages. Together they confront and defeat Skull
Face, finally taking the revenge that had eluded them for so long.
But the story continues well after the climax, drifting aimlessly as Diamond
Dogs finds itself without purpose. Eli escapes from Snake's care with a massive
Metal Gear in tow. An outbreak of a mutated strain of the parasites back on
Mother Base forces Snake to gun down his own men to prevent further
infection. Huey is accused of releasing the strain, and is exiled as a result.
Quiet gets captured and when a rescue mission goes south, she speaks English
for the first time in the game in order to call a rescue helicopter for Snake,
activating the dormant vocal cord parasites inside her body, effectively
dooming her. A series of cassette tapes reveal that Major Zero's organization
has spiraled wildly out of his control, culminating in Skull Face's mutiny against
Cipher and his attack on MSF in the 1970s. And in the biggest twist of all, it's
revealed that the true star of the game wasn't Big Boss, but rather a medic for
MSF and one of his most trusted soldiers. Through a series of hypnotism and
plastic surgery, the medic was molded to look and act like Big Boss, while
the real Big Boss (revealed to be Ishmael from the hospital) ditched Miller and
began plotting Cipher's destruction while in hiding. Eventually, Fake Boss forms
Outer Heaven during events that take place between The Phantom Pain and
Metal Gear.
1995 - Assault on Outer Heaven (Metal Gear)

The US learns of a secret weapon of mass destruction in a South African facility

known as Outer Heaven, and calls on Big Boss and his FOXHOUND unit to take
care of the situation. One problem: the US doesn't know that Outer Heaven
belongs to Big Boss (now revealed to be Big Boss' decoy, thanks to some
audacious retroactive continuity), and he's using it as a staging ground to build
another Metal Gear and take down the Patriots. The real Big Boss sends his son,
the young and inexperienced Solid Snake, as a way to stall the operation so he
can complete his own nefarious plans
Fake Boss feeds Solid Snake faulty intel, leading him into a series of traps, all of
which Snake overcomes. He rescues Gray Fox (aka Frank Jager), destroys the
Metal Gear, and defeats Fake Boss before NATO carpet bombs the place into
oblivion. Fake Boss dies in the blast, while the real Big Boss gathers the
survivors together to form a new stronghold in Zanzibar Land.

1999 - Big Boss returns (Metal Gear 2)

The world is rapidly running out of oil, and Dr. Kio Marv has the perfect
solution: OILIX, a synthetic fuel source that could solve a potential global crisis.
So of course he gets kidnapped by a mysterious new military force in Zanzibar
Land. Roy Campbell, now head of FOXHOUND, brings Solid Snake out of
retirement to rescue the doctor.
Snake finds a hell of a lot more than that in Zanzibar Land: Gray Fox is now his
enemy, Big Boss is alive (thanks to the death of his decoy in 1995), and - you
guessed it - there's another Metal Gear. Dr. Marv is tortured and killed, and the
OILIX formula ends up in Gray Fox's hands. Snake is able to defeat both Fox and
Big Boss before the day is through. Snake leaves Big Boss for dead and retires
to the Alaskan wilderness. The Patriots pick up Big Boss' body and place him
into a nanomachine-induced coma, where he will remain for the next 15 years
as a sentimental prize of Zero's. Oh, and his genes are once again stolen from
him, this time to create the Genome Soldiers used in...

2005 - The Shadow Moses Incident (Metal Gear


Keeping FOXHOUND around seems like a hell of a lot more trouble than it's
worth. Liquid Snake, Solid's twin brother/clone, is now commanding officer, and
- I sound like a broken record here - has gone rogue, using the newly-created
Genome Soldiers to take over Shadow Moses Island, a nuclear weapon storage
facility and home of Metal Gear REX. Liquid, Revolver Ocelot, and friends plan
on launching a nuke unless the government hands over the remains of Big Boss
and $1 billion.
Roy Campbell drags Solid Snake out of retirement once again to rescue a few
VIPs, all of whom die of mysterious heart attacks thanks to the FOXDIE virus Dr.
Naomi Hunter secretly injected into Snake's body before the mission. After a
battle against Revolver Ocelot, Snake learns that Gray Fox isn't just alive, he's
been turned into a cyborg ninja - who promptly slices off Ocelot's hand with his
katana. Snake then meets up with Campbell's daughter Meryl Silverburgh, as
well as REX designer Hal Emmerich (Huey's son), both of whom help Snake
make his way through the facility.
After a variety of trials and tribulations, Solid Snake finds himself face-to-face
against his brother Liquid and Metal Gear REX. Gray Fox steps in to sacrifice
himself, giving Solid Snake enough time to destroy REX. Liquid then gives Solid
a long-winded speech about his origin as a clone of Big Boss. The two do battle
on top of the destroyed mech, Solid Snake wins (because of course he does),
and escapes the facility alongside Meryl. Liquid continues his dogged pursuit,
ultimately dying at the hands of the FOXDIE virus. Revolver Ocelot escapes
(sans one hand), and in the game's closing moments, we learn that Solidus
(aka George Sears and the perfect clone of Big Boss) is currently President of
the United States and was essentially in on the whole thing.

2007 - The Tanker Incident (Sons of Liberty)

Prior to MGS2's events, Revolver Ocelot grafts Liquid Snake's hand onto his arm
and begins selling Metal Gear REX's schematics to the highest bidders. Oh, and
Liquid's hand starts taking over Ocelot's mind, affecting his speech and thought
patterns (more on that later).
On a tip from Hal's sister Emma (an AI programmer who is also working on a
type of Metal Gear), Solid Snake infiltrates an oil tanker off the coast of
Manhattan. He arrives just in time to see the ship being taken over by Russian
soldiers, but Snake doesn't care too much about that - he just wants to find
Metal Gear RAY and expose its existence to the world. After wending his way
into the belly of the tanker, he finds and photographs RAY and uploads the
images for Hal. Just in time, too, because Ocelot/Liquid shows up, betrays his
Russian comrades, steals RAY and blows up the tanker, leaving Snake for dead.
Snake is framed for the destruction by the Patriots, as tons of oil allegedly seep
into the New York coastline. It's enough to greenlight the construction of Big
Shell, an offshore facility designed to clean up the 'oil leak'. But nothing is ever
so simple in this universe, as the facility is actually a front, housing the
construction site of the greatest weapon of them all: Arsenal Gear.
2009 - The Big Shell Incident (Sons of Liberty)

Big Shell is taken over by the Sons of Liberty, a terrorist group made up of
members of Dead Cell, an (ironically) anti-terrorist organization that has - say it
with me now - gone rogue. They're led by Solidus Snake (aka ex-president
George Sears), and they've taken the current US president hostage and have
demanded $30 billion in ransom. Of course, that's not why they're really there -
Solidus wants access to Arsenal Gear and GW, the AI program inside of it.
Raiden, a rookie operative trained by VR (and the player character for the rest
of MGS2), is sent to Big Shell to stop the terrorists at all costs. He finds a poorly
disguised Solid Snake, who helps him infiltrate and navigate the facility. As
Raiden closes in on Solidus, he finds a cyborg ninja, everyone he's supposed to
save mysteriously dies of a heart attack, and his ultimate goal is to find the GW
AI and upload a virus that mimics FOXDIE. If a lot of the events of MGS2 sound
familiar, it's because the Big Shell incident was an attempt to recreate the
events of Shadow Moses in order to train a soldier on par with Solid Snake.
Or not. The Big Shell incident was actually part of a Patriot plot to prove the
effectiveness of the GW AI's ability to control and distort information and
manipulate individuals through this distortion. The Colonel Campbell giving
Raiden orders throughout MGS2 was actually this AI, and thanks to Raiden's
unquestioning devotion to the mission, the program was a smashing success.
An out-of-control Arsenal Gear smashes into the Manhattan coastline, and
Raiden and Solidus are forced to do battle atop Federal Hall. Raiden emerges
the victor, completing his role as the Patriots' pawn. Ocelot/Liquid once again
escapes, this time with RAY in tow. Ocelot uses RAY, as well as the remnants of
the GW AI found in Arsenal Gear, to quickly build an army of private military
corporations, forming the basis of a newly-created war economy.

2014 - The beginning of the end (Guns of the


A rapidly aging Solid Snake is brought out of retirement (once again) by Roy
Campbell. His final mission: to assassinate Liquid Ocelot (yeah, he's basically
Liquid at this point) and stop the never-ending proxy battles fought by his PMC
organizations. This wouldn't be so difficult if it weren't for the fact that
everyone is loaded up with nanomachines, and Liquid controls the AI program
that governs them, causing soldiers to convulse wildly at the push of a button.
Snake fails to capture him in the Middle East, but tracks his assistant, Dr.
Naomi Hunter, to South America and rescues her - with a little help from
Raiden, who's gone full cyborg ninja by this point.
Snake then makes his way to Europe, searching for Big Mama (aka EVA, from
Snake Eater), and the remains of Big Boss. Ocelot finds Snake and uses the
remains of Big Boss to unlock the final key in the Patriots' AI program, giving
him control of virtually every army on the planet. Things are looking grim: EVA
is dead, Snake is wounded, and Ocelot escapes to Shadow Moses, where he
plans on stealing REX's nuke (because it's one of the only ones freely available
that isn't controlled by the Patriots) to use it to destroy the Patriots' global AI
network. Snake gives chase, reliving old memories in the derelict facility, but
ultimately fails to stop Liquid from stealing the nuke.
In a last ditch effort, Snake and his crew storm Liquid Ocelot's base of
operations, Outer Haven (*nudge*), where he uploads a virus of Dr. Hunter's
design called FOXALIVE (*nudge nudge*) and defeats Liquid one last time. With
the world saved and free from the Patriots' influence, Snake visits The Boss'
grave for one final goodbye... and discovers a Big Boss who is very much alive.
It was Solidus' body that actually burned back in Europe, and when the Patriots'
AI went offline, Big Boss was awoken from his years-long coma. Big Boss
explains how Ocelot used nanomachines and psychotherapy to make himself
believe his body had been taken over by Liquid's hand in order to trick the
Patriots into granting him access. He then suffocates a geriatric Zero and
shares a final tender moment with his son before succumbing to the FOXDIE
virus still mucking around in Snake's body. With their deaths, the Patriots are
effectively destroyed, and Snake can finally retire - for good, this time.

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