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Unilateral Wheezing as A Symptom of

Suspected Foreign Body Aspiration in Infant

Rifan Fauzie, Retno Widyaningsih, Dimas D. Saputro
Pediatric Respirology Division
Harapan Kita Women and Children Hospital, Jakarta

Background Case
- Foreign body ingestion is a common problem in • An eleven month old baby boy come to Harapan
paediatric populations with up to 75% of cases Kita Women and Children Hospital suffered from
occurring in children under 4 coughing and left hemithorax wheezing since 3
- It can cause symptoms like coughing, difficulty in weeks before.
breathing and hoarse voice in the early period, and • There were no history of choking, aspiration or
complications like obstructive emphysema, playing with any part of the toy.
atelectasis, lung abscess, empyema, bronchiectasis • The baby still doing fine. Bronchodilator nebulized
or pneumothorax in the late period repeatly showed no improvement.
• CXR reveled left hemithorax
Objective • We then performed flexible bronchoscopy and
found a peanut on left upper bronchus.
To report a case of suspected FBA in an infant with no • There were also edema on main left bronchus. The
certain history of choking and unilateral persistent wheezing and coughing subside in a week after we
wheezing. succeeded remove the peanut.

Fig.2. Peanut in the upper Fig.3. The basket towards to the

left bronchus upper left bronchus, with
granulation tissue surrounded

Fig.1. Left hemithorax hyperinflation

Fig. 5. The basket grabs the Fig. 6. The peanut

Fig. 4. The basket peanut

FB aspiration are still the life-threatening clinical problems in children that require adequate and good timing of
performing diagnostic and yet therapeutic procedure

17th Indonesian Congress of Pediatrics (KONIKA XVII) Jogja, August 8-11, 2017

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