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Anthony Rivas January-14-18

Chicago Academy High School 8th period

William shakespeare, author of Romeo and Juliet, tells the tragic love story of
two teens named Romeo and Juliet. The teens love each other, but their families are
enemies which prevents them from being together. In the end, the two lovers feel the
only way to be together is in death. Throughout the play shakespeare expresses his
belief that ​love causes violence​ through character actions, major events, and conflicts.
The character actions in the play prove that love causes violence. “​ ​O I am slain! If
thou be merciful, open the tomb lay me with juliet.”​ He dies. ​This is love causing
violence because he dies for Juliet.“O, happy dagger, this is thy sheath. There rust, and
let me die.”​ She takes Romeo’s dagger, stabs herself, and dies. T ​ his is love causes
violence because Juliet takes Romeo’s dagger and kills herself for him.
The major events in the play prove that love causes violence. “Thou, wretched
boy, that didst consort him here, shalt with him hence”. ​They fight. Tybalt falls . ​This is a
major event because tybalt dies and it is very sentimental to Juliet because he was part
of her family and she loved him. “O true apothecary, thy drugs are quick. Thus with a
​ his is major event because he dies and it is a very sad moment in
kiss a die.”​ He dies. T
the play.
The conflicts in play prove that love causes violence. ​ ​“From ancient grudge
break new mutiny”. “Mutiny means riots. The conflict between the families cause war
within the entire city”. This causes conflict because it tells us that the families are going
to have a big fight. “How hast thou heart, being a devine, a ghostly confessor, a sin
absolver, and my friend professed, to mangel me with that word banished”. This shows
conflict because there are trying to banish Romeo because he killed somebody and
Juliet wouldn’t be able to see him.
In conclusion love causes violence through character actions, major events, and
conflicts. The evidence and quotes I have support the reason I said love causes

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