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Andin : Anemia of pregnancy is the lack of red blood cells a complaint that is experienced,
dizziness, drowning anemia. The alleged anemia when laboratory result are less than
12 percent, way prevent blood enhancer that is takeing medication twice a day and eat
nutritious foods, plenty of rest

Rosnita : Anemia in pregnancy is defined as a haemoglobin concentration of less than 11 gr/dl

when the peripheral blood is examined. The most common cause of anemia in
pregnancy is lack of iron.If the women has a anemia, she feel tired and week.
Treatments of anemia taking supplements twice a day and eat nutritious foods, plenty
of rest. Iron and supplementation is indicated during pregnancy

Siyam : incidence of anemia in pregnant women should always be wary, given the anemia may
increase the risk of maternal mortality and infant mortality. pregnant women should
know the symptoms of anemia in pregnant women is rapid fatigue and dizziness. need
special monitoring in pregnant women to prevent anemia.

Reta : Anemia is a condition in which you don’t have enough healthy red blood cells, the
haemoglobin concentration of less than 11 gr/dl. The pregnant women usullay feel
tired and weak. We can cure the problem with consum the supplements and eat

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