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The ontologies of the South

Catastrophe might depict a global cataclysm that threatened our existence. Nonetheless, it
constituted one option for change our collective astray. Since then different proposals have
arisen to face our apocalypse. From me viewpoint, the epistemology of the south represents
one of the most remarkable alternatives for solving the ecological crisis.

The constitution of human rights from the epistemology of the South, collect various types
of ancestral knowledge, which is vital to broadening the spectrum of understanding of the
rights of nature, as has happened in countries such as Bolivia and Ecuador.

Furthermore, the diatopical hermeneutics of human rights proposed by De Sousa

constituted one meeting place between the north and the south. Creating one “space”, it
turns out desirable; however, it could be insufficient since our crisis is not merely,
epistemological also ontological.

Therefore, I propose in this article to join the concept of multiverse from the Latin
American Indian perspective and the term “worlding”, popularised by Heidegger, thereby
doing a review of his ontological analysis. Allowing us to infer that as “beings in the
world”, actually it means recognized the existence of multiple worlds beyond the human
experience. Following the Zapatista motto.

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