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Dear People,

This latest video is called "Getting Through". Yes, we have gotten

through, and what is more, the Banking Cartel doesn't believe that
anything they try to do now only backfires. So, what has the Banking
Cartel, and the Black Nobility which directs the Banking Cartel, tried?
They waited a day to upload the video. The delay backfired. Now Google's
browser still refuses to post the picture showing a breakthrough. The
hackers prevented me from showing the Taco Bell commercial on how two
people break through scalar weapons on mind control.
Published on Jan 22, 2019
Today's segment is called, "Getting Through".
Last week's segment was called "Holding On". We are holding onto each other, and we
are holding onto ourselves, and what is more, we are holding onto the world's wealth.
I upload videos of the DCTV segments in the archives on YouTube. You will probably
need headphones to hear the videos because YouTube has tried to censor me by
lowering the volume on its video player. That is why I publish the teleprompter on
Twitter and Facebook. You can find the link to the teleprompter on YouTube by

clicking on the SHOW MORE button.

I have been answering your questions in the comment section of the YouTube archives
ever since this series began 3 ½ years ago.
This Series is about "The Network of Global Corporate Control". The Network of Global
Corporate Control is a slow learner. They are finally learning that people notice all
their efforts to censor me. As the "switchboard operator" I am not in charge; as legal
counsel to the Global Debt Facility and Acting General Counsel of the International
Bank for Reconstruction and Development, I am simply linking those at the bottom of
the international financial system to those at the center and linking common law with
the admiralty law system that the bankers have secretly put into place behind our
In the military realm, I have linked the Joint US Japan Committee under the Status of
Forces Agreement with those who do not wish to surrender the US' military might
unilaterally in a planned demolition of the unconstitutional Federal Reserve Notes.
This is according to the power transition model in the US Department of Defense that
I have been following since 2004, which started predicting that a coalition for the rule
of law would overpower the Network of Global Corporate Control.

This video shows the direct confrontation between humanity and the Black Nobility that
directs the Network of Global Corporate Control. My previous tweet on this video is at

I just had to reset the link to my first tweet on this video:

These are the comments on the video:

Ellen Laprise • 3 days ago
Thank you Karen for the education! I'm so glad that you are healing :-) It will be a
happy day when we come out on the other side. I appreciate your guidance and
sharing of your knowledge :-)

Neitsyt Maria • 3 days ago

Karen I'm still quite unsure about the militaries. How can it be that they are on our
side when militaries are actively shooting TIs to death with their special toys? If there
is good guys in the military why don't they just shoot these corrupt fuckers to the
head? During the last year targeting has just exploded, there's so many more people
whos targeting started/increased and got more brutal than ever. Also is it possible
that they are now getting the troops home from Syria and building the wall to keep
americans in, so that they don't flee to Mexico when the military gets here to mass
exterminate people? I'm just throwing these possibilities out there

Neitsyt Maria is a sock puppet, whom I have called out many times before. Here is an
example from a teleprompter four months ago. [see page 5]
The video in the archives is at

This is a very important video, as it shows the loyalty of the US military to the people
in the US, and shows how the Vatican does not rule the world or have the world's
wealth, or any other special power. This is how the Banking Cartel is caught in the
web of its own lies. I would never have known that this link was broken unless I
looked into this old sock puppet, Neitsyt Maria. You remember, a sock puppet is:

Neitsyt Maria
Well sorry, I don't want us to make suicide. I just think that at first the banking cartel
tried to kick off ww3 and when they couldn't have that they are now building up these
gang stalking networks in every city, and they have the weaponry to kill their targets fast
if they just amp up the power in their weapons. They couldn't have war to kill of 2/3 of
population so they try to do it differently.

Karen Hudes
You think you have the last word? Well, you are not scaring me, because, as
I said, you are a sock puppet. Your opinion is only useful to show that the
Banking Cartel is taking us very seriously and they think you are having an
impact. It is backfiring, Neitsyt Maria. The more you say, the more it

Karen Hudes • 3 days ago

It is the chain of command in the military powers that is most vulnerable. Mind
control technologies and the ones operating the systems are likely to be the most
resistant to clean-up. The teams working with scalar weaponry must be highly
isolated and staffed by very corrupt contractors. Watch your language, please. We
have all the time in the world to isolate these corrupt individuals and expose them,
and make their task impossible.

Simon is another sock puppet. Anyone who tries to put words in my mouth is usually
a sock puppet. Clinton and Trump are both agents of the Banking Cartel. The
Banking Cartel's sock puppets are only trying to confuse you, and create conflict
wherever they can. Nice try, Simon T.

albertarose2010 • 3 days ago

You look and sound great today.

Dee Belsterling • 3 days ago
I was thinking it was just me! My speaker is up as high as it will go!! Be careful Karen!

Karen Hudes • 3 days ago

Use headphones. YouTube is trying to censor me.

Thomas Jones • 2 days ago

Thank you Karen Friend you look great and sound wonderful Love and Peace be with
you always

The Genie IAM • 3 days ago

We are close to a new world, so be safe Karen!

Judit Kovacs • 3 days ago

Ill pray for you.God bless you!

L DuranC • 1 day ago

God is responsible for you being alive and well. Keep close to Him and thanks to you,
we - human kind (Humanity) will be in His Divine Will. Keep the GREAT work, and

hopebear06 • 2 days ago

It's nice to see an improvement in the quality of your presentation.

Amali Mohotti • 3 days ago

You are a true hero � Thank you for all you do! Stay safe �

Alex Davidson • 1 day ago
Gooooooooooooood to see u smiling

james rattenborg • 1 day ago

75 years ago Robert Mueller would probably have found meaningful employment with
the gestapo.

See the View 2 replies button?

Pay special attention to these buttons. Usually these buttons

are hiding the most important comments. YouTube puts these
buttons in to censor the truth. Just as I am pointing this out,
you will see that as the Global Currency Reset proceeds, many
more of the people are able to see reality instead of the
Banking Cartel's lies.

I am also encouraged by the number of people who are able to

function independently of mind control. A financial planner
just came by and knocked on my door. I was able to have a
normal conversation with him; I told him that the chances we
have a Global Currency Reset are greater than 90%, but that
now unfortunately many of his customers are hypnotized by
mind control and would not believe him.

So these are the two comments that YouTube was hiding from

Zamarath Thoth • 4 hours ago

You do know the head of the Nazi gestapo was also named Mueller? For real

james rattenborg • 3 hours ago

@Zamarath Thoth Incredible! Everyone's name has a predestined meaning.

Angelina Roxy • 2 days ago
Bank of America stole our simi vallet house from us after 20 years no pymnts missed!
Our retirement money, our childrens college money! How can we get it back? Their so

Alex Davidson • 1 day ago

Remedys through security interest!

Gerry Stevens • 3 days ago

''we got the worlds wealth in a trust'' this Thomas Williams 'manna trust'? he says he
is giving huge amounts of money to..get this..the SAME degenerate governments ..but
not to banks. but of course any such government will just instantly put it all IN A
BANK.. I think Thomas Williams is badly bitten by the Marxist school of economics..

Karen Hudes • 3 days ago

You are a sock puppet. The manna trust does not exist.

Rose Gb • 3 days ago

Gerry Stevens He Thomas WILLIAMS) did mention you by name Karen on one of his
videos, stating u are with the Cabal with the black nobility, etc..He and his team
holds the Manna World Trust, which is the rightful account. He also said u still work
for the IMF. That’s why people are inquiring. I follow ur vids respectfully but I’m
thinking we the people, have multiple world Trust accounts and both of u hold
different types. just a thought.

Rose Gb is a big sock puppet. Her subscribers are all in the intelligence agencies.

This comment is trying to confuse people who do not know that the Banking Cartel
has captured the Bretton Woods secretariat. It is the Board of Governors of the
World Bank and IMF that together with the coalition consisting of the world's
military powers and the people who have worked themselves free from the mind
control weaponry and the world's wealth in the Global Debt Facility that are taking
back our world peacefully through the Global Currency Reset. Why do so many
sock puppets try to confuse you if I am not telling you the truth?

No, I am not with the Cabal. One of the reasons that I told you about how the
Banking Cartel tried to kill me was to show you that I am not with the Banking
Cartel. The reason I am not dead? Because we are all in a new reality where the
Banking Cartel is bankrupt, and we are putting them out of commission, gradually.
The fact that I am writing this and you are reading this is proof. Stay alert and
you will see more and more proof.

Another sock puppet. YouTube is putting its sock puppets behind the

button. That is a nice touch. Of course the Banking Cartel is afraid

of gold currency, which we are using to bankrupt them. We can transition to a
world without money in good time, if that is what we all want. In the meantime,
we are using money minted out of gold and other precious metals, and local
currencies that use a barter system agreed to in local communities in a Global
Curency Reset
attilaevil • 2 days ago
The true wealth is the individuals. Money , real or fake is simply no more than trading
tool and no more ! Then You have the world of agreements and disagreements ! What
goes and what doesn't ! Not everyone comprehends this !

Andrea Jones • 3 days ago

You are so full of crap

Andrea Jones has 2 subscribers, and then there are thumbnails for 6 subscribers.
Which is it YouTube? I think I smell a YouTube sock puppet. You notice that
there is a lot of name calling, and no facts or proof. Iraqi Dinars -- this is a scam.
Get your money back from the scammers, if you can. Only the people who live in
a country will be able to exchange currency of that country for the currency
containing gold (it is called aurum)

Nathan Flaws • 3 days ago
Yes. This woman needs psychological treatment. It's very sad.

coleridge king • 3 days ago

So you researching Ms Jones give us your research show how you been informing the

coleridge king • 3 days ago

You'll a couple of stalker trolls

Sharon Keith • 3 days ago

Andrea Jones / Pardon. You’re speaking of my friend Karen Hudes. Please don’t
disparage her. Listen to her videos from the beginning, and with a debating group if

Alex Davidson • 1 day ago

And ur putting in what . . .

Nathan Flaws • 3 days ago

Karen, for the sake of what remains of your mental health please go seek treatment.
Your stories are nothing more than fantasies.

Karen Hudes • 3 days ago
You are a sock puppet. What proof do you have to refute anything I say?

Sharon Keith • 3 days ago

Nathan Flaws / I believe Karen more than I do Nancy Pelosi! Karen has TRUTH, and
she is sane (unlike Nancy)!

Sharon Keith • 3 days ago

Karen Hudes / That’s my girl! �

Nathan Flaws • 3 days ago

@Karen Hudes more than you will know. But most importantly and sadly more than
your obviously unwell mind could grasp. You need help Karen. I don't say that lightly
you need psychiatric help. Whatever happened to your GCR theory and the dozen of
other theories that have never amounted to anything! Get help Karen, I genuinely
mean that.

Nathan Flaws • 3 days ago

@Karen Hudes Karen, I actually know of institutions that have been buying huge
quantities of Iraqi Dinar for sometime now. But unfortunately it has NOTHING to do
with the mythical GCR ...... I bet you don't even know the real reason why these
institutions have been covertly amassing this Dinar.....

Leo Freeman • 3 days ago

@Nathan Flaws I can't stand the suspense any more WHAT'S the reason?!?!?

liezel berame • 3 days ago
+Nathan Flaws Don't worry folks.. It's (GCR) already happening somewhere. USA
people must be thankful to KAren for keeping them awake. But for those who don't,
it's not Karen's fault.

Nestor B. Aguilar • 2 days ago (edited)

@Nathan Flaws You're a laughable shill... You are so full of Flaws as your Youtube ID
name. lol...

Angelina Roxy • 2 days ago

Sock puppet�����

Show more replies inside another

button.YouTube really doesn't want you to see these comments.

Alex Davidson • 1 day ago

@Nathan Flaws loser

Alex Davidson • 1 day ago

@Nathan Flaws wow still loser

Alex Davidson • 1 day ago


Constance Chaisson • 15 hours ago

Leave Karen alone you shrill.... Finally we are having a person telling us the truth and
also putting her life on the line to help humanity!!! All Governments, Religions and
elites are all in it together to try and control humanity..... Wake up and see what
they are doing to Us!!!

Nestor B. Aguilar • 3 days ago (edited)

The comment of Leo Freeman didn't appear, you have to click SORT BY then select
Newest first, there you can see and read his comment. Also, the counter of a number
of views was peg at only one.

Dave Burton • 3 days ago
Hi Karen I remember when they attacked you I've been following you before you had
your show I'm glad to see you healing fine your resilience to get the word out is
incredible and thanks again!

Nestor B. Aguilar • 2 days ago

@Dave Burton Please put your comment to "Add a public comment", it's a great honor
but I am not she. Truth, Love and Light will set us free... God all his

Leo Freeman • 2 days ago

Thanks Nestor. I think it's my fault, I forgot that comments containing links may get
hidden by default. One possible work-around is to include any links in a reply, rather
than in the top-level comment.

Tom Stclair • 2 days ago

Karen please turn up your volume or move mic. Closer .. we can barely hear your
video ..

james rattenborg • 13 hours ago

The world bank runs the world, including the intelligence agency's.

Joan Jamison • 11 hours ago

So Karen to be clear, you are saying that ALL of the presidents since most of us have
been alive are illegitimate. Correct?


On January 18, 2019 someone forwarded the url for JFK's 1961 speech to the American Newspaper
Publishers Association . YouTube ran Donald Trump's ad before the clip on JFK's speech. There were
many subliminal cues.

The next day, someone tweeted YouTube's URL in my

Twitter Account. YouTube is owned by Google and
Google was created by the CIA. The CIA is
headquartered in Switzerland and does not work to
protect the security of the United States. It was the CIA
who started using the phrase "conspiracy theorist" to put
down people seeking JFK's assassins.

That same day someone asked a question in the

comment section of my next-to-last episode on the DCTV
series [ ] asking me
for proof that Trump is an illegitimate imposter

Dennis Love • 3 days ago

You told me a while back Donald Trump is broke bankrupt now he's working for something I can't
remember what you said it was or used to work for something was it a black nobility or something
I find this Galt technology extremely interesting was that why Kennedy was shot does Donald
Trump have knowledge of this since he was such good friends with JFK jr. What's your thought on
this thank you very much I'm a channel follower

Dennis Love is a sock puppet. Trump the bankrupt Banking Cartel puppet
who is trying to bring down the US with the crash of the Federal Reserve Note?

Estebahn Randolph • 3 days ago
Right ! CNN misinformation news . There just Hollywood actors .

hopebear06 • 2 days ago

I struggle for hope when watching the geoengineering practices happening overhead. What use is
money if we are being deliberately exterminated? Very disheartening watching the planes
dropping huge loads of toxins onto us all then the predictable weather extremes which follow.

dan skroko • 3 days ago

Television Patent = US6506148B2 = Electromagnetic Nervous System Control Device.

dan skroko • 3 days ago

Google Patent # US6506148B2.

Leo Freeman • 2 days ago
I never understood why they bother patenting all these arcane technologies. Isn't it blowing their

Babylon falling • 6 hours ago

Leo Freeman No they are required by code to inform their victims of the plans against them.
Mostly through predictive programming but they openly make their agendas public by the FOIA.

Saoul Deena • 3 days ago

Goodness Gracious awakenings lunacy spraying still un #unrig ed

Amber Hernandez • 3 days ago


This sock puppet has been kind

enough to identify Disinfo
Channels in the alternative
media that are trying to confuse

Nestor B. Aguilar • 2 days ago
Excerpt from some Karen Hudes Tweets. Please read...

Victoria Layrisse • 3 days ago

Your production ‘crew’ are constrained by more than time. For years, every single act of
‘production’ has been poorly executed. Every fade and clip is a disaster. Can you not hire your
‘own’ people?

I don't agree with you. On the contrary, they are keeping

on course despite the Banking Cartel's hackers.

Sharon Keith • 3 days ago

Victoria Layrisse / Remember, we’re talking about Washington DC! These may be government
employees too, and are volunteering their work unpaid during this “shutdown.”

Victoria Layrisse1 hour ago

Sharon Keith Perhaps, However this has been happening for years, much longer than the

Remko Jerphanion4 hours ago

If the military around the world are in a "coalition", then how does that ryhme with the military as
part of the military Industrial complex?

This power transition model from the US National War College lets us
know which of the brass is treasonous. Does this answer your question? If not, then think about
what it means when Twitter tried to delete a tweet from a week ago, describing the corruption,
and I disclosed this now:

Ruby G Edwards7 hours ago (edited)
May God keep you safe Karen we highly appreciate you and the work you’re doing! With lots of
love � God Bless you and in His image may you be completely healed now! And stay healthy and
strong � Thank God you’re back in charge at the World Bank ! Humanity can now all serve each
other and our countries with integrity and compassion for all. It’s obvious the Creator is an
intelligent being all countries have something to offer to others that they don’t have with dignity
and not robbery. At last all our heroes and heroines have not died in vain! Light ☀� Love � and
prosperity to all humanity

Remko Jerphanion4 hours ago

If the military around the world are in a "coalition", then how does that ryhme with the military as
part of the military Industrial complex?

Ruby G Edwards7 hours ago (edited)

May God keep you safe Karen we highly appreciate you and the work you’re doing! With lots of
love � God Bless you and in His image may you be completely healed now! And stay healthy and
strong � Thank God you’re back in charge at the World Bank ! Humanity can now all serve each
other and our countries with integrity and compassion for all. It’s obvious the Creator is an
intelligent being all countries have something to offer to others that they don’t have with dignity
and not robbery. At last all our heroes and heroines have not died in vain! Light ☀� Love � and
prosperity to all humanity �

Simon T8 hours ago

God Bless You Karen



On Tuesdays at 7:00 pm EST


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