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February 6, 2016

The Network of Global Corporate Control, the super-entity that thinks it has the right to
control all of us, just tried to block the document I posted in my social media:

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Bengt Carlsson
Date: Sat, Feb 6, 2016 at 6:17 AM
Subject: -- IT IS A NO-NO ................ ---
To: Karen Hudes

and then further to :

gives us :

To understand the following email from Bengt, you need to know that Frank Baum
wrote the Wizard of Oz. Frank Baum's story was an allegory about the financial
system. The Wizard of Oz tried to fool Dorothy, the Scarecrow, the Cowardly Lion,
and the Tin Man into thinking he was powerful, when he was really just a fraud:

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Bengt Carlsson
Date: Sat, Feb 6, 2016 at 5:02 AM
Subject: --- An OUNCE of OZ ----- defined by THE WIZARD : .......... ---
To: Karen Hudes

OZ as defined by THE WIZARD :

IF we "confuse" weight measurements with volume measurements

- we thus and then have : "problems" with DENSITY .

- IF we have "problems" with density, then we have


OZ ( ONLY in swedish )
BELOW, translation
from swedish
to english

DISSOLVE the MIST and show us THE RAINBOW . . .


Mike Brakey also sent me an email about how the media is lying to us and trying fool
us. Last month's email to Bloomberg is attached.

---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Mike Brakey
Date: Sat, Feb 6, 2016 at 12:30 AM
Subject: John Swinton on the independence of the American press
To: Karen Hudes

Hi Karen,

You might find this article of interest concerning American news censorship (1955 and
rewrite in 1979)..

Good Luck in All your teams' ongoing efforts!

Mike Brakey

John Swinton on the independence of the press

(Source: Labor's Untold Story, by Richard O. Boyer and Herbert M. Morais, published
by United Electrical, Radio & Machine Workers of America, NY, 1955/1979.)

John Swinton: Yes, he said it, 1880 not 1953
Called by his peers "The Dean of his Profession", John was asked in 1953 to give a toast
before the New York Press Club, and in so doing, made a monumentally important and
revealing statement. It was actually around 1880 not 1953. He is quoted as follows:
One night, probably in 1880, John Swinton, then the preeminent New York journalist,
was the guest of honor at a banquet given him by the leaders of his craft. Someone who
knew neither the press nor Swinton offered a toast to the independent press. Swinton
outraged his colleagues by replying:

"There is no such thing, at this date of the world's history, in America, as an

independent press. You know it and I know it.
"There is not one of you who dares to write your honest opinions, and if you did, you
know beforehand that it would never appear in print. I am paid weekly for keeping my
honest opinion out of the paper I am connected with. Others of you are paid similar
salaries for similar things, and any of you who would be so foolish as to write honest
opinions would be out on the streets looking for another job. If I allowed my honest
opinions to appear in one issue of my paper, before twenty-four hours my occupation
would be gone.
"The business of the journalists is to destroy the truth, to lie outright, to pervert, to
vilify, to fawn at the feet of mammon, and to sell his country and his race for his daily
bread. You know it and I know it, and what folly is this toasting an independent press?
"We are the tools and vassals of rich men behind the scenes. We are the jumping jacks,
they pull the strings and we dance. Our talents, our possibilities and our lives are all the
property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes."

"That having been said, I will acknowledge that this cheap lie, like most cheap lies, has
some truth to it. I think it is expressed rather bitterly, personally, but I'm sure every
journalist with any history in the biz has had at least one day when they felt that way. It's
the very reason that I gladly applied the word "former" to the word "journalist" when it
is attached to my name.
"Indeed, New York Times executive editor Max Frankel said something very similar
about the impact of profiteering on journalism after he retired in 1994. Frankel probably
isn't quoted quite so widely because he doesn't use 21st century Neo_Old_Testament
Naderite phrasiology like "fawn at the feet of mammon."
"What "Swinton" describes is not so easily described or it would have been dealt with. It
is more like a constant, subtle pressure to bend to power. A pressure that can be defied
and maybe even often, but that does not seem to ever go away. The strong spend a
career tilting against it; the weak let it direct them, as you can see every day in this
county's media.
OK. Jay forwarded McMahon's response back to me, and since I would like to keep
things reasonably accurate on my webpage, I went looking to see if I could verify or
dispute the Swinton vignette.

It turned out - surprise! - that like most really good stories, it contained a little bit of
truth, and a bit of fiction, and, unlike most really good stories, the reality behind the
story is even more interesting.
Yes, Virginia, there was a John Swinton, and yes, he was an editor of the New York
Times, and yes, he did say the remarks attributed to him. However, he did not say it at a
retirement party, he did not say it as an editor of the Times, and he certainly did not say
it in 1953, for the simple reason that he died in 1901.
But I hit pay dirt in some odd areas. At , I found the following:
John Swinton (1829_1901)

The managing editor of the New York Times during the Civil War, John Swinton later
became a crusading journalist in the movement for social and labor reform. Scottish
born, he learned typesetting in Canada before moving to the United States. During the
trouble in Kansas he was active in the freesoil movement and headed the Lawrence
Republican. Moving back to New York he wrote an occasional article for the Times and
was hired on a regular basis in 1860 as head of the editorial staff. Afterward holding this
position throughout the Civil War, he left the paper in 1870 and became active in the
labor struggles of the day. He later served eight years in the same position on the New
York Sun and published a weekly labor sheet, John Swinton's Paper.

At another location, Ayer Company Publishers, I came across this information:

Ayer Company Publishers Phone: (888)_267_7323 FAX: (603)_922_3348
Swinton, John
The World Bank Tokyo Office Telephone: (03) 3597 6650
Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100, Japan
November 12, 2018

Dear People,

I called the corrupt World Bank Secretariat today, and referred them to my case number
31306108. You can find that reference number on page 3 of the following Tweet:


The World Bank's human resources officer today, whose name I did not get, gave me a
second reference number, No. 31437786. Then he hung up on me. I will be guided by
humanity, whose wealth is administered by the Board of Governors of the World Bank
and IMF, what the consequences should be for this failure to comply with the World
Bank's Articles of Agreement. I want to remind you that our ability to "stay alive"
depends on whether we follow the World Bank's Articles of Agreement. Article V
SECTION 2. (a) "All the powers of the Bank shall be vested in the Board of Governors"

Karen Hudes
Acting General Counsel, International Bank for Reconstruction and Developmen
Overseer Mandate Trustee, Global Debt Facility, TVM-LSM-666


Good evening, I am your host Karen Hudes. This show is a Series that has been coming to
you from DCTV since 2015 in a weekly program called the Network of Global Corporate
Control. Today’s program is called "Staying Alive" Thank you to DCTV and Carmen
Stanley, Program Manager. Today Maurice Jackson is our Studio Director, Jamie Fain is
on Audio and Prompter, and Aliya Ja'Mari is our Floor Director.

Our title is "Staying Alive" because together we are staying alive. Let me follow storytelling
rules so that people who are just learning about what we are doing in this Series can follow.
I am going to summarize the story:


 don't tell a boring story

staying alive is not boring when the villain we are telling

you about is trying to land us all in WWIII

 do tell a story with a clearly defined villain

the villain is the central banks who issue the world's

currencies -- they are all one bank, and they are directed by the Black Nobility.
The Black Nobility consists of bloodline families descended from the Pharaohs in
Egypt. The Black Nobility has been with us since the previous Ice Age. The
villain owns nearly all the media, and bribes just about all the politicians. The
villain thought we were too stupid to catch them at their corrupt game, but they
have met their match. Their match is all of us; we are all working together in a
large coalition that includes all of the world's military powers, including the US.

That is why I am here today. Our coalition is much stronger than the villain.
We are in the middle of the tug of war with the villain, but actually this is just a
clean-up exercise because we have already won. How do I know we have
already won? It means alot when the Banking Cartel tries to hide a tweet that is
called "checkmate" and doesn't succeed.

and then tries unsuccessfully to hide a teleprompter that says:
" There is alot going on because these culprits are trying to disprove our
statement ... that we are stronger than the Banking Cartel."

This is strong evidence. The Banking Cartel is weaker than the Coalition for the
Rule of Law.

The other point to make is that on August 31, 2016, the Earth's healers noticed
that "Energies are strong and chaotic." This is when enough people realized that
we were going to defeat the Banking Cartel. In other words, we reached critical
mass. Now we have to convince the rest of the people who have been duped by
the Banking Cartel that the Banking Cartel is lying about reality.

 don't pretend you've never had to struggle

Yes, I have had to struggle. On August 6, 2016 I was

attacked and given an irregular heartbeat and saw everything upside down
after I refused to allow an agent from the Central Banks named Julius gain
control of the world's assets in the Global Debt Facility.

More recently, an agent from the Banking Cartel named Tiburcio Villamor
Marcos Tallano Tagean IV threatened to have me arrested by Interpol if I did
not agree to sign over the world's wealth. Instead, I informed Tiburcio Villamor
Marcos Tallano Tagean IV that he had no authority over the world's assets.

I am the Overseer Mandate Trustee of the Trust containing the world's

monetary gold reserves, and other wealth. This trust is called the Global Debt
Facility. The World Bank and IMF were set up at the end of WWII to manage
the world's wealth in the Global Debt Facility. I am authorized to speak for the
United States and the rest of the countries on the Board of Governors of the
World Bank and International Monetary Fund concerning the world's assets.

We are all working together in our common struggle with the villain. We are
managing to keep the villain from landing us in WWIII.

 do embrace your past and the experiences that define you; don't end the story in the
middle; do provide a happy ending

Actually the story I have to tell involves all of us and we are

right in the middle of it. The chances we have a happy ending are greater than
90%. That is because I am following the blueprint of a very accurate game
theory model that a political scientist named Jacek Kugler, who developed this
model for the US National War College, brought to the World Bank in 2004.

This is the first live segment on DCTV since August 21st. On September 4th, I produced a live
segment outside the studio. Here is a clip:
0:15 to 2:55 "As you see" to "This is no good for the financial records."

There is a link to the rest of this video in the teleprompter. I post the teleprompters on Twitter
and Facebook, and also upload them on YouTube. They are usually in the first section of the
videos, hidden behind a "SHOW MORE" button. Since YouTube is owned by the villain of our
story, it is sometimes hard to find the teleprompters. Send me an email to let me know if the
Banking Cartel has tried to censor the information by breaking links. Also, if you have any
questions, please email me or ask your question in the comment section on the YouTube

I want to tell you about a recent comment on this video:

The rest of AnonX's comment is designed to incite hatred and create conflict.
AnonX is a sock puppet. That is, an account that is disguised as a person, but is simply providing the
Banking Cartel's viewpoint. Here is my response:

I want to show you a comment on August 24th, which raised another issue that is
designed to disrupt the Global Currency Reset and perpetuate the corruption in the
world's money system.

What reason would we be deflected from learning the truth (savory or sweet) of the Real News
unless it was something like, oh say, the Aliens who seeded this world are coming to burst
through our slumber and inform us that they have arrived for dinner, and We Are Dinner! ...

We are not talking about "the Aliens who seeded this world". We are
dealing with the corruption in our world.

I am aware that some people think they have experiences involving Aliens . Must likely, all
that they have had is a head trip from extremely low frequency scalar weaponry. We do
not need to consider this issue, for now. This topic serves the Banking Cartel and is a big

This is just one example when the Banking Cartel tried to change the subject to ET's. Another
Banking Cartel sock puppet tried the same trick on September 1. We are putting the questions on
religion and extra terrestrials (ET's) on the back burner until we have ended the Banking Cartel's
corruption. Some of the Banking Cartel's sock puppets have started talking about chaos. As Overseer
Mandate Trustee, I can leave issues on the back burner so that we do not lose our focus, and so that
we are not divided and conquered.

Most people are tricked and bamboozled into the Banking Cartel's version of reality, and this
disconnect is very destabilizing. The coalition for the rule of law is not going to be able to arrange for
a smooth transition as long as so many remain clueless. What I have been doing for the past three
years is to reduce the disconnect between the Banking Cartel's version of reality and actual reality.
Face-to-face discussions between people who love each other can convince people much better than
the documents I've been posting. I've been reaching a growing audience, but it is clear that I need
your help for sure in reaching more people.

Keep on pointing out this disconnect between the Bankers' lies and reality to groups of people
that you bring together. It is your groups that are going to clean up the corruption in
villages and towns, and it is your groups that are going to issue local currencies, which are
required in the Global Currency Reset. It is these groups that are going to help us stay safe
and negotiate the Global Currency Reset. It is these groups that the coalition for the rule of
law needs to work with in the United States. If somebody remains hypnotized by the Banking
Cartel's mind control, then leave this person alone, and wait until more people understand
reality. As John F. Kennedy said, "A rising tide lifts all boats."
This Segment is called "Staying Alive". We are all working together. I have learned an
important way to fight the Banking Cartel from other people who contacted me. This is called
the common law. It is old customary law from English speaking countries and it uses juries.
A jury is group of ordinary people who decide whether one person has harmed another.
Grand Juries decide whether there is enough evidence that a crime could have been
The late Justice Anton Scalia was speaking about the common law and grand juries when he
said :
I believe it is from U.S. v. Williams, 1992. Grand juries are meant to be erected by the
Justice Antonin Scalia, in a 1992 ruling stated:
“Rooted in long centuries of Anglo-American history, … the grand jury is mentioned in the
Bill of Rights, but not in the body of the Constitution. It has not been textually assigned,

therefore, to any of the branches described in the first three Articles. It is a
constitutional fixture in its own right..”
“In fact, the whole theory of its function is that it belongs to no branch of the
institutional Government, serving as a kind of buffer or referee between the Government
and the people.”

Anton Scalia was murdered and flown out of Texas to evade a coroner's investigation into the
cause of his death.
Here are the common law countries:

I will give you a little background reading, but first I will explain this to you in layman's
terms. The crux of the matter is that the people in the world are getting together to end
the corruption coming from the Banking Cartel, and alot of this corruption happened
because people trusted the experts in the legal systems, the lawyers. Sadly, the lawyers
made things so complicated that people were not comfortable handling these matters
themselves, and that is where we started to go badly astray.

People used to be comfortable handling their own legal problems and legal systems.
This boiled-down approach to law is called common law. The people used to stay out of
courtrooms, asking for other people to hear these matters for them and decide and
settle their disputes so there would not have to be a fight to settle the matter and so that
the strongest person would not win automatically. The other people that decided these
disputes are called a jury. When the parties to a dispute agree that the dispute will be
decided by a jury, then the parties are honor-bound to follow through and follow the
judgment of the jury. It is old-fashioned honesty and ethics that will lead to the
enforcement of the jury's decision.

What I am doing is piggy-backing on these old systems, and adding in one new wrinkle:
social media and the power transition model. What I am saying is that I am able to use
the power transition model to predict using game theory how coalitions will form. This
power transition model helps me keep the corrupt leaders honest. So that is how I am

enforcing the commercial liens against Trump, Dunford, Bowser, Payne, and Newsham
and now Brett Kavanaugh. Of course I am giving these Agents of the Banking Cartel the
opportunity to answer my complaints that they are withholding the world's monetary
gold reserves from the world's people. But the facts are speaking for themselves, and I
do not expect these crooks are going to answer my affidavit. They have been caught red-
handed in front of the world's people -- that is the people who have been paying
attention. This blog describes the relationship between common law and maritime or
admiralty law.

The Bankers have been trying to stay away from common law. Instead, the Bankers use the
law of the sea or maritime law to get away with all of their corruption. The Bankers are
scared of the common law, and interfered with my screenshot of a comment from
DayDreaming that he wants to learn more about common law.

Replying to @KarenHudes
I'm beginning to understand that I can insert my comments as "We will have a peaceful
transition," and that will help others. So, there's that! I feel better!
View conversation ·

DayDreaming 20h
Replying to @KarenHudes
I want to learn more about common law.
View conversation ·

Enter a topic, @name, or fullname


I have been using the common law to obtain commercial liens on the people who are
preventing us from cleaning up the villain's corruption in the world's paper money system. I
am using the common law to obtain a commercial lien on Judge Brett Kavanaugh. On behalf
of the world's people, I have placed liens on the Banking Cartel over 2 quadrillion dollars with
the highest authority on Earth, the Universal Postal Union
On August 19th, I told you what happened to Terry George Trussell. Trussell was a
Grand Jury Foreman in Florida, and was given a 70 year jail sentence by a judge who
treated Terry George Trussell as a straw man and not as a person with any rights. I will
explain how this could have happened. Judge Hankinson was applying the law of the
sea. Terry George Trussell as a human being was not given a hearing


OUTTRO: There is very strong documentary proof of what I am telling you. I
have worked together with the world's people to piece together how the
Banking Cartel has been lying to all of us through the ages. A big bully trying
to dominate the world's peoples is bound to create resistance and forge
coalitions. The Banking Cartel's attacks against me and against my loved
ones has only strengthened my resolve to mobilize resistance in the struggle
to free ourselves from the corrupt Banking Cartel. I am attaching more
documentary proof at the end of the Teleprompter. The best proof is our
relationship and bonding together in the coalition to fight the Banking Cartel.

I am now showing you documentary proof that the government of the US is

not legitimate and that we are in the Global Currency Reset. This is from the
program on February 14, 2017 in the DCTV


Good evening, I am your host, Karen Hudes. Welcome to this DCTV Series about the
Network of Global Corporate Control. Today's segment is pre-recorded, and shows how
humankind and the community of nations are confronting the Banking Cartel and how
the Banking Cartel is now subject to the will of humankind. Thanks to DCTV, Carmen
Stanley, Studio Producer; Maurice Jackson, Audio and Prompter.
Alot has been going on, mostly on the internet, in the last few days leading up to this
episode. This segment and the teleprompter that is published before the show, is going
to explain the most important developments. Just like we have been doing for nearly
two years, the video of this show will be uploaded on the internet, and you will have a
chance comment.
At the end of this teleprompter are documents showing that the government of the
United States is not legitimate. That is, it is not operating under its Constitution of
1789. We will also talk about how all of humanity is winding down the Banking Cartel
under receivership in the Global Debt Facility. Another name for the Banking Cartel is
the Network of Global Corporate Control. This is the name that 3 mathematicians at
the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich, Switzerland, gave their paper in
2011 showing the existence
of the Banking Cartel. These mathematicians are Stefania Vitali, James B. Glattfelder,
and Stefano Battiston. Vitali, Glattfelder, and Battiston.
The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development was created in 1944 to
administer the international monetary gold reserves of the nations, as well as other
precious metals, gemstones, artwork, and treasure set aside after WWII in a trust called
the Global Debt Facility, TVM-LSM-666.
After the National Advisory Council on International Monetary and Financial Policies,
that is the US Government Agencies set up to regulate the World Bank which includes
the Fed, the Commerce Department, Treasury, and State, declined to bring the

International Bank for Reconstruction and Development into compliance on the capital
markets, on February 14, 2011 I notified the Board of Governors of the World Bank and
IMF of this fact:
On January 19, 2012, the Board of Governors attempted to bring the IBRD into
compliance by settling my suit in the US Court of Appeals and reinstating me as Acting
General Counsel of the IBRD:
content/uploads/2013/01/ljudicialconference1.pdf The Judicial Conference of the
United States, the Senate Judiciary Committee, and the sureties who bond the oaths of
the federal judiciary simply stonewalled 188 Ministers of Finance and Development on
the Board of Governors.
A conglomerate on the capital markets that thinks it is above the law has been causing
this corruption. The Secretaries of State of 11 states have recorded the liens against the
Federal Reserve and the other agents of
the Network of Global Corporate Control, which are in receivership
in the Global Debt Facility.

On December 18, 2015 the Development Committee of the World Bank and IMF fired
the President of the World Bank, Dr. Jim Kim, and the Vice President of Human
Resources, Sean McGrath. I
registered my unlimited power of attorney for Allied Security Holdings LLC, also known
as Allied Barton, on behalf of the Global Debt Facility with the Securities and Exchange
Commission. But the Network of Global Corporate Control has dishonored its
obligation to permit the Global Currency Reset that was announced by the Board of
Governors to proceed
bank-and-imf-announce-transition-asset-backed-currencies . Instead, the Network of
Global Corporate Control has caused Presswire to remove the Press Release from the
The press release was cleared by the Board of Governors of the World Bank before it was
released, and remained on the internet before the Network of Global Corporate Control
caused Presswire to remove the announcement of the Global Currency Reset illegally.
This was documented
During the Global Currency Reset, unconstitutional Federal Reserve Notes will be
replaced for US Dollars held by the Global Debt Facility, pending the minting of aurum
The US Congress suspended the Constitution of 1789, secretly extending a state of
emergency since 1861, using war powers against the people of the United States to steal
their property. The US Congress refused to convene a Convention in violation of Article
V of the Constitution after more than 2/3 of the state legislatures submitted applications
for amendment. The full extent of the interregnum is now squarely before the people The United States of America

will not be unilaterally torn asunder through a premeditated destruction in value of the
Federal Reserve Note.

(Tom Keith - Karen, you're right about people finally awakening, but it is so sloooow!
It's like they're in a deep freeze. Keep going, I'm with you.)
Tom Keith, you're right, people are in a deep freeze. That deep freeze is caused by
military technology that is broadcast to keep people from being able to think clearly.
Some people are more susceptible to this technology, called scalar waves and EMF
frequencies, than others. These waves are similar to gravity. Luckily, once you know
this interference is there, you can exercise your own free will to escape. Enough of us
have worked ourselves loose, and we are helping the others to get independent from it.
The first thing you need to do to free yourself is to form a group of three or four
neighbors or family, and meet regularly to help each other. If your first reaction is to
dismiss this bad news out of hand, that is a clear sign that you are one of the
individuals who has become trapped.

We have already shown you enough proof of the existence of this technology in
previous episodes to demonstrate that this is not only possible, but it is quite probable.
I will repeat this short clip today because this is central. The first proof is this video of
Poland's Minister of National Defense:
, and the second proof is the study about the Network of Global Corporate Control. The
hub of this Network contains the world's central banks.

I have posted the teleprompter of a DCTV segment that provides good background
information about how important it is that the corruption and state capture in the
United States should end

Last week I documented and uploaded on this series' archives on the internet the
documents showing that I represent the people of the United States during the Global
Currency Reset.
Let me read you from my open letter to humanity that I posted on my social
media on January 31, 2017.


I heard back that the picture of the Monarch butterfly which I tweeted at the
time) was not such a brilliant move on my part, because the Banking Cartel uses
this symbol for mind control.

I did have a "funny feeling" when I chose that picture, and

I can tell you all that although I have strong intuition, it is
not infallible, and so I sometimes choose to "overrule" my
intuition. This time, it was a mistake to ignore my
intuition. So Liesje suggested that I use the symbol that I
showed you from Ghana instead. As a coincidence, Betsy
Banfield Malone showed you the Adinkra in her blog
around the same time I was looking for it.

We are all working and learning together. The Adinkra is

a geometric object that encodes mathematical
relationships between supersymmetric particles. The
adinkras are named after symbols that represent wise sayings in West African
culture. This adinkra is called "nea onnim no sua a, ohu" which translates as "he
who does not know can become knowledgeable through learning."

The coalition for the rule of law that is in charge is now consolidating. We are having a
conversation. From a person on Facebook: "You do not know everything. " This person
was mad at me, because she gave me some disinformation, and I said that I did not want
to continue to deal with her. I acknowledge that I do not know everything. It is going to
take everyone working together for a long time before we learn what we need to know.
In the meantime, we certainly know enough to exchange paper currencies and stop the
flow of funding to the Banking Cartel. That is our first priority.

Think of a butterfly that emerges from its cocoon, that has to wait for its wings to
strengthen before flying. That is where the Coalition for the Rule of Law is in the Global
Currency Reset. I am waiting for the people following me to learn where we are and to
confirm this back to me. The "counters" on the internet are unreliable. Still, I can see
that alot of people read my "tweet" , confirming martial law in the United States, and the
capture of the Courts, all the way up to the US Supreme Court:

The Banking Cartel broke a critical link in

that "tweet" confirming the existence of
martial law, and containing Sandra Day
O'Connor's admission that the Supreme
Court was not openly admitting the martial
law, but explaining it away. You may have to
type in this link yourself:
When the Banking Cartel broke the link, I
just retweeted it. The Banking Cartel broke a
link showing that the armed services of the
United States remain loyal to the US
Constitution of 1789 and not to the rogue
Banking Cartel and its agents, including
General Dunford. They broke the link twice.

Double broken link: this breaks the back of

the Banking Cartel, is why

During this interregnum in the legitimate government of the United States, other
imposters are masquerading as if the Constitution of 1789 was in force while it is not.
The Secretary of Defense: Jim Mattis; Deputy Secretary of Defense: Bob Work; and Vice
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff: Paul Selva. These men are traitors and will go
down in history as enemies of all of humanity.
If any of these scoundrels think this is untrue, they are welcome to try and refute it.
During the Global Currency Reset there is going to be alot of "noise" and blowback from
the Banking Cartel. This corruption is going to diminish with time. It does not mean
the Banking Cartel is in charge. The Banking Cartel is broken, and insolvent, and the
process of winding down the Banking Cartel is irrevocable. This is because enough of us
"know" about the Banking Cartel, and it is no longer hidden. We have reached enough
critical mass, and we have pivoted on the turning point. How do I know this, and how
can I convince you of this? It is because I am still getting through, and we are building
momentum by word of mouth. The search engines no longer mention me. This is a
good thing. It shows you that the Banking Cartel exists and is trying to influence you. It
also shows you, in case you need more proof, that I am not working with the Banking
Cartel. I am working entirely with and for humanity, and everything I accomplish is due
to that and that alone.
In the beginning of this segment, I showed you a clip from Poland about advanced
military weaponry that is jamming your thought processes.. The way to overcome this
technology is to be aware of it and to gather a group of friends who can help each other
to figure out how each member of the group is being affected. It is useful to try and
categorize which people are especially susceptible to scalar wave and EMT
programming. One sure-fire way to find this out is to casually mention the existence of
mind control technology. Those people who seem to be allergic to the topic are the ones
who are most susceptible. Drop the subject with people enslaved by mind control,
because there is no way to have a constructive discussion with them. The only way to
get through to these people is the rising tide principal. A rising tide raises all boats.

There are six documents which establish that we are in the Global Currency Reset.
These documents were created some time ago, but provide the platform for the reset. I
will summarize these documents briefly in case you do not want to read them for

 about the world's legal system and common law

 when I filed the financial statements of the Global Debt Facility with the US
Securities and Exchange Commission and the rest of the National Advisory

 questions from West Virginia about aurum and the Monetary Agreement (the
Banking Cartel broke the link)

 my authority as Overseer Mandate Trustee of the Global Debt Facility

 showing how the US military is

backing the Global Debt Facility,
which includes the military oath of
and the statement, "I am stunned by
the depth of the corruption" -(the
Banking Cartel broke this link) twice
Twitter9.14.15.1.pdf The US'
Monetary Gold reserves are being
deployed in the Global Currency

Reset so that the US does not surrender unilaterally and so that the Banking
Cartel cannot steal all of our pensions.

 statement from an email I received 10/3/15: I have been helping medias for the past 3
years , press tv , rt , and several others - and I have been on the front line and have seen things that
people never thought existed. I have ties to the militias and military... We have 70% of the US
military on our side

The Banking Cartel likes to send people to me who are "converted" whistleblowers,
these are whistleblowers who have become frightened and who try and steal the world's
gold in some way, or ask me to forward messages to you that will confuse things in one
way or another. It is especially important to work carefully in view of the very potent
military mind control capabilities. I have been trying to preserve the world's wealth for
humanity, and clean up corruption at the World Bank for a long time, and I never send
important communications until I have "slept on" the issues. I find it easier to deal with
things after I have "processed" them in my sleep. There is no question about it. We are
going to have to become familiar with the scalar and EMF (electromagnetic field)
military capabilities, and learn how to function despite them. Actually, once you know
these exist, it is fun to figure out how the Banking Cartel is trying to influence you, and
then do exactly the opposite thing. That is why I interacted directly with the Indian and
Russian embassies in the last Annual Meetings of the World Bank and IMF after I had
made stupid typographical errors in addressing the letters to the Russian and Indian

All the people of the world are taking control over their incompetent, illegal, illegitimate
governments. We are not doing this by violent methods. These government employees
have all been caught out in a huge hoax, and they are going to be judged on how smart
they are in figuring out that they now work for all of humanity. We are going to slowly,
carefully, take back control and do things right.

On November 4, 2016 I told the Joint Staff of the US military that "the writing is on the
wall". This was to let General Joseph Dunford, Jr. know that the people in the US did
not consent to secret martial law. Supreme Court Justice Anton Scalia was murdered
because Scalia was about to spill the beans about the corrupt legal profession that was
hiding the fact that the US Constitution of 1789 was not in effect. Just before this
segment was taped, I tweeted a legal opinion that Justice Scalia wrote about the
Common Law. This is the
only law that is currently in effect, since the courts and statutes have been corrupted by
the Network of Global Corporate Control. It is going to take us a long time to clean up
this corruption, especially now that we know that the legal profession has been captured
entirely by the Network of Global Corporate Control.

As for Donald Trump; he is now our caretaker, and we are demanding that he stop
provoking our allies with threats of trade wars (note how Germany reacted to the
Banking Cartel's announcement in Trump's bogus inauguration speech -- dividing US
from Germany is what the power transition model predicted would bring on WWIII).

This is to Germany: Donald Trump is illegitimate, and what he says does not count. It
is fake. The US military does not stand behind Donald Trump, who is not the legitimate
President of the United States. Instead, the US military is backed by the same monetary

gold reserves that JF Kennedy and Ronald Reagan were accessing in the Global Debt
Facility. That is in my letter to the German and Japanese Defense attachés.

This is also to the black people in the United States: ignore what Donald Trump is
saying. It is fake.

Donald Trump's provocation and attempts to incite WWIII and racial violence are in
front of us, and we reject them. The DCTV program on Belshazzar was directed to
Donald Trump and to all of the other elites. I suggest that all government employees
heed what happened to Belshazzar.

On November 4, 2016 I told the Joint Staff of the US military that "the writing is on the
wall". This was to let General Joseph Dunford, Jr. know that the people in the US did
not consent to secret martial law.

Donald Trump already had his chance to do right by admitting that the US Constitution
of 1789 is not in force and effect. Mr. Trump is now in default under the commercial
lien held by the Global Debt Facility.

I am also having a conversation with some people in the Netherlands. They are asking
me how we can drop prosecuting some of the child traffickers. I have put in the
teleprompter the urls for some videos that a Dutch and a Norwegian follower sent me
How are we going to stop child trafficking if we do not punish the pedophiles? Right
now the police force is directed by and reports to the Banking Cartel. When the Banking
Cartel is liquidated because it is insolvent, and its funding from our tax revenues (raised
to pay interest on that scam called country debt), dries up, and people regain control
over their governments, child trafficking will stop. If we try and take control from the
top, without wringing out the corruption at grassroots levels, we will fail.
The enabling environment for crime did not come about suddenly, and it cannot end
suddenly. For those victims whose lives were wrecked, or worse yet, snuffed out, bear
with us as we mourn your loss with you, shed tears for your suffering, and carefully work
together to prevent future crimes from coming to pass. For anyone who thinks we can
have a Global Currency Reset, with the amount of corruption in the system, without
allowing the perpetrators to slink off now, knowing that we heartily condemn what they
have done, your time to weigh in is now.
So I am telling you how we are going to work together in the Global Currency Reset.
This is the Global Currency Reset. Humanity is united. We are in a new reality, one in
which humanity has control over our own wealth, and will use it to care for one another
and to clean up our world.
The Global Currency Reset is not going to be implemented over night. There needs to be
a critical mass so that we can all implement together. You need to reach out and teach
people where we are. This can take some time, but do not get impatient or tired out, or
think that nothing is going on. This process of taking back our world and our wealth is

irreversible and inevitable. We know this from the power transition model from the US
National War College.

The Coalition for the Rule of Law owns and is in charge of the Earth. The Coalition for
the Rule of Law is going to care for the Earth and all of its people, and start out by
accessing our monetary gold reserves in the Global Debt Facility to exchange for the
worthless paper currencies issued by the Banking Cartel. Your job is to begin to issue
local currencies in villages and towns.

Let's talk about the Media and the Alternative Media

The media

This article reveals your hypocrisy. The Atlantic has a knack for hypocrisy: It was especially
telling when I confronted Eliot Cohen for his hypocritical article in the Atlantic about
Donald Trump's Press Secretary, Sean Spicer. After I called out Cohen for his
hypocrisy, he revised his story a little, but Cohen still didn't tell people about the
interregnum in the United States or about the Global Currency Reset. Cohen is still a
liar caught out in his hypocrisy. Cohen did not do what he said he was going to do,
which is to clarify the moment in American history for us.

what you said the actual situation

kicking the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Staff outJr.
of has refusedofthe
meetings t US' monetary gold
Chief of Staff out of meetings of reserves that General Eisenhower deposited in the
the Principals’ Committee Global Debt Facility. Dunford has committed treason.
dark and divisive inaugural Trump's inauguration was fake because the
speech Electoral College was not legitimate, seeing as the
Banking Cartel replaced the US' Constitution of 1789
with a second, secret Constitution, and the US is now in
interregnum. There is no real divisive US policy in
actual fact because the policy of the US on the Board
of Governors that administers the US' monetary gold
reserves is what counts. The US will fulfill its treaties
of defense with allies Germany and Japan. The
rest of the Board of Governors of 189 countries agree
on Global Currency Reset, necessary to avoid WWIII
Extraordinary attacks on a free the Banking Cartel controls the press
Press Secretary Sean Spicer was So are you, as shown in this chart
denying reality
Reliance on alternative facts You are ignoring the facts, while enumerating
small differences that are not material, just to confuse
Spicer said, “our intention's What are you doing in your article?
never to lie to you.” A lie is
intentional. The verdicts at the
major cable-news networks were
much the same, even though
Spicer had stuck by the very
same lies he told on Saturday.
Reporters, like theater critics,
reviewed his performance and
concluded that Spicer seemed

very professional while doing it.
Yet there is simply, no point to
political journalism if the press
cannot tell the public when the
government is lying.

Another telling moment was when I criticized Huffington Post for an article about how
Donald Trump was "inching" toward a Constitutional Crisis. I said we had already
arrived at a full-blown Constitutional Crisis


My comment on a New Yorker article about how to cover the Trump Presidency: U R
owned by the Banking Cartel. U R getting wound down because the Banking Cartel is
bankrupt. Some of my followers retweeted my tweets to Donald Trump's twitter

Alternative media
Alternative media is also censored. I will give you two examples, one at the end of
January. In 2014 I had to cancel my "Ask Me Anything" on Reddit because of the
censorship. Reddit censored my statement that "The UK and the City of London have
been subservient to the Vatican ever since the Concession of May 15, 1213. As a result, I canceled my AMA.

At the end of January, I had to cancel an appearance when I learned that my radio host
was not willing for me to talk about the Global Debt Facility containing the world's
monetary gold reserves.

Now that I have many followers, I enjoy confronting the fake news.

One comment in YouTube asked why we were not going to restore the Articles of
Confederacy instead of the Constitution of 1789.

Slim Frank
state capture happened after the 1781 ratification of the articles of
confederation. The Articles of Confederation contain a preamble.
Establishes the name of the confederation with these words: "The stile of
this confederacy shall be 'The United States of America.'" not (the United
States of America) or (UNITED STATES ) or (the UNITED STATES of
AMERICA) etc....State capture happened with the constitution of 1871 ,the
constitution for (the United States of America)

You have to figure out what part of the snapshot we are all "migrating" to in
the Global Currency Reset. The nations were all insisting that all countries
operate in a legal system that all recognized. The individual states could not
all be individual sovereigns. That is why we are restoring the Constitution of
1789. After then, the people can make whatever adjustments they want.

Some of the commentary is not so polite. This is more than understandable, considering
the plans of the Banking Cartel for humanity. I have had to look up the abbreviations on
the search engines. Although we need to minimize the impact of search engines on our
thinking because they manipulate us through their censorship, the search engines are
good for some tasks.

I have learned to use pictures to get ideas across. Some people are more receptive to
visual than verbal concepts.

We're all in this together
The link associated with this picture talks about Bruce Lewis, the man who taught me
about commercial liens, using common law. Bruce actually tried to be secured by the
commercial liens held by the Global Debt Facility. I told him that the Board of
Governors would not accept that. Now Bruce and his cohorts are trying to put a
commercial lien me and on the Global Debt Facility.
When the postmaster returned the letter that I was sending back to Bruce and his
partners, I exposed the fraud of the US Postmaster General, Megan Brennan, a third
time. Bruce and his cohorts just sent me another certified letter, trying to steal
humanity's wealth. I returned it back, unopened. The Overseer Mandate Trustee is
immune from this kind of shenanigans. I have exposed the corruption of the American
Bar Association, for heaven's sake!




What do you mean, actually happening? Look at the embassies, which have not denied
that I am the Oerseer Mandate Trustee. Look at General Dunford, who has not denied
that the armed services have remained loyal to the US monetary gold reserves in the
lobal Debt Faciliy and they are not listening to him because they know he is a strator.
The German and Japanese defesne attaches know that the US monetary gold reserves
are backing our nation, which is in interregnum. The US citizen have not accepted the
Banking Cartel's fake martial law. The US Constitution of 1789 is going back into effect
via Article V. The rest of the world is cleaning up the corrupton in the international
financial system and embarking on a Global Currency Reset. This is 95 percent likely.

You forgot what I told you already before Donald Trump acted on the world stage as an agent of
the now-bankrupt Banking Cartel, trying to convince you he is the real President of the US,
whereas in truth the Electoral College was not in place because the Constitution of 1789 of the
US is not in force. This is not a mere detail. The military owes their allegiance to the
Constitution of the US - that is their oath when they joined the military. The military is
following the Constitution and not Donald Trump. By the way, the Constitution is where the US
monetary gold reserves are, and that is the reason that the US is not surrendering unilaterally,
as the Banking Cartel was planning, by using their traitors like General Dunford, Jr. The Chair
of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Dunford, Jr.? Why he is in reality bankrupt in the Global Debt

The actual reality, which is there before your very eyes, is that the US military strength and the
US monetary gold reserves are safe with us, along with the US Constitution of 1789 and the
people who are reading and understanding this reality. Reality is reality, and enough of us know
what reality is. That is why we are all going to come out fine. I have been telling you all along
that the US military has given me everything I need to keep the US strong and out of WWIII,
and keep the world on an even keel as we take back our real wealth in the Global Debt Facility
deposited in trust at the end of WWII. What do I have to reassure you with? The power
transition model, from the National War
College, which is 90-95% accurate. I have been telling you about the power transition model all
along. Watch as the dominoes keep on falling.

Another proof is all these broken tweets, and YouTube buttons trying to hide what I am telling
you. But you see, you have found out all along what I am telling you. The Banking Cartel, which
is trying to discredit me, is only discrediting itself. My track record shows that I can power
through all of this extraneous flack. How can I do this? On World Bank letterhead, no less?
BECAUSE WHAT I SAY IS TRUE. I am saving the best for last, but you have already seen this
in my tweet calling out Neil Gorsuch. I served the first notice of the commercial lien
bankrupting Gorsuch on February 2nd. Here is the link:

I have named the coalition of the world's people that I am speaking for the Coalition for
the Rule of Law. That is because we have the force of law and all that is legal on Earth
backing us. What I told Neil Gorsuch was that he is bankrupt if he can't answer the
Coalition for the Rule of Law.


On November 4, 2016 I told the Joint Staff of the US military that "the writing is on the
wall". This was to let General Joseph Dunford, Jr. know that the people in the US did not
consent to secret martial law. Supreme Court Justice Anton Scalia was murdered
because Scalia was about to spill the beans about the corrupt legal profession that was
hiding the fact that the US Constitution of 1789 was not in effect.

As for Donald Trump; he is now our caretaker, and we are demanding that he stop
provoking our allies with threats of trade wars (note how Germany reacted to the
Banking Cartel's announcement in Trump's bogus inauguration speech -- dividing US
from Germany is what the power transition model predicted would bring on WWIII).

This is to Germany: Donald Trump is illegitimate, and what he says does not count. It is
fake. The US military does not stand behind Donald Trump, who is not the legitimate
President of the United States. Instead, the US military is backed by the same monetary
gold reserves that JF Kennedy and Ronald Reagan were accessing in the Global Debt
Facility. That is in my letter to the German and Japanese Defense attachés.

This is also to the black people in the United States: ignore what Donald Trump is saying.
It is fake.

Donald Trump's provocation and attempts to incite WWIII and racial violence are in
front of us, and we reject them. The DCTV program on Belshazzar was directed to
Donald Trump and to all of the other elites. I suggest that all government employees
heed what happened to Belshazzar.

On November 4, 2016 I told the Joint Staff of the US military that "the writing is on the
wall". This was to let General Joseph Dunford, Jr. know that the people in the US did not
consent to secret martial law.

Donald Trump already had his chance to do right by admitting that the US Constitution
of 1789 is not in force and effect. Mr. Trump is now in default under the commercial lien
held by the Global Debt Facility.

OUTTRO Thank you for listening to another segment of "The Network of Global
Corporate Control." All of humanity is united in a coalition for the rule of law. The
Banking Cartel is trying to create a fake reality to fool the unwary, and Media is simply
lying. Some of us are victims of mind control. Stay tuned as we take back our world and
end the corruption. Until next week, I am your host, Karen Hudes.

American Branch of the International Law Association

Karen Hudes Sat, Oct 15, 2016 12:21 PM
Subject: Re: Reminder: ABILA Board Meeting
Date: Saturday, October 15, 2016, 12:21 PM
To: American Branch - International Law Association

I was a member of the Executive Board of the American Branch for going on thirty years, and at last
year's Board meeting I was appointed to a three-member committee on social media for the ABILA.
I am not included in the at-large nominees on the slate of at-large Board Members. I did not want to
"migrate" off of the ABILA Board in silence. Please consider this my report to the Board about
previous year's activities on the Social Networking Committee of the ABILA Board:

Here is a "retweet" of my discussion of Justice Anton Scalia's murder

Chair, Board of Directors Ruth Wedgwood* (past President)

President David P. Stewart*
President-elect Leila N. Sadat*+
Vice-Presidents Paul R. Dubinsky*
Philip M. Moremen*
Anibal M. Sabater*
Christina Cerna*+
Michael Scharf*+
Honorary Vice-Presidents Charles N. Brower
John Carey
Valerie Epps
Edward Gordon
Gary N. Horlick
P. Nicholas Kourides
Cynthia Lichtenstein
John F. Murphy
James A.R. Nafziger
Ved Nanda
John E. Noyes
Susan W. Tiefenbrun
George K. Walker*+
Co-Directors of Study Chiara Giorgetti
Aaron Fellmeth
Honorary Secretary Amity Boye*
Honorary Treasurer Houston Putnam Lowry*
At-Large Board Members: William Aceves
Jack Beard+
Andrea Bjorklund
James H. Boykin
Ronald A. Brand
Aaron Fellmeth
Chiara Giorgetti+
Haider Hamoudi+
Andrea Harrison+
Sherry Holbrook
Scott Horton
Larry D. Johnson
Arnold N. Pronto
Gabor Rona
Steven M. Schneebaum
Milena Sterio+
Louise Ellen Teitz
Nancy Thevenin
Jennifer Trahan
Peter K. Yu

The World Bank 1818 H Street N.W. (202) 473-1000


From: Karen Hudes <>

Sent: Wednesday, May 25, 2016 10:09 AM
To: Linda Subject: Re: Scalia


Sorry for the delayed response. Yesterday I drove up and back to Connecticut for another
interview with Chris Pante:

I have no ironclad proof about Scalia, as was also commented on the video I posted last night.
What I have is Scalia's statement about Article V and my exposure of the legal profession's
complicity : [the internet has now come up with additional documents showing Scalia's


You are not debunking any myths -- you are perpetuating them. The United
States is currently in interregnum with no legitimate government. Article V is
necessary to put the Constitution of 1789 back into effect.

Three days after I denounced Justice Scalia, the DC Bar, the American Bar
Association, the International Law Association, and the rest of the legal
profession for hiding the fact that Congress has been extending a state of
emergency behind closed doors to justify secret martial law, Justice Scalia met
with a mysterious sudden death.

My teleprompter was erased from my computer hours before yesterday's

broadcast on the Network of Global Corporate Control Series in order to delete
what Justice Scalia said about Article V:

The founders inserted this alternative method of obtaining constitutional

amendments because they knew the Congress would be unwilling to give
attention to many issues the people are concerned with, particularly those
involving restrictions on the federal government's own power. The founders
foresaw that and they provided the convention as a remedy. If the only way to
get that convention is to take this minimal risk, then it is a reasonable one.

The US monetary gold reserves that Kennedy and Reagan accessed before they
were gunned down are in the Global Debt Facility administered by the Board of
Governors of the World Bank and IMF. On February 8, as Overseer Mandate
Trustee of the Global Debt Facility, and on behalf of the Board of Governors
(and approved by the Board of Governors), I replaced the US representatives
on the Board of Governors and the Board of Executive Directors because they
broke the Articles of the Bretton Woods institutions trying to steal the
monetary gold reserves from the world's people.

Now the secretariat of the World Bank and IMF is trying to overrule the Board
of Governors. Bertrand Badré, Managing Director and Chief Financial Officer
of the World Bank, signed a document on February 15, 2016 stating that he was
dissolving the Global Debt Facility in order to steal the world's assets from the
world's peoples. He has no authority to do that.

Badré forgets that the Board of Governors of the World Bank is the ultimate
authority and has not authorized his statements. Bertrand Badré is caught in
the headlights and hoisted by his own petard. Badré's illegal proclamation, on
behalf of an unnamed President of the World Bank, is null and void.

I tweeted Barack Obama, the Governors and Adjutants General (many of whom are lawyers)
about the nomination of Merrick Garland to fill Scalia's seat:

My statement to the Governors following the meeting of the American Society of International
Law on April 2, 2016 is a good summary, I am mailing this to the Governors and Adjutants
General, asking them to give me safe conduct to print Treasury dollars at the Bureau of
Printing and Engraving:

Best, Karen

The World Bank 1818 H Street N.W. (202) 473-1000


April 2, 2016

24 retweets 25 likes

Yesterday I went to the Meetings of the American Society of International Law and the
International Law Association. The American Bar Association's officers were also at the
meeting. I was appointed to the Communications/Outreach/Publications Committee of the
Board of Directors of the American Branch of the ILA, and am supposed to help out with
Social Media.
The legal profession has so far avoided acknowledging martial law in the US and the breach of
their oaths of office by the Federal judiciary (who do not sit on the Article III Courts of the
Constitution of 1789) . The State Governors, most of whom are lawyers, have taken the titles
of land, cars, and other property away from their constituents in 1937 under war powers, are
now in a veritable pickle, and would be well-advised to get on with the Global Currency Reset.

Here's how the scenario looks to me:

I did my best to make sure that the lawyers who attended the meeting were aware of what is
going on, if they were not aware of it before. To recapitulate what is going on:

 tweeting Barack Obama concerning the sudden death of Anton Scalia, and
Obama's flawed nomination of Merrick Garland, one of the appellate judges on
my case in the DC Circuit Court of Appeals:

 tweeting John Kerry and the rest of the members of the National Advisory
Council on International Monetary and Financial Policies about the firing of Jim
Kim, Sean McGrath, and exchange of Federal Reserve Notes:

 tweeting the American Branch of the ILA about the firing of Christine Lagarde: At the meeting, the
ABILA disbanded its Monetary Law Committee.

 corruption in the legal profession:

 why China has no claim for funding from the Global Debt Facility for island
building in the South China Sea:

The State Department's Legal Adviser, Brian Egan, who was confirmed on 2/17/16, gave the
keynote address. Most of the speech was devoted to ISIL. The questions at the end, mostly by
law professors, did not touch upon whether ISIL was created by the CIA, whether the CIA was
headquartered in the United States, or whether the legal profession was sinking into oblivion
by its poor ethics and irrelevance. At a reception after the keynote address, I raised these
questions, including with the State Department's ethics officer.

A couple residing in Singapore and several others "got" what I was talking about. Conferring
after the meeting, there is no avoiding it, I am going to have to start foreclosing on the
commercial liens held by the Global Debt Facility.

Karen Hudes
Acting General Counsel
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Overseer Mandate Trustee Global Debt Facility, TVM-LSM-666

* * *
From: Linda
Sent: Tuesday, May 24, 2016 4:36 PM
To: 'Karen Hudes'
Subject: Scalia

do you have proof that Scalia was killed for wanting the Article V?…


Some of the comments on YouTube. The Network of Global Corporate Control likes to
chime in, as you can see from the following comment telling us that General Dunford is
still a dictator for the United States under martial law:

Otto graff4 hours agoHIGHLIGHTED COMMENT

General Orders No. 100 : The Lieber Code Art. 2. Martial Law does not cease during the hostile
occupation, except by special proclamation, ordered by the commander in chief; or by special
mention in the treaty of peace concluding the war, when the occupation of a place or territory
continues beyond the conclusion of peace as one of the conditions of the same.

Karen Hudes1 second ago

You are ignoring the role of the Constitution of 1789, and also the role of the Board of
Governors of the World Bank and IMF that administer US monetary gold reserves, and will not
allow the US Treaties obligating the US military to defend Japan and Germany to be overriden.

The Lieber Code does not override any of this. That is why the Network of Global Corporate
Control is up the creek without a paddle.

Treaty of peace concluding the war? Since when can war powers be asserted against the

Some of these comments were posted on a screenshot of the Bank Accounts of the
Global Debt Facility. This provides very good documentary proof of the assets in
the Global Debt Facility.
I made this video for the DCTV segment that is going to be shown next week. The
Network of Global Corporate Control did not like the teleprompter for that
segment, and stripped it from the email I sent DCTV. But we used the
teleprompter anyway, because I had it with me when we taped the show. I also
just found out that the Network of Global Corporate Control disabled the link to
the teleprompter when I uploaded the video on YouTube. So here it is again,
attached to this tweet. Here is an inventory of the assets which Jose Rizal
deposited in the Global Debt Facility at the end of WWII

Here are the minutes of this meeting:

Mary Carmel16 hours ago (edited)

It will be a great thing to return to the Constitution of 1789 , people must get
involved in their self government . Yes .. the Russians had the most horrific
genocide . The world does. not recognize this . They are slowly learning , we
report on these issues , and thank you for your historical expertise . Mary Carmel
Published on Nov 1, 2016

The Bank Accounts and other assets


Good evening, I am your host Karen Hudes and this show is the 79th segment in this series
on The Network of Global Corporate Control. Thanks to Moe Jackson, Producer and
Director, Mark Wesley on Audio and Deloris Harris, our Floor Director. Today's segment is
an update and is pre-recorded I've been hearing from my contacts in Canada, Greece, the UK
and Japan that we are all breaking loose from the Network of Global Corporate Control, and
each of us in our own way.

I am sitting in the middle of the international financial system and trying to keep us from
landing in WWIII. So far, so good. I got a roadmap from the National War College in the US
Department of Defense in 2004 on how to stay out of WWIII. The power transition model
uses game theory to simulate how coalitions form. It is 90-95% accurate.

The Power transition model has been predicting ever since Elaine Colville, a Scottish
whistleblower who used to work at the World Bank and I got our statements up on the UK
Parliament website, which I did 3 times between 2011 and 2013, and Elaine Colville did in 2013,
that a coalition for the rule of law was in charge.

On October 31, 2016 I sent a message to the German and Japanese Military Attachés in
Washington, telling them about how the US military is using the monetary gold reserves to
fulfill our treaty commitments to their defense. @thejointstaff General Joseph Dunford Jr.'s
treason You notice how General Joseph Dunford Jr. has not said a single world to defend
himself. How could he? He was caught red-handed. The Joint Chiefs of Staff prevented one of
my followers from retweeting to the Joint Staffs' Twitter account:

The gold reserves I am talking about are the same reserves that John F. Kennedy accessed in
the Green Hilton 8 days before he was assassinated, and which Ronald Reagan accessed before
John Hinckley shot him. How do we know that Ronald Reagan accessed the Global Debt

One piece of evidence is the Grace Commission study which Ronald Reagan commissioned,
which showed that all of our tax dollars are going to pay the Federal Reserve interest on
bogus country debt.

Why do I say that country debt is bogus? It is because the banks that are charging us interest
really owe us more money than we owe them. I will show you in a clip at the end of this
segment one document that was signed by José Rizal, who was the Superior General of the
Jesuits at the end of WWII. You need to study this document before you invest in scams. The
first thing that people who are trying to discredit me say, is that I do not have any documents.
Just look at the document I am showing you at the end of the clip and see for yourself what is
true and what is false. The screenshots I am going to show you are going to take up half of this

This show is going to air the day after the bogus elections in the United States. The elections
are bogus because the electoral college is not authorized since the Constitution of 1789 has
been suspended by Congress.

Why am I talking about Germany and Japan? It is because the Power Transition Model told
me that Germany was a "swing" vote in keeping us out of WWIII, and because Japan is
depending on the US military to defend them against China.

So for the balance of this show I am going to update reports from some journalists and others I
have been working with.

Here's from the UK:

Dear Karen

I think the UK is diffinitely changing. Firstly, the Elites allowed a

fair Brexit vote. Many changes within government have happened under
Theresa May's leadership. Agreed there needs to be more cleansing. The
Bilderberg BBC Chairwoman was another change. May has been restraining
Nicolas Sturgeon attempts to break Scotland away to join the EU (as if

that will save the ECB negative interest rate, fiat bankrupt counties

May used to work at the Bank of England and has plenty experience of
Intelligence Agencies in her role of Home Secretary. William Hague
is/was a Committee of 300 member. I mention this since they are ending
QE and possibly the reason Goodmanham Sacha Mark Carney is quiting.

The media have given May some stick about the delay of Brexit but one
can see huge amount of effort is being expended during difficult
negotiations will EU NGCC political Elites. Just looking at their
expression & demeanor shows they know the game is up.

I think the "Hard Brexit talk is a way the public will accept a warning
of fundamental changes without going into the detail you provide. I
suspect the British Elites wants to reduce risk of an emotional public

reaction. They seem to be upsetting the NGCC spoiler Max Keiser since he
is not getting fulfillment of his apocalyptic prophecies.

I hope these changes are being adequate translated to the US Elites.

Kind Regards

Paul Jenkinson

The Greek people have actually heard in their mainstream newspapers about the Global Debt
Facility and the fact that country debt is a scam. It was John Kountouris who broke the story.
Here is a screenshot from one of the newspapers that ran the story.

What is going on right now in Greece is that the Bankers are trying to squeeze every nickel and dime they can out
of the Greek people, and get all of their Greek assets signed over to them. These assets are going right back to
the people in the Global Currency reset. We are going to have to work out how to transition peacefully.

From: John Kountouris

Sent: Monday, October 31, 2016 6:19 PM

To: Karen Hudes

Subject: Re: For our interview with you

Hello Karen!

How are you?? I hope all is well.

Here is what I have:


Ih nJUOc0&v=VhgvfhpGJRQ

The World Bank 1818 H Street N.W. (202) 473-1000


(who do not sit on the Article III Courts of the

December 21, 2015

To the National Advisory Council on International Monetary and Financial Policies

The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development was created in 1944 to
administer the international monetary gold reserves of the nations, as well as other
precious metals, gemstones, artwork, and treasure set aside after WWII in a trust called
the Global Debt Facility, TVM-LSM-666.
After the National Advisory Council on International Monetary and Financial Policies
declined to bring the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development into
compliance on the capital markets, on February 14, 2011 I sent the following notice to
the Board of Governors of the World Bank and IMF:
On January 19, 2012, the Board of Governors attempted to bring the IBRD into
compliance by settling my suit in the US Court of Appeals and reinstating me as Acting
General Counsel of the IBRD:
content/uploads/2013/01/ljudicialconference1.pdf The Judicial Conference of the
United States, the Senate Judiciary Committee, and the sureties who bond the oaths of
the federal judiciary simply stonewalled 188 Ministers of Finance and Development on
the Board of Governors.
A conglomerate on the capital markets that thinks it is above the law has been causing
this corruption. Vitali, Glattfelder, and Battiston of ETH Zurich identified the Network
of Global Corporate Control in 2011 The Secretaries of State
have recorded the liens against the Federal Reserve and the other agents of the Network of
Global Corporate Control,
which are in receivership in the Global Debt Facility.

On December 18, 2015 the Development Committee of the World Bank and IMF fired
the President of the World Bank, Dr. Jim Kim, and the Vice President of Human
Resources, Sean McGrath.
Today, I have filed the attached Form 8-K with the Securities and Exchange
Commission registering the unlimited power of attorney for Allied Security Holdings
LLC, also known as Allied Barton, on behalf of the Global Debt Facility
The Global Currency Reset
world-bank-and-imf-announce-transition-asset-backed-currencies can now proceed.
Unconstitutional Federal Reserve Notes will be replaced for US Dollars held by the
Global Debt Facility, pending
the minting of aurum

The US Congress suspended the Constitution of 1789, secretly extending a state of
emergency since 1861, using war powers against the people of the United States to steal
their property. The US Congress refused to convene a Convention in violation of Article
V of the Constitution after more than 2/3 of the state legislatures submitted applications
for amendment. The full extent of the interregnum is now squarely before the people The United States of America
will not be unilaterally torn asunder through a premeditated destruction in value of the
Federal Reserve Note.
Karen Hudes
Karen Hudes
Acting General Counsel
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Overseer Mandate Trustee, Global Debt Facility, TVM-LSM-666

The foregoing document was sent to the following this 21st day of December, 2015

The Honorable Jacob Lew

Chairman of the NAC
1500 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20220

The Honorable John Kerry

Secretary of State
2201 C Street, NW
Washington, DC 20520

The Honorable Janet Yellen

Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
20th Street & Constitution Avenue
Washington, DC 20551

The Honorable Penny Pritzker

Secretary of Commerce
1401 Constitution Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20230

The Honorable Fred P. Hochberg

Chairman and President US Export Import Bank
811 Vermont Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20511

The Honorable Rajiv Shah
Administrator, Agency for International Development
1300 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20523

The Honorable Michael Froman

US Trade Representative
600 17th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20508

The Honorable Mary Jo White

Chairman, Securities and Exchange Commission
10O F Street, NE
Washington, DC 20549

Constitution of 1789) . The State Governors, most of whom are lawyers, have taken the titles
of land, cars, and other property away from their constituents in 1937 under war powers, are
now in a veritable pickle, and would be well-advised to get on with the Global Currency Reset.

From: Karen Hudes

To: Sean Hagan
Sent: Mon, Feb 1, 2016 8:28 pm
Subject: Governance Issues at the World Bank and IMF
Dear Mr. Hagan,

I have been in contact with you over the years concerning the governance issues at the
Bretton Woods institutions. In 2012 the Board of Governors reinstated me as Acting
General Counsel of the World Bank, and following the Annual Meetings in Peru, appointed
me as Oversight Mandate Trustee of the Global Debt Facility containing the world's
international monetary gold reserves. More recently, I have filed interim financial
statements of the Global Debt Facility with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

In this connection, please verify whether there is any truth to the attached story that you
accompanied Christine Lagarde to the Vatican for signature of an agreement that was not
authorized by either the Board of Governors or the Board of Executive Directors of the IMF.
If this is the case, both you and Ms. Lagarde exceeded the authority of the Managing
Director in the IMF's Articles of Agreement; the purported agreement is null and void ab

Karen Hudes
Acting General Counsel
International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
Legal Counsel Global Debt Facility, TVM-LSM-666

On Sat, 2/6/16, Cynthia Lichtenstein wrote:
Subject: Re: ABILA Board of Directors - Action Required
To: American Branch of the International Law Association's Executive Committee
Date: Saturday, February 6, 2016, 6:50 PM

I shall also ask a Branch member on MOCOMILA (Sean Hagan, General Counsel of the
IMF) if he might consider repeating at ILW the most interesting talk he just gave to the
Sovereign Bankruptcy Group (an ILA Study Group) in a telephone conference arranged by
Allen and Overy on the Fund's most recent policy statements on sovereign difficulties. In
the alternative, perhaps a Branch member of the Study Group, who I think is supposed to be
setting up a Branch International Monetary Law Committee, Jeremy Pan, could summarize
at ILW what Sean said. All this if the Program Committee has any room for this sort of stuff.

Best to all,
Cynthia Crawford Lichtenstein, Prof em, Boston

College Law School

"White Hats Auxiliaries"? The United States is in interregnum. Christine Lagarde is working for the
Network of Global Corporate Control [identified by Vitali, Glattfelder, and Battiston of ETH Zurich,] and has no authority to commit the IMF
to any such thing. If this agreement were signed by Christine Lagarde, not only is it null and void, but
she is also fired for exceeding her authority under the Articles of Agreement of the IMF, which provide in Article XII, Section 2, that "All
powers under this Agreement not conferred directly on the Board of Governors, the Executive Board, or
the Managing Director shall be vested in the Board of Governors." The Managing Director of the IMF
"shall conduct, under the direction of the Executive Board, the ordinary business of the Fund." Since
neither the Board of Governors, nor the Executive Directors of the IMF approved the so-called "Galactic
Agreement," Christine Lagarde had no authority to commit the IMF to the purported "Galactic
Agreement." The General Counsel of the IMF would also have to be fired for incompetence, and
inability to properly interpret the Articles of the IMF.

The Board of Governors of the World Bank and IMF have already committed to replace the
unconstitutional Federal Reserve Notes for constitutional currency issued by the US Treasury
Department, composed of the monetary gold reserves of the US that are administered by the Board of
Governors in the Global Debt Facility. Pope Francis, under the Grey Pope Pepe Orsini, who is in turn
elected by the bloodline families, and under the Black Pope Adolfo Nicholas, Superior General of the
Society of Jesus, have been secretly "skimming" off the taxes collected by the Network of Global
Corporate Control.

The ponzi scheme known as country debt has been offset by the 2 quadrillion in Treaty of Versailles
bonds issued by the Federal Reserve Bank and the rest of the interconnected private central banks that
belong to the insolvent Bank for International Settlements.

The Board of Governors of the World Bank and IMF declared these central banks in receivership in the
Global Debt Facility on April 19, 2015.


On Tuesdays at 7:00 pm EST



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