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A major theme of the Old Testament are the covenants that were made between God and

his people which each is different but powerful. A covenant that God made with Noah known as

the Noachan Covenant was that he would never destroy almost all of humanity ever again by

flood. i This came about because God chose to spare Noah’s family and 2 of each kind of animal

and birds because God chose to destroy most of humanity due to their behavior.ii It was so much

sin and evil with the people but Noah stood out and was different “he walked with God”iii so he

was spared. God instructed Noah to build an Ark so that his family and the animals would be

safe from the flood so Noah did that.iv Noah explained to the people what God said, but they

chose to ignore Noah and continued to do evil. Noah went onto the Ark and God shut him in

away from the rest of mankind and destroyed them by flood.v God reminds himself to keep this

vow by summoning a rainbow to follow rainstorms.

The covenant made between God and Abraham known as the Abrahamic Covenant was

that God swear to make Abraham’s progeny into a mighty nation, to create from them a line of

kings, to give them land of Canaan forever and to bless all families of the Abraham had

faith in God so he called by God to do a mission and God made that covenant with him.vii

Abraham and his children were to be circumcised as a sign of the covenant between them and

God.viii God also let Abraham son know of his covenant with him.ix

The covenant God made through Moses known as the Mosaic Covenant was different

and wasn’t to him it was through him. This covenant through Moses involved pledges from both

God and Israel and makes clear that the people’s future welfare depends entirely on their

collective obedience.x Moses rescue the people of Israel from Egypt because they were slaves

there. The Israelites fail to obey God and were just evil. Moses was called by God to speak to the

people to help save and deliver them but he was very hesitant about going to Egypt to the people
due to his fear from killing a man there.xi He said several things to God and was wondering why

him? It was even to the point where God had got angry with him because of it but Moses still

went. God showed Moses several ways to show the people that what he said they should follow

was real. Everything Moses showed the people was true proof that God was indeed real.xii

Moses then led the people to Mt Sinai to read the law from God. This covenant is well known by

people because Moses led the people to Mt Sinai to see Gods law and what we know to this day

as The Ten Commandments.

The covenant God made with David known as the Davidic Covenant was that he

promised him that a line of royal descendants would occupy Israel’s throne forever.xiii David

was a very strong man and very brave. He slayed Goliath which helped his people. What was

said about David that was said about no other man that was written was that “He was a man after

Gods own heart” this is a very powerful statement.xiv David was called by God to do his work

and the covenant was made. David was responsible for helping the kingdom. David eventually

names Jerusalem capital of all Israel.

It is predicted that God will someday inaugurate a new covenant with the people of

Israel.xv This is predicted because it is stated in the Old Testament by a prophet Jeremiah that the

days are coming, says the LORD, when I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel and

with the house of Judah— not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day

that I took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt, My covenant which they

broke, though I was a husband to them, says the LORD. But this is the covenant that I will make

with the house of Israel after those days, says the LORD: I will put My law in their minds, and

write it on their hearts; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people”. xvi
Class notes
Genesis 6:9
Class notes
Class notes
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Genesis 17:10
Genesis 17:19
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2Samuel 7:11
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