Weekday Names Lesson

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1. Try to guess which word from Wordspot on page 60 fits the description.

Write in your

Cheerful - merry, not worried

Nervous - unhappy, wants to fight

Different - not the same

In a bad mood - sad or depressed

Happy - not sad

Relaxed - at rest or at peace

In a good mood - happy

Worried - thinks that something bad will happen

2. Days of the week. Copy and correct the mistakes!








Sunday - named after the Sun

Monday - named after the Moon

Tuesday - comes from Tiu, or Tiw, the Anglo-Saxon

name for Tyr, the Norse god of war. Tyr was one of the
sons of Odin, or Woden.

Wednesday - named after Odin, or Woden, or

Wotan, the highest Norse god.
Thursday - originates from Thor's-day, named in honour of Thor, the god of thunder.

Friday - from Frigg’s-day. Frigg or Freya, the wife of Odin, represented love and beauty, but was
also a warrior goddess.

Saturday - named after Saturn

15 September 1987: the fifteenth of September nineteen eighty-seven

2014: two thousand (and) fourteen or twenty fourteen

On 15 September, on Monday

In September, in 2014

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