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Colour theory:
Colours can have different meanings and have different psychological effects on

Blue can be used to represent peace, calmness and confidence but it can also
mean fear, sadness or lack of courage. A good example of this colour being
used in media is Luke Skywalkers lightsabre in Star Wars. It contrasts with Darth
Vader’s red one.

Green is used to represent Health, tranquility, wealth or generosity. It also
means jealousy, envy, boredom or evil.

The colour purple represents wealth, royalty, luxury, wisdom and power and
can be used to represent mystery, greed or sadness.

Pink: can mean love, kindness, vulnerability or femininity. Also weak, childish or

Red: Passion, Power, energy, anger, violence, aggression, confidence.

Yellow: Happiness, hope, optimism, joy, sadness, danger, embarrassment, fear.

Orange: Enthusiasm, warmth, success, comedy, ignorance, rudeness.

Grey: Authority, boredom, knowledge, security, strength, neutrality, sadness.

Brown: Natural, strength, dependability, decaying, poverty.

Black: Mystery, evil, death, ending, beginning.

White: purity, safety, peace, calmness, goodness, knowledge, cold, isolated.

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